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Pt1 Preparing

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I Make questions with these words.

1. How often / go / the beach when / be / child?
2. What / she / cook / now?
3. How long / she / live / here?
4. Who / tell / you / that?
5. When / you / tidy up / your room?


II Complete the sentences with adjectives.

1. I always feel r after swimming.
2. He felt e .. when his brother got angry and started shouting at
3. I didnt like the film. I was s . all the time.
4. we were all f with his lies.
III Choose the correct word.
1. You are allowed / ought to relax more. You work too much.
2. She doesnt have to / mustnt go to the meeting. It is cancelled.
3. John has always been fit. He can / was able to ride a bike when he was only three.
4. We can / are supposed to buy lunches at the company canteen, but we bring our own
IV Fill in the gaps with gradable or strong adjective.



V Complete the phrasal verbs and put them in the correct tense.
1. When do you go to p.. the guests u.. ?
2. We are l .. f .. t going to Spain.
3. The best way for the tourists to g .. a . in my country is
the bus.
4. Have you ever d.. w some problems during your
summer holiday?
VI Choose the correct words.
1. She has collected / been collecting stamps for 10 years.
2. Jim has arrived / been arriving.
3. I have just got / been getting some books.
4. How long have you traveled / been travelling around Europe?

VII Write the adjectives.

1. G people give money and presents to other people.
2. S people dont listen to somebodys advice.
3. L . people dont want to do anything.
4. S. people behave badly, because they are allowed to do anything they
VIII Put the verbs in Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1. When I (ARRIVE), Steven (FINISH) his
2. Julia . (NOT CLOSE) windows before the storm ..
3. A lot of people on the boat (DIE) before they.
(REACH) the USA.
4. When Alexia (ARRIVE), actors . (CHANGE)
their clothes.
IX Rewrite the sentences with the words in the brackets.
1. You are better player that I am. (worse)
2. Mikes and Jims flat are the same size. (asas)
3. Her hair is almost the same colour as mine. (similar)
4. Your car is not the same as Jims. (different)
X Choose the correct words.
1. I am going to fly / am flying to Africa tomorrow at 6 oclock.
2. I hate this film. I am going to change / will change the channel.
3. I dont like this skirt. I am going to give it / am giving it to Sarah.
XI Fill in the gaps with the correct reflexive pronoun.
1. Julia often go to the cinema by .. .
2. They usually wash the car by .. .
3. We like to make furniture . .
4. He likes riding a bike .. .
XII Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. If people .. (not do) exercises, they
(put) on weight.
2. I .. (take) a city map in case I (get) lost.
3. If you .. (have) a problem, you should . (ask) a
4. I (make) a cake if you .. (buy)
everything I need for it.
5. Jim (come) early unless his bus . (be) late.

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