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Verbal Tenses Review

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1 Complete the sentences. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of
the verbs below.
wear • go • watch • worry • not wash

1. Mum always …………………… about me.

2. Be quiet, please! We …………………… a film.
3. …………………… you usually …………………… make-up at school?
4. Eric …………………… the dishes every day.
5. Where …………………… you …………………… tonight?

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past
1. David …………………… (play) football when he …………………… (break) his leg.
2. We …………………… (sit) in the garden when you …………………… (call).
3. While I …………………… (try) to study, everyone …………………… (make) a lot of
4. What…………………… you …………………… (do) at six o’clock? You
(not answer) the telephone.

3 Choose the correct answers.

1. I didn’t see / haven’t seen a shark in the ocean yesterday.
2. That police officer won / has won many medals.
3. Amy didn’t go / hasn’t been to the hairdresser’s yet.
4. We recycled / have recycled all our bottles last week.
5. They lived / have lived here since 1997.
6. Did you study / Have you studied for the test at the weekend?

4 Correct the mistakes in bold.

1. Maybe Lara be famous one day.
2. I am wanting to leave now.
3. We lived here since we were children.
4. Who did make this cake?
5. If David won’t study, he won’t get a good mark.
6. Many trainers made in China.
7. While Ben walked to the rubbish bin, a dog attacked him.

5 Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Chris 1…………………… (get) ready for a party when he looked in the mirror and
saw something new on his face: an ugly big red spot. Suddenly he
…………………… (not want)
to go to the party any more. We all know that Chris isn’t alone. Acne
…………………… (be)
a problem for teenagers since people began using mirrors. The reason? Hormones
are very active at this age, and hormones 4…………………… (cause) acne. There
is some good news: recently, scientists 5…………………… (develop) better ways to
prevent acne. Hopefully, this condition 6…………………… (improve) in the future.

6 Write sentences with the words below.

1. the girls / travel / to London / yesterday / .
The girls travelled to London yesterday.
2. what / you / do / at 10 o’clock last night / ?
3. Kim / play / basketball / after school tomorrow / .
4. the van / move / when / the motorbike / hit it / ?
5. if / it / rain / tomorrow / we / not go / to the beach / .
6. Paul / not wash / the dishes / at the moment / .
7. my friend / usually / go / to the cinema / at the weekend / .

7 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

have seen
I 1…………………… (see) some very strange traditions in my life, but the strangest of all
was in Germany. Last summer, I 2…………………… (visit) my cousin, Adrian, in Bonn.
While we 3…………………… (walk) in the city one day, I saw some people next to the
City Hall. They were throwing things on the ground and a man 4……………………
(sweep) them up. Some girls were laughing, but the man wasn’t laughing. He
…………………… (be) very embarrassed. “What 6…………………… that man
…………………… (do)?”

I asked Adrian. “Well, believe it or not, it’s his 30th birthday and he 7……………………
(not be) married,” Adrian replied. In Germany, it’s a tradition for single 30-year-old men
to clean the ground next to the City Hall. If they 8…………………… (clean) very well,
they will be good husbands. So, this tradition 9…………………… (help) them find a wife.
Adrian 10…………………… (not want) to get married until he is over 30, so he
…………………… probably …………………… (clean) the ground, too, one day.

8 Complete the mini-dialogues. Use the Present Perfect Simple, Past Simple
or Past Perfect Simple.
1. A: Do you like living here?
B: I love it here. I …………………… (live) here since I was a small child.
2. A: How was your holiday?
B: It was great. I …………………… (meet) lots of interesting people.
3. A: Did you see Janice at the party?
B: No, I didn’t. By the time I got there, she …………………… already
…………………… (leave).
4. A: Have you ever been to France?
B: Yes, I …………………… (go) there last year.
5. A: Can you recommend a good film?
B: Sorry, I can’t. I …………………… (not see) any good films recently.

9 Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets Present Simple / Continuous, Past Simple /
Continuous, Will Future, Going to future

1. We often (spend) ……………….....……………. our summer holiday abroad. Last year we (go)
…………….........………….. to Spain but this year we (go) ……………………….......... to Greece. My
mother (book) ……..………...........………….. a hotel on Crete last week. We (leave)
…………………........…… on 5 July. The plane (take off) ……………….........……… at 11 a.m.
2. A: Why (you, cry) ………………………………............……?
B: Because this morning someone (steal) ……......…………………… all my money while I (shop)
………….........……………. . Now I can't pay the bills.
A: Don't worry. I (lend) ……………………………. you as much as you need.
3. Peter (work) …………………………….............. for a big company making furniture. He (begin)
working there 3 years ago. He (not earn) …………....…………………….. much so he (look) …………….
……………………… for another job as soon as possible.
4. My mother (fall) ……………………………. ill last week and I (make) …………….....…………….. all the
meals instead of her. She still (not feel) ……………………………….. well so she (see) …………..
……………………. a doctor tomorrow. I hope she (get) ….........…………………….. better soon.
5. When I (get up) …………….............…………….. this morning it (rain) …………………...........……..
Now the sun (shine) …………….................……. so I (go) …………….............………… for a walk. I (be)
……………………..........… back in an hour.
6. Jenny (invite) ……………….......… me to her birthday party. It's on Saturday. I (buy)
……………………………. her a book.
7. I (meet) …………………….........… Brenda 5 years ago while I (work) …………….....……………. as a
waitress. We soon (become) ……………………….....… friends and now we (think) ……….......……....
………… of moving in together. We (rent) ……………………………........ a flat somewhere in the
centre of London.
8. A: Your room is in a mess! When (you, last tidy) ……………...……………………….. it?
B: I don't know…. But I (tidy) ……………………......………… it this afternoon, I promise!
9. We (buy) ……………………….....….. this car 20 years ago. It's so old now that it (break)
……………................….. down very often. We (save) …………………....……… money because we (buy)
…………………...........………. a new one.
10. Brad (fly) ………………….......……….. to London next week. He (meet) ………………….....……….. his
brother there. They (not see) ………………………...…….. each other very often, maybe once or
twice a year. They last (meet) ……………………….............… for their mother's birthday five months
11. While she (cross) ………………………...............… the road on Monday morning a car (knock)
her down. Someone (call) ………….................…………….. the ambulance and they (take)
her to hospital. Doctor says she (stay) ……….....………………….. there for at least a week. I think I
(visit) ……………………………… her tomorrow.
12. My mum is very good at sewing. She (make) ………….......…………….. all my clothes. At the
moment she (make) ……………………...............… a beautiful silk dress. I (wear) …………...........
……………… it for my brother's wedding.
13. Father (lose) ……………….............…..…. his job when the factory (close) ………..…...................
…… down. Now he (look) ……………………….................… for a new job but if he doesn't find one
soon, he (start)…………………………….. his own business.
14. A: Why (you, lie) ………………............…………….. in bed?
B: I (not feel) …………………..........…. well. I think I (catch) …………....……...……. a cold when I (play)
……………….…………… football yesterday afternoon.
A: I (make) …………………………......... you a cup of tea.

II Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets (mixed tenses):

1. She (never, be) ………………................ late for school but this morning she (oversleep)
…………...............…… and she (come) ………………………......... to school too late. Her teacher hopes
she (not oversleep) ……………………………….. ever again.
2. The Cats is a famous rock band. They (play)……………........……… all over the world. They (have)
………………………….. their first concert in 2007. Next week they (go) …………………...……..…….. on a
tour around Europe. They (play) …………………………….......... in eight European countries.
3. A: Look! Bob (drink) ………………………................ his sixth glass of wine!
B: Yes, I see him. He always (drink) …………..……………… too much at parties. Last Friday, at his
friend's graduation party, he (get) ………………………...... so drunk that he (throw up)
……………...........…….. .
A: Well, I really hope he (stop) ………………..........………… drinking so much!
4. We usually (eat) ……………………............ dinner at home but tonight we (go) ………..…………………
to the restaurant. We (celebrate) …………............……………….. Andy's 22nd birthday. I (order)
……………………………………. a steak and mashed potatoes – that's my favourite food!
5. I (spend) ………….......…………….. the evening in a pub with my friends. Everybody (smoke)
………………………………….. and now my hair (smell) ………….........……………… of cigarette smoke! I
(wash) ………………...........……….. it as soon as I get home. I usually (wash) ……………............…………
it twice a week.
6. Hurry up! The bus (leave) ……….............………….. at 10 and it's already 9.40! We (miss)
………………………………… it!
7. Yesterday afternoon somebody (rob) …………….......………….. the local bank. They (take)
…………….………………….. almost two million euros. The police (try) ……….......………………… to find
the criminals but I doubt they (ever, catch) ………………………………...... them.
8. Fred (finish) ……………………….........….. secondary school two years ago and he (study)
……………..……………..…….. medicine now. He (become) …………..................…………………. a doctor.
9. Greg and Vanessa are very much in love. They (get) ………….........…………….. on very well and
they (do) ……………………….............. everything together. Last Sunday Greg (propose)
………….........…...…………. to her and she (accept) …………………............…. . They (get)
…………...........…..………….. married next May. I know they (be) …………………….................... very
happy together.
10. I (take) …….....……………………. my driving licence two years ago but my brother (still, learn)
…………………………….. to drive. I'm sure he (pass) ……………................…………. his driving test with
flying colours.
11. On Saturday afternoons I usually (clean) ……………...........……………. the house but this
Saturday I (visit) ……………………….....…..... my aunt Laura. She (feels) ………...………………… lonely
because her husband (die) ……………………..........….. last month.

10 Use the right tense of the verbs in brackets:

1. Mike (live) ...................................... in London with his girlfriend Fiona but he (grow
up) ....................................
in Oxford. He (meet) ................................ Fiona at university while he
(study) ..................................... medicine. He (now, look) .......................................... for a job.
He hopes he (get) ..................................... a job as a doctor in the local hospital soon. Fiona
(find) ...................................... a job in a bank two years ago and she (work) ...............................
as an accountant. Mike and Fiona (get) .................................... married next month. Soon after
the wedding they (buy) .................................. a bigger flat.
2. Pamela is 12 and she (like) ................................. music very much. She
(play) .................................... the piano and the violin. She (start) .....................................
playing the piano at the age of six. She (have) ........................... her first concert when she
(be) ......................... nine. She (learn) .................................. to play the guitar now. She hopes
she (play) ....................................... in the London Philharmonic Orchestra some day.
3. A: Why (you, make) ......................................... a cake?
B: I (have) ...................................... a birthday party tomorrow evening. I
(invite) .................................. all my friends but I doubt everybody
(come) ................................. . Anyway, you (come) ....................................., right?
A: Of course! I wouldn't miss it. I (enjoy) ................................. your last party so much!
4. We (eat) ................................... out last Friday. We (go) .................................... to the new
restaurant in Portobello Road. When the waiter (bring) .................................... us the menu, we
(order) ..................................... . I (have) ...................................... soup, roast potatoes and
chicken because I (like) ................................ meat. My mum (be) .......................... a vegetarian
and she (not eat) ................................... meat so she (choose) ................................ fish instead.
While we (eat) .................................., a gipsy (come) ..................................... to our table,
selling roses. My dad (buy) ................................... one for me and one for my mum. At the end
of the meal we (be) ............................ so full that we (decide) .................................... to walk
home instead of taking a taxi. The meal was delicious and I'm sure we
(eat) ....................................... there again. In fact, I (invite) .......................................... my
boyfriend to lunch there next week!
5. Anthony usually never (arrive) ..................................... home after midnight but last night
he (get) ................................... home very late. When he (want) .................................... to
unlock the door, he (realize) ............................... he (not have) ................................... the key.
He (ring) ................................... the bell but his parents (sleep) ................................ and they
(not hear) .................................. . Fortunately, Anthony (find) .................................. an open
window through which he (climb) ................................... into the house.

11. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate verbal tense.
1. When I (arrive) _______________home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare)
_____________________a beautiful candlelight dinner.
2. Since I began acting, I (perform) _________________in two plays, a television commercial
and a TV drama.
3. Sharon (love)________________ to travel. She (go) ___________________ abroad
almost every summer. Next year, she plans to go to Peru.
4. Thomas is an author. He (write) ___________________ mystery novels and travel

memoirs. He (write since he was twenty-eight. Altogether, he (write)

_______________ seven novels, three collections of short stories and a book of
5. By the time I got to the office, the meeting (begin, already) ________________without me.
My boss (be) _______________furious with me and I (be) __________________fired.
6. Sam (try) ______________ to change a light bulb when he (slip)
______________ and (fell) _____________.
7. When I (turn) ____________the radio on yesterday, I (hear) ____________________a song
that was popular when I was in high school. I (hear, not) _____________the song in years, and
it (bring) _______________back some great memories.
8. Everyday I (wake) _____________ up at 6 o'clock, (eat) ______________ breakfast
at 7 o'clock and (leave) _____________ for work at 8 o'clock. However, this morning I
(get) _______________ up at 6:30, (skip) _______________ breakfast and (leave)
______________ for work late because I (forget) _____________ to set my alarm.
9. Last week, I (run) _______________into an ex-girlfriend of mine. We (see, not)
__________________each other in years, and both of us (change) _____________________a
great deal. I (enjoy) _____________talking to her so much that I (ask) _______________her
out on a date. We are getting together tonight for dinner.
10. Right now, Jim (read) _______________ the newspaper and Kathy (make)
____________ dinner. Last night at this time, they (do) ______________ the same
thing. She (cook) _________________ and he (read) _____________ the newspaper.
Tomorrow at this time, they (do, also) ______________ the same thing. She (prepare)
____________ dinner and he (read) _______________. They are very predictable
11. When Jack (enter) ______________________the room, I (recognize, not)
___________________him because he (lose) __________________so much weight and (grow)
________________a beard. He looked totally different!
12. The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan; however,
their culture (disappear, virtually) ___________________by the time Europeans first (arrive)
__________________in the New World.

12. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate verbal tense.

Margaret: Do you think everything will be finished when I get back from the store?

Jerry: Don't worry. By the time you get back, I (pick) up the living room and

(finish) washing the dishes. Everything will be perfect when your parents

Margaret: I hope so. They (arrive) around 6 o'clock.

Jerry: Everything (be) spotless by the time they get here.

Nick: I just have two more courses before I graduate from university. By this time next

year, I (graduate) , and I will already be looking for a job.

Stacey: Does that scare you? Are you worried about the future?

Nick: Not really. I (go) to a career counselor and get some advice on how to
find a good job.
Stacey: That's a good idea.
Nick: I am also going to do an internship so that when I leave school, I (complete, not

only) over 13 business courses, but I (work,

also) in the real world.


Stan: Did you hear that Christine (take) a vacation in South America this
Fred: I can't believe how often she goes abroad. Where exactly does she want to go?

Stan: She (visit) Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador.

Fred: At this rate, she (visit) every country in the world by the time she's
Judy: How long have you been in Miami?
Elaine: I have only been here for a couple of weeks.
Judy: How long do you plan on staying?

Elaine: I love Miami, so I (stay) here for an extended period of time. When I

go back home, I (be) here for more than three months.

Judy: Wow, that's quite a vacation! You (see, definitely) just about
everything there is to see in Miami by then.

Jane: I can't believe how late we are! By the time we get to the dinner, everyone (finish,

already) eating.
Jack: It's your own fault. You took way too long in the bathroom.
Jane: I couldn't get my hair to look right.

Jack: Who cares? By the time we get there, everyone (left) . Nobody (see,

even) your hair.

2. A: What (you, do) when the accident occurred?

B: I (try) to change a light bulb that had burnt out.

3. I (have) the same car for more than ten years. I'm thinking about
buying a new one.

4. If it (snow) this weekend, we (go) skiing near Lake




1. When I (arrive) _______________home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare)

_____________________a beautiful candlelight dinner.

2. Since I began acting, I (perform) _________________in two plays, a television

commercial and a TV drama.

3. Sharon (love)________________ to travel. She (go) ___________________ abroad

almost every summer. Next year, she plans to go to Peru.

4. Thomas is an author. He (write) ___________________ mystery novels and travel

memoirs. He (write) _____________ since he was twenty-eight. Altogether, he (write)
_______________ seven novels, three collections of short stories and a book of
5. By the time I got to the office, the meeting (begin, already)
________________without me. My boss (be) _______________furious with me and I
(be) __________________fired.

6. Sam (try) _________________ to change a light bulb when he (slip)

_______________ and (fell) _____________.

7. When I (turn) ____________the radio on yesterday, I (hear)

____________________a song that was popular when I was in high school. I (hear,
not) _____________the song in years, and it (bring) _______________back some
great memories.

8. Everyday I (wake) _____________ up at 6 o'clock, (eat) ______________ breakfast

at 7 o'clock and (leave) _____________ for work at 8 o'clock. However, this morning I
(get) _______________ up at 6:30, (skip) _______________ breakfast and (leave)
______________ for work late because I (forget) _____________ to set my alarm.

9. Last week, I (run) _______________into an ex-girlfriend of mine. We (see, not)

__________________each other in years, and both of us (change)
_____________________ a great deal. I (enjoy) _____________talking to her so
much that I (ask) _______________her out on a date. We are getting together tonight
for dinner.

10. Right now, Jim (read) _______________ the newspaper and Kathy (make)
____________ dinner. Last night at this time, they (do) ________________ the
same thing. She (cook) ___________________ and he (read) _______________ the
newspaper. Tomorrow at this time, they (do, also) _________________ the same
thing. She (prepare) ____________ dinner and he (read) _______________. They are
very predictable people!

11. When Jack (enter) ______________________the room, I (recognize, not)

___________________him because he (lose) __________________so much weight
and (grow) ________________a beard. He looked totally different!

1. It is already 9:30 PM and I (wait) _____________________here for over an hour.
If John does not get here in the next five minutes, I am going to leave.

2. I was really angry at John yesterday. By the time he finally arrived, I (wait)
________________ for over an hour. I almost left without him.
3. Did you hear that Ben was fired last month? He ( work)
_________________________for that import company for more than ten years and
he (work) ______________________in almost every department. Nobody knew the
company like he did.

4. I (see) ____________________many pictures of the pyramids before I went to

Egypt. Pictures of the monuments are very misleading. The pyramids are actually quite

5. Sarah (climb) __________________________the Matterhorn, (sail)

_______________ around the world, and (go) ___________________on safari in
Kenya. She is such an adventurous person.

6. Sarah (climb) ________________________the Matterhorn, (sail)

________________________around the world and (go) ___________________on
safari in Kenya by the time she turned twenty-five. She (experience)
______________________more by that age than most people do in their entire lives.

7. When Melanie came into the office yesterday, her eyes were red and watery. I think
she (cry) ____________________.


1. Margaret: Do you think everything will be finished when I get back from the store?
Jerry: Don't worry. By the time you get back, I (pick up) _________________ the
living room and (finish) _____________________ washing the dishes. Everything will
be perfect when your parents arrive.
Margaret: I hope so. They (arrive) _____________________________ around 6
Jerry: Everything (be) _________________________ spotless by the time they get

2. Nick: I just have two more courses before I graduate from university. By this time
next year, I (graduate) ___________________________, and I will already be looking
for a job.
Stacey: Does that scare you? Are you worried about the future?
Nick: Not really. I (go) ____________________ to a career counselor and get some
advice on how to find a good job.
Stacey: That's a good idea.
Nick: I am also going to do an internship so that when I leave school, I (complete, not
only) ______________________ over 13 business courses, but I (work, also)
________________ in the real world.

3. Stan: Did you hear that Christine (take) ____________________ a vacation in

South America this winter?
Fred: I can't believe how often she goes abroad. Where exactly does she want to go?
Stan: She (visit) _____________________________ Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador.
Fred: At this rate, she (visit) _____________________every country in the world by
the time she's 50.

5. Jane: I can't believe how late we are! By the time we get to the dinner, everyone
(finish, already) __________________________________ eating.
Jack: It's your own fault. You took way too long in the bathroom.
Jane: I couldn't get my hair to look right.
Jack: Who cares? By the time we get there, everyone (left)

6. A: What (you, do) _______________________ when the accident occurred?

B: I (try) __________________________ to change a light bulb that had burnt out.


1. I know my clothes are dirty. I…………………………………………….(wash) them

2. He………………………………………………(sleep) at the moment.
3. Mary …………………………………………….(usually/ watch) TV at night.
4. This time next week I ……………………
5. …………………...................................(see/you) those birds?
6. She…………………………………….(sell) the house two days ago.
7. Jack……………………………………………….(already/see) this film.
8. The match…………………………………( begin) at half past seven.
9. It smells paint. He …………………………………………..( paint) her room.
10. By the time Monica …………………...(get) to the library, Elena …………………………..
(already/do all the research.
11. How is Peter? I don’t know. I ……………………………..( not hear) from him for
12. Tom …………………………………..(wait ) for a taxi.
13. My cousin ………………………………………….(see) Mark for only six months before
she married him.
14. I’m afraid I ………………………………………………(not /finish) this essay tomorrow.
15. It is the first time she ……………………………………..( have) a car accident.
16. Lucy was very depressed because she …………………………………...( fail) her exam.
17. ……………………………………….(not/ interrupt) her! She ……………………………….(do)
homework now.
18. She …………………………………………(make/always) this mistake! It’s irritating!
19. I …………………………………………….( work )in the garden all day yesterday.
20. We ………………………………………….( currently/learn) Spanish.
21. My plane ………………………………………………( take off) at 6 tomorrow morning.
22. I ……………………………………..( eat) many Italian dishes so far.
23. I think he ……………………………….( pass) the test.
24. They………………………………………(not /drink ) milk for breakfast yesterday.
25. Before I met him , I …………………………………………….( never/be ) in a serious
26. Look at those clouds. It ……………………………………..(rain)
27. He …………………………………( write ) three books.
28. …………………………………………(you .be) to London before?
29. We ……………………………………………..(travel) all day before we got to Madrid.
30. I ………………………………………………………..( watch) TV tomorrow at six.
31. My father ………………………………………..(play football) while my mother
…………………………………..(drink )coffee with her friends.
32. My aunt ……………………………………..( be ) a nurse. She ……………………..( work) in a
33. This time next Monday we…………………………………………………..(have) coffee with
our friends.
34. They……………………………………………………….( complete /just ) their project.
35. I ………………………………………………(not/tell) her about your wedding yet.
36. How long ……………………………………………………………….(learn) English before you
went to England?
37. Why………………………………………..(be /you ) so sad?
38. Water ………………………………………….( boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.
39. I……………………………………………….( see) my doctor this afternoon.
40. I………………………………………………..(see ) my doctor.
41. Brenda ……………………………..( go) to the shop and ……………………………….( buy)
some bread.
42. Yesterday at seven I ………………………………………………..(have) dinner.
43. Watch out! You …………………………………………………..(fall).
44. It is the second time I ……………………………………………………..( eat) fish.
45. Wait! I ………………………………(help) you.
46. How long is it since you …………………………………………..(behave ) in a nice way.
47. How long ago ……………………………………………….(read) a book?
48. I …………………………………..( have ) a bath when she …………………….( come in).
49. Who ……………………………( be) she?
50. I……………………………………….(break) my leg and I have to wear a plaster

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