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1 What Is A Disciple?

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that a disciple fully commits their life to following Jesus, seeks to live as Jesus lived by knowing his word, and puts serving God above all else.

A disciple is someone who commits their entire life to following and learning from Jesus. They seek to be conformed to his image by living according to his teachings and example.

To fully follow Jesus means making him the Lord of every area of your life. It requires total commitment to obeying him even when it's difficult and saying no to your own desires. It means living continuously in God's word to know how Jesus would act in all situations.

What is a


When dealing with discipleship and

the related capacity to generate
authentic followers of Jesus, we are
dealing with that single most
crucial factor that will in the end
determine the quality of the
whole if we fail at this point then
we must fail in all the others.
Alan Hirsch

Write your own [brief] definition of
what a disciple is.

This will help you to:
- decide if you really are a disciple
- make sure your church (group) are all
looking to grow in the same things, and do the
same things, as they walk as disciples
- help others to understand what it means to
be a disciple of Jesus

Memory Verses:
Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified
with Christ and I no longer live,
but Christ lives in me. The life I
now live in the body, I live by
faith in the Son of God, who loved
me and gave himself for me.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Do you not

know that your bodies are
temples of the Holy Spirit, who
is in you, whom you have
received from God? You are not
your own; 20 you were bought at
a price. Therefore honor God
with your bodies.

Philippians 1:21 For to me, to live is

Christ and to die is gain.

The Cost of Being a Disciple

Luke 14:25-35 (NIV)
25 Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and
turning to them he said: 26 If anyone comes to
me and does not hate father and mother, wife
and children, brothers and sistersyes, even
their own lifesuch a person cannot be my
disciple. 27 And whoever does not carry their
cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

28 Suppose one of you wants to build a tower.

Wont you first sit down and estimate the cost
to see if you have enough money to complete
it? 29 For if you lay the foundation and are not
able to finish it, everyone who sees it will
ridicule you, 30 saying,This person began to
build and wasnt able to finish.

31 Or suppose a king is about to go to war

against another king.Wont he first sit down and
consider whether he is able with ten thousand
men to oppose the one coming against him with
twenty thousand? 32 If he is not able, he will
send a delegation while the other is still a long
way off and will ask for terms of peace. 33 In the
same way, those of you who do not give up
everything you have cannot be my disciples.

Having read these

you now change
your definition?

Is there anything you

know you should
give up and yet are
still holding on to?

Some Definitions of Disciple

A disciple is _________________________
It is being conformed to the image of Christ as
Romans 8:28-29 statesthat Gods No.1
purpose in our lives is to make us like Jesus.
Rick Warren

Some Definitions of Disciple

A disciple is _________________________
acts like Jesus Christ.
It is being conformed to the image of Christ as
Romans 8:28-29 statesthat Gods No.1
purpose in our lives is to make us like Jesus.
Rick Warren

Discipleship is
Alan Hirsch

Discipleship is
becoming more and
more like Jesus and
more and more in me.
Alan Hirsch

Real Life Ministries suggests that:

(1) A disciple knows and follows Christ
(2) A disciple is being changed by Christ
(3) A disciple is committed to the mission
of Christ.

Key Scriptures
What are the most important Bible verses in
your understanding of what it means to be a
disciple of Jesus Christ?

1 Peter 2:21 To this you were called,

because Christ suffered for you,
leaving you an example, that you
should follow in his steps.

John 8:3132 To the Jews who had

believed him, Jesus said, If you hold
to my teaching, you are really my
disciples. Then you will know the
truth, and the truth will set you free.

2 Timothy 2:2 And the things you have

heard me say in the presence of
many witnesses entrust to reliable
people who will also be qualified to
teach others.

Luke 6:40 The student is not above

the teacher, but everyone who is
fully trained will be like their

Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do,

whether in word or deed, do it all in the
name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to
God the Father through him.

1 John 2:6 whoever claims to live in him

must live (walk) as Jesus did.

The Greek word for disciple is mathetes which
The word disciple occurs more than 260 times in
the first five books of the New Testament.
It was used in the secular Greek world for an
apprentice to a tradesman they were
spoken of as imitators of their teachers.

The Greek word for disciple is mathetes which
one who learns instruction
from another.
The word disciple occurs more than 260 times in
the first five books of the New Testament.
It was used in the secular Greek world for an
apprentice to a tradesman they were
spoken of as imitators of their teachers.

Every Christian is called to be a disciple of

Jesus and this means:
- ________________________________

Every Christian is called to be a disciple of

Jesus and this means:
- ________________________________
- they will follow

- ________________________________
- a disciple is a person who is determined
to follow Jesus Christ, to learn from Him
and live according to His example.

- ________________________________
regardless of the cost to
- a disciple is a person who is determined
to follow Jesus Christ, to learn from Him
and live according to His example.

Five Basic Truths

They dont follow some words of Jesus, but
commit themselves to follow through all the
teaching of Jesus in a disciplined and committed
Jesus will speak living words to us daily through
the Holy Spirit.

Five Basic Truths

by the Word of Jesus.
They dont follow some words of Jesus, but
commit themselves to follow through all the
teaching of Jesus in a disciplined and committed
Jesus will speak living words to us daily through
the Holy Spirit.

Five Basic Truths

We must live our daily lives obeying the
commands, teaching and example He has
already given to us.
Discipleship is about doing what has been
revealed for us to do through Gods Word.We
need to obey the Word of God as the basis of
our discipleship, otherwise we will be at the
mercy of every idea or feeling that comes along.

100% commitmentJesus has the right to demand this as He
laid down His life for us.

100% commitmentJesus has the right to demand this as He
laid down His life for us.

- to a loving God who is concerned for our health and

growth in God.
- He wants us to trust Him in every step as He takes our
lives and shapes them in accordance with His will (Matthew
6:24; John 10:118).

3. _______________________________
( John 15:4 5).
What does fruit look like in the life of a

A disciple has a fruit3. _______________________________

with Jesus
( John 15:4 5).
What does fruit look like in the life of a

Fruit of HS
Love for Jesus / God
Fellowship of HS
Forgiveness towards othersetc.
If we dont bear fruit in our lives, the
Kingdom of God will not be expanded and
the Body of Christ will not grow.

Waylon Moore writes,

Our union with Christ makes possible a
life through which others can be saved.
When a tree is so full of sap that it can no
longer hold it, the result is fruit! When a
Christian is full of Christ, others see Him
and hear about Him and are then
spiritually reborn into the Kingdom of
God. Thus new believers are one fruit of

( John 13:34 35).
This is not ordinary human love but the
love which God has shown us. It is selfless
love that does not look for something in
return to stimulate its action.

A disciple shows
( John 13:34 35).
This is not ordinary human love but the
love which God has shown us. It is selfless
love that does not look for something in
return to stimulate its action.

The Greek word for this love is agape

which means selfless love, where God and
others are more important to us than our
own selfish desires.
The word [agapao] means unconquerable
benevolence and undefinable goodwill. It
will never seek anything but the highest
good for mankind. It does not need a
chemistry, an affinity or a feeling.

(Matthew 28:1820).
The goal is to win other disciples, not just
converts. Converts may change their minds
but disciples follow their Master.

A disciple is dedicated to
(Matthew 28:1820).
The goal is to win other disciples, not just
converts. Converts may change their minds
but disciples follow their Master.

A Disciple is a Very Blessed Person

For each of the points below consider:
Would it be life changing if you lived
this not just believed it?
How often do you believe the lies of the devil
about these things and not the truth that God
and the Bible proclaim?

He is called and chosen by God

(Ephesians 1:4 5).
Jesus is his Saviour; He died on the cross
for him so that his sins could be forgiven,
making him acceptable to God (Romans
God is his Father, with whom he has a
personal relationship, so he is a child of
God and of Gods Kingdom (Galatians 4:6

He has been given eternal life (John

The Holy Spirit lives in him, giving him
power to witness to his new life in Christ
(Acts 1:8).
He has peace with God (Romans 5:1).
Nothing can separate him from the love
of God (Romans 8:38 39).

A Disciple has Responsibility:

This is a question that should be asked in every
situation you face.
Make an is agreement (covenant) with Jesus to
always try to do what he would do (1 John

A Disciple has Responsibility:

This is a question that should be asked in every
situation you face.
Make an is agreement (covenant) with Jesus to
always try to do what he would do (1 John

A Disciple has Responsibility:

Ask the Holy Spirit to show us what Jesus
would do in your position. He will answer if we
really want to know what pleases Him. By
knowing more of Jesus teaching and lifestyle
increases, and by reading Gods Word, so your
ability to know what Jesus would do will

Make a firm decision

Make a firm decision to do what
Jesus would do, (dont settle for less
than Gods best)
This should not be an emotional
response but a definite act of the will.

Make a firm decision

At times you will need to submit
significant decisions to those who are in
spiritual authority over you. Dont be
afraid to do this if you genuinely want
the will of God for your life because
disciples are not to act on their own but
as part of the Body of Christ, but they
are to be personally responsible to the
Lord for their actions.

Some of the benefits of being a disciple

towards people, money, business practice
and social responsibility.

Some of the benefits of being a disciple

There will be changes for

towards people, money, business practice
and social responsibility.

so that many negative thoughts, attitudes
and actions which are inconsistent with the
life of Jesus will be removed.

You will experience the

so that many negative thoughts, attitudes
and actions which are inconsistent with the
life of Jesus will be removed.

Jesus would not act in unbelief.When

you desire to act like Him, He will give you
the faith to do so.When necessary you
can confess your doubts and ask for His
forgiveness and faith.

Love will govern your actions, words

and attitudes.

Love will govern your actions, words

and attitudes.
will have greater
compassion for those in
need and a greater
concern for the lost.

We inherit everything from God that

Jesus inherits.
(Romans 8:17). Even when obedience
proves costly, you will not be the loser, for
God will always give back far more than is
given to Him; both in this life and eternally
in heaven (Luke 6:38; John 10:10).

We inherit everything from God that

Jesus inherits.
If we are prepared to share
(Romans 8:17). Even when obedience
proves costly, you will not be the loser, for
God will always give back far more than is
given to Him; both in this life and eternally
in heaven (Luke 6:38; John 10:10).

Changes will take place in some of your

old habits because the Lord wants to see
those changes in you.
(Colossians 3:17).

Changes will take place in some of your

old habits because the Lord wants to see
those changes in you.
Submit willingly to those
changes, and resist
temptation to return to old
your discipleship
(Colossians 3:17).

By taking your discipleship seriously you

will be seeking first the Kingdom of God
and His righteousness. You can be
confident that God will keep His promise
and provide for your every need, as He did
with Jesus (Matthew 6:33).

Questions and Discussion Points

1.Should we live as we want, or as God wants in every
situation? (2 Corinthians 5:15).
2.Who is our guide in the things of Christ Jesus? (John
3.What sort of things will anyone who has faith in Jesus
do? (John 14:1214).

4. Can we learn anything about love by Gods giving of

His Son Jesus (1 John 4:1011), and how we as disciples
remain in His love? (John 15:914).
5.What are the two greatest commandments of God?
(Matthew 22:37 39).

6.How can we, as disciples, live out our daily lives

manifesting agape love towards God and others as God
requires of us? (Romans 5:5).
7.When things get tough, can we relax a bit until we can
cope with life again? (Luke 9:62). If not, why do so many
Christians do this?

Summary and Application

1.We need to be totally committed to Jesus, making
Him our Lord.This means that we will not say no when
He asks us to do something for Him.
2.Every disciple of Jesus should ask the question,What
would Jesus do? in every situation in which they find

Summary and Application

3.We need to live continuously in Gods Word as His
disciples so that we will know Him better, and then we
will have an increased ability to know what Jesus would
do in each situation.
4.We need to see God as our loving Master who only
wants our good.
5.We need to love and serve God first, others second
and ourselves last.

The End

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