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Mock Cet: 2009 (Chemistry) : Vishwa Bharati Institute, Bangalore

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MOCK CET : 2009

1) Electrolytes conduct electricity because
1) Their molecules contain unpaired electrons which are mobile
2) Their molecules contain loosely held electrons which get free under the influence of applied voltage
3) Molecules breakup into ions when voltage is applied voltage is applied
4) Molecules break up in to ions when the electrolyte is fused or dissolved in the solvent.
2) Specific conductance of 0.1 M nitric acid is 6.3x 10-2, then the molar conductance in
ohm-1.cm2 mol-1 is
1) 630 2) 315 3) 100 4) 6300
3) An aqeuous solution of ferric chloride is
1) Neutral 2) Basic 3) Acidic 4) Soapy
4) The solution in which the normality is maximum is
1) 0.5MH2SO4 2)0.5M HCl 3) 0.M NaOH 4)0.5M CH3COOH
5) Which pair does not produce hydrogen.
1) Sodium + Water 2) Sodium + ethyl alcohol
3) Sodium + ether 4) Sodium + dil sulphuric acid
6) Iron displaces copper from copper sulphate solution because.
1) It is more reactive than copper. 2) It is heavier than copper.
3) It has affinity for Sulphate radical 4) It is more electropositive than copper
7) During the manufacture of aluminium bauxite is dissolved in cryolite which helps
1) To decrease the fusion temperature of aluminium.
2) To make it a good conductor of electricity.
3) To increase he yield of aluminium.
4) To reduce almina to aluminium easily.
8) The density of air is 1.293 gram /litre . When expressed in Kg/m3,it’s value is
1) 1.293 x10-3 Kgm-3 2) 1.293 Kg m-3 3) 1293 Kgm-3 4) 1.293 KJ
9) Which of the electronic configuration is impossible.
1) 1S2 2) 1S2 2S2 2P4 3) 1S2 2S2 2P2 4) 1S2 2S2 2P4 3S2 3P7
10) Enthalpy of formation of AB and CB compounds are -90KJ and – 100KJ . Then which of the following
statement is correct.
1) AB is more stable than CB 2) AB is less stable than CB
3) AB and CB endothermic compounds 4) Both b and c
11) Enthalpy of neutralization of sulphuric acid is higher than the enthalpy of neutral acetic acid because.
1) Sulphuric acid is dibasic acid 2) In case of acetic acid the neutralization is not complete.
3)Some heat is used up to ionize acetic acid 4)Acetic acid is monobasic acid.

Vishwa Bharati Institute, Bangalore 1

12) In which of the following the oxidation number of carbon is least?
1) CO 2) CO2 3) C6H12O6 4) CCl4
13) The hydrogen bond is the strongest between the molecules of
1) HF 2) H2O 3) NH2 4) H2S
14) Benzoic acid is formed
1) When benzyl chloride is heated with alkaline KMnO4
2) When excess of chlorine gas is passes in to boiling benzyl chloride in sunlight product is hydrolysed.
3) when chlorobenzone is heated with cuprous cyanide in pyridine and the product is hydrolysed
4) By all the above methods.
15. If grignard reagent is prepared in the presence of moisture,
1) The process become explosive . 2) The temperature equired is very high
3) moisture prevents the formation of Grignard reagent
4) The Grignard reagent undergoes hydrolysis.
16) In the reaction, A+B C+D, 4moles of A reacts with 4 moles of B and form 2 moles each of C and D.
The value of Kc for the reaction is
1) 2 2)1 3)3 4) 1.56
17) Which electronic level would allow the hydrogen atom to absorb a photon but not emit photon
1) 3S 2) 2P 3) 2S 4) 1S
18) The formula of 3- methyl pent -2-ene is
1) CH2 = CH.CH (CH3)CH2CH3 2) CH3 CH2 CH (CH3) CH2 CH3
3) CH3 CH = C( CH3)CH2 CH3 4)CH3 CH = CH CH (CH3)2
19) Ethyl alcohol and benzyl alcohol may be distinguished by their reaction with
1) Sodium metal 2) Salicylaldehyde 3) Salicylicacid 4) Iodoform
20) Which of the following is an non- hydroxyl compound?
1) Picric acid 2) Salicylaldehyde 3) Salicylicacid 4) Iodoform
21) In Benzoin condensation, the product of benzaldehyde in the presence of alcoholic Potassium
cyanide has the structure.
1) C6H5 – CH = CH – COOH 2) C6H5 – CH = CH – CHO
3) C6H5 – CH - C – C6 H5 4) C6H5 – C = C – C6 H5
l ll l l
22) If A and B are aliphatic and aromatic ketones respectively, the two may be distinguished form each
other employing
1)Tollen’sreagent 2)Schiff’sreagent 3) Hydrogencyanide 4) Ignition test
23) A2+B2 2AB, H = + X KJ is a gaseous reaction, concentration of AB increased when
1) pressure is decreased 2) temperature is increased
3) pressure is increased 4) temperature is decreased
24) Kp = Kc. RT only in the case of
1) 2HI H2+I2 2) N2+3H22NH3 3) N2+O2  2NO 4) PCI5  PCI3 + CI2
25) In a chemical reaction , the catalyst.
1) Generally does not start a chemical reaction. 2) Alters the state of chemical equilibrium
3) Undergoes a chemical change. 4) All the above are wrong.
26) Physical adsorption
1) increased with temperature 2) decreased with temperature
3) Un affected by temperature 4) may increase or decrease with temperature
27) Frenkel defect generally appears in
1) Ag Br 2)ZnS 3)Agl 4)All
28) Flux require to remove iron oxide impurity from an ore is
1) Lime stone 2)Calcined dolomite 3)Silica 4)magnesite
29) Potassium ferrocyanide has
1) Square planar shape 2) Trigonal shape 3)Pentagonalshape 4)octahedralshape
30) Ethyl acetate upon reduction with Lithium aluminium hydride gives
1) Acetic acid and Ethyl alcohol 2) Only Acetic acid 3) Ethyl alcohol 4) Ethane and acetic acid.
31) The half life period of zero order reaction is
1) Independent of initial concentration of reactant
2) Directly proportional to initial concentration of reactant
3) inversely proportional to initial concentration of reactant
4) Directly proportional to the square of initial concentration of reactant
32) The vitamins soluble in oils and fats are
1) B and C 2) A and B 3) A and C 4) A and D
33) Aniline dissolves in
1) water 2) Sodium bicarbonate solution 3) 5 % NaOH solution 4) Dil HCl
34) Nitrogen is liberated when nitrous acid is treated with
1) An aromatic primary amine 2) An aliphatic primary amine
3) An aromatic nitro compound. 4)An aliphatic primary amine
35) Aniline cannot be directly nitrated since
1) It is a base 2) It is an unstable compound
3) it is easily susceptible to oxidation 4) none of these.
36) Alkyl halide can be converted in to alcohol by
1) Condensation Reaction 2) Substitution reaction 3) Addition reaction 4) Reduction
37) Disease causing micro organisms are collectively called as
1) Bacteria 2) Funge 3) Virus 4) Pathogens


38) Clay is
1)Any hydrated metal silicate 2)hydrated aluminium silicate
3) hydrated calcium silicate 4) hydrated magnesium silicate
39) Silicon can be obtained by reducing silica with
1) Hydrogen 2) H2S 3) Mg 4) Al
40) Composition of super phosphate of lime is
1) Ca (H2PO4)2 2) Ca (H2PO4)2 CaSO4 2H2O
3) Ca (H2PO4)2 ,CaSO4 4) Ca (H2PO4)2 , H 2O+[ CaSO4 . 2H2O]
41) Lactic acid exhibits
1) Optical isomerism 2) Cis- trans Isomerism 3) Chain isomerism 4) Metamerism
42) When sodium carbonate is heated
1) CO2 is liberated 2) CO and CO2 are liberated
3) Oxygen is liberated 4) There is no chemical change.
43) Select the compound which does not contain any water of Hydration
1) Copper sulphate 2) Alum 3) Washing soda 4) Potassium dichromate
44) Lunar caustic is
1) AgNO3 2) NaNO3 3) Au(NO3)2 4) Cu(NO3)2
45) Copper is used for making boilers because it is
1) Having a low thermal conductivity 2) A hard & anticorrosive metal
3) Good conductor of heat and electricity 4) None of these.
46) Which of the following has maximum solubility?
1) Hgs , Ksp = 1.6x 10-54 2) ZnS, Ksp = 7x10-26
3)PbSO4, Ksp = 1.3x 10-8 4) AgCl ,Ksp = 1.7 x 10-10
47) Zinc is above copper in electrochemical series . If a standard zinc electrode and standard copper
electrode are coupled to form a cell, in such a cell
1) Zinc gains electrons 2) Zinc is oxidized
3) Copper looses electrons 4) Copper is oxidized
48) Salicylic acid resembles phenol in is reaction with
1) nitrating mixture 2) Bromine water
3) phthalic anhydride in the presence of conc. H2SO4 4) All of these.
49) In the following reactions CH3OH   A 
  B  C , The compound
C is
1) Acetic acid 2) Formic acid 3)Ethyl chloride 4)None of these.


50) Sucrose is made up of
1) alpha - D glucose + alpha – D – Fructose 2) alpha - D glucose + beta – D – Fructose
3) alpha – D- glucose + alpha – D – galactose 4)eta – D- glucose + beta– D - Fructose
51) Which of the following statements is true for carbohydrates ?
1) All the monosaccharides are reducing 2) All the disaccharides are reducing
3) All the polysaccharides are reducing 4) All the polysaccharides give blue color with I2 Solution.
52) An aromatic amino acid liberated by the hydrolsis of protein is
1) Alanine 2) Tyrosine 3) Cysteine 4) Glutamic acid
53) One of the enzymes which catlyses the hydrolysis of proteins during digestion is
1) Amylase 2)Lipase 3)Zymase 4)Pespsin
54) Upon hydrogenation , oleic acid is converted into
1) Stearic acid 2) Lauric acid 3) Palmitic acid 4) Linolcic acid.
55) Natural rubber is a
1) Hetero polymer 2) Homo polymer 3) Co-polymer 4) condensation
56) Which one of the following is not a property of H2SO4.
1) It is an oxidizing agent. 2) It is a dehydrating agent
3) It is a dibasic acid 4) It is a reducing agent .
57) The percentage of nitrogen in urea is
1)50 2) 46.6 3) 35.2 4) 87.3
58) Arrehnius equation is represented as
1)K= A e-Ea/ RT 2)K= A.eEa/ RT 3) A= K eEa/ RT 4) Ea= K .eEa/ RT
59) Milk is an example of
1) Gel 2) Sol 3) Emulsion 4) Solid sol.
60) Which one of the following is zero order reaction.
1) Acid hydrolysis of methyl acetate. 2) Alkali hydrolysis of ethyl acetate.
3) Decomposition of H2O2.
4) Photo chemical combination of H2 and Cl2 to form hydrogen chloride gas.


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