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Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

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Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

Chapter : Hydrocarbons
1. When 2-chlorobutane is heated with sodium metal in THF, what would be formed (including by-
1) 3, 4-dimethyl hexane 2) 1-butene
3) 2-butane 4) All of these
2. Which of the following cannot be obtained as the only product in the Wurtz’s coupling reaction of
halides with sodium metal in ether solution?

1) 2)

3) 4) ‘1’ & ‘3’

3. What is the maximum number of carbon atom in the expected product of Wurtz reaction

Na  dry
  product

1) 6 2) 4
3) 8 4) 7
4. What is the maximum number of carbon atoms in the expected products of Wurtz reaction ?
C2H5Br + (CH3)2CHBr + Na 
1) 8 2) 4
3) 5 4) 6

 ether
5. Find out (B) in the following reaction. CH3– C  CH2 – Cl Na
  A is

1) 2) 3) 4)

6. P should be

1) 2)

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 1

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

3) 4) none of these


1) 2)

3) 4)

8. The compounds formed at anode in the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of CH3COOK are:
1) C2H6 and CO2 2) C2H4 and CO2
3) CH4 and H2 4) CH4 and CO2
9. Electrolysis of potassium acetate gives
1) Ethylene 2) Acetylene
3) Ethane 4) Methane
10. When an aqueous solution containing sodium acetate and sodium propionate is electrolysed we get
1) Ethane 2) Propane
3) Butane 4) All the above
11. Electrolysis of a concentrated aqueous solution of a compound gave C2H6 on anode. The compound is
3) CH3COOC2H5 4) CH3OCH3
12. CH3CH2CH2COONa electrolys
   P (Major)

1) CH3CH2CH3
3) both 1 and 2
4) none of these
13. Decarboxylation of sodium butyrate gives propane. Propane can also be obtained by decarboxylation
1) Sodium propionate 2) Calcium acetate
3) Sodium isobutyrate 4) Silver acetate
14. Action of heat on a mixture of sodium propionate and sodalime produces:
1) methane 2) ethane
3) propane 4) ethylene

15. I. II. III.

Which of the following orders in correct for the ease of decarboxylation of these acids?
1) I > II > III 2) III > II > I
3) II > I > III 4) II > III > I

16. I. II. III.

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 2

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
Which of the following orders is correct for the ease of decarboxylation of these carboxylic acids?
1) I > II > III 2) III > II > I
3) II > I > III 4) I > III > II
17. Phenylmagnesium bromide reacts with methanol to give
1) a mixture of toluene and Mg(OH) Br 2) a mixture of phenol and Mg(Me) Br
3) a mxiture of anisol and Mg(OH) Br 4) a mixture of benzene and Mg(OMe) Br
18. How many Grignard reacts with alcohol to given n-butane? (Excluding stereoisomer)
1) 1 2) 2
3) 3 4) 4
19. R–MgBr EtOH
 P1 + P2
1) R–OH + Et–O–MgBr 2) RH + Et–O–MgBr
3) RH + EtMgBr 4) RH + MgBr2
20. R–MgX NH
3  P; P should be
1) RH 2) R–NH2
3) both 1 and 2 4) none of these
21. When Grignard reagent CH3MgBr is treated with water, we get :
1) ethane 2) ethyl alcohol
3) methyl alcohol 4) methane
22. A reaction between methyl magnesium bromide and ethyl alcohol gives
1) Methane 2) Ethane
3) Propane 4) Butane
23. When phenyl magnesium bromide reacts with t-butanol, the product would be
1) benzene 2) phenol
3) t-butyl benzne 4) t-butyl phenyl ether
24. (CH3)3CMgCl on reaction with D2O produces:
1) (CH3)3COD 2) (CD5)3CH
3) (CH3)3CD 4) (CH3)3COD
25. The product obtained when methyl magnesium bromide reacts with methyl alcohol is
1) Acetone 2) Alcohol
3) Methane 4) Ethane
26. Which of the followingis oxidised by KMnO4
1) Methane 2) Pentane
3) Isobutane 4) Neopentane
27. CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH3 Δ3  CH3  CH  CH3

Above reaction is an example of :

1) isomerization 2) polymerization
3) cracking 4) de-hydrogenation
28. On halogenation, an alkane gives only one monohalogenated product. The alkane may be
1) 2-methyl butane 2) 2, 2-dimethyl propane
3) cyclopentane 4) both (2) and (3)
29. R – H + I2 RI + HI, A is
1) HgO 2) HIO3
3) HgO/HIO3/HNO3 4) All of these
Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 3
Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
30. A mixture of methane and steam when passed over nickel supported on alumina catalyst at 725 °C
1) CH3OH 2) CO2 and H2
3) CO and H2 4) None of these
31. Methane reacts with conc. HNO3 at high temperature to yield
1) CO2 & H2O 2) HCHO
3) HCOOH 4) CH3NO2
32. The order of reactivity of halogens in aliphatic substitution reactions is
1) Br2 > Cl2 > F2 2) Cl2 > Br2 > F2
3) F2 > Cl2 > Br2 4) F2 > Br2 > Cl2
33. CH4 + Cl2 
hv CH3Cl + HCl
To obtain high yields of CH3Cl, the ratio of CH4 to Cl2 must be
1) high 2) low
3) equal 4) can’t be predicted
34. Correct sequence is
1) Propagation, initiation, termination 2) Initiation, termination, propagation
3) Propagation, termination, initiation 4) Initiation, propagation, termination
35. The major product obtained when isobutane is treated with chlorine in the presence of light is
1) Isobutyl chloride 2) n-Butyl chloride
3) tert-Butyl chloride 4) sec-Butyl chloride
Cl 2
36. CH3CH2 CH2CH3   CH3  CH2  CH  CH3 + CH3  CH2  CH2  CH2 Cl
(monochlorination products) (A) (B)

The approximate ratio of percentage yields of A and B formed in the above reaction is
1) 50 : 50 2) 71.70 : 28.30
3) 45 : 55 4) 60 : 40
H SO 4
37. CH3CH2  C  CH  CH3 2 
P What is the major product P in the above reaction ?
| |


| | |
1) CH3CH2  CH  CH  CH2 2) CH3  CH  CH  CH  CH2


| | |
3) CH3CH2  CH  CH  CH2 4) CH3CH2  C  C  CH3

2 H
38. The reaction, RC  CR Lindlar's
 catalyst gives the main product as

1) cis-Alkene 2) trans-Alkene
3) Alkane 4) None of these
39. In the reaction,
Re d
 B    C Ni
A HBr  Propane. What is 'A' ?
 / 473 573K

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 4

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
1) ethene 2) propene
3) ethane 4) propane
40. When 2-butyne is treated with Pd-BaSO4; the product formed will be
1) cis-2-butene 2) trans-2-butene
3) 1-butene 4) 2-hydroxy butane

41. The reaction of CH3CH = CH OH with HBr gives


3) CH3CHBrCH2 Br 4) CH3CH2CHBr Br


1) 2)

3) 4)

43. Observe the following reactions and predict the nature of A and B.

B 
H 2O 2

1) A and B both are 2) A and B both are

3) A is & B is 4) A is & B is

44. Which of the following is not correct about the reaction ?

CH2 = CH2 + Br2 NaI(aq)
 
1) The products formed are CH2BrCH2Br and CH2BrCH2I
2) The reaction follows polar mechanism
3) The reaction occurs readily in solution and is catalysed by inorganic halides
4) Only CH2ICH2I is formed
45. Which products are formed during the addition of Br2 on ethylene in presence of aqueous NaCl solution
1) CH2Br  CH2Br 2) CH2Br CH2Cl
3) CH2Cl CH2Cl 4) Both (1) and (2)
46. Acid-catalysed hydration of alkenes except ethene leads to the formation of
1) primary alcohol 2) secondary or tertiary alcohols

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 5

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
3) mixture of primary and secondary alcohols 4) mixture of secondary and tertiary alcohols

47. dil.
 H2SO4

1) OH 2)

3) OH 4)

48. dil.
 H2SO4
CH = CH – CH3

1) 2)
CH2 – CH – CH3 CH – CH2 – CH3


3) (1) and (2) 4) OH

CH2 – CH2 – CH3
49. An alkene on reductive ozonolysis gives two molecules of CH2(CHO)2. The alkene is
1) 2, 4-hexadiene 2) 1, 3-cyclohexadiene
3) 1, 4-cyclohexadiene 4) 1-methyl-1, 3-cyclopentadiene
50. Which of the compounds with molecular formula C6H12 yields acetone on ozonolysis?
1) 2-methyl-1-butene 2) 2, 3 Dimethyl 2-butene
3) 3-methyl-1-butene 4) Cyclopentane
51. Select the reagent for the following reaction,

OHC – (CH2)4 – CHO

1) SeO2 2) O3, Zn/H2O

3) O3, H2O2–CH3COOH 4) PCC
52. 5-Oxohexanal is obtained by ozonolysis of

1) 2) 3) 4)

53. Propene reacts with Cl2 at 400-600 °C to give

1) 1, 2-Dichloropropane 2) Allyl chloride
3) No reaction 4) Polyvinyl chloride

54.  P; P is

1) 2) 3) 4)

55.  P (maior)


Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 6

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
Br Br
1) 2) 3) 4)

56. One mole of 1, 2-Dibromopropane on treatment with X moles of NaNH2 followed by treatment with
ethyl bromide gave a 2-pentyne. The value of X is :
1) One 2) two
3) three 4) four
57. When chloroform is heated with silver powder acetylene is formed along with silver chloride. The no.
of silver chloride molecules formed for 1 mole of acetylene is
1) 3 2) 2
3) 4 4) 6
58. A compound on heating with silver powder gives the first member in the alkyne series. That compound
1) Ethyl halide 2) Ethylene halide
3) Acetylenetetrahalide 4) Haloform
59. The garlic smell of Acetylene is due to the presence of
1) H2 S 2) SO2
3) PH3 4) Both H2S & PH3
alcoholic KOH Br2 Zn
60. CH3 – CH2Cl   A  B   C. C is

1) Acetylene 2) Ethane
3) Ethene 4) Methane
61. CH3CHO + HC  CD 
CH3ONa/H P (major), P is

| |
1) CH3 – CH – C  CH 2) CH3– CH –C  CD

3) CH3–C –C  CD 4) none of these

62. C C – C  C Li
/ NH
3( l)
 Product :

1) 2)

3) Both (1) and (2) 4)

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 7

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

63. H3C–C  Product

1) an optically active compound 2) an optically inactive compound

3) a racemic mixture 4) a distereomeric mixture
64. Lewisite is
1) ClCH = CHAsCl2 2) CH2 = CHAsCl2
3) CH2 = CAsCl3 4) AsCl3
65. When R – C  CH is treated with cuprous ion in ammonical medium, product formed is
1) R – C  C – Cu 2) Cu – C  CH
3) CuC  CCu 4) R – C  C – R
66. Propyne and propene can be distinguished by
1) Conc. H2SO4 2) Br2 in CCl4
3) Dil KMnO4 4) AgNO3 in ammonia
67. Aromatic hydrocarbons are the derivatives of :
1) benzene 2) methane
3) normal series of paraffins 4) none of the above
68. The C–C bond length in benzene is ..... than C–C bond length in alkenes.
1) less 2) more
3) equal 4) none of these
69. According to Huckel, monocyclic compounds will show aromatically when :
1) it has 4  -electrons 2) it has no  -electrons
3) it has 4  + 2 electrons 4) it has (4n +2)  -electrons
70. General formula for arenes is :
1) CnH2n + 6 2) CnH2n + 6y
3) Cn H2n 4) Cn H2n – 6y
71. When benzene is treated with CO and HCl in presence of anhydrous aluminium chloride, benzaldehyde
is formed. This reaction is known as:
1) Friedel-Crafts reaction
2) Rosenmund’s reaction
3) Stephen’s reaction
4) Gattermann-Koch’s reaction
72. In the reaction C6H5CH3 KMnO
   A  B   C the product C is :
/H 4

NaOH Soda lim e

1) C6H5OH 2) C6H6
3) C6H5COONa 4) C6H5ONa
73. Hydrolysis
2 Benzotrichloride   
X Cl
  Y; X and Y respectively are:
1) benzene, benzaldehyde 2) toluene, benzaldehyde
3) toluene, benzoic acid 4) benzene, benzoic acid

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 8

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
74. What product are formed when the following compound is treated with Br2 in the presence of FeBr3?

Br CH3 CH3
and Br Br
1) CH3 CH3 2)
Br CH3 CH3

and and
3) 4) CH3 Br CH3
Br Br
75. The major products (P, Q) in the given reaction are:

1) 2)

3) 4)

76. The major product U in the following reactions is:

1) 2)

3) 4)

77. Which of the following ions is produced when we prepare nitrating mixture by mixing together
concentrated HNO3 and concentrated H2SO4?
1) NO 2 2) NO 2
3) NO 3 4) SO 3 H

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 9

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
78. Nitration of benzene is :
1) nucleophilic substitution 2) electrophilic substitution
3) electrophilic addition 4) nucleophilic addition
79. The insecticide, germicide gammexane is a formulation for :
1) DDT 2) benzene hexachloride
3) T.N.T. 4) chloral
80. Ozonolysis of benzene gives:
1) 1 molecule of glyoxal 2) 2 molecules of glyoxal
3) 3 molecules of glyoxal 4) none of these
81. Benzene reacts with n-propyl chloride in the presence of anhydrous AlCl3 to give predominantly:
1) isopropyl benzene 2) no reaction
3) n-propylbenzene 4) 3-propyl-1-chlorobenzene
82. Aromatic Hydrocarbon is called as
1) arenes due to pleasant smell 2) arenes due to unpleasant smell
3) non aromatic compound 4) it is non conjugated

83. (Major) Product (A) will be :

1) 2)

3) 4)

2  Monochloro product(including stereoisomers) are
84. CH3– CH  CH2–CH2–CH3 
1) 6 2) 7
3) 8 4) 9


Which of the following gases evolved on the surface of anode ?

1) C2H6, H2 2) C3H8, H2
3) C2H6+C4H6+CO2 4) C2H6+C4H10+CO2

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 10

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)


Suitable reagent for following conversion will be :

1) Zn - Hg + HCl 2) Mg(Hg)
3) H-Br 4) All of these

87. Most stable conformer of product will be (across C2 - C3 bond) :

1) Gauche 2) anti
3) Eclipsed 4) Partially eclipsed
88. Rate of decarboxylation of the following carboxylic acid with soda lime will be in the order
NaOH + CaO
CH3COOH 

NaOH + CaO
CH3CH2COOH 

NaOH + CaO

1) r1 > r2 > r3 2) r3 > r2 > r1
3) r2 > r3 > r1 4) r1 > r3 > r2
89. Which statement is correct
1) from wurtz reaction methane cannot form
2) from kolbe electrolysis method methane can form
3) in homologous series of alkane the difference between to successive molecules is CH2
4) All of these
90. Consider the following reactions

Identify the structure of the major product ‘X’

1) 2)

3) 4)

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 11

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)


1) 2)

3) 4)

(B) loses its optical activity because of

1) Chirality of the molecule destroyed 2) Symmetry of molecule is destroyed

3) Spatial arrangement is changed 4) Racemic mixture is formed
93. I) CH2 = CH2 II)CH3OCH = CH2
III) CH3CH = CH2 IV) ClCH= CH3
Correct order for electrophilic addition reaction of given compound follows
1) I > II > III > IV > V 2) II > III > I > IV > V
3) II > IV > III > I > V 4) V > IV > II > III > I
94. Major product X, Y, Z obtained in the following reaction is

1) 2)

3) in all raction 4) in all raction


Name of intermediate produced during given reaction will be

1) Arenium ion 2) -complex/Wheeland intermediate
3) Non-aromatic cyclohexa dienyl carbocation 4) All of these
96. Which of the following compound gives poor yield in Friedel-Craft reaction ?

1) 2) 3) 4) All of these

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 12

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
97. Most reactive towards nitration reaction (substitution electrophilic aromatic) is

1) 2) 3) 4)

98.   Major product

1) 2) 3) Mixture A and B 4) None of these

AlCl3 Zn(Hg) conc.H SO

99.   (A) 
 (B)  2
(C) (Major product) C will be :

1) 2) 3) 4)

100. Ease of ionization to produce carbocation and bromide ion under the treatment of AgO+ will be maximum
in ?

1) 2) 3) 4)

101. Which of the following order is correct for the decreasing reactivity to ring monobromination of the
following compounds ?

(I) (II) (III) (IV)

1) I > II > III > IV 2) II > III > IV > I

3) I > III > II > IV 4) III > I > II > IV
102. Benzene reacts w i th n-propyl chl ori de i n the presence of anhydrous A l Cl 3 to give predominatly :
1) n-Propylbenzene 2) Isopropylbenzene
3) 3-Propyl-1-Chlorobenzene 4) No reaction

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 13

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
103. The major product formed in the reaction is:

1) 2)

3) 4)

104. In the sulphonation of benzene, the active electophilic species is :

1) SO2 2) SO3
3) SO2
4) HSO4
105. In the reaction, the major product formed is

1) 2)

3) 4)

106. Indentify (C) in the reaction (s)

1) 2) 3) 4) None of these

107. C6H5CH3 
CrO Cl
 A 
 B
The functional group present in B and name of the raction would be
1) -CHO, Gattermann aldehyde synthesis 2) -CHO, Etard reaction
3) -COCH3, Friedel-Crafts reaction 4) -CHO, OxO reaction

108. + CH3  CH2  CH2  CH2  Cl 

 hydrocarbon (X) major product X is

1) 2) 3) 4) None is correct

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 14

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

109. Compound A and B respectively are :

1) o-Bromostyrene, benzoic acid 2) p-Bromostyrene, benzaldyhyde

3) m-Bromostyrene, benzaldehyde 4) Styrene dibromide, benzoic acid
110. Isopropylbenze can be prepared by :
H 2SO4
A) Benzene + CH3CH = CH2  

B) Benzene +

C) Benzene +

D) Benzene +

1) A, B 2) A, B, C
3) A, B, C, D 4) B, C
111. Which of the following is an ortho-para directing group ?
1) CF3 2) CCl3

3) –CH = CH - COOH 4) – N  C
112. Amongst the following, the moderately activating group is-
(C) –NH2 (D) –CH3
1) Only 2) Only D
3) B, D 4) A, D
113. Choose the best method to prepare given compound :

1) 2)

3) 4)

114. The compound x in the reaction.

1) 2)

3) 4)

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 15

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

Chapter : Hydrocarbons (Solutions)

RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * *
1. (4) 6. (3)

7. (2)

2. (4)

8. (1)

3. (3)

9. (3)
10. (4)

4. (4)
11. (1)
12. (2)
5. (1)

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 16

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

13. (3) 18. (2)

RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * *
14. (2)

19. (2)

15. (1)
20. (1)

21. (4)

16. (1)

22. (1)

23. (1)
17. (4)

24. (3)

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 17

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

25. (3) 35. (3)

RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * *
26. (3)

36. (2)

27. (1)

28. (4)

37. (4)

29. (4) Iodination of alkanes is a reversible process.

To stop this reversible reaction, an oxidizing
agent like HgO, HIO3 or HNO3 are used.
30. (1)
31. (4)

32. (3)
33. (1)

38. (1) Lindlar catalyst gives Cis-alkene.

34. (4) Correct sequence in mechanism is Initiation
(starting), Propagation (reaction progress
Termination (ending).

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Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
44. (4)
45. (4)

RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * *
39. (2)

40. (1) 46. (2)

47. (1)

41. (2)

48. (4)

42. (3)

49. (3)

43. (3)

50. (2)

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Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

51. (2) 56. (3)

RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * *
52. (2)

57. (4)

58. (4)

53. (2)

59. (4)

60. (3)

61. (2)
54. (1)

55. (4)

62. (2)

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 20

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

63. (1)
73. (3)

RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * *
74. (3)

64. (1)

75. (3)
65. (1)
66. (4)

67. (1)
68. (2) The benzene has the bond length between
carbon and dcarbon is 139 pm which is more than
that of alkene which is 133 pm.
69. (4)
76. (2)
70. (4)
71. (4)

72. (2)

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 21

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)
77. (2)
78. (2) 84. (3)

RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * *
79. (2)

80. (3)
85. (4)

81. (1)

86. (1)

87. (2)

88. (1)

82. (1)

83. (2)

89. (4)

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 22

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

90. (2)

RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * *
98. (2)

91. (2)
99. (1)

100. (2)
92. (1) 101. (3)

102. (2)

93. (2)

103. (3)

104. (2)
94. (2)

105. (4)

95. (4)

106. (1)

96. (4) 107. (2)

97. (4)

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 23

Final Touch (RCC Do / Die Questions)

108. (4)

RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * * RCC * *
109. (4)

110. (3) All reactions can be usedd for Isopropyl

111. (3)
112. (2)
113. (2)
114. (2)

Prof.Motegaonkar S.R. M.Sc.Chem.Gold Medalist SET/NET-JRF,GATE, DRDO,TIFR qualified Page: 24

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