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Solid State Devices

Dr. S. Karmalkar
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Lecture - 30
Bipolar Junction Transistor (Contd)
So we have been discussing the bipolar junction transistor. So far we have considered the
basics of transistor action and then we have seen how the transistor can be used as a small
signal amplifier. In the previous lecture we estimated the alpha and beta of the transistor
and we drew the energy band diagram. Then we have been discussing the various
configurations of the circuit configurations in which the transistor operates that is the
common emitter in addition to the common base configuration. In the common emitter
configuration we showed that you can gat power gain. That is, in addition to voltage gain
you also get a current gain.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:19)

Towards the end of the lecture we were trying to develop from a single transistor and a
power supply and a load resistor the complete circuit we normally employ for a common
emitter transistor. Let us look at this circuit we have drawn in the previous lecture. We
came to the circuit, starting from here this is the basic circuit, we replaced the transistor
by symbol and then this circuit has been first turned 90 degree so anticlockwise you turn
it 90 degree and that is how you come here, replace this particular power supply by a pair
of resistors so you are deriving the emitter base power supply from the collector power
supply using a voltage divider. So the voltage across the emitter base junction in this
particular circuit is given by R2 into Vcc by R1 plus R2 so that is the voltage here. The
small signal is super imposed through a capacitor connected here which isolates this point
from this point for DC conditions.

Similarly, the output is taken from this point through a capacitor so that whatever you
connect here, for example, if you connect a load resistor here then this resistor will not
affect the DC condition of this particular circuit. Now what we said is that this method of
biasing the transistor and getting DC quiescent conditions is not very good because you
are trying to maintain the emitter base voltage constant if the temperature of the transistor
changes which is going to happen very much during operation because the transistor is
going to dissipate power or because the ambient conditions are going to change
throughout the day. Because of these reasons for a constant emitter base voltage the
current will change drastically as a function of temperature.
So emitter current and collector current these currents will change and your quiescent
point output point will change and that will affect your swing capability of the amplifier.
Now how do we rectify this problem? So, to rectify this problem what we must do is that
we must maintain the emitter current or the collector current constant instead of
maintaining the emitter base voltage constant. Then the emitter base voltage can be
allowed to change and the change in emitter base voltage width temperature for constant
emitter current will not be much. This can be easily seen from the characteristics.
So if you take a diode these are the current voltage characteristics of any diode. Now for
a higher temperature your current will be higher so this is your curve for higher
temperature. Now what you find is that if you keep the current constant there is a small
change in voltage. On the other hand, if you try to maintain the voltage constant then you
find that there is a large change in current with temperature so this is for T1 and this is for
T2 where T2 is greater than T1.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:03)

Therefore the idea is to maintain the current constant instead of the voltage being
maintained constant. That can be done easily as follows: You include q resistance here in
series which is the so called emitter r and you adjust your R2 so that you have a higher

voltage here so that the current in the emitter now is given by this voltage minus the
emitter base voltage which is close to 0.65 by RE. Now your emitter base voltage will be
close to 0.56 and it may change little bit because of temperature but the change will be
very small compared to the voltage that is coming here.
For example, if you maintain 5 V here, this voltage is chosen to be 5 V then this is 0.65 it
may change around 0.6 or 0.7 even if it changes that much it is not much of a change
compared to 5 V. A change of about 0.1 volt in 5 V is not much and therefore the current
through this resistance will remain almost constant with temperature. That is why it is
biasing arrangement is used. It is not in the scope of this particular course to discuss the
biasing and circuit aspects of the transistor operation so much, this is done in the circuits
course. But still we want to maintain a link between the device physics and the circuit, a
discussion of these two.
Now to complete this discussion in order to get a good gain this series resistance must be
bypassed so that for AC purposes you do not have this resistance and your gain is still
given by a transconductance gm of the transistor multiplied by load resistance R L in the
absence of this resistance. If this resistance is also present then parallel combination of
these two resistances multiplied by gm would be the gain. With this we complete the
discussion of the circuit configuration in which a transistor can be used as a common
emitter amplifier. Since we have now introduced the common emitter configuration as
the most often used configuration let us see the DC current voltage characteristics in
detail in this particular mode of operation of the transistor. Common emitter output
characteristics: This is the circuit and these are the characteristics. Now we want to
qualitatively explain how these characteristics are obtained.
(Refer Slide Time 08:55)

What is happening here is that is you carefully note we keep the base current constant and
then we change the collector to emitter voltage and as a result the collector current

changes. Supposing you concentrate on any one of these curves let us say the curve
corresponding to 36 microamperes base current, you follow this particular curve and
what is happening is you are keeping the 36 microampere base current and then you are
changing your VCE magnitude and as a result the collector current is changing. If you
change your base current you get a different IC VC curve and that is how you get this
entire family of curves. This is a circuit, you are maintaining the base current constant
and you are sweeping the collector to emitter voltage and measuring the collector current.
This is what is important to note.
Now what we will do is that we will take up any one curve for constant base current and
explain how this kind of a shape of the characteristics raises. Then we will do it for a
different base current and that is how the entire family of characteristics can be
generated. Now one point to note here is that the collector to emitter voltage is negative
because we are considering a p-n-p transistor. This means that collector is negative with
respect to emitter. Similarly, the base current also is negative because it is coming out of
the base lead and collector current is also negative because it is going out of the collector
view. But in our qualitative discussion we will assume only the magnitudes of these
quantities so that we do not have to constantly deal with negative quantities. So let us
draw one curve that we want explain.
For one base current instead of VCE I am going to draw VEC here so that I get positive
voltages. And similarly here I am going to draw modulus of IC so that I get a positive
quantity on this axis also. Now, for any particular base current the curve looks something
like this and after sometime it breaks down. How do we get this kind of a curve? Let us
start as follows: We draw the transistor and now we are maintaining the base current
constant so this is the base current, this is IB. The first step would be you start from VEC is
equal to 0 and this is VEC is equal to 0. So VEC is equal to 0 is point number one and the
emitter to collector is shorted. This is the condition VEC is equal to 0. What happens in
this case is what we need to find out.
Now our approach would be that we will carry the minority carrier distributions in the
emitter base and collector for different voltage conditions. And from the minority carrier
distributions we will get the information about the collector current. So here if you draw
the minority carrier distribution for these conditions it would be something like this. Now
please note that we must try to draw all diagrams to scale. Now this base width is about a
micron and I am not saying it is exactly one micron because you know that your
depletion width from either side in this region that is from the emitter and from the
collector will slightly reduce the base width.
We are now discussing at a qualitative level so we are not interested in the exact
magnitudes. So this is about a micron and the diffusion length in the emitter as we have
noted is 33 microns. So strictly speaking the distribution of the excess minority carriers
would be over a fairly long distance here as compared to the base width. So let us draw
this as something like this. This is excess minority carrier concentration in the emitter.

Now we are going to assume long emitters. As we have said in the beginning we assume
an ideal transistor. In ideal transistor the doping levels in the base emitter and collector
are uniform and the emitter and collector regions are fairly long.
Now what about the excess carrier concentration in the base? According to this, whatever
is the emitter base voltage the collector base voltage is also equal to the emitter base
voltage because if you have shorted obviously this voltage should be equal to this voltage
in magnitude. They will cancel each other and that is how you get a 0 voltage between
emitter and collector. This means that from the diode theory the boundary values of the
excess carrier concentration would be same at this end as well as this end. So this is your
excess carrier concentration in the base.
Now please note that this value could be ten times this value because doping in the
emitter is ten times the doping in the base. So this is again not to scale. If I have to show
to scale I must raise it up further. So at least approximately to scale, let us assume that
this is not exactly ten times but approximately ten times as something like this. Now what
happens in the collector? The collector excess carrier concentration would be ten times
this value because collector region doping is ten times less than the base region doping.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:44)

Now this really cannot be shown here. This means that the way we have started the
diagram is not exactly correct. The correct approach is always to look at the maximum
value and first you draw that value and then draw the other parameters which have
smaller value and that is the way you must draw whenever you want to draw the diagram
to scale. So, having understood that the maximum concentration will occur in the
collector at the depletion edge here of the collector junction what we should do is, let us
restart as follows:
So we first draw this excess carrier concentration because this is also forward bias now
under this condition. Please note that this is a forward bias across a collector base

junction. Now this is one tenth of this inside here so still I cannot show one tenth but at
least roughly very small and this here is something like this because this is again one
tenth of that. So this is how the excess carrier distribution would be. This is excess
electrons in p region, this is excess holes in n region, this is excess electrons again in the
p type collector region. From here what do we gather about the collector current? Let us
draw the flow diagram to show the various currents here.
What is happening is that this is p, this is n, this is p so electrons are being injected into
the collector. We will show dotted line for electrons and all these are recombined. Now
similarly this shows that holes are being injected into the base from the collector. Or
rather we will reverse this to show the electrons below and the holes above. So the
electrons being injected will be shown like this and the holes injected from here are
shown this way. So holes are injected into the base from the collector and also from the
emitter because both these are forward bias and you can see that the slopes here are like
this so these are the holes injected.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:42)

Now what happens to this hole current is obviously it recombines here. Similarly, the
base injects electrons into the emitter so you have electrons injected here. Now with what
will these holes recombine? They will recombine with electrons. You have to provide
electrons there for recombination in the base. So all these electrons are injected into the
collector and the electrons which are injected into the emitter and the electron which are
recombining with the holes in the base are provided by the base contact. Here these
electrons will recombine with holes and this is the so called emitter current and here these
electrons will recombine with holes here so this is the so called collector current. Please
note that the arrows indicate the direction of flow of the particular carrier and dotted lines
are electrons so if electrons are flowing in this direction the conventional current because
of electrons could be in opposite direction. So the base current is outward, conventional
current is outward but the electron current is inward.

To simplify the picture we will use the fact that in modern transistor the recombination in
the base is negligible because base is really very thin. Alpha is therefore decided by the
injection efficiency or which is equivalent to same that alpha is decided by the current
that is injected from the base into the emitter. So alpha is decided by this current and not
recombination here. Therefore what we will do is this part of the picture can be removed
to gain a simple understanding of the situation. This is negligible means this also can be
neglected so we remove this. This is the approximate picture.
Clearly there is a collector current which is present here and also the base current is equal
to the electrons injected here plus electron injected here. Now from this diagram you can
very clearly see that the excess carrier concentration in the collector is much more than
the excess carrier concentration in the emitter because of the difference in the doping
levels and because the forward bias across this junction is the same as forward bias across
this junction here the emitter junction. Therefore this current will be much more than this
current because the amount recombining here could be much more than the amount
recombining here. Therefore we could even remove this picture and we are left with just
this picture. This means that there is a collector current which is equal to the base current.
Most of the IB is flowing into the collector. What is interesting is that the collector current
is flowing in so if you look at the characteristics on the slide the collector current is
shown to be negative and is flowing out. Obviously what this means is that in this case
the current should be shown on the opposite side to the current shown on the slide. This
means that when we draw this curve actually it is not correct to say when Vcc is 0 the
collector current is 0. Actually the collector current is inward into the p-n-p transistor and
therefore it is positive or in our nomenclature since we are showing negative currents in
this direction the current that we want to show for V is equal to 0 should be shown in the
negative axis because negative currents are shown along this particular axis so the
positive current should be shown along this axis.
We will now redraw this curve to start with. Now our curve is as follows: For VEC is
equal to 0 you have a current which is equal to the base current like this. So this is the IC
corresponding to VEC is equal to 0 equally in magnitude to IB. That completes the
analysis for the condition VEC is equal to 0. For VEC is equal to 0 IC is approximately
equal in magnitude to IB. Now we can use a similar approach and now proceed to derive
the remaining part of the curve. It is very clear from here that the next curve point that
you would like to analyze would be you expect the curve to rise up like this. So the next
point you would like to analyze would be the point corresponding to IC is equal to 0.
What is the value of VEC? It is this value; VEC for IC is equal to 0.
Now please note that I have removed the modulus of IC here and I am just showing IC. It
is understood that we are going to plot the current that is into the transistor on this side
and current out of the transistor on this side. So let us now analyze similarly the condition
IC is equal to 0. When will IC is equal to 0. In terms of this you are moving towards more
and more positive VEC as you go in this direction. This means now you are going to
include a power supply here in this direction, a small value and then you are going to
increase this power supply slowly until you end up getting IC is equal to 0.

So we start from the base and we remove this distribution that we had earlier in this
diagram and then we remove this. Now what happens? This has to remain a forward bias
because the current is outward here although the value of the forward bias may change.
So there has to be a current in this direction. So when you apply a voltage in this
direction what is going to happen is that this forward bias will start reducing. Now your
condition is, VCB is less than VEB as you start increasing your VEC, this is VEC. So when
you want to draw the excess carrier concentration for that condition it will be as follows:
So you see that the collector base voltage forward bias is less than emitter base forward
bias that is why this concentration here is less than the excess carrier concentration here.
Here again we are using the law of the junction. Now we need to find out for what kind
of a voltage condition will the current on the collector become 0 and how can the current
become 0? Let us draw the flow diagram again as we have done earlier. Now, when we
draw the flow diagram we will continue to ignore the recombination in the base because
we are assuming a modern transistor. In a modern transistor the recombination in the base
is negligible and that helps us to simplify the picture greatly. Again, you have holes being
injected from emitter to base and part of this is recombining here and the remaining is
injected into the collector. So this slope here shows that holes are being injected into the
collector. Now this slope here shows that electrons are also being injected into the
collector from the base. This is shown like this, the electrons being injected from base to
You have electron being injected from base to emitter as we had earlier so you have this
also. As we neglect the recombination we will not show this arrow. Now to complete the
picture these electrons have to recombine with holes so you have this and these electrons
have to recombine with holes so you have this. Therefore this is your emitter current.
Now what you find here is, you have electrons being injected from base to collector and
you also have holes being injected from base to collector. You are getting these holes
because they are injected from emitter to base and recombination in the base is very small
so most of them are coming into the collector. So you have holes and electrons moving in
the same direction across this collector junction. If you have holes and electrons both
moving in the same direction then their current will cancel out if the magnitudes of the
holes and electron currents individually are identical. This is an interesting situation here
because of which the collector current is 0.
Though you have flow of both holes and electrons since this flow is in the same direction
for both carriers you can see here that the holes here are recombining with electrons so
there is no current here that we were showing earlier. This is how you get zero collector
In fact one can analyze this situation, write down equations and impose this condition
that this hole current should be equal to this electron current and one can determine the
value of the collector base voltage and the value of the emitter base voltage and therefore
the value of VEC for which this condition would occur. So, that completes the discussion
about this condition that is IC is equal to 0. Now the next step is to move ahead like this
on this curve.

We can see from this diagram that as you go on increasing your VEC the forward bias
here will start decreasing. The forward bias here was maximum when VEC was 0 and
when we started increasing VEC the forward bias started reducing so obviously a stage
will come when this forward bias will become 0.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:42)

The next step is to analyze the condition when VCB is equal to 0 which is the same as
saying VEC is equal to VEB. So this is the next condition we want to analyze. So again
now we will erase this excess carrier concentration and will redraw them for the
condition that we now have. Now it is very easy to draw the excess carrier concentration
for this condition because we have actually analyzed the transistor in the beginning for
this condition that is collector base voltage equal to zero. So zero collector base voltage
means the excess carrier concentration is zero here. You have this excess carrier
distribution in the base then you have this for your emitter and you do not have any
excess carrier concentration in the collector because the collector base voltage is 0. In this
case you have already drawn the flow diagram, you have holes being injected from
emitter to base and a small part of them recombine and then the remaining get injected
into the collector.
You have electron current injected from base to emitter and this electron current
recombined with holes. These holes which are recombining here need electrons for
recombination so this is the electron current and this electron current is supplied by the
base. Again we neglect this recombination in the base so we remove this. This is in fact a
very simple flow diagram IC. Now what is the value of IC in this condition? We know that
IC is equal to beta times IB. If you want to write IC in terms of IB then IC is beta times IB.
So go up like this and this is the condition corresponding to VCB is equal to 0 and IC is
beta times IB, so this point is beta times IB. Again we are not taking into account the fact
that the current is outward and it should be negative. We always assume here, for the
purpose of analysis, on this board that the currents we are talking of are always the

magnitudes of the currents so IB is the magnitude of the base current. So beta times IB is
the collector current here.
Now, if this is IB and if this is beta times IB here then this diagram is not to scale because
we have seen that the transistor beta is about hundred for the example we considered. So
it can be fifty or it could be even more than hundred it varies but still it is a very large
value. So if you want to draw the diagram to scale really speaking this point should be
shown very close to origin on the scale. And similarly this voltage is also very small
because it is a difference of two forward bias voltages. If you recall the VEC is the
difference in forward bias across emitter base junction and collector base junction. So this
voltage is also is very small and it turns out as tens of mV.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:50)

So IB is microamps or tens of microamps and this voltage is about tens of mV whereas

the collector current on this axis is of the order of milliamps and this voltage is of the
order of V or tens of V. Therefore on such axis what happens is that this point and this
point appear very close to origin. So it is tens of mV on a 10 V axis and microamps or
tens of microamps on a mA axis. So this is very close and that is the reason why this
point appears to start from origin.

(Refer Slide Time: 37:19)

Let us look at the current voltage characteristics on the slide. These currents appear to
start from origin. Now we understand from a detailed analysis that the current is not 0, IC
is not 0 when VCE is 0. There is a small current but because the current is very small you
really do not see that small amount of current. Therefore these characteristics are shown
to start from origin. Now let us proceed further.
What will happen as you increase your VEC further?
So we need to move beyond this, now we are increasing the VEC further. What is going
happen is that now your base width modulation is going to come into picture. What is the
effect of having a reverse bias across the collector base junction was already discussed in
the previous lecture and we said there are two effects. One is, there is a reverse leakage
current IC0 and another is that there is a base width modulation and this base width
modulation has an effect on amplification. Right now we are interested in the base width
modulation effect on the IC VEC characteristics. For that purpose we must now show the
base width also clearly. Now let us redraw this diagram.
You have VCB less than 0, collector is negative with respect to base. Now we are showing
the depletion region of the collector junction which we have not shown so far. This is the
depletion region but again this is not exactly to scale but at least roughly to scale in the
sense that depletion region on the collector side of the junction is more than the depletion
region on the base side of the junction. Now here once you reverse bias the collector base
junction and if the reverse bias is more than three times Vt then we know that excess
carrier concentration here would be equal to the negative of the minority carrier
concentration so it would be something like this. This is what is responsible for the
current IC0.
Now, if you draw this diagram to scale then minority carrier concentration is very small
compared to the concentration when there is a forward bias present because when there is

a forward bias you know that minority carrier concentration is multiplied by exponential
of the forward bias by Vt. So when you draw it to scale in fact you will not be able to
show this at all. Therefore the concentration of minority carriers in the collector cannot
be shown if you draw the diagram to scale.
Now let us write the equation for collector current in this region, this is the so called
active region. This corresponds to VCB is equal to 0 beyond this you have the active
region of the transistor and it is in this region that we have analyzed our transistor so far.
To explain the transistor action and the amplification and so on it is this region that is
very useful because here in this region most of the emitter current is transferred to the
collector. What is the equation for IC? We know that IC is equal to alpha times IE when
collector base voltage is 0 and when collector base voltage is negative in a p-n-p
transistor when it is reverse bias you have this; this is the basic equation for the transistor.
Here we want to express in terms of the base current because it is the base current that is
being maintained constant. So to do that what we will do is transform this equation so
that we write; replace IE by IC plus IB, IE is equal to IC plus IB. So if you do that and
rearrange this equation you will get IC into 1 minus alpha is equal to alpha times IB plus
IC. Now this is the condition for VCB less than 0 and it is a p-n-p transistor.
Again rearranging this you get IC is equal to alpha by 1 minus alpha into IB plus 1 by 1
minus alpha into IC0. This quantity is nothing but beta so your equation is IC is equal to
beta times IB plus beta plus one time IC0. When IC is controlled by IE the current that
comes about is not in the collector because of the reverse saturation current of the
collector base junction. But when you are controlling IB and IC is being controlled by IB
in that configuration you have beta plus one time IC0 coming there.
(Refer Slide Time: 44:07)

There is a multiplication of this IC0 by beta. This is the equation for IC in this particular
active region. Now look at this equation carefully. If we assume that the beta is constant

with the emitter collector voltage then IC should be constant because IB is being
maintained constant and IC0 also is constant, we assume temperature to remain constant
and IC should be constant. That means you will have a curve which is just like this which
is flat. But when you look in the slide the current is increasing slowly and it is not
constant. Now this is because of the base width modulation effect and that is what we
have to see here. So because of base width modulation as your collector base voltage
reverse bias increases as you increase VEC your base width starts shrinking and this is
what you can see here. So, for zero bias you had this particular excess carrier
concentration but for reverse bias you have this and if your reverse bias increases you
will get this, so this is VCB is equal to 0 and progressively VCB is becoming more
negative. Now the collector current will not be constant because you can see the slope is
in fact increasing and that is why the collector current will also increase. From excess
carrier concentration it is very clear why the IC increases because of base width
Now we can actually estimate the extent of increase using this equation which is also
another way of looking at it. When your base width is less your beta is more so what is
happening in this equation beta is not constant with VCE. So the situation is that beta
increases as VEC increases. And this is because base width WB falls. Therefore because of
the increase in beta with VEC instead of a flat current you get a current that is increasing
like this, so you have a slope. Let us try to get an idea of this slope because we have tried
to get an idea of these magnitudes such as how much is this voltage, how much is this
current etc so we should have some idea so that we know how the curve looks like. Now
how much will this voltage be? For VCB is equal to 0 this voltage is nothing but VEB this
is a forward bias which is about 0.6 0.7 V and this is beta times IB so this is of the order
of milliamps.
Now how much is the increase in current for a certain increase in voltage?
For this purpose we must try to see how beta changes with VEC or in other words how
beta changes with WB. So let us try to write an equation for beta as a function of WB. We
can do this easily because we have written an equation for alpha. Now alpha was 1 minus
WB square by 2LB square minus WB by LE into DE by DB into NB by NE. Now if this is
alpha and beta is alpha by 1 minus alpha. Therefore we can approximate numerator as 1
to avoid a complicated formula and 1 minus alpha would be simply this plus this. In
modern transistor this term is very small when compared to this term. So 1 minus alpha
can be simply written as WB DE NB and LE DB NE. So, for a modern transistor whose beta
is governed by injection efficiency and this is the beta. Clearly from here we can see beta
is proportional to 1 by WB. As your WB changes your beta will increase and let us assume
other things to remain constant.

(Refer Slide Time: 49:37)

Now, based on this we can try to find out how much increment in current will be there for
a given increment in the emitter to collector voltage. We shall denote the value of beta
corresponds to VCB is equal to 0 using a symbol beta0. So beta is equal to beta0 when VCB
is 0 and similarly the base width is WB0 for the same condition. Now we have beta by
beta0 where beta corresponds to any other value of VEC. So when VCB is equal to 0 you
know that VEC is equal to VEB. Therefore beta is the value for any VEC. So beta by beta0
can be written as WB0 by WB where WB is the base width for any voltage condition
because beta is inversely proportional to WB.
Now we can write this WB as WB0 minus the change in the depletion width in the base
from the collector side, let us call it as delta XB. What is delta XB? The delta XB is the
change in the depletion layer on the base side at the collector junction. Therefore this is 1
by 1 minus delta XB by WB0 is your beta by beta0. Now let us see what is delta XB. This is
your collector junction and at zero bias if suppose this is your depletion width this is the
base. Now, for any other bias your depletion width will be this. So this is what we are
calling as delta XB. Now this delta XB can be written as follows. Let us take a specific
example, the example we considered, a quantitative example. For that example we found
that this depletion width was 0.085 microns and the voltage corresponding to this which
was the built-in voltage was psi0 in the collector junction of 0.637 V.
Let us take a specific case. Supposing I want to find out the depletion width on this side
for 9 V reverse bias. So VCB is equal to minus 9 V what will be the depletion width? Now
one can find this out very easily. You know that this depletion width will call this XB so
this is XB. So XB is proportional to square root of the potential drop across the depletion

(Refer Slide Time: 54:39)

So we will write XB0 which is the XB for VCB is equal to 0 so following this same
convention here we write XB is equal to XB0. XB is the depletion region on the base side
of the collector junction. XB0 now depends on psi0C which is the built-in potential across
the collector junction. So we can write XB by XB0 is equal to square root of psi0 in the
collector junction plus the value of VCB by psi0 of the collector junction. So it is XB by
XB0 is equal to square root of psi0 plus VCB by psi0. Therefore delta XB can be written as
XB minus XB0 is equal to XB0(XB by XB0 minus 1 is equal to XB0 square root of 1 plus
VCB by psi0 C minus 1 in the simplified form. This is the value of delta XB.
(Refer Slide Time 57:29)

Now substituting the typical numbers from our example delta XB for, here we are
estimating for VCB is equal to minus 9 V. So delta XB is equal to XB0 is 0.085 microns
(square root of 1 plus 9 by 0.637 minus 1). This whole thing is micrometer so that is your
delta XB. Now you can use your calculators and try to estimate this value which
corresponds to VCB is equal to 9 V negative which we should write here. So it is delta XB
for VCB minus 9 V is the value. So 9 by 0.64 so this will be 9 by 0.6, this is close to 15
and this quantity will be between 15 and 16 because it is 1 plus this. Now square root of
16 is about 4 so 4 minus 1 is about 3 so this is approximately equal to three times 0.085
micrometer that is your delta XB. Now we can substitute that here and we recall that WB0
was about 0.8 microns. When collector base voltage was 0 the base width was about 0.8
(Refer Slide Time: 58:35)

Therefore we can write beta for VCB is equal to minus 9 V by beta0 is equal to 1 by 1
minus 3 into 0.085 by 0.8 which is approximately equal to. This is about one tenth so this
about 3 by 10 and this is about 1 by 0.7 which means beta is 1 by 0.7 so it is about 1.4
times beta0 is what you get. This means you find that beta is increasing by forty percent
where you will have a lot of change in the character current when you go from this point
which is VCB is equal to 0 to the point VCB is equal to 9. So you will have a current
increasing from this value to 1.4 times this value. So this gives an idea of how much
change in the collector current is there for change in collector to emitter voltage.

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