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Lec 33

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Industrial Automation and Control

Prof. S. Mukhopadhyay
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Lecture - 33
DC and BLDC Servo Drives

(Refer Slide Time: 01:05)

Welcome to lesson 33 of the course on Industrial Automation and Control. So, in this
lesson we are going to look at DC drives we will continue with DC drives, but we will
look at DC drives which are supplied by a different kind of power source called switch
mode converters. And then we will once we do that and we understand how it works, we
are going to extend the DC drives to what are known as brushless DC drives, which are
very popular nowadays, so we are going to first look at DC-DC converters and their
operations. Then, we are going to look at these DC-DC converter fed DC drives, we are
going to look at their single quadrant, two quadrant operations. And finally we are going
to take a look at BLDC drives or brushless DC drives, so our instruction objective today
are the following.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:03)

So, first we will after the lesson the student will be able to understand the basic concept
of how a switch mode converter works, what sort of a power source it is and if it is
connected across the armature of the DC motor then what happens during its operation.
This is the first instructional objective, the second is that, so once these various kinds of
switching’s go on, so we will see how the DC motor can be made to motor or it can be
made to break, so that we will understand.

Next, is we will also see that you know there are some kinds of drives, which do not
require which may not require all four quadrants. And so there may be a single quadrant
drive requirement or there may be a two quadrant type requirement in which case it is
not really necessary to have four quadrant drive and you can simplify the circuitry, so
will see them.

The next one and then finally we will extend the concept of BLDC these DC drives and
to a new kind of motor called brushless DC motor, which does not have the disadvantage
of the brush, but has the advantage of the DC motor, which is that the armature. And the
field fluxes are perpendicular, which leads to a very simplified control structure and also
very good control sensitivity. So, we will see that how we can have the best of both
worlds; obviously, at the cost of increased electronics.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:50)

So, now we look at first, we first set off to understand this switch mode converter circuit
and here is a single phase switch mode converter. Sometimes it is this same circuit
topology is also called a PWM inverter, because the same topology can be used to
generate in this case what we are doing with this circuit is that, we have an AC supply
which is our normal AC supply line frequency, then we have a rectifier. So, a normal
rectifier, constant it is not a variable voltage rectifier, this is the constant voltage rectifier.

So, some diodes, a bridge rectifier along with a capacitor, a large filter capacitor which,
so these two together is basically constructs a constant voltage DC source, let me choose
a slightly thicker pen and white, so constant voltage dc source. Now, this phase
controlled rectifier is this not phase control rectifier, this switch mode DC-DC converter
is actually produces, in this case it produces the variable voltage DC, which can the
either positive or negative and apply this variable voltage DC, bipolar DC to the
armature depending on the requirement of motoring or breaking as decided by the speed

So, as we have seen that in a speed control loop, we are going to determine what sort of
armature voltage we need to apply, depending on our load disturbance or whatever and
these are typically used for servo drives. So, even if there are load disturbances, we want
the speed to be constant or we want the position to be exactly accurately reached these
are the kinds of drives which are used in, let us say CNC machines.
So, we need to have a good control loop, which will quickly accelerate and decelerate
these machines, so that it is going to do by controlling these switches and why it is called
it is the same topology which is used in PWM inverters because of the fact that it is a
bipolar topology. So, we can also we can always generate positive and negative voltages.
So, if we give our reference commands in a suitable sinusoidal manner, we can also get
an AC out of it.

The only advantage is that we can get variable frequency AC out of it, if you use it in
that mode it will be an inverter, inverter generates AC from DC, but in this case it is
being used as a variable voltage bipolar DC source remember. So, first of all let us look
at it, so we have four switches, which I have termed A plus and A minus and B plus and
B minus and with respective to and for in parallel with each switch there are four diodes.

So, we have DA plus which is in parallel with the switch in A plus, DA minus in parallel
with M minus and similarly DB plus and DB minus. This DC source has this terminal as
positive, so this is the positive terminal of the DC source and this is the zero voltage
terminal, so we are assuming that it is plus and zero. So, and these are the terminals
which are connected to the motor armature, so this A and B, here is the motor, so we
have the back emf source, which depends on the solely depends on the speed of the
motor then we have the armature resistance and inductance.

So, as we can see, that if at any time, this switches are operated in pairs, so we have
either A plus and B minus on in which case this terminal A is positive and this terminal
B is negative or we have B plus and A minus on in which case, we have the terminal B
as positive, it is positive connected through this positive terminal. While this terminal A
gets connected to zero or ground or neutral whatever you call it.

So, you see first point to be noted is that by making the switch is on and off, we can
apply either positive terminal voltage or negative terminal voltage to these to the
armature, so the voltages can be reversed, now comes the question of the current. Now,
suppose what is going to happen, so now, before the understand what is going to happen,
we are going to see that in some detail, let us take a look at the control law that we are
going to using and then come back to the circuit and see how what sort of voltages and
currents will result.
So, let us first see the switching law that is used and then we will see that what kind of
voltages and currents are produced in the motor, in response to that switching law and
what will be its impact on the motion of the motor. So, that is we are going to see that, so
let us go little bit forward and then come back to it, so first of all some simplifying
assumptions, first is that the switches are ideal, so we are going to we are going assume
that there instantaneous turn on and off.

(Refer Slide Time: 10:38)

There is zero resistance, but the switches are unidirectional you must remember that in
all other respects is like a switch, but expecting for the fact that we cannot have a current
flowing in the opposite direction in the switch, these are the properties of this electronic
switches. We will also assume that the source is ideal that is the DC source is ideal, it has
zero internal impedance and if it has zero internal impedance that is, it has zero

So, whatever current is drawn it is a constant ideal voltage DC source, which can source
enough amount of current that the converter may need, we are going to assume that and
it is to you know such that the source, real source actually approximates that we actually
put all those filter capacitors, large capacitors. We will also assume that the inductors
and the capacitors are ideal, so there is no loss.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:39)

So, having said that we will first note that the terminal voltage across the armature
voltage is basically VA minus VB, so we note that and as we will see that in this circuit,
the instantaneous terminal voltage and currents can be of either polarity, you can have
you can have positive positive, positive negative, negative positive and negative
negative. So, they can be changed independently, it is not necessary that if the voltage is
positive current has to be positive.

So, there will exists instants, where all four kinds of combinations will occur. Sometimes
you may also find that even if the switch is on, because of its unidirectional property. It
will not carry any current, so while it will set the voltage it will not carry the current and
we must remember that the both switches in one arm can never be on, because if it is on
then the DC supply is going to be shorted by zero resistance. Even if it is not zero, in
practice it is going to be shorted by a very a low resistance and it will cause damage to
the supply certain, so we obviously, cannot have that as existing. So, now let us look at
our first, let us look at our control law is that let us go back.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:19)

So, first of all do not look at the rest of the diagram, so first of all let us look at the
diagram up to this, so only look at the top part of the diagram, so what do you have, we
have a triangular wave, so this yellow triangular waves. This V, this is a wave of a
certain fixed frequency of rather high frequency this much we remember that the if that
this is the major difference with the line frequency converters, the line frequency
converters always switch the switches become on and off at line frequency which is 50
hertz in our case.

But here as we will see that the frequency of switching will be determined by this
triangular wave frequency, which is generally much higher than the line frequency it is
of the order of several kilo hertz, it could be 50 100 kilo hertz, it is not I means in some
smaller converters or IC converts, but it can easily be 10 20 30 40 kilo hertz. So, it is
about a thousand times higher frequency than you have in line frequency converts that
you have seen in the last lesson.

Now, we have a triangular wave, which is of that frequency and we have a control
voltage which is a DC voltage, so this is a DC, but this is the voltage that my controller
keeps changing. So, this is applied by the speed controller, applied by speed controller,
so now suppose this voltage is at this level, so what is our control law, our control law is
that wherever the control voltage will be less than the triangular voltage value, triangular
voltage is continuously changing.
So, at this point, the let us say before this the control voltage was greater than the
triangular voltage, while from here up to here the control voltage is less than the
triangular voltage. So, our control law is based on this relative comparison and the
control law says that.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:54)

If the triangular voltage instantaneous value is less than V control then we are going to
have A plus and B minus as on and if it is not then we are going to have A minus and B
plus as on, so let us see what happens. So, now we go back to our circuit, so this is my
triangular wave control static.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:19)

So, you see that as we vary, let us note this, why it is called it is also called PWM control
is because of the fact that as you make the control where either speed controller makes
the control voltage level go up and down. So, what happens is that you see that during
this time A plus and B minus rather A minus and B plus are on and during this time A
minus and B plus are on, so whenever, so you see that this voltage pulses.

So, whenever A minus and B plus are on VB become goes to positive because B plus is
on, so VB will go to positive, while here A plus and B minus are on, so VA will go to
positive. So, by moving this we can vary the width of these voltage pulses and therefore,
that it is called a pulse width modulation control. So, if we do this, then we can vary the
average value, remember that this is happening at a very high frequency, so therefore,
since the motor is a low frequency device you must remember that the motor is a low
frequency device.

So, a very high frequency voltage input is not going to have any impact on the motor,
only the low frequency part of the applied voltage is going to produce some motion. So,
therefore, we need to consider the average value of these waves and by changing this
pulse widths, we can make this average values go from a positive to a negative. So, this
is what we are going to achieve that is why is called a pulse width modulated control, so
now let us see that how the voltages and the currents actually vary, if we switch those
make the switches on and off like that, so that is look at the circuit.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:50)

So, now we are ready to see the voltages and current, so initially suppose A plus and B
minus where on, so you the current was, so the voltage was positive, the armature
voltage was positive. And current was also flowing as positive, so the moment, so you
what, so what you what happens is that the current is positive and suppose also suppose
that the motor is now rotating in such a direction. So, the suppose the motor is motoring,
so if it is motoring then we will typically have the back emf opposing the motor will be
motoring with the average value is positive.

So, for most of the time, the pulse widths will be such that on an average for more time
A plus and B minus will be on, so suppose that then the motor is rotating in a positive
direction such that the polarity of the back emf all as shown. In the motoring mode it will
be it will be opposing the applied voltage and it will be lower than that, so there is a net
current flowing, and the difference between VAB and EA is being dropped in the R and
L So, basically the equation is VA ab minus ea this is the net emf is equal to Ri plus Ldi
by dt.

So, since this is positive, so therefore, Ldi by dt is likely to be positive and the current
generally keeps increasing, so when the current is increasing then the current is as shown
by the white arrows and the voltage across the inductor is also this is positive and this is
negative. So, it is opposing the correct by Lenz's law, it will always oppose the current.
Now, at this point of time right, so it this is going on for some time and then in the mean
time V triangular T has crossed V control level.

So, at that point of time this will open, so this will become open and this will become on
and this will become on and this will become off. So, suddenly the now the voltage is
reversed, so now, this is negative and this is positive, but as we know that current
through an inductor cannot be instantaneously reversed. So, therefore, the inductor for a
short amount of time the inductor will now what the inductor will try to do is, it will try
to maintain the current and it will instantly switch off its, so change its polarities.

So, it will now suddenly see the back emf, see the still the motor is rotating in the same
direction rotation cannot be changed, so fast at kilo hertz frequency because it involve
inertia. So, the motor is rotating in the same direction therefore, the polarities of the back
emf are the same, but this inductor will now suddenly switch its voltages, voltage across
the inductor will instantaneously change such that the current is maintained. And it will
still for short duration it will use its magnetic stored energy to drive the current in the
same direction.

So, the current through the inductor will keep flowing in this direction, so it will go here
now this switch is off, so therefore, you previously it was flowing, previously if you have
noticed it was flowing through this path, but now it cannot flow through this path. So,
therefore, it has to, so what will happen is that because of the inductor will generate
enough potential such that this diode will become forward biased and the current will
start flowing in this path and similarly the current it cannot come through this path, now
because this switch is open.

So, therefore, it will to start flowing through this diodes, see that, it cannot flow through
the switch because this switch is unidirectional, so in this switch current cannot passed
through. So therefore, even if the switch is on the current will flow through the diode and
now to be able to sustain this inverse voltage and sustain the current now the di by dt is it
has to have a very large di by dt, so the current is falling very sharply. Now, at one point
of time when the current falls sharply then what will happen is that this current will
actually fall to zero.

Now, after the current falls to zero then what will happen is that you see still this is
negative, this is negative, so after the current start following to zero this VA minus ea, ea
we can assume that at the, as for as the switching frequency is concerned. Since the
motor cannot accelerate or decelerate, so fast, so we can assume that at that switching
frequency is if you consider one cycle of switching then the speed of the motor remains

So, therefore, the ea polarity is going to stay same, so ea is the neither will the speed for
appreciably over one cycle it will fall a little bit. So, we can assume that that this back
emf is also a constant voltage source, it remains un change in polarity and in magnitude.
So, now once this armature, once this armature inductance source has die down because
a current has reached zero, now this VA minus ea will take over. So, this VA minus ea
would now the current will reverse, so now the current will start flowing through this

So, we can use, we can use this one, so now the current will reverse and it will start
flowing through this or rather no it will actually start flowing through this path. And the
current will reverse and it will sorry it cannot it will flow through this path. Similarly,
exactly the similar thing will happen again when V triangular T will become less than V
control, at that time again this will off be off and these two will become on and then
again for sometime the inductor will try to maintain the current in this direction.

So, now the currents will the switches will be on, so the voltage will terminal voltage
will again be positive, but the currents will continue to flow through the other branch that
is the current will continue to flow, it will start flowing through this now. So, in that
mode again the current will start flowing through this it will still following the old path,
but it will now flow through this and will flow through this path, even if the switch is on.

So, these are the situations that occur continuously at that 10 kilo hertz or 20 kilo hertz
frequency, so now we are once, we have understood that such a see that there are
situations where voltage is positive, but current has not reversed because of the inductor
magnetic energy. If we watch it after some then current will also reversed, so we have V
negative, I negative. Similarly, we have the other situation, so the it is for this reason that
we said that all kind of combinations are found and what will be the average effect of all
these combinations entirely will depend on the pulse width.

So, for how long which combination stays, we are going to have the net torque, the net
voltage and the net current, so everything will have to be averaged over long time to get
the effect. So, now we go back to our waveforms, you have already seen these, so now
we come to the waveforms.

(Refer Slide Time: 27:51)

So, this is what is happening, so the movement V control is as long as V control is less
than V is control is greater than V triangular, we have A plus and B minus on. So
therefore, voltages VAN is positive and VBN is zero, B is at the neutral voltage.
Similarly, the movement it crosses this VAN goes to zero and VBN goes to positive, so
if you see, if you want to draw the terminal voltage then it will look like, so initially it
will be VAN minus VBN, so it will be positive VBN.

So, VAB if you want to plot VAB then VAB will go negative here, because there is
VAN is zero and VBN is positive, so VAN minus VBN is going to be negative. So, now
this white mark that I am drawing, so the terminal voltage VAB across the motor is
going to be like this white mark. So, you see that what is the what is now the average
terminal voltage VAB; obviously, it is VAN minus VBN is V which is the Vdc. So, it is
going to be Vdc, average is going to be Vdc into t on divided by, so basically t on by t on
plus t off.

If I call this as t on and this as t of, so it is going to be Vdc into t on by t on plus t off, no
now t off is equal T minus t on, so it is going to be Vdc into t on plus minus Vdc into t
off divided by T, so it is going to be Vdc t off is T minus t on. So therefore, into two t on
minus t by T. So, it is 2 Vdc into t on by T minus 1 this is the voltage expression,
average voltage right, so what happens is if t on is t on by t is half then we have exactly
zero voltage, if t on by t is one then we have a positive Vdc voltage, if t one by t is zero,
then if then we have negative Vdc voltage, so this is the picture.

Now, what happens to the current, so look at this that, so the current was increasing
during this time because of the fact that Ldi by dt there was there was some net voltage
which is applied voltage is positive, opposing back emf is ea. So, VA minus ea is the net
voltage, which is which is being draft across ra and ia, so if, so whatever is left is being
consumed in the Ldi by dt, so the current keeps increasing. So, the current keeps
increasing at this point of time, suddenly the switch is off, at this point of time.

So, immediately what is going to happening is now the inductor is trying to drive the
current in the same direction, so the current is still in the same direction, it is still
positive, but it is rapidly coming down, because the inductor is trying to a large Ldi by dt
is being created. So, di by dt is very sharply falling and it is overcoming the applied
voltage and the and the back emf, so it will sharply falling at this point of time it has
crossed 0.

So, during this time the diodes are conduction, so during this time DA minus and DB
plus are conducting, during this time, during this time, this time. After that for some time
here A minus and B plus are conductor because current has become negative and after
that they are again being switched off. So, the moment they are switched off now the
current from negative it is coming, it is now rising, it is now rising.

And you see that the two rates of fall and rise are actually different why, because of the
fact that that in one case the di by dt has to be so large in the during this time the applied
voltage and di by dt are actually of the same polarity. So, there has to be a such a large di
by dt then it can overcome that while in during this time, the applied voltage and the di
by dt are not of the same polarity. And then the current is at this point of time, now the
current is I mean, here they are aiding and here they are opposing actually.

There of different they are aiding during this phase, so a large voltage has to be current
has to be driven against a large voltage therefore, di by dt is falling sharply, on the other
hand here di by dt rises slower. So, the current rises at this point of time again from here
the MOSFET or IGBT whatever switches you have or thirstier they will take over and
from here these thirstier conduct on the current again rises. So, this is the way that the
current changes.

So, what is now again you have to find, if you want to find the torque, you have find the
average armature current and you can easily find out from that this is the zero line, so
you can easily find out that the average armature current is actually positive. So, you are
going to have a positive torque, that is because of the fact that A plus and B minus are
actually on for a large larger duration, so current is positive.

If you had made A minus and B plus on for a larger duration that is if you have change
the pulse width t on by t off if you are played with you would have got a negative
current. So, here the current can be reversed and the voltage can be reversed and that is
why you get a four quadrant control. So, this is the way these drives operate and
remember that these current switching’s are actually occurring at, there are some other
modes of the circuit, which we have not discovered like a which we are not discussed.

Like, we have you know, current controls switching which we are not considering even
within one mode, but even then the switching’s are occurring at very fast frequencies and
therefore, the current ripples are really high frequency ripples. And therefore, they do not
have impacts on the motor, dynamic that is the motor motion, so therefore, the torque
ripples are much less, so this is the way, that what is the matter.

(Refer Slide Time: 36:20)

So, now there is also another interesting thing that we want to mention that is the it turns
out that is the armature voltage is actually proportional to the control voltage that is very
interesting. So, we as we have said that V average AN is t on by Ts into Vd, Vd is the
DC voltage, similarly V average BN is t off by Ts into Vd, so t off is 1 minus t on rather
T minus t on, so you get this one.

So, Vav the V average across the terminal is 2 t on to by Ts minus 1 into Vd that is we
have to derived just and now let us what is the triangular volt wave, a triangular wave, let
say the any first part is nothing, but. So, there is a suppose the pick value is V triangular
this is Vtri, so what is the time domain, what is the time function. So, the time function
up to this it is a triangular wave, so it has four legs, so we have to describe them by four
different time functions.

So, during this straight did the time function is Vtri, this Vtri into at any point of time t
and this is Ts by four, so it rises from zero to Vtri in time Ts by four. So, therefore, this is
the time function for the triangular wave during the period. t less than Ts by four greater
than 0 during this time this is the time function, so I do not know why it is getting
locked, now suppose will be will see this.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:11)

So, suppose a time t 1 the triangular wave becomes equal to V control, so therefore, this
equation will hold and therefore, this time once you are given V control and we are given
V triangular then this t 1 can be solved from it, it is like this. Now, what will happened at
if the if this is t 1.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:48)

So, now what is t on, you can actually, if you actually see So, this is t 1 and this is t 1,
this is also t 1, this is also t 1, so what is the time during which so the time during which
this stays on see this t on is, this is t 1 this is Ts by 2 half of the triangular wave. So, this
is Ts by 2 plus t 1 plus t 1 this is the duration. So, the switching occur here, here and here
again, so it is 2 t 1 plus Ts by 2 and we know what is t 1 is. So, we put just substitute t 1,
so we get this is t on, so if this is t on then what is t off.
(Refer Slide Time: 40:07)

So, now V average t, we know what is the average t, so we just substitute this value of t
on, so t on which I substitute, if you substitute we will get this expression. So, you see
the in that V triangular is a constant, it is a design constant you have chosen, Vd is a
constant it is a DC source. So, this is that V average t which you apply across the motor
is simply, the simply proportional to V control, so just by switching up and on and off
this DC voltage, you can apply a proportional average voltage to the armature, which can
turn positive and negative, so it is that is why the circuit is, so popular.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:00)

So, having said that, so this is the diagram that you are seeing that if current reverses
what will happens, so we have already explain that and these are the equations.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:07)

So, ea is K phi omega m, torque is K phi into ia and finally, speed will be given by
solving this differential equation J d omega m, these are the equations of the motor
standard separately excited motor equation, fluxes assume constant and unchanged with
the variation of armature current. So, the equations are, so simple. So, there are
situations, when ia is still positive, but decreasing then it is still accelerating ia is positive
means, it to torque is still positive right and depends on the net torque can be negative
also. Similarly, if current is reverse, but speed is still not reverse then we are having for
the temporary duration we are having deceleration.
(Refer Slide Time: 41:59)

Now, this is the basic four quadrant operation, now we look at simpler versions of this
for example, we look at two quadrant operation, If we have two quadrant operation then
we have only this circuit. So, you see that we are only using one arm, the previous circuit
that we have seen this is the DC source, we are using only one arm and we are correcting
the motor across this across this arm, the other arm is fixed to the ground, so then what
happens is that, now with this circuit.

(Refer Slide Time: 42:38)

If you want to do motoring, so we do A on off and B off, so B is off all the time, so when
A is on the current passes through this, so terminal voltage is positive and current is
positive, so motor is, so it is, it will be motoring. If we if we put A off when what will
happen is that the current will still circulate through this for some time, so we can control
the, it will be falling because now the Ldi by dt will change terminal and it will start
driving the current in the same direction against the armature back emf.

So, the current will be falling, but it will be still be in the same direction, so by, so by
controlling this how long you are keeping it on and how long keeping it off, this current
can be make fall and so the average value of the current can be controlled. Similarly,
when you want to have breaking then A is on A is off and B is on or off, so when you
have B as on, so then what will happen is that when you want to have breaking then A is
off and B is on or off.

So, if B is off and A is off, then it is still circulating, but the movement this is off actually
this then what will happen is that, so when B is on. So, after sometime what will happen
is that this current when B is on then what will happen is that for some time the armature
inductance will drive against ea and the current will start falling, but it will still fall in
this direction.

After that when the current comes to zero at that time or the when the, when the current
becomes when this current comes to zero, then this Ldi by dt effect will be not there and
then the motor emf will start driving current through this path. So, then the motor emf
will be driving current through this path and it may drive current through this path or
depends on this voltage.

So, what will happen is that the motor electromechanical energy will get spent, because
this is basically this voltage source is generated by them by the motion of the motor, so
the, so the motor will start slowing down. So, therefore, it will be breaking, so you see
that, so you can see that it will you can still do motoring and breaking in one direction
right, but you will not be able to change the direction of rotation of the motor and
therefore, it is a two quadrant control. So, in one direction, you can do motoring and
breaking, on the other hand if you still simplified the circuit, you could have a single
quadrant operation.
(Refer Slide Time: 46:00)

So, for example, this is a very simple one, in which you cannot even break so you can
only, if you switch it on then the current will be flowing in this direction, if you switch it
off. Then there is no way that this there is, so if you switch if off then it will current will
circulate, but still current will be in the same direction. Current cannot reverse in this
case because you have not provided that switch, so therefore, since this is the
unidirectional switch therefore current cannot reverse, so current can only be positive
and therefore, voltage can also be only positive.

So, you have a single quadrant control, so these are you know simpler versions of these
converters, so now we will quickly see, we have seen single quadrant operation and two
quadrant operation. So, now, will see another we will see the extension to what are
known as brushless DC motor, which are actually which have permanent magnet rotors.
(Refer Slide Time: 47:09)

So now the armature is now, so now the field has come to the rotor the DC field, see why
brushes were required because you wanted to feed armature current into the rotating.
Whenever you have a, you want the feed current into a rotating body you have must have
either a brush or a slip ring kind of arrangement, which is difficult to maintain, so
therefore, what we do is we change the places where we want to give supply.

So, what we do is, we now create the field in the rotor, so we have permanent magnet
rotors and this will become highly popular after there are some materials have been
discovered, which can create which in a very, which can have very high, very high
magnetic intensities can be created by these magnets. So, you know, so previously
people use to use want, so there not iron, they are actually made of some special kinds of
material called rare earth in the periodic table you have some rare earth elements.

And these are made of these rare earth magnets are made of this rare earth and they for
example, a typical one is cobalt samarium and sometimes you have, there is another
version which is neodymium iron boron. So, these magnets can create fields, which are
order of magnitude larger than what can produce with different grades of iron. So now
you have you fix this magnets on the rotor either as a surface magnet or which is on the
rotor or you sometimes when you have very high speed motors, then these magnets
fixing the magnets become very difficult and they tend to you know fly away.
So, therefore, sometime you have interior magnet designs, where the magnet is inside the
rotor body, so now imagine that these magnets now you have a rotating field as the rotor
rule rotate, you have a rotating field in the rotor. You will probably notice, later on we
are going to do this, that is why there sometimes, it is sometimes said they are like
synchronous motors because in the synchronous motors like what we have all these
power generators that are used in the generating stations, we have we apply DC field in
the rotor.

So, since we are also doing that using permanent magnet, so they are sometimes called
you know there, it is said that they are really synchronous machines. So, now what is the
problem, so now the problem is different the problem is if you want to generate good
torque then the field in the rotor and the field in the stator must be perpendicular. Then
they will generate good torque and if you want to have a simple control strategy then
they should stay perpendicular all the time and the DC motor there this brush commutate
arrangement, the fields are fixed in space. So, the rotating field of the rotor in the DC
motor by the brush commutate arrangement is kept fixed in space and here just a reverse
happens, here what we do is here we have, we do not use a brush.

(Refer Slide Time: 50:42)

So, when we do not use a brush, our field in the rotor is rotating, so what we do is by
complex electronic switching and by sensing the rotor position, we also keep rotating the
stator field. So, now both are rotating previously in the DC motor the stator the field was
both the fields were fixed in space, they were not moving even if the rotor was moving.
Now, the both the fields are rotating, but by cleverly rotating the stator field, I am always
maintaining that perpendicularity.

So, while they are rotating they are always remaining perpendicular and therefore, that
that basic property of the DC motor is being satisfied. So, this is essentially what are then
why they are called brush less DC machines, so seen this diagram, we have this rotor
which is rotating and there is a sensor which is sensors the rotor position and we have the
stators. So, the deduction of the stator fields, now which stator we now you can see that
you if you controlling the switching’s, we can send current through these two or we can
send current through these or we can send current through these two.

So, by controlling the switching as we have seen, we can send current through different
combinations of stator fields and therefore we can orient the stator fields in space also.
So, as the rotor is rotating if you keep on changing the orientation of the stator field to
maintain that perpendicularity then we will get a control like that of a DC motor, so this
is the principle. So, you see that the various emf’s which are induced in the stator fields.

(Refer Slide Time: 52:23)

Now, by construction they are very trapezoidally, because the rotor is rotating, so first
the emf in one stator winding, there are three stator windings, so there you see that they
are 120 degree phase difference apart. So, as the rotor is rotating, first this emf is, so the
emfs across are actually varying with rotor angles like this. Now, naturally now if you
switch your currents with refers to these emfs then you will get the DC motor like action.

(Refer Slide Time: 53:01)

So, you see that the currents are switch for example, when is the a is current switched
when the a is emf is full when is the b phase current switched when the b phase emf
which is green is switched. So, you see that you are always if you see in the next
diagram, so you see that during this is the back emf, this is the current even driving again
and look at the other one. So, at any 60 degree interval this is the current entering and
this is the current going out this is 0 and so during when a phase is positive. So, positive,
positive while this is negative, negative. So, you are always delivering power into two
windings, so if you see the next diagram.
(Refer Slide Time: 54:00)

You will find that at any point of time, you are delivering power E into I which remains
constant into two windings, so you see take any point of time the total input power is
always 2 EPIP. So, here it is the EPIP, EPIP here it is EPIP, EPIP, so your constant
power is being delivered, mechanical power is being delivered into the motor and there is
no variation in that even if there is switching. So, the motored motion is very smooth, so
this is what is happening, this is the way the PM is controlled. So, depending on the rotor
position you will have the switch on the corresponding currents and then you will get
torque, so this brings us to the end of the lesson.

(Refer Slide Time: 54:48)

So, what we are seen are basic operations of switch mode converters and we have seen
that how they can be used in drives, one quadrant, two quadrant, four quadrant and
finally, we had seen the extension of these drives. So, this can how this concept can be
easily extended, we have not gone into of course, how the switching are realized and
there analysis, but that will be too involved, but we have seen that how even without
having a brush, we having a permanent magnet rotor and by reorienting the stator flexes
in space.

In synchrony with the rotor motion, we can get a DC motor like operation without
brushes, only thing we have to remember that the price that we are going to pay for these
are two fold, one is that we are going to have more complex electronics to be able to
rotate the stator flux and second is that we are going to require a position sensor. So, our
rotor position sensor is necessary for this, there are of there is of course, a lot of research
for other things, but as far as we know a position sensor is required. So, that is all and in
the next lesson, we will be talking about AC motor drives.

Thank you very much.

Industrial Automation and Control

Prof. S. Mukhopadhyay

Department of Electrical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Lecture No - 34

Introduction Motor Drives

Welcome to lesson 34 of the course on, Industrial Automation. Today we are mainly
going to talk on, not mainly solely going to talk on induction motor drives, so we are
going to talk on induction motor drives.
(Refer Slide Time: 56:38)

The instructional objectives are the following, first we will briefly see how an induction
motor works and we will try to see the principle of operation and the basic equivalent
circuit etcetera. So, the student will be able to explain how an induction motor works,
then then we will see that if once we know what the induction motor is we will see what
are the basic strategies of induction motor control that is how we can speed it up, how we
can break it, etcetera.

Having done that, we will see how, we will go to the technology side and see how there
are two kinds of induction motor reason AC machine, so it uses inverters. So, we will see
actually it can be it can use various other things, but we will look at inverter driven
induction motor drives and we will first look at the square wave inverter, which is a
simple inverter. And then we will look at the PWM inverters, which are more
complicated devices, but have advantages. And finally we will see how an induction
motor, what are induction motor control loops looks like.
(Refer Slide Time: 58:27)

So, to this end, first let us see what are the advantages of an induction motor, see these
advantages, we are considering against what we are considering visa V, typically visa V
DC motors. So, what did we see in the DC motor that DC motors have higher weight,
their armature cost waves more, cost more, basically because of the brush commutator
arrangement and so the induction motor has lower cost and lower weight.

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