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MSC Ge Modules Description

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Master of Science (Geotechnical Engineering)
Description of Modules
Core Modules

CE4257- Linear Finite Element Methods

Workload1: 3-0-0-1-6
This module equips students with the fundamentals of finite element principles to enable them to
understand the behaviour of various finite elements and to be able to select appropriate elements
to solve physical and engineering problems with emphasis on structural and geotechnical
engineering applications. It covers weak formulation, element shape function, isoparametric
concepts, 1-D, 2-D, 3-D and axisymmetric elements, field problems, modeling and practical
considerations, special elements and related topics. The module is targeted at undergraduate and
graduate students involved in research or application of the finite element method in civil
engineering problems.
CE5108- Earth Retaining Structures
Workload: 3-0-0-1-6
This module teaches students the behaviour and basic design principles of a wide range of earth
retaining systems. Students will learn to understand the fundamental behaviour of earth retaining
structures and apply the methods of limit state and other design concepts to the design of rigid and
flexible retaining walls, cellular cofferdams and deep supported excavations. Through lectures and
case studies, the course covers the application of limit state design concepts to rigid and flexible
retaining walls, cellular cofferdams and deep supported excavations, including earth pressure
theories, failure mechanisms, ultimate load and serviceability limit states. This module enables
students to acquire the knowledge and practical skills through the lectures, case studies and
CE6101- Geotechnical Constitutive Modelling
Workload: 3-0-0-1-6
This module introduces students to the various aspects of soil behaviour and their modeling
using some of the more commonly used constitutive models. The course is divided into a few
major segments. The first covers basic concepts of stress, strain, effective stress, stress and strain
paths. The second covers mathematical elasticity using the generalized Hookes Law and its
prediction of soil behaviour. The third part covers basic concepts of plasticity and shear-induced
plasticity as is encapsulated in the Mohr-Coulomb criterion. The fourth part covers critical state
soil mechanics, stress-dilatancy, leading eventually to simple volumetric hardening plasticity
models such as the original and the modified Cam Clay models. The last part deals with real soil
behaviour and the idealizations made by these constitutive models.

Workload Components: A-B-C-D-E

A: no. of lecture hours per week; B: no. of tutorial hours per week; C: no. of lab hours per week; D: no. of hours for
projects, assignments, fieldworks etc per week; E: no. of hours for preparatory work by a student per week.

CE5111- Underground Construction Project

Workload: 0-2-0-8-0
The objective of this module is to integrate the various concepts and components of temporary
earth retaining structure, underground construction and major geotechnical works design which
have been covered in the other modules into a properly executed geotechnical analysis and
design project. As such, the student will be advised to take it only either in the last 2 semester
The requirements of the project will include interpretation of site investigation data, derivation of
design parameters, use of computer or finite element software for the wall and ground movement
as well as drawdown and implications for adjacent structures, design of wall, strutting and
waling systems, and proposal of an appropriate ground instrumentation programme. Student will
be given a maximum of 2 semesters to complete their projects. At the end of the projects,
students will be required to submit a report of their findings and give an oral presentation, which
will be graded.
CE5112- Excavation Support Systems
Workload: 3-0-0-2-5
This module teaches students the essential methodology for the design of the structural
components of a wide range of earth retaining systems. These components include the various
types of retaining walls, walers, struts, kingposts and connection details. It will also cover the
design of temporary working platforms which are often required in deep excavations, as well as
methods of jointing and splicing to allow incorporation of instrumentation. The course will cover
both steel and reinforced concrete retaining walls, such as sheet pile, soldier piles, timber lagging,
contiguous bored piles and diaphragm walls. The course enables students to acquire the knowledge
and practical skills through the lectures, case studies and projects.

CE5113- Geotechnical Investigation & Monitoring

Workload: 3-0-0-1-6
This module teaches students the essential concepts and methodology for the planning, design and
implementation of site investigation and ground instrumentation programmes. The course will be
broadly divided into two parts. The first part covers various aspects of site investigation such as the
planning, design, density of bore holes, sampling technology and disturbance, in-situ and
laboratory testing and geophysical methods. The second part covers various aspects of ground
instrumentation such as monitoring of ground movement, drawdown, excess pore pressures, strut
forces, wall deflection and observational methods. This module enables students to acquire the
knowledge and practical skills through the lectures, case studies and projects.
CE6102- Geotechnical Analysis
Workload: 3-0-0-1-6
This module is an advanced analysis module which follows up on the concepts from CE4257 and
CE6101. The objective is to equip students with advanced concepts of finite difference and finite
element analysis which are needed for the solution of geotechnical problems. The module will
cover finite difference concept and formulation, non-linear analysis techniques, elasto-plastic
formulation with a tangent stiffness approach, solution techniques, large strain analysis, seepage
analysis, flow-deformation coupled analysis, solution accuracy and reliability.

Elective Modules

CE5101- Seepage and Consolidation of Soils

Workload: 3-0-0-1-6
This is an advanced module in flow through a two-phase medium (possibly compressible). The
topics that are covered include steady state seepage, dewatering systems for excavations,
transient seepage, basic contaminant transport processes, measurement of hydraulic transport
parameters, 1-D to 3-D consolidation analysis, and methods of accelerating consolidation.
Students are taught Darcys Law, continuity equation, coupling between effective stress and pore
pressure, and various transport mechanism. The goals of the module are analysis of seepage
problems, analysis of consolidation problems, design methods to accelerate consolidation and an
appreciation of ideas and concepts concerning transport of contaminants.
CE5104 - Underground space
Workload: 3-0-0-1-6
This is an advanced module on analysis and design of tunnels. The topics covered include bored
tunnelling methods, construction of caverns, New Austrian Tunnelling Method, jack tunnelling,
stability of underground openings, ground movement prediction due to tunnels, effects of ground
movements on buildings and structures, instrumentation and monitoring, and stresses on lining.
The creation of underground structures to form subways, underpasses, metro stations and other
uses is an increasing requirement in major urban areas worldwide. Students are taught the
various methods of construction for creating underground space.
CE5105- Analytical and Numerical Methods in Foundation Engineering
Workload: 3-0-0-1-6
This module introduces students to soil models and methods of analysing such models. The
central idea is to convey to the students the need to develop simplified conceptual model to better
understand foundation analysis. The students will be exposed to a variety of models and both
analytical and numerical approaches. Specific ideas concerning beams and rafts on Winkler soil
will be discussed, and then extended to problems such piles and piles-groups, considering both
linear and nonlinear soil behaviour. Dynamic loads on piles will also be introduced, and both
steady-state and transient responses examined. Pile driving analysis by the wave equation will
also be covered. Simulation of deep excavations: sheet pile walls; diaphragm walls; struts;
ground anchors. Case studies are used to illustrate the application of the above techniques. The
course enables students to acquire the knowledge and practical skills through the course,
assignments and a mini-project.
CE5106 - Ground improvement
Workload: 3-0-0-1-6
This is an advanced module on ground improvement techniques as well as its design,
construction and monitoring in geotechnical engineering. Topics covered include ground
improvement principles and design considerations, techniques of improving granular soils,
techniques of improving cohesive soils and peaty soils, field controls and monitoring, field
evaluation, specification, performance evaluation and acceptance criteria, and case study.
Student are taught the basic principles of various ground improvement techniques, and how to
select the most appropriate ground improvement techniques to be used in specific circumstances.
Specific learning objectives include understanding the principles and design of vibro-flotation

method, dynamic compaction, dynamic replacement with mixing, vertical drains with preloading,
chemical stabilization and grouting. Field construction control and instrumentation as well as
monitoring techniques will be discussed but this will be limited to their use in ground
improvement works. Instead, emphasis on cement and lime stabilization will be enhanced.
CE5107 - Pile foundation
Workload: 3-0-0-1-6
This module introduces students to the advanced principles and concepts on the analysis and
design of pile foundations. Its objective is to enable students to develop an appreciation of the
behaviour of complex pile foundations under various loading and boundary conditions and
ability to apply principles of geomechanics to the advanced design of pile foundations in civil
engineering. Students will also learn how to appreciate and appraise complex pile foundation
problems under various loading and boundary conditions. The topics covered include bearing
capacity and settlement; laterally loaded piles; piles subject to ground movement; piles in
difficult ground; foundations for marine structures; construction related problems; pile driving
analysis and dynamic testing; static pile tests. The course enables students to acquire the
knowledge and practical skills through the course project assignments and case studies in the
practice of advanced pile design.
CE6002 - Analysis of Civil Engineering Experiments
Workload: 3-0-0-1-6
This module is designed for graduate coursework and research students in the Department of
Civil Engineering. It introduces students the nature of civil engineering experiments and
characteristics of data gathered. Fundamental methods to conduct in-laboratory and field
experiments to verify civil engineering models will be covered. Included in this module is also
the procedure to construct empirical, deterministic and stochastic civil engineering models based
on experimental measurements. Examples are drawn from the various fields in civil engineering
discipline, including structure, geotechnical, hydraulics, environmental and transportation
CE6003 - Numerical Methods in Engineering Mechanics
Workload: 3-0-0-1-6
This module introduces the basic principles of engineering mechanics modelling problems and
the required numerical tools for analysis and design of engineering problems. Students will learn
to understand the fundamental of finite element methods, finite difference methods, and
boundary element methods in general. Related topics on numerical methods for civil
engineering applications, such as linear equation solvers, eigenvalue solvers, numerical
integration, solution of nonlinear problem and convergence and stability problems of numerical
algorithms will be discussed.

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