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Transplanted Redgram Package of Practices

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Transplanting - A Novel Technology to enhance the productivity in Redgram

Package of Practices
Timely sowing is the non-monetary key input in Redgram for realizing good yields. In our state,
generally redgram is sown between June and August months in various agro-climatic zones. The crop
comes to reproductive stage between September and November months. During the years of low
rainfall, the reproductive phase of the crop coincides with moisture stress conditions and associated
terminal drought situations. Any measure of advancing the planting time reduces the risk from terminal
drought stress. But, late onset of monsoons, which are being experienced more frequently, doesnt
allow for timely sowing. In such situations, raising the nursery in advance (in the month of May) and
transplanting the 30 45 days old redgram seedlings is the best method to mitigate terminal drought
stress during poor rainfall years due to enhanced rooting architecture.
Transplanting technique is a novel and revolutionary agronomic approach to boost Redgram
yields. Transplanting technique in Redgram provides ample scope in enhancing the yields and
economics of Redgram farmers under limited water availability conditions in Andhra Pradesh
especially in ground water dependent areas. Preliminary studies carried out at Agril. Research Station,
Tandur under rainfed conditions revealed almost four fold increase (1760 kg/ha) in productivity
compared to that of average productivity from conventional system in the state (450 kg/ha). Deshmukh
(2010) also reported multifold advantages of transplanting method in redgram over conventional
sowing method. It saved input cost in the form of less seed rate, less plant protection etc. The
transplanting technique increased 2-3 fold yield (15.5 to 34.8 q/ha) due to profuse branching and
flowering. Further, the crop can perform even better under irrigated conditions.
As transplanting technique provide more opportunity time for vegetative growth than in the
conventional planting system, it may respond positively to the application of external inputs viz., plant
nutrients and irrigation.
In Andhra Pradesh presently, Redgram crop is being cultivated in about 12 lakh hectares yielding
approximately 2.0 lakh tones with a productivity level of mere 450 kg/ha. Adoption of transplanting
technique even in 25% of the traditional redgram area, with 3-4 fold increase, over current 2.0 lakh
tonnes, the production levels in the state might be shooting up to 3.5 lakh tonnes. There also exists a

wide scope for introducing the Redgram into non-traditional areas to replace the prevailing nonremunerative crops. Further, the transplanting technique can be a hope of ray under future climate
change scenario which demands efficient terminal stress mitigation options for stabilizing / enhancing
the crop productivity.

Package of Practices



Detailed Package of Practices

Suitable Variety

Seed Rate
Seed Treatment
management 1)



Selection of main Field /

land preparation



ICPL 87119 (Aasha)

ICPL 8863 (Maruti)
ICPL 85063 (Laxmi)
MRG 1004 (Surya)
PRG 158
Medium to deep black soils 825 g per acre
Light soils
- 1470 g per acre
Trichoderma viridae 4 g per kg seed
Rhizobium culture 100 g per kg seed
As the crop is grown with 30-45 days old seedlings, rising of a
healthy nursery is very crucial aspect.
So as to take the full advantage of the congenial climatic
conditions, nursery should be sown in the middle of the May such
that, the transplanting can be planned any time after 30 days of
age (but before 45 days).
HDPE poly bags with 4 x 6 should be filled with Soil + Farm
Yard Manure + DAP + Fungicide (Carbendazim) mixture in
proper proportions and kept ready for sowing by middle of May
month (i.e. 15th May).
A neutral soil (neither acidic nor alkaline) is highly preferred.
Each poly bag should be planted with 2-3 seeds treated with
Rhizobium culture and watered to soak completely.
Seeds will germinate in 5-7 days.
As the temperatures in the middle of the May shoot very high, it is
very essential to provide shade to the growing seedlings.
The site selected for growing nursery should be nearer to the main
field and ample water supply is ensured.
The nursery should be carefully monitored and managed for 3035 days to have vigorous and healthy seedlings.
Frequent watering and need based plant protection result in a
healthy nursery.
As crop grown during rainy season under irrigated conditions,
well drained medium to deep black soils with fairly good fertility
are most suitable. The crop can come up well even in light
textured soils provided irrigation facility is available.
When crop is intended to be transplanted in kharif season, a
summer deep ploughing to favour maximum root growth and
rapid establishment of seedlings followed by 2 or 3 harrowings

before transplanting of the crop provides an ideal seed bed.

3) While seedlings are grown in the nursery, main field should be
4) By the time the seedlings age is reached 30-45 days, depending on
the soil type, the deep furrows are opened in the main field at 180
cm or 150 cm apart and kept ready for transplanting.




1) As the Redgram doesnt withstand the transplanting shock unlike

other crops, utmost care need to be taken while transplanting the
seedlings. The success of the technology entirely depends on the
proper establishment of the crop after transplanting.
2) The seedlings with 30-45 days age are carefully transported to the
main field.
3) In medium to deep black soils, the seedlings are planted at 180 cm
x 90 cm (2480 plants per acre). While, in light soils, transplanting
to be done at 150 cm x 60 cm (4445 plants per acre).
4) About 5% more seedlings are to be grown so as to compensate the
post-transplanting mortality of seedlings.
5) The each polybags is to be given a vertical cut from top to bottom
and the cover need to be removed carefully so as to keep the mud
ball intact along with seedling.
6) The furrows already opened in the main field at specified row to
row spacing should be fully irrigated just before the transplanting
and the seedling along with mud ball is to be transplanted on one
side of the furrow allowing the free flow of irrigation water along
the opened furrow.
7) The properly transplanted redgram seedling will establish in 4-5
days and resumes normal growth.
8) After establishment of the transplanted crop, the excess plants
need to be removed leaving a single healthy plant per hill.

Fertilizer Management

1) Zinc Sulphate @ 6 kg per acre

2) Farm Yard manure @ 2.5 tonnes per acre at the time of sowing
3) Gypsum @ 40 kg per acre
4) N, P and K to be applied @ 10:20:5 kg per acre at 25 to 30 days
after transplanting.

Weed Control

1) Spray selective herbicide i.e., Imazythaphir @ 1.5 - 2.0 ml per lit.

at 20 to 25 days after transplanting to control broad leaved weeds.
2) Intermittent intercultivation boost the crop growth besides, weed

Nipping the apical buds

at 20-25 days

Nipping the top 2-3 cm apical buds at 20-25 days after transplanting
favour the production of more branches.

Hormonal sprays

Spraying of N.A.A (Naphthal Acetic Acid / Planofix) @ 0.5 ml per lit.

of water (500 ppm) favours more flower bud production and retention.

Irrigation Mangement

Irrigation management is very important aspect to enhance the yields,

The crop cycle requires 3-4 irrigations.

1) First irrigation is to be scheduled at the time of transplanting.

2) Second irrigation at 45 to 50 days after transplanting.
3) Third one at 90 to 100 days after transplanting (flowering).
1) In light soils an additional irrigation (fourth) should be
scheduled, if required.

(Approximate days of
harvestable maturity)
Expected yield

Depending on the genotype, Redgram under transplanting comes to

harvest in 150 to 180 days.
Yield Range
1) Var. Asha: 13.0 to 14.0 quintals per Acre.
2) Var. PRG 158 : 12.0 to 13.0 quintals per Acre.
3) Var. Maruti : 11.0 to 12.0 quintals per Acre.
4) Var. MRG 1004: 12.0 to 13.0 quintals per Acre.
(The yields indicated are from the experimental plots purely grown
under rainfed conditions except one irrigation at transplanting)

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