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Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management

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Rainfed Agriculture: Introduction, Types and History of Rainfed Agriculture in

Even after the utilization of all our water resources for irrigation, about half of thecultivated area will remain rainfed.
As there is hardly any scope for increasing the area undercultivation, it is really a colossal task for meeting the future
food needs. It is against thisbackground that the role of dryland agriculture gained importance. Agriculture is the
singlelargest livelihood sources in India with nearly two thirds of people depend on it. Rainfedagriculture is as old as
agriculture itself. Growing of crops entirely under rainfed conditions isknown as dryland agriculture.
Very often, the words dry farming, dryland agriculture and rainfed agriculture are usedsynonymously to indicate
similar farming situation. Clearly, the two exclude irrigations.
Types of Dryland/Rainfed Agriculture
a) Dry farming: is cultivation of crops in regions with annual rainfall less than 750 mm.Crop failures is most common
due to prolonged dry spells during the crop period. These arearid regions with a growing season (period of adequate
soil moisture) less than 75 days.Moisture conservation practices are necessary for crop production.
b) Dryland farming: is cultivation of crops in regions with annual rainfall more than 750mm. In spite of prolonged dry
spells crop failure is relatively less frequent. These are semiaridtracts with a growing period between 75 and 120 days.
Moisture conservation practicesare necessary for crop production. However, adequate drainage is required especially
forvertisols or black soils.
c) Rainfed farming: is crop production in regions with annual rainfall more than 1150 mm.Crops are not subjected to
soil moisture stress during the crop period. Emphasis is often ondisposal of excess water. These are humid regions
with growing period more than 120 days.In dry farming and dryland farming, emphasis is on soil and water
conservation, sustainablecrop yields and limited fertilizer use according to soil moisture availability. In
rainfedagriculture, emphasis is on disposal of excess water, maximum crop yield, high levels ofinputs and control of
water erosion.
History of Dryland/Rainfed Agriculture:
 First systematic scientific approach to tackle the problems of dry farming areas was initiated by Tamhane in 1923
on a small plot at Manjri Farm near Pune and the work passed on to kanitkar in 1926.
 A comprehensive scheme of research was drawn up by Kanitkar with financial support from the ICAR. Realizing
the importance, the ICAR launched a comprehensive project on dryland farming at five centers: Sholapur and
Bijapur in1933, Hagari and Raichur in 1934 and Rohtak in 1935.
 A decade of work up to 1943-44 mainly on rainfall analysis, physico-chemical properties of soils, physiological
studies on millets and on agronomic aspects resulted in a series of dry farming practices commonly known as the
Bombay dry farming practices, Hyderabad dry farming practices and Madras dry farming practices.
 These practices stressed the need for contour bunding, deep ploughing, and application of FYM, low seed rate
with wide spacing, mixed cropping and crop rotation. These recommendations could not motivate the farmers to
adopt them as the yield advantage was about 15-20 per cent over a base yield of 200-400 kg/ ha.
 By the mid-1950s, importance of soil management (soil and moisture conservation) was realized for improving
the productivity of dryland and the ICAR established eight Soil Conservation Research Centers in 1954. However,
yield improvement was not more than 15-20per cent over the basic yield of 200-400 kg/ha.
 Importance of short duration cultivars maturing within adequate soil moisture available period (crop growing
period) was recognized during 1960s.
 The place of high yielding varieties and hybrids for yield advantage in dryland agriculture was realized in mid-
 With the establishment of All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture (AICRPDA) in 1970,
emphasis was shifted to multi-disciplinary approach to tackle the problem from several angles.
 Similar efforts were initiated at ICRISAT, Hyderabad in 1972.
Problems and prospects of Rainfed Agriculture in India
1. Climatic constraints
A) Rainfall characteristics: Among the different climatic parameters, rainfall is animportant factor influencing the
crop production in dry regions.
(i) Variable rainfall: Rainfall varies both in time and space dimension. Annual rainfallvaries greatly from year to
year and naturally, its coefficient of variation is very high.Generally, higher the rainfall less is the coefficient of
variation. In other words, crop failuresdue to uncertain rains are more frequent in regions with lesser rainfall. The
average annualrainfall of India is 1192 mm where as in Gujarat it is 816 mm. Based on the average annualrainfall,
the India can be divided into four zones. More than one third of total geographical area in India receives rainfall
less than 750 mm.
(ii) Intensity and distribution: In general, more than 50 per cent of total rainfall is usuallyreceived in 3 to 5 rainy
days. Such intensive rainfall results in substantial loss of water due tosurface runoff. This process also accelerates
soil erosion. Distribution of rainfall during thecrop growing season is more important than total rainfall in dryland
iii) Aberrations or variations in monsoon behavior
(a) Late onset of monsoon: If the onset of monsoon is delayed, crops/varieties recommendedto the region
cannot be sown in time. Delayed sowing lead to uneconomical crop yields.
(b) Early withdrawal of monsoon: This situation is equally or more dangerous than lateonset of monsoon. Rainy
season crops will be subjected to terminal stress leading to pooryields. Similarly, post-rainy season crops fail due
to inadequate available soil moisture,especially during reproductive and maturity phases.
(c) Prolonged dry spells: Breaks of monsoon for 7-10 days may not be a serious concern.Break between two
consecutive rainfalls for more than 15 days’ duration especially at criticalstages for soil moisture stress, leads to
reduction in yield. Drought due to break in monsoonmay adversely affect the crops in shallow soils than in deep
soils. It also has ill-effect on cropyield in tropical and sun-tropical regions.
B)High atmospheric temperature: Because of high atmospheric temperature, the atmosphericdemand for moisture
increases causing high evapotranspiration losses resulting in moisturestress.
C) Low relative humidity: Low relative humidity results in high ET losses causing moisturestress whenever moisture
is limiting.
D) Hot dry winds: Hot dry winds cause desiccation of leaves resulting in moisturestress. High turbulent winds
especially during summer months’ cause soil erosionresulting in dust, storms and loss of fertile soil.
E) High atmospheric water demand: Due to high atmospheric water demand thepotential evapotranspiration (PET)
exceed the precipitation during most part of theyear.
2. Soil Constraints
The different soil groups encountered in dryland areas are black soils, red soils andalluvial soils. The constraints for
crop production are different in different soil groups. Thepredominant soil group is alluvial where the problems for
crop production are not so acute asin red and black soils. The different soil constraints for crop production are
a) Inadequate soil moisture availability: The moisture holding capacity of soil, in dryregions, is low due to shallow
depth especially in alfisols (red soils), low rainfall and loworganic matter content.
b) Poor organic matter content: The organic matter content in most of the soils underdryland conditions is very low
(< 1%) due to high temperature and low addition of organicmanures. Poor organic matter content adversely affects
soil physical properties related tomoisture storage.
c) Poor soil fertility: Due to low accumulation of organic matter and loss of fertile top soil by soil erosion, the dry
land soils are poor in fertility status. Most of the dry land soils aredeficient in nitrogen and zinc.
d)Soil deterioration due to erosion (wind, water): In India nearly 175 Mha of land issubjected to different land
degradations, among them, the soil erosion is very predominant.The erosion causes loss of top fertile soil leaving
poor sub soil for crop cultivation.
e) Soil crust problem: In case of red soils, the formation of hard surface. Soil layer hindersthe emergence of
seedlings, which ultimately affect the plant population. Crusting of soilsurface after rainfall reduces infiltration and
storage of rainfall, resulting in high run off.
f) Presence of hard layers and deep cracks: Presence of hard layers (pans) in soil and deepcracks affect the crop
production especially in case of black soils.
3. Lack of suitable varieties: Most of the crop varieties available for cultivation in drylands are meant for irrigated
agriculture. There are no any special varieties exclusively meantfor dryland areas. Hence still more efforts are
required to develop varieties in different cropsexclusively meant for dryland agriculture.
4. Traditional Cultivation practices
The existing management practices adopted by the farmers are evolved based on longterm experience by the
farmers.The traditional management practices are still followed by farmers leading to low yields.
• Ploughing along the slope
• Broadcasting seeds/ sowing behind the country plough leading to poor as well asuneven plant stand
• Monsoon sowing
• Choice of crops based on rainfall
• Application FYM in limited quantity
• Untimely weeding
• Low productive cropping systems
• Inadequate nutrient supply
• Traditional storage system
5. Heavy weed infestation: This is the most serious problem in dryland areas.Unfortunately, the environment
congenial for crop growth is also congenial for weedgrowth. Weed seeds germinate earlier than crop seeds and try to
suppress the cropgrowth. The weed problem is high in rainfed areas because of continuous rains andacute shortage of
labour. The weed suppression in the early stage of crop growth is requiredto reduce the decrease in crop yields.
a) Less access to inputs, poor organizational structure for input supply
b) Non availability of credit in time
c) The risk bearing capacity of dryland farmer is very low
6. Resource constraints
1. Most of the resource for dry land are run under subsistence level of farming
2. There is less intention to adopt new technologies in dry lands among the farmers.
3. Occurrence of frequent drought for flood in dry farming areas
4. Uncertainty and is distributed rainfall and mid-season break in monsoon leading to cropfailure
5. Difficulties in adoption of new cropping pattern for cropping systems to suit themonsoon and its behavior
6. Absence of suitable varieties, non-availability of quality seeds, inadequate nutrientsupply and problems of
soilsalinity and alkalinity aggravate the situation in dry farmingareas
7. Resource poor dry land farmers are not able to practice soil conservation practices andother new technology
8. There is a limited recognition of indigenous methods of soil and water conservation
9. Poor land preparation and untimely ploughing, sowing, lake of labour and animal powerduring peak season
10. Lack of adequate linkages between crop and animal components in dry farming
7. Technological constraints
1. Lack of suitable Technologies for lesser rainfall areas
2. Lack of varieties capable of yielding higher in adverse condition. Improved varieties forhigh yielding varieties are
found more vulnerable to moisture stress as compared totraditional variety
3. Non-availability of seeds of improved varieties and the demand supply is found to be80% with groundnut, 50%
with Sorghum, 25% with pearl millet and 90% with forestspecies
4. Problems with prediction of sowing rain
5. Laser utilization of improved machineries/implement under dry lands leading to poortimeliness in feel operation
and crop failure/reduced yield
6. Poor pest and disease management practices, lack of resources for the purchase,ultimately untimely or delay
control measures and lack of water for good quality waterfor spray in dryland
7. Lesser adoption of alternate land use system agroforestry, alley cropping and dry landhorticulture in dry farming
8. Inadequate extension activities reading to poor Technologies dissemination
8. Social economic constraints
1. Lack of capital, support prices for the produce, marketing facilities and credited propertime make the farmers
hesitant to adopt the technology
2. Most of the dry land farmers are resource poor which tends them to avoid risk
3. Many dry land farmers engage only limited labor, mostly family labor for most of thefarm activities
4. Prevailing social system in dry regions prevent the farmers in adopting the improvedtechnology
5. Non-promotion of stakeholders’ concept in development of dry farming
Soil & Climatic Conditions Prevalent in Rainfed Areas
Soil is the uppermost part of the earth crust containing a mixture of minerals. It is athree-phase system containing
solid, liquid and gaseous components existing in certainequilibrium.
Ideal dry land soils
Soil texture has a profound influence on the productivity of soil. In general depth,texture, structure, drainage
conditions and soil moisture relationship are very important soilproperties, which decide the crop growth.
Advantages and disadvantages of coarse and finetextured soils regarding crop cultivation are listed in Table.
Character Course textured soil Fine textured soil
Example Sandy soil Clay soil
Plant’s nutrient Low Moderate to high
Moisture holding capacity Less High
Bulk density High Low
Pore space Low High
Pores Large and continuous Minute and discontinuous
Infiltration/Percolation Very rapid Low
Permeability High Slow
Water stagnation Nil High
Soil erosion Less High (especially in slopes)
Dry land agriculture With uniform distribution of rainfall Preferable and possible for double
and sufficient moisture conservation cropping in case of stored
measure up/residual soil moisture
Dry land soils and their characteristics:
In India, dry land occurs in almost all the regions of the country and the major soil types inthese dry regions are red
soils (Alfisols), black soils (Inceptislos and Vertisols), Laterite soils(Ultisols) and desert soils (Aridisols). The
characteristics, features of the major soil groupsand the prospects for raising crops in these soils under dry land
conditions are describedhereunder.
1. Red soils (Alfisols)
Red soil is an important soil group in India and especially in dry land. These soils aremoderately weathered and
derived from granites, gneiss and other metamorphic rocks, eitherin-situ or from these decomposed rock materials
washed down to lower level by rain. Theyare generally red or reddish brown or yellowish brown in colour due to the
coating of ferricoxides on soil particles. Morphological types are red loams and red earth with loose topsoil.
Main features of red soils are light texture, friable structure, absence of limeconcretions and free calcium carbonates
and contents of soluble salts. These soils are slightlyacidic to slightly alkaline nature, medium in cation exchange
capacities and near basesaturated. Dominant clay mineral is kaolinite with an admixture of illite. Red soils are
welldrained with a moderate permeability. Excessive gravel, surface crust formation andsusceptibility to erosion in
high slopes are some of the problems in these soils. They are lowin organic matter content and nutrients like nitrogen
and phosphorus. Occasionally,micronutrients like zinc is deficient in red soils. Potassium content in these soils is
generallyadequate for raising crops and the soil pH range is 6 to 7.
Most of the red soils have been classified in the order alfisols and these type of soils occurwidely in the states of
Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, TN, West Bangal, Goa, Daman, Diuand parts of Kerala, Maharastra and Karnataka.
Crop cultivation in red soils under dry land conditions:
Groundnut, sorghum, pearl millet, fox tail millet, red gram, green gram, cowpea,castor and horse gram are suitable
crops for red soils. Groundnut + red gram, Groundnut +castor, sorghum+ red gram are the profitable intercropping
systems which help in preventingcrop loss during drought years.
2. Black soil (Vertisol/inceptisol)
Black soils are another important group of soils that occur in dry land conditions.They are characterized by dark Grey
to black colour, high clay content, neutral to slightlyalkaline in soil reaction and developing deep cracks during
summer season. These are locallyknown as black cotton soil. Depth of the soil varies ranges from a low of 50 cm to
severalmetres and in many cases it overlies decompose rocks (parent material) known as murram.
Black soil is formed from Deccan basalt trap rocks either in-situ or on thetransported parent material. In the
formation of black soils, presence of a high proportion ofalkaline earth in the weathering complex is of great
importance. These soils have impededdrainage and low permeability. It occurs in areas under monsoon climate,
mostly in semiaridand sub humid type. High clay content and montmorillonite type of clay mineral imparthigh
swelling and shrinkage properties of these soils.
Black soils are low in organic matter content, available nitrogen and phosphorus andsometimes zinc, but reach in
base nutrients like calcium, magnesium and potassium. Soil pHis in the range of 7.5 to 8.5. Soil is highly clayey and the
clay content varies from 35 to 60%and sometimes up to 80%.
Black soil occurs extensively in the states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh andparts of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and
Tamil Nadu.
Crop cultivation in black soils and dry land conditions:Important crops grown under the soils are coarse grains,
cotton,oilseeds and pulses. Growing of crops is possible during post-rainy season (rabi season) withstored up soil
moisture in shallow black soils (Entisols). In case of medium and deep blacksoils (i.e. Vertisols/Inceptisols), growing
crops is possible in season and post rainy seasonwhich stored up soil moisture (double cropping) depending on the
quantity and distribution ofrainfall. Cotton, Sorghum and other millets, pulses; especially chickpea, chillies,
sunflower,safflower and coriander are suitable crops.
3. Laterite soils (Ultisols)
Laterite soils are well-drained soil with good hydraulic conductivity. They are formedby soil forming process called
laterization. Laterite is a geological term, which meansliterally rock. Under high rainfall conditions, silica is released
and leached downwards andupper horizons of the soil become rich in oxides of iron and Aluminium. This process
iscalled laterization. Laterites are subdivided into high and low level laterites. High levellaterites are found capping
the summits of hills and plateau of the high lands and they are notuseful for agriculture as they are thin and gravely.
Low level laterites comprising of clay andloam occur in coastal regions on both sides of the peninsular region and are
of considerableagricultural importance. Laterizationis intensified with increase in rainfall with low intensity.
Texture of a laterite soil is generally loam in top layers and depth of the loamy layervaries and in eroded nature.
These soils are Pale, gritty, shallow and poor in plant nutrients intop layer. Soils in lower layers are of fine texture,
darker and rich in plant nutrients andorganic matter. All laterite soils are very poor in base materials like calcium and
magnesium.The pH of the soil is low and acidic in nature. Soil clay type is generally kaolinite with tracesof illite. Most
of the laterite soils are classified under the order ultisols. These soils are welldeveloped on the summits of Hills of the
Deccan, Karnataka, Kerala and Madhya Pradesh,the Ghatregions of Orissa, Maharashtra, Kerala, West Bengal, Tamil
Nadu and Assam.
Crop cultivation in laterite soils under dry land conditions: At lower elevations, suitable crops for cultivation under
dryland conditions are rice(either single or double cropping), minor millets, trees and shrubs. Soil and
moistureconservation measures may become necessary in regions of low to medium rainfall. At higherelevation in
laterite soil plantation crops like tea, coffee, cinchona, rubber and cashew aregrown.
4. Desert soil (Aridisols)
These soils occur in hot desert region in India. Rainfall of the region is ranging fromas low as 50 mm to the highest of
400 mm of which the major portion is received duringmonsoon season. Potential evapo-transpiration is very high and
showing aridity. A major partof the region consists of sand dunes and undulations. A zone of accumulation of
limeconcretions at a depth of 60 to 120 cm and presence of alkaline earth carbonate are commonfutures of this type
of soils. Clay content is very low ranging between 2 to 8% and presenceof sodium clay make the soil susceptible to
dispersion and less permeable. The pH of the soilranges from 8 to 9. Clay type is illitewith small amounts of kaolinite.
Desert soils areclassified under the order Aridisols. These soils are distributed in the regions of Rajasthan,southern
Haryana and Punjab and northern Gujarat.
Crop cultivation in desert soils under dryland conditions: Soils are light textured and the moisture holding capacity
and nutrient availability areless. They are generally poor in available nitrogen and phosphorus. Soil salinity is a
commonproblem and effective soil depth is influenced by the presence of calcium and carbonateconcretions at
various depth. Crop cultivation is possible only in deep soils either duringkharif or rabi season based on the rainfall
quantity and its distribution.
5. Sub-Montane Soils
Sub-montane soils occur in undulating lands of sub Himalayan regions underconiferous forest. Regions with sub-
montane soils are characterized by high rainfall,accumulation of organic matter, absence of free lime and acidic
nature. Landslides and soilerosion arecommon problems associated with sub-montane soils which lead to the
leaching of
Crop cultivation in sub-montane soils under dry land conditions: Soil moisture storage varies from 20 to 30 cm per
metre soil profile. As the regionsare characterized by high rainfall, double cropping is possible in sub-montane soils.
Soils arelow in available nitrogen and phosphorus and crops respond well to the application of N andP for higher
6. Saline and sodic soils
Saline and sodic soils occur mainly in arid and semi-arid regions of the countrywhere the annual temperature are high
and rate of evaporation generally exceeds rainfall. Thesituation leads to accumulation of salts in surface layers of the
soil. In India, such soils arespreading over 8.5 million hectare of land and they are found with poor organic carbon,
available nitrogen and Zinc.
Saline soils contain excessively soluble salts and the dominant soil type are chloridesand sulphates of sodium,
magnesium and Calcium. Total salt concentration as expressed bysoil EC is generally more than 4 dS/m. These soils
are associated with water logging, salinegroundwater and aridity.
Sodic soils generally contain salts of carbonates and bicarbonates of sodium where thesoil EC will be less than 4 dS/m
and exchangeable sodium percentage more than 15%. Thesesoils can be observed with stagnation of muddy water
after rain for many days and they arevery hard when dry and very soft when wet. Sodic soils contain insoluble calcium
carbonateat high pH level (>9.5).
Crop cultivation in saline sodic soils under dry farming conditions: Reclamation Technologies for growing crops in Salt
affected soil differ dependingupon the availability of source of water. For areas which depend only on rainfall as the
sourceof moisture, cultivation of salt tolerant plants species and planting techniques arerecommended.
Intensity Saline soils Alkaline/sodic soils
Sensitive Tolerant Tolerant
Highly Legumes like green Direct sown rice, wheat,pearl Beans, rice, grasses like Rhodes
gram,black gram, lentil, gram millet, barley, oats,mustard grass, barley, wheat,cotton,
andpeas trees like Amla, ber,Eucalyptus
Moderate Major and minor millets Sunflower, cotton, hybrid, Dalbergiasissoo,
kernelgrass, Trees like Terminalia arjuna
acacia,tamarind, ber
The behavior of atmospheric phenomenon at a given place and time is defined asweather and the composite day-to-
day weather elements for a given place or region over aperiod is referred as climate.
1. Effect of precipitation in dryland
The common forms of precipitation are drizzle, rain, snow, sleet and hail. In dry lands rainfalllimitation is the greatest
factor in influencing the crop growth and yield. Rainfall plays amajor role in determining the real potential of a crop
and the region. It also has an influenceon deciding the sequence and timing of farming operation and farming system.
General effects of rainfall
1. High intensity and heavy rainfall
a. Denudation and soilerosion
b. Run off and floods
c. Destruction of soilcrumbs
d. Loss of soil fertility
e. Loss of soil fertility
f. Poor germination,pollination andflowering
2. Wet weather due to rainfall leading to pest spread
3. Failure or poor rainfall
a. Soilsalinity/alkalinity
b. Crop loss/damage
General effects of hail
1.Floods under hightemperature/storms
2.Road or pathclosure
3.Mechanical damageto trees
4.Hazards to air crafts
5. Mechanicaldamage to plants
6. Shredding of leaves
7. Shattering offlower and seedheads
General advantages of precipitation
 Recharge of groundwater
 Decision on various agricultural operations
 Decision on pattern of land utilisation
 Selection of crops, varieties, cropping and farming system
 Storage in reservoirs
 Decision on vegetation
 Development of irrigation sources
 Hydro power generation.
2. Effect of solar radiation in dry lands
Sun is a primary source of heat and light on the earth and radiant energy striking theearth is called as insolation. The
insolation consists of the sunlight and temperature, which actas the important factors of weather and climate.
Distribution of insolation is closely related tolatitude and it is greater at equator and decrease towards poles
regularly. Influence of solarradiation decides the rate at which plants develop at various stages of growth. Every crop
limitations in their temperature and sun light requirements.
a. Arid and semi-arid cropsare mostly short day plants (<10 hours) and theyrequire long nights forflowering
b. Most sun shine in dryareas (20-300 latitude on both sides)
c. More dry matterproduction (if moisture is not a limiting factor)
d. Light intensity indirectlyaffect productivity by itseffect on leaf temperature
3.Effect of temperature in dry lands
a. Temperature limit for each stage of every crop
b. High temperature is not a serious problem if soil moisture is adequate
c. Slow or stop in growth rate at very high temperature
d. Premature fall of leaves and fruits
e. Prolonged chilling or freezing reduce water flow in plants leading to retardation or killing
f. Disastrous dry and hot conditions
g. Increases evapotranspiration and water requirements of the crops
h. Influences multiplication of insects and pathogens
4. Effect of wind in dry lands
a. Favours cross pollination
b. Affects pollination by insects
c. Causes mechanical damage to plants
d. Leading to shattering of flowers and seeds
e. Stripping of fruits and nuts
f. Dispersal of weed seed
g. Wind erosion and removal of soil fertility
h. Increase evapo-transpiration
i. Reduces germination (by covering seeds)
j. Prevention of frost (on occasions)
k. Dispersal of pollen and seeds
l. Decides monsoon pattern
m. Desiccation of plants
n. Blow from desert may have reduction in photosynthesis and translocation of food materials
o. Influence migration of insects and pathogens
5. Effect of other climatic factors
a. Humidity: Humidity refers the measure of moisture content in atmosphere and it plays asignificant role in climate
and weather. Air can hold a certain quantity of watervapour at a given temperature and several expressions are used
for denoting thehumidity.
I. Specific humidity: It can be defined as the ratio of the mass of water vapour actually in the air to unit mass of
II. Dew point or Saturated Vapour Pressure: It is all the water vapour that can be held by the air at a given
temperature and pressure.
III. Absolute humidity: It is defined as the actual amount of water vapour in the air.
IV. Relative Humidity: It is referred as the ratio of water vapour actually present in the atmosphere to the
amount of water vapour required for saturating it ay that temperature (expressed in percentage).
1. Evaporation will be lessunder high RH condition
2. Plants can withstand lowhumidity if soil moistureis adequate
3. Water requirement ofcrops can be decided withprevailing RH
b. Dew:Dew formation mostly occurs at night because of its dependence on radiationalcooling of leaf and soil surface.
Clear sky, low wind speed, high atmospheric humidity andvegetation of low heat capacity are the main factors
contributing to dew formation. Theabsorption of dew by the plants depends on type of plant species, its intensity,
duration ofdewfall and soil moisture conditions. Under moisture deficit conditions, effect of dew isimportant as it can
accelerate the restoration of turgor pressure at night and delay the stress atday time.
Drought: Types, effect of water deficit on physio-morphological characteristics of the plants
Low rainfall or failure of monsoon rain is a recurring feature in India. This has beenresponsible for droughts and
famines. The word drought generally denotes scarcity of waterin a region. However, aridity and drought are due to
insufficient water, aridity is a permanentclimatic feature and is the culmination of a number of long-term processes.
However, droughtis a temporary condition that occurs for a short period due to deficient precipitation forvegetation,
river flow, water supply and human consumption. Drought is due to anomaly inatmospheric circulation.
Aridity Vs. Drought
Particulars Aridity Drought
Duration Permanent feature Temporary condition of scarcity of
varying duration
Factors Culmination of many long term Caused by deficient rainfall
processes, considers all climatic
Aspect described Description of climate Description of water availability
Classification of drought
I. Based on duration
a. Permanent drought: This is characteristic of the desert climate where sparsevegetation growing is adapted to
drought and agriculture is possible only byirrigation during entire crop season.
b. Seasonal drought: This is found in climates with well-defined rainy and dryseasons. Most of the arid and semiarid
zones fall in this category. Duration of the cropvarieties and planting dates should be such that the growing season
should fallwithin rainy season.
c. Contingent drought: This involves an abnormal failure of rainfall. It may occuralmost anywhere especially in most
parts of humid or sub humid climates. It isusually brief, irregular and generally affects only a small area.
d. Invisible drought: This can occur even when there is frequent rain in an area.When rainfall is inadequate to meet
the evapo-transpiration losses, the result isborderline water deficiency in soil resulting in less than optimum yield.
This occursusually in humid regions.
II. Based on relevance to the users (National Commission on Agriculture,1976)
a) Meteorological drought: It is defined as a condition, where the annual precipitation isless than the normal over an
area for prolonged period (month, season or year).
b) Atmospheric drought: It is due to low air humidity, frequently accompanied by hot drywinds. It may occur even
under conditions of adequate available soil moisture. It refers to acondition when plants show wilting symptoms
during the hot part of the day whentranspiration exceeds absorption temporarily for a short period. When
absorption keeps pacewith transpiration the plants revive.
c) Hydrological drought: Meteorological drought, when prolonged results in hydrologicaldrought with depletion of
surface water and consequent drying of reservoirs, tanks etc. Itresults in deficiency of water for all sectors using
water. This is based on water balance andhow it affects irrigation as a whole for bringing crops to maturity.
d) Agricultural drought (soil drought): It is the result of soil moisture stress due toimbalance between available soil
moisture and evapotranspiration of a crop. It is usuallygradual and progressive. Plants can therefore, adjust at least
partly, to the increased soilmoisture stress. This situation arises because of scanty precipitation or its uneven
distributionin both space and time.
III. Based on time of occurrence
a) Early season drought: It occurs due to delay in onset of monsoon or due to long dryspells after early sowing
b) Mid-season drought: Occurs due to long gaps between two successive rains and storedmoisture becoming
insufficient during the long dry spell.
c) Late season drought: Occurs due to early cessation of rainfall and crop water stress atmaturity stage.
IV. Other terms to describe drought
a) Relative drought: The drought for one crop may not be a drought situation for anothercrop. This is due to
mismatch between soil moisture condition and crop selection. For example, acondition may be a drought situation
for growing rice, but the same situation may not be adrought for growing groundnut.
b) Physiological drought: Refers to a condition where crops are unable to absorb water fromsoil even when water is
available, due to the high osmotic pressure of soil solution due toincreased soil concentration, as in saline and
alkaline soils. It is not due to deficit of watersupply.
Effect of drought/water deficit on physio-morphological characteristics of plants
a) Water relations: Alters the water status by its influence on absorption, translocationand transpiration. The lag in
absorption behind transpiration results in loss of turgor asa result of increase in the atmospheric dryness.
b) Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis is reduced by moisture stress due to reduction inPhotosynthetic rate, chlorophyll
content, leaf area and increase in assimilatessaturation in leaves (due to lack of translocation).
c) Respiration: Increase with mild drought but more serve drought lowers water contentand respiration.
d) Anatomical changes: Decrease in size of the cells and inter cellular spaces, thickercellwall, greater development of
mechanical tissue. Stomata per unit leaf tend toincrease.
e) Metabolic reaction: All most all metabolic reactions are affected by water deficits.
f) Hormonal Relationships: The activity of growth promoting hormones like cytokinin,gibberlic acid and indole acetic
acid decreases and growth regulating hormone likeabscisic acid, ethylene, etc., increases.
g) Nutrition: The fixation, uptake and assimilation of nitrogen are affected. Since drymatter production is
considerably reduced, the uptake of NPK is reduced.
h) Growth and Development: Decrease in growth of leaves, stems and fruits.Maturity is delayed if drought occurs
before flowering while it advances if droughtoccurs after flowering.
i) Reproduction and grain growth: Drought at flowering and grain developmentdetermines the number of fruits and
individual grain weight, respectively. Panicleinitiation in cereals is critical while drought at anthesis may lead to
drying of pollen.Drought at grain development reduces yield while vegetative and grain filling stagesare less
sensitive to moisture stress.
j) Yield: The effect on yield depends hugely on what proportion of the total dry matteris considered as useful
material to be harvested. If it is aerial and underground parts,effect of drought is as sensitive as total growth. When
the yield consists of seeds as incereals, moisture stress at flowering is detrimental. When the yield is fiber
orchemicals where economic product is a small fraction of total dry matter moderatestress on growth does not have
adverse effect on yields.
Crop adaptation and mitigation to drought
Crop Adaptations: The ability of crop to grow satisfactorily under water stress is called droughtadaptation. Adaptation
is structural or functional modification in plants to survive andreproduce in a particular environment.

1. Escaping Drought
Evading the period of drought is the simplest means of adaptation of plants to dryconditions. Many short duration
desert plants, (ephemerals), germinate with rains and maturein five to six weeks. These plants have no mechanism
for overcoming moisture stress and are,therefore, are not drought resistant.
In cultivated crops, the ability of a cultivar to mature before the soil dries is the mainadaptation to growth in dry
regions. However, only very few crops have such a short growingseason to be called as ephemerals. Certain varieties
of pearl millet mature within 60 daysafter sowing. Short duration pulses like cowpea, green-gram, black gram can be
included inthis category. In addition to earliness, they need drought resistance because there may be dryspells within
the crop period of 60 days. The disadvantage about breeding early varieties isthat yield is reduced with reduction in
2. Drought Resistance
Plants can adopt to drought either by avoiding stress or by tolerating stress due todifferent mechanisms. These
mechanisms provide drought resistance.
i. Drought avoidance
A. Restricting transpiration (watersavers)
1. Early stomata closer
2. Increased photosynthetic efficiency
3. Low rates of cuticular respiration
4. Lipid deposition on foliage
5. Reduced leaf area
6. Morphology of leaf surface
7. Water storage in the plant
B. Accelerating water uptake (waterspenders)
1. Efficient root system
2. High root/shoot ratio
3. Increases osmotic potential
ii. Drought tolerance
A. Mitigating stress
1. Resistance to dehydration
2. Thick cuticle
3. Maintenance of high osmotic pressure
B. High tolerance
1. Metabolic strain
2. Plastic strain
3. Avoiding Stress
Stress avoidance is the ability to maintain a favorable water balance, and turgidityeven when exposed to drought
conditions, thereby avoiding stress and its consequences. Afavorable water balance under drought conditions can be
achieved either by: (i) conservingwater by restricting transpiration before or as soon as stress is experienced; or
(ii)accelerating water uptake sufficiently so as to replenish the lost water.
Drought is a recurring phenomenon that cannot be avoided. However, its impact can be minimized through science
and technology-based drought management plans. Developing infrastructure for mitigation is crucial, as some areas
are not affected while others are. Mitigation action includes short and long-term programs or policies to reduce risks
to people, property, and increase productive capacity.
 Drought mitigation strategies
 Arrangement for reasonable buffer stock of food grain and fodder.
 Ensure supply of good drinking water in rural areas for human and livestock in drought affected areas.
 Fodder cultivation to be encouraged wherever feasible
 Rejuvenation of traditional rainwater systems viz., Nadis, Tankas, Khadnis, etc.
 Management of human livestock population to reduce pressure on fragile arid ecosystem.
 Appropriate land-use planning (Inter-cropping system), discouraging water intensive crop, and encouraging
sprinkler and drip irrigation systems.
 Creation of local task force in each district to initiate relief measures immediately after the drought takes place.
 Early warning and drought monitoring should be carried out on the basis of long, medium and short term
 Strategies for drought management
A. Adjusting the plant population: The plant population should be lesser in drylandconditions than under irrigated
conditions. The rectangular type of planting pattern shouldalways be followed under dryland conditions. Under
dryland conditions whenever moisturestress occurs due to prolonged dry spells, under limited moisture supply the
adjustment ofplant population can be done by
a) Increasing the inter row distance
b) Increasing the intra row distance
B. Mid-season corrections: The contingent management practices done in thestanding crop to overcome the
unfavorable soil moisture conditions due toprolonged dry spells are known as mid-season conditions.
a) Thinning: This can be done by removing every alternate row or every third row whichwill save the crop from
failure by reducing the competition
b) Spraying: In crops like groundnut, castor, red gram, etc., during prolonged dry spells thecrop can saved by
spraying water at weekly intervals or 2% urea at week to 10 days’interval.
c) Ratooning: In crops like sorghum and bajra, ratooning can be practiced as mid-seasoncorrection measure after
break of dry spell.
C. Mulching: It is a practice of spreading any covering material on soil surface to reduceevaporation losses. The
mulches will prolong the moisture availability in the soil and save thecrop during drought conditions.
D. Weed control: Weeds compete with crop for different growth resources ore seriouslyunder dryland conditions. The
water requirement of most of the weeds is more than the cropplants. Hence they compete more for soil moisture.
Therefore, the weed control especiallyduring early stages of crop growth reduces the impact of dry spell by soil
E. Water harvesting and lifesaving irrigation:The collection of runoff water during peak periods of rainfall and storing
different structures are known as water harvesting. The stored water can be used forgiving the lifesaving irrigation
during prolonged dry spells.
Water Harvesting
The process of runoff collection during periods of peak rainfall in storage tanks,ponds etc., is known as water
harvesting. It is a process of collection of runoff water fromtreated or untreated land surfaces/catchments or roof
tops and storing it in an open farm pondor closed water tanks/reservoirs or in the soil itself (in situ moisture storage)
for irrigation ordrinking purposes. Runoff farming and rainwater harvesting agriculture are synonymousterms, which
imply that farming is done in dry areas by means of runoff from a catchment.
Runoff farming is basically a water harvesting system specially designed to providesupplemental or lifesaving
irrigation to crops, especially during periods of soil moisturestress.
The importance of water harvesting
1. In arid and semi-arid areas where rainfall is low and unfavorably distributed, water harvesting makes farming
possible on part of the land provided other production factors are favorable.
2. It can provide additional water to supplement rainfall to increase and stabilize crop production in dryland areas.
3. It can alleviate the risk associated with the unpredictability of rainfall in drought prone areas.
4. In remote areas (islands and deserts) where public water supply for domestic and animal rearing is not available,
inducing runoff from treated area and stored in a reservoir/cistern for later use is a common practice.
5. In islands and high hilly areas, due to limited extent of fresh water aquifers, rainwater harvesting is the most
preferred source of water for domestic use.
6. The arid lands suffering from desertification, water harvesting would improve the vegetative cover and help to
halt the environmental degradation.
7. Water harvesting arrest decline in groundwater levels, to overcome the inadequacy of surface water to meet our
Techniques of Rainwater Harvesting
Arid Regions
The catchment area must provide sufficient water for crop maturity, and farming practices should optimize water use.
Perennial crops have deep root systems that utilize runoff water stored in the soil, preventing evaporation.
a) Runoff farming:Ancient runoff farms in the Negev desert, Israel, fed cultivated fields with water from watersheds
ranging from 10 to 50 ha. These watersheds were divided into small catchment areas, allowing easy collection of
runoff water. The channels leading to cultivated fields were terraced and had stone spillways, allowing surplus water
to be directed to lower fields. Farmers constructed check dams with rocks across gullies to guide the water to the
Madhya Pradesh farmers have developed a unique rainwater management system called 'Haveli', which involves
harvesting and runoff farming. Rainwater is harvested during monsoon, allowing it to flow between fields. The
impounded water is then drained during September-October, utilizing stored moisture in the soil profile for winter
crops like wheat, pea, lentil, and chickpea. This system contributes 4-6mm of rainwater per day for 90-100 days,
conserving 40-60 cm of moisture in the upper soil profile. The drained water is used for irrigation and weed control,
soil moisture conservation, and groundwater recharge.
b) Water spreading:Arid areas often experience short, intense storms with limited rainfall, leading to rapid water
drainage into gullies and flooding. This sudden runoff can be devastating, especially to areas untouched by the storm.
Water spreading is a simple irrigation method used to divert flood waters from their natural course and spread over
adjacent plains. This is achieved through ditches, dikes, or small dams, which are used to grow crops like sorghum and
millets in wet flood plains or valley floods.
Water spreading bunds are designed to spread water, not impound it, and are typically used to divert or naturally spill
floodwater onto floodplains. Earthen bunds slow down the flow, allowing floodwater to infiltrate the land for
cultivation. They can be constructed using a tractor, plough, or road grader.
c) Micro-catchments (Negarim):A rainwater catchment basin is built around a region with insufficient rainfall for plant
survival. A basin is dug 40 cm deep and planted with a tree, storing runoff. These micro-catchments are used in Africa
for sorghum, maize, and millets cultivation. They are suitable for uneven land or few trees, but are not easily
mechanized and limited to small scales. Cultivation between tree lines is also challenging.
Macro-catchments having runoff water collected from relatively large naturalcatchments. Generally, these
catchments are located outside the farm boundaries whereindividual farmers have little or no control over them.
Percolation tank is an example ofmacro-catchment WH system.
d) Traditional water harvesting systems:
The tanka is a popular rainwater harvesting structure in the Indian Thar desert, used for collecting and storing runoff
water from natural catchments, artificially prepared clean catchments, or roof tops. Its vertical walls are lined with
stone masonry or cement concrete, and the base is 10 cm thick. Traditional tankas have a lifespan of 3-4 years, while
CAZRI (Jodhpur) has designed an improved 21,000 L capacity tanka with a 25-year lifespan. The tanka can handle 125
mm annual rainfall and requires a 700 m² catchment area.
Virdas are shallow holes in dry riverbeds and lakes for collecting drinking water. Found in the Banni grasslands of the
Rann of Kutch in Gujarat, these holes are made with undulating topography. Sweet freshwater remains in the upper
layer, while saline water remains below due to its higher density. This unique structure, first developed by Maldharis
in the Rann of Kutch, resembles a well in a tank. A group of thorny bush branches surrounds a virda to ward off
Kunds are a type of water storage system found in western arid regions of Rajasthan, where limited groundwater is
moderate to highly saline. These tanks are constructed using local materials or cement and consist of a saucer-shaped
catchment area with a gentle slope towards the center. The tank's openings are guarded by wire mesh to prevent
debris, birds, and reptiles. With a catchment of 100 km², a kund can collect 10,000 liters of water, storing 0.1 million
liters of water. The size of kunds varies from 20 m² to 2 ha, depending on runoff needs, water use, and land
Nadi, or dugout village ponds, are used to store water from natural catchments in western Rajasthan. These ponds,
with depths ranging from 1.5 to 12 meters and capacities ranging from 400 m3 to 70,000 m3, are prone to siltation
due to deposited sandy sediments. Despite being unsuitable for human consumption, people use the muddy and dirty
water for various purposes due to water scarcity.
Johadsare crescent-shaped small earthen bunds whichis built across a slopping catchment/seasonal channels that
capture and conserve rainwater, improving percolation andgroundwater recharge. Unlike a normal dam, the
rainwater iscollected during monsoon and allowed to percolate into the soil.
Semi-arid Regions
a)Dug Wells:Hand dug wells have been used to collect and store underground water and this wateris lifted for
irrigation. The quality of water is generally poor due to dissolved salts.
b) Tanks:The traditional tank system collects runoff water from hillsides and forests and stores it in tanks on plains.
The tank system consists of a catchment area, storage tank, tank bund, sluice, spillway, and command area. Spillways
at one or both ends of the tank bund prevent breaching, and sluice in the central area allows controlled water flow
into the command area. Tanks irrigate the command area by gravity flow, with many ranging from 25 to 100 ha. Tanks
offer good water quality compared to wells.
c) Percolation Tanks:Percolation tanks are used to recharge groundwater by ponding water from rivulets or gullies,
which percolates into soil and raises the water table. They also regulate silt load entering downstream reservoirs,
improving water levels in wells for supplemental irrigation.
d) Farm Ponds:Farm ponds collect excess runoff water for moisture conservation, ideally in lower fields. The farm's
size should be determined based on annual rainfall, probable runoff, and catchment area. 10-20% of seasonal rainfall
is considered runoff in medium black soils. A 150 m³ pond with 1.5:1 side slopes is sufficient for one ha of catchment
area in black soils.
e) Inter-row water harvesting (IRWH): The system involves 30-40 cm width furrows and 60-70 cm deep ridges, with
ridgers at right angles to the slope. Water collected from the ridge is stored in the furrow, benefiting the crop with
high moisture. The ridge provides partial shading for 6-7 hours a day and reduces evaporation by 25-35% after rain.
This system is suitable for heavy textured soils, as light crops are grown in furrows, while heavy soils require planting
on ridges to eliminate water-logging. Raindrops are absorbed where they fall, and it is generally practiced in areas
with annual rainfall between 200-300 mm.
f) Inter-plot water harvesting (IPWH):This method diverts harvested water to cropped areas, particularly in areas with
limited rainfall and difficulty harvesting a single crop. It uses runoff water from adjacent bare plots, with slopes added
to augment runoff. Catchments with strips of 0.75 m width are desirable, and a catchment to cultivated area ratio of
0.5 is optimum for most crops.
Cropped slopes on both sides are more suitable for arid-fruit trees. 1:1 cropped to non-cropped area yields better
results, followed by 1:1 and 1:2 one-side slopes.
g) Broad Bed & Furrows (BBF):BBF is a practice recommended by ICRISAT for high rainfall areas with vertisols or black
soils. It involves creating 90-150 cm wide, 15-20 cm high raised beds with 0.3 to 0.5% grades. These beds are
separated by 50 cm wide furrows that drain into grassed waterways. These beds are stable for 2 to 4 years and can be
adapted for planting upland crops in rows spaced at 30, 45, 75, or 150 cm. This system conserves soil, rainwater, and
improves crop yields and sustainability.
Efficient utilization of rainwater through soil management practices:
1. Avoiding and rectifying soil degradation: Increasing soil organic matter content by incorporating organic
manures and pond sediments improve the stable soil aggregates. Salinization can be controlled by leaching
the surface salts with rainwater irrigation. In alkali soils, application of gypsum resulted in increased
infiltration rate. The best method of avoiding waterlogging is by providing surface drainage.
2. Managing soil nutrients: Nitrogen can be fixed by natural and symbiotic fixation like Rhizobia in legumes,
Azolla in rice and by using biofertilizers. Maintaining P, K and other nutrients normally requires the use of
inorganic fertilizers. Organic manures (FYM, compost, green manures, farm wastes) should be used for
balanced supply of essential nutrients as well as having additional beneficial effects on the soil.
3. Managing soil physical conditions: Conservation tillage with lighter machinery is the most effective way to
alter and improve soil physical conditions. Under Indian conditions, satisfactory soil physical condition of
rainfed soils can be maintained by deep ploughing once in 3 to 5 years,application of bulky organic manures in
alternate years and shallow inter-cultivation for weedmanagement.
4. Improving soil moisture regime: There is no practical method by which available WHC of a soil can be
increased. Addition of silt, clay, organic matter etc. increases field capacity and also raises wilting point
leading to marginal increase in available WHC. If good soil is available, 1:1:1 ratio of soil, organic matter and
sand make an excellent mixture. If the soil is sand, a mixture of 1:1:1 with soil, organic matter and clay soil is
suitable. Never mix the heavy sticky clays in these soils. Contour farming and sub-surface barriers helps to
reduce runoff as well as soil loss.
5. Managing soil organic matter and soil biological conditions: Activities that promote theaccumulation and
supply of organic matter, such as use of FYM, crop rotation, cover cropsand those that reduce decomposition
rates, such as reduced and zero tillage, leads to anincrease in the organic matter content in the soil and its
biological activities.
Under rainfed conditions soil moisture is the most limiting factor for crop production.It is lost as evaporation from soil
surface and as transpiration from the plant surfaces. Thecombined loss of moisture through these two processes is
known as evapotranspiration.
Crop management practices under rainfed areas:
1. Efficient cropping systems: Cropping intensity in dryland agriculture is, generally 100%, implying that singlecrop is
taken during the year. Cropping intensities of these areas can be increased throughintercropping and sequential
cropping by way of more efficient use of resources. Crops andcropping systems selected should match the length of
crop growing season to avoid soilmoisture stress. Double cropping, either by sequential cropping or relay cropping, is
possiblein regions with rainfall >900 mm, extended rainy season and high soil moisture storagecapacity. Double
cropping is also possible with rainwater harvesting in farm ponds.Intercropping of groundnut + castor (4:1) was
pursued vigorously in Rajkot (Gujarat). Evenat Solapur, leafy vegetables and some short duration beans are grown as
intercrops during therainy season.
2. Choice of crops and cultivars and crop substitution: Crops and varieties for drylands should have following
 Plants with erect leaves and stem.
 Short duration and early vigour.
 Deep root system with ramified roots.
 Dwarf and moderate tillering in case of tillering crops and varieties.
 Resistance/tolerance to biotic stresses.
 Lesser period between flowering and maturity so that the grain filling is least affected by adverse weather.
 Resistance/tolerance to abiotic stresses.
 Low rate of transpiration.
 Less sensitive to photoperiod.
 Wider adaptability.
3. Land preparation: Tillage is a well-known soil and water conservation practice which makes soil surfacemore
permeable to increase infiltration rate, which in turn reduces runoff, soil and nutrientlosses and enhance crop yields.
Deep tillage in problem soils promotes better root systemdevelopment and helps in higher yields during low rainfall
years, leading to more efficientuse of sub-soil resources. Off-season or pre-monsoon tillage also has a marked impact
onweed control and rainwater intake. All the cultural practices should be done across the slope(contour cultivation)
to reduce soil and water loss. By ploughing and sowing across the slope,each ridge of plough furrow and each row of
the crop act as obstruction to the runoff water.
4. Early sowing of crops in the season: It is an established fact that early sowing alone contributes to around 63% of
the finalcrop yield. Early sowing leads to optimum yield due to efficient use of growth resourcesbesides minimizing
the incidence of pests and diseases. However, the problem is that how tosow the crop early in the season when the
onset of monsoon is delayed. The practical solutionto this problem appears to be land preparation for early/timely
seeding, taking advantage ofsummer showers. Taking advantage of these summer showers, the land can be prepared
for taking advantage of the early monsoon rains.
5. Planting patterns and plant densities: At too densities, crop yields are reduced because too much of soil water is
used up to vegetative growth early in theseason; too low densities do not effectively exploit available
moisture.Recommendations are frequently made that do not differentiate between crop grownon stored moisture
(Sept-Oct to Jan-Feb) and those grown during rainy season (June-July to Oct-Nov). For crops grown during rainy
season, the usual recommendation is to increasethe distance between plants within the row, to adjust to a low
moisture supply.
6. Managing soil crust problems: Soil crusts are dry, thin and hard soil surface layers that develop due to the action
ofrain drop or irrigation water. On subsequent drying, it results in the development ofcontinuous layer of closely
packed soil particles. Soil crusts often hinder the emergence ofseedlings and hence establishment of crop stand.
Management practices to overcome crustproblems include:
 Shallow and dense sowing.
 Dragging heavy thorny branches on crusted soil surface.
 Loosening the crusted surface by using spike-tooth harrow.
 Mulching.
 Light blade harrowing 2-3 days after rain.
 Planting on shallow furrows and on sides of ridge
7. Minimizing Evaporation losses:There are three principles of evaporation control under field conditions.
a. Decreasing the turbulent transfer of water vapor to the atmosphere by growing plants,raising wind breaks, straw
mulches etc.,
b. Decreasing capillary conductivity by rapid drying of the surface soil layers.
c. Decreasing the capillary flow and moisture holding capacity of the surface soil layers.
For evaporation control, mostly mulches are used.
8. Nutrient management: Following are the salient findings on fertiliser use in dryland agriculture:
1. Soils of dry regions are deficient in N in all soils, P in some soils, K is limited and Zn and Fe are sporadically. Most
economical responses were with low rates of 25-30 kg N per ha. On heavy black soils, crops respond to about 30
kg P2O5 per ha. Legumes in cropping system contribute up to 25 kg N per ha.
2. Response of post-rainy season crops to fertilisers will depend on stored moisture in the profile and hence should
be band placed in soil as basal application.
3. For kharif crops, N can be applied in splits depending on rainfall. Second split may be avoided if the soil moisture
is not adequate for top dressing in time. Legumes are more responsive to P fertilization.
4. Balanced fertiliser use resulted in yield advantage during normal rainfall year.
Thus, IPNS approach has come to play a key role in these areas. IPNS involvesjudicious and combined use of fertilisers,
bio-fertilisers, organic manures and growing oflegumes in the cropping systems. IPNS also encompasses balanced
fertilizer application and SSNM.In case of Zn deficiency, 30 kg of zinc sulphate is applied once in three years.
Contingency cropping involves growing a suitable crop in place of a normally sown profitable crop due to unusual
weather conditions. This method is location-specific and depends on the amount and distribution of rainfall. Crops
must be selected with suitable durations to coincide with the growing season. Short-duration pulses like green gram,
black gram, and cowpea may be suitable, but if monsoons are exceptionally good, opportunity is lost. Farmers with
economic strength and risk appetite can choose long-duration crops with flexibility or elasticity in yield. Crops like
sorghum and pearl millet can be grown for grain if monsoons extend, and fodder can be obtained if not.
Crop planning for successful crop production under water scarcity and dry farming condition:
In low rainfall and water scarcity situations during kharif, the crops like Bajra, Castorand legumes crop like Tur,
Moong, Black gram, Kidney bean, Guar and Cowpea. Cropplanning for successful crop production under water scarcity
and dry farming conditionshould be as under:
1. Bunding and leveling should be done to conserve the rain water in situ.
2. Sowing the crop at optimum time.
3. Tillage and sowing of the crop across the slope.
4. Use higher amount of organic manures like FYM, compost, vermi-compost and cake.
5. Apply fertilizers at sowing under adequate soil moisture or as top dressing afterirrigation.
6. Use drip irrigation in wide spaced crops and sprinkler irrigation in narrow spacedcrops, if possible.
7. Inter culturing, weeding and crop protection measures should be done as and whenrequired.
8. Adopt mixed and inter cropping systems.
9. Raise crop in strip cropping.
Watershed Management
A watershed is a land area that captures rainfall and conveys it to a common outlet in the main flow channel.
Introduced in 1920, it is also known as a catchment or drainage basin. Watersheds can cover from 1 hectare to
thousands of hectares, with rainwater from a few hectares draining into a common stream. The drainage divide is the
boundary of a watershed, and precipitation received on the opposite side does not contribute to the runoff. The
watershed community includes people, animals, and vegetation, which influence the topography of the area.
What is Watershed Management?
Watershed management is the rational utilization of land, water and vegetation resources for optimum production
with minimum hazards. It involves management of land surface and vegetation so as to conserve the soil and water
for immediate use and long term benefits for farmers and the society as a whole. It is an integration of technologies
within the natural boundaries of the drainage area for optimum development of land, water and plant recourses to
meet the basic needs people in a sustained manner. Watershed management may be defined as the process of
formulating and carrying out a course of action involving manipulation of natural, agricultural and human resources of
a watershed to provide resources that are desired by and suitable to the watershed community, but under the
condition that soil and water resources are not adversely affected.
Objectives of Watershed Management:
1. To control damaging runoff and soil erosion.
2. To protect, conserve, and improve the natural resources for efficient and sustainedproduction.
3. To manage the watershed in order to minimize floods, droughts, landslides, etc.
4. To protect and enhance water resources, reducing silting of conservation structuresand conserving rainwater.
5. To increase the groundwater recharge through in-situ conservation and waterharvesting structures.
6. To rehabilitate the deteriorating lands.
7. To utilize the natural local resources for improving agriculture and allied occupationsso as to improve the socio-
economic conditions of the beneficiaries.
Principles of Watershed Management:
1. Utilizing the land according to its land capability classification (LCC)
2. Putting adequate vegetative cover on the soil surface for controlling soil erosion,mainly during the rainy season.
3. Conservation of maximum rainwater at the place where it falls on arable land byconservation practices.
4. Draining out excess water with safe velocity to avoid soil erosion and storing it indifferent rainwater harvesting
structures for efficient future use.
5. Preventing gully formation and putting check dams and gully plugs at suitableintervals to control soil erosion and
increase groundwater recharge.
6. Safe utilization of marginal lands through alternate land use systems.
7. Maximizing productivity per unit area, per unit time and per unit water.
8. Improving sustainability of ecosystem and socio-economic status of the inhabitants.
1. Watershed Characteristics: Watershed characteristics influencing watershed management include size, shape,
topography, slope, soils, vegetative cover and drainage density.
2. Climatic Characteristics: The greatest factor controlling stream flow is the amount of precipitation that falls in the
watershed. Climate parameters such as intensity and frequency of rainfall, temperature, humidity, wind velocity and
direction affect watershed functioning and regulate soil properties and vegetation. It is estimated that the total
energy of the raindrops equals 100 HP on one ha land during one cm rainfall for one hour. All climatic factors
determine the amount of surface runoff and transportability of soil particles.
3. Land Use Pattern: Judicious land use by users is of vital importance to watershed management and functioning.
Change of land use within the watershed, especially within the variable source area, greatly affects the collection
capacity and consequent runoff behaviour of the watershed. If the land use changes are local, then the impact of such
changes is especially apparent in the storm hydrograph.
4. Social Status of Inability: Common contributors to water pollution are nutrients and sediment which typicallyenter
stream systems after rainfall washes them off poorly managed fields. These types ofpollutants are considered
nonpoint sources of pollution because the exact point where thepollutants originated cannot be identified. Such
pollutants remain a major issue for waterways because of the difficulty to control their sources hinders any attempt
to limit thepollution. Point source pollution originates a specific point of contamination such as if amanure
containment structure fails and its contents enter the drainage system.
5. Organization: The success of any WSD programme is depends on the type of organization. This isthe crucial factor
for watershed development. Land use questions can only be tackled in closecollaboration with the owners and the
local participatory inhabitants. To augment suchinteraction, the size of the watershed should not be too large or too
small. People’sparticipation is only effective when a watershed has an organized development agency.

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