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End of Term Test1 2star

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End-of-termtest 1


4.35 Listen. Underline the correct options. (10

1 Rosemary has had the birthmark all her life /
since she was four.
2 It covers all / most of her face.
3 Shes had an / more than one operation.
4 She has good / bad memories of her childhood.
5 She liked / didnt like people looking at her.
6 She used to wear her mums make-up /
7 She never wore a hat / hairband.
8 She was brought up in the countryside / a city.
9 She used to spend time in the fields / cinema.
10 Rosemary decided to get help when she was out
with friends / of work.

2 Complete the definitions. (10 marks)
1 A development of houses built in a similar style is
a h_ _ _ _ _ _ e_ _ _ _ _ .
2 Something that cannot be done is _i_ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 When Chris cut his hand, there was b_ _ _ _
everywhere. It was horrible!
4 When people think something is unfair, they
often p_ _ _ _ _ _ about it.
5 Something that is very funny is h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
3 Correct the mistakes. Change the bold words.
(10 marks)
1 My finger hurts so I cant talk.
2 Its inpolite to ask your teacher how old she is.
3 I usually wear flop-flips on my feet when I go to
the beach.
4 Steve and Joe look alike but their personalities
are very unsimilar.
5 Im boiling.
You should close the window and put on a
jumper, then.

4 Write sentences. Use the present simple, the
present continuous or used to. (18 marks)
1 you / enjoy / this party?
2 I / wait / for my friend.
3 you / know / the answer?
4 I / not like / cycling / but now I / love / it!
5 You / wear / a lovely dress today.
6 She / hate / shopping when she was younger.
7 Look! It / snow / !
8 When he was a child, / he / believe / in ghosts.
9 Where / you / usually / play / tennis?
5 Complete the email. Use the past simple or past
continuous of the verbs in the box. (20 marks)
appear be not be cross decide look have
run not see walk

Hi Mark
I nearly (1) __________ an accident
this afternoon while I (2) __________
the road. You know that road that we
(3) __________ scared of when we
were little? Well, Im terrified of it now!
I (4) __________ to cross the road
because there (5) __________ any
traffic. As I (6) __________ across the
road, a lorry suddenly (7) __________ .
I (8) __________ straight ahead, so I
(9) __________ it at first. Then I
(10) __________ very fast! Fortunately,
I got to the other side just in time!
See you soon,

End-of-termtest 1
6 Rewrite the sentences using the present perfect
and the bold words. (12 marks)
I bought some new sunglasses. (just)
Ive just bought some new sunglasses.
1 Mum didnt go shopping. (yet)
2 Sylvia and I had breakfast. (already)
3 Did anybody see our new timetable? (yet)
We ran 10 kilometres. (just)

7 Read the text. Find words in the text that match

the definitions. (10 marks)

a place where you are trapped _____________

fashionable _____________
fill up _____________
very interesting _____________
not important _____________
achieved _____________
very surprised _____________
not wide _____________
walked in a relaxed way _____________
in the end _____________

Tom broke the window. (just)


Pete and Alice drank all the milk. (already)

8 Are the rules correct or incorrect? Write C or I.

(5 marks)

I was born in the early 1950s. I grew up in a small
village and I hated it. Even in those days, tourists
used to come during the summer to have a break
from the city. There was a train station then, so it
didnt matter if you didnt have your own transport.
Every year, the visitors strolled through the village
and had tea in the caf. They sometimes bought
food for a picnic and went into the fields and woods.
The tourists thought the village was fascinating, but
to me, it was the most boring place in the world. It
seemed like a prison. My friends and I wanted to
wear chic clothes and make-up, but there was no
place for high heels and sunglasses in the village.
Fashion was unimportant there.
I eventually fulfilled my dream and left to live in
London. Finally, 35 years later, I returned to the
village and was astonished by how much had
changed. All year round, people clog the narrow
streets, and the cars have to drive on the
pavements. I get a headache trying to shout above
the noise of the traffic. Its just like being in the city!

1 We can use but, although and however to

contrast two clauses. __
2 We can use however at the beginning of
a sentence. __
3 Start your description with a short conclusion. __
4 When you make notes, you have to write
complete sentences. __
5 You should include all of your notes in your
final essay. __
9 Write about yourself. Describe where you live,
your appearance and your interests. Use the
writing guide to help you. (5 marks)
Paragraph 1
My names ...
I live in ...
Its ...
Paragraph 2
Ive got ... (hair / eye colour)
I usually wear ...
Paragraph 3
Im interested in ...
I dont like ...


Listening _____ / 10 Vocabulary _____ / 20 Grammar _____ / 50 Reading _____ / 10 Writing _____ / 10
TOTAL _____ / 100

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