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Mosaic TRD2 GV U7 1

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Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 7

Grammar Vocabulary

Modals: should, shouldn't, must, mustn't Verbs

1 Choose the correct option. 5 Choose the correct option.

We use must / should to give advice – or to say Ouch! That bee stung / bit me!
something is a good idea. 1 He pulled / pushed his fingers into the shark's
1 We use must / shouldn't to talk about a strong eyes.
obligation – to say something is essential or a 2 Eric used his foot to hit / kick the door.
rule. 3 You shouldn't throw / chase litter in the sea.
2 We use mustn't / should to talk about 4 I ran when the bear attacked / defended me.
something that is prohibited.
3 The form of the modals is the same / different Adjectives
for all subjects.
4 After should(n't) and must(n't) we use the verb 6 Are the adjectives positive or negative?
with / without to. Write P or N.
brave P 5 rude __
2 What do the sentences express? Choose the 1 worried __ 6 helpful __
correct option.
2 clever __ 7 shy __
Should we eat lots of fruit and vegetables? 3 embarrassed __ 8 impatient __
advice / obligation 4 afraid __ 9 friendly __
1 The rules are that you must take your passport
when you travel to another country. 7 Match the words 1–4 to their opposites A–D.
obligation / advice 1 afraid D A mean
2 You mustn't park your car here. It's illegal. 2 generous __ B impatient
it’s prohibited / it’s essential 3 polite __ C rude
3 You shouldn't stay up late on a school night. 4 patient __ D brave
advice / it’s prohibited
Giving advice and instruction
have (got) to + infinitive about a sport
3 Write ‘Inf’ next to the sentence we use when we 8 Complete the dialogue with the words.
speak or write informally.
I cycle to school every day as it’s quite close to first have to secondly should
to have tried try worry
my house. I haven’t got to take the bus. Inf
1 Emily did really well in her History exam so she A Have you tried the Segway Active Experience
doesn’t have to do it again. __ before, Grace?
2 Do your teachers have to go to school on B No, I haven’t. Do I (1) ____ wear special
Saturdays? __ clothes?
3 He has got to help me now! __ A Yes. (2) ____ of all, you must wear flat shoes,
like trainers. (3) ____, you should wear old
4 Put the words in the correct order. clothes because you might get dirty. Finally,
to / we / pay for / do / our / transport / have / ? it’s a good idea to wear gloves if it’s a cold
Do we have to pay for our transport? day.
1 got / haven't / leave / to / now / they Do you want (4) ____ a go?
______________________________________ B Sure! What (5) ____ I do next?
2 doesn't / Sara / have / the project / to / again / do A (6) ____ moving the Segway a little.
______________________________________ B Uh, oh! This is a bit scary!
3 got / the dog / feed / Michael / today / to / has A Don't (7) ____. You're doing fine!


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