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Islamic Civilization in Europe

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Islamic Civilization in


Hilmy Ammar Raf

Management IP
Islamic University of Indonesia

A. The Entry of Islam in Spain

Islam frst entered Spain in 711 AD through North Africa. Spain,
before the arrival of Islam known as Iberia / Asbania, then called
Andalusia. Before conquering the spain, the Muslims had taken
control of North Africa and making it as one of the province of the
dynasty of Bani Umayyah. The conquest of the North African region of
the frst trial until it becomes a province of the Bani Umayyah took
over 53 years, which started the year 30 H (reign of Muawiya ibn Abi
Sufyan) until the year 83 AH (the time of al-Walid). Before defeated
and then controlled by Islam, in this area there are pockets of the
power base of the Roman empire, the Gothic kingdom.
In the process of the Spanish conquest, there are three heroes of
Islam who give a huge contribution. They are Tharif ibn Malik, Tharik
ibn Ziyad and Musa ibn Nushair. Tharif can be termed as the pioneer
and investigators. He crossed the strait that lies between Morocco
and the European continent with an army of fve hundred of whom
were horsemen, they boarded four vessels provided by Julian. He
wins and back to North Africa to bring the spoils are not few in
number. Encouraged by the success Tharif and chaos that occurs in
the body of the royal Visigothic ruling in Spain at the time, as well as
strong incentives to obtain the spoils of war, Musa ibn Nushair in the
year 711 AD to send troops to Spain as many as 7,000 people under
the leadership of Tariq ibn Ziyad . Tariq ibn Ziyad is more widely
known as the Spanish conquest because his army is larger and more
noticeable result. Troops consisted of mostly ethnic Berbers
supported by Musa ibn Nushair and some Arabs who sent by Khalifa
al-Walid. The troops then crossed the strait under the leadership of
Tariq ibn Ziyad. A mountain of Tariq and his men frst landed and
prepared his troops, known as Gibraltar (Jabal Tariq). In the battle at
Bakkah, King Roderick can be defeated. From there like Cordova,
Granada and Toledo (capital of the kingdom of the Goths at the time).
Culture Islam entered Europe through several ways, among others
passing through Andalusia. This is because the Muslims have settled

in the country around the 8th century centuries. At that time the
country's Islamic culture reached the peak of its development. Islamic
culture in Andalusia experiencing rapid development in various
center, for example, Cordova, Seville, Granada and Toledo. The frst
victory achieved by Tariq ibn Ziyad opened the way for the conquest
of the region more broadly. Furthermore, both managed to control all
the important cities in Spain, including its northern part from
Zaragoza to Navarre. The next wave of expansion of the area
appeared during the reign of Khalifa Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz year 99
AH / 717 AD, with a target controlled the area around the mountain
Pyrenia and southern France.
The second wave of the invasion of the Muslims that the motion
starts at the beginning of the 8th century AD, has reached all Spain
and extends deep into central France and signifcant parts of Italy.
The victories that achieved by Muslims seem so easy, it can not be
separated from the external and internal factors. External factors,
among others, at the time of the Spanish conquest by Muslims, social
conditions, politics, and economy of this country is in a weak state,
with the power struggle between the government, a conflict that is
destroying religious harmony and tolerance among them. Worst
conditions occurred during the reign of King Roderick, the last king
who defeated by Islam. Ghot initial destruction was when King
Roderick moved its capital from Seville to Toledo, while Witiza who
was a ruler of the Toledo area dismissed offhand. Things that beneft
other Islamic army is that soldiers Roderick consisting of slaves
depressed and no longer have the spirit of war. Besides the Jews who
had been depressed also had an alliance and provide support for the
struggle of the Muslims. The internal factor is a condition present in
the body of rulers, leaders and soldiers fght Islam involved in the
conquest of Spanish territory in particular. Leaders are powerful
fgures, the army is compact, unifed and confdent. The attitude of
religious tolerance and brotherhood contained in the person of the

Muslims that caused the Spanish population welcomed the Muslim

presence there.


The Development of Islam in Spain

1. First Period (711-755 AD)

During this period, Spain was under the reign of the trustees who
are appointed by the Umayyad Caliph centered in Damascus. In this
period the Spanish domestic political stability has not been achieved
perfectly, disruptions still occur, both from within and from outside.
Interference from within, among others, in the form of a dispute
among the ruling elite, mainly due to differences in ethnicity and
social class. In addition, there is a difference of views between the
Caliph in Damascus and the governor of North Africa, based in
Kairawan. Each admitted that they are most eligible master the
Spanish regions of this. Therefore, there is twenty times the turn of
the trustee (the governor) Spain within a very short time. The
difference of political views that led to frequent civil war. It is
nothing to do with ethnic differences, especially between Barbarian
origin North Africa and Arabia. In itself there are two Arab ethnic
groups who constantly compete that Qaisy tribes (Arab North) and
the Arab Yamani (South Arabia). The ethnic differences often lead to
political conflicts, especially when there are no fgures maintained
power for a longer period of time. This period ended with the arrival
of Abd al-Rahman al-Dakhil to Spain in the year 138 AH / 755 AD.

2. Second Period (755-912 AD)


During this period, Spain was under the reign of a the title of amir
(commander or governor) but is not subject to the central Islamic
government, which was then held by the Khalifa Abbasiyah in
Baghdad. Amir Abdurrahman I was entered Spain in 138 H / 755 AD
and was given the title of Al-Dakhil (coming to Spain). He managed
to establish the Umayyah dynasty in Spain. The rulers of Spain
during this period was Abd al-Rahman al-Dakhil, Hisham I, Hakam I,
Abd al-Rahman al-Ausath, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rahman, Munzir
ibn Muhammad and Abdullah ibn Muhammad. In this period, Muslim
in Spain began to gain progress both in the political as well as felds
of civilization. Abd al-Rahman al-Dakhil Cordova build mosques and
schools in major cities of Spain. Hisham is known as a reformer in
the military feld. It was he who initiated the mercenaries in Spain.
Meanwhile, Abd al-Rahman al-Ausath known as the ruler who love
science. Thought philosophy also began during this period,
especially in an age of Abdurrahman al-Ausath. By the middle of the
9th century the country's stability interrupted by the emergence of
fanatical Christians who seek sahid (Martyrdom). The most serious
political disturbances during this period come from Muslims
themselves. Rebel group in Toledo in the year 852 AD to form the
city-state which lasts for 80 years. In addition, a number of people
who are not satisfed evoke a revolution. Notable among them is a
rebellion led by his son Hafshun and centered in the mountains near

3. Third Period (912-1013 AD)

This period lasted from the reign of Abd al-Rahman III title "AnNasir" until the advent of "the kings of the group" known as al-Mulk
Thawaif. In this period Spain was ruled by the ruler with the title of
Khalifa, the Khalifa use stems from news that up to Abdurrahman III,
that Muktadir, Khalifa daulah Bani Abbas in Baghdad died
assassinated by his own bodyguards. This situation shows that the
atmosphere of Abbasiyah rule is in crisis. He believes that now is a

good time to wear the title of Khalifa who has been missing from the
Umayyah rule for 150 years. That's why this title is used starting in
929 AD large Khalifa who ruled during this period there were three
people, they are Abd al-Rahman al-Nasir (912-961 AD), Hakam II
(961-976 AD), and Hisham II ( 976-1009 AD). During this period,
Muslims Spain reached the peak of progress and the glory of the
triumph of good fortune to rival the Abbasiyah in Baghdad. Abd alRahman al-Nasir established universities Cordova. Finally in the year
1013 AD, the Council of Ministers who ruled Cordova abolish the
system of Khalifa. In that time, Spain has been divided into so many
small states centered in certain cities.

4. Fourth Period (1013-1086 AD)

During this period, Spain was split into more than thirty small
country under the rule of kings group or Al-Mulukuth-Thawaif
centered in a city like Seville, Cordova, Toledo and so on. The largest
of them is Abbasiyah in Seville. In this period Muslims entered a
period of internal strife. Ironically, in a civil war, there are some
parties that asked for help to Christian Kings. Seeing a weakness
and political chaos that happened to the Islamic state, for the frst
time Christians in this period began to take the initiative to attack.
Although the political life is not stable, but continues to thrive on the
intellectual life of this period. Palaces encourage scholars and
writers to get protection from one palace to another palace.

5. Fifth Period (1086-1248 AD)

During this period, Spanish Islam although still fragmented in
several countries, but there is a dominant force, namely power
Murabithun dynasty (1086-1143 AD) and Almohads dynasty (11461235 AD). Murabithun dynasty was originally a religious movement
founded by Yusuf ibn Tasyfn in North Africa. In the year 1062 AD he
successfully established a kingdom centered in Marakesh. During
the dynasty Murabithun, Saragoza fall into the hands of Christians,
precisely in 1118 AD. The dynasty of Muwahhidun was founded by
Muhammad ibn Almohads Tumazi (w.1128). This dynasty came to

Spain under the leadership of Abd al-Moneim. In the year 1212 AD,
the Christians gained a major victory at Las Navas de Tolesa. Too
many defeats and loss in war, Muwahhhidun ruler choose to leave
Spain and return to North Africa in 1235 AD. In 1238 M Cordova fell
to the Christian rulers and Seville fell in 1248 AD. The whole Spain
except Granada separated from Muslim rule.

6. Sixth Period (1248-1492 AD)

In this period, namely between (1232-1492), the Muslims of Andalus
holding on in the Granada under the control of the Bani Amar
dynasty. Founder of this dynasty was Sultan Muhammad bin Yusuf
Al-Nasr, therefore it is called a Nasriyyah. In this period, Islam only
have power in the area of Granada, under the Bani Ahmar dynasty
(1232-1492). Progress of civilization back as in the days
Abdurrahman an-Nasir. The rule of Islam which is the last defense in
Spain is over because of a dispute the palace in a power struggle.
Abu Abdullah Muhammad was not pleased to appoint her father
because her other son as his successor as king. He rebelled and
tried to seize power. In the rebellion, his father was killed and
replaced by Muhammad ibn Sa'ad. Abu Abdullah then asked for help
from Ferdenand and Isabella to drop. Two Christian rulers can defeat
the legitimate ruler and Abu Abdullah ascended to the throne. Of
course, Ferdenand and Isabella that unites the two great Christian
kingdoms through marriage was not quite satisfed. Both of them
wanted to seize power last Muslims in Spain. Abu Abdullah is not
able to withstand the attacks of the Christian people, and eventually
concede. He handed over power to Ferdenand and Isabella, then
moved to North Africa. Thus ending Muslim rule in Spain in 1492 AD
Muslims after it was faced with two choices, convert to Christianity
or leave Spain. In 1609 AD, virtually no more Muslims in this area.

C. Summary
Islam frst entered Spain in 711 AD through North Africa. Andalusia
region of Spain which is now called the southern tip of the continent of
Europe, entered into since the Umayyad dynasty descendants of Tariq
ibn Ziyad, the governor's subordinate Musa bin Nushair Qairuwan,
defeated the Spanish-led Roderik King of the Gothia (92 H / 711 AD).
Spain occupied by the Muslims at the time of caliph Al-Walid (705715), one of the Umayyad caliphate based in Damascus. The
development of Islam in Spain lasted more than seven and a half
centuries. The development is divided into six periods: First Period
(711-755 AD), Second Period (755-912 AD), Third Period (912-1013
AD), the Fourth Period (1013-1086 AD), Fifth Period (1086-1248 M),
and the Sixth Period (1248-1492 AD). The progress of civilization was
influenced by the intellectual progress which included a philosophy,
science, jurisprudence, music and the arts, as well as language and
literature, and the grandeur of physical development. Factors
supporting the progress of Islamic Spain, of which progress is
determined by the presence of the ruling strong and authoritative
ruler, who is able to unite the forces of Muslims, such as Abd alRahman al-Dakhil, Abd al-Rahman al-Wasit and Abd al-Rahman alNasir. The success of the political leaders supported by the wisdom of
the rulers of other pioneering scientifc activities and tolerance are
enforced by the authorities against the Christian and Jewish.
deterioration and destruction of Islam in Spain, among others, Islam
conflicts with Christians, the absence of a unifying ideology, economic
difficulties, lack of clarity about the remoteness of the power transfer


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