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GE Energy

1631 Bently Parkway South

Minden, NV 89423 USA
Ph: +1 775.782.3611

Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

Bently Nevada Asset Condition Monitoring

System 1

Optimization and Diagnostic Platform

Copyright 2008. General Electric Company.

System 1 is a trademark of General Electric Company.
All rights reserved.
Patents 6,421,571; 6,934,696.
pn 181136 (rev c)

imagination at work

Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

Bently Nevada Asset Condition Monitoring

System 1 Optimization and

Diagnostic Platform
Part Number 181136
Rev C (05/08)

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

Copyright 2008. General Electric Company.

All Rights Reserved.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
The following are trademarks General Electric Company in the United
States and other countries:
Bently PERFORMANCE, Bently Nevada, Decision Support, Decision Support
Studio, Keyphasor, RuleDesk, RulePak, SE, Snapshot, System 1, System
Extender, TDXnet, Transient Data Manager, and Trendmaster
The following are trademarks of the legal entities cited:

Matrikon is a trademark and service mark of Matrikon Inc., registered in Canada and
other countries.
MODBUS is a registered trademark of Modbus-IDA.
MAXIMO is a trademark of MRO Software, Inc.
SAP and SAP R/3 are the registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several
other countries.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, Windows NT, and Excel, are trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Sun, Sun Microsystems, and Java, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun
Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
The Bearing Expert is a trademark of International Source Index, Inc.
PI System is a trademark of OSI Software, Inc.

Contact Information
The following contact information is provided for those times when you
cannot contact your local representative:
Mailing Address
1631 Bently Parkway South
Minden, Nevada 89423


Two Quick Start manuals are delivered with your System 1 software.
Depending on your version of the software, the manuals will be different.
For all versions of System 1 software prior to and including version 5.0,
the manual names are:
System 1 Software Installation Quick Start Guide
System 1 Software Operation Quick Start Guide
For version 6.12 of System 1 software, the manual names will be:
System 1 Software Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.12
System 1 Software Operation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.12
For version 6.5 of System 1 software, the manual names will be:
System 1 Software Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5
System 1 Software Operation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5
Use the Installation Quick Start Guide first to understand how the System
1 platform is constructed, how to install the different
applications that make a System 1 installation, and how to
verify that your installation is operational.
Use the Operations Quick Start Guide to understand the System 1
configuration process and learn to do basic operational tasks.
For the most current information regarding System 1 software, visit us at

Online Help
This is a comprehensive resource for the System 1 platform and that you
can access from any System 1 screen or the System 1 Help menu. You
can also access online help from your desktop by selecting Start,
Programs, System 1, Help, and System 1 Help. Online help is available
after you install your System 1 software.

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

Additional Information
Product Disposal Statement
Customers and third parties, who are not member states of the European
Union, who are in control of the product at the end of its life or at the end
of its use, are solely responsible for the proper disposal of the product. No
person, firm, corporation, association or agency that is in control of
product shall dispose of it in a manner that is in violation of any applicable
federal, state, local or international law. General Electric Company is not
responsible for the disposal of the product at the end of its life or at the
end of its use.


1. Overview ..................................................................................... 1
Software Application Packages .......................................................2
1.1.1 System 1 Software Application Packages ........................................... 2
1.1.2 System 1 Software System Extender Applications .......................... 4
Software Components.......................................................................6
1.2.1 System 1 Servers............................................................................................. 6
1.2.2 System 1 Clients .............................................................................................. 7
1.2.3 System 1 Data Exporters............................................................................. 7
1.2.4 System 1 Tools ................................................................................................. 8
System 1 Technical Documentation ...............................................9
1.3.1 Manual................................................................................................................. 9
1.3.2 Online Help......................................................................................................... 9
1.3.3 Readme.Txt......................................................................................................10
1.3.4 Other Documentation.................................................................................11

2. System 1 Software Components ..........................................13

System 1 Application Servers........................................................ 13
2.1.1 System 1 Databases....................................................................................13
2.1.2 System 1 Data Acquisition (DAQ) Server.............................................14
2.1.3 System 1 DAQ with Decision Support Notification ........................15
2.1.4 System 1 Management Console Server (SMC) .................................15
2.1.5 System 1 Enterprise Data Server (EDS)................................................15
2.1.6 System 1 Web Display Server..................................................................16
2.1.7 System 1 Data Collector Modules (DCMs) ..........................................16
2.1.8 System 1 Data Exporters...........................................................................20
System 1 Clients .............................................................................. 22
2.2.1 System 1 DAQ Connection Manager (DACM)....................................22
2.2.2 System 1 Configuration Software..........................................................22
2.2.3 File Based Configuration (FBC) ................................................................23

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

2.2.4 System 1 Display Software.......................................................................24
2.2.5 System 1 Decision SupportSM Studio ....................................................25
2.2.6 System 1 Smart Notifier .............................................................................25
2.2.7 System 1 Management Console (SMC) Client...................................26
System 1 Tools..................................................................................26
2.3.1 Bently Manual Input.....................................................................................27
2.3.2 DSM Initialization (DSM Init) ......................................................................27
2.3.3 DSM MODBUS Utility ....................................................................................28
2.3.4 TDXnet Test Communication ...................................................................28
2.3.5 Transient Data Manager Initialization .................................................28
2.3.6 File-Based Configuration Command Line Utility.............................28
2.3.7 API Connection Manager...........................................................................29
2.3.8 Event Relay Card Test .................................................................................29
2.3.9 Report Manager.............................................................................................29
2.3.10 System 1 Management Console Configuration ..............................29
2.3.11 GSM Enabler....................................................................................................29
2.3.12 System 1 Password......................................................................................30
2.3.13 Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) ......30
2.3.14 Computer-Based License Tool................................................................30
2.3.15 Matrikon OPC Server for System 1 ........................................................30
2.3.16 RulePak Re-Import Tool..............................................................................31
2.3.17 Single Computer Setup...............................................................................31
2.3.18 System 1 Database Tools..........................................................................31
2.3.19 Web Display Enterprise Creation Utility ..............................................31
What Does a System 1 Installation Look Like?...........................31

3. Licenses .....................................................................................35
System 1 License Agreement.........................................................35
3.1.1 System 1 Component Licenses...............................................................35
3.1.2 System 1 3rd-party Pre-requisites License Agreements.............37
3.1.3 Upgrading System 1 Licenses.................................................................37


Microsoft SQL Client Access Licenses (CALs) ....................................37

4. Planning Your System 1 Installation....................................39

System 1 Supported Operating Systems/SQL Editions ............ 39
4.1.1 System 1 Platform Delivery ......................................................................40
System 1 Computing Hardware Options .................................... 41
System 1 Network Communication Protocols ........................... 42
4.3.1 DCOM..................................................................................................................42
4.3.2 SQL.......................................................................................................................42
4.3.3 NetDDE ..............................................................................................................43
4.3.4 OLE.......................................................................................................................43
4.3.5 OPC (OLE for Process Control) .................................................................43
4.3.6 TCP/IP .................................................................................................................43
Ports for System 1 Software on a Firewall.................................. 44
4.4.1 Inbound Traffic System 1 Distributed Clients & Servers ..........44
4.4.2 Inbound Traffic - Database Tools computer to SQL Server
computers ........................................................................................................45
4.4.3 Outbound Traffic - DAQ computers to Display computers........45
4.4.4 Outbound Traffic - SQL Server computers to Configuration
computers ........................................................................................................45
4.4.5 Outbound Traffic - EDS computers to FBC, SMC, Display
(licensing) and Smart Notifier (licensing) computers.....................45
4.4.6 Outbound Traffic - Client computer running the auto archive
(EDS server) or manual archive (SMC Client) to File Server
computer ..........................................................................................................46
4.4.7 Inbound Traffic - API Client computer to API Server computers
Microsoft Service Packs & Patches .............................................. 46
4.5.1 Service Packs ..................................................................................................46
4.5.2 Patches..............................................................................................................47

5. Installing System 1 Software ................................................49


3rd-party Software Prerequisites for System 1 Software........ 49


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

5.1.1 Internet Explorer 6.0 ....................................................................................51
5.1.2 SQL Server........................................................................................................51
5.1.3 Microsoft SQLXML 3.0 SP2.........................................................................52
5.1.4 Operating System Service Packs ...........................................................52
5.1.5 .NET Framework version 2.0.....................................................................53
5.1.6 J2SE 5.0 .............................................................................................................53
5.1.7 Microsoft Excel 2000+.................................................................................54
5.1.8 Internet Information Server (IIS) .............................................................54
Installing SQL Server Standard Edition........................................54
5.2.1 Installing SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition....................................55
5.2.2 Installing SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition....................................60
System 1 Installation Procedure...................................................64
5.3.1 Installing Prerequisites ...............................................................................64
5.3.2 System 1 Software .......................................................................................76
5.3.3 Customer Information ................................................................................77
5.3.4 System 1 Administrator Account Information .................................78
5.3.5 Setup Configuration (Standalone, Server or Client) .......................82
5.3.6 Installing the components ........................................................................88
5.3.7 Setup Confirmation......................................................................................89
System 1 Activation.........................................................................90
5.4.1 License Agreement ......................................................................................91
5.4.2 Updating Demonstration and Enterprise Databases ...................91
5.4.3 Single Computer Setup...............................................................................92

6. Verification............................................................................. 101

Demonstration Database.............................................................102
Verifying SMC, EDS, License Servers ..........................................103
Verify the System 1 Configuration Software Installation.......111
Verify the System 1 Data Acquisition Software Installation..118
Verify the System 1 Display Software Installation ..................122
Web Display ....................................................................................127


Plan System 1 Web Display Server Installation....................... 128

Verify Hardware and Software Requirements at Server and
Workstation ................................................................................... 129
6.8.1 Hardware Requirements ........................................................................129
6.8.2 Software Requirements ..........................................................................130
Install the System 1 Web Display Server Software................. 131
6.9.1 131
Installation Steps.......................................................................................................131
6.9.2 Details .............................................................................................................131
6.10 Setup the Web Display Server .................................................... 132
6.10.1 Create a Web Enterprise.........................................................................132
6.10.2 Add or Remove Web Display Users in System 1 Enterprise....133
6.10.3 Add User Groups to System 1 Enterprise ........................................135
6.10.4 Assign Access Rights to Web Display Users in the System 1
Enterprise ......................................................................................................137
6.10.5 Set Preferences for a Group of Users with the Profile
6.11 Setup a Web Display Client ......................................................... 144
6.11.1 Prerequisites.................................................................................................144
6.11.2 Setup Instructions......................................................................................145
6.11.3 Install the .NET Framework....................................................................145

7. System 1 Languages.............................................................149
Configuring Languages................................................................ 149
7.1.1 Installing the System 1 Language Selector....................................149
7.1.2 Using the System 1 Language Selector...........................................151
7.1.3 Licensing ........................................................................................................153

8. MSSP Installer for Windows XP ...........................................155


Section 1 - Overview

1. Overview
Many different functional components may be used to build a
System 1 platform. Each installation is unique to specific customer
needs and may contain any number of required and/or optional
components as each customers operational needs determine.

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

1.1 Software Application Packages

1.1.1 System 1 Software Application Packages
Application Packages provide the specific plot types, data handling
and viewing, interfaces, input capabilities, configuration details,
and other system attributes that are relevant to a specific type of
asset or application.
Application Package

Turbo Machinery

Hydro Machinery

Electrical/Multilin Assets

The Turbo Machinery package
provides advanced online
mechanical condition monitoring
and diagnostic software package
for critical rotating machinery
The Hydro Turbine/Generator
package provides advanced online
machine condition monitoring and
diagnostics for hydro turbines and
generators. The design of its unique
user interface is compatible with
3rd-party and after-market sensor
The Electrical/Multilin Assets
package provides advanced online
electrical equipment condition
monitoring and diagnostics for
motors, generators, and
transformers. This package requires
minimal additional electrical wiring
and can connect to online electrical
equipment with no shutdown

Section 1 - Overview
Application Package

Wind Turbines

Reciprocating Compressors

Performance Visualization

Portable Data Collector

The Wind Turbine package provides
advanced online machine condition
monitoring and diagnostics
specifically for wind turbines.
The Reciprocating Compressor
package provides advanced online
mechanical and performance
condition monitoring and
diagnostics for critical reciprocating
machinery applications. This
package provides sophisticated
Pressure-Volume analysis
The Machine Performance package
provides thermodynamic
performance monitoring and allows
you to monitor, evaluate and
improve the efficiency and
profitability of your equipment and
Optional pre-engineered calculation
templates are available for
machines such as gas turbines,
compressors, pumps, steam
turbines, and generators. Its unique
user interface displays key
performance information.
This package is a portable walkaround application that supports
the Snapshot family of portable
data collectors. This includes a 2channel, 1-channel IS and PDA
portables for operator rounds.

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

Application Package

Trendmaster PRO

Static Data Management

The Trendmaster PRO online
scanning system is intended for
managing essential and balanceof-plant machinery.
The Static Data Management
package provides a suite of plots to
manage static data collected using
industry standard protocols, as well
as from Bently Nevada protection

1.1.2 System 1 Software System Extender Applications

System Extender applications provide advanced features for the
System 1 software and interfaces to 3rd-party software.
System Extender

Computerized Maintenance
Management System (CMMS)

State-Based Analysis

The CMMS System Extender
provides an interface to specific
Computerized Maintenance
Management Systems (CMMS). This
includes the ability to link to CMMS
assets, view work histories, initiate
and display manual work requests
and to automate work requests.
State-based monitoring provides
more sophisticated diagnostics of
machines, with the ability to define
machine states that can control
data storage, filter plot data, and
aid in correlating process data with
machinery data.

Section 1 - Overview
System Extender

Smart Notifier

Data Exporters

The Bearing Expert

Event Relay Card and


Smart Notifier is a stand-alone
application that filters events and
collects them in one place where
each user can check on events for
which he or she is responsible.
These transfer real-time data from
System 1 software to Digital Control
Systems (DCS), such as OPC (OLE for
Process Control) Alarm and Events,
OPC Data Acquisition, DDE
(Dynamic Data Exchange), OLE
(Object Linking and Embedding),
and Trendmaster Pro DSM (Dynamic
Scanning Module), and MODBUS.
The Bearing Expert software is a
database application that allows
the user to select bearing
parameters based on
manufacturer, model and/or
dimension of the bearing. If you
purchased this extender, you must
install it on the Configuration
The Event Relay Notification
component can trip a relay in
response to an event of a specified
type, severity, and asset location.
This software requires the
installation of the Decision
SupportSM application.

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

System Extender

Rule Logic Results

System 1 Language

Decision Support rules work on the
machinery data to detect errors and
malfunctions. In order to process
rules, Rule Logic Results must be
available in the system.
System 1 Language Translation
allows you to view the System 1
Application windows in several
languages. Contact your sales
representative for the most current
list of supported languages.

1.2 Software Components

The design of each System 1 platform combines various functional
components such as servers, clients, system extenders, data
exporters and tools to meet the needs of a specific installation.
Many of these components have specific licensing requirements.
Refer to the Section 3, Licenses for specific information. You
should direct specific System 1 platform questions to your local
sales or service representative.

1.2.1 System 1 Servers

A server is a computer that manages specific resources for one or
more clients or users. Servers are often dedicated to specific tasks.
The database server, for example, might only manage database
related tasks or queries.
A single computer may also have more than one server function. A
computer that is the database server may also be a web display

System 1 Database Server

System 1 Data Acquisition Server

Section 1 - Overview

System 1 Enterprise Data Server

System 1 Management Console Server
System 1 License Server
System 1 Web Display Server

1.2.2 System 1 Clients

A client is an application that executes on a
computer and requires some operations, such as
database management, archival, or other
functions, to be performed on a server. A single
server may have many clients at the same time.

System 1 Configuration

System 1 File Based Configuration

System 1 Display

System 1 Data Acquisition Connection Manager

System Management Console Client

System 1 Web Display

1.2.3 System 1 Data Exporters

A Data Exporter provides an industry or
proprietary interface for 3rd-party
applications to use to extract System 1 data.

NetDDE (Network Dynamic Data Exchange) Exporter


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

OPC (OLE for Process Control) Exporter

OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) Automation Exporter

System 1 software API (Application Programming Interface)

1.2.4 System 1 Tools

System 1 tools are a suite of applications
provided for the maintenance and
management of certain core and auxiliary
System 1 software components.

API Connection Manager

Bently Manual Input

Computer-based License Tool

DSM Initialization


Event Relay Card Test

File-based Configuration Command Line Utility

GSM Enabler

Matrikon OPC Server for System 1

Report Manager

RulePak Re-Import Tool

Standalone Enterprise Setup

System 1 Database Tools

System 1 Management Console Configuration

System 1 Password

Section 1 - Overview

TDXnet Test Communication

Transient Data Manager Initialization

Web Display Enterprise Creation Utility

1.3 System 1 Technical Documentation

1.3.1 Manual
The System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5 describes
the System 1 software, explains the functions and features of the
various components, and provides step-by-step instructions for
installing and verifying installation of the System 1 software. Begin
with this manual to learn about and understand the System 1
software components and how they are used.
A second manual, the System 1 Operations Quick Start Guide for
Version 6.5, contains information for configuring the different
hardware and software components of your installation and stepby-step procedures for getting started.

1.3.2 Online Help

An extensive and complete online Help system is available from all
components of the System 1 software. Access online Help using
any of the methods described here.

Direct Access
To access online Help directly:
1. Select Start, Programs, System 1, Help, System 1 Help.
2. Use the Search tab to locate specific topics.
3. Work through the Table of Contents for all information
concerning the System 1 product.

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

Application Advisory
Online Help is a default option for Version 6.0 and higher installations,
including Version 6.5. If the Help is not installed you must use the
Change option in your System 1 installation application to load the
online Help. See Section 10, Appendix D: Changing Your Installation
in the Quick Start Operation Guide, for instructions.

Access Within System 1 Applications

To access online help from inside any System 1 application
1. Select Help, Contents on the main menu bar.

The Menu Bar Help is context-sensitive (i.e. if you
are using the Display software, you will go
directly to the Display section of the online Help).

Access From Dialog Boxes

To access online help from most dialog boxes
1. Select the Help button to go directly to an explanation of
the specific dialog box in the online Help.

1.3.3 Readme.Txt
Each installation CD-ROM or DVD includes a Readme.Txt file to
provide you with last minute details and other installation
information that your manuals or online Help may not include. The
Whats New section of the online Help includes information from
previous versions of Readme.txt files.


Section 1 - Overview

1.3.4 Other Documentation

Your installation may often include other documentation. This
documentation may include procedures for working with specific
software vendors whose products may not be compatible with
System 1 software, licensing documentation, or other information
that may pertain to your installation. This information is located on
the installation CDs/DVD and on your machine (installation folder)
following an installation.


Section 2 - System 1 Software Components

2. System 1 Software Components

The following section briefly describes the components that make
up the System 1 platform and their functions.

2.1 System 1 Application Servers

2.1.1 System 1 Databases
The System 1 software requires 2 types of databases
Configuration databases and Historical databases.
The Configuration database contains all the information about a
System 1 Enterprise: the plant assets, machines, protection
systems, transducers, Data Acquisition Servers, different data
sources, alarm management settings, security information, etc.
The Historical database contains data that the System 1 software
collects and analyzes. This database can include a mix of static
data (gap voltage, filtered and direct vibration data, etc) and
dynamic data (Waveforms, etc).
The System 1 Installation package also provides 2 sample

DemoVersion65Configuration database

DemoVersion65Historical database

These databases are used for demonstration and training.

Each database is a Microsoft SQL Server database. Any computer
that hosts a System 1 database must have Microsoft SQL server


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

2.1.2 System 1 Data Acquisition (DAQ) Server

The System 1 Data Acquisition software is the heart of the System 1
software. The DAQ Server software analyzes the data and prepares
it for storage in the Historical database, for viewing in the Display
software, and for use by System Extender applications. You can use
Data Collection Modules (DCMs) to transfer data from external data
sources to the System 1 software. You can use Data Exporters (e.g.
OLE-Automation Exporter) to transfer data from the System 1
platform to other hardware and software products.

Each DAQ Server can collect data for ONLY 1
System 1 Enterprise. 1 Enterprise, on the other
hand, can have up to 10 Data Acquisition Servers,
each of which resides on a separate computer.
Some key System 1 Data Acquisition functions include:

Processing collected dynamic data and generating

additional machine parameters including nX components,
spectral bands, etc.

Buffering data and change filtering

Generating various software alarms

Reporting hardware alarms

Storing new data to databases

Providing real-time and current value data for System 1


You can install the DAQ Server locally on the server that hosts the
databases or on a dedicated DAQ Server machine.

Section 2 - System 1 Software Components

2.1.3 System 1 DAQ with Decision Support Notification

An E-Mail Notification Plan sends electronic notification of the
filtered event types to one or more designated recipients. You can
arrange to forward e-mail notification to your pager or mobile
phone if both your e-mail program and pager or mobile phone
supports this. Please consult your wireless service providers
support team to learn about text messaging.
E-mail notification works with a Messaging Application Program
Interface (MAPI) compliant e-mail Client/Server or SMTP
Client/Server architecture. When a filtered event triggers on the
Data Acquisition station, the DAQ computer sends an e-mail
message to the defined E-mail Server.

2.1.4 System 1 Management Console Server (SMC)

The System 1 Management Console (SMC) allows you to manage
and monitor the health of multiple System 1 Enterprises. An
Enterprise requires only 1 SMC Server and an SMC Client can
access multiple SMC Servers.
We recommend that you install this component on the same
machine that hosts the databases.

2.1.5 System 1 Enterprise Data Server (EDS)

Your installation can use a License Server to handle licensing for
System 1 software from a central location at the enterprise level,
rather than at the DAQ level. This means that during system setup
you need not install license media at each computer.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

You must assign a License Server to each Enterprise before you can
apply any licenses to an Enterprise. You must properly license and
activate each Enterprise before it can collect data.
You may assign a single License Server to 1 or more System 1
Enterprises. You configure the License Server from the System 1
Management Console Client.
We recommend that you install this component on the same
machine as that which hosts the databases.

2.1.6 System 1 Web Display Server

The System 1 Web Display Enterprise Server may reside on any
computer in your network. In most cases the Web Display Server
computer is separate from the one on which the System 1 Data
Acquisition software is installed. This software connects to 1 or
more Enterprises and serves limited real-time and historical data to
Web Display Clients. The Web Display Clients may connect through
the Intranet or Internet. The Web Display server must have access
to the Data Acquisition software and to the System 1 Database(s)
for the Enterprise(s) you access using the Web Display software.
Installations for which clients do not connect through the Internet,
the Web Display Server can also be the Data Acquisition Server.
Installations for which clients connect through the Internet, security
reasons dictate that the Web Display Server and DAQ Server should
be separate computers.

2.1.7 System 1 Data Collector Modules (DCMs)

The System 1 Data Acquisition software uses a DCM to collect data
from various external data sources or data providers. The DCM
communicates with the external data sources using the
appropriate protocol to execute commands, retrieve data, and
package the data into a standardized System 1 format for the Core

Section 2 - System 1 Software Components

Data Acquisition modules. The System 1 software acquires data
from a variety of data sources, each of which supports its own
proprietary protocol or an industry standard protocol like OPC.

The following sections discuss the DCMs that are currently

available with the System 1 software offering.

Snapshot for Windows CE DCM

PROTOCOL: Bently Nevada Snapshot Ethernet Protocol
The Snapshot Portable Data Collector (PDC) uses this protocol to
send commands to the System 1 DAQ computer. The Snapshot PDC
can initiate downloads of configuration information or upload of
collected data. The Snapshot PDC starts a File Transfer Protocol
(FTP) server on TCP port 1800 locally on the Snapshot device, and
then commands the PDC Socket Server over TCP port 1815 to
initiate an upload or download from/to the FTP server.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5
3500 TDI Communication Processor DCM
PROTOCOL: Bently Nevada Host Protocol for 3500 TDI
The Bently Nevada Host Protocol for 3500 TDI is a protocol to
configure and control a 3500 TDI communications processor, and
to collect data from that processor.

3300 TDe Communication Processor DCM

PROTOCOL: Bently Nevada Host Protocol for 3300 TDe.
The Bently Nevada Host Protocol for 3300 TDe is a protocol to
configure and control a 3300 TDe communications processor, and
to collect data from that processor.

TDXnet Communications Processor DCM

PROTOCOL: Bently Nevada Host Protocol for TDXnet
The Bently Nevada Host Protocol for TDXnet is a protocol to
configure and control a TDXnet communications processor, and to
collect data from that processor.

PROTOCOL: OPC (OLE for Process Control)
The System 1 OPC Client DCM imports data from 3rd-party OPC
Servers that comply with OPC 2.0 specifications. The importer
supports a wide range of features for transferring process data
from 3rd-party systems into the System 1 platform to manage it
along with other vibration data.
See for the
full definition of OPC. OPC uses Microsoft DCOM (Distributed
Component Object Model) technology.

PROTOCOL: NetDDE (Networked Dynamic Data Exchange)


Section 2 - System 1 Software Components

Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) is a method for transferring data
between different software applications. NetDDE uses the same
method as DDE for transferring data, but transfers the data across
a network. DDE and NetDDE provide dynamic (real-time) exchange
of data between 2 or more applications.
DDE works in a client/server relationship. The client program
establishes a conversation with a server and asks for data. The
server replies by sending the requested data. A server will generally
provide different categories of data and from 1 to several data
items within each category. In DDE, these categories are called
Topics. When communicating over a network, Windows NT refers
to each Topic as a Share Name.
System 1 software can act as a DDE Client to acquire information
from DDE Server applications.

Trendmaster Dynamic Scanning Module DCM

PROTOCOL: Bently Nevada Trendmaster DSM Protocol
System 1 software and its utilities use this protocol to configure and
collect data from a DSM. When a DSM is initially placed on a
network, it must be configured to communicate on a specific IP
address. An unconfigured DSM responds to broadcast commands
that it receives on the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) port. The DSM
responds with its physical (MAC) address so that the configuration
utility can address it specifically for configuration commands. After
configuration, DSM Init may use the DSMs IP address to
communicate with the DSM directly on the TCP port. The DAQ uses
the DSMs IP address to communicate with the DSM on the TCP port
in much the same way.

The System 1 MODBUS DCM imports data from a variety of
MODBUS devices that are MODBUS Ethernet compliant. MODBUS is

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

an application layer messaging protocol, positioned at level 7 of the
OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model. This provides
client/server communication between devices connected on
different types of buses or networks.

System 1 Application Program Interface DCM

The System 1 Application Program Interface (API) provides a means
for 3rd-party software applications to access and store System 1
data. The API uses client-server architecture and has similar
functionality to that of the OSIsoft PI System historian. The 3 parts
of the API are the client, server, and Data Collector Module (DCM).

2.1.8 System 1 Data Exporters

Data Exporters transfer real-time or historical data from the System
1 software to other hardware and software products. Always
consult your local representative for the most current information
concerning exporters and other System 1 components.

System 1 NetDDE Server (Exporter)

System 1 software exports data via an established protocol to
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) or Networked Dynamic Data
Exchange (NetDDE) clients. The clients of this protocol determine
the type, amount, and frequency of information to request from the
System 1 software. If the requested information is available, the
System 1 software transfers its memory and databases to the
The following Data Exporters are available with the System 1 DDE
Exporter CD-ROM package:


Dynamic Data Exchange

Networked Dynamic Data Exchange

Section 2 - System 1 Software Components

Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) and Networked Dynamic Data
Exchange (NetDDE) are used in Microsoft Windows products to
provide a dynamic (real-time) transfer of data between 2 or more
You must install DDE client applications on the same computer as
the application software from which they are requesting data.
NetDDE client applications must reside on a computer on the same
network as the application software from which they are
requesting data.

OLE Automation Exporter

The OLE Automation Exporter uses Windows-based Object Linking
and Embedding (OLE). OLE is a Microsoft protocol that defines a
method for transferring data between applications. The OLE
Automation Exporter uses this protocol to pass data from the
System 1 application to other software applications.
The OLE Automation Exporter currently supports the Bently
PERFORMANCE SE application, and the export of System 1 data to
Microsoft Excel 2000 or later spreadsheet applications.

System 1 OPC Server (Exporter)

2 OPC Exporters are now available. These are the Legacy OPC
Server and the OPC AE Exporter.
The legacy OPC Server supports DA version 1.0 and 2.0 real-time
data access OPC items.
The OPC AE Matrikon OPC Server for System 1 tool provides realtime data access (DA 2.0 and DA 3.0) and alarm & event
notifications (AE 1.1) from System 1 software. The System 1
software suite manages the condition of machinery and other
assets in a plant vessels, heat exchangers, boilers, valves,

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

instrumentation, piping, and reactors. The System 1 platform
consists of 1 or many nodes that collect data from PLCs, databases,
and other OPC Servers. The Matrikon OPC Server for System 1 tool
provides access to all configured nodes in the System 1 software.

2.2 System 1 Clients

2.2.1 System 1 DAQ Connection Manager (DACM)
The Data Acquisition Connection Manager, which can reside on any
computer in a System 1 installation, can start, stop, and otherwise
monitor the System 1 DAQ software.

The DAQ software can automatically start up its computer.
If some event accidentally takes a computer offline, the
System 1 DAQ will automatically start up and resume Data
Acquisition when the computer restarts.
You can set up every DACM to monitor more than 1 DAQ Server.
The DACM displays the health status of each DCM that is
configured for the particular DAQ as a separate node under the
DAQ component.
The DACM can reside on any computer with access to the
computer on which the DAQ software is installed.

2.2.2 System 1 Configuration Software

You use the System 1 Configuration software to define and
organize various elements within the Enterprise, such as machine
types, monitor types, operating parameters, transducer types and
scale factors, alarm levels, etc.

Section 2 - System 1 Software Components

Configuring the System 1 platform is the process of assigning the
parameters and values that define System 1 components and
determine how they operate. During the configuration process, you
enter parameters that describe measurement points, variables,
machines, and assets that are being monitored, where they are
located, how they will be monitored, how the data will be trended,
and the setpoint thresholds that will trigger alarm notifications.
These parameters are collectively referred to as the System 1
You can install the System 1 Configuration software on any
computer that meets the minimum System 1 computer
specification requirements. Note that the System 1 Configuration
software need not reside on the same computer as the System 1
Configuration database, but should have network access to the
configuration database computer.

Application Advisory
When you are using the System 1 Configuration software the
Enterprise configuration database is open and may be changing. To
guarantee the integrity of the configuration parameters, only 1 person
may change the database at any given time. Until that person
releases the database other users are limited to read-only access.
In addition, if you wish to view configuration parameters on a System
1 Display computer, the System 1 Configuration software must be
installed on that same computer. This is also true for changing
spectral band alarms while executing the Display software.

2.2.3 File Based Configuration (FBC)

You may use File-Based Configuration (FBC) clients to accomplish
many of the same tasks that are available in the System 1


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

Configuration software and allow the user to configure large
numbers of points more rapidly.
You can import or export configuration data as a flat file to a
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, which allows you to pre-populate
fields, cut and paste data, easily replicate points, and perform
many other actions. The query/report tools allow you to search for
only those points and parameters you wish to change (such as the
lower alarm levels for all pressure points) and export only those
points and configuration parameters to Microsoft Excel
spreadsheets. You can use the mapping tools to map configured
instrument points to their corresponding enterprise locations.
The client server architecture has 2 components a FBC server and
FBC clients. The FBC server is part of the standard System 1
Configuration installation. The clients, which provide the ability to
configure a large number of Enterprise points simultaneously, are
optional components that you must choose to install during the
software setup process.

2.2.4 System 1 Display Software

The System 1 Display software may reside on any computer. This
software connects to an Enterprise and displays real-time and
historical data in a variety of formats, including plots, tabular lists,
bar graphs, event lists, and machine train diagrams. The System 1
Display software can display, compare, trend, and print current and
historical values.
A computer with System 1 Display software can connect to a
maximum of 10 different System 1 Enterprises at the same time.
These connections can be local (on the same computer), over a
network, or via remote communications to other locations.
At least 1 System 1 Display computer is required for every
installation. You can also install the Display software on the System
1 DAQ computer.

Section 2 - System 1 Software Components

2.2.5 System 1 Decision SupportSM Studio

There are 2 editions of Decision SupportSM Studio software:

Decision Support Studio RuleDesk Pro software

Decision Support Studio Developer Edition

Decision Support Studio RuleDesk Pro software is an advanced and

easy to use software application for engineers and practical
application experts. This powerful software tool allows you to
embed your years of practical knowledge into a usable Rules
format. You can readily and consistently apply Rules within any
System 1 platform-based diagnostics and optimization application.
This allows you to apply proven knowledge and best practices
across a business using a repeatable and manageable process.
The Decision Support Studio RuleDesk Pro includes RuleDesk
Developer for creating, managing, and applying Rules. Rules are
model-based logic with defined inputs and outputs. Inputs include
a broad range of data types and properties that are available in a
System 1 platform. Outputs can be calculations, operating states,
timers, counters or specific events. Events typically indicate a
condition or situation of which you would want to be made aware
and to which you would respond. You may write Rules to optimize
plant operation, give early detection of mechanical, operational, or
instrument events, or derive parametric variables for trending and
alarming. Decision Support Studio includes essential rule testing,
documentation, and a robust security model to protect businesssensitive knowledge. You can install this product on any machine
that has network access to the System 1 Configuration Database.

2.2.6 System 1 Smart Notifier

The Smart Notifier is a stand-alone application that filters and
collects System 1 events. It provides automatic notification, such as

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

by e-mail, and display of these events to the responsible personnel
specified for the machinery being monitored. You need not install
Decision Support to use Smart Notifier.

2.2.7 System 1 Management Console (SMC) Client

You use the SMC Client to monitor and manage a System 1
Enterprise. It connects to 1 or more SMC Servers to access the
System 1 Enterprises. As you configure each SMC Server to connect
to 1 System 1 Enterprise, you must establish connections to
multiple SMC Servers to access multiple System 1 Enterprises. The
SMC Client facilitates connection to and management of multiple
Enterprises from the same computer.
You use plug-ins to monitor and manage the System 1 Enterprise.
You can use the Plug-in Manager in the SMC Client application to
download plug-ins. You must have adequate user rights in System
1 Configuration software to download new plug-ins that are
available on the SMC Server.

2.3 System 1 Tools

The System 1 platform includes a set of software utility
applications, or tools. These applications are support software that
the installation process (at your request) installs on any computer
within your System 1 application.
The tools are launched and executed independently of other
System 1 software applications. The System 1 Help includes
detailed instructions for using each tool.


Section 2 - System 1 Software Components

2.3.1 Bently Manual Input

The Manual Input application allows you to input data manually
into the DAQ software. Typically, you do this if either situation

A data point is not available from the online source or a

required transducer point does not exist. You can configure
Bently Manual Input to create and replace the missing data
point. An example would be the gas composition analysis
from a gas chromatography process.

An established data point intentionally captures manually

entered values that are not available any other way. An
example is the weekly price of fuel that Bently
PERFORMANCE uses to calculate Return on Investment
(ROI) for an electrical generating station.

2.3.2 DSM Initialization (DSM Init)

This utility helps you prepare System 1 software for Dynamic
Scanning Module (DSM) access. With this tool you can:

browse for DSMs and verify the MAC address for a DSM,

enter and exit Initialization mode on the DSM,

upload a hardware image,

run point tests, and

display waveforms and check for responding Transducer

Input Modules (TIMs)

This is a useful utility for new installations or for troubleshooting an

existing installation that contains DSMs.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

2.3.3 DSM MODBUS Utility

The MODBUS digital interface permits DSMs to communicate
directly with process control and automation systems without the
need for additional hardware. All DSMs now ship with MODBUS
over TCP/IP capability and the DSM MODBUS Utility allows you to
configure all the DSM inputs and define the MODBUS interface.
RS232/485 Modbus communication requires the MODBUS Serial to
Ethernet Bridge.

2.3.4 TDXnet Test Communication

You use the TDXnet Test Communication tool to verify
communications between the System 1 software and the
(initialized) TDXnet communication processors.

2.3.5 Transient Data Manager Initialization

You use the Transient Data Manager Initialization tool to configure
the TDXnet communications processors (CP) and the Field Monitor
Interface Module (FMIM). This utility establishes IP addresses,
Keyphasor transducer parameters, and other operating
conditions of the TDXnet CP.
Note that you configure TDXnet CPs and FMIMs only through this
software interface. Run this initialization application before running
the TDXnet Test Communication utility.

2.3.6 File-Based Configuration Command Line Utility

The File-Based Configuration Command Line Utility tool provides a
convenient interface for running command line file-based
configuration operations from a batch file. This utility sends a
previously created .csv (comma separated variable) file to the
Configuration program where points are added or updated. You
may also use the standard System 1 Connection dialog box to
browse for an Enterprise connection if you do not know the name
and location of the Enterprise connection file.

Section 2 - System 1 Software Components

2.3.7 API Connection Manager

The API Connection Manager tool provides a standard interface for
creating and managing the Application Programming Interface
(API) Server connections that an API client uses.

2.3.8 Event Relay Card Test

The Event Relay Card Test tool allows you to locate and
communicate with relay cards and interfaces connected to your
System 1 platform.

2.3.9 Report Manager

The Report Manager tool allows you to connect to an Enterprise
and print reports from your System 1 platform without installing
and using the System 1 Display software. This utility permits any
computer with access and sufficient Windows NT permissions to
schedule and generate individual reports for any operator.

2.3.10 System 1 Management Console Configuration

The System 1 Management Console Configuration tool allows you
to configure the System 1 Management Console server to connect
with the computer on which the System 1 Enterprise is installed.
This stand-alone software application works in conjunction with
other System 1 applications to monitor and manage the health of
multiple System 1 Enterprises that may be running on separate

2.3.11 GSM Enabler

The GSM Enabler tool configures the gateway information for the
System 1 platform so that it can connect to and import GSM data
from a GE Mark VI Turbine Control System.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

2.3.12 System 1 Password

The System 1 Password tool allows you to change the passwords
for your System 1 installation and ensure your own security. You
can do this after you have installed and verified the System 1
software platform.

2.3.13 Computerized Maintenance Management System

The Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) tool
interfaces directly with popular 3rd-party maintenance
management platforms such as MAXIMO or SAP R/3 (up to and
including the 4.7 release). You can use this to link to plant assets,
view work history, and create manual or automated work requests.

2.3.14 Computer-Based License Tool

The System 1 Computer-Based License tool manages licenses for
Decision Support Studio, Decision Support Studio Developer, API,
and DSM MODBUS Exporter. This utility displays licenses installed
on the current computer and allows you to move licenses between
the current computer and a license key medium. You can access
this utility by selecting Start, Programs, System 1, Tools, and
Computer Based License Tool.

2.3.15 Matrikon OPC Server for System 1

The Matrikon OPC Server for System 1 tool provides real-time data
access (DA 2.0 and DA 3.0) and alarm and event notifications (AE
1.1) from the System 1 software. The System 1 platform consists of
1 or many nodes that collect data from PLCs, databases, and other
OPC Servers. The Matrikon OPC Server for System 1 tool provides
access to all configured nodes in the System 1 software.


Section 2 - System 1 Software Components

2.3.16 RulePak Re-Import Tool

The RulePak Re-Import tool speeds up the process of re-importing
the RulePak. You launch this tool outside of the System 1
Configuration software and System 1 Decision Support Studio.

2.3.17 Single Computer Setup

If you opt for Standalone Installation during installation, you must
launch the Single Computer Setup Wizard Tool from Start,
Programs, System 1, Tools, Single Computer Setup. The Wizard
Tool will install all the default System 1 modules on a single

2.3.18 System 1 Database Tools

The System 1 Database tools help you manage and access the
System 1 Enterprise outside the System 1 software. You can install
these tools on any System 1 computer that has System 1
Enterprises. You can apply many of the included tools to an entire
Enterprise or to a single database.

2.3.19 Web Display Enterprise Creation Utility

The Web Display Enterprise Creation Utility tool creates a new Web
Display utility. You can launch this utility at the end of the Web
Display Server installation or access it from the System 1 Tools

2.4 What Does a System 1 Installation Look

There are many network architectures into which you may
integrate the System 1 software.

Standalone/Single Computer System. This refers to a

computer that has System 1 software installed but that is
not networked to other computers.

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

Distributed Database Network System. This is a simple
type of networked installation that uses 2 or more
computers within the System 1 platform distributed across a
customer Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network

Centralized Database Network System. This is another

type of distributed installation of the System 1 platform
components, typically with a centralized database computer
that resides on a domain separate from that of the System 1
DAQ. This system must account for individual customer IT
department firewall restrictions opening the appropriate
ports, etc.

This section will demonstrate typical or common architectures with

design and implementation principles that you can carry over to
other implementations.
Your IT department typically defines network subnets, which the IT
department often separates by functionality. The diagram below is
an example of such a networked architecture.


Section 2 - System 1 Software Components

Network devices such as routers, firewalls, and switches are

common mechanisms that physically separate the subnets. If a
firewall separates the subnets, then the different protocols
between the distributed System 1 Clients and Servers will require
the firewall to factor in directional (inbound/outbound)
considerations when opening ports. These devices may restrict the
types of network communications allowed to cross the subnets. In
the above example, the restrictions may be to allow only HTTP
(web access), SMTP (email access) and FTP (file transfer)
communication between Network 1 and Network 2.


Section 3 - Licenses

3. Licenses
3.1 System 1 License Agreement
The License Agreement for System 1 software, System 1 Extenders,
and other platform products is available in several locations for you
to review. Licenses for specific System 1 components depend on
the System 1 product packages you have purchased.

You can move all licenses including DAQs, Application
Packages, Displays, Points and System Extenders from one
Enterprise to another. Unlimited Displays are restricted to 1
Enterprise and cannot be split between Enterprises.
You can find a copy of the current software license agreement in
the following locations:

On your computer, displayed before installation.

In the About dialog on the Help drop-down menu of some


3.1.1 System 1 Component Licenses

The following is a list of all licenses that the System 1 software will
enforce. Contact your sales or service representative if you wish to
procure licenses or experience licensing issues.
Enterprise Application Packages

Turbo Machinery Package

Hydro Machinery Package
Electrical/Multilin Assets Package
Wind Turbines Package
Reciprocating Compressors Package

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

Performance Visualization Package
Portable Data Collector Package
Trendmaster Pro Package
Static Data Management Package
Display Clients

Diagnostic Display Client

Web Based Display

Data Export

OPC Legacy Exporter

DDE Exporter
OLE Exporter
OPC AE Exporter


Data Acquisition

Data Importers

TDI Transient Channels

TDI Steady State Channels
TDI Recip Cylinder Pressure Channels
TDI Hydro Channels
TDe Transient Channels
TDe Steady State Channels
Portable Data Collector Points
Trendmaster Pro Points
DCS/Historian Tags
Bently Nevada Monitor Static Channels
Dynamic Channels (Non TDI & TDe)
Electrical/Multilin Devices

System Extenders

CMMS SAP PM (pre-version 4.7)
CMMS SAP PM (version 4.7)
Rule Logic Results


Section 3 - Licenses
State-Based Analysis
Smart Notifier


Decision Support

DS Studio RuleDesk Pro - Static Data

DS Studio RuleDesk Pro - Static + Dynamic
DS Studio Developer - Static Data
DS Studio Developer - Static + Dynamic

3.1.2 System 1 3rd-party Pre-requisites License Agreements

A .txt file for all the 3rd-party licenses is available on your

3.1.3 Upgrading System 1 Licenses

The System 1 licensing process is very complex. Contact your sales
or service representative to upgrade your pre-6.5 licenses, or if you
require additional licensing for your installation.

3.1.4 Microsoft SQL Client Access Licenses (CALs)

You may require a client access license (CAL) to legally access the
SQL server software. A CAL is not a software product. It is a license
that gives you the right to access the services of the server.
Microsoft sells these CALs in blocks of 5 or 10. Every computer that
has 1 or more System 1 applications that access the SQL database

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

requires a SQL CAL. These applications include DAQ, Display, Web
Display, Configuration, Smart Notifier, SMC Client, and DS Studio.
For more information, please contact your sales or services


Section 4 - Planning Your System 1 Installation

4. Planning Your System 1

4.1 System 1 Supported Operating
Systems/SQL Editions






Windows NT
Server SP5

No Support No Support No Support No Support No Support No Support

Windows NT

No Support No Support No Support No Support No Support No Support

Windows 2000
Server SP3

No Support No Support No Support No Support No Support No Support

Windows 2000
Server SP4







Windows 2000
Professional SP4 Support






Windows XP






No Support

Windows XP
Professional SP2 Support






Windows Server Full

2003 SP1





No Support

Windows Server Full

2003 SP2






SQL Server 2000 SQL 2000 SQL 2000 SQL 2000 SQL 2000 SQL 2000 SQL 2000
Server SP3 Server SP4 Server SP4 Server SP4 Server SP4 Server SP4
SQL Server 2005



(requires Windows 2000 Server or Windows Server 2003)


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

4.1.1 System 1 Platform Delivery

The System 1 platform can be delivered in 1 of 3 ways: workstation,
single server, or multiple servers.

Single Server

Multiple Servers

System (OS)

Non-Server OS

Server OS

Server OS


Single Computer

Single Computer

Multiple networked

SQL Edition
New System 1

SQL 2005 Express Edition

(4 GB limit on Database Size)

SQL 2005
Standard Edition

SQL 2005 Standard


SQL Edition
System 1

SQL 2000 MSDE (Microsoft

Desktop Edition)
(2 GB limit on Database Size)

SQL 2000
Standard Edition
(The customer is
prompted but not
forced to upgrade
to SQL 2005)

SQL 2000 Standard

(The customer is
prompted but not
forced to upgrade
to SQL 2005)

System 1
Install Base

Snapshot/ Offline
Enterprises only (very small
w/ No Decision Support/
RulePak support)
System 1 Client applications

Any/All System 1

Any/All System 1


System 1 licensing
System 1 Pre-requisite
applications licensing.
SQL database size
- 4GB for SQL 2005 Express
- 2GB for SQL 2000 MSDE.

System 1 licensing
System 1 Prerequisite

System 1 licensing
System 1 Prerequisite

The vast majority of the systems in the field today are delivered on
a single server machine. The System 1 installation offers a Single
Computer Setup option that accommodates this kind of setup.


Section 4 - Planning Your System 1 Installation

4.2 System 1 Computing Hardware Options

Each type of computer in a System 1 installation must satisfy
minimum hardware and software requirements. This section
describes the best practice requirements, along with notes about
the use of each computer. Because hardware and software are
continuously changing, it is important to verify your computer
selections with your local sales and service representative to
guarantee that you have the latest information.
We have defined different computer configurations for the System
1 platform:

Mid-range Server
High End/High Performance Server
Workstation Computing

Server Computing Hardware

(Mid-range OR High End)

System 1 DAQ

Very small enterprises

catering to pure offline data

Online, Scanning and Offline

Enterprises are supported.

System 1
Decision Support

Supports offline portable only


Online, Offline Decision Support

rules and Advanced RulePaks

SQL Database

Database Size limitation:

SQL 2005 Express 4GB
Performance is slower than
that for SQL Standard Edition.

SQL Standard Edition

Depending on configuration, max
limitation is size of the drive


10 Connections

The customer is still limited by the
number of SQL Server CALs (Client
Access License) purchased


Not as optimized as a Server

for multiple users, multiple
processors, task scheduling,
memory allocation, I/O
throughput, etc.

Servers are designed from the

ground up to provide platforms
for multi-user, frequently
business-critical, networked

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

Workstation Computing

Server Computing Hardware

(Mid-range OR High End)


Max 2 Processors

Depends on OS versions:
Windows Server 2003, Windows
2000 Server - up to 4
Windows Server 2003, Enterprise
and Windows 2000 Server,
Advanced up to 8
64-bit editions and/or Data center
editions of Windows - up to 64

Server Operating
System Support

Not recommended

Yes - recommended

Remote Access
Sessions (RAS)

1 Session

256 Connections. Some 3rd-party

software can extend this limit

4.3 System 1 Network Communication

4.3.1 DCOM
Distributed Component Object Model is an extension of the
Component Object Model (COM) that allows COM components to
communicate across network boundaries. Traditional COM
components can perform IPC only across process boundaries on
the same machine. DCOM uses the Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
mechanism to send and receive information transparently between
COM components (i.e., clients and servers) on the same network.

4.3.2 SQL
Microsoft Structured Query Language (SQL) Server protocol allows
clients to execute SQL commands on a Microsoft SQL Server and
receive output from those commands.


Section 4 - Planning Your System 1 Installation

4.3.3 NetDDE
Network Dynamic Data Exchange protocol allows DDE
conversations to take place over a network.

4.3.4 OLE
Object Linking and Embedding is a compound document standard.
It allows you to create objects with one application and then link
them to or embed them in a second application. Embedded objects
retain their original format and links to the application that created
them. The Windows and Macintosh operating systems have builtin support for OLE.

4.3.5 OPC (OLE for Process Control)

In 1994, a group of vendors representing a broad spectrum of
disciplines in the industrial segment formed what is now known as
the OPC Foundation. The goal of the OPC Foundation was to
develop a single client/server specification that would allow any
vendor to develop software and applications that could share data
in a fast, robust fashion and eliminate the proprietary schemes that
forced these same vendors to duplicate development efforts. OPC
uses the Microsoft DCOM technology.

4.3.6 TCP/IP
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the core protocols of
the Internet protocol suite. Applications on networked hosts can
use TCP to create connections to one another, over which they can
exchange data. The protocol guarantees reliable and in-order
delivery of data from sender to receiver. TCP also distinguishes
data for multiple, concurrent applications (e.g. Web and e-mail
servers) that run on the same host.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

4.4 Ports for System 1 Software on a Firewall

4.4.1 Inbound Traffic System 1 Distributed Clients & Servers
Source Application

Source Port

Destination Port





SQL Server







1024-65535 (configurable)

DCOM Process

Display (For
licensing support)


6001 (default)
1024 65535 (configurable)

Enterprise Data
Server (.Net)

Smart Notifier




Smart Notifier


1042-65535 (configurable)

DCOM Process

Smart Notifier (For

licensing support)


6001 (default)
1024 65535 (configurable)

EDS (.Net)

Smart Notifier



SQL Server

SMC Server




SMC Server


1042-65535 (configurable)

DCOM Process

SMC Server



SQL Server



1024-65535 (configurable)

DCOM Process








SQL Server







1042-65535 (configurable)

DCOM Process



6001 (default)
1024 65535 (configurable)

Enterprise Data
Server (.Net)


Section 4 - Planning Your System 1 Installation

4.4.2 Inbound Traffic - Database Tools computer to SQL

Server computers
Source Application

Source Port

Destination Port

Destination Application

Database Tools



SQL Server

4.4.3 Outbound Traffic - DAQ computers to Display

Source Application

Source Port

Destination Port

Destination Application








DCOM Process




NETBIOS File Sharing (only

for creating System 1

4.4.4 Outbound Traffic - SQL Server computers to

Configuration computers
Source Application

Source Port

Destination Port

Destination Application

DCOM Process




DCOM Process



DCOM Process

4.4.5 Outbound Traffic - EDS computers to FBC, SMC, Display

(licensing) and Smart Notifier (licensing) computers
Source Application

Source Port

.Net Process


Destination Port
6001 (default)

Destination Application

1024 65535

If your firewall has an option that allows all traffic from an untrusted IP address to a trusted IP address, you can configure the

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

firewall to allow all client IP addresses to connect to all server IP
addresses. This is a convenient way to avoid the complexity of the
above configuration, but has a distinct disadvantage if a client
machine becomes compromised. If you configure your firewall this
way, you should install and maintain adequate virus protection on
each client and server.

4.4.6 Outbound Traffic - Client computer running the auto

archive (EDS server) or manual archive (SMC Client) to File
Server computer
Source Application

Source Port



Destination Port
445 (Microsoft-ds))

Destination Application
Windows explorer

4.4.7 Inbound Traffic - API Client computer to API Server

Source Application

Source Port

API Client


Destination Port

Destination Application
API Server

4.5 Microsoft Service Packs & Patches

4.5.1 Service Packs
From time to time, Microsoft releases operating system service
packs that correct defects or problems with the operating system
or SQL server. We thoroughly test these service packs with System
1 software before approving their use on customer systems. Once
we successfully test a service pack, we will post that information on
the following site:
Service representatives, sales representatives and customers can
see at a glance what service packs we have tested between

Section 4 - Planning Your System 1 Installation

4.5.2 Patches
Microsoft releases operating system patches once per month.
When these patches are available, we evaluate them for
compatibility with system operation and determine if or how they
affect System 1 software. If the patches are critical or important
and affect the operation of the System 1 software we test them.
Once we successfully test a patch, we will post that information on
the following site:
Service representatives, sales representatives, and customers can
see at a glance what patches we have tested.


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

5. Installing System 1 Software

Application Advisory
Creating a System 1 installation is an involved procedure. We
strongly recommend that a qualified service representative
install and verify your System 1 platform. Their expertise
ensures a complete and operational installation.
The System 1 installation process requires the installation of many
software applications. For network installations, you must
understand the functions of each server and workstation to ensure
that you install the correct software. Use the following procedure
for a first-time installation, for updating an existing installation, or
for re-installing a single software application.

Plan Your System 1 Installation

Install the System 1 Software
Verify the System 1 Installation

Refer to

Once you have installed and verified your System 1 platform, refer
to the System 1 Operation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5 to
configure your Enterprise(s).

5.1 3rd-party Software Prerequisites for

System 1 Software
The System 1 software requires several software applications to be
installed and operational on the distributed computers that are
part of the customers installation architecture.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

On any System 1 computer, the installation utility automatically
installs ALL the pre-requisites except for SQL 2005 Express.
In general, the pre-requisite installation processes require minimal
user interaction. The current requirements include:


Windows 2000 Pro and Windows 2000 Server SP 4

Windows XP SP 2

Windows 2003 Server SP 2

Microsoft Extensibility installer

Java 2 Standard Edition Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 1

(JRE 1.5 Update 1)

Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backwards Compatibility


Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express

Microsoft SQL Server Management Objects Collection

Office 2003 KB 907417 Hotfix

Shared Office Add-in Support for .NET

SQL Native Client


Windows Performance Counters Hotfix

.NET Framework 2.0

Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

Internet Explorer 6.0

MS SQL Server (Standard or Express Editions)



System 1 Previous Version Uninstaller

GE System Configuration Launcher

GE System Configuration Cleanup

Internet Information Server (IIS) (if prompted Web Display)

Microsoft Excel 2000+ (if prompted FBC)

5.1.1 Internet Explorer 6.0

The Internet Explorer (IE) is Microsofts proprietary graphical web
browser. You use this browser to access online Help and various
Internet sites.

5.1.2 SQL Server

You must install Microsoft SQL Server on every System 1 computer.
SQL Standard Edition is required for computers that host the
System 1 Configuration or Historical databases. The 2 supported
Standard Editions are:

SQL 2000 Standard Edition (SP4)

SQL 2005 Standard Edition (SP2)

Microsoft requires that you install SQL Standard Editions on a

computer with a server grade operating system (System 1 software
supported: Windows Server 2000 or Windows Server 2003).


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

All other System 1 computers can have either:

SQL 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) or

SQL 2005 Express Edition

System 1 software maintains backward
compatibility to the SQL Server 2000 for
customers who have SQL already installed. For
newer installations, we recommend that you
install one of the SQL 2005 Editions.
You may purchase the software with your System 1 software, or
from another vendor.

5.1.3 Microsoft SQLXML 3.0 SP2

This is an exporter program that allows System 1 software to
quickly export XML formatted data from SQL databases.

5.1.4 Operating System Service Packs

System 1 software requires Service Packs (SP) for the various
supported Operating Systems.

At the time of installation be sure to check for the
latest service pack requirements, as Microsoft periodically releases
Service Packs to resolve operating system issues.


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

Depending on the Microsoft Windows Operating System installed
on the various System 1 computers, you must install the following

Windows XP SP2

Windows 2000 Pro SP4

Windows 2000 Server SP4

Windows 2003 SP2

5.1.5 .NET Framework version 2.0

System 1 software version 6.5 and higher or any installations using
Microsoft SQL 2005 require this software. This is a programming
infrastructure created by Microsoft to build, deploy, and run
applications and services, such as desktop applications and Web
services that use .NET technologies. If this framework is not
installed on your system, the System 1 Installation program will add
it as part of the installation process.

If you have .NET version 3.0 or higher installed, you
must exit the System 1 installation, uninstall .NET
3.x, and re-start the System 1 installation.

5.1.6 J2SE 5.0

J2SE is also known as Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition. Sun
Microsystems uses the last digit in the version number for the
number that follows J2SE. Therefore, J2SE version 1.5 would
correspond to J2SE 5.0, as 5 is the last digit in version 1.5.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

5.1.7 Microsoft Excel 2000+

This is Microsofts spreadsheet application. You use this with the
File Based Configuration (FBC) client to review and modify
Enterprise configurations.

5.1.8 Internet Information Server (IIS)

This is Microsofts Web Server that provides a manageable and
scalable Web application infrastructure for all versions of Windows
Server 2003. Web Display installation requires IIS.
To Install IIS:
1. Select Start, Settings, Control Panel.
2. Double-click Add/Remove Programs. The Add/Remove
Programs dialog appears.
3. Select Add/Remove Windows Components. The Windows
Components Wizard appears. Notice that, if you are using
Windows 2003 Server, you need to highlight Application
Server and then select Details to display the Windows
Components Wizard.
4. Select the Internet Information Services (IIS) check box.
5. Select Next.
IIS is now installed on your system.

5.2 Installing SQL Server Standard Edition

Computers that host a Configuration or Historical Databases
typically require the SQL software Standard Edition. The only
exception to this rule is the small Enterprise for Portable Data
You can order the Standard Edition of SQL Server as an add-on to
the System 1 software. If you are using the Standard Edition of SQL
Server, we recommend that you install this server before you install

Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

your System 1 platform. You can install the Standard Edition of
SQL only on a computer running the Microsoft Windows
2000/2003 Server operating system.
All System 1 installations prior to version 6.12 are designed to use
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with Service Pack 4. The System 1
software versions 6.12 and higher are designed to run with
Microsoft SQL Server 2005. This section includes installation
information for both installations.
Note, however, that any System 1 Installation that used SQL 2000
may upgrade to SQL 2005, and any System 1 software installation
(including 6.12 and greater) may continue to use the SQL 2000
Server software.

The screens and instructions shown here may not exactly match the
SQL installation screens that you will see. Software updates, different
versions, and other factors can produce differences in the
installation process. Use these instructions as a guideline, or call your
local support office for the latest information.

5.2.1 Installing SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition

This edition will be installed on a Windows 2003 server.

Dialog Box or
Screen View



Log on to the computer as

the Administrator or as a
user with full administrative

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5


Dialog Box or
Screen View


Place the SQL Server CD in the

CD-ROM drive. The CD-ROM
should start automatically.

If the CD-ROM does not start

automatically, start the
installation process manually.

Microsoft SQL
Server 2000

SQL Server 2000

SQL Server
2000 Install

Install Database Server.


Select Next.


Select Local Computer,

Select Remote Computer.

Select Next.



Manual Installation:
1. Select Start
2. Select Run
3. Type D:\Setup.exe
(where D: is the
CD-ROM drive
4. Press Enter

This installs the SQL

software on the
computer you are
currently using.
This installs SQL
software on a remote
computer (a computer
other than the one you
are currently using)

Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software


Dialog Box or
Screen View



Create a New Instance of
SQL Server, or install Client
Select Next.


Type <Your Name>.

Type <Your Company>.
Select Next.

10 Software

Read this document.

If you agree to the terms,
select Yes.

11 Installation

Select Server and Client

Select Next.

12 Instance Name

Check the Default Box.

Select Next.

The System 1 software

uses the Name and
Company information
for registration

The Instance Name

field should be dimmed.

NOTE: Do not leave the Default Box unchecked. The

System 1 software will look for the Default Name for the
SQL Server. If you are planning to have more than 1
installation of SQL Server on this computer, ensure that
the installation you will use with System 1 software is
the DEFAULT installation.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5


Dialog Box or
Screen View

13 Setup Type



Select Typical.
NOTE: If you are installing on an operating system in a
language other than English:
1. Select Custom
2. When the Collation Settings dialog appears, select the
SQL Collations (Used for compatibility with previous
3. Select Dictionary order, case-insensitive, for use
with 1252 Character Set.
Note: Verify that this is the correct selection by
displaying the SQL Server Properties (Configure) dialog
box. Select the General tab and verify that
SQL_Latin1_Generar_CP1_CI_AS is the Server collation
Destination Folder:
Select a location for
the SQL Server files.
Select Next.

Use the default location.

Change the drive designation
only if it is necessary. Try to
maintain the same default file
and folder structure. This will
make it easier to diagnose

NOTE: Ensure that there is enough room for your data

files. It is important that you estimate these sizes as
accurately as possible and then add at least 10% more,
as you may want to add more data to your files at a later
14 Services

Select Use the same

account for each
service. Auto start
Server Service.
Select Use the Local
System Account.
Select Next.


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software


Dialog Box or
Screen View


15 Authentication

Mixed Mode

If you are installing the
Personal Edition of SQL, Select
Windows Authentication

Check the Blank

Password box.
NOTE: Use a blank password to install the SQL and
System 1 software, and to verify the installations. After
your installation is complete, verified, and operational
add passwords and security privileges according to the
rules of your operation.
This SQL password does not affect the security or
operation of the System 1 installation. It does affect the
ability of other users to sign in to the SQL Server, either
from this computer or from a remote computer. Other
users must have access to this password to be able to
enter and use this SQL Server (for System 1 platform
operation, this access is controlled inside the System 1
Configuration software.).
16 Start Copying

Select the correct

Domain Information
for your operation.
Select Next.

17 Setup

Select Finish.
Your SQL Server 2000 Installation is complete.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

5.2.2 Installing SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition

This edition will be installed on a Windows 2003 server.

Dialog Box or
Screen View



Log on to the computer as

the Administrator or as a
user with full administrative

Place the SQL Server CD in

the CD-ROM drive. The CDROM should start

If the CD-ROM does not

Manual Installation:
start automatically, start the 1. Select Start.
installation process
2. Select Run.
3. Type D:\Setup.exe.
4. Press Enter.

4 End User License


Read terms and conditions

and if you agree Select
check box I accept the
licensing terms and
Select Next.

5 Installing

Select Install.
Select Next.

Select Next.
6 Welcome to the
Microsoft SQL Server
Installation Wizard

Lists components that you

must pre-install.
Installation may take a
while based on the
number of components.

Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software


Dialog Box or
Screen View

7 System


Select Next.
This will notify you of any
If any item is not marked with potential installation
a Green Success, you should problems.
clear the error and restart.

8 Microsoft SQL
Server Installation
9 Registration


Installs the SQL server

Type <Your Name>.
Type <Your Company>.
Enter the 25 character
Product Key

The System 1 software

uses the Name and
Company information for
registration purposes.
You can find the Product
Key on the yellow sticker in
the CD liner notes or on
the CD sleeve.

Select Next.
10 Components to

Select SQL Server Database

Select Workstation
components, Books Online
and developer tools.
Select Next.

11 Instance Name

Select the Default instance

Radio Button.
Select Next.

12 Service Account

Select Use the built-in System

account radio button.
Select Local System from the
drop down box.

Start services at
the end of setup

Select SQL Server check box.

Select Next.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5


Dialog Box or
Screen View

13 Authentication



Select Mixed Mode (Windows

Authentication and SQL
Server Authentication) radio
Specify and confirm the logon
Select Next.

SQL 2005 requires a

password for installation.
We recommend that you
choose a strong password
(one with characters other
than letters and numbers).
Remember this password,
as there is no way to
retrieve it.

14 Collation Settings Select the SQL collations...

radio button. Select
Dictionary order, caseinsensitive, for use with 1252
Character Set.
Select Next.
15 Error and Usage
Report Settings

Leave both check boxes

Select Next.

16 Ready to Install

Select Install.

17 Setup Progress

Select Next when the button is A progress bar shows the

progress of the file
installation and
Be prepared to wait
depending on the number of configuration.
components to be installed. The status of the
This step can take up to 30
components is also
minutes or longer.

18 Completing
Select Finish.
Microsoft SQL
Server 2005 Setup


The dialog displays the

components that will be

You can check the

Summary log for any

Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

Configure the SQL Server 2005 Surface Area

Unlike the SQL 2000 Standard installation, you must perform the Surface
Area Configuration before you can use your SQL software with the
System 1 software.
The Surface Area Configuration must configure and enable the Ad Hoc
Remote Query feature.

Dialog Box or
Screen View


Select Start.
Select Programs.
Select Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

Select Configuration Tools.

Select SQL Server Surface Area
Select Surface Area
Configuration for Features.

Minimize SQL
Server 2005
Surface Area

SQL Server 2005 Select Ad Hoc Remote Queries.

Surface Area
Verify Enable OPENROWSET and
check box is unchecked.
Select OK to return to the main



Minimize SQL
Server 2005
Surface Area

Select Close.

The SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration is complete.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

5.3 System 1 Installation Procedure

Application Advisory
Although we recommended that you start the System 1
installation and let the System 1 Previous Version Uninstaller
utility automatically uninstall a previous version of System 1
software, you can manually uninstall any previous version.

5.3.1 Installing Prerequisites

You must log on to the computer as the administrator or as a user
with full administrative privileges.

Logging on to the installation computer as a user without
administrative privileges may cause problems with
Windows Operating System, SQL Server, and/or System 1
security. You must have full administrative privileges
throughout the System 1 software installation process.
When you start the System 1 installation process the software may
prompt you to first install some 3rd-party software. Most of these
programs are not optional and you must install them on any
System 1 computer. Select Install to launch their installation. The
installation process will specifically prompt you to allow it to install
any optional prerequisites.
The installation of these prerequisites requires minimal user


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

Your System 1 software installation also requires you to install

specific Operating System and SQL Server service packs on the
computer. If the installation process determines that you must
install either of these service packs, it will prompt you to run the
MSSP Installer before you continue with the System 1 installation.
The System 1 software is available either on the DVD or CD-ROM.
The location of the MSSP Installer varies depending on the
installation media.

If you are installing the System 1 software from a DVD, the

Service Packs are located on the System 1 Installation DVD.
1. Exit this System 1 installation (the installation process
will do this automatically when you select OK).


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

2. Locate the file X: setup.exe, where X identifies the DVD
drive, in the folder in which the installation disc is located
(i.e., X:\Service Pack Installations for S1V650).
3. Double-click setup.exe and complete the installation of
the Service Pack(s).

If you are installing the System 1 software from a CD-ROM,

the Service Packs are located on a separate set of CDs
labeled MSSP Installer
1. Exit this System 1 installation (the installation process
will do this automatically when you select OK).
2. Place Disc 1 of MSSP Installer in your CD drive.
3. The MSSP Installer will launch automatically if you have
enabled autorun on your machine. If the installer does
not automatically launch, run X:\setup.exe, where X:
identifies your CD drive, and complete the installation of
the Service Pack(s).

Depending on the service packs you are installing, the software

may prompt you to reboot the computer during this process. We
recommend that you always reboot when the software prompts
you to do so.
The following steps are for a computer with the Windows Server
2003 operating system. If you are installing on a computer with the
Windows XP operating system, see Section 8, MSSP Installer for
Windows XP.

This example is specific to these 2 service
packs. The screens will differ if you need
other service packs.


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

4. The MSSP Installer dialog box appears. Select Next.

5. Select Install.
The MSSP Installer will determine which service
packs you must install and will display them here.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

6. Wait as the MSSP Installer is installed and installs each
operating system service pack.


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

7. If you are using CDs, Place CD 1 in the CD drive. Select OK.

8. Select Yes, I want to restart my computer now. Select



System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

9. After the computer reboots, the MSSP Installer will start
again. Select Next. Select Install.


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

10. The SQL Server Service Pack dialog box appears. Select

11. Read the license agreement. If you agree to the terms of

the license agreement, select Yes.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

12. Select Default. Select Next.

13. Select either SQL Authentication or Windows



Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

If you choose SQL Authentication, you must enter
the SQL Administrator password.
If you choose Windows Authentication but are not a
SQL Administrator, you will receive this message.

14. Selection of the checkbox on the Error Reporting dialog box

will not affect the installation. Select OK.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

15. Select Next to begin the installation.

16. Wait for the installation to complete.


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

17. Read the message. Select OK.

18. Select Finish.

19. When the MSSP installer finishes, restart the System 1

software installation.

.NET Framework
If .NET Framework is NOT installed on the computer, the installation
process will install the Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework.
If you have Microsoft .Net version 3.0 or newer installed, you must
exit the System 1 installation, uninstall Microsoft .Net 3.x, and restart the System 1 installation.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5
SQL Server 2005 Installation
If SQL Server is NOT installed on the computer, installation process
will prompt you to install either the Standard Edition or the Express
The SQL Setup of the edition you select proceeds with minimal user
interaction. Some of the setup screens will have the Cancel button
enabled. Do NOT select Cancel as it will abort the entire installation.
After the installation process installs all the pre-requisite software,
the InstallShield Wizard proceeds to install the System 1

5.3.2 System 1 Software


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

The Next button will be enabled. Select Next to continue the
installation process. Selecting Cancel aborts the System 1

5.3.3 Customer Information

1. Type User Name and Organization Details.

2. Select Next.
a. Select Back to return to the previous screen to check
or modify the previously entered data.
b. Select Cancel to terminate the installation at any


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

5.3.4 System 1 Administrator Account Information

The installation process for previous versions of the System 1

software automatically created the System1Admin account.
However, System 1 v6.5 software offers more flexibility. The System
1 Administrator account can be either

the legacy default local System1Admin account, or

an existing Local or Network Domain User account

Creating a new System1Admin account

The System 1 software installation can create a local account
named System1Admin use it as the System 1 Administrator. Select
this option if System 1 v6.5 software must interact with older
versions of System 1 software.


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

Select Next to specify the password for the System1Admin

Existing Local or Network Domain Account

Select the Existing User option to select an existing account. The
User name box is highlighted. You can directly enter the user name
in the DOMAIN\Username format and then specify the password.
Please note that when you select an existing local user, you should
replace the DOMAIN with the local computer name. Select Next to
proceed with the installation.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

You can also select Browse to search for a network account.


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

Browse to find both the Domain Server and the Username, Select
OK to go back to the previous screen. Select Next to proceed with
the installation.

Due to network and domain account configurations and
settings, you might not be able to browse all available
servers and/or users. Changing these configurations and
settings is beyond the scope of the System 1 software
installations. If you cant see a server or account that you
know is available, try typing the account in the
DOMAIN\Username format under the Existing User option.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

5.3.5 Setup Configuration (Standalone, Server or Client)

Standalone Installation

Selecting Standalone Installation installs typical System 1

components on the current machine.
However, selecting the Show Advanced Options check box will
allow you to select any components that are not in the default
installation list.

Standalone installation will not install Web Display and DS
Studio, but you can install them through advanced options.

Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

Typical System 1 components include:

System 1 Management Console

o System 1 Management Console Server
o System 1 Management Console Client

Database Tools

Data Acquisition
o Data Acquisition Server
o Data Acquisition Connection Manager

Enterprise Data Services

o Enterprise Data Server
o API Client
o OPC Server
o API Server

Display Clients and servers

o Display

Configuration Utilities
o Configuration
o File Based Configuration Utilities

License Server

o Smart Notifier
o Standard Tools

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

o Rainbow Ikey Driver

Help for System 1 software

Server Installation

Selecting Server Installation and Next takes you to the Custom

Setup screen in which you can select the components you wish to
install on this machine. The default components are the System 1
Application servers.


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

Client Installation

Selecting Client Installation and Next displays the Custom Setup

screen in which you can select the components you wish to install
on this machine. The default components will be the System 1
Client applications.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5
Custom Setup/Show Advanced Options

Select Change to modify the installation path. The installation

process will install the selected System 1 components to the
selected directory.


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

Select any of the nodes with the X to allow the installation process
to install them.
Space: Select the Space button to view the free space on the drive
selected in the installation path.
Back: Select the Back button takes you to the previous installation
Cancel: Select Cancel to abort the System 1 installation.
Next: Select Next to proceed with the System 1 installation.
Help: Select the Help button to launch the feature selection help
that explains the icons used in the feature selection list box.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

5.3.6 Installing the components

Subject to the details that the previous screens specified, the
installation process installs the System 1 components to the
specified location and enables them to use the specified user
If you select the CMMS component, the software prompts you to
select the appropriate CMMS system.


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

5.3.7 Setup Confirmation

Scroll through the Installation Summary in the above screen to

verify that the setup configuration is as you desire.
If you must change some setting, use the Back button to navigate
back to the appropriate panes.

In certain circumstances, the Installation Summary may
include some components that you did not select in the
Custom Setup dialog box. This is due to dependencies
between certain components and is perfectly normal.
Select Install to continue installing the System 1 software.

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

Select Cancel to abort the entire installation.
In the InstallShield Wizard, select Finish to exit the wizard.

5.4 System 1 Activation

After the installation is complete, the installer prompts you to
restart the system. Select Yes to restart the system.


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

5.4.1 License Agreement

You must activate your System 1 software after the installation.
When you open the Configuration software for the first time, the
License Agreement screen appears. Select the I accept the terms
in the license agreement option.

5.4.2 Updating Demonstration and Enterprise Databases

If you are upgrading your System 1 software from an earlier
version, you must update both your current Enterprise databases
and Demonstration databases so that they are compatible with the
updated version of the System 1 application. The installation
process will give you the opportunity to update your databases.
However, because the update process is a lengthy one, we
recommend that you update your databases after your installation
is complete. Select Start, Programs, System 1, Tools, System 1
Database Tools to update or perform other utility functions on your
existing System 1 databases.

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

5.4.3 Single Computer Setup

If you opted for Standalone Installation during the installation
process, you must launch the Single Computer Setup Wizard Tool.
Select Start, Programs, System 1, Tools, Single Computer Setup.

Select Next to create an enterprise.


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

Select Next to configure all the required servers and clients for the
specified enterprise.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

Select Next to transfer the licenses to an enterprise.


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

If you select the Update Licenses check box in the previous screen,
the software displays the existing licenses and license quantity
along with the updated license details on the screen.
Select Commit to apply the licenses to the enterprise.

The screen below displays an overview of the enterprise activation

process. All the screens in the Single Computer Setup Wizard from
this point deal with the enterprise activation process. Select Next to
provide details about your company including company address,
and contact address.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

Ensure that you provide the Technical and Services Support

Agreement numbers.


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

Select Next to specify a location on your computer in which you

want to store the Enterprise Activation Report, along with the name
for the Activation Report.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

After you receive the activation code from technical support, type
the activation code in the Activation Code text box and select the
Activate button to activate the Enterprise.


Section 5 - Installing System 1 Software

Select the Finish button to complete the setup.


Section 6 - Verification

6. Verification
It is important that you check your System 1 installation at this
time. The verification process uses the Demonstration database
(included with your System 1 software) and allows you to verify that
the various System 1 modules can communicate with each other
and with the SQL Server. The basic verification process will ensure

The System 1 Management Console Server is correctly

installed and accessible to the System 1 Management
Console Client.

The Enterprise Data Server is correctly installed and can run.

The License Server is correctly installed and can assign

evaluation licenses to the Demonstration Enterprise.

The Configuration software is correctly installed and can

connect to a Demonstration Enterprise Configuration

You can modify the Demonstration Enterprise Configuration

database to specify the location of the Demonstration
Historical database and the Data Acquisition computer.

The Data Acquisition software is correctly installed and can

be linked to the Demonstration Enterprise Configuration and
Historical databases.

The System 1 Display software is correctly installed and can:

o Connect to the Demonstration Enterprise
Configuration database
o Communicate with the System 1 Data Acquisition

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

o Communicate with the System 1 Data Acquisition

1. You must execute the Verification Procedure in the
order in which this section presents it. Several steps in
the Configuration Verification section will prepare the
installation to allow you to successfully verify the
System 1 software.
2. This verification process does not test all of the System
1 applications and interfaces. The online Help system
for the System 1 platform explains and demonstrates
individual applications. Use the information from Help
to configure and execute additional software
applications, exporters, importers and interfaces.

6.1 Demonstration Database

To help you verify and familiarize yourself with your System 1
installation, the System 1 software provides a demonstration
Enterprise. To use this feature, you must select the Demonstration
database when you select the System 1 components that you want
to install.
You may make changes to the Demonstration database, and we
encourage you to use it to view features and functions of the
System 1 software. System 1 Configuration will keep any changes
that you save to the Demonstration database as part of the
Demonstration database.
The Demonstration Database is called DemoVersionX, where X
represents the current release of the software. 2 databases are
necessary: the DemoVersionX Configuration database (named
DemoVersionX_Config), and the Historical Database (named

Section 6 - Verification

6.2 Verifying SMC, EDS, License Servers

A central location at the enterprise level, rather than at the DAQ
level, can now handle licensing. This means that during system
setup, you no longer need to bring the license media to every single
computer that will be using System 1 software. Another new
capability is that Technical Support now keeps track of customer
licenses, so that if you ever a need to see the components for
which a customer is licensed, the information will be readily
This section includes instructions for setting up the System 1
Management Console Server, the Enterprise Data Server, the
License Server, and adding evaluation licenses to the
DemoVersion65 enterprise.
Normally, you would have created a new System 1 Enterprise prior
to setting up these System 1 components, but we have already
done so in the DemoVersion Enterprise.
1. On the System 1 Management Console (SMC) server
computer, open the System 1 Management Console
Configuration utility program from the Start, Programs,
System 1, Tools menu.
2. View the Server tab. The server address should be the
current computer name. Either an IP address or computer
name is valid for this field.
3. Fill in the Database Machine field with the name or IP
address of the server that has the Enterprise configuration.
4. Fill in the Enterprise Name field.
5. Fill in the Connection information with the protocol,
formatter, and port number.
6. Select the Apply button.

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

7. Select the Service tab.

8. Select the Startup Mode.
9. Select the Start button. If the service starts successfully, the
status icon will be green as in the graphic below. If the

Section 6 - Verification
service fails to start, select the Event Viewer button to view
the Application Event Log for errors.

10. Select OK.

11. From the System 1 Management Console (SMC) Client
computer, select Start, Programs, System 1, System 1
Management Console Client.
12. Create a new Enterprise connection.
The Enterprise connection provides the necessary
information so that the SMC Client can connect to the

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

SMC Server. Ensure that the connection information
matches the settings entered in step 5.
a. Select Servers, New. The Enterprise Connection
Configuration dialog box appears.

b. Type the Enterprise computer name or IP address in

the Server Address box.
c. Select the Remember my account information
d. Select the Windows Account checkbox.
e. Type the Domain, Username, and Password for your

Select OK.

13. Select Enterprises, Connect.


Section 6 - Verification
14. Select the Plug-in Manager and download any available
15. Select the Enterprise Server Configuration plug-in.

16. Enter the Enterprise Data Server computer name in the

Server Address field.
17. Set the connection information according to the settings
made in step 5.
18. Select the Apply button.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

You must select the Apply button on both the Enterprise Data
Server tab and the License Server tab to save the changes.
19. Select the License Server tab.
20. Enter the computer name for the License Server in the
Server Address field.
21. Select the Apply button.
22. Select the Enterprise Data Server Control plug-in under the
currently connected Enterprise.


Section 6 - Verification

23. Set the Enterprise Data Server Configuration Information.

24. Check the Assign the Enterprise Data Server to this
System 1 Enterprise checkbox.
25. Set the Startup Mode for the Enterprise Data Server.
26. Select Apply. The service should start. If not, select the start
button with the green arrow. If the service still fails to start,
check the Application Event Log to determine the cause of
the failure.
27. Select Enterprise License Manager plug-in.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

28. Select the Evaluation / Enterprise mode from the License
Transfer Mode drop-down list. See the picture below.

29. Select the evaluation licenses you wish to move over to the
DemoDatabase Enterprise. To speed up the process, select
the double-arrow button to move the maximum number of
all licenses over.
30. Select the Commit button.
31. Select the Activate button
and licenses.

to activate the Enterprise

You are now ready to verify the Configuration installation.

Verification: Adding Enterprise Licenses

Section 6 - Verification

In case of a software upgrade, you should back
up the older licenses before uninstalling.

6.3 Verify the System 1 Configuration Software

This section describes how to verify the correct installation of your
System 1 Configuration software. For the purposes of the
verification this section assumes a sample installation that
networks together 2 computers. One computer collects data from

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

a Snapshot data collector. The other is a display computer and
contains the Demonstration Databases.
You must perform these steps in the order in which this section
presents them.
1. Log on to the computer that has the System 1 Configuration

To access the Demonstration Enterprise
Configuration database, the Windows operating
system user account you use must be a member of
the SYSTEM1ADMINGRP. It will be a member if it is
the same account you used to install the software
on this computer. Use the Windows User Manager to
add new users to the SYSTEM1GROUP if necessary.
2. Select Start, Programs, System 1, System 1 Configuration
to start the System 1 Configuration software.
3. Select Open from the Enterprise menu. The Enterprise
Connect window appears.
4. Select Add from the Enterprise menu.
5. Under Connection Properties:


Section 6 - Verification

a. Enter a name for the connection.

b. Enter the name of the Enterprise Configuration
Server (SQL Server Name), which is the Computer
Name of the server on which the System 1 Database
Utilities and the Demonstration Enterprise are
installed. Use the Browse button to select the SQL
server computer.
i. In this example, we are connecting to the
Demonstration database located on the
SYS1TEST computer.

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

For a Standalone installation, this is the
name of the Standalone computer.
c. Select the Browse button and select the
DemoVersion_65 enterprise that is listed below the
computer name you entered.
d. Select OK.
6. View the Enterprise Connect Window.

a. Highlight DemoVersion_65 in the Enterprise Name

b. Select Connect.
c. The program may take a few moments to load the
Enterprise information. When loading is complete,
the program displays the System 1 Configuration
7. View the System 1 Configuration screen.
8. Change to the Instrument Layout view.
a. Select View.

Section 6 - Verification
b. Select Instrument.
c. Select Hierarchy.

d. Expand the Instrument tree by selecting the + that

precedes the Instruments node.
e. Right-click the Demo Data Acquisition Server.
f. Select Properties.
9. View the Data Acquisition Properties Window (Properties of
Demo Data Acquisition Server Tag).


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

a. Modify the Demonstration Configuration so it can

communicate with other System 1 computers.
Change the field Historical
Database\Computer Name to the name of
the computer on which the SQL Server and
Demonstration Enterprise database are
installed. SYS1TEST is the computer name
that this example uses. For your test, use
the actual name of your computer.




Section 6 - Verification
Verify that the Historical
Database\Database Name is
Change the field Data Acquisition
Server\Computer Name to the name of the
computer on which the Data Acquisition
software (NOT the Data Acquisition
Connection Manager) is installed.
Select OK.

The System 1 Configuration software verification is now complete.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

6.4 Verify the System 1 Data Acquisition

Software Installation
This section shows how to verify that you have correctly installed
your System 1 Data Acquisition software and that you can connect
to an Enterprise Configuration database. You must perform these
steps in the order in which this section presents them.
1. Log on to the computer that has the System 1 Data
Acquisition Connection Manager.

In most cases, the Data Acquisition Connection Manager and the
Data Acquisition software are installed on the same computer.
However, in the case where this is not true, log on to the computer
on which the Data Acquisition Connection Manager resides.
2. Start the System 1 Data Acquisition Connection Manager
a. Select Start, Programs, System 1, System 1 Data
3. Right-click Data Acquisition Servers and select Add Station
in the Data Acquisition Connection Manager main window.

4. Select the Enterprise menu and select Add in the Data

Acquisition Connection dialog box.

Section 6 - Verification
5. In the Properties Window:
a. Give a name to the connection in the connection
properties field. Browse and select the
DemoDatabase_65 enterprise on the test computer.
b. Select OK.
6. View the Data Acquisition Computer Window. This Window
contains a list of all the Data Acquisition computers that the
Demonstration Historical database accesses.
a. Highlight the Data Acquisition computer name.
b. Select OK.
7. View the Data Acquisition Connect window.
a. Select OK.
8. Depending on your Installation (if you are changing
Enterprises), you may see the following System 1 Message:

a. The first part of this message explains which

Enterprise and DAQ server the station is currently
configured to use.

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

b. The second part of the message indicates that you
want to change to a different Enterprise and/or DAQ
c. Select Yes if you wish to continue changing the
station properties.
9. View the Data Acquisition Connection Manager window.
Your screen should now display, directly below the Data
Acquisitions Servers node, the Data Acquisition Server
computer that you selected.
10. Initiate the System 1 Data Acquisition software.
a. Right-click the Data Acquisition Server that you just
b. Select Initiate DAQ.
The System 1 Data Acquisition software will begin its initialization
process. When initialization is complete, the Data Acquisition
Connection Manager main screen displays an icon with a green


Section 6 - Verification

Your screen may not look exactly like the one above as the
Demonstration database differs from this one and the number of
modules will be different. However, you are looking for many of the
modules to be Running and for the Data Acquisition Server to be
This completes the System 1 Data Acquisition software verification.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

6.5 Verify the System 1 Display Software

This section describes how to verify that you have correctly
installed your System 1 Display software and that you can connect
to the Demonstration Enterprise Configuration database,
communicate with the Data Acquisition software, and retrieve
current status and historical data from the Demonstration
database. You must perform these steps in the order in which this
section presents them.
1. Log on to the computer on which the System 1 Display
software is installed.
2. Start the System 1 Display software.
a. Select Start, Programs, System 1, System 1 Display.
3. Select the Enterprise menu and then select Open,
Enterprise in the main System 1 Display window.
4. In the Enterprise Connect window:


Section 6 - Verification
a. Highlight the DemoDatabase65 Enterprise name.
b. Select Connect.
c. The program may take a few moments to load the
Enterprise information.
5. View the System 1 Display window.
a. The Demonstration database contains several points,
each with an associated alarm severity. A successful
connection to the operational Data Acquisition
software will display colors (indicating the severity of
each alarm) in the Enterprise hierarchy tree.
b. If severity colors are not present, it indicates that the
Data Acquisition software is not operational or that
the Display software has not established a
connection with it.
c. The message DAQ Communicating should appear
at the bottom of the Display screen.
d. Expand the Enterprise hierarchy tree to the first
Displacement Point by selecting the '+' preceding the
nodes in the hierarchy.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

6. View the expanded tree. Verify that the alarm severity colors
remain on the tree.


Section 6 - Verification
7. Verify that the Display software can retrieve data from the
Demonstration Historical Database by displaying a trend
plot for one of the points in the Demonstration Enterprise.

a. Select a point in the Enterprise and highlight it with a

single left-click. In this example the point BRG01Y has
been selected.
b. Right-click on the selected point.
c. Select Plots.
d. Select Trend.
8. Verify that the System 1 Display software retrieves the
stored trend data similar to the data shown here. Your plot

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

may differ, depending on the database that you are using. If
your plot says No Data:
a. Select the left-point arrow that appears in the lower
left corner of the plot. Click and hold this arrow until
the resulting date is the first part of April 2004. This is
when we collected data for the DemoDatabase65
database. Remember that other databases may not
have data for this time period.
b. The purpose of this exercise is to verify that the
Display software can retrieve System 1 data from the
historical database, and present that data on a
selected Display. You can use any known database,
and select any type of display.

Verification of the System 1 Display software is now

complete, and you now have an operational System 1
installation. Use the Demonstration Enterprise to continue to
view various displays, plots, lists, and other features of the

Section 6 - Verification

6.6 Web Display


Refer to


Plan Your System 1 Web Display Server Installation

Verify Hardware and Software Requirements at Server and Workstation



Install the System 1 Web Display Server Software

Setup the Web Display Server
Setup a Web Display Client


You can access the System 1 Web Display software on any

workstation, laptop, or computer and use it to access a System 1
Enterprise. This Web-based application uses the Internet or Intranet
capabilities of Microsoft Internet Explorer software and .NET
framework to allow you to access data values within the System 1
Microsoft .NET is a set of Microsoft software technologies for
connecting information, people, systems, and devices. It enables a
high level of software integration through the use of Web services
small, discrete, building-block applications that connect to each
other as well as to other, larger applications over the Internet.
Web Display can be extremely useful to operations, maintenance,
diagnostic, and other personnel because it provides the
information they desire without requiring them to install all of the
components necessary for a System 1 Display workstation. Web
Display also does not require that a user be a member of the
Enterprise Domain of the System 1 software, nor even a group user
within the System 1 platform.
If your security level permits you to access a System 1 platform,
AND you have Internet or Intranet access via a network, modem,
high-speed cable, wireless, or other connection, then you have the
necessary components to use Web Display to view System 1 data


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

6.7 Plan System 1 Web Display Server

In most cases the Web Display Server computer is separate from
the one on which the System 1 Data Acquisition software is
installed. This server must have access to the Data Acquisition
software and to the System 1 Database(s) for the Enterprise(s) you
will access using the Web Display software.
In installations for which clients do not connect to servers through
the Internet, the Web Display Server can also be the Data
Acquisition Server. But in installations for which clients connect to
servers through the Internet, the Web Display Server and DAQ
Server should be separate computers for security reasons.
This graphic shows several different types of communications that
you may use with the Web Display software.


Section 6 - Verification

6.8 Verify Hardware and Software

Requirements at Server and Workstation
6.8.1 Hardware Requirements
Note that the minimum System 1 platform hardware requirements
will not ensure that the System 1 software will operate properly. We
recommend that you use specific computers that we have tested
with the System 1 platform and that meet its requirements for
capacity, speed, and reliability.

Guidelines for Selecting a Server or Workstation

If you do not purchase the recommended computers, the System 1
workstation has minimum requirements. Use of non-standard
computers introduces the risk that your System 1 platform may not
operate correctly.

Minimum Hardware Requirements

Web Server

Web Display Client


2.80 GHz (quantity 2)

800 MHz Processor PIII



256 MB RAM


72.8 GB Hard Drive

(quantity 3)

18 GB Hard drive




Network Controller

10/100 Dual Port NIC

10/100 NIC

Additional Network

10/100/1000 Gigabit



56K PCI Fax Modem

PCI Modem

Cache Memory

512 KB L2 Cache

512 KB L2 Cache

Expansion Slots

6 PCI Slots

6 PCI Slots


8MB 1024X768 16 bit

color video

8 MB 1024X768 16 bit
color video


4-port USB 2.0 PCI Card



System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

6.8.2 Software Requirements


Web Display Server



Operating System

Windows 2000

Service Pack 4

Operating System

Windows XP

Service Pack 2

Operating System

Windows 2003 Server


Internet Explorer

6.0 or newer

Web Server Application

Microsoft Internet
Information Services (IIS)

(Depends on the


Microsoft .NET framework

Version 2.0



Operating System

Windows 2000

Service Pack 4

Operating System

Windows XP

Service Pack 1

Operating System

Windows 2003


Internet Explorer

6.0 or newer


Microsoft .NET framework

Version 2.0

Web Display Client

Section 6 - Verification

6.9 Install the System 1 Web Display Server

If Web Display Clients will access the Web Display Server through
the Internet, we recommend that you install the Web Display Server
on a computer different than the one on which the System 1 Data
Acquisition (DAQ) is running. After selecting a computer that meets
the minimum hardware requirements, follow these steps to install
the Web Display Server.


6.9.2 Details

1. Install
Server (IIS).

a. Locate the Operating System installation media.

b. Run the installation for adding Windows
c. Select the Internet Information Services (IIS)
d. Complete the installation.

2. Install
System 1
Web Display

a. Run the System 1 installation.

b. Select the Web Display Server.


Select only the Web Display Server for installation if
this is a separate installation (i.e., a standalone client).
c. Install prerequisite software. You must install the
.NET framework before you can install the Web
Display Server.
d. Complete the installation for Web Display Server.

3. Set up the
Web Display

At the end of the Web Display Server installation, the

installer will ask if you want to create a Web
Enterprise. See the Web Server Setup section for more

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

6.10 Setup the Web Display Server

The following steps describe how you can set up a Web Display
Enterprise Server that supplies data from a System 1 Enterprise to
Web Display clients. Many of these steps are required when you
add a new user to the system.

6.10.1 Create a Web Enterprise

You can create a new Web Display Enterprise with the Web Display
Enterprise Creation Utility. Launch this utility after you complete the
Web Display Server installation. At any other time, you can also
access the Web Display Enterprise Creation Utility from the System
1 Tools menu via the Start, Programs, System 1, Tools menu.
This utility creates the files and folders for a Web Display Enterprise
from a System 1 Enterprise.


Section 6 - Verification
1. If you have installed a SQL Server, select Browse for
2. Select SQL Server and Enterprise Name. Select OK.
These steps will automatically fill in the information
for an existing System 1 Enterprise.
1. Select Allow Manual Input. Type the System 1 Enterprise
information in the boxes.
2. Select Create a New Enterprise to create the files and
folders that make up a Web Display Enterprise.

If the properties of your System 1 platform do
not match the information you type in, you
must use this utility again to make appropriate
changes the Web Display Enterprise.
3. The Add Favorite dialog box appears.
4. Note the Name. Select OK. You use this favorite link to
access the Web Display Enterprise.

6.10.2 Add or Remove Web Display Users in System 1

Before any user can log on to the Web Enterprise, the administrator
must use the Security Manager to add user accounts. The
administrator can add user accounts to and remove user accounts
from the Security Manager as needed. The Security Manager is a
tool that you access from System 1 Configuration. The following
instructions explain how to add a user account for the Web Display.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

1. In the System 1 Configuration software, select Tools,
Security Manager.

2. The Security Manager dialog box appears.


Section 6 - Verification
3. Select the Users tab.
4. Clear the Windows Authentication checkbox. This means
that the user will access the System 1 Enterprise by a
method OTHER than through Windows.
5. Type the User Name and Password for the user account.
6. Select Add User. This adds the user account to the System 1
Users list.
7. Select OK.

Verify that you have saved the Enterprise configuration after you close
and exit from the Security Manager. You must do this before the System
1 platform will allow the newly added Web Display users to access the
Web Enterprise. When you add a new user, you must wait for the period
specified by the DAQ Polling Interval before the user can log in.


Add User Groups to System 1 Enterprise

Adding Groups is one method of organizing user accounts that

have the same access rights. It also simplifies the process of
changing user access rights. Instead of changing the access rights
for each individual user account, you can change the access rights
for a group of users once. Creating groups for your Web Display
user accounts is helpful.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

1. In System 1 Configuration, select Tools, Security Manager.

2. The Security Manager dialog box appears.

3. Select the Groups tab.

4. Select Add.

Section 6 - Verification
5. Type in a name for the group.
6. Select OK.
7. Select a user in the System 1 Users list.
8. Select the < button to move the user into the group. The
user you selected now appears in the Members of Group
list. The << button will move all the users in the System 1
Users list into the Members of Group list.
9. Select OK.

Verify that you have saved the Enterprise configuration
after you close and exit from the Security Manager.
You must do this before the newly added Web Display
users can access the Web Enterprise.

6.10.4 Assign Access Rights to Web Display Users in the

System 1 Enterprise
Each Web Display user account that you add has the access right
that allows the users who belong to the User Account to View
Software Configuration and View Data. This access right allows
them to use Web Display to view data, alarms, and events. This
access right does NOT permit them to acknowledge the alarms and
events or to make changes in the Journal Editor. In order for them
to acknowledge alarms and events, you must give them the
Acknowledge Alarms/Events right or include them into a group
that has this right enabled. To add, remove, or modify journal
entries in the Journal Editor, a user account must have the Edit
Software Configuration access right. None of the other access
rights apply to the Web Display user accounts.
The following graphic shows a selected group called "Plant
Operators" in the Users/Groups list. This group has been given both

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

the View Software Configuration and View Data and the
Acknowledge Alarms/Events access rights. Any user added to this
group acquires the same access rights as those for the group.

Verify that you have saved the Enterprise configuration after you
close and exit from the Security Manager. You must do this before
the newly added Web Display users can access the Web Enterprise.
When you assign new access rights, you must wait for the period
specified by the DAQ Polling Interval before the access rights can
take effect.

Section 6 - Verification Set the Web Page Security for Web Display Users with the
Page Security Manager.
Each web page on the Web Enterprise site has its own security
settings. An Information Technology (IT) or Network Administrator
should establish these security settings when first setting up the
Web Server.
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Select Favorites. Select the link created in Section 6.10.1.
3. The Web Display Login screen appears.
4. Type your Username and Password. Select Login.
5. The Lobby screen appears. Select Page Security Manager.
6. The Page Security Manager screen appears. Select the
pages that you want to configure.
This screen allows the Administrator to grant or deny access
to the selected pages for every individual user that has been
established for this Web Enterprise installation.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

7. Select Configure Security For Selected Page(s).
8. The Page Security screen appears.
This dialog allows you to determine which user
accounts can access the web pages that the dialog
lists at the top of the screen. The user accounts in the
All Users list are users that you added to the
Enterprise configuration database using the Security
Manager Tool in the System 1 Configuration
In this example, the Administrator has chosen the
Allow Selected Users option. This option allows
specific users to access the pages that the dialog
lists at the top of the screen. To specify users from
the All Users list, select them, and select the > button
to move them to the Selected Users pane on the
right. Select the Submit button to save the changes.


Section 6 - Verification

If you select either the Allow Selected Users or Deny
Selected User option, the default settings for this page
will allow or deny access to the list of Selected Users that
you specify. Any new user accounts that you add to the
Enterprise configuration database in the future will have
the OPPOSITE of this access, because they were not
among the Selected Users that you originally specified.

6.10.5 Set Preferences for a Group of Users with the Profile

The Profile Manager allows an Administrator or other Manager to
create groups of users and set the preferences for them. This
includes the Partitioning Preference that determines the parts of
the Enterprise that members of the profile may view by default.
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Select Favorites. Select the link created in Section 6.10.1.
The Web Display Login screen appears.
3. Type your Username and Password. Select Login. The
Lobby screen appears.
4. Select Profile Manager.
To add a new profile for a group of users:
5. Type in a name for the profile in the edit field.
6. Select the Add New Profile button. The profile is added to
the list of profiles.
7. Select the Add/Remove Users link. This link launches a page
that allows you to add users to the profile.

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

After you identify the users for a profile, the program displays a
preferences page. Edit the preferences and set the partitioning
preferences to determine those parts of the Enterprise that the
users in the profile should be able to see.

Profile Add/Remove Users

Use this dialog page to determine which user accounts are a part
of the selected profile. Move user accounts from the All Users list to
the Current Members of Profile list to add them to or remove them
from the profile. After you do this, select the Configure Profile
button at the bottom to set the preferences for the profile.

When you add a user to a profile,
the program will remove that user
from any previous profile.


Section 6 - Verification

Profile Preferences

The options in the Profile Manager Configuration page are identical

to those in an individual users Preferences Manager page except
for 4 additional check box options. If you select any of these
options and a user in the profile changes these preferences, the
users will no longer be a part of the profile. This allows the
Administrator to enforce users access rights to data.

Verify Web Display Client Access

This step, although very simple, is also very critical. If your end
users cannot access their Web Display Enterprise for ANY reason, it
will seem that the entire process has failed. This will be true even if
the failure is due to something as simple as their computer not
having the Microsoft .NET framework software installed.

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

Ensure that the client computers have the required software.

The program will automatically forward
users without the .NET framework to the
Prerequisites Download page.
The Microsoft .NET framework is available as a free download from
the Internet. You can also install it from the Prerequisite Download
Verify that client computers can successfully log on to the Web
Display Enterprise.
Use the security utility that is available from the Prerequisites
Download page to ensure that the client computers have
established a trust with the Web Server.

6.11 Setup a Web Display Client



The Web Display Client setup is simple if

the client computer meets the software requirements, and

the client computer has access to the web server over a

network connection.

Do not proceed with the setup instructions below if the
client computer does not meet the above requirements.


Section 6 - Verification


Setup Instructions
Connect the client computer to the System 1 Web Server

Your IT Administrator should supply you with a link or web address

that you can use with Internet Explorer to access the Web Display
Enterprise Server. If not, you must contact your administrator to
request the web address, a username, and a password.
Use the following procedure to log in to your Enterprise.
1. Use Internet Explorer to access the Web Display Login page.
2. Enter your Username and Password.
3. Select the Login button. The Web Display Lobby page
displays after a successful login.


Install the .NET Framework

The System 1 Web Server upon login automatically detects the

existence of the .NET Framework on the client computer. If the web

System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

server displays the Prerequisite Download web page after the login
then the client computer is missing the .NET Framework.
1. Select the Download link to get the installation package for
.NET Framework from the Web Server.

2. Do one of the following;

a. Run the installation package from the Web Server
b. Save the installation package to your computer and
then run it.
Follow the instructions in the installation process. At the conclusion
of the installation, the installation package should indicate whether
or not the installation was successful.


Section 6 - Verification
Set the Internet Explorer and .NET Framework security
The Web Display Client computer must fully trust the Web
Display Server. The SecuritySettings.bat file properly sets the
security settings. To download and run the file:
1. Select the Download link to get the file.

2. Directly execute the file by selecting Run, or save the file by

selecting Save and double-click the file to execute the file.
3. Executing the file will automatically set the security settings.


Section 7 - System 1 Languages

7. System 1 Languages
7.1 Configuring Languages
System 1 Language Translation allows you to view the System 1
Application windows in a number of languages. 10 languages are
currently available: Chinese (PRC), German, Spanish (European),
French, Japanese, Korean (Wansung), Russian, Italian, Finnish,
Swedish and English (United States).
At this time, System 1 Help is not translated. Currently, the System 1
software translation applies to application sub-menus, short-cut
menus, dialog boxes and messages. Non-translated text is in

7.1.1 Installing the System 1 Language Selector

The core System 1 installation does not include this application. You
install it separately from the System 1 Languages disk.
1. Locate Installation Disk 5 and place it into your CD drive.
2. Double-click X:\Setup.exe, where X identifies the CD drive on
your computer.
3. Follow the instructions of the InstallShield Wizard.
If you are installing System 1 software using a DVD, a separate
language CD is available.
1. Locate Language CD and place it into you CD drive.
2. Double-click X:\Setup.exe, where X identifies the CD drive on
your computer.
3. Follow the instructions of the InstallShield Wizard.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5


Section 7 - System 1 Languages

If you select the Launch System 1? Languages check box, the

wizard will display the System 1 Language Selector dialog.

7.1.2 Using the System 1 Language Selector

The System 1 Language Selector is part of the System 1 Tools
collection. Select Start, Programs, System 1, Tools, System 1
Languages. In the System 1 Language Selector dialog, highlight a
language from the list, and select the OK button.
Open an Enterprise from System 1 Configuration, Display, Smart
Notifier, or Data Acquisition software. If the Enterprise has a license
for the selected language (see below) the System 1 program will
display menus and dialog boxes in that language.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5


Section 7 - System 1 Languages

You must close all System 1 applications before changing a
language. The System 1 Language Selector applies the
selected language to all instances of the System 1 client
applications named above, on the computer running the
Language Selector. You cannot have multiple languages
active on a computer simultaneously.
Tip: If the System 1 applications are displaying "?????" rather than
the selected language, then go to Start, Settings, Control Panel,
Regional and Language Options and select the Advanced tab. Set
the Language for non-Unicode programs box the same as the
language you selected in the System 1 platform, and select OK.

7.1.3 Licensing
You can license each Enterprise for as many Languages as you
desire (note that English requires no license). For example, you can
license the Enterprise "PowerPlant1", for French and English (1
language license for PowerPlant1) and license Enterprise
"PowerPlant2" for French, German and Chinese (3 language
licenses for PowerPlant2). You purchase language licenses
separately and use the System 1 License Manager to add them to
your platform.

Although each language license applies to a single
enterprise and an enterprise can have multiple language
licenses, applications cannot use different languages at
the same time on the same computer. The selected
language applies to all instances of System 1 client
applications that are running on the computer.

Section 8 - MSSP Installer for Windows XP

8. MSSP Installer for Windows XP

1. The MSSP Installer dialog box appears. Select Next.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

2. Select Install.
The MSSP Installer will determine which service packs you
must install and will display them here.


Section 8 - MSSP Installer for Windows XP

3. Select Next.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

4. Read the License Terms. Select I accept the agreement.
Select Next.


Section 8 - MSSP Installer for Windows XP

5. Select Next.
The MSSP installer selects all the required features by


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

6. Select either Windows Authentication or SQL
Authentication in the Authentication box.
If you choose Windows Authentication and you are
not a SQL Administrator, you will receive this

If you choose SQL Authentication, you must enter

the SQL Administrator User Name and Password.


Section 8 - MSSP Installer for Windows XP

7. Selecting either checkbox on the Error and Usage
Reporting Setting dialog box will not affect the installation.
Select Next.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

8. Select Next.
If you do not end the processes that appear on the
list before continuing, you must restart the computer
after the installation is complete.


Section 8 - MSSP Installer for Windows XP

9. Select Install.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

10. Select Next.
You must reboot the computer if Reboot Required
appears in the Status column.


Section 8 - MSSP Installer for Windows XP

11. Select Next.


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5

12. Clear the Launch the User Provisioning Tool for Windows
Vista after SP2 installation completes checkbox. Select


Section 8 - MSSP Installer for Windows XP

13. Select Finish.

14. When the MSSP installer is finished, restart the System 1

software installation.


Section 9 - Notes


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5


Section 9 - Notes


System 1 Installation Quick Start Guide for Version 6.5



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