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Physics CMP

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Room 2234

Physics CP1
Classroom Management Plan
Walpole High School
The mission of Walpole High School is: to foster learning through a collaborative process that engages students,
educators, and the community. This endeavor provides opportunities for students to acquire knowledge and to develop
skills in order to achieve academic and personal goals.

Welcome to Physics! There are two things I want you to take away from this course. First, I want you to
learn some of the physics of the world around you. This can best be done when you take responsibility
for the learning process. This often can be frustrating as there will be times when I will not spoon feed
you answers, but the end result is that you will have a far deeper understanding of what you learn.
Secondly, I want you to develop your ability to problem solve. This may be the first class, outside
of math class, where you will be applying the mathematics you have learned. You should develop
strategies for organizing your thoughts and recognizing what is important in a problem. The ability to do
this is often the difference between success or failure in college science and math courses.
Prerequisite: Algebra II or enrollment in Algrebra II.

Student responsibilities:

You are expected to be an active learner and take responsibility for your own learning.
You are expected to be courteous, cooperative, and respectful to your fellow students.
You are expected to cooperate with all aspects of the classroom management plan.
You are responsible for being prepared for class everyday with the appropriate materials (see
supplies list).
You are expected to adhere to all safety guidelines set forth by your teacher, and care for all
equipment in the classroom/lab.
You are expected to explore, think scientifically, give your best effort, and have fun!

Our Physics textbook covered at all times : Serway & Faughn 2012: Physics Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
A 3 ring binder with loose leaf lined paper
A Calculator (scientific is required, a graphing calculator is recommended)

Classroom rules:
In order for you to be successful and safe in this class, we must all follow some basic rules:

Be on time and in your seat when the bell rings. Begin working on the BELL-WORK activity
right away.
Be prepared for class with completed homework and all of the supplies mentioned previously.
Books must be covered at all times!!!
No cursing, inappropriate or disrespectful language is allowed.
No food or gum chewing is allowed in the classroom. Only water is allowed on non-lab days.
Do not speak out of turn or while someone else is speaking. This includes fellow classmates, not
just the teacher.
Respect everyone in the room and understand that everyone has the right to ask any
appropriate/relevant question they wish during appropriate times in class.
o Cellphones should be off and are to be stored IN YOUR BACKPACK at all times, unless
instructed otherwise.
o During tests/quizzes all cell phones will be stored in the cell phone storage at the front of
the classroom

***All other school rules are enforced in my classroom according to your Student/Parent Handbook.
Warnings will be given for first offenses, detentions and notification of the Assistant Principals will
be given for second or more offenses.

Attendance is taken daily. You are expected to be in class. When you return to class go our class folder,
near the door, and remove the work with your name on it from the sleeve. Read through the note
attached to your work and see me with questions or make-up appointments See the attendance policy in
your student handbook for more information. If you know ahead of time that you will be absent be sure
to notify me. If you are absent you should attempt to get any missed assignments from a peer (or
online), if you are absent for an extended period of time your parent or guardian should call ahead and
pick up work for you. You have two days to make up missed work for each day absent. If laboratory
time is required for a missed assignment due to absence you must schedule it within one week of
returning from the missed lab. After one week you will receive a zero.

Make-Up Policy:
Students should make every effort to make up work as soon as possible when absent. It is YOUR
responsibility to check the while you were out folder for the work you missed when absent and
complete the work in a timely manner. Our high school allows a 2-day window to make up work per
every one day absent. This includes days that our class might not be meeting as well. You should see me
to schedule any makeup quizzes, tests, or labs. All make up work will be in your classs folder on the
front desk. It is your responsibility to check the folder for any assignments you have missed.

Grading Policy:
Your percentage grade is calculated using the number of points you earn on quizzes, tests, activities,
labs, homework, and participation/conduct. The breakdown of category weights is as follows:
The grade will be calculated by categories with weights .

Lab Exercises



Homework will be checked and occasionally graded. Late homework may not be accepted for

Much of your grade will depend on how you show what you have learned, in other words how
you perform on assessment. Your grade in this class should be based on what you have learned
and how you can use your new found knowledge. Students may have the opportunity to retake a
test or summative quiz. In the case of retakes the following guidelines will be followed.
If laboratory time is required for a missed assignment due to absence you must schedule it within
one week of returning from the missed lab. After one week you will receive a zero. Quiz and
test make-up will be made up during class upon return
Any work not completed by the assigned deadline will result in a grade decrease of 10% on that
assignment each school day its missing (up to 50%). After 2 weeks late, some assignments will
not be accepted.

Your work should always be 100% yours, or it should be cited. Unless informed otherwise you
must turn in your own work for all assignments, including lab work AND homework. This work
should be in your own words. Copying assignments will be issued a zero and penalized in
accordance with school policy.

Extra Help:
Sometimes we all need a little clarification or extra help. I will always try to make time for you. See me
the day you wish to stay to set up an appointment so I can guarantee time that day or not. You are
important to me and I want to extend my help and guidance whenever needed and possible.
I have created a website for students and parents to have access to PowerPoint presentation notes, study
guides, classroom guidelines, etc. You can access the site by typing the following address in the address
bar of your internet browser.

Contact Information:

School email:

Phone ext # 5066

Signatures of Agreement:
I have read the Classroom Management Plan for my Physics class, and I understand Ms. Schwartzs
expectations for me as well as my responsibilities.
Student signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________
My son/daughter has shared his/her Physics Classroom Management Plan with me, and I understand Ms.
Schwartzs expectations for him/her as well as the responsibilities expected of my son/daughter. I will
support this plan, and I understand I can contact Ms. Schwartzs by email or phone with any questions,
concerns, or comments I may have.
Parent signature: _______________________________________ Date: _________

PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM ________________________________

This will count as a homework assignment.

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