Essay About Solar System
Essay About Solar System
Essay About Solar System
Each of the planets in our Solar System is unique. They vary in size and composition. Source:
NASA and the Big History Project
If the collisions of planetesimals occurred at high speeds, they could shatter the objects. But
when impacts were gentle enough, the objects combined and grew. For some 10 to 100 million
years these protoplanets orbited the Sun, some in egg-shaped circuits that resulted in more
frequent collisions.
This illustration shows the accretion disk of a star that, like our Sun, could go on to form planets
from the dust and gas around it. Source: ESO/L. Calada
Worlds collided, combined, and
evolved for a dramatic period of
time. When it was over, there
remained eight stable planets that
had swept their orbits clean. A
planet is defined as a body that
orbits the Sun, is massive enough
for its own gravity to make it
spherical, and has cleaned its
neighborhood of smaller objects.
In 2007, researchers at the University of CaliforniaDavis determined that our Solar System was
fully formed at 4.568 billion years ago. They did this by determining the age of stony materials
from the asteroid belt.
The Sun sent out energy and particles in a steady stream, called stellar winds. These winds
proved so strong that they blew off mostthe gases of the four planets closest to the Sun, leaving
them smaller, with only their rocks and metals intact. Thats why they are called rocky, or
terrestrial, planets. The four outer planets were so far from the Sun that its winds could not blow
away their ice and gases. They remained gaseous, with only a small rocky core.
They were made of more gas (namely hydrogen and helium) than the others to begin with, the
Suns gravity having pulled closer the heavier materials in the original solar disk.
Between the inner and outer planets lies an area filled with millions of asteroids small rocky,
icy, and metallic bodies left over from the formation of the Solar System. No planet formed in
this area. Astronomers theorize that Jupiters gravity influenced this region so much that no large
planet could take shape. Jupiter is 11 times the size (in diameter) of Earth and more than twice as
big as all the other planets combined. It is almost large enough to have become a star.
Of the four rocky planets, Mercury is the smallest, about two-fifths the size of Earth. Earth and
Venus are almost the same size, while Mars is about half their size. Astronomers speculate that a
smaller object must have hit Mercury, vaporizing its crust and leaving only the larger-than-usual
iron core.
Conditions on Earth
When the rocky planets first formed, they were largely melted (molten) rock. Over hundreds of
millions of years, they slowly cooled. Eventually Mercury and Mars, because they are small,
solidified and became rigid all the way to their centers.
Only on Earth, and possibly on Venus, have conditions remained in an in- between state. Earth
has stayed partially molten. Its crust is solid rock, and its mantle is rigid in short-term time. But
over geologic time the mantle flows slowly. And the center of Earth consists of a solid iron core
rotating in hot liquid called magma.
Some scientists and Big Historians use the term Goldilocks Conditions to describe conditions
on Earth. This comes from an Anglo-Saxon childrens story, Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
In the story, a young girl named Goldilocks wanders into the home of three bears, who are away.
She tries out their porridge, their chairs, and their beds, finding some too hot or too cold, too hard
or too soft, too large or too small, but one of each just right. Likewise, Earth is not too hot or too
cold, not too big or too little, not too near the Sun or too far away, but just right for life to
Earths Moon
The rocky object nearest to us is the Moon. Where did it come from? Good question. The Moon
orbits Earth, not the Sun, so it is not a planet. The Moon is about one-fourth the size of Earth.
The origin of the Moon remains mysterious, but since astronauts walked on the Moon in 1969
and brought back rock and soil samples, we know more about it now than before.
The standard argument today holds that a small contending planet, about one-tenth the size of
Earth, must have collided with Earth about 4.45 billion years ago. Earth was still red-hot beneath
a possible thin new crust. Some of the material from the impact was absorbed into the liquefied
Earth but some material ricocheted into space, where it settled into orbit and condensed as the
Moon. At first the Moon orbited much closer to Earth. It is still moving away at a rate of almost
two inches (four centimeters) per year.
The Moon significantly affects conditions on Earth. The impact that produced the Moon tilted
Earth on its axis. This causes Earths seasonal variations in temperature, since the side tilted
toward the Sun for one-half the years journey around the Sun receives more direct sunlight.
Also, the Moons gravity causes the oceans tides, reduces the Earths wobble (which helps
stabilize climate), and slows the spin of the Earth. The Earth used to complete a rotation on its
axis in 12 hours, but now it takes 24.
Pluto and Beyond
Before 2006, students learned that our Solar System had nine planets, not eight. The one counted
as the ninth, Pluto, orbits furthest from our Sun.
However, in 2006, the International Astronomical Union declared that Pluto does not count as a
planet. It is smaller than Earths Moon. It orbits way out in a belt of asteroids beyond Neptune
(though Pluto periodically comes closer to the Sun than Neptune), and does not have enough
gravity to clear the neighborhood around its path. Therefore, it was downgraded to a dwarf
planet, or a planetesimal.
st-and-gas clouds surround nascent stars in the Orion Nebula. Proplyds in the Orion Nebula.
Source: NASA/ESA and L. Ricci (ESO)
Astronomers feel confident that our Solar System formed by accretion because now they are able
to glimpse a similar process occurring in part of the Orion Nebula. This planet-forming area is on
the near side of a giant cloud complex that embraces much of the constellation Orion, 1,500
light- years from Earth. Since 1993, astronomers have discovered several hundred stars there in
the process of formation, most of them surrounded by rings of dust in accretion disks, just like
the one they believe produced the solar planets. These clouds of dust and gas around new stars in
the Orion Nebula may develop into planetary systems similar to our own.
In 1995, astronomers in Switzerland found, for the first time, a planet beyond our Solar System
orbiting an ordinary star. Such a planet is called an extrasolar planet, or an exoplanet. As of June
2012, more than 700 exoplanets had been discovered and confirmed. Most of them are giants,
closer in size to Jupiter, as larger planets have proved easier to detect hundreds of light-years
away. Most are detected not by direct imaging, but indirectly by measuring the effect of their
gravity on their parent star or by observing how the light of the parent star dims as the planet
passes in front of it.
In 2009, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sent a telescope into orbit
around the Sun to hunt for habitable exoplanets in the region near the constellations Cygnus and
Lyra. This telescope (actually a photometer), the centerpiece of whats known as the Kepler
mission, will monitor 100,000 stars a few hundred to a few thousand light-years away. (One
light-year equals 6 trillion miles.) The mission will last three and a half to six years; in the first
two years, it has found 17 planets with conditions thought to allow for the development of life.
In summary, planets are bodies orbiting a star. Planets form from particles in a disk of gas and
dust, colliding and sticking together as they orbit the star. The planets nearest to the star tend to
be rockier because the stars wind blows away their gases and because they are made of heavier
materials attracted by the stars gravity. In the Suns system, Earth is one of four rocky planets,
but a unique one, with rigid and molten layers.