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International Journal of Ad hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing (IJASUC) Vol.1, No.

4, December 2010


Madhan Kumar Srinivasan1 and Paul Rodrigues2

Education & Research, Infosys Technologies Limited, Mysore, India

Department of IT, Hindustan University, Chennai, India

Every person has his/her own identity. Its important to manage a digital identity in a computer network,
with high priority. In spite of different applications we use in organization, resources need to be managed
and allotted to the appropriate user with proper access rights. Identity management or IdM refers to how
humans are identified, authorized and managed across computer networks. It covers issues such as how
users are given an identity, the protection of that identity and the technologies supporting that protection.
This paper attempts to provide an analysis to various identity management systems based on the state-ofthe-art identity taxonomy factors.

Identity management, access management, digital identity, IdM taxonomies, identity management survey

In the real world each and every person has his/her own identity. It is equally important to
manage the identity in computer networks with high priority. Irrespective of different
applications/platforms we use in organization, resources need to be managed and allotted to the
appropriate identity/user (i.e. Provisioning Management) with proper access rights
(Access/Policy Management). This process is called Identity Management. To achieve Identity
Management efficiently the digital identity need to be defined properly.
Identity management refers to the process of managing the identities of users in providing
privileges and access rights within a company or an organization by employing emerging
technologies. There is a need for automated application, which defines what data and
applications each user can access, to reduce the time in general. Identity management aims at
increased security and productivity reducing the costs associated with management of user
identities, attributes and their credential. Identity management uses a middleware tool that
identifies the users and manages the privileges and access rights to resources. It minimizes the
multiple user identities across various networks to a single identity that is accepted globally.
Secure identity management touches many diverse capabilities like self-service, single sign-on,
content aggregation etc.


In this paper we are trying to extend our pervious survey [1] with some extended factors. When
we think of assessing the IdM market, initially we faced two primary issues. The first issue was
that on whom we are going to evaluate? And the second was, on what? By now the IdM market
DOI : 10.5121/ijasuc.2010.1406


International Journal of Ad hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing (IJASUC) Vol.1, No.4, December 2010

is very vast with many vendors. And almost all of them are really doing the great job (at least on
any one of the major functionality). By considering the mentioned fact we decided to depend on
IdM related research organizations, in selecting vendors and evaluation factors.

2.1. Vendor Selection

As a continuation our previous work, in this paper also we are considering the same five
different identity management vendors (from ~15 top IdM vendors). These vendors are finalized
based on the research results of two identity management research groups. They are Burton
Group [6] ( and Forrester Research, Inc [10] (
Forrester is being treated as one of the top research organization for independent technology
and market research worldwide. And Burton Group is the leading research organization for IAM
architecture and infrastructure related research. By considering various research reports by
Forrester and Burton Group we are finalizing IBM, Novell, Sun, Oracle, and CA for this survey.

2.2. Survey Taxonomies

To measure the above selected IdM products we decided upon the following 2 classifications.
With the base of these classifications, one can have a clear eye opener on any identity
management tool. So we would like to represent these classifications as state-of-the-art identity
management taxonomies. And these taxonomies are further categorized into ten sub-factors.
They are,
1) Features & Capabilities

Initial setup and system integration

Data management

Delegated administration and self-service

Access management

Policy and role management


Customer references

2) Strategy & Vision

Identity management vision

Breadth of identity management solutions

System integrator (SI) partnership


The reviews of selected IdMs are discussed here. After this section the results are compared and
analyzed in the next section.

3.1. IBM Tivoli Identity Manager

IBM Tivoli Identity Manager (TIM) 5.0 version is being used for this survey. TIM uses custom
agents that are installed on every managed resource, such as AD domain controllers, database
servers, etc. IBM states [20] that many of its agents don't need to be installed on managed
resources, but can manage multiple resources remotely from a single server.

International Journal of Ad hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing (IJASUC) Vol.1, No.4, December 2010

Before TIM starts its activity, it must integrate some of the existing applications like clients
directory, HR applications, etc. For this task, IBM uses TDI (Tivoli Directory Integrator), a Java
application that functions as a junction of identity data, both for initial integration and as a
permanent connector when needed. TDI can be installed on Windows & Linux platform. It
helps the organization by offering a clear view of any managed resource. TDI assures the user
with all integration tasks by providing easy methods to reformat dissimilar data, such as
consistently formatting phone numbers, Social Security numbers, and birth dates, etc.
TIMs simulation feature is an advantage, which allows user to try policies like create approval
steps, assign tasks, etc, before enabling them.
Paul Venezia [11] states that, the overall navigation of the UI wasn't so clear. He further states
that when user tries to construct some action, they need to plug JavaScript code into (the small
text field available) in the UI. This provides some power, but it's also significantly more
complex and substantially less elegant than expected. Paul Venezia research describes that, the
reporting engine of TIM is vast and complex. It's possible to generate reports containing nearly
any data present in the system, but again, it's a little challenging to assemble the data in a logical
form. Crystal Reports integration is also present in TIM.

3.2. Novell Identity Manager

Here we have used Novells Identity Manager 3.6.1 version for this survey. Novell's identity
management solution relies heavily on the company's directory server, eDirectory, which gives
backbone support for all identity management activities. Novells suite provides all identity
management features including password management, role-based provisioning, crossapplication user management, user deprovisioning, and corporate white pages functionality.
Identity Manager handles all IdM tasks with administrator-defined identity policies, by making
communication between Identity Vault and the other applications on the network. All this
depends on Identity Manager Drivers, which are the agents needed to manage all applications.
Here communication between Vault, Drivers, and Identity Manager is totally based on XML.
Novell has an excellent UI, Designer. Designer proves the Novell solution as a masterpiece
among others. But it's important to note that this is an optional add-on. Based on the Eclipse
framework, Designer allows administrators to lay out almost the entire identity implementation
visually and then drill down for configuration. Designer allows much of the configuration to be
done in a simulated sandbox mode. The Designer is for policy management, workflow design
and simulation, and documentation.
The only area where Novell uses outside tools is when we need to merge two different ADs.
First it uses Microsoft AD tools to migrate and then uses Identity Manager to manage all the
data through its Identity vault. From administration to reporting, Novell Identity Manager
proves to be one of the easiest to-use solutions in the collection. The addition of Designer adds
even more automatic functionality on top of this suite.
Novells policy management and delegated administration are split into two applications
which can be an inconvenience in large deployments [11]. Novell fares well in several of the
functional areas of assessment; although it establishes leadership [10] in the data management,
auditing and reporting, and architecture criteria sets, it trails in delegated administration and
self-service, as well as in policy and role management. The disadvantage is that the product is
dependent on eDirectory, which is one of the factors contributing to a skills gap that
organizations often face and a need to bridge when selecting Novell for IAM.

International Journal of Ad hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing (IJASUC) Vol.1, No.4, December 2010

3.3. Sun Java System Identity Manager

In Sun Java System Identity Manager 8.0 we can find a level of reliability and maturity that's
rare in other IdM products. Sun's entire identity management suite consists of Access Manager,
Directory Server Enterprise Edition, Federation Manager, Identity Auditor, Identity Manager,
and Identity Manager Service Provider Edition.
Comparing with other IdM products Sun's is completely agentless. Its technology is fully
responsible for monitoring and interacting with existing directory servers and applications
without the need to deploy agents. For certain technologies, such as AD or Novell's directory,
Sun deploys a black-box style software gateway for data translation, but this is not an agent, nor
does it require changes to target systems in order to function. In practice [11], this looks very
efficient. Sun uses Web-based, wizard-driven configuration tool to configure all resources,
rules, users, and everything else. When there is need to migrate one AD into another, Sun
Identity Manager manages it without any use of Microsoft AD tools.
Suns provisioning capabilities are extremely flexible. All events in the product can trigger
workflows, which helps Sun Identity Manager meet very demanding customer requirements
with minimal customization. Forrester Research survey [10] points that, Suns Access Manager
Solution is not up to the mark in the areas of centralized configuration management, policy
definition, and adaptive authentication. Generally, the breadth of Suns IAM portfolio is short of
competitors Oracle and IBM (lacking E-SSO, identity audit, privileged user management, and
entitlement management), and Sun has not yet fully implemented its open source strategy across
the board of IAM products. Sun needs to focus on enhancing ERP connector capabilities and
integrating audit log management systems more tightly with its products. Although the talent
pool on the market for Suns IAM skills is fairly rich, Sun has lost its exclusivity or elite status
with SI partners, especially to Oracle.

3.4. Oracle Identity Management

Considering Oracle Corporation, we take its version of 11g for our analysis. In addition to
Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) and Oracle Access Manager (OAM), its recent acquisition and
integration of role management (Bridgestream/Oracle Role Manager [ORM]) and risk based
authentication (Bharosa/Oracle Adaptive Access Manager [OAAM]) products will help Oracle
position its IAM product set as the identity services foundation for all Oracle eBusiness
products. In general Oracles identity management platform has excellent enterprise role
management capabilities [7].
Functionality-rich connectors and a special staging area for intermediary data transformations
allow for flexible data transformations. Oracle has retired all user management and workflow
functionality features in OAM, and it plans to unify all such functionality, along with reporting
and auditing, as a set of common services. The product directly supports rollback functions
through Oracles Total Recall feature, in addition to having workflow-enabled connections to
endpoints. There is a wide array of options for detecting and dealing with orphaned accounts.
Oracles provisioning policy definition supports wildcards and nested roles. OAM natively
supports chainable and pluggable authentication schemes, flexible policy design, and native
multifactor authentication using OAAM. Oracle licenses Passlogixs E-SSO solution in an
OEM agreement and integrates it with OIM for Windows-based password self-service.
ORMs advanced temporal role versioning and native support for multidimensional
organizations and OAAMs easy-to-use multifactor and adaptive, risk-based authentication and
fraud detection boost Oracle in front of the competition on functionality. Meanwhile, Oracles

International Journal of Ad hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing (IJASUC) Vol.1, No.4, December 2010

focus on extending IAM from a security and systems management discipline to one of
application architecture and development fuels its strategic leadership.

3.5. CA Identity Manager

CA has its recent Identity Manager r12 version for this analysis. CA has a leading Web SSO
product with SiteMinder, but its Identity Manager still carries the burden of the legacy CA
Admin provisioning engine, while only supporting CA Directory for the global user store [10].
CAs adaptable SiteMinder shares policies with Identity Managers Delegated Administration
Functionality, SOA Security Manager (the service-oriented architecture access management
system), and SiteMinder Federation. Identity Managers administrative model currently
provides preventive but not detective or corrective SoD management (Segregation of
Duties), a missing feature that will be present in CAs forthcoming Security Compliance
Based on the survey of Andras Cser [10] and his team, CA needs to eliminate the dependency
on the inheritance CA Admin and CA Directory. Currently CA offers the Enterprise Entitlement
Manager as a optional add-on to its IAM suite. But most of the customer survey states that,
CAs Enterprise Entitlement Manager needs to be integrated into IAM suite to remain
competitive in the market. CAs SiteMinder is still a tough competitor for any Web SSO
implementation. But, it is having a drawback in its ability to chain independent pluggable
authentication modules a foundation feature for adaptive authentication. Customer references
expressed concerns around 1) the scalability of CA Identity Managers policies for large
deployments and 2) CAs continuing ability to support its IAM products, as they witnessed a
decline in technical support engineers expertise level.

This section describes the comparative study of all IdM systems discussed so for. Each and
every graph representation carries the weightage values in Y axis for the mentioned feature. Y
axis is evaluated for the values between 1 and 10. Here the lower bound starts at 1and it
represents minimum weightage. Similarly the upper bound ends at 10 and it represents
maximum weightage. The values mentioned here are calculated based on various factors and
references. And at most all such references, including marketing research analysis, customer
feedback, etc are specified at reference section. These values are calculated with reference to the
availability of data at a specific time period. So, our results may vary/conflict with other
survey/reports. But depending on those of our factors and analytical methodology, these
outcomes can give a good insight to users about various IdM systems.


International Journal of Ad hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing (IJASUC) Vol.1, No.4, December 2010

Identity Management Survey


Initial setup and system

Data management
Delegated administration and
Access management
Workflow/business process
Policy and role management
Auditing and reporting


Features & Capabilities


Customer references

Figure 1. Comparison of IdMs on Features & Capabilities factors

The above figure describes the influence of each and every corner of Features & Capabilities
taxonomies in various identity management products.

Identity Management Survey









Identity management
Breadth of identity
System integrator
(SI) partnerships


Strategy & Vision

Figure 2. Comparison of IdMs on Strategy & Vision factors

With a clear perspective of first taxonomy, Figure 2, further describes the variations of Strategy
& Vision taxonomies.


International Journal of Ad hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing (IJASUC) Vol.1, No.4, December 2010

Identity Management Survey


Features & Capabilities

Strategy & Vision






Figure 3. Individual level-wise analysis on two state-of-the art taxonomies

Figure 3 clearly shows the impact of various IdM products with respect to the state-of-the-art
identity management taxonomies. In the figure Features & Capabilities represented by wave and
Strategy & Vision is represented by bars.

As the IdM market is growing day by day, this enhanced survey can be helpful for both
organization and user in attaining their requirements. This paper is an attempt to provide
standard taxonomies in the area of identity and access management. Still there are many more
taxonomies to be considered and excavate (can be our future scope). So, we are not concluding
with the best or worst any more. Identity management has successfully influenced many IT and
business industries because of its composite nature in both features and benefits. Even after
years of healthy adoption rates, the IdM market is actually just beginning its path toward broad
adoption and deep penetration.


Madhan Kumar Srinivasan & Paul Rodrigues, A roadmap for the comparison of identity
management solutions based on state-of-the-art idm taxonomies, Book on Recent Trends in
Network Security and Applications, CCIS, pp. 349358, Springer 2010.


Philip J. Windley, Digital Identity, OReilly Media, Inc.


Ruth Halperin & James Backhouse, A roadmap for research on identity in the information
society, Identity in the information society journal volume 1 (1) paper no. 1, Identity Journal
Limited, Springer 2008.


Corinne S. Irwin & Dennis C. Taylor, Identity, Credential, and Access Management at NASA,
from Zachman to Attributes, ACM, 2009.


Dan Tynan, Federation takes identity to the next level.


Lori Rowland and Gerry Gebel, Provisioning Market 2009: Divide and Conquer, Burton
Group Market Insight Report 2009.


Marc Chanliau, Oracle Identity Management 11g, An Oracle White Paper, February 2010.


Eric Lai, Novell to extend identity management to cloud, virtualized apps, Dec 2009.


Greg Nawrocki, Open Source Identity Management and the Grid.


International Journal of Ad hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing (IJASUC) Vol.1, No.4, December 2010

Andras Cser, Identity and Access Management, Forrester Research Report, 2008.


Paul Venezia, The identity management challenge.


Ehud Amiri, CA IdentityManager: Capabilities and Architecture, 2009.


Chris Lavagnino, Delivering Identity and Access Management as an Automated Service, CA,


John Fontana, Novell, Sun, Oracle crank out identity management wares.


Novell Identity Manager 3 Demo, Novell Inc.


Novell Identity Manager Compare, Novell Inc.


Oracle Identity Management 11g Datasheet, Oracle Corporation.


Deborah Volk, Oracle Identity Manager 11g, Identity Management Experts Series, Identigral,
Inc, 2009.


Sun Identity Manager 8.0 Workflows, Forms, and Views, Sun Microsystems, Inc, 2008.


IBM Tivoli Identity Manager Documentation, IBM Corporation.


Neil McAllister, End-to-end identity management suites still coming together.


Identity Management Market Forecast: 2007 to 2014, Forrester Research Report, 2008.


Burton Group Blogs, Identity and Privacy.


Deborah Volk, The rise of Suncle (volume 1), Identity Management Series, Identigral, Inc,


Deborah Volk, The rise of Suncle: Access Management, Identity Management Series,
Identigral, Inc, 2009.


Deborah Volk, The rise of Suncle: Directory Services, Identity Management Series, Identigral,
Inc, 2009.

Madhan Kumar Srinivasan

Madhan Kumar Srinivasan is a Member of Education & Research, Infosys
Technologies, India and a Research Scholar of Hindustan University, India. He
has received B.Tech in IT from Anna University, India and M.Tech in CSE with a
CGPA of 9.05/10 from Dr.MGR University, India. He has published 11 (refereed)
papers at both International and National levels, including IEEE & Springer
publications. He has also served as a technical reviewer and chair for many
conferences (IEEE, Springer and the like) around the globe. Also, he was an
author of a chapter in the book Recent Trends in Network Security & Applications during July 2010
published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg publications, New York, USA. In addition, he is a designated
reviewer for International Journal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT, ISSN 1798-2340),
Academy Publishers, Finland. He is an active member of many professional-bodies like Identity Research
Group, International Association of Engineers, Computer Society of India & Teachers Academy, and has
organized/contributed more than 30 events (conferences/workshops/symposia) in both International and
National levels. His areas of expertise include Object Oriented Systems, Identity Management, Semantic
Web, Network Security, etc. He is also a recipient of most prestigious Inspiring Teacher Award 2010
from Teachers Academy at Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.


International Journal of Ad hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing (IJASUC) Vol.1, No.4, December 2010

Paul Rodrigues
Paul Rodrigues is Dean IT, Hindustan University, India and CTO of WisdomTree
Software Solutions, Chennai, India. He has received his B.Tech from Karnataka
University, India & M.Tech from NIT-Allahabad, India and Ph.D from
Pondicherry University, India. He has total 20 years of Teaching and Industry
experience in Delivery Management, Software Engineering, Budget Management
and Business Development. He has published more than 50 (refereed) papers in
International Conferences/Journals which include Extreme Programming, Software
Architecture, Databases and Object Oriented Analysis and Design. Also, he was an
author of a chapter in the book Recent Trends in Network Security & Applications during July 2010
published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg publications, New York, USA. He is first in the world to apply
Vastu to Software Architecture. He has worked in various domains that include Insurance, Retail, Digital
Forensic, Content Management and Application Migrations. He is an active member of many
professional-bodies like Identity Research Group, PMP, and CISSP.


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