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Selecting and Implementing Identity and Access Management Technologies:

The IAM Services Assessment Model

Chapter · January 2011

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61350-498-7.ch018


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2 authors, including:

Marco Spruit
Leiden University Medical Centre


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Selecting and implementing Identity and Access Management
technologies: The IAM Services Assessment Model
Peter Haag & Marco Spruit, Utrecht University, The Netherlands (contact:

This chapter investigates how organizations can be supported in selecting and implementing Identity and
Access Management (IAM) services. Due to the ever growing number of applications that are being used
in organizations, stricter regulations and changing relationships between organizations, a new approach
towards login- and password administration, security and compliance is needed. IAM services claim to
provide this new approach. Unfortunately, IAM selection projects have not been very successful in the
recent past. Therefore, this chapter presents the IAM Services Assessment Model which provides a useful
and usable tool to support organizations in the selection and implementation of IAM services.

During the recent decades, organizations have changed tremendously. One of the most important changes
has been the mass-computerization, which has forced organizations to change the way they operate. This
mass-computerization has been one of the most important enablers of the ongoing increase in both the
size and the complexity of organizations. It is self-evident that those developments have had a wide range
of consequences. Most have been positive, but during recent years some negative consequences of those
developments have surfaced as well.

Some of those negative consequences are related to the way organizations manage identities and the
access to their buildings and their IT-infrastructure. To deal with those negative consequences, the way in
which the identification and authentication for access to an application is organized needs to be changed.
During recent years, several major IT-suppliers like Oracle, IBM, Sun Microsystems, Novell and CA have
introduced IAM systems in order to support organizations in doing so.

An article on the website of Wall Street Technology (Wall Street Technology, 2008) reports that a new
research from Forrester estimates the market for IAM solutions to grow more than 20 percent over the
next years. The total market is expected to grow from 2.6 billion dollars in 2006 to more than 12.3 billion
dollar in 2014.

Despite the fact that these figures show that a growing amount of organizations is planning to implement
IAM technologies, efforts to select and implement the right solutions have proven to be little successful
(Becker & Drew, 2005). Therefore, the question arises if there is any way in which organizations can be
supported in making the right decision with regard to the type of IAM solution they should implement.
This chapter is aimed at developing a method to support organizations and their consultancy partners in
effectively and efficiently selecting the right tools to cope with the challenges they have identified in the
field of Identity and Access Management.

IAM has a relatively brief history. The directory management tools that emerged in the 1990’s can be
seen as the start of the development of IAM systems (Rizvi, 2006), although that term was not introduced
until much later. Single Sign-on and Identity Administration followed, growing along with the number of
applications used in organizations.

The current IAM market has its roots in a wide range of domains, as many of the different product areas
within the IAM market have started out as separate markets that flowed together over time (Cser, 2008).
However IAM is nowadays often considered to be a single market, the fragmented history of the field
explains why the IAM market still contains a variety of vendors, from pure players to companies that
offer comprehensive IAM solutions. A quote from the research vice president at Gartner describes the
situation within the current IAM market perfectly: “No company has bought tools from one vendor, or
implemented them all at once, They tend to solve their problems one at a time so most organizations are
somewhere along the automations track, but very few have done it all.” (Everett, 2007).


As mentioned before, the rising interest in IAM solutions, in combination with the limited success of IAM
selection and implementation projects, raises the question how organizations can be supported in making
the right decision with regard to the type of IAM solution they should implement. This chapter will
elaborate on the creation of the IAM Services Assessment Model that was developed as an answer to that
question. To start creating the IAM Services Assessment Model, eight carefully selected IAM services
will be elaborated upon. The selection of the services is mainly based on the adoption of the services. The
services that were selected are widely adopted in organizations and have proved to be potentially
beneficial in practice. Another selection criteria was the universality of the services. The services that
were selected are all vendor-independent and can represent several specific services that are aimed at the
same challenge and provide comparable functionalities. The selection was validated during the expert


As mentioned before, the ever increasing amount of applications that are being used in most organizations
has some negative consequences. Those consequences are a challenge for organizations. This section will
present the challenges in the field of IAM that were identified in literature.

During the analyses of the literature study results, and again during the introduction interviews, it became
clear that the challenges in the field of IAM can be distinguished into several categories. In order to be
able to present the challenges in a structured and conveniently arranged way, the challenge categories will
be presented and elaborated upon first. The challenges will subsequently be discussed using the structure
of this categorization.

The following types of challenges will be used: financial, security, regulatory compliance and ease of use.
As mentioned before, the classification is based on both the literature found during the literature study and
the introduction interviews. For instance, Becker & Drew (Becker & Drew, 2005) use exactly the same
categorization. Furthermore, the categories are mentioned either as problem categories or as drivers for
the implementation of IAM systems by others.

In the remainder of this section, the challenges will be discussed using the categorization described above.
The challenges and the categorization of the challenges will be used together with the IAM services that
will be elaborated upon later as a basis for the IAM Services Assessment Model.

Financial challenges

Low user productivity: User productivity is negatively influenced by the wide array of login credentials
that have to be managed by the user (Rizvi, 2006). Not only is valuable time lost if users have to log into
every application separately, but productive time is also lost if an employee cannot enter an application or
data that is needed for the execution of a task due to a lost or forgotten login name or password.

Redundant tasks: Because of the increasing number of applications, often in combination with an
increasing number of users, it becomes very expensive to manage the login credentials for all applications,
due to staff expenses, among others.

Many password calls: Every user in an organization has to remember all login credentials that are
needed to access applications and data required for the execution of his or her job. As the number of
applications increases, this is becoming impractical or even impossible. Especially for applications that
are not used very often or require frequent password resets and strict password requirements, it is likely
for the users to forget their login credentials from time to time. The helpdesk often has to manually reset
the password every time a user forgets it. All those password calls combined account for a substantial part
of the occupation of the helpdesk, and therefore for substantial costs (Rizvi, 2006).

Slow provisioning: Besides this, manual identity and access management processes cause an extensive
lead time before new employees can be productive within the applications they need access to. This
results in considerable loss due to a lower initial productivity of the new employee.

Security challenges

Impractical security policies: A problem that surfaces more and more as the number of applications
keeps growing, is that all login credentials need to be remembered by the users, and need to be securely
stored by the system administrators. If users are forced to use more login credentials than they can
reasonably remember, they are inclined to write the credentials down or record them in a text or
spreadsheet document on their computers. This is even more likely to occur if password resets are time-
and effort consuming procedures. Although understandable, such behavior is obviously a serious
infringement on the security of the organization and both its digital and material possessions.

Inconsistent security policies: If the security policies are not enforced, for instance by a role model that
can be used to determine access rights, it is almost impossible to be sure to comply with the security
policies in the entire organization (Becker & Drew, 2005).

Inconsistent identity data: If there are many applications in use within the organization that all use their
own data repository to keep track of user identities, it is very likely that the identity data will not be
consistent throughout the organization (Rizvi, 2006).

Slow de-provisioning: Furthermore, as a result of the growing number of applications and users, it
becomes harder to make sure that employees who leave the organization are immediately denied access to
confidential information and applications. Due to application centric administration and authentication,
there are multiple (and often many) identities of the same employee in use in different applications within
the organization. It is very difficult and labor-intensive to make sure every one of those identities is
deleted or changed to make sure the employee cannot access data or applications he or she does not need
anymore. However, this is vital to guarantee the confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA) of
sensitive information/data that is stored in applications or databases.

Regulatory compliance challenges

Need for auditing: In the recent past, there have been a series of corporate and accounting scandals that
have caused multiple organizations to loose a lot of money, or even go bankrupt. As a reaction to these
scandals, a number of laws and regulations have been introduced (such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOx),
HIPAA, Basel II, etc.). Failing to satisfy the demands of these regulations may result in criminal or civil
penalties, not only for the organization, but also for managers who are now held personally responsible
for any fraud or other misconducts that have taken place under their area of responsibility. Apart from
these legal consequences, not complying to these regulations can also have consequences for the
organization that are comparable to those experienced by the organizations that gave rise to the
introduction of these laws and regulations. Enron, for instance, went bankrupt in 2001 after an extensive
accounting fraud. To prevent any of these consequences, organizations have to be able to show audit and
control data to demonstrate their regulatory compliance (Becker & Drew, 2005).

Privacy control issues: The emphasis of regulatory compliance differs based on the parts of the world in
which the organization is active. Where law requires segregation of duties in the USA, the focus in
Europe and particularly the Netherlands is directed more towards privacy control (Nieuwenhuizen, 2008).
As a result of the laws on privacy control in the Netherlands, any organization that allows unauthorized
employees (like a receptionist) access to customer data is breaking the law. This means that organizations
are forced to make often significant changes to their IT-systems, processes and procedures to avoid
liability to prosecution.

Need for segregation of duties: Many of the regulations like SOx, HIPAA and Basel II require
segregation of duties. This means that controlling and supervising tasks are not allowed to be performed
by the same individuals who perform the tasks that are controlled or supervised (Rizvi, 2006). In other
words, employees are not allowed to control or supervise their own activities. However, as mentioned in
the elaboration of the ‘privacy control issues’, the extent to which the need for segregation of duties is
required by law is dependent on the parts of the world in which the organization is active. Segregation of
duties is mainly an issue in organizations that are active within the USA (Nieuwenhuizen, 2008), but this
doesn’t mean that segregation of duties cannot provide advantages for organizations that are not operating
in the USA.

Ease of use challenges

Increasing authentication complexity: when using application centric user authentication, the
authentication to all applications that are needed for everyday operations becomes more complex. A user
has to remember his or her login credentials for every application, and regularly also for (certain parts of)
the building, operating systems, databases, etc. This obviously has a negative effect on the ease of use and
the user experience of those systems.

Demand for personalized content: in many of today’s organizations, knowledge is the main asset. It is
therefore vital for the organization to be able to share the available knowledge among the employees.
Many organizations have intranet sites or comparable initiatives to support knowledge sharing. As the
amount of information in such a knowledge sharing environment increases, it becomes more difficult to
find the specific piece of information that is required at that moment. Especially in large organizations
with a wide variety of different expertise areas, making use of the knowledge gained by a colleague
becomes difficult en time-consuming as a result. It would therefore be very convenient if the knowledge
that is provided can be adapted to the roles of the users. Based on that role, information on the intranet site
or any other knowledge sharing solution can be shown or hidden. The user is now only shown the

information that is of interest for his role in the organization, instead of being overwhelmed with
information that is not of interest for him.

Demand for self-service: as there are more applications in use that rely on application centric
administration and authentication, the number of login credentials that need to be remembered grows
accordingly. Therefore it becomes increasingly hard to remember all those credentials. Especially
considering the fact that many applications require frequent password changes to ensure a high level of
security. This results in employees forgetting some of the many credentials they need to memorize, and
thus a password reset is needed before the employee has access to the application again. In those
situations, employees would prefer to be able to arrange for a new password themselves, instead of being
forced into a time- and effort consuming procedure to have their password changed by an admin. Other
possibilities for self-service are enabling managers to make resource allocation decisions and allowing
vendors to administer their own users (Becker & Drew, 2005). Providing users with this kind of self-
service not only improves the ease of use and user experience, but also helps to make support for those
activities more efficient. The same holds for the time and effort needed to get (and keep) access to the
necessary applications. Not only is it inconvenient for the employee that he or she cannot access the
application at that moment, but with a growing number of both applications and users it also gets very
hard (and expensive) to have an efficient and fast procedure for passwords resets. Therefore, the employee
is likely to write the password down. Again this is very likely to have a negative effect on their attitude
towards the IT infrastructure and services.

Slow provisioning: Another effect of the increasing number of application in use within organizations is
the frustration employees experience due to long start-up times and time and effort consuming procedures
for password resets. The start-up time is the amount of time that is needed to provide a new employee
with access to everything he or she needs, like access to the building, a pc or laptop, access to
applications, etc. If an employee experiences that he or she cannot be as productive as possible right from
the start, this will result in a negative effect on the attitude towards the IT infrastructure and services.

Final notes on the challenges in IAM

Most of the problems in the categories security, regulatory compliance and ease of use are likely to
ultimately have financial consequences as well. However, the problems in the category financial have
direct financial consequences, whereas the problems in the other categories primarily cause problems in
their respective categories. Those primary problems may in turn cause financial consequences as well.

An example of a potential financial problem that is closely related to the problem described in the
“compliance” and “security” sections is the loss of competitive advantage due to lacking compliance or
security. If the increasing number of applications and users result in inadequate security, valuable and
classified information may become available for competitors and other interested parties, resulting in
potentially substantial losses for the organization. If compliance is compromised by the increasing number
of applications and users, it may lead to a lack of control which in its turn can result in criminal or civil
penalties and considerable financial losses.

IAM Services

Following the elaboration on the challenges in the field of IAM in the section above, eight carefully
selected IAM services will be elaborated upon to create the second dimension of the IAM Services
Assessment Model. The selection of the services is mainly based on the adoption of the services. The
services that were selected are widely adopted in organizations and have proved to be potentially
beneficial in practice. Another selection criteria was the universality of the services. The services that
were selected are all vendor-independent and can represent several specific services that are aimed at the
same challenge and provide comparable functionalities. The selection was validated during the expert

The services that are elaborated upon in this section will be used together with the challenges as a basis
for the IAM Services Assessment Model. As the IAM services will be linked to the IAM challenges in the
model, this section sums up the ‘Related IAM challenges’ for each of the IAM services. Where
applicable, it will be indicated for each of the related challenges from which literature reference this
connection has been derived.

User provisioning systems “provide the administrative tools that link a user’s business relationship to the
electronic access privileges and physical resources (such as a telephone, credit card, or computer) required
to perform a commercial function” (Becker & Drew, 2005). In other words, user provisioning makes sure
that users have access to everything that is needed to do their jobs. This results in negative consequences
on both the financial and ease of use aspects if the provisioning is not carried out fast enough. Therefore,
user provisioning systems provide the tools for fast and efficient provisioning, even in complex
environments. These tools are the most commonly used IAM tools, accounting for about 50% of the IAM
expenditures in 2006. This number is even expected to further grow to 64% in 2014. (Wall Street
Technology, 2008)

According to Becker & Drew (Becker & Drew, 2005) there are several functions provisioning systems

• Detect changes in the user life cycle (hiring, role change, separation) by monitoring the key data
elements in various systems.
• Define user access needs for electronic and physical assets based on those key data elements
• Create identities and credentials that provide access to electronic and physical assets before they
are needed by the user.
• Apply the security policy organization-wide.
• Create an audit database to keep track of who has what access to applications and other resources,
and who authorized it, when, and why.

There are several ways in which a user provisioning system can create and manage identities and
credentials. Most frequently, a network directory, like LDAP directory, Microsoft Active Directory or
Novell eDirectory will be used. However, organizations often already have several of those systems
implemented to manage the identification and authentication for various operating systems, applications
and databases. Those different systems will very likely contain not only duplicate, but also proprietary
data. There are two types of directory integration tools available to solve that problem: virtual directories
and metadirectories (Delio, 2004). They will be elaborated upon below in the section Directory

Tools that provide provisioning services are also capable of de-provisioning (removing privileges).
However, because provisioning and de-provisioning are related to different problem categories, they are
discussed in separate sections in this document. De-provisioning will be discussed in the next section.

Table 1: Targeted IAM challenges by provisioning.

IAM Challenge Type Key references
Low user productivity Financial Becker & Drew (2005)
Redundant tasks Financial
Slow provisioning Financial Becker & Drew (2005), Delio (2004)
Inconsistent security policies Security
Inconsistent identity Data Security
Need for segregation of duties Compliance Becker & Drew (2005), Delio (2004)
Increasing authentication complexity Ease of use

For de-provisioning, the same tools and services are used as for provisioning. However, for de-
provisioning purposes the definition that was given in the previous section can be adapted to “providing
the administrative tools that remove a user’s electronic access privileges and physical resources (such as a
telephone, credit card, or computer) when they are not needed (anymore) to perform a commercial

As already mentioned previously, fast and efficient de-provisioning is very important for organizations to
ensure the security of vital information. The same tools that enable fast and efficient provisioning can also
make sure that an employee who leaves the organization or changes roles within the organization does not
have access to any data or applications that are not needed anymore from the moment of the separation or
role change.

Table 2: Targeted IAM challenges by de-provisioning.

IAM Challenge Type Key references
Redundant tasks Financial
Slow de-provisioning Security Becker & Drew (2005), Delio (2004)
Need for auditing Compliance Delio (2004), Rizvi (2006)
Privacy control issues Compliance Delio (2004)

Credential management
Credentials management tools manage the life cycle of one or more type(s) of credentials, such as smart
cards, certificates, biometric data, and proximity cards (Allan, 2008). This functionality is expected to be
included into provisioning and single sign-on tools in the near future, but for now these are mostly
separate tools that can only be integrated loosely into provisioning and single sign-on tools. They support
provisioning and single sign-on by offering an easy and time saving way to manage credentials over a
broad range of target applications and systems.

Table 3: Targeted IAM challenges by credential management.

IAM Challenge Type Key references
Redundant tasks Financial
Many password calls Financial

Inconsistent identity data Security

Increasing authentication complexity Ease of use

Auditing is “the process of documenting, reviewing and approving workflow, identity information and
access controls (roles, segregation of duties rules and entitlements) for business applications and
associated infrastructure components” (Allan, 2008).

The goal of auditing is to control aspects like workflow, identity information and access controls and
making sure that those aspects are in line with both internal and external rules and legislation. Obviously,
this is vital for governance, and specifically for regulatory compliance.

In order to be able to accomplish that control, knowledge is required about (i) what privileges the user
should have, based on the policy, (ii) what privileges the user has in practice (and is this consistent with
the policy), and (iii) what privileges the user actually used.

Table 4: Targeted IAM challenges by auditing.

IAM Challenge Type Key references
Inconsistent security policies Security
Need for auditing Security Allan (2008)
Need for segregation of duties Security
Increasing authentication complexity Ease of use

(E)SSO (Enterprise) Single Sign-On

There are several disadvantages of having many different sets of login credentials:

Decreasing user productivity: If users have to log in to every application they need separately, this
consumes valuable time and effort that can be used otherwise if a single sign-on is used. Furthermore,
when users forget their password and have to contact the helpdesk to replace it, more time is lost due to
both the time needed to contact the helpdesk and productivity lost because the user has no access to an
application when needed. (Chinitz, 2000)

User inconvenience: It is inconvenient for a user to have many different sets of login credentials to
remember, as it takes substantial time and effort to identify and authenticate time and time again for each
application that is entered (Delio, 2004).

Ineffective or obvious passwords: When users have to sustain many different sets of login credentials,
they are inclined to choose credentials that are easy to guess and therefore inherently insecure (Delio,

User negligence: If users are assigned strong passwords (for example by the IT department) they are
likely to write down their credentials or record them in a digital file, which are often not kept in a secure
place (Chinitz, 2000).

Lots of passwords resets: In many organizations, every time a user has forgotten a login credential, the
IT-department has to be contacted to provide a new credential. In large organizations with application
centric administration, this is a substantial burden on the IT department, which results in high support
costs (Delio, 2004; Rizvi, 2006).

Off course, all these disadvantages will ultimately result in a financial disadvantage for the organization
as well. The problems can be overcome by enabling users to access (almost) every operating system,
application or database they need with a single set of login credentials.

Systems that provide that functionality have been around for quite some time. However, early systems
like Kerberos needed applications to be adapted to the use of the systems. With the broad landscape of
security infrastructures in place at many organizations, this is not a practical solution anymore. Therefore,
today’s SSO systems need to be able to connect to every authentication system in use in an organization.
They act as a authentication gateway (Chinitz, 2000).

However, not every organization should strive for a complete SSO. As mentioned by Delio: “The
appropriate goal for many organizations will be reduced – rather than single – sign-on” (Delio, 2004). The
decision on which information sources will be integrated into the SSO has to be taken based on a cost-
benefit analysis. For a legacy system to which only a few people need access for a couple of times a year,
it will probably not be worth the time and money to integrate it into the SSO system.

Table 5: Targeted IAM challenges by (Enterprise) single sign-on.

IAM Challenge Type Key references
Low user productivity Financial Delio (2004)
Many password calls Financial Rizvi (2006)
Inconsistent security policies Security Delio (2004)
Increasing authentication complexity Ease of use Delio (2004)
Demand for personalized content Ease of use

Authorization services
Authorization services are responsible for providing privileges─such as permissions and access rights─o a
user, based on the information that is available to the service. There are different methods to determine
which privileges have to be granted to a user. The most commonly used categories of methods are
Discretionary Access Control (DAC), Mandatory Access Control (MAC), and Role-based Access Control

Discretionary Access Control: Identifies an owner for every object and delegates the distribution of
privileges to that owner. In most cases, the owner is the user that created the object. As the owner is
closely related to the object, he or she is expected to be able make a founded decision on who are allowed
to access the object.

Mandatory Access Control: Relies on a combination of pre-established policies and security attributes of
a user instead of the object owner to determine the access rights that have to be granted to a user. MAC
compares the requirements for access to an object that are stated in a policy to the security attributes of a
user. The user gets access to the object if his or her security attributes match the requirements for access
to that object. Rule-based Access Control and Context-based Access Control are examples of
authorization services that are based on this method.

Role-based Access Control: Is by far the most commonly used method for user authorization. This
method is based on a limited set of roles that are identified within the organization. Each of those roles is
linked to a set of privileges. If a role is assigned to a user, that user automatically receives all privileges
linked to the role.

Table 6: Targeted IAM challenges by authorization services.

IAM Challenge Type Key references
Redundant tasks Financial
Impractical security policies Security Delio (2004)
Inconsistent security policies Security Delio (2004)
Need for auditing Compliance
Need for segregation of duties Compliance
Increasing authentication complexity Ease of use Delio (2004)

Federated identity systems bring together two or more separately managed identity systems, often from
different organizations, to perform mutual authentication and authorization tasks and to share identity
attributes. It “enables two organizations to administer their own users and interact with business partners
utilizing industry standards” (Rizvi, 2006).

One of the most important parts of federation is to create solid and fair agreements between the federation
partners. Those partners can be two different organizations, but also two departments form the same
organizations, like the Human Resources and the Finance divisions (Windley, 2006).

Those agreements are vital for the success of federation, because each partner needs to be able to trust the
other partner(s). For example, when two partners agree to provide access to their property and computer
systems to employees of the other party, they have to be sure that their partner is careful enough in the
employment, identification and authentication processes to be able to trust the employees of that partner.
On the other hand, federation partners have to be careful to avoid creating agreements that are too strict,
because this may cause the federation activities to become so expensive that the initial advantage of the
federation is negated (Windley, 2006).

An example of the use of federation between organizations is provided by Chen (2005). She describes the
way in which General Motors (GM) successfully used federation to make it easier for their 190.000
workers in the United States to access personal information, like health care and retirement benefits,
through GM’s employee portal MySocrates.

GM outsources many of the HR benefits they offer their employees. The result is that before the
implementation of the federated identity management system, employees had to log in to everyone of
those services separately. Now, as a result of the federated identity management system, users only have
to log onto the MySocrates portal, and have access to all their personal information from there.

Table 7: Targeted IAM challenges by federation.

IAM Challenge Type Key references
Low user productivity Financial
Redundant tasks Financial
Slow provisioning Financial,
Ease of use

Directory technologies
Directory technologies are products that “store and organize information about user identities and other
resources within a network or domain and manage users’ access to resources” (Allan, 2008). To enable
these technologies to do this, they are equipped with extensive search possibilities and are optimized for
reads. Directory technologies were once thought to be the answer to all IAM problems, but this has not
come true. However, many organizations use directory technologies as the backbone of their IAM

According to Gartner (Allan, 2008) many organizations can achieve about 60% of their functional IAM
requirements with directory tools. However, there are some functions that cannot be provided by directory
tools and have to be supplied by dedicated tools. There are several types of directory technologies, of
which some are more established than others. The remainder of this section will elaborate on the most
popular directory technologies, namely virtual directories and metadirectories.

Virtual directories: Virtual Directories are defined as “software products that create a logical (virtual)
view of an LDAP directory by combining data from multiple repositories, or by combining multiple
repositories into a single view” (Kreizman et al., 2007). In other words, a virtual directory is an
intermediary between the data repository and applications. The virtual directory presents itself towards the
application as a customized directory that provides exactly that information that is required by the
application. To the data repositories on the other hand, the virtual directory presents itself as an
application that asks for exactly the part of the needed information that can be supplied by the data
repository in question (Sturdevant, 2005). By doing so, a virtual directory eliminates the need to
synchronize multiple directories in order to provide a single view (Rizvi, 2006).

A virtual directory can pre-eminently be used to implement new applications or functionalities without the
need to create a whole new physical data repository. An additional advantage of the fact that a virtual
directory does not manipulate the data in any way can be found in situations in which ownership of the
data is a delicate subject: “Virtual directories are excellent choices when dealing with workgroups that
have ownership issues concerning their data – since a virtual directory doesn’t alter data, it just points to
its location” (Delio, 2004).

Furthermore, as virtual directories are able to record which data has been accessed by which user, a virtual
directory can help organizations to comply to regulation and legislation like SOx and HIPAA (Sturdevant,

Metadirectories: In contrast to virtual directories, which create a view in which data from different
repositories is combined without moving the data, metadirectories create copies of directory data to
combine data from several repositories into one large data repository (Sturdevant, 2005). “A
metadirectory system establishes a single authoritative directory as the source of all data” (Delio, 2004).

While it can create an advantageous situation by physically storing all data on a single location, this
solution requires a relatively complex and thus often costly infrastructure to enable replication and
synchronization to ensure that the data are always up to date. It is especially useful when accuracy is
considered the most important factor: “Metadirectories are ideal for situations where data accuracy across
the board is critical. Everyone who has access sees the same information, period” (Delio, 2004).

Table 8: Targeted IAM challenges by directory technologies.

IAM Challenge Type Key references
Inconsistent identity data Security
Need for segregation of duties Compliance Sturdevant (2005)

Advanced self-service
Advanced Self-service functionalities enable users to perform tasks that were traditionally carried out by
system administrators. The reason why they are called ‘advanced’ self-services in this work is that some
forms of self-service have been available for a long time, like the possibility provided by any operating
systems to its users to change their password. The self-service functionalities in this section take over a
task that was previously performed by system administrator, such as:

(SSO) Password resets: Users can reset their own passwords for applications, databases or even the
entire Single Sing-On (SSO) system. The password is for instance changed to an automatically generated
password that is sent to the e-mail address that is known by the system to belong to the user. The user can
use this temporary password to change the password for a new, personal, password.

Requests for software licenses: A user who needs additional software often has to fill out a request and
send that request to a system administrator. The system administrator then has to contact a manager or
department staff to validate the request. Depending on the result of that validation, the administrator has
to inform the user of a denial or provide the user with the requested software. Self-service functionalities
can turn this into an automated process in which the request can be filled out digitally, and is redirected
towards the manager (or staff) who is responsible for the validation of the request. The system
administrator only receives a message that the user has to be provided with the requested software if the
request is validated (electronically). This reduces the workload for system administrators and fastens the
process for the user.

Requests for privileges: A request for privileges results in many cases in a process that is comparable to
the one described above with regard to requests for software licenses. Self-service functionalities can
therefore provide comparable services to reduce the workload for system administrators and fasten the
process for the user.

Reporting problems and errors: Problems or errors that users encounter with systems can now be
reported online, where they formerly were reported by phone. This saves system administrators lots of
time, as the problems can be handled more efficiently this way.

Table 9: Targeted IAM challenges by advanced self-service.

IAM Challenge Type Key references
Low user productivity Financial
Many password calls Financial
Demand for personalized content Ease of use
Demand for self-service Ease of use


As both dimensions of the IAM Services Assessment Model have now been introduced and elaborated
upon—i.e. IAM challenges and IAM services—the time has come to present the model itself. The
objective of the model is to support organizations in selecting the right IAM service(s) to deal with their
specific challenges with regard to IAM. The models shows the IAM services vertically (in the rows) and
the challenges horizontally (in the columns). Each category of challenges was given a distinctive color to
make it easier to read and use the model.

The IAM Services Assessment Model is depicted in figure 1 and can be used bipartitely: the model can be
used both service-centric and challenge-centric. The service-centric use of the model provides the user
with an overview of the challenges that will be dealt with by a certain IAM service. The challenge -centric
use of the model focuses on the challenges the user wants to deal with, and shows the user which IAM
services are suitable to do so.

Figure 1: The concept IAM Services Assessment Model based on literature.

This section will elaborate on the validation of the IAM Services Assessment Model. A total of eight
experts have been interviewed. During the interviews, the IAM experts were asked to fill out the IAM
Services Assessment Model. They had no knowledge in any way about how the model in figure 1 (that
was based on the literature study) looks like. The only information that was given to the IAM experts was
an explanation on the definition of the challenges and IAM technologies in the context of this research.
The experts that were interviewed were:

Table 10: Validation interview experts.

Nr. Position Specialties
1 Principal Consultant at Capgemini IS Architecture and Identity Management
2 Managing Consultant at Capgemini Compliance governance architecture, Recertification,
Authorisation Management, RBAC, Segregation of Duties,
Recertification tools
3 Managing Consultant at Capgemini Security, Security Convergence, Identity Management, Access
Management, Access Control, Authorization Management
4 Managing Consultant at Capgemini Identity and Access Management, RBAC, Security, GvIB
5 Managing Consultant at Capgemini Specialist in Identity & Access Management
6 Principal Consultant at Domus Technica Identity and Access Management, Security Architecture
Editor of "Informatiebeveiliging" at PvIB
7 Managing Director at Domus Technica BV Security, Risk Management, Compliancy, Business Continuity
8 Solution Architect at HP Computer & Network Security
Computer & Network Security Consultant

The model in Figure 2 shows the accumulated results of the model validation. The numbers in the cells
show how many of the eight IAM experts marked each cell, to indicate a direct link between the
technology and the challenge. The red borders indicate which links are present in the model based on the
literature study. The model was adapted based on the results of the validation in the following way:

• 0, 1 or 2 markings: the experts do not think that there is a direct connection between the
technology and the challenge. If a connection was placed based on literature, that connection was
• 3, 4 or 5 markings: the experts do not agree on if there is a direct connection between the
technology and the challenge. No changes were made to the findings from the literature study.
• 6, 7 or 8 markings: the experts think that there is a direct connection between the technology and
the challenge. If no connection was placed based on literature, a connection was added.

Figure 2: The IAM Services Assessment Model with validation results.

This method resulted in the following changes:

Table 11: Removed IAM associations in the literature-based model shown in figure 1 based on the expert
validation results shown in figure 2.
Change # IAM challenge type IAM challenge Removed IAM service link
1 Financial Redundant tasks Credential management
2 Financial Redundant tasks Federation
3 Financial Slow provisioning Federation
4 Security Inconsistent security policies Single Sign-On
5 Compliance Privacy control issues De-provisioning
6 Compliance Need for segregation of duties Directory technologies
7 Ease of use Increasing authentication complexity Provisioning
8 Ease of use Increasing authentication complexity Auditing

9 Ease of use Increasing authentication complexity Authorization

The adaptations above result in the final IAM Services Assessment Model, which is shown in figure 3.

Figure 3: The validated IAM Services Assessment Model.


Looking at the research that was carried out, there are some areas in which additional research can be

The first and foremost is the validation of the IAM Services Assessment Model during actual selection
processes in organizations that are planning to implement one or more IAM service(s). Due to time
constraints and the limited set of organizations that are starting large IT-projects in these difficult
economic times, it was unfortunately not possible to validate the model longitudinally in practice.
Although the validation by IAM experts has produced a very usable and sound model, a validation based
on multiple IAM service selections would make the model even more robust.

Something that was already mentioned in the validation section of this chapter, is that the IAM experts
indicated that the challenges in the category Security are too similar to allow organizations to make a clear
distinction between them. As a result of that remark, further research should be performed to assess the
changes that can be made to the IAM Services Assessment Model to solve this problem.

A final suggestion with regard to further research based on this work concerns the adoption of the IAM
Services Assessment Model with respect to the ongoing developments in the field of IAM services. The
IAM services that were included in the model were selected based on their current level of adoption.
However, some of the IAM services that were not included into the model at this time (because their
current level of adoption is still rather low) may well develop into the leading IAM services of tomorrow.
Therefore, especially in a few years from now, some additional research should be carried out to update
the model in concordance with the IAM services that are leading in terms of adoption at that time.

The purpose of the research was to find an answer to the research question “How can organizations be
supported in the process of selecting and implementing IAM technologies?”. The answer to this research
question was the development of the IAM Services Assessment Model that was presented in this chapter.

To come to this result, the research was started with a literature study. Based on that literature study, the
initial IAM Services Assessment Model was developed as shown in figure 1. Then, the model was
validated with the help of eight IAM experts which were introduced in Table 10. Based on that validation,
nine changes were made to the initial model as listed in Table 11. Figure 3, finally, shows the resulting
validated version of the IAM Services Assessment Model.

The conclusion of this research—with regard to selecting the right IAM service to cope with the
challenges the organization is faced with—is that the IAM Services Assessment Model provides a useful
and successfully validated tool that can be used both service-centric and challenge-centric. The service-
centric use of the model provides the user with an overview of the challenges that will be dealt with by a
certain IAM service, while the challenge-centric use of the model focuses on the challenges the user wants
to deal with, and shows the user which IAM services are suitable to do so. The IAM Services Assessment
Model supports organizations in selecting the right IAM services efficiently and effectively, thereby
providing a satisfactory answer to our research question.

This research was mainly carried out by Peter Haag, MSc., and was supervised by Dr. Marco Spruit.
However, due to long-term unavailability, Peter Haag has unfortunately not been able to complete his co-
authorship of this report. I hereby would like to acknowledge that this work could not have been
published as is without his efforts.


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IAM system: a single set of hardware, software, databases, telecommunications, people, and
procedures configured to collect, manipulate, store, and process data into information, supporting
identifying individuals and controlling their access to resources, services and systems.”

Identification: an entity claims an identity by providing an identifier

Authentication: the entity proofs that it is the rightful ‘owner’ of the identity by providing one
or more credential(s)

Authorization: the entity is allowed a particular set of actions to be performed in the secured
environment based on the combination of the identifier and the credential(s) provided by the

Provisioning: linking a person (for example through his role) to the access rights (both physical
and electronic) that are needed to do his/her job properly.

Single Sign-On (SSO): enabling users throughout the organization to log onto every system, application
or database with a single set of credentials.

Federation: linking two or more separate IT systems, enabling them to share authentication data and
perform mutual identification, authentication and authorization services.

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