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Sample Tripartite Agreement

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This Agreement, is entered on the day of..........................2004/05/06/07/08
between the Director .............. Field Unit (representing MAI and hereinafter referred to
as the First Party), the representative of the beneficiary Farmers Mr.
........................Identity Card No. .................
Village...................District..................Governorate...........(the beneficiary farmers
hereinafter referred to as the Second Party) and Mr. ............................(representing the
Local Council, or Cooperative Society or Aqil as the case may be hereinafter referred to
as the Third Party);
Whereas, the Parties to this agreement are aware of the importance of spate irrigation in
the area, are also aware of the irregular distribution of spate water due to unplanned
interventions by some farmers and also aware that there is a need to ensure improved
spate irrigation management in farmers fields.
Whereas, the parties to this agreement are aware of the damage to wadi banks and loss
of agricultural soils through erosion, the parties recognize the need to mitigate the
rapidly eroded soils along the wadis banks through the construction of spate improvement
works and rehabilitation of water harvesting structures
Whereas, the parties to this agreement are in the full knowledge of the objectives of the
IDA assisted Groundwater and Soil Conservation Project (GSCP) which inter alia
envisage soil conservation and soil erosion control through the construction of spate
improvement works and rehabilitation of water harvesting structures,. The parties
recognize that the project intervention is vital for attaining sustainable income in the
intervention area.
Whereas, the parties to this agreement agree to combine their efforts in order to improve
water management by and for the community, through both improvements in water use
efficiency and regular distribution of spate water. Each of the parties also agree to agree
to fulfill its obligations as listed in the Annex 2and Annex 3, cooperate with each other
to ensure the construction in accordance with design and specifications set by the
technical staff of the FU.

Note: this agreement must be read to each farmer by the specialist engineer and/or FU director before its signature by the farmer

Now, this agreement witnesses as follows:


In this agreement the following shall be deemed to form and be read and construe
as part of this agreement:

Selection Criteria (Annex 1);

Obligations of the Field Units (Annex 2);

Obligations of the farmers (Annex 3 );

Cost-sharing (Annex 4 );
Application form (Annex 5);
Layout design of the site with BOQ of the material and cost estimate (Annex


The Second Party ,beneficiary farmers are interested and willing to participate in
the construction of the site in their area to achieve improved management of spate
water and has notified the FU of their interest through a formal application in the
form at Annex 5;


The First Party hereby covenants to fulfill its obligations as listed under Annex 2
and supervise the construction works and ensure the quality of work and finance
the construction work as per the cost sharing arrangement presented in Annex 4
and to survey the site and prepare drawing ,design along with BOQ of the
material and cost estimate (Annex 6);


In consideration for the First Party constructing the proposed site for the
beneficiary farmers with significant contribution in accordance with Annex 4, the
Second Party hereby agrees to fully abide by the provisions of this agreement,
provides its share in the construction cost in the form of labor or cash in
accordance with Annex 4, and to fulfill its obligations as listed under Annex 3

In witness whereof, the parties to this agreement thereto have caused this agreement to
be executed on the day and the year first written before;
Signature and seal of the First Party .............................................................................

Signature and seal of the represenative of Second Party


Note: this agreement must be read to each farmer by the specialist engineer and/or FU director before its signature by the farmer

Signature and seal of the representative of the Third Party ............................................

Signed in presence of:
Signature and seal of the Witness ..........................................................

Annex 1
Selection criteria for Small and Medium Spate Improvement Work
and Rehabilitation Works

The proposed site should be technically feasible. The feasibility of

the site would be established after a reconnaissance visits by the
FU technical staff or the PCU technical staff .

(2) Beneficiary farmers are in full agreement to the selected site and that
they pledge to support and protect the contractor during construction
(3) The cost of small and medium spate diversion works and canal control
structures should not be more than US$ 750 1000 per benefiting
(4) The construction cost of wadi bank protection works and water
harvesting structures should not exceed US$ 450 per benefiting
(5) Willingness of the beneficiary farmers from small and medium spate
diversion structure to organize themselves into Water Users Group to
ensure improved spate water management, operationalize the structure
after its completion and maintained it and keep it operational in future.
(6) Readiness and willingness of the beneficiary farmers to participate
and/or contribute in kind or cash towards the construction as per the
cost sharing arrangement presented in Annex 4,
(7) Beneficiary farmers willing to cooperate and benefit from the
services of the Irrigation Advisory Service would be given priority in
implementing their site

Note: this agreement must be read to each farmer by the specialist engineer and/or FU director before its signature by the farmer

Annex 2
Obligations of the Field Units

After the project becomes effective the PCU, through the help of FUs, would
launch an information campaign and advertise in TV, Radio and the press for
commencement of its activities in the ten FUs, direct farmers and farmers
communities interested in the rehabilitation of water harvesting structures and
construction of spate improvement works to contact the FUs for more in-depth


Each FU would launch an awareness campaign with the technical help of the
irrigation advisory service, the communication unit in the PCU and the
Sociologist recruited in the PCU with a view to apprise the farmers regarding
their obligations and benefits of participation under the project, importance of
improving spate water management and conservation of soil and control soil
erosion leading to improvement in the spate irrigation management and
efficiency and crop productivity. The awareness campaign would also focus on
the implementation and cost-sharing arrangements, and formation of WUGs and
its role and function etc;

3. After the beneficiary farmers express their interest in the construction of spate
improvement works in their area . The FUs shall explain to the beneficiary farmers
the general project policy in this regard and would request them to sign this
agreement delimiting the obligations of the beneficiary farmers as well as of the FUs,
and, after this agreement has been signed, the FUs technical staff would visit the
proposed site and survey the site , prepare drawing , design , BOQ of material and
cost estimate and the tender document. The design and cost estimate and tender
document would be approved by the PCU after being thoroughly reviewed.
4. The FU advertise for the works in the local newspaper or invite offers from local
contractors and preferably from among the beneficiary farmers. The FU would open
the bids, evaluate the bids and award the contract, however the contract would only
be signed after PCU approval

The FU Director may be authorized by PCU Director to sign civil works contracts
up to the threshold of US$ 10,000
Note: this agreement must be read to each farmer by the specialist engineer and/or FU director before its signature by the farmer

The FU Director would ensure that the beneficiary farmers would contribute in
kind or cash to the construction cost in accordance with cost sharing arrangements
presented in Annex 4.
7. The technical staff of the FU will supervise the construction work at all stage to ensure
quality and that the construction is performed as per design and specification.


The PCU Director would provide an advance to the FU director to meet the civil
works contract obligations. The advance would replenished after the clearance of
accounts with finance manager in PCU
The FU would not approve the construction of any site which will directly
benefit Qat growers.
The FUs would persuade the beneficiary farmers to register themselves as a
The FUs would explain to the beneficiary farmers the importance, role and
functions of the WUGs in view of the by-laws governing the formation of these

Note: this agreement must be read to each farmer by the specialist engineer and/or FU director before its signature by the farmer

Annex 3
Obligations of the Beneficiary Farmers
If beneficiary farmers are interested in the construction of spate improvement site
or rehabilitation
of water harvesting site they shall formally notify the FUs in the form of an

The beneficiary farmers should organize themselves in a WUG and actively

participate in its functions and adhere to its by-laws;

5. The beneficiary farmers shall strictly adhere to the provisions of this agreement
especially in regards to the conditions that in lieu of the project financial support
towards the construction cost, the beneficiary farmers shall provide their contribution
in kind or cash towards the construction cost as spelled out in the cost sharing
6. . The beneficiary farmers shall ensure that no objection from fellow farmers would
take place during the construction period.
7. The beneficiary farmers would coordinate with contractors the method of their kind
contribution towards the construction works.
8. The beneficiary farmers agree that they will operationalize the structure after its
completion and provide for its maintenance in future in close coordination with the
FU management.

Note: this agreement must be read to each farmer by the specialist engineer and/or FU director before its signature by the farmer

Annex 4
Cost-Sharing Arrangement under Spate Improvement Works
Water Harvesting Works
Type of Works

Contribution to Cost in
By Project

Spate Improvement Works

1. Small Spate Diversion Works
2. Medium Spate Diversion Works
3. Canal Control Structures
4. Bank Protection Works
Water Harvesting and Soil Conservation in
1. Rehabilitation of existing Water harvesting
2. Wadi Bank Protection
3. Wadi Soil Conservation and Erosion Control
4. Small On-farm Water Storage
(i) New Tanks
(ii) Rehabilitation of Existing Tanks
5. Traditional Water Harvesting





Note: this agreement must be read to each farmer by the specialist engineer and/or FU director before its signature by the farmer

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