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2016-2017 LC Math I Syllabus

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La Caada High School

LC Math I - Course Syllabus 2016-2017

Ms. DiFiore - Room 213
Course Description: This is the first course in the La Caada college preparatory math sequence. The main purpose of
La Canada Math 1 is to develop students fluency with linear, quadratic and exponential functions, equations and
expressions. Students will begin with a study of univariate and bivariate data analysis. Students will expand on their
knowledge of linear functions by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend, solving systems of equations
and inequalities, creating and analyzing piecewise functions, and contrasting linear models with exponential models.
Students will work with exponents and develop an understanding of exponential functions. Finally, students will analyze
quadratic functions and solve quadratic equations. Some of the overarching ideas in this course include: the notion of
function, solving equations and inequalities, rates of change and growth patterns, working with sequences, understanding
absolute value relationships, graphs as representations of functions, and modeling.
Materials: Bring to class every day
1) Three-ring binder with notes, worksheets, assignments, and graph paper.
2) Pencil/pen and whiteboard marker
Assignments: Assignments are a way for students to practice what they know and have learned in class. They are also an
opportunity for students to self-assess, and identify their stuck points, which will help them create new understanding.
They will be given daily and are due the next class meeting.
Your name, the date, period, assignment title, page #, and problems must be written on all assignments.
Credit for assignments may be awarded in the following ways:
Homework may be checked weekly, and a selection of problems may be graded according to a rubric like the one
below. Students will have the opportunity in class to ask clarifying questions about assignments before turning
them in at the end of the week for credit. If a student has a question about an assignment that is not addressed in
class, he or she should seek additional support outside of class.
Either the teacher or a peer may check homework for completeness.
Students may be asked to use homework to complete an in-class quiz.
In order to ensure that students are checking and revising their answers, students may be asked to copy a
homework problem (after having the opportunity to address it in class) to be assigned points according to a rubric
such as the one below:
Correct answer
Work shown
demonstrates clear
understanding of

Work demonstrates
clear understanding
but with minor

Work demonstrates Work demonstrates very
left blank
some understanding
little understanding of
of concept
Correct answer
No work shown
An additional point may be awarded for correct and precise formatting (further detailed in class).

Binder: Throughout the semester, a binder containing all assignments, notes, quizzes, worksheets, etc., will be collected
and graded for completeness, organization, and accuracy.

Participation: Students are expected to participate in all lessons. Students are responsible for taking notes, cooperating
with groups, staying on task during activities, contributing to discussions, etc.

Assessments: Students should expect an assessment at least once per week. Tests and quizzes (including pop quizzes)
will be used consistently to assess student learning. These assessments will typically be cumulative including all topics
covered so far. Assessment items may be in a multiple choice, multiple response, comparison/matching, free response or
other format. They may be graded for full or partial credit. One possible rubric for awarding partial credit is the following:
Correct answer
Work shown that
demonstrates a clear
understanding of

Correct answer
Work not clear/coherent
Incorrect answer
Work demonstrates clear
understanding but with minor
mistake(s) unrelated to
assessed concept

Correct answer
No work
Incorrect answer
Demonstrates some key
understanding of concept

Incorrect answer
Some work shown
very little
understanding of

unrelated to
answer with
no work

See Exemplars Standards-Based Math Rubric for further details

Sample Assessment problem types:
Conceptual problems
A square has a side length of (3 + 4) feet. If its sides are
decreased by 2 feet each, what is its new area?
Strategic Thinking and Analysis problems
Justify - The graph of f(x) is shown below. Does the Interpretation and analysis: Do you agree or disagree
graph of f-1(x) pass through the point (2, 1)? Justify
mathematically with the work below? If you agree, justify
your conclusion.
each step in the process. If you disagree, identify where the
error is and justify why it is incorrect.
Procedural problems
Solve 2 + 3 + 2 = 0


Multiple Choice/Response problems

Which of the below equations has/have a slope of

? Choose all that apply

a) = 5
b) = 5 + 1
c) = 5
d) y = 5 (x + 5)
For additional problem types, see Practice and Training Tests or Sample Items and Performance Tasks at

Work Load:

Final Exam



Standards for Mathematical Practice (per LCHS Policy): During this academic year, you will continue to engage
with the Standards of Mathematical Practice, be asked to practice structured student talk, and continue to justify your
responses on assessments. This means that you will continue to work like Mathematicians do seeking answers and
solutions but understanding that the correct answer is no longer the end point of your work in math, but rather the start.
Particular emphasis will be placed on explaining why you chose the math operation you did and how you could apply this
to real world applications. To this end, performance tasks that require you to employ your math learning will be essential.
This will require you to persevere in the face of math challenges and this disequilibrium is essential to growth as a student
of math. You will be supported in your work and you are asked to bring an open mind, willingness to work hard, and
share your thinking in class as we improve together our math confidence.
Students will be working on core math idea(s) each day.
Students will be presented with clear math tasks daily and be asked to identify and employ multiple pathways to
achieve solutions.
Students will use a variety of resources with increasing effectiveness to build their problem solving abilities. This
includes the necessity of sharing their thinking with their peers.
Students will be asked to employ knowledge gained from earlier math courses and will be supported in this work.
No longer can students test and forget, but rather must continue to add to their body of math foundational skills.
Students will be required to justify and explain why they selected the answer they did and disprove incorrect
answers while balancing evaluation of the math strategies used to achieve that incorrect answer.

Academic Integrity: Students are expected to abide by the La Caada High School Honor Code. Students are to do their
own work, except where collaboration is permitted. This includes test taking, homework, class assignments and the
original creation of papers and projects. All work submitted by students should be a true reflection of their effort and
The following are examples of cheating:
Claiming credit for work not the product of one's own honest effort, copying any material and submitting it as
your own work, answering a test question by directly quoting another portion of the exam or quiz, providing
unwarranted access to materials or information so that credit may be dishonestly claimed by oneself or others
Students who cheat will receive a zero on the assignment and a U citizenship grade for the quarter. Consequences of
violations will be determined based on the Academic Honesty Policy, which should be consulted for further explanations
and repercussions. Students who cheat should expect to be confronted by their teacher or staff member observing this
behavior and be subject to any or all of the following additional consequences:
1. Notification of parents/guardian.
2. Establishment of a cheating record with the office of Discipline.
3. Referral of student to the Honor Court.
If you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached by email at

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