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United States v. Frank Guglielmini, 425 F.2d 439, 2d Cir. (1970)

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425 F.

2d 439

UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff-Appellee,

Frank GUGLIELMINI, Defendant-Appellant.
No. 635.
Docket 34311.

United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit.

Argued March 25, 1970.
Decided April 27, 1970.

William T. Murphy, Atty., Dept. of Justice, Washington, D. C. (Edward

R. Neaher, U. S. Atty., for the Eastern District of New York, and Denis
Dillon, Special Atty., for the Dept. of Justice, on the brief), for appellee.
Jerome Lewis, New York City (H. Elliot Wales, New York City on the
brief), for appellant.
Before LUMBARD, Chief Judge, HAYS, Circuit Judge, and
BLUMENFELD, District Judge.*
LUMBARD, Chief Judge:

Frank Guglielmini appeals his conviction by a jury in the Eastern District of

New York on two counts of an indictment which charged concealment of a
bankrupt's assets from his receiver and from his creditors in violation of 18 U.
S.C. 152. The assets were concealed while Frank managed the failing Miracle
Supermarket for his brother, John Guglielmini, bankrupt owner of the

The appellant does not question the sufficiency of the proof as to him, which
was substantially the same as that we found ample to support his first
conviction on this charge, which we reversed on other grounds. 384 F.2d 602,
604 (2 Cir.1967).

Guglielmini attacks his second conviction on two grounds: first, that he was

denied a fair trial by the government's failure to establish a prima facie case
against his co-defendant, Frank Testa, coupled with the subsequent use of
Testa's grand jury testimony to impeach him when, after having been acquitted
by direction of the court, Testa was called as a defense witness; and second,
that the statute of limitations barred the prosecution. We find no error and
affirm the conviction.

It is claimed by the appellant, and was conceded by the government at

argument, that the prosecutor chose not to present at the second trial certain
evidence against Testa which had been presented at the first trial. Instead, the
prosecutor elected to withhold certain documentary evidence which would have
tended to establish Testa's complicity in the running of the supermarket with
Frank Guglielmini at the time the concealment of assets was allegedly effected.

There would be no point in our second-guessing what the government might

have done in presenting its case against Testa. Whether the conduct of that part
of the case was ill-advised or less than competent is outside any proper
complaint which Guglielmini can make. So long as there was sufficient
evidence to sustain his own conviction, he cannot complain that the
government could have made out a stronger case against his co-defendant
which might have improved his own chances with the jury.1

Testa's acquittal by the court set the stage for Guglielmini's major objection to
the conduct of the trial. At the beginning of the trial, Testa's counsel had
questioned the anticipated use of Testa's grand jury testimony. When the
prosecutor represented to the trial judge that he would not use that testimony,
the matter was dropped.

Guglielmini apparently saw in Testa's acquittal the opportunity to use Testa as a

defense witness. But although he claims on appeal that Testa was called to
testify in the belief that the government would be barred from using Testa's
grand jury testimony on cross-examination, the government used that testimony
to impeach Testa only after the trial judge ruled that once Testa was no longer a
defendant in the case, the government was free to use his grand jury testimony.
We agree with the trial judge.

The government's representation before trial concerning its intention not to use
the grand jury testimony could refer only to its potential use as part of the
government's direct case. But once the case against Testa was ended by his
acquittal, which the government certainly could not have foreseen before the
court so ruled at the conclusion of the government's case, the reasons for

barring use of the testimony no longer existed. Any claim of infirmity in Testa's
grand jury minutes was available only to Testa. It follows that when Testa was
called to the stand by Guglielmini, it was altogether proper to allow the
government to show the jury that on a prior occasion, when Testa had been
under oath, he had sworn to a somewhat different version of the roles he and
Guglielmini had played in the operation of the supermarket.

On direct examination, Testa told the jury, as he had at the first trial, that he
had managed the store, signed checks, received cash, and was responsible for
the supermarket's financial operations. Naturally, this testimony would have
aided Guglielmini considerably if it remained unimpeached. Testa had told the
grand jury, however, that he had run the business for John Guglielmini until
Frank Guglielmini came into the picture and that he exercised no control after
that time. The effect of that testimony was to put appellant in sole control of the
supermarket during the crucial period when assets were being concealed.


A holding that grand jury testimony could not be used to contradict a witness'
trial testimony on these facts would mean that Testa would have had a license
to testify to anything without fear of contradiction and despite his prior sworn
statement to the contrary. If the government did err in failing to give Testa
proper warnings before his grand jury appearance, it was a sufficient remedy of
that wrong that the government was barred from using the minutes to
incriminate Testa. No proper purpose would be served in holding that the
minutes were also unavailable to the government when they became relevant to
impeach Testa's credibility on a critical factual matter. On the contrary, to
forbid use of the grand jury minutes would only serve to impede the search for
the truth.


Appellant's second argument is that the prosecution of this indictment, filed

June 2, 1966, was barred by the statute of limitations, 18 U.S.C. 3282, 3284.
Judge Dooling held that the period of limitation began to run on February 7,
1962, when the order of the referee in bankruptcy held that the bankrupt, John
Guglielmini, had waived his right to a discharge and accordingly the indictment
was timely filed within five years of that date. We agree with the district court.


Several creditors of the Miracle Supermarket filed an involuntary petition in

bankruptcy on April 1, 1960. A receiver was appointed that day. John
Guglielmini, doing business as the Miracle Supermarket, was adjudicated a
bankrupt on September 28, 1960, an action which constituted an automatic
application for a discharge under the Bankruptcy Law, 11 U.S.C. 32(a). The
receiver was appointed trustee of the bankrupt estate, which was ordered to file
bankruptcy schedules by October 3, 1960. It does not appear any schedules

were ever filed.


On January 24, 1962 the trustee moved for an order that the bankrupt had
waived his right to a discharge. He alleged there had been a first meeting of
creditors, but there were numerous adjournments and the bankrupt had failed to
appear on several occasions. The bankrupt not having opposed the motion, the
referee on February 7, 1962 ordered that the bankrupt had waived his right to a
discharge. We think that date must be used to measure the period of limitation.


The five year general statute of limitations, 18 U.S.C. 3282, is tolled for a
charge of concealing assets of a bankrupt until the bankrupt obtains a "final
discharge or denial of discharge." 18 U.S.C. 3284. The problem here is that
while the Bankruptcy Law, 11 U.S.C. 32, provides for discharge, denial of
discharge, or waiver of discharge, Congress failed to provide expressly for
tolling the statute where, as in this case, there is a waiver of discharge.


Appellant argued (1) that the tolling provision does not apply to this situation
since there was neither a discharge nor a denial of discharge; (2) that the tolling
provision should not apply to a concealment case where the defendant is not the
bankrupt; and (3) that if the tolling provision does apply, the period of
limitation should have run from October 3, 1960, when the bankrupt failed to
file schedules as ordered and thereby exposed himself to a finding of waiver.
Judge Dooling rejected these arguments and, conceding the law was not clear in
the case of a non-bankrupt defendant, ruled that the period of limitations ran
from February 7, 1962 because the finding of waiver had the same effect as a
denial. We agree.


We reject appellant's first argument because consideration of the 1948

amendments to 18 U.S.C. 3284 convinces us that Congress could not have
intended to exclude waivers of discharge from the tolling provision. On the
contrary, a waiver of discharge was intended to have the same effect as a denial.


In 1945, six men had been prosecuted for concealment of assets in the District
of Maryland. At that time, the statute governing the period of limitation read:
"* * * concealment of assets * * * shall be deemed to be a continuing offense
until the bankrupt shall have been finally discharged, and the period of
limitation * * * shall not begin to run until such final discharge." Because there
had never been an application for a discharge, and the time to apply for a
discharge had expired,2 the trial court faced a situation where the statute of
limitations would never run under the strict wording of the tolling section, since
there was no longer a possibility of "final discharge." The district court held

that the intent of Congress could be followed only by reading the tolling
provision as if the words "or until denial thereof" were appended to "final
discharge." United States v. Fraidin, 63 F.Supp. 271, 285 (D.Md.1945).
Congress subsequently closed the statutory gap by amending the tolling
provision as the court in Fraidin had construed it. As Fraidin itself involved a
waiver, rather than a denial, of discharge, it is clear to us that Congress
intended a waiver to have the same effect as a denial for the purpose of
calculating the period of limitation.

Appellant's second point merits little discussion. The argument appears to be

that since appellant was not the bankrupt, and therefore had no control over the
bankruptcy procedure which would have caused the statute of limitations to
start running, the tolling provision does not apply to him. But concealment of
assets is a crime even when, as here, the defendant is not the bankrupt. We see
no reason why a defendant who is not a bankrupt should be in a better position
than a defendant who is the bankrupt with regard to the tolling provision.


Finally, appellant argues that the period of limitation should be calculated from
the date the bankrupt's action (or here, his inaction) exposed him to a finding
that he had waived discharge. Presumably, the date for calculation under this
theory would be October 3, 1960, when the bankrupt failed to file schedules.
We disagree. In Fraidin, the court looked to the date when discharge was
barred as a matter of law. Supra, at 284. We follow that approach and note that
the only action in this case which irrevocably barred discharge was the order of
waiver on February 7, 1962.


Appellant's reliance on Rudin v. United States, 254 F.2d 45 (6th Cir.), cert.
denied, 357 U.S. 930, 78 S.Ct. 1374, 2 L. Ed.2d 1371 (1958), is misplaced and,
in our view, works against his argument. In Rudin, a corporation was adjudged
bankrupt in January, 1950. When it failed to apply for a discharge within the
six months allowed under 11 U.S.C. 32(a), it was deemed to have waived
discharge as of July 1950 and the period of limitation was held to run from that
date. Appellant argued that Rudin supports the proposition that the period of
limitation should be measured from the acts giving rise to the waiver, e. g., the
failure to file schedules in October, 1960. But the government properly points
out that Rudin is more consistent with the view that the period of limitation
runs from the date of the event when discharge becomes impossible and, as we
noted above, that event in the instant case was the finding of waiver on
February 7, 1962.


Judgment affirmed.


Sitting by designation

Of course, if the trial judge had denied Testa's motion for an acquittal, or even
had reserved judgment, Testa would still have been a defendant and could have
testified only on his own election. And if he had testified as a defendant, it is
unlikely he would have colored his testimony so as to assist Guglielmini's
defense, as he could safely do after his own acquittal

In 1945, bankrupt individuals and corporations had to make formal applications

for discharge. Subsequently, 11 U.S.C. 32(a) was amended so that, in the case
of an individual, adjudication of bankruptcy operates automatically as an
application for a discharge

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