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Nemours Corp. v. United States, 188 F.2d 745, 3rd Cir. (1951)

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188 F.

2d 745

No. 10343.

United States Court of Appeals Third Circuit.

Argued March 20, 1951.
Decided April 19, 1951.


C. (Theron Lamar Caudle, Asst. Atty. Gen., Ellis N. Slack, Lee A.
Jackson, Harvey M. Spear, Special Assts. to Atty. Gen., William Marvel,
U. S. Atty., Francis A. Reardon, Asst. U. S. Atty., Wilmington, Del., on
the brief), for appellant.
Laurence Graves, New York City, for appellee.
Before GOODRICH, McLAUGHLIN and STALEY, Circuit Judges.
GOODRICH, Circuit Judge.

This case involves the application of the 1942 tax statute upon an application
for refund brought by the taxpayer to get back undistributed profits surtaxes
paid by it for the taxable year 1936. The taxpayer's claim for refund was
refused by the Commissioner and it successfully sued for the amount claimed
in the District Court of Delaware.1 The Government appeals. The factual
questions are all settled by a stipulation between the parties.

The taxpayer has been, since its incorporation in 1924, a personal holding
company. During the years 1925-1928, inclusive, it made money and
distributed nontaxable stock dividends of something more than $2,000,000.
These distributions were reflected on taxpayer's books by an entry which
transferred that amount from the company's surplus to its capital account.
During 1933 and 1934 this taxpayer, like many others, sustained substantial
losses. If stock dividends are deemed to have reduced the taxpayer's
accumulated earnings and profits, it had none as of December 31, 1935, but

had, instead, a deficit of more than $1,700,000. If the stock dividends are not to
be taken to have reduced its accumulated earnings and profits it had about
$500,000 in earnings and profits as of the date mentioned. The manner in which
the amount represented by these stock dividends is to be treated will largely
determine the result of the case.

The undistributed profits tax was imposed by Section 14 of the Revenue Act of
1936, 26 U.S.C.A.Int.Rev.Acts, page 823. That it raised some hard problems
for courts is a matter of common knowledge to members of the federal
judiciary since that time. That it created some hard situations for taxpayers was
evidently the view of Congress. In 1938 the statute was repealed. In the
Revenue Act of 1942 Congress made provision for refunds in certain cases and,
in addition, made the refund provision retroactive and gave other relief with
regard to the bar of the statute of limitations.

The taxpayer sought to avail itself of the legislative help thus given. On May 7,
1943, it filed its claim for refund under that portion of Section 501 of the 1942
Act which added Section 26(f) to the Revenue Act of 1936.2 The claim states
that it is filed under Section 501 of the Revenue Act of 1942 and in an attached
statement claims a "`deficit credit,' Section 26(f) as added by Section 501
Revenue Act of 1942."

After the taxpayer's claim for refund had been filed and after the Commissioner
had rejected it, and also after the statutory period available to taxpayer for
filing refund claims had passed, the Supreme Court decided the case of United
States v. Ogilvie Hardware Co., Inc., 1947, 330 U.S. 709, 67 S.Ct. 997, 91
L.Ed. 1192. That decision gave aid and encouragement to taxpayers under
Section 26(c)(3) of the same statute.3 It encouraged, among others, this
taxpayer who raised, for the first time in the District Court, the applicability of
Section 26(c)(3) to its financial situation in 1936. For the first time the
provisions of this Section, which it will be noted are quite different from that of
Section 26(f), were included by the taxpayer in its demand for refund, over
government objection. The District Court thought that the taxpayer had not
presented a claim for refund good under Section 26(f), but concluded in view of
the Ogilvie decision that it had a good claim under Section 26(c)(3) and gave
judgment accordingly. The court said that it seemed unimportant that one
Section of the Act was mentioned rather than another and that "The additional
burden if such there was imposed on the Commissioner seems, at most, a
very trivial one." [91 F.Supp. 863.]

We, therefore, have two questions. The first is whether the taxpayer has set out
a claim on which it is entitled to refund under Section 26(f) of the statute. The

second question is whether if there is to be no recovery under Section 26(f)

there can be recovery under Section 26(c)(3).

The court below gave little discussion to the first question because, as above
indicated, it thought there could be recovery under Section 26(c)(3). We think
the taxpayer is not entitled to prevail under Section 26(f) upon which the
original claim for refund was made.

The question is whether in computing "earnings and profits accumulated after

February 28, 1913" under Section 26(f) the amounts transferred to capital upon
issuance of the non-taxable stock dividends are to be included. The phrase
"earnings and profits" has come to have an established meaning under federal
tax law, and according to that meaning amounts of profits transferred to capital
upon issuance of non-taxable stock dividends remain part of earnings and
profits for tax purposes.4 We see no reason to believe that Congress intended to
give the phrase any other meaning in Section 26(f).

United States v. Ogilvie Hardware Co., 1947, 330 U.S. 709, 67 S.Ct. 997, 999,
91 L.Ed. 1192, is not an authority to the contrary. There the Court held that
"accumulated earnings and profits" in Section 26 (c)(3) of the Revenue Act of
1936, also added by Section 501(a) of the Revenue Act of 1942, was used in
the state law sense and not in the usual federal tax sense. The Court there dealt
with a limited hardship situation. Many corporations, because of an
accumulated deficit in surplus, were prevented by state law from declaring
dividends, yet were required to pay an undistributed profits tax under the 1936
Act. Section 26(c)(3) was passed to give relief in this situation. The Court
reasoned that since reference was to be had under Section 26(c)(3) to state law
to determine whether the corporation could legally declare dividends, reference
must also be made to that law rather than to federal tax law to determine when
the corporation had a "deficit in accumulated earnings."


The Ogilvie case does not by any means govern the interpretation of Section
26(f). It is true that Sections 26(c)(3) and 26(f) of the Revenue Act of 1936
were both special relief provisions added by Section 501 of the Revenue Act of
1942, and both provided retroactive relief from inequities which resulted from
the undistributed profits tax of 1936. But there the similarity ends. Section
26(c)(3) was intended to permit the refunding of taxes imposed upon a
corporation for not distributing profits which the corporation was prohibited by
law from distributing. Section 26(f) was intended to permit refunding of
undistributed profits taxes paid when the corporation could not have avoided
the tax even if it had distributed the profits.5


The principal evil to be remedied by Section 26(f) was that resulting from the
inconsistent treatment of capital losses in computing the corporate net income
and in determining allowable credits against that income for undistributed
profits tax purposes. This produced a result, taxwise, which Congress
undoubtedly never intended. But the thing which produced it was federal tax
law entirely. And in remedying the situation by 26(f) Congress used language
with long-standing federal tax meaning. A refund or credit under 26(f) does not
depend in any way upon state law. We conclude that the phrase "earnings and
profits" in 26(f) is used in its ordinary tax sense. Taxpayer therefore is entitled
to no refund on the basis of that Section.


This brings us to the second question. May taxpayer, having lost out under
Section 26(f), nevertheless recover under Section 26(c)(3)? It may well be that
all of the facts about this corporation relevant to a refund under the statute are
contained in the disclosure made by the taxpayer's claim for refund. It is easy
and natural, therefore, to argue that if the Commissioner is in possession of all
the facts it is no hardship on him to skip from section to section of the same
statute to see if the facts set out a valid claim for the taxpayer under any
section, however differing in theory the sections may be. It is not too much, one
might argue, to ask the Commissioner to know the various sections of the
Revenue law, the administration of which is his daily business.


Furthermore, this argument has many analogies to support it. We think it likely
that nowhere does the plaintiff now lose a lawsuit if he chooses the wrong writ
and brings his action in trespass instead of case. Certainly the Federal Rules of
Civil Procedure, 28 U.S.C.A., allow the widest latitude in letting a plaintiff
present his facts and not be hampered by the imposition of forms of action or
theory of pleading. We have recently held that where the facts in two actions
were the same, the termination of one operated as res judicata, although in the
other the plaintiff alleged a different theory as a ground for recovery.
Williamson v. Columbia Gas and Electric Corp., 3 Cir., 1950, 186 F.2d 464.
So, here, the conclusion that one has put in a claim if he has put in his facts is
not only a plausible one, but one having strong elements of equity in it.


We think it a fair statement, however, that courts are not invited to import
equitable considerations into tax cases. See the fate of Electric Storage Battery
Co. v. Rothensies, 3 Cir., 1945, 152 F.2d 521, when it became Rothensies v.
Electric Storage Battery Co., 1946, 329 U.S. 296, 67 S.Ct. 271, 91 L.Ed. 296.
See, also, United States v. Lewis, 1951, 340 U.S. 590, 71 S.Ct. 522.


A long-standing statutory provision with regard to tax refunds is that suits may

be brought only after a claim for refund has been filed with the Commissioner
in accordance with the law and Treasury Regulations.6 The Regulations
governing refunds under the statute in question here provide that "The claim
must set forth in detail * * * each ground upon which a refund is claimed, and
facts sufficient to apprise the Commissioner of the exact basis thereof."
Treas.Regs. 94, Art. 322-3 (1936).7 It is to be noted that both the grounds for
recovery and the facts supporting them must be shown. The taxpayer stated as
its ground for refund Section 26(f) and made its computation accordingly. That
does not, under the decisions, give him a right to claim under some other
section. See especially Real Estate-Land Title & Trust Co. v. United States,
1940, 309 U.S. 13, 60 S.Ct. 371, 84 L.Ed. 542; A. M. Campau Realty Co. v.
United States, Ct. Cl.1947, 69 F.Supp. 133.

This is hard law, no doubt. Perhaps it is necessarily strict law in view of the
scope of the operations of a fiscal system as large as that of the United States.
Whether that is so we are not called upon to say. We apply the rule; we do not
make it. It is to be observed that recovery of claims against the Government has
always been the subject of a strict compliance requirement. The recovery of
claims for tax refunds is but an application of this broad and strict rule.8


We do not consider, because not required to, whether the taxpayer's claim under
Section 26(c)(3) could be upheld under the Ogilvie case cited above. It comes
close to it, but recovery here would require an extension of that case. Whether
that extension should be made is a question we do not reach.


There was a point before the District Court about a deduction for expenses in
maintenance and repair of a house standing in the name of the taxpayer and
occupied by its president. It is obviously true that if this was an expense of the
corporation it reduced its net income and, therefore, cut down any tax the
corporation would have had to pay for a given taxable year whether ordinary
income tax, excess profits tax or undistributed profits tax. But if the
corporation did not claim its deduction either when it filed its return or within
the period allowed for the amendment of the return we do not see how the fact
that it may have had an unclaimed deduction can come into litigation now. The
taxpayer cannot recover under Section 26(f) because as shown above we do not
think he has made out a claim. He cannot get a refund under Section 26(c)(3)
because he did not state that Section as a ground when he filed his refund claim.
Since he cannot get a refund under either provision the matter of whether the
house repairs were a proper deduction has become history which cannot be


The judgment of the District Court will be reversed.


McLAUGHLIN, Circuit Judge, dissents for the reasons expressed in the

opinion of the Court below, 91 F.Supp. 859.


Nemours Corp. v. United States, D.C.Del.1950, 91 F.Supp. 859

"[26] (f)Deficit credit. The amount by which the adjusted net income exceeds
the sum of (1) the earnings and profits accumulated after February 28, 1913, as
of the beginning of the taxable year, and (2) the earnings and profits of the
taxable year (computed as of the close of the taxable year without diminution
by reason of any distributions made during the taxable year). * * *" Rev.Act of
1936, 49 Stat. 1648, as amended in Rev. Act of 1942, 501(a) (3), 56 Stat. 798,
26 U.S.C.A.Int.Rev.Acts, page 344.

"[26(c)] (3)Deficit corporations. In the case of a corporation having a deficit in

accumulated earnings and profits as of the close of the preceding taxable year,
the amount of such deficit, if the corporation is prohibited by a provision of a
law or of an order of a public regulatory body from paying dividends during the
existence of a deficit in accumulated earnings and profits, and if such provision
was in effect prior to May 1, 1936." Rev. Act of 1936, 49 Stat. 1648, as
amended in Rev.Act of 1942, 501(a) (2), 56 Stat. 798, 26 U.S.C.A.
Int.Rev.Acts, page 344.

See Int.Rev.Code 115(a) and (h), 26 U.S.C.A. 115(a, h); Com'r v. Wheeler,
1945, 324 U.S. 542, 546, 65 S.Ct. 799, 89 L.Ed. 1166; United States v. Ogilvie
Hardware Co., 1947, 330 U.S. 709, 714, 722, 67 S.Ct. 997, 91 L.Ed. 1192

Sen.Rep.No.1631, 77th Cong. 2d Sess. 244(1942)

Rev.Stat. 3226, as amended in 1103 (a) of the Revenue Act of 1932, 47

Stat. 286. See Internal Revenue Code, 3772, 26 U.S.C.A. 3772

The present Regulations are to the same effect. Treas.Regs. 111, Sec. 29.322-3

See e. g. Angelus Milling Co. v. Com'r, 2 Cir., 1944, 144 F.2d 469, 472,
affirmed, 1945, 325 U.S. 293, 65 S.Ct. 1162, 89 L. Ed. 1619; Maas &
Waldstein Co. v. United States, 1931, 283 U.S. 583, 589, 51 S.Ct. 606, 75
L.Ed. 1285; Rock Island, Arkansas & L. R. Co. v. United States, 1920, 254
U.S. 141, 143, 41 S.Ct. 55, 65 L.Ed. 188; Nichols v. United States, 1868, 7
Wall. 122, 126, 19 L.Ed. 125

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