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Poetry Lesson Plans

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The key takeaways from the lessons are that they focus on introducing students to different elements of poetry such as similes, metaphors, personification, cause and effect. The lessons also cover editing and publishing poetry.

Some of the elements and devices mentioned are similes, metaphors, personification, rhyming, alliteration, cause and effect.

Some examples of similes provided are 'as sweet as ice-cream on a hot summer's day' and 'roar like a lion standing strong protecting his cubs'.

Lesson 1

Lesson Title: Intro to Poetry and Similes

Topic: Wri7ng- Poetry

Year Level: 3

Day/Date: 19

Victorian Curriculum:

-Discuss the nature and effects of some language

- Understand how different types of texts vary devices used to enhance meaning and shape the
in use of language choices, depending on their readers reaction, including rhythm and
onomatopoeia in poetry and prose (VCELT254)
purpose, audience and context, including
tense and types of sentences (VCELA246)


Lesson Objec7ves:
Students will begin to recognise Poetry, and some elements, structure and devices used
in Poetry.
Students will be able to recognise, explain and use similes in their own and other
published wri7ng.
Assessment Goals:
- Students will grasp an understanding of similes. This will be assessed from the comple7on
of the worksheet, and conversa7on with individual students as well as observa7ons.
- Diagnos7c assessment through brainstorm- gage where the students are at/
Lesson Sequence:



10 mins

Brainstorm Poetry- talk about what do we know already, what does poetry
make me think of? Types of poetry, things we see in poetry- similes, metaphors,
inferring, cause and eect.
Close your eyes and use your schema what do you see when you think about
poetry. Where have you seen poetry before?

similes, and


15 mins

Similes what are similes? show students poster and start to brainstorm
examples. Read poems with similes get students to put their nger on their
nose when they see a simile. Talk about all the similes. Invite sugges7on about
other things you no7ce about the poems, structure, rhythm, allitera7on,
rhyming etc. (

3 mins

15 mins

5 mins

Explain worksheet- Talk about similes making sense, whats the tallest thing you
know, close your eyes and use your schema what picture do you get when you
see tall? Eg Eureka tower, would it make sense if we said as 7ny as the eureka
tower? no, what could we use for 7ny? etc.
Have students do worksheet, if you nish the words you can get on to extended
What do you think extended similes might be? As sweet as ice-cream on a hot
summers day. Roar like a lion standing strong protec7ng his cubs.

If nished worksheet. Have students share what they wrote and act them out
using mime- link back to communica7on (whole school focus).


similes poster
for board.

Lesson 2!
Lesson Title: Cause and Eect

Topic: Wri7ng- Poetry

Year Level: 3

Date: 24

Victorian Curriculum:

-Discuss the nature and effects of some language

- Understand how different types of texts vary devices used to enhance meaning and shape the
in use of language choices, depending on their readers reaction, including rhythm and
onomatopoeia in poetry and prose (VCELT254)
purpose, audience and context, including
tense and types of sentences (VCELA246)

Lesson Objec7ves:
Students will begin to recognise Poetry, and some elements, structure and devices used
in Poetry.
Students will be able to recognise, explain and use cause and eect in their own and
other published wri7ng.
Assessment Goals:
- Students will grasp an understanding of cause and eect. This will be assessed from the
comple7on f the worksheet, and conversa7on with individual students as well as
observa7ons. Cause and eect is also a CAFE strategy focus on will have ongoing
assessment throughout not only the wri7ng sessions but also CAFE sessions.
Lesson Sequence:


10 mins

Read Cause and eect story from making connec7ons- talk about cause Cause and
and eect. Cause and Eect An eect is what happened, and a cause is eect graphic
why it happened. Students brainstorm examples e.g. what would be the organiser
cause of there being muddy footprints on the carpet?


15 mins

15 mins

5 mins

20 mins

10 mins

Watch youtube video for the birds.

talk about the causes and eects.

Students go back to table.

Fill in graphic organiser can either be on the youtube clip, or on
something they know.

Bring them back to the oor, read a couple of poems, from the daily
poem. Talk about what they no7ce, poems can be about anything etc.
hand out puzzle pieces.

Students to nd the other members of their group by pubng together

the puzzle. From there students create their own poem using their
puzzle picture as the seed.

At the end of the lesson, have students share, what elements did you
use what should we be looking out for?


youtube clip
with the birds

puzzle seeds.

cause and
eect poster

Lesson 3!
Lesson Title: Repe77on and Structure

Topic: Wri7ng- Poetry

Year Level: 3

Date: 26

Victorian Curriculum:

-Discuss the nature and effects of some language

- Understand how different types of texts vary devices used to enhance meaning and shape the
in use of language choices, depending on their readers reaction, including rhythm and
onomatopoeia in poetry and prose (VCELT254)
purpose, audience and context, including
tense and types of sentences (VCELA246)

Lesson Objec7ves:
Students will begin to recognise Poetry, and some elements, structure and devices used
in Poetry.
Students will be able to recognise, explain and use repe77on in their own and other
published wri7ng.
Assessment Goals:
- Students will grasp an understanding of repe77on and structure of a poem. This will be
assessed from the comple7on of the I am poem, and conversa7on with individual
students as well as observa7ons.
Lesson Sequence:



10 mins

re-read some poems from What do you no7ce

now about these poems? can you recognise some devices weve talked
about? In par7cular re-read I play my i-pod. Talk about the structure,
introduce the term stanza and also focus on repe77on. what does
repe77on do? why do we use it? etc.


Introduce the I am poem show example, talk about the structure, the
stanzas and the repe77on.
Hand out I am graphic organiser and have students on oor with
clipboards. Display graphic organiser on smart board.



5 mins

10 mins


I am- graphic



I am poem
As whole class ll out the rst two squares together, have students write

in box then share with person next to them. Ask students to share ideas
their partner had.
Send away group to complete organiser and poem.
poster for
10 mins Keep low group on the oor to con7nue to support them lling out
organiser, share and discuss ideas and wow words.
Send away low group for independent work, bring to oor high group.
15 mins Discuss ideas and talk about way of enhancing our words to make them
more exci7ng. Introduce thesaurus and how to se it. have students look
up common words they all had and change to new words.
15 mins

Students all go back to tables to complete poem. Students who need

extra support in group with teacher.
10 mins Students share poems- talk about presenta7on- clear voice, book out of
face etc. Give peer feedback.

Lesson 4!
Lesson Title: Personica7on

Topic: Wri7ng- Poetry

Year Level: 3

Day/Date: 30

Victorian Curriculum:

-Discuss the nature and effects of some language

- Understand how different types of texts vary devices used to enhance meaning and shape the
in use of language choices, depending on their readers reaction, including rhythm and
onomatopoeia in poetry and prose (VCELT254)
purpose, audience and context, including
tense and types of sentences (VCELA246)


Lesson Objec7ves:
Students will begin to recognise Poetry, and some elements, structure and devices used
in Poetry.
Students will be able to recognise, explain and use personica7on in their own and other
published wri7ng.
Assessment Goals:
- Students will grasp an understanding of personica7on. This will be assessed from the
comple7on of the worksheet, and conversa7on with individual students as well as
- this work will act as a nal assessment piece and incorporate all poetry devices learned in
the unit.
Lesson Sequence:


10 mins

read story in making connec7ons. Iden7fy personica7on, what is

personica7on, how can we recognise it, how can we use it in our
poetry? does it paint a picture in your head etc.


Go out to dry creek area. Have students bring notepad and pencil.
Close your eyes, imagine you are the only person here, the only person
10 mins in the whole world. What does that feel like? what can you smell, feel,
hear, see etc. write down your thoughts on notepad. Close eyes again,
imagine someone or something suddenly comes and changes your
world, what would you be feeling now? what does this make you think
of? What would you do? what would you say? write down ideas on
notebook. whole class discussion about ideas and feelings, write down
inspira7on fro others as well.
15 mins

25 mins

students to draw ideas in the sand using rocks and s7cks to

communicate to others their thoughts (links to Walker Learning and
whole school focus)

Inside use inspira7on from notepad and your experiences outside to

create a poem about your whole world changing. Use all the poetry
devices you know, rhyming, cause and eect, personica7on, similes,
allitera7on etc. Outside we said that we could feel the wind, how could
we phrase this using a poetry device? the wind danced across my face.


poster for

Lesson 5 and 6
Lesson Title: Edi7ng and Publishing

Topic: Wri7ng- Poetry

Year Level: 3

Date: 1st and 3rd June

Victorian Curriculum:

-Discuss the nature and effects of some language

- Understand how different types of texts vary devices used to enhance meaning and shape the
in use of language choices, depending on their readers reaction, including rhythm and
onomatopoeia in poetry and prose (VCELT254)
purpose, audience and context, including
tense and types of sentences (VCELA246)

Lesson Objec7ves:
Students will be able to express ideas through poetry, using poetry devices such as
rhyming, allitera7on, cause and eect, personica7on and similes.
Students will be able to edit their work, re-read for making sense, spelling, punctua7on,
using wow words and poetry devices.
Students will be able to use a computer to publish their own work.
Assessment Goals: this work will act as a nal assessment piece and incorporate all poetry devices
learned in the unit.
Lesson Sequence:



Over the next two sessions students will

- Finish their indigenous/rst eet inspired poem.
- they will edit their work focussing par7cularly on
- re-reading their work to make sure it makes sense
- recognising punctua7on, full stops, capital le_ers, commas, speech
marks. (cafe strategy focus)
- tuning in to interes7ng words, do you have wow words is your
wri7ng interes7ng for the reader?
- Have you included poetry devices, do you have rhyming, allitera7on,
cause and eect, personica7on and similes?
- Publish work on the computer using Microsoj Word.
- When nished conference with teacher before prin7ng nal copy.

Students ini7al published piece will be used for marking against rubric,
not the nal piece edited with teacher.

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