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Assignment 3

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BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) – Overarching Course Goal

Learners will create their own poem (or song lyrics) and visual that represents a common
theme. Then they will participate in a gallery walk in order to persuade others to vote for their
work to be publically displayed in a school created art museum.

Learning Goals Learning Activities Assessment Activities

Foundational 1 Identify a theme in lyrics Choose any poem and
Learners will identify practice identify what you think is a
themes of various poems possible theme, and justify
and justify why they chose with evidence.
that theme.
Foundational 2 Identify the theme in art Attend a field trip to an art
Learners will identify practice museum and identify a
themes of various pieces of possible theme in any of
art and justify why they the art pieces you saw, and
chose that theme. justify your response.

Applications Matching themes of poems Choose a poem and piece

Learners will compare a with pieces of art practice of artwork you saw, and
poem with a piece of explain how they could be
artwork and use evidence related, specifically with a
to support their choice. common theme.

Integration 1 Research and choose a First draft of poem

Learners will choose their theme
topic and theme and begin
drafting their own poem. Brainstorm ideas for poem

Integration 2 Writers Workshop over Final Poem (can be written,

Learners will peer review, Imagery and Figurative sang, digital, or other-
revise, and edit the rough language student choice)
draft of their poem and
produce their final poem. Peer Review Poems
Integration 3 Research and Brainstorm Final visual (can be 3D
Learners will create a visual ideas model, 2D, painting,
to represent the theme and drawing, digitally created,
topic of their poem. Create a rough sketch or or other-student choice)
Integration 4 Persuasion Techniques Final persuasion letter or
Learners will persuade practice speech—can be written or
others to vote for their recorded
poem and visual to be
displayed in the school art
Human Dimension 1 Practice presentation with Final Gallery Walk
Learners will participate in a partner and provide peer Presentations
a gallery walk to present feedback
their final poem/lyrics, Voting
visual, and speech
persuading others to vote
for their work to be
Human Dimension 2 Self-Assessment Final Product Posted on E-
Learners will post their final Portfolio (actual
work to their E-Portfolio assignment links, pictures,
site and write a blog post or video)
reflecting on the process of
creating their own Blog Post on E-Portfolio
poem/visual and presenting
to others to persuade them
to vote for their work.
Learning Environment and Situational Factors
Context to project/Learning Environment

The school librarian is wanting to develop an exhibit in the library that displays student
created work. The first exhibit she is looking for needs to include a poem, a visual, and a
common theme between the two. There is not enough room to include work from every
student, so students will create their work, present to other students at the school, and
students will vote to decide which work gets displayed in the library. The top 3 winners will also
be entered in for the possibility of presenting at the Houston Rodeo.

There are 27 students in this 6th grade class that meets twice every week for 90 minutes and
once a week for 45 minutes. This course will be delivered in a classroom, but in a blended
format. Some of the foundational skills will be presented in an online format and the
application portion will be project-based.

Context of Learning Situation

It is expected that students be able to read and analyze poems and make connections
between and across texts and other works in various genres. Students are also expected to be
able to interpret grade level texts, formulate their own arguments, and justify responses using
text evidence.
Nature of the Course
This course is divergent because students will be using their knowledge of poems and
theme in order to create their own poem. They will be applying this knowledge even further by
utilizing art as another context for demonstrating their knowledge of theme and justifying their
own interpretations. Finally, students will be integrating the two by persuading others that
their poem and visual represent a common theme and should be displayed in a school created
art museum.
Characteristics of Learner
The learners are primarily English language learners in a low socio-economic status. A
small percentage of the students qualify for special education services. Students have limited
background knowledge about the subject and many are at risk students based on their family
Characteristics of Teacher
The teacher believes all students are capable of learning and being successful. She
realizes many students enter her classroom reading significantly below grade-level which could
lead to students having difficulty completing the coursework and understanding the
foundational skills. For this reason the teacher will offer small group workshops to assist
struggling students.
After this course is over the teacher hopes that students will be able to read,
understand, and analyze different forms of poetry. Additionally, she hopes they are able to
think creatively and critically in order to develop their own argument or thesis and justify their

Background for Formulating Specific Learning Goals

Students will need to know what a theme is in order to identify and justify a potential
theme in both a poem and artwork. Students will also need to be able to read and analyze
poems in order to be able to identify the theme, and be able to understand that artwork can
also depict emotions, feelings, and themes. Students will need to understand persuasive
techniques in order to develop their own argument or thesis in order to justify the theme they
chose, and apply that to their own poem/lyrics and visual and persuade others to vote for their
After completing this project I hope students are able to understand the meaning
behind different poems, songs, and even art. Hopefully they also understand that even when
reading the same poem, or viewing the same artwork, students interpretations will vary based
on their own thoughts, feelings, and life experiences. This project is not based on correct or
incorrect answers, but being able to form their own opinions and justify their choices.
Additionally, this is about students being able to demonstrate their learning and understanding
by creating their own work and sharing it with others and reflecting on the process of why and
how they were successful, or not successful.
In addition to completing this poetry project, students will also be expected to complete
work in a blended format that goes over the basic understanding of what theme is and how to
identify and justify answers using text evidence. Additionally, students will be given practice on
understanding the structure of poems and how to read and analyze poetry in order to form
their own interpretations. They will use this information in order to apply it in this poetry and
art project. During this online portion students will be expected to set their own goals,
formulate a plan to achieve those goals, achieve their goals, then reflect on their process of
what worked or did not work. Their mentor teacher will assist them in this process.

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