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Tutorial 17 - CEL - Boat

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Tutorial Number 17: CEL model of

a boat in a wavy sea

Stefano Morlacchi
May 2014

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.



In this tutorial, you will create a CEL model of a boat floating on a wavy sea.
sea A
rigid gate will be put in contact with the water and used to create waves.

When you complete this tutorial, you

y will be able to:

Define the material properties of a Eulerian material for a fluid

Use the volume fraction tool to identify which part of the

the Eulerian region is
filled with material.

Define periodic amplitude and use the amplitude plotter plugplug-in.

Use the visualization module to plot the rotation of the boat.

- The equation of state used to model the hydrodynamic behaviour of the sea is
defined in terms of Us-Up
Up model. For more information about this modelling
approach, refer to the Abaqus documentation. (Abaqus Analysis Users manual.
Chapter 25)

- The model is based on the SI units based on meters. Thus viscosity should be
assigned in Pa*s.

Figure 1: Consistent sets of units available in Abaqus.

- A rigid body assumption is made for the boat and the gate to simplify the
solution and reduce the computational cost.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.


Setting up the model

Import the file Tutorial 17..sat

This file contains the geometry of the different components.
components. Import the parts as
individual and rename the parts as Boat, Eulerian, Gate, and Initial.. Click with the
right button of the mouse on the Eulerian part in the model tree, select edit and
select Eulerian in the edit part window. The gate will be used to create waves


Material and section properties

Enter the property module and define the two material models for the steel and

1. Go into the Property Module and click the Create Material icon. In the Edit
Material dialog box, name the material Steel.. From the material editors menu
bar, select Mechanical Elasticity Elastic. Enter a Young modulus value of
210e+9 Pa and a Poisson ratio of 0.35.
0.35 Select General Density
ty and enter a
value of 1500 kg/m3. Click OK to exit the material editor.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.

2. Click the Create Material icon to create the water material mdoel.
mdoel In the Edit
Material dialog box, name the material Water.. From the material editors menu
bar, select Mechanical Eos and Us-Up as equation of state type.
type Enter a c0
value of 1483 and 0 for s and gamma0. Select General Density
ty and enter a
value of 1000 kg/m3. Select
elect Mechanical Viscosity and enter a value of 0.001
Pa*s. Click OK to exit the material editor.

3. Create a solid homogeneous section to be assigned to the gate and the

boat and an Eulerian section to be assigned to the Eulerian part. Steel and
Water should be selected for the solid and Eulerian sections, respectively.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.


Assembly and Step

1. Enter the assembly module and create an instance for

or each of the four parts.
Note that, as suggested in Tutorial 16, both boat and gate overlap the Eulerian
part at the contact surface.

2. Create two reference points (Tool

Reference point),, the first on one corner

of the gate, the second at the centre of the boat as shown in the following picture.
In order to create this reference point, first define a datum point (Tools


as the middle point among the two vertices of the boat.

In the model tree, explode the assembly container and double-click

double click on sets to
create a new set called BOAT-RP
containing the reference point of the boat.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.

3. Enter the step module and create two dynamic explicit steps. The first step
called Step-Gravity with duration of 2s and the second step called StepAdvance with duration of 10 s.
In the first step, the gravitational force will be gradually applied to the whole
model to simulate the boat floating on water. Then, the boat will be horizontally
displaced in the second step.

4. In the model tree, click on the History Output Requests and create a new
history Output from Step-Gravity
Gravity selecting the set BOAT-RP
BOAT RP as region and the
rotations UR as output.

5. In the Field Output requested by default, make sure that the EVF variable has
been selected. Then modify the number of intervals in which Abaqus saves the
solution entering the value 10 for the Step-gravity
and 100 for Step--Advance. Edit
the field output states by exploding the Field Output requests container and
clicking on the step names.
Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd
Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.



Enter the mesh module and create the meshes for both solid and Eulerian parts.

1. Create the FE mesh for the boat.

In the model tree, double-click
click the part: Boat. Enter 0.05 as global element size
and 0.03 the element size along the thickness of the boat. Click on the assign
mesh controls icon, select sweep technique and medial axis algorithm and then
mesh the part.

2.. Create the FE mesh for the gate.

In the model tree, double-click
click the part: Gate. Enter 0.1 as global element size
and then mesh the part.

3. Create the FE mesh the Eulerian part.

In the model tree, double-click
click the part: Eulerian. Enter 0.15 as global element
size. Then select the vertical edges of the superior and inferior partitions of the
part and assign local seed sizes as suggested in the following picture. Use the
single bias option to refine the mesh close to the water surface.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.



Enter the Interaction module.

1. Create new general contact interaction.

interaction Create a new interaction at the
Initial step, selecting All with self as contact domain and a new interaction
property as global property assignment in which the normal behaviour is set as
hard contact and the tangential behaviour is defined by a friction coefficient equal
to 0.1.

2. Create two rigid

id body constraints for the boat and the gate clicking on the
Create Constraint icon in the vertical toolbar and selecting the two reference
points previously defined as control points.

3. Use the Volume Fraction Tool to create a new discrete field by calculating
how much material is present in every Eulerian element. Click on Tools
Discrete field

Volume Fraction Tool and select the initial part as reference

part. At this point you can suppress the Initial instance from the assembly.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.


Boundary and Loading


Enter the Load module.

1. Create new boundary conditions to the Eulerian body.

a. Click on Create a new boundary condition icon and select Initial as Step and
velocity/angular velocity as type. Select the two faces normal to the Z axis as the
region and fix at zero the velocity in the Z direction.
b. Repeat the same procedure and create
create two new boundary conditions at the
faces in the X and Y direction,
direction, always constraining the normal component of the

2. Create new boundary conditions to the Gate.

This boundary condition is used to periodically displace the gate forward and
backward and create waves propagating towards the boat.
a. In the model tree, click
lick on the amplitudes container, name the amplitude
Amp-waves, select Periodic as Type and click continue. Set the Time Span as
Total Time, the circular frequency as 2.5, starting
starting time as 0, Initial amplitude as 1
while the A and B coefficient are equal to -1
1 and 0 respectively. Only one line of A
and B coefficient is required because we want to define a simple sine wave.
From the menu bar, select Plug-ins


Amplitude Plotter
otter to plot the shape

of our periodic amplitude.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.

b. In the vertical toolbar,, click on create a boundary condition, select Step-Gravity

as the initial Step and Displacement as type. Select the reference point at the
gate and enter 0.15
5 for the U1 degree of freedom and 0 for all the others. Select
AmpWaves as amplitude and click OK.

3. Create new boundary conditions to the Boat.

Click on the Create a new Boundary Condition icon, selec inital as step, the Boat
reference point as the region, constrain
constrain all the degrees of freedom besides U2
and click OK. Now open the boundary conditions manager and edit this BC in the
last step by unselecting the UR3 degree of freedom and entering -10 in the U1
field. Click on the Create an amplitude Icon and create a new
new Smooth step
amplitude called Amp-Advance
Advance using the following instruction. Select this
amplitude in the Edit Boundary Condition window. Then click OK.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.


4. Create predefined field.

Click on the Create a Predefined icon, select initial as Step, Material assignment
as type,, discrete field as option and the whole Eulerian body as region. Then,
apply the discrete field previously calculated to the part and click OK.

5. Create the gravity Load.

Click on the Create Load Icon in the vertical toolbar. Select Step-Gravity
Gravity as the
Step and Gravity as type, click Continue. Enter 0 for the Components 1 and 3
and enter -9.81
9.81 for the Component 2. Select the Whole model as region. Click on
the Create an amplitude Icon and create a new smooth step amplitude called
Gravity using the following instruction. Select this amplitude in the Edit Load
window. Then click OK.


Job module

Enter the Job module and create a new Job called CEL-BOAT. Select as many
processors (up to 6) as you have
have available in the parallelization tab, submit the
job and monitor the convergence.


Results visualization

At the end of the simulation, enter the Visualization module by clicking results in
the Job manager.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.


a. Colour the parts by part instances by selecting the colouring strategy in the
horizontal toolbar and click on the View cut Manager in the vertical toolbar.
Here, click on EVF_VOID to only show the elements of the Eulerian part
containing material. Then, animate
animate the solution to view the results.

b. In the vertical Toolbar, select the Plot contours on deformed shape icon and
view the SVAVG Mises contour map,
map, then Animate the solution. From the

options menu select the option Compute scalars before averaging

and then put 100% the averaging threshold.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.


c. In the vertical toolbar, click on the Create XY data from history output, select
and plot the UR3 data saved at the Boat reference point.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.


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