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Limitless applications in economically efficient concrete paving

The World of
Wirtgen Slipform Pavers

The importance of the slipform paving technology

How innovative concrete paving technologies are dominating modern road construction
and proving their outstanding economic efficiency. 4-9

The development of the technology at Wirtgen

How Wirtgen engaged in concrete slipform paving and
made a significant contribution to perfecting the technology.  10 -11

The operating principle of modern slipform pavers

How perfect, economically efficient concrete slipform paving works with our field-proven machines. 12 - 21

Overview of our range of slipform pavers

How the complete portfolio of Wirtgen slipform pavers offers just the right machines
for a broad variety of different standard and special applications. 22 - 27

High-quality machine production

How we use expertise and know-how to produce durable and safe machines of superior quality. 28 - 29
Technical highlights of our machines
How we use high-quality, high-tech components in our machines
that guarantee first-rate, precise work results. 30 - 39

Slipform pavers in use around the globe

How our versatile slipform pavers are demonstrating their
broad range of applications in all parts of the world. 40 - 45

Meeting the challenge of environmental protection

How we are meeting the responsibility for our environment
with innovative concepts and state-of-the-art technology. 46 - 47

Customer service around the globe

How we ensure the operational availability of our machines worldwide,
and actively support customers on site. 48 - 49

Full documentation
How we supply customers with practice-based information systems to make full use
of the performance and application possibilities of our machines. 50 - 51

2 // 3
Slipform pavers
get concrete into shape

High-quality concrete structures for an extended lifespan

Motorways and airport runways are exposed to ever The track-mounted all-rounders are also masters in the
higher stresses, caused by heavy vehicles on the one ­production of a countless range of monolithic profiles. Major
hand, and air traffic on the other hand. Concrete pavements process innovations have gained Wirtgen an excellent
are capable of withstanding these tremendous loads for ­reputation, and our slipform paver range is occupying a
­many years to come. Slipform pavers have become indis- leading position in the world market. We are strongly driven
pensable in concrete paving because of their unrivalled by our firm commitment to expand this position further, and
­efficiency in the production of concrete road pavements. to keep treading new paths in the future.
Concrete pavements are durable
and capable of taking extremely Wirtgen is
high loads synonymous with
efficiency in
concrete paving
Slipform pavers produce
high-quality concrete pavements
in single-layer or dual-layer

Concrete profiles produced by slipform pavers are The fast and economically efficient process requires one
highly durable, resistant and unsusceptible even to single machine pass only – even when paving concrete
extremely high pressure or point loads. in two-layer application.

Due to its high degree of automation and reliable tech- Slipform pavers offer a broad range of applications,
nology, slipform paving needs a small operating crew their modular design enabling the moulds to be
compared to other construction methods. replaced quickly and easily.

4 // 5
Offset slipform pavers:
Quick-change artists in concrete paving

Complex poured-in-place profiles –

like the curb and gutter profile shown
below – are produced in a single
working operation

The right paving mould for any given profile

Slipforming monolithic profiles is usually more eco- Slipform pavers are capable of producing profiles in any
nomically efficient than using pre-fabricated parts. conceivable shape quickly and at low cost. A particular
Compact offset pavers are generally used for slipforming highlight is the intelligent quick-change system. It enables
the profiles on the left or right side of the machine. Our the moulds to be replaced effortlessly and within a short
slipform pavers offer a broad range of different slipforms period of time, making the slipform paver an all-rounder
in both standardized or customized shapes. Whether road capable of completing a large variety of jobs in one single
boundaries, safety barriers, water gutters or narrow paths: day.
Standardized, sturdy safety barriers
with integrated reinforcement can Static moulds
stop colliding trucks not required

Efficient production of a water

gutter using a slipform paver

The completed concrete profiles are distinctive for their We can supply paving moulds that are specifically
stability, extremely low tolerances, smooth surface and customized to any given monolithic shape.
ease of maintenance.
Vibrators are used to ensure optimum compaction of
The paving mould and concrete delivery equipment the concrete, and are available with either hydraulic or
can be installed on the left or right side of the machine, electric drive.
flexibly adapting to the conditions on the job site.

6 // 7
Inset slipform pavers:
Mobile road construction plant

The paver’s spreading plough is

distributing the concrete across
the full paving width

Producing durable pavements with economic efficiency

Concrete pavements fully comply with all expectations curing methods are additionally available to give the
in terms of bearing capacity, robustness and service completed pavement surface the desired properties. As the
life. Inset slipform pavers are the ideal candidates for an slipform paver keeps moving all the time, continuous supply
economically efficient production of concrete pavements on of concrete mix is a prerequisite on the one hand, but is also
a large scale. These mobile concrete plants are capable a success recipe on the other hand for achieving exception-
of paving concrete slabs at paving widths of up to 18.0 m ally high daily production rates.
between their crawler tracks. Different, highly effective
A burlap drag finish can be applied to
produce a fine-rough surface texture Paving concrete with
on the freshly paved concrete minimum tolerances

Spraying of a curing compound

prevents premature drying of
the concrete surface

Inset slipform pavers are distinctive for their ease of Proportional control via stringline or 3D levelling enables
transport and fast conversion despite the fairly large our machines to follow the specified target values with
machine dimensions. pin-point precision.

Dowel bars and tie bars can be inserted into the High-quality concrete pavements are not prone to
concrete automatically, or steel reinforcements laid out developing wheel ruts or surface irregularities even after
in accordance with application requirements. many years of extensive use.

8 // 9
Many product innovations paved the
way to becoming a global player

1987: The MF-750 enables

concrete to be paved on either
side of the crawler tracks

1987: The MF-600 from SGME

is the ideal candidate for
canal paving applications

1986: Concrete slipform pavers

from SGME, like the MF-750 shown
here, are tried-and-tested machines
for road construction

1985: The MSP-30 is capable

of paving monolithic profiles
in offset application

Wirtgen is setting important milestones

The history of Wirtgen’s slipform paver division is tributing significantly to the renewed success of the entire
impressive proof that it is, without a doubt, possible to technology. Our many characteristic innovations include, for
take up an existing technology and to successfully develop example, a high degree of process automation, the develop-
it to perfection with innovative spirit and creativity. Following ment of machinery for offset paving, and applications in
the integration of a business that enjoyed an excellent repu- two-layer concrete paving. Slipform pavers from Wirtgen
tation in the industry, Wirtgen is now setting many forward- have meanwhile gained an excellent reputation in the
thinking milestones, one after the other, which are all con- market, and are the prime choice for perfect concrete paving.
1990: The first machine
developed by Wirtgen, the SP 500, The history of modern
is introduced into the market concrete paving

1991: The SP 1600 is the first

slipform paver in the world that
is capable of direct two-layer
concrete paving

1989: Wirtgen gets actively involved in slipform paving 2006: Introduction of the SP 850 Vario – the first
by acquiring SGME, a Belgian manufacturer of slipform slipform paver with infinitely variable paving width
pavers, and their technologies. from Wirtgen.

1994: The SP 250, a flexible slipform paver and all- 2010: The multifunctional SP 15 and SP 25 pavers for
rounder mainly for offset applications, rolls off the inset and offset applications set new standards in
assembly line. terms of productivity and economic efficiency.

10 // 11
Modern offset concrete paving –
here’s how it works

Drive unit with Operator’s Feeding conveyor /

diesel engine platform Feeding auger

Swing leg

Concrete receiving hopper

Steerable and Steerable and

height-adjustable crawler track units Offset paving mould height-adjustable crawler track units

Telescoping machine frame

Transverse auger Working direction

Monolithic profile

From the concrete mixer into the paving mould

Concrete mixers are typically used for delivering con- They are capable of compacting concrete material of many
crete into the slipform paver’s receiving hopper when different grades uniformly by means of high-frequency
paving in offset application. The concrete is transported to vibrations. The paving mould produces the monolithic profile
the offset mould in a continuous operation either via a slew- while the slipform paver keeps moving forward at a con-
able charging conveyor or via a slewable feeding auger. tinuous advance rate, producing a concrete structure of
Electrically or hydraulically driven vibrators are installed in uniform, superior quality and excellent finish.
the mould in accordance with customer specifications.
Their high degree of stiffness en-
ables concrete barriers to offer ex- Paving concrete left
cellent resistance to penetration or right of the
crawler tracks

Paving moulds are available in

nearly any given shape

The barriers with embedded steel

rope is produced in one single
working operation

A trimmer can be installed in front of the paving mould, Paving monolithic profiles in tight bends is no problem
creating an even base to ensure a consistent height at all thanks to highly accurate levelling technology and
and clean finish of the concrete profile. a precise steering system.

Vibrators with adjustable frequency installed in the The steel reinforcement defined in the relevant tender
paving mould cause entrapped air to escape from the gives concrete barriers an even greater amount of
concrete for the purpose of compaction. passive safety.

12 // 13
Modern inset concrete paving –
here’s how it works

Drive unit with diesel engine Operator’s platform

Inset paving mould

New concrete

Steerable and Steerable and

height-adjustable crawler track units Dowel bar inserter height-adjustable crawler track units

Working direction
Finishing beam

Spreading auger /
Spreading plough


Inserting dowel bars automatically in high-quality concrete pavements

When paving in inset application, the concrete is pavement while travelling over the previously distributed
delivered by trucks and dumped ahead of the slipform concrete material. Electrical vibrators emitting high-frequen-
paver. It is spread by an excavator or second paver when cy vibrations ensure optimum compaction of the concrete
working at large paving widths. Depending on the paver during the slipforming process. Tie bars and dowel bars are
model used, the material is then distributed evenly across inserted into the freshly paved concrete automatically. Last
the full paving width by a spreading auger or spreading but not least, a finishing beam and super smoother put the
plough. The robust paving mould slipforms the concrete finishing touches to the new pavement.
Inset slipform pavers from
Wirtgen convert freshly Paving concrete
delivered concrete … between the
crawler tracks

... into high-quality, highly

durable road pavements

The automatic dowel bar inserter places dowel bars The finishing beam and super smoother installed at the
into the pre-compacted concrete at precisely the rear of the machine produce the desired surface finish.
desired intervals and parallel to the direction of travel.
To improve the road’s skid resistance, separate texture
The automatic tie bar inserter places both central tie curing machines are used for texturing the surface as
bars and side tie bars into the concrete at precisely the defined in the relevant tender.
desired intervals and transverse to the direction of travel.

14 // 15
Two-layer concrete paving with one
single machine – here’s how it works

Operator’s platform

Spreading auger / Spreading plough

Delivery hopper for Drive unit with

top-layer concrete diesel engine

concrete layer

concrete layer

Steerable and Inset paving Inset paving

height-adjustable mould for top- Dowel mould for bottom-
Super smoother crawler track units Finishing beam layer concrete bar inserter layer concrete

Paving bottom-layer and top-layer concrete with one single machine

The SP 1600 slipform paver is suitable for upgrading front of the slipform paver, from where it is transported to
with an extension module, enabling it to produce two- the rear of the machine via feeding conveyors. A spreading
layer concrete pavements as a separate unit in one single auger distributes the top-layer concrete across the full width
operation: A standard concrete pavement, the so-called of the freshly paved bottom concrete layer. The top concrete
bottom concrete layer, is paved true to line and level in the layer is paved while travelling over the bottom-layer concrete.
usual way. An excavator or other type of transfer equipment Final curing is similar to that of the inset paving method.
feeds the top-layer concrete into the receiving hopper at the
The two-layer paving concept of the
SP 1600 ensures an optimum bond Two layers of concrete
Receiving hopper between the bottom and top con-
crete layers
in one single pass
Feeding for top-layer
conveyor concrete

Practical solution: the top-layer

concrete is transported to the
paving site via a belt conveyor

Working direction

Steerable and
crawler track units

The method offers tremendous saving potentials when “Wet-in-wet” paving enables the SP 1600 to produce
compared to single-layer paving, as less expensive an ideal bond between the bottom-layer and top-layer
concrete material is mostly used for the bottom concrete.
concrete layer.
When paving two-layer application, the paver is
Placing steel reinforcements, or inserting tie bars and accessible from the front at all times, enabling traffic to
dowel bars into the bottom-layer concrete is carried flow along smoothly on the adjacent lanes.
out analogous to single-layer concrete paving.

16 // 17
Two-layer concrete paving with one
paving train – here’s how it works

Slipform paver for Slipform paver for

top concrete layer Spreading plough bottom concrete layer

Operator’s Operator’s
platform platform

Drive unit with Dumped Drive unit with

diesel engine material for top diesel engine
concrete layer

concrete layer

Bottom Dowel
Super Finishing Inset paving concrete Tie bar bar
smoother beam mould layer inserter inserter

Steerable and Steerable and Steerable and

Bottom height-adjustable height-adjustable height-adjustable
concrete layer crawler track units crawler track units crawler track units

High degree of automation needs small operating crew

The SP 1500 – a paving train consisting of two inde- where it is passed onto a separate feeding conveyor. The
pendently operating slipform pavers – produces two- conveyor transports the top-layer concrete over and across
layer concrete pavements in one single machine pass. the bottom-layer paver to dump it on the freshly paved
A standard concrete pavement, the bottom concrete layer, bottom layer ahead of the second paver. The top-layer
is paved true to line and level in the usual way by the first paver then distributes the material across the full width by
paver. An excavator or other type of transfer equipment means of the integrated spreading plough prior to paving it
delivers the top-layer concrete into a receiving hopper, from on top of the bottom concrete layer.
The SP 1500’s ingenious paving
method permits exceptionally high Paving “wet-in-wet”
daily production rates produces excellent
Spreading plough

Feeding Receiving hopper for Bottom-layer and top-layer

conveyor top-layer concrete concrete are paved in immediate

Working direction


Steerable and
crawler track units

Paving two layers of concrete simultaneously is an The top-layer concrete is transported to the paving site
approved method for the economically efficient quickly and conveniently via a feeding conveyor.
production of concrete pavements.
Yet another mark in favour of the SP 1500 is that the
Permanent radio contact between the operator’s top-layer paver can be used as a full-fledged slipform
platform of the top-layer paver and the feeding paver for paving single-layer concrete slabs.
conveyor guarantees full control of concrete delivery.

18 // 19
Paving concrete slab track –
here’s how it works

Drive unit with diesel engine Operator’s platform

Steerable and Steerable and

height-adjustable height-adjustable
crawler track units Inset paving mould crawler track units

Bolster beam

Working direction

Spreading auger /
Spreading plough

Slab track

Economical solution for a special kind of job

Paving of the so-called concrete “slab track” is very port that is becoming increasingly important. High-speed
similar to inset paving. A steel reinforcement is usually trains generate extremely high forces acting on the rail sys-
laid to strengthen the track, and concrete is delivered from tem, which is why the rails are embedded in concrete rather
the side of the paver. The slipform paver produces a con- than in “loose” ballast. Compelling arguments in favour of
crete slab with a specified cross-section that needs to ad- the “ballastless” construction method are durability, capabil-
here to requirements with pin-point accuracy. The “slab ity of taking high loads, precise rail positions, and ease of
track” can be produced in any given shape, serving as a maintenance.
stable foundation for high-speed trains – a means of trans-
Radii or steep elevations pose no
problem at all when paving slab track Concrete profiles
with extremely low

High-precision work for regional

rail transport or high-speed trains

High-precision concrete
profiles enable travel
speeds in excess of 300 km/h

The “slab track” is a prime example of our willingness The rails are either anchored in or glued down on the
to innovate – Wirtgen has played a major part in concrete profile using specific techniques, which also
developing this construction method. leads to a significant reduction in noise emissions.

Our experience of many years makes us a competent The highly precise “slab track” permits direct routing
partner in this aspiring, highly developed technology. with tight radii and steep cross slopes.

20 // 21
State-of-the-art manufacturing
for durable machines

High-quality welding – as on the

machine frame shown in the adja-
cent image – is an important part of
the production process

The central operating unit

and mechanical components
are adapted to one another
with maximum precision

Assembly of the machines

is performed by highly
qualified expert staff

Competence in manufacturing
Mature manufacturing processes, manufacturing- high degree of vertical integration, and highly qualified
related know-how, customized products, extensive workforce. Our success proves us right: Each single
quality testing, and autonomous employees – these are the machine leaving our production facilities is of superior
cornerstones of Wirtgen’s slipform paver production hub in technical quality. The high quality of production is ad-
Windhagen, Germany. Our high standards are reflected in ditionally supported by an extensive quality assurance
the modern, computer-controlled production equipment, concept.
Technical highlight:
The versatile trimmer unit

Both the trimmer and spreading

auger are continuously adjustable
Expert knowledge gained
in the manufacture of several We put
hundred small … quality first

… and large slipform pavers

The trimmer unit guarantees has a significant influence on
perfect preparation of the base the assembly process

Even base for a perfect paving process

The design of the trimmer unit is based on the next to the trimmer conveys the milled material towards the In-house production of a large number of equipment The use of high-quality materials ensures the smooth
unmatched expertise gained in several decades of periphery of the machine. The trimmer unit, which is posi- options and special components allows many different, functioning and long life of our machines.
experience in milling technology. The trimmer, which is tioned right in front of the offset mould, can be adjusted in customer-specific equipment combinations.
fitted with cutting tools arranged in a helical pattern, fine both height and slope as well as telescoped horizontally by An effective, multi-stage acceptance procedure
grades insufficiently level ground to ensure uniform profile means of hydraulic cylinders. In addition, the trimmer can Pre-assembly of complete component groups results guarantees optimum quality of both the different
paving in offset applications. The spreading auger arranged be incrementally converted to different milling widths. in short assembly and delivery times. components and the entire machine.

24 // 29 22 // 23
A comprehensive product portfolio for all standard and special applications Side feeder ISF
Texture curing machine TCM 950

Working width: 4.0 - 9.50 m

Drive power: 41 kW / 56 PS
Slipform paver SP 15 Paving width: 2.5 - 9.0 m
Slipform paver SP 25
Slipform paver SP 500 Vario Slipform paver SP 850 Vario Slipform paver SP 1500 Paving thickness: 200 m3/h
Paving width: max. 1.8 m Drive power: 224 kW / 305 PS
Paving height in offset: 0 - 1,300 mm Paving width: max. 2.5 m
Paving height in offset: 0 - 2,000 mm Paving width: 2.0 - 6.0 m Paving width: 3.0 - 8.5 m Paving width: 5.0 - 15.25 m
Drive power: 92 kW / 125 PS
Drive power: 118 kW / 160,4 PS Paving thickness: 0 - 400 mm Paving thickness: 0 - 450 mm Paving thickness: 0 - 450 mm
Drive power: 129,4 kW / 178 PS Drive power: 224 kW / 305 PS Drive power: 287 kW / 390 PS

Texture curing machine TCM 1800

Working width: 4.0 - 18.0 m

Drive power: 41 kW / 56 PS

Slipform paver SP 500

Paving width: 2.0 - 6.0 m

Paving thickness: 0 - 400 mm Slipform paver SP 1600
Drive power: 129,4 kW / 176 PS
Paving width: 5.0 - 16.0 m
Paving thickness: 0 - 450 mm
Slipform paver SP 850 Slipform paver SP 1200 Drive power: 313 kW / 426 PS
Slipform paver SP 1500 L
Paving width: 2.5 - 10.0 m Paving width: 4.0 - 12.0 m
Paving thickness: 0 - 450 mm Paving thickness: 0 - 450 mm Paving width: 5.0 - 15.25 m
Drive power: 224 kW / 305 PS Drive power: 224 kW / 305 PS Paving thickness: 0 - 450 mm
Drive power: 2 x 287 kW / 2 x 390 PS

25 // 28
Technical highlight:
Continuous delivery of concrete

Inset paving: Distributing the

concrete with a spreading
auger when working at narrow
working widths

When paving in offset, the

freshly delivered concrete is
transported into the paving
mould via a feeding auger …

Inset paving: Distributing the

concrete with a spreading
plough when working at large
working widths

… or via a
feeding conveyor

The continuous delivery of homogeneous concrete during transport to the paving mould. The feeding auger
material is of vital importance for paving all kinds of can additionally be adjusted to a steeper incline. Depend-
concrete profiles. Wirtgen offers optimum, field-proven ing on the machine model, users can choose between
solutions both for offset and for inset paving applications: a spreading auger or spreading plough to achieve even
Feeding conveyors are ideal for offset paving because they distribution of the concrete across the slipform paver’s full
are easily cleaned and impress with low wear and tear, working width when paving in inset application.
whereas feeding augers mix the concrete once again

30 // 31
Technical highlight:
Intelligent quick-change system

Sophisticated From the operator’s platform,

the paver operator slides the
technology mounting hooks into guides …

… and secures the paving

mould by means of hydraulic
clamping tools

Mounting the paving mould at the push of a button

It is a smart development resulting in added conven- to be exchanged for a water gutter profile quickly, easily
ience and time savings: the hydraulically operated and with little effort. The entire procedure of removing one
quick-change system for small offset slipform pavers. The mould and mounting another is performed conveniently
quick-change system allows a curb profile, for instance, and with good visibility from the operator’s platform.
Technical highlight:
High-quality concrete paving

Perfect concrete
profiles – non-stop

The mould geometry and high Vibrators guarantee optimum

machine weight are responsible concrete compaction
for producing the specified profile

Wirtgen has many

years of experience in
paving the socalled
“slab track”

Paving moulds are the starting point of high-quality Adjustable side headers with hydraulic contact pressure
concrete profiles. Whether paving monolithic pro- produce clean finished edges. Co-operating with the side
files, concrete pavements or “slab track”: Wirtgen paving headers, the slipform pan gives the concrete its specified
moulds guarantee maximum precision and superior quality. profile, pressing the concrete into shape with pin-point pre-
Uniform compaction of the concrete is ensured by high- cision thanks to the intelligent distribution of the machine
frequency vibrators installed in the paving moulds. weight.

32 // 33
Technical highlight:
Precise levelling via stringline

The requirements as to steering

and height control specified
by the stringline …

… are transformed into a concrete

pavement of high accuracy

Meticulous scanning of the

stringline produces an accurate
poured-in-place profile both on
straight sections and in bends

Pulling the strings with pin-point precision

To make sure that concrete slabs and profiles fully stringline during the paving operation, communicating any
comply with specified requirements, high-precision and all changes to the paver’s control system. The control
sensors are installed on both sides of the slipform paver, system then immediately translates the information into
at the front and the rear, scanning separately installed a corresponding change of the paver’s steering angle or
stringlines. The stringlines are positioned along the entire height. Careful tensioning of the stringlines and precise
length of the profile or surface to be produced prior to positioning of the stakes ensure that the specified paving
commencing the paving operation. The sensors scan the height and profile path are given maximum accuracy.
Technical highlight:
Levelling with the innovative 3D system

Fast and reliable

Flexible positioning of the total A prism on the slipform paver

station dispenses with the need reflects the laser beam emitted
for stringlines by the total station

An electronic tachymeter (total

station) continually determines the
position of the slipform paver

The wireless 3D levelling system from Wirtgen is an corrections in height, inclination, and steering angle of the
even more efficient method of levelling than the use crawler tracks. This highly mature technology ensures that
of stringlines. This high-tech application uses a total sta- the concrete is paved with maximum accuracy. Establish-
tion which keeps tracking a prism mounted on the slipform ing the geodetic data is much more cost-effective than the
paver via a laser beam. The measured data are forwarded time-consuming and labourintensive installation of string-
to the controller and constantly reconciled with a digital lines. Further hallmarks of the system are easy handling
terrain model. The controller then initiates the required and simplification of the entire job site logistics.

34 // 35
Technical highlight:
Proprietary AutoPilot system

Inexpensive Operation and programming

are simple via a clearly
and independent structured control screen

Two GPS receivers installed

on the paver communicate
with a GPS reference station

The Wirtgen AutoPilot steers the

machine with maximum precision to
produce high-quality paving results

The most economical alternative for stringless concrete paving

The proprietary Wirtgen AutoPilot is the ultimate the automatic paving of complex profile configurations,
solution for the precise, stringless paving of most such as curved or oval profile paths. Operation is extreme-
diverse poured-in-place concrete profiles. Like all stan- ly easy, and programming a profile configuration is a mat-
dard 3D machine control systems, it dispenses with time- ter of mere minutes. The most extraordinary highlight: the
consuming surveying, installation and removal of the AutoPilot can be purchased at a significantly lower price
stringlines. The GPS based AutoPilot for use with the than standard 3D systems – and is therefore ideal also for
SP 15 and SP 25 paver models is the ideal solution for smaller contracting firms.
Technical highlight:
Automatic insertion of dowel bars

Dowel bars inserted into the

concrete automatically transfer
loads from one slab to the next

Tie bars prevent the individual

concrete slabs from moving apart

Fully automatic distribution

of dowel bars by means of a
sophisticated chain conveyor

The side tie bar inserter is

used for inserting tie bars at the
side of the concrete slab

An exceptionally high degree of intelligent engineering ized by an exceptionally high degree of efficiency: To ensure
has gone into our patented, integrated dowel bar and the slipform paver’s continuous forward movement, the flex-
tie bar inserters. These fully automated units are extremely ibly mounted DBI stays in place during the dowel insertion
flexible, allowing dowel bars and tie bars of any given length until the operation has been completed. The entire paving
to be inserted into the freshly paved, pre-compacted con- operation is, of course, monitored electronically, which
crete at precisely the desired intervals. Insertion of the dowel ensures the correct position of all dowel bars and tie bars
bars parallel to the machine’s direction of travel is character- inserted into the concrete pavement.

36 // 37
Technical highlight:
Accurate surface finish

The paver’s heavy-duty finishing

beam removes irregularities in the
surface across the full width

The super smoother made from

high-quality material produces a
perfectly smooth surface

A burlap drag finish will

give the concrete surface a
fine-grained texture

A broom guided over the surface

together with the automatic spray
system gives the concrete slab a
defined surface texture

Innovations for a perfect surface finish

We rely on a whole series of application-related artificial turf is guided across the moist concrete surface
extras to give the concrete surface the final, finishing to produce the specified skid resistance as defined in the
touches: As soon as the concrete paving operation has relevant invitations to tender. The texture curing machine
been completed, the finishing beam removes any irregu- sprays a curing compound via its integrated spraying
larities in the surface caused by, for instance, the insertion device in a final work step to prevent premature drying of
of dowel bars. The downstream super smoother effects an the concrete. Exposed aggregate concrete is increasingly
oscillating movement across the entire concrete surface applied as an alternative technology.
to ensure improved riding comfort. A broom, burlap or
Technical highlight:
Complex tunnel construction

Crossing under
the mountain
at high speed

Machine setup adapted to re-

stricted space conditions

Zero-clearance paving below

ground using stringless control

Wirtgen has many years of experience in paving con- number of successfully completed projects make the SP 500
crete tunnel floors under extremely restricted space a true “tunnel expert” among the Wirtgen slipform pavers. Its
conditions. To precisely fit the specific, challenging applica- modular concept enables the design of the SP 500 to be fully
tions, we have modified the design of, for instance, the con- customized to the application at hand.
crete feeding system, paving mould or paving screed. A large

38 // 39
Wirtgen slipform pavers
are conquering the globe

Successful market expansion

in all parts of the world
Following acquisition by Wirt- Europe and many countries
gen, it doesn’t take long for the across Asia. In recent years, our
technology to be bearing the machines have found a market
hallmarks of a world-leading in North America as well.
construction equipment ma- Wirtgen slipform pavers are in
nufacturer. For the concrete action around the globe, having
slipform paver business is earned their merits in particular
quick in conquering the world on account of their extremely
market: A large customer base long service life: Quality “made
is established not only in Cen- in Germany” has become the
tral Europe, but also in Eastern hallmark of our machines.
40 // 41
Wirtgen offset slipform pavers
in operation around the globe

SP 15, India:
passive safety guaranteed
by concrete safety barriers

SP 15, Canada:
accurate paving of a
curb and gutter profile

SP 15, Germany:
stringless paving of a concrete
profile using the Wirtgen AutoPilot

Our all-rounders have passed the test worldwide

Wirtgen offset slipform pavers are compact multi- standards determining the shape of the concrete profile
purpose machines and extremely popular around the to be paved. Their limitless range of applications in the
globe. This is confirmed every day by delighted customers production of the most diverse monolithic profiles ex-
in all parts of the world. Owing to their tremendous flex- tends from curb and gutter profiles and canals to foot and
ibility, offset slipform pavers are capable of meeting any bicycle paths and barriers with a maximum height of 2 m
requirements, regardless of the different, country-specific guaranteeing safety for miles on end.
SP 25, Netherlands:
production of an agricultural Successful
road in offset application operation

SP 25, USA:
paving a concrete safety
barrier as a boundary on
the central reservation

SP 25, India:
paving a rainwater gutter

Our extensive network of service centers in all parts of The modular design of our offset slipform pavers
the world guarantees the availability of our machines permits mounting of a large variety of different paving
each and every day. moulds.

Ease of transport and fast conversion enable our Paving moulds can be manufactured as standard
machines to complete several jobs in different profiles in accordance with national standards, or as
locations in the course of one working day. custom-made profiles in nearly any given shape.

42 // 43
Wirtgen inset slipform pavers
in operation around the globe

SP 1600, Germany: Rehabilitation

of the Inn Canal involved concrete
paving operations on the canal floor,
as well as on embankments with an
incline of 40°

SP 500, Spain:
working in tunnel construction

SP 1500 L, Germany: Two-layer

paving on the A20 creates a link
between Eastern and Western Europe

Slipform pavers are gaining ground in many countries of the world

Inset slipform pavers from Wirtgen are used suc- the economically efficient production of traffic arteries with
cessfully on countless construction sites around the a high percentage of heavy traffic, airport runways, tracks
globe. New applications keep enhancing the machines’ for rail traffic, and car parks, but also of highly stressed in-
attractiveness while proving our competence in concrete dustrial surfaces serving as, for instance, container storage
slipform paving. Slipform pavers are masters in particular in areas.
Limitless range
of applications

SP 1600, India: SP 1600, Korea:

in operation around the clock – Paving a thick concrete slab
production of a 15-m wide
motorway carriageway

SP 500, Spain:
perfect concrete
surfaces at an airport

The paving width is adjustable to a maximum width of The production of different track profiles for ballastless
18.0 m, enabling the paver to conveniently adapt to railway construction has been a resounding success in
different road width standards. many countries around the globe.

In the rare case that expert help is needed on site, Compact dimensions and ease of loading enable the
highly qualified Wirtgen service engineers are available machines to be transported from one job site to the
worldwide at extremely short notice. next quickly and easily.

44 // 45
We face up to the challenge
of environmental protection

Highly durable machines benefit the environment and natural resources

Wirtgen expressly commits to protecting the envi- emissions. Slipform pavers are, in turn, used for producing
ronment, to manufacturing safe and environmentally highly durable concrete pavements and profiles. The long
compatible machinery, and to developing more ecologi- period between new construction and reconstruction or
cally sustainable technologies and products. The ma- rehabilitation respectively greatly benefits our environment
chines we produce fully comply with these principles in from an ecological viewpoint: Its positive results are lower
all respects. Slipform pavers are energy-saving machines emission levels, reduced energy requirements, and the
with low fuel consumption and simultaneously low exhaust non-use of valuable natural resources.
friendly machine

Running in fuel-efficient
ECO mode, the engine
produces less emissions
polluting the environment

Innovative machine engineering is

also a matter of keeping environmental
pollution as low as possible

Our low-consumption diesel engines satisfy the most Slipform paving minimizes disruptions to traffic, which
stringent international emission standards. reduces strain on the environment.

Measures are taken as early as the production process Concrete pavements offer reduced rolling resistance,
to ensure that the environment is protected over and which in turn reduces the fuel consumption of vehicles.
above legal requirements.

46 // 47
Worldwide customer service
makes the difference

Our staffs provides

professional and friendly service

Spare parts are available at our

subsidiaries immediately and in
large quantities

One of our subsidiaries is sure

to be close to you

Ongoing, in-depth training

ensures that our employees are
always up to date with the very
latest technology

Supporting customers with qualified service around the globe

Wirtgen combines mature, innovative technology for machines, spare parts and wearing parts, as well as
with an extensive, global service network of highly comprehensive parts inventories, qualified advice, demon-
competent subsidiaries, sales partners and dealers. This strations by qualified local personnel, and trainings at the
combination guarantees that our customers get real customer’s location. Our highly qualified service engineers
added value – around the globe, around the clock. For our can be contacted around the clock, guaranteeing that parts
customers, optimum service reads: short delivery times ordered by our customers can be delivered immediately.
Experts appreciate our
customer focus

We are presenting our products Expert service technicians from

to the trade public at all major Wirtgen accompany the project,
international trade fairs providing support as required

In all parts of the world, mobile

service engineers will be on site
in the shortest possible time

Our global service network of around 60 sales and The employees at our subsidiaries are permanently
service companies provides competent support to refreshing their know-how in thorough training courses.
customers in their national language.
Our original spare parts pay for themselves quickly
Our service engineers are experts, fully equipped with with tried-and-tested quality, a long service life and
modern tools and fully familiar with Wirtgen’s entire easy installation.
product portfolio.

48 // 49
Full documentation package
to maximize your success

Unparalleled quality and versatility Technical specification

Slipform Paver SP 15 Slipform Paver SP 15

Unmatched range of applications in concrete paving Technische

Technical specification
Slipform Paver SP 25 Kaltfräse Paver
Slipform W 200SP 25

Flexible paving of premium-quality concrete slabs

Slipform Paver SP 850 Vario

Job Report Slipform Paving

Slipform paver SP 1600 paving concrete

at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport
Concrete Slipform Paving Manual

Part 1: Curb, barrier, sidewalk

High performance, non-stop
and multipurpose applications
Wirtgen slipform pavers build Berlin
Brandenburg International Airport

Ensuring optimum use of “your” Wirtgen machine

What are the benefits that our comprehensive infor- reports and videos show slipform pavers in practical
mation management offers to customers? A whole operation. If desired, we offer in-depth training courses in
lot: more successful machine application, increased safety, several languages where highly experienced specialists
and less effort required for familiarization, training, opera- share their theoretical and practical know-how and expert
tion and maintenance. Product brochures provide detailed knowledge.
information on the machine model in question, while job
Multi-media and
highly effective
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Parts and More: WIDOS: electronic

spare parts and applications via documentation system including
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catalogue, CD-ROM or Internet all technical specifications






interactive software for operators
and workshop personnel

Our detailed “Concrete Slipform Paving Manual” WITRAIN is an interactively designed training CD that
conveys valuable knowledge on state-of-the-art makes users fit for the future with state-of-the-art
concrete paving in a clear, easily comprehensible training techniques.
Parts and More, our universal information system,
WIDOS, our customer-friendly machine documentation explains the benefits, uses and maintenance of
system, contains detailed information on the machine, WIRTGEN GROUP ORIGINAL PARTS.
such as spare parts catalogue and operating manual.

50 // 51
Wirtgen GmbH
Reinhard-Wirtgen-Straße 2 · 53578 Windhagen · Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 26 45 / 131-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 26 45 / 131-242
Internet: · E-Mail:

Illustrations and texts are non-binding and may include customized fittings. Subject to technical changes.
Performance data depend on operational conditions. No. 2176308 01-73 EN-12/11 © by Wirtgen GmbH 2011. Printed in Germany

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