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Unit 5

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Mighty Mechanical 1




A comparator is a precision instrument employed to compare the dimension of a given component with
a working standard (usually slip gauges). It thus does not measure the actual dimension but indicates
how much it differs from the basic dimension.

Need for a comparator:

In mass production identical component parts are produced on a very large scale. To achieve inter
changeability these parts should be produced to a close dimensional tolerances.

Basic Principle of Operation:

The basic principle of operation of a comparator is:

The comparator is first adjusted to zero on its dial or recording device with a guage block in position. The
gauge block is of dimension which the workpiece should have. The workpiece to be checked is then
placed in position and the comparator gives the difference in dimension in relation to the gauge block.

Uses of Comparator:

The various Ways in which comparators can be used are:

1. Laboratory Standards: Comparators are used as laboratory standards from which working or
inspection gauges are set and correlated.

2. Working Gauges: They are also used as working gauges to prevent work spoilage and to maintain
required tolerance at all important stages of manufacture.

3. Final Inspection Gauges: Comparators may be used as final inspection gauges. Where selective
assembly, of production parts is necessary.

4. Receiving Inspection Gauges: As receiving inspection gauges comparators are used for checking parts
received from outside sources.

5. For checking newly purchased gauges: The use of comparators enables the checking of the parts
(components in mass production at a very fast rate.)

Essential characteristics of a good comparator:

1. Robust design and construction: The design and construction of the comparator should be robust so
that it can withstand the effects of ordinary uses without affecting its measuring accuracy.

2. Linear characteristics of scale: Recording or measuring scale should be linear and uniform (straight
line characteristic) and its indications should be clear.

3. High magnification: The magnification of the comparator should be such that a smallest deviation in
size of component can be easily detected.
Mighty Mechanical 2

4. Quick in results: The indicating system should be such that the readings are obtained in least possible

5. Versatility: Instruments should be designed that it can be used for wide range of measurements.

6. Minimum wear of contact point: The measuring plunger should have hardened steel contact or
diamond to minimize wear effects. Further the contact pressure should be low and uniform.

7. Free from oscillations: The pointer should come rapidly to rest and should be free from oscillations.

8. Free from back lash: System should be free from back lash and unnecessary friction and it should have
minimum inertia.

9. Quick insertion of workpiece: Means should be provided for lifting the plunger for quick insertion of

10. Adjustable Table: The table of the instrument should, preferably, be adjustable in a vertical sense.

11. Compensation from temperature effects: The indicator should be provided with maximum
compensation for temperature effects.

12. Means to prevent damage: Suitable means should be provided for preventing damage of the
instrument in the event of the plunger moving through a greater distance than that corresponding to
the range of its measuring scale.

Classification of comparators:

A wide variety of comparators are commercially available at present. They are classified according to the
method used for amplifying and recording the variations measured in to the following types.

1. Mechanical comparators

2. Optical comparators

3. Mechanical-Optical comparators

4. Electrical and Electronics comparators

5. Pneumatic comparators.

6. Fluid displacement comparators

7. Projection comparators

8. Multi check comparators

9. Automatic Gauging Machines

10. Electro-Mech. comparators.

In addition to above, comparators of particularly high sensitivity and magnification, used in standard
rooms for calibration of gauges include.

1. The Brookes Level comparator 2. The Eden-Rolt ‘millionth’ comparator.
Mighty Mechanical 3

 Mechanical Comparators:

Principle of workings: A mechanical comparator employes mechanical means for magnifying the small
movement of the measuring stylus, brought about due the difference between the standard and the
actual dimension being checked. In these comparators the magnification of the small stylus movement
is obtained by means of levers, gear trains, rack and pinion or a combination. The usual magnification
obtained by these comparators ranges from about 250 to 1000. Mechanical comparators are of the
following types:

1. Dial indicator (Dial gauge) 2. Johansson Mikrokator 3. Read type mechanical comparator

4. Sigma comparator.

1. Dial indicator (Dial gauge):

The simplest type of mechanical comparator is a dial indicator. It consists of a base with a rigid column
risign from its rear. An arm is mounted on this column and it carries a dial gauge at its outer end. The
arm can be adjusted vertically up and down along the column. An anvil or a worktable is mounted on
the base, which provides a reference on which work pieces are placed during measuring operation. Such
a simple comparator is ideal for the checking of components with a tolerance of say ±0.05 millimeters.

In its operation, the indicator is set to zero by the use of slip gauses representing the basic size of the
part. The part to be checked is then placed below the measuring plunger of the indicator. The linear
movement of the plunger is magnified by means of a gear and pinion train in to sizable rotation of the
pointer. The variation in dimension of the part from the basic size is indicated on the dial.

Dial indicator is generally used for inspection of small precision machined parts. The dial indicator with
various attachments may be used for large number of works; with V-block attachment it can be used for
checking out of roundness of a cylindrical part.

2. Johansson Mikrokator:

This instrument was first devised by m/s C.F. Johansson and hence the name. It uses a twisted strip to
convert small linear movement of a plunger into a large circular movement of a pointer. It is therefore,
also called as twisted strip comparator. It uses the simplest method for obtaining the mechanical
magnification designed by H. Abramson which is known as ‘Abramson movement’.
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A twisted thin metal strip carries at the centre of its length a very light pointer made of thin glass. One
end of the strip is fixed to the adjustable cantilever strip and the other end is anchored to the spring
elbow, one arm of which is carried on measuring plunger. The spring elbow acts as a bell crank lever.
The construction of such a comparator is shown in Fig.

3. Read type mechanical comparator:

In reed type mechanical comparator, the gauging head is usually a sensitive, high quality, dial indicator.
The dial indicator is mounted on a base supported by a sturdy column. Fig. 5.4 shows a read type
mechanical comparator.
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4. Sigma comparator:

This is a mechanical comparator providing magnification in the range of 300 to 5000. It consists of a
plunger mounted on two flat steel strings (slit
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Advantages of Mechanical Comparators:

1. Cheaper. Mechanical comparators are less costly as compared to other amplifying devices.

2. No need of external agency. These instruments do not require any external agency such as electricity
or air and as such the variations in outside supply do not affect the accuracy.

3. Linear Scale. Usually the mechanical comparators have linear scale.

4. Robust and compact: These instruments are robust and compact in design and easy to handle.
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5. Portable: For ordinary workshop conditions, these instruments are very suitable and being portable
can be issued from the stores.

Disadvantages of Mechanical Comparators

1. Less accuracy (a) Due to more moving parts, the friction is more which reduces the accuracy

(b) Any slackness in moving parts also reduces the accuracy considerably.

2. Sensitive to vibrations: The mechanisms in mechanical comparators have more inertia and. this may
cause them to be sensitive to vibrations.

3. Faults magnified: Any wear backlash or dimensional faults in the mechanical devices used will also be

4. Limited range: The range of the instrument is limited as the pointer moves over a fixed scale.

5. Parallax error: Error due to Parallax are more likely with these instruments as the pointer moves over
a fixed scale.

 Optical Comparators:

Working principle: In these comparators, use is made of a fundamental optical law and instead of a
printer, the edge of the shadow is projected on to a curved graduated scale to indicate the comparison
measurement. The optical principle adopted is that of ‘optical lever’ which is shown in Fig. If a ray of
light OA strikes a mirror, it is reflected as ray AB such that,

Now, if the mirror is titled through an angle on the reflected ray of light has moved through an angle 2𝛼.
In optical comparators, the mirror is tilted by the measuring plunger movement and the movement of
the reflected light is recorded as an image on a screen.

Mechanical-optical Comparators:

In mechanical optical comparators, small displacement of the measuring plunger are amplified first by a
mechanical system consisting of pivoted levers. The amplified mechanical movement is further amplified
by a single optical system involving the projection of an image. As shown in fig. The mechanical system
causes a plane reflector to tilt about an axis and the image of an index is projected on a scale on the
inner surface of a ground glass screen. Magnification as shown in fig:
Mighty Mechanical 8

Zeiss -Ultra Optimeter:

The optical system of zeiss ultra optimeter involves double reflection of light and thus gives higher
degree of magnification. Fig. Shows the optical system of this type of comparator. The light rays from
the lamp falls on the green filter. The green filter filters all and only green light passes to a condenser,
which projects is on to a movable mirror 𝑀1 . It is then reflected to another fixed mirror 𝑀2 and then
back again to first movable mirror. The objective lens brings the reflected beam from the first mirror to
a focus at a transparent graticule containing a precise scale -which is viewed by an eye-piece.
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Zeiss optotest Comporator:

This is a commercial measuring instrument. It consists of a plunger, tilted mirror, objective lens, prism
and observing eye piece to provide a high degree of magnification. As shown in Fig. The mirror is
mounted on a knife edge and it can be tilted about this fulcrum by any linear vertical movement of the
contact plunger.
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Advantages optical comparators:

1. High accuracy: These comparators have very few moving parts and hence gives higher accuracy.

2. No parallax Error: The scale can be made past a datum line and thus have high range and no parallax

3. High magnification: Hence suitable for precision measurements.

4. Optical lever is weightless.

5. Illuminated scale: Since scale is illuminated, it enables readings to be taken irrespective of room
lighting conditions.


1. As the magnification is high, heat from the lamp, transformers, etc. may cause the setting the drift.

2. Depends on external electrical power supply.

3. Apparatus is usually bulky and expensive.

4. When scale is projected on a screen, the instrument is to be used r in dark room.

5. Instrument is inconvenient for continuous use, because the scale is to be viewed through eyepiece.

 Electrical Comparators:

Principle: These comparators depend on their operation on an A.C. Whetstone bridge circuit
incorporating a galvanometer. In these comparators, the movement of the measuring contact is
converted into an electrical signal. This electrical signal is recorded by an instrument which can be
calibrated in terms of plunger movement.
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Advantages of electrical and electronic Comparators:

1. Few number of moving parts: The electric and electronic comparators have few number of moving
parts, and these is less friction and wear.

2. High magnification: It has a wide range of magnification.

3. Not sensitive to vibrations: The mechanism carrying the pointer is very light and not sensitive to

4. Easy to set up and operate.

5. Less error due to sliding friction: operation of the instrument on AC supply reduces, sliding friction

6. The instrument is small and compact.

7. The indicating' instrument need not be placed close to the measuring unit.


1. Fluctuation in the voltage or frequency of the electric supply may affect the results.

2. Heating of coils in the measuring unit may cause zero drift and alter the calibration.

3. When measuring unit is remote from the indicating unit, reliability is lower.

4. Cost is generally more than mechanical comparator.
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Advantages of pneumatic comparators:

1. The gauging member does not come in contact with the part to be measured and hence practically no
wear takes place on gauging member.

2. It is probably the best method to determine the ovality and taperness of circular holes.

3. Single or number of dimensions can be inspects simultaneously.


1. Limited range of measurement is available with these comparators

2. It gives low speed of response compared with electrical magnification system.

3. It requires elaborate auxiliary equipment such 'as accurate pressure regulator.

The scale is generally not uniform.
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*****THE END*****

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