Metrology Viva Questions
Metrology Viva Questions
Metrology Viva Questions
1. What is metrology?
Metrology is the science of measurement. Metrology includes all theoretical and practical
aspects of measurement. Metrology is the process of making extremely precise
measurements of the relative positions and orientations of different optical and mechanical
components. Metrology is concerned with the establishment, reproduction, conservation
and transfer of units of measurement & their standards.
3. What is calibration?
Calibration is the comparing of an unknown measurement device against equal or better known
standard under specified conditions. Every measuring system must be provable. The procedure
adopted to prove the ability of a measuring system to measure reliably is called calibration.
6. Define an error.
Error may be defined as the difference between the best measured or indicated value and the true
or actual value. No measurement can be made without errors at all times i.e. 100% accurate
measurements cannot be made at all the times. Classified in different ways, they
are: Systematic error, Random errors and illegitimate errors.
7. Define Standard with an example.
Something that is set up & established by an authority as a rule of the measure of the quantity,
weight, extent, value or quality Ex: A meter is a standard established by an international
organization for the measure of length.
9. What is Precision?
Precision of an instrument indicates its ability to reproduce a certain reading with a given
accuracy. It is the degree of agreement between repeated results.