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Kinetics and Thermodynamic Study of Uptake of PB by Nitrated Biomass of Stalks Bengal Gram

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IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology (IOSR-JESTFT)

e-ISSN: 2319-2402,p- ISSN: 2319-2399.Volume 10, Issue 2 Ver. I (Feb. 2016), PP 01-05

Kinetics and Thermodynamic Study of Uptake of Pb2+ by

Nitrated biomass of stalks Bengal gram
A.A. Kale1*
Post Graduate department of chemistry
1*. S.M.Joshi College, Hadapsar. Dist-Pune, (Maharashtra)

Abstract: Investigation of uptake capacity of by nitrated biomass of Cicer arientinum(Bngal gram) is

conducted in batch conditions. The effect of different parameters such as contact time, sorbent dose,
pH and temperature has been studied. Adsorption kinetic modeling data were found out. The kinetics
of biosorption results shows that sorption process is well explained by pseudosecond order model
with determination coefficients higher than 0.98 for sorbent under all experimental conditions. The
value Kp is found to be 0.652 to 2.43 for initial and final concentrations. The Weber and Morris
intraparticle diffusion model show liquid-film, mass transfer is effective sorption mechanism.
Thermodynamic parameter via KD,G has also been calculated to determine the spontaneity of the
process. The low value of activation energy indicates that sorption is an activated and physical
process. Thus nitrated biomass of Cicer areintinum is a low cost and easily available efficiently used
as an excellent sorbent for the removal of Pb2+ from wastewater. It can be safely concluded that
biomass of Cicer arientinum is much economical effectual, viable and can be an alternative to more
costly adsorbents.
Key words: E.D.T.A., biosobent, adsorbent, adsorption, Nitrated biomass (sorbent S-IV)


Acidic water contain large quantity of mercury, when the pH between 5 to 7 increase mobilization of
mercury present in the ground and convert it to methyl mercury, which can be absorbed fastly by organisms
like fish to cause nerve damage. The methyl mercury accumulated in fish can transfer to animals by food chain
and causes are kidneys, stomach, intestines, reproductive failure and DNA alteration. Sugarcane bagasse is a
cheap and abundantly available biomass, and adsorption is an eco-friendly and economically feasible dye
removal technique (Churchleyet al. 2000). The US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has classified
textile wastes into four groups: (1) dispersible, (2) hard-to-treat, (3) high volume, and (4) hazardous and toxic
wastes (Arami et al. 2005) [4]. The batch experiments have been carried out by Raghuvanshi et al. (2004), [20]
to study the kinetics of adsorption of methylene blue dye on bagasse with two different forms, like raw and
chemically activated forms. Spectrometric studies have been accomplished by Rasheed Khan et al. (2005),[21]
for adsorption of dye methylene blue from an aqueous solution on the surface of sheep wool and cotton fiber
under optimal conditions of temperature, concentration, pH, stay time duration, and amount of adsorbent.
Adsorption characteristics of these materials have been widely investigated for removal of organic matter, such
as organic acid dyes, phenol, refractory organic, and heavy metals(Arami et al. 2006) [6]. The biosorption is
an alternative to the remediation of industrial effluents as well as recovery of metals reported by Igwa et al.
Ahalya, N. and Kanamadi R.D. (2006) worked on biosorption of Chromium (VI) husk of Cicer arientinum [1].
Akar (2005). worked on sorption of Pb2 + by Botrytis cinerea [2]. The effect pH has been reported for dye
sorption on to banana peels by Annudurai (2002), [3]. Choy and McKay (2005) reported adsorption of
cadmium copper zinc ions [8] on bone char as an adsorbent. The uptake of cadmium and lead by bakers yeast
[9] studied by Goksungur et al. (2005). Li Q., Wu, al. (2004) compared sorption Pb2 + and Cd2+ for agrowastes of P. Chrysosporium [10]. Manju G.N.and Anirudhan (1997) reported the application, sorption of
Chromium (VI) by coconut fiber piths charcoal [11]. Adsorption study of Al3+, Co2+ by Fluted Pumpkin [12]
work done by Michael Horsfull Jnr (2005). The Mirtezky et. al. (2005) worked on Cd (II) Ni (II), Cu (II)
by three macrophyte sorbent [13]. Research carried out Othman and Amin (2003) to study significance sorption
behavior by rhizopus biomass for Cu2+, Mn4+, and Zn2+[15]. The crab shell waste contains chatoyant was
checked for sorption of Ni (II) by Pradan (2005) [18] Padmavathy (2003) investigated nickel (II)
ions by deactivated protonated yeast [17]. Periasamy and Namasivaym (1995) prepared agro-waste activated
carbons for nickel sorption [19]. Ricardo. C.,, (2004) showed sorption of rice milling by-products [23], can
have good uptake for cadmium and lead. Sorption of Pb (II) on activated Bituminous Coal was reported by
Singh D. and Rawat N.S. (1993) [24]. Mohamed Chaker Ncibi and et al. reported sorption of Cd 2+, Pb2+, NI2+,
and Zn2+ by mangifera indica. Mohammad Ajmal and et al (1998), reported the Minamata [14] tragedy in Japan
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Kinetics and Thermodynamic Study of Uptake of Pb2+ by Nitrated biomass of stalks Bengal gram
1953-1960 due to metallic mercury released from industries passed to human being largely by natural food
chain by fish. While diseases like Itai-Itai occurred in the farmer who drank water containing cadmium
reported by Benefield, Jadleins and Weand et al. (1982) [7]. Mercury is widely used in industry excessive
mercury dangerous to humans, it will cause stomach upset and ulcer, mental disorder, liver, and brain damage
[22] reported by Ramos, L, et al.(1999) .Hence, removal of Pb2+ from effluents is needed. The sorbent that is
cheap, abundant obtained from other industries [6] was presently preferred for sorption process was reported by
Bailey, S.E et al. (1999). The adsorption of Pb 2+ on the sorbent S-IV has been investigated carrying out batch
studies. The effects of variables via contact time, sorbent dose, pH and temperature has been studied. The data
has been analyzed in the light of adsorption isotherm models. Kinetics modeling has been carried out to
establish the order of reaction. An attempt has also been made to determine the mechanism of these model ions
using the intraparticle diffusion model put forth by Weber and Morris. Thermodynamic parameter via KD,G
has also been calculated to determine the spontaneity of the process.


Materials and methods

2.1 Preparation of biosorbent:The sieved biomass of Cicer arientinum was taken in a beaker and soaked in
AR conc. Nitric acid for 2 hours. The mass was then heated on a water bath till the brown fumes ceased. It was
then washed thoroughly with distilled water till the brown black mass was acid free. It was then dried at 110 0C
in the oven for 3 hours. The dried material was then passed through 0.63 mm mesh get particles of uniform size.
The present work deals with the study of adsorption of heavy metals Pb2+ ions on chemically treated biomass of
Cicer arientinum S-IV.
2.2 Experimental: Adsorption experiments were carried out for adsorption of lead using sorbents S-IV A
standard solution of Pb (NO3)2 of strength 0.00202 gm Pb2+/ml. was prepared (solution A). To the 50 ml of
solution A exactly 50 ml of distilled water were added in a conical flask maintained at constant temperature in a
thermostat. To this 500 mg of the appropriate sorbent S-IV was added, it was stirred for 2.5 minutes and then
filtered. The same procedure was followed for time intervals 5.0, 7.5,10,15,30,90,120, and 180 minutes. Similar
experiments were repeated using different material doses 1.0 gm. 2.0 gm, 5.0 gm. Amount of lead in the filtrate
was determined by titrating against standardized E.D.T.A. The effect of contact time, temperature, pH of
solution, and material dose on removal of the Pb 2+ ion was studied. (All Chemicals used Merck Chem.).


Result and Discussion

3.1 Characterization of biosorbents.The physical parameters like bulk density (g/cc), moisture content,
volatile matter, and ash content are 0.42%, 4.5%, 5.1%, and 10.3%, respectively. The IR spectrum of the sieved
biomass of C. arientinum shows absorption peaks at 3,340 cm1 for broad -OH, 2,924 cm1 for -NH, and 1,725
cm1 for COOH.
3.2 Effect of parameters:
3.2.1 Effect of contact time: A study of effect of time on adsorption of lead shows that with increase in time the
adsorption increases and equilibrium is attained after 2 hours. Figure-1 Uptake of lead at equilibrium time - two
hours for 500 mg S-IV is 27.0 %. The % adsorption of Pb 2+ ion from its solution of concentration 200 mg/dm3
was found to be 58.7 %

Fig. -1 Effect of time on % adsorption by S-IV Fig-2 Plot of adsorption capacity vs. time for Pb2+
3.2.2 Effect of material dose: The uptake capacity of any adsorbing material increases with increase in the
dose as more sites are available for adsorption on the sorbent. The trends in adsorption of Pb 2+ on S-IV are
increased with increasing the biomass dose. For S- IVthe x/m value falls from 49.2 mg/g to 9.89 mg/g. Increase
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Kinetics and Thermodynamic Study of Uptake of Pb2+ by Nitrated biomass of stalks Bengal gram
in the material dose from 500 mg to 5 gm/100 ml shows increase in % age adsorption but a decrease in
adsorption capacity. (Figure-2) A fixed amount of sorbent has a fixed number of sites for adsorption; amount
increases the total number of sites available for adsorption increase. When a solution comes in contact with the
larger mass of sorbent the Pb2+ ions rapidly interact with maximum sites on the surface. This leads to a reduced
population of the metal ions per unit mass of the sorbent compared to that when a smaller mass of sorbent is
used. Effectively we find that percentage adsorbed has increased but the amount adsorbed per unit mass of
sorbent has reduced.
3.2.3 Effect of pH: pH of the solution influences electrostatic binding of the ions to the corresponding sites. It
also influences the site dissociation and also the solution chemistry of the heavy metals such as hydrolysis,
binding by organic and inorganic ligands, redox reactions. The extent of functional groups on the sorbent and
the nature of the cationic species are also affected by changes in the pH of the solution. Adsorption continuous
increase is seen in % adsorption with rise in pH. For pH 5, 6 and 7 the % adsorption is 50.5, 63.5 and 65.4
respectively. (Figure-3) At low pH protons would compete with metal ions for the active sites responsible for
the biosorption and decrease the metal sorption. At pH less than 2.0 all the binding sites may be protonated and
thereby even desorbs all metal bound to the biomass. As pH increases the concentration of protons decreases,
allowing more metal to be adsorbed.

Fig-3 Effect of pH on % adsorption of Pb2Fig-4 Effect of temperature on % adsorption of Pb2+

3.2.4 Effect of temperature: The study of adsorption of Pb2+under optimum conditions, revealed that with
increase in temperature there is a substantial increase in % adsorption by S-IV also shows an increasing trend in
adsorption with rise in temperature. S-IV show enhancement in adsorption from 37% at 15 oC to 65 % at 45oC.
Figure-4, as the temperature is increased from 15 oC to 45oC. These results indicate that the process of
adsorption of the metal ion on S-IV is endothermic in nature. In addition to the endothermic nature of the
process, another reason for this enhancement in uptake could be an increase in the pore size with rise in the
temperature, similar enhanced ion exchange capacity with rice as biosorbent is also reported in literature 18.
This could also be due to the centers developed on the surface by treatment of the raw material with sulphuric
and nitric acid during preparation. The optimum temperature for working with S-IV appears to be at 45oC.
3.2.5 Thermodynamic studies of adsorption of Pb 2+ :The equilibrium constant KD for adsorption on S-IV
were calculated from the experimental data. From the values of KD at different temperature it can be concluded
that adsorption is an endothermic and temperature activated process. The G values on S-IV, are +ve at 15 oC,
25 oC, and 35 oC with the values decreasing with increasing temperature. At 45 oC G = - 1013 j/mol . This
indicates that the adsorption on S-IV is a highly energy activated process. The isosteric heat of adsorption for
Pb2+ on S-IV was calculated using the formula.
R ln C2/ C1
H adsorption = ----------------------1/T1- 1/T2
The value of H adsorption was found to lie between 8.16 kJ/mole. to 3.022 kJ/ mole over the
temperature range studied. An increase in the value of KD from 0.5225 to 2.264(Table-1) with rise in
temperature indicates that at higher temperature the mobility of the Pb 2+ ions is enhanced resulting in the
effective interaction between the sorbent and sorbate.
3.2.6 Adsorption isotherms
To explain the adsorption of Pb2+ on treated Cicer atientinum stalks, the data obtained from the adsorption
experiments was fitted in to Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm models. The applicability of the
models was checked by plotting graphs of Ce/qe vs. Ce and log Ce vs. log x/m respectively. The plots of Ce/qe
vs. Ce for adsorption on sorbent S-IV were straight lines however the values of Langmuir constant were
negative indicating the no applicability of this model. The Freundlich equation gave plots with S-IV shows K=
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Kinetics and Thermodynamic Study of Uptake of Pb2+ by Nitrated biomass of stalks Bengal gram
45.8 and 1/n = 1.124, R2= 0.933. From this data one can conclude with caution that the sorption of Pb 2+ cannot
be explained completely by this model. The adsorption of metal cations on the modified surface of stalks of
Cicer arientinum appears to be governed not by any single mechanism but by different mechanisms such as ion
exchange, complexation addition to adsorption.
3.2.7 Kinetic studies:
Kinetics of adsorption of Pb2+ on S-IV was modeled by the pseudo first order equation proposed by
Lagergren. The plots of log (qe-qt) vs. t yielded plots as shown in figure5, using various sorbent doses. For
the sorbent S-IV the plots of log (qe-qt) vs. t are expected to yield straight lines if adsorption follows pseudo
first order reaction. The data was also fitted in the pseudo second order model proposed by Ho and McKay. The
plots of t/qt vs. t yielded straight lines as shown in Figure-6 with linearregression coefficient of 0.98 ( Table-2)
and second order rate constant K2 = 0.7129.( Table-2) It can thus be concluded that the adsorption of Pb 2+ on SIV obeys the second order kinetics.

Fig. 5 Plot of (log qe-qt) vs. Time for adsorption of Pb2+ by S-IV
Fig.6 Plots of t/qt vs. Time for adsorption of Pb 2+ Fig.7 plot of Q vs t 1/2
3.2.8 Webber Morris intaparticle diffusion model: Adsorption kinetics is usually controlled by different
mechanisms, the most limiting mechanism being the diffusion mechanism. The plots of Q vs. t show three
portions. The initial curve portion is attributable to rapid external diffusion or boundary layer diffusion. The plot
in Figure-7 indicates that the major contribution to adsorption can be attributed to intraparticle diffusion .For all
material doses studied the contribution of boundary layer diffusion is insignificant.



The results of adsorption studies of Pb2+ on S-IV shows that Equilibrium time for adsorption of Pb 2+
by S-IV is 120 minutes. A 5 gm dose of shows maximum adsorption is about 66%. Optimum pH for adsorption
of lead, S-IV pH 7 is better. The % adsorption decreases from 66% (pH=7). G values for adsorption on S-IV
are positive for 15C, 25C, 35C, while G value at 45C is negative. Increase in KD values is observed on SIV from 15C -45C . The adsorption follows the Freundlich model with Kf values of 46.03 and 45.8 for S-IV,
indicating good adsorption. However the possibility of other mechanisms such as ion exchange complexation
cannot be ruled out particularly on S-IV, as the values of coefficient of determination is 0.933. Kinetic modeling
indicates that the adsorption follows pseudo second order kinetics. K2 values for S-IV is 0.7129, with R2 0.98.

I Dr. A. A. Kale sincerely thankful to Principal, Dr.A.S. Burungale, S.M Joshi College Hadapsar Pune-28 for
encouragement during the research work.


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