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Translated Copy of Biosorpsi Ion Logam Cu (II) Oleh Kulit Buah Naga

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(Hylocereus polyrhizus)

Sahriani Ali, Nursiah La Nafie, Paulina Taba

Department of Chemistry FMIPA Hasanuddin

University Tamalanrea Makassar Campus 90425

Abstrak. Biosorpsi merupakan metode yang efektif untuk menghilangkan ion logam berat dari
suatu larutan. Biosorpsi ion logam Cu(II) dengan menggunakan biosorben kulit buah naga pada
variasi waktu kontak, pH dan konsentrasi telah diteliti. Konsentrasi ion Cu(II) sebelum dan
setelah adsorpsi ditentukan dengan menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA).
Pengaruh pH dalam proses biosorpsi dipelajari pada pH 2-7. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa waktu optimum biosorpsi ion Cu(II) biomassa kulit buah naga adalah 10 menit dan pH
optimum biosorpsi adalah 4. Model Langmuir dan Freundlich digunakan untuk mempelajari
isotermal adsorpsi. Dari hasil penelitian ini, diperoleh informasi bahwa biosorpsi ion logam
Cu(II) dengan menggunakan kulit buah naga lebih sesuai dengan model isotermal Langmuir
dibandingkan isotermal Freundlich dengan kapasitas adsorpsi (Qo) 20,401 mg/g biosorben. Hasil
analisis FT-IR menunjukkan bahwa gugus hidroksil yang berperan dalam pengikatan ion Cu(II).

Kata Kunci : Biosorpsi, SSA, Isotermal Langmuir, ion Cu(II), Kulit Buah Naga.

Abstract.Biosorption is an effective method for removal of heavy metals from their solutions.
Biosorption of Cu (II) by contact time, pH, and concentration has been investigated.
Concentration of Cu (II) ion before and after adsorption was determined using Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The effect of the pH process was studied at pH of 2-7.
The result showed that the optimum time for biosorption of Cu (II) ion by biomass dragon fruit
was 10 minutes and pH 4 was the optimum pH of biosorption. Langmuir and Freundlich models
were used for the adsorption of isotherm. Result showed that biosorption of Cu (II) by dragon
fruit peel fit better the Langmuir model than Freundich model with the adsorption capacity (Q o)

of 20.401 mg / g biosorbent. The result of FT-IR analysis showed that hydroxyl groups were
responsible for the binding of Cu (II) ions.

Keyword: Biosorption, AAS, Langmuir Isotherm, Ion Cu (II), Dragon FruitPeel.

Environmental pollution is an increasingly important problem to solve because it involves
the safety, health, and life of living things. Among the many problems of environmental pollution
at this time that get serious attention is the problem of environmental pollution caused by heavy
metals. This pollution can cause large losses, because generally the waste/waste in the
environment contains toxic substances, one of which is Cu (Darmono, 2001).
Cu metals in the aquatic environment can be separated in various ways, such as the way
of coating, filtering, settling, and flooding of suspended particles. However, this method is
considered to be less effective because it requires relatively high costs, high production of toxic
waste sludge and can complicate the handling process and disposal. For that absorption method is
used by using materials that are relatively inexpensive, can be obtained easily and have high
absorption (Zein et al., 2003 in Lelifajri, 2010).
One alternative in processing wastes containing heavy metals is the use of biological
materials as adsorbents. This process is then referred to as biosorption. Biosorption shows the
ability of biomass to bind heavy metals from the solution through metabolic or chemical and
physical steps. The advantages of using the biosorption process include relatively low costs,
minimal sludge formation, and easy regeneration processes (Ashraf et al., 2010).
The biosorption process is influenced by contact time, pH and concentration (Kuraisy,
2008). In addition, the finalprocess was biosorptioncarried out by determining the amount of
biosorption capacity adsorbed by metal ions using an isothermal adsorption approach. Common
isothermal adsorption is used, namely Freundlich isothermal and Langmuir isothermal (Hawari et
al., 2006).
Biological materials that can be used as raw materials for biosorbents are waste from
agricultural products. Waste of agricultural products is organic waste which is certainly very
easy to find in large quantities. The use and use of agricultural waste as raw materials for
biosorbents in addition to helping reduce the volume of waste can also empower waste to
become a product that has a selling value. Therefore, the potential of agricultural waste is large
enough to be used as raw material for biosorbent of heavy metals (Kurniasari, 2010).
Various biosorbents using agricultural or biological materials have been carried out by
previous researchers such as biosorption using pineapple leaves (Budiyanto et al., 2010), Bali
orange peel (Tasaso, 2014), and sawdust powder (Lelifajri, 2010)
Components which plays a role in the heavy metal adsorption process with adsorbents of
biological materials is the active group present in the material. The groups that will attract and
bind metals in biomass, groups-groups that include hydroxyl and carboxyl (Ahalya et al., 2003).
One waste that contains many active groups is the dragon fruit skin. From the analysis
results show that dragon fruit skin contains nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and sulfur (Mallampati,
2013). The compounds contained in dragon fruit peel containgroups -OH and -COOH. The
active groups when viewed from HSAB (Hard Soft Acid Base) are classified as hard bases while
Cu (II) metals are categorized as intermediate acids, so Cu (II) can interact well with the active
groups found in dragon fruit skin (Lin et al ., 2002). Namal et al. (2013) have succeeded in
conducting research using dragon fruit skin to adsorb Mn (II) ions. This shows that dragon fruit
skin has the potential to be used as biosorbent of heavy metal ions (Mallampati, 2013).
Based on the description, the study utilizing dragon fruit skin as biosorbent was carried
out for removal of heavy metals Cu2+ .


Materials Research
The materials used in this study is the dragon fruit leather, crystal Cu
(NO3)2.3H2O,HNO3, concentrated NaOH, distilled water, akuabides,filter Whatman
42paper,label paper, and tissue roll.

equipment used in this study were commonly used glassware, sieves (passed 100sieves
mesh and did not pass 230sieves mesh), SPNISOSFD model ovens,stirrers, magneticdigital
balance Ohaus models NO AP210, crushers, pH meters , spray bottles, a set ofdevices centrifuge,
a set of SSA tools, a set of FT-IR spectrophotometer devices SHIMADZU 8201 models of PCs
and desiccators.

Dragon Fruit Biosorbent Preparation (Hylocereus
Dragon fruit skin is cut into small pieces, then washed with running water to remove dirt.
Then the dragon fruit skin is rinsed with distilled water, and drained. Dragon fruit skin is dried in
the sun for 1 week. Furthermore, dragon fruit skin is dried in the oven at 80 ° C for 24 hours.
Then the dragon fruit skin is stored in the desiccator. After that, the dragon fruit skin was crushed
/ crushed using a crusher, and sieved with a size of 100filter mesh but did not pass the 230filter

Determination of Optimum Biosorption Time of Cu (II) By Dragon Fruit Skin (Hylocereus

Dragon fruit skin powder is weighed as much as 0.2 grams and put in 100 mL
erlenmeyer. Then 50 mL of Cu (II) solution with a concentration of 100 ppm was added. The
mixture is shaken with a magnetic stirrer for 5 minutes and filtered. Filtrate absorbance was
measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 324.8 nm. The
experiment is then repeated with a time variation of 10; 15; 20; 30; 40; 50; 60; 70; 80; and 90
minutes. Each experiment was repeated two times. The blank experiment was carried out as
above but without shaking with a magnetic stirrer.
Determination of pH Effect of Cu (II) Ion Biosorption by Dragon Fruit Skin (Hylocereus
As much as 0.2 grams of dragon fruit skin powder is put into a 100 mL erlenmeyer glass containing 50 m
shaken with a magnetic stirrer with variations in pH 2, 3, 4,
5, 6 and 7 during optimum contact time. Filtered withfilter paper. WhatmanFiltrate 42absorbance
was measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer.

Determination of Cu (II) Ion Biosorption Capacity by Dragon Fruit Skin (Hylocereus

Dragon fruit skin powder is weighed as much as 0.2 grams and put in 100 mL erlenmeyer
containing 50 mL of Cu (II) solution with a concentration variation of 50; 100; 150; 250 and 400
ppm. The mixture is shaken with a magnetic stirrer during optimum time and pH and then
filtered. The residue was analyzed by FT-IR and the filtrate was analyzed by SSA.
Analysis Analysis of FTIR spectrum (Fourier Transform Infra Red) was carried out on
dragon fruit skin biomass before and after adsorption. The spectra were recorded at the 4000-400
cmwave number area-1 with a resolution of 4 cm-1 at room temperature using the DTGS detector
(Deuterated Triglycine Sulphate). Spectra is processed using Easy Plot Software.


Optimum Biosorption of Cu (II) Ion by Dragon Fruit Skin (Hylocereus polyrhizus) The
amount of Cu (II) ions adsorbed as a function of time is shown in Figure 4.

00 20 40 60 80 100

Time (t, minute)

Image 4. Amount of Cu (II) ions adsorbed vs. contact time with biosorbent of dragon fruit skin

(Co= 100 ppm, pH = 5.1).

The amount of Cu (II) ions adsorbed at 5 minutes is 5.001 mg / g. This amount increases
at stirring time of 10 minutes until it reaches the optimum limit with an adsorbed ion amount of
5.27 mg / g. After exceeding the optimum time in 10 minutes, the amount of adsorbed Cu (II)
ions tends to decrease from 30 minutes to 90 minutes. This data
shows that the active side of the surface of the dragon fruit skin is saturated.
This is in accordance with the theory which states that the longer the time used more and
more dissolved substances are adsorbed. However, the amount of dissolved solute will reach the
maximum limit, because the biosorbent surface has been covered by adsorbed Cu (II) ions
(Kuraisy, 2008).
pH For further research, time
2 to pH 7 with the time used Cu (II) ion byfruit peel
stirringduring the optimum time of the dragon is at 10 minutes
10 minutes. Determination of the effect of pH from the optimum time.
biosorption Cu (II) by biosorbent skin dragon fruit is determined by calculating the effect of pH
on the biosorption Ion
amount of ions adsorbed (Qe)of Cu (II) By Skin dragon fruit(Hylocereus
various pH. The results biosorption ion polyrhizus)
Cu (II ) shown in Figure 5. Effect of pH on biosorption of Cu (II) ions by dragon fruit skin is
carried out between
8 7654321
00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 5. Amount of Cu (II) Ions adsorbed by Dragon Skin vs. pH (t = 10 minutes,
Co= 100 ppm).
The amount of Cu (II) ions adsorbed by dragon fruit skin at pH 2 is 0.72 mg / g. This amount
increases and reaches a maximum at pH 4 with adsorbed amount to 7.27 mg / g. After passing
pH 4 the amount adsorbed tends to decrease.
According to Pravasant, et al., (2005) the low number of Cu (II) ions adsorbed at low pH is
because the solution containsH+ high concentrations ofions so that Cu (II) ions compete with
protons in interaction with the active side on the biosorbent surface. At low pH, the biosorbent
surface is covered by Hions+ which prevent Cu (II) ions from
approaching the biosorbent surface because of the repulsive force.
With increasing pH, the concentration of Hions+ decreases and the surface of the adsorbent
becomes more negative so that Cu (II) ions will be more easily adsorbed. At a higher pH which
is pH 5 and 6 the amount of Cu (II) ions adsorbed decreases and then tends to be constant up to
pH 7. A decrease in the amount of metal ions absorbed in the adsorption process at high pH
occurs before reaching the pH where the metal ion settling is caused by the formation of
dissolved hydroxyl complexes of metal ions so that metal ions can no longer bind to the active
groups on the adsorbent (Ahmad et al., 2009). From the data
above the optimum pH to adsorb Cu (II) metal ions by dragon fruit skin is pH 4.
This is similar to that reported by Tasaso (2014) on biosorption of Cu (II) ions by grapefruit skin
which is optimum at pH 4, as Gulnaz et al. (2005) reported on biosorption of Cu (II) ions by
sludge dry active, Tikupadang (2009) also reported the optimum pH of biosorption of Cu (II)
ions by sago pulp at pH 4. Subsequent studies were carried out at pH 4 .
Capacity ion biosorption of Cu (II) by skin dragon fruit(Hylocereuspolyrhizus)
Total Cu (II) adsorbed by the skin of the dragon fruit as a function of the initial concentration of
Cu (II) is given in Figure 6. the amount of Cu (II) adsorbed increases with increasing initial
concentration. In the concentration range used, the amount of Cu (II) ion adsorbed continues to
increase which means the adsorbent has not saturated. Therefore the determination of adsorption
capacity was carried out using Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms.
Figures 7 and 8 show Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms.

00 100 concentration 200 Ce(mg / L) 300 400 500 Figure 6. Amount of Cu (II) ions adsorbed
by dragon fruit skin vs. Cu (II) ion concentration
in solution after adsorption (t = 10 minutes, pH = 4 )
Figure 7. Langmuir isotherm with variations in concentration of 50 mg / L, 100 mg / L, 150 mg /
250 mg / L, 400 mg / L at pH 4. 18 161412108y = 0.049x + 2.544 6R2 = 0.995 4200 50 100 150 200
250 300 Ce

y = 0.379x + 0.328
0.80 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 log Ce equals 0.6
R2 = 0.968
Figure 8. Freundlich isotherm with varying concentrations of 50 mg / L, 100 mg / L , 150 mg / L,
250 mg / L, 400 mg / L at pH 4.
By comparing the line values
also reported by Moo (2010) which is the least squares, the appropriate adsorption isothermal
model will be chosen. Figures 7 and 8 show that adsorption of Cu (II) ions on dragon fruit skin is
more in line with the isothermal Langmuir adsorption where the point tends to show a
tofu dregs as biosorbent of Cu (II) ions with a value of Qo = 7.91 mg / g. Septiany (2008)
showed that biosorption of Cu (II) ions by T.rhizoma biomass was in hemprichii accordance with
Langmuir isotherm with Qvalueo of 37.03 mg / g. But Lesage, et al. (2006) straight line
relationship according to the value
shows that biosorption of Cu (II) ions is the least squares where R2 is obtained (0.995), whereas
in isothermal Freundlich adsorption is obtained R2 of 0.968. Intercept and slope isothermalfrom
Langmuir adsorption give the value of capacity
by the plant Myriophyllum spicatum L. according to Freundlich isotherm with k = 29 mg / g.
According to Kojima and Lee (2001) in Pravasant, et al. (2005), different adsorbents provide
different adsorption characteristics. biosorption (Qo) of 20.401 mg / g or
therefore, the suitability of isothermal 0.321 mmol / g and b (biosorption intensity)
adsorption depends on biosorbent which is 0.02 L / mg.
Tikupadang (2009) showed that biosorption of Cu (II) ions by sago pulp
Results of FT-IR Analysis of FT-IR
spectrum of dragon fruit skin also corresponded to Langmuir isotherm with a value of Qo= 10.92

mg / g. Things
before and after biosorption can be seen in Figure 9



9.65.4324 77

9 3..4726
5 1 66100



325.10 377.17 415.75

1 1 1
325.10 377.17 415.75
1 1 1
335.80 360.87
2 2
00 500

wave numbers (cm )

Figure 9. Spectrum Analysis Results of FT-IR Dragon Skin Biosorbents (a) Before Contacting
with Ions of Cu (II) and (b) After Contact with Metals Cu (II)

Some of the peaks detected in the sample prior to biosorption as in the sample 1056.99
cm (stretched CO), 1643.35 cm-1 (stretched C = O) , 2922.16 cm-1 (stretching -CH aliphatic) and

3415.93 cm-1 (stretching -OH). The peaks were also observed in the spectrum after biosorption
except the peak at 3415.93 cmstretch-1 ( -OH) experienced a shift to 3442.94 cm-1. This shows
the interaction of Cu (II) ions with hydroxyl groups contained in dragon fruit skin. In addition, in
the regions, the wave 524.64 cm-1 also experienced a shift to 534.26 cm-1. This absorption peak
shift is caused by the bond between Cu (II) and oxygen (Cu-O strain) (Gatial et al., 2014).
Based on the results of FT-IR analysis, interactions are expected to occur between
hydroxyl (-OH) groups derived from
lignin and cellulose with Cu (II) ions due to the presence of hydroxyl (-OH) groups in cellulose
and lignin which are not impeded by transient steric effects on pectin, the hydroxyl group is
blocked by the presence of steric effects and also the group (-OH) in the pectin that comes from
the group (-COOH), oxygen in the group (-OH) and group (-CO) has the same ability to draw
electrons because of the conjugate effect so the possibility of shifting is the group (-CO).

Figures 10 and 11 show the difference in bond energy in the hydroxyl (-OH)1 group which is

lignin which is blocked by the effects of steric and (-OH)2 groups which are not blocked by

the steric effect. Thisdifference energy bondindicates that the group that tends to bind to Cu
(II) ions is a group (-OH)2 which is not blocked by the steric effect. Cluster (-OH)2



035.77 056.99 103.28
1 1 1

335.80 360.87
2 2

419.61 737.86
1 1


34.28 25.2925.2925.2925.2925.29 65.2865.4865.4865.4865.44

5 6 666666666


whose bonding energy is smaller tends to be more stable and from its structure the (-OH)2 group is

freer compared to
Figure 10. The Hydroxyl Group (-OH) which is blocked by the steric effect of
group (-OH)1 is blocked byeffects steric. The proposed reaction is given in Figure 12

Figure 11. The Hydroxyl (-OH) group which is not blocked by the steric effect
Total Energy = 104.602 kcal / mol Total Energy = 74,029 kcal / mol



Figure 12. the reaction between Cu (II) with a group of lignin and cellulose
the optimum time biosorption Cu (II) by the skin of the dragon fruit is 10 minutes, with the
optimum pH is 4. ion biosorption of Cu (II) by the skin of the dragon fruit meet with the
Langmuir isothermal Qvalueo of



20.401 mg / g or 0.321 mmol / g. The functional group involved in biosorption of Cu (II) ions by
dragon fruit peel namely hydroxyl group (-OH).
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