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Ministry of Environment & Forests


Environmental Impact Assessment Guidance Manual



Prepared by

Administrative Staff College of India

Bellavista, Khairatabad, Hyderabad

February 2010

Impact Assessment Guidance Manual


Siripurapu K. Rao
M.A. (Cantab), Ph.D. (Cantab)

Leadership through Learning

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a planning tool generally accepted as an integral component
of sound decision-making. EIA is to give the environment its due place in the decision-making process by
clearly evaluating the environmental consequences of the proposed activity before action is taken. Early
identification and characterization of critical environmental impacts allow the public and the government
to form a view about the environmental acceptability of a proposed developmental project and what
conditions should apply to mitigate or reduce those risks and impacts.
Environmental Clearance (EC) for certain developmental projects has been made mandatory by the Ministry
of Environment & Forests through its Notification issued on 27.01.1994 under the provisions of Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986. Keeping in view a decade of experience in the Environmental Clearance process
and the demands from various stakeholders, the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) issued
revised Notification on EC process in September 2006 and amended it in December 2009.It was considered
necessary by MoEF to make available EIA guidance manuals for each of the development sector.
Accordingly, at the instance of the MoEF, the Administrative Staff College of India, with the assistance of
experts, undertook the preparation of sector specific Terms of Reference (TOR) and specific guidance
manual for Highways. I wish to thank Mr. J. M. Mauskar, IAS, Additional Secretary, Govt. of India MoEF
for his continuing support during the preparation of the manuals. I wish to place on record also my
sincere thanks to Dr. B. Sengupta, former Member Secretary, Central Pollution Control Board and Chairman
of the Core Committee for his help in the preparation of the manuals. His suggestions helped us a great
deal in improving the technical quality of the manuals. Mr. M. Parabrahmam, Former advisor MoEF and
Chairman of the Peer Committee for this project, has given constant guidance to the ASCI project team.
His vast experience has been immensely helpful in preparing these manuals. I would like to thank the
officials of the Ministry, Dr. Nalini Bhat and Dr. T. Chandini, for coordinating the project from the
Ministry side and for providing guidance whenever needed. My thanks are also due to Dr. Bharat Bhushan
and Dr. A. Senthil Vel of MoEF for the valuable inputs they had given during our interactions with the
officials at Delhi and Hyderabad.
I thank Mr. G. K. Anand, Professional Consultant and Mr. G. Bala Subramanyam, Advisor, Environment
Area, ASCI, who, drawing on their vast experience in the sector, prepared the EIA guidance manual for
the Highways. The efforts put by them are commendable.
I would like to thank all the Peer and Core Committee members for having given a valuable feed back in
the preparation of the manual. I hope the manuals would prove to be useful to the community at large
and to the experts working in this area in particular.

26 February, 2010

S.K. Rao


Bella Vista, Raj Bhavan Road, Hyderabad-500 082 (India)
Tel: +91-40-2331-0852, Fax: 2332-1401 Email:

Chapter No.


Page No

Core Committee
Peer Committee
List of Tables
List of Annexures
List of Figures
About The Manual
Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

1.0 Preamble
1.1 General Information on Highway Projects
1.2 Environmental Clearance Process
1.3 Terms of Reference (TOR)
1.4 Validity of Environmental Clearance
1.5 Post EC Monitoring
1.6 Transferability of EC
1.7 Generic Structure of EIA Document
1.8 Identification of Project Proponent
1.9 Brief description of the Project
1.10 Environmental Standards and Code of Practices


Project Description
2.0 General
2.1 Broader Details of the Project and Location
2.2 Activities for Site Preparation
2.3 Summary of Project Details
2.4 Natural Resources
2.5 Man Power Requirement
2.6 Project Implementation Schedule


Analysis of Alternatives
3.0 General
3.1 Consideration of Alternatives


Description of the environment

4.0 General
4.1 Study Area
4.2 Land Environment
4.3 Water Environment
4.4 Air Environment


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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Chapter 12


4.5 Noise Environment

4.6 Biological Environment
4.7 Socio-economic and Health Environment


Analysis of Potential Environmental Impact & Mitigation Measures

5.0 General
5.1 Land Environment
5.2 Water Environment
5.3 Air Environment
5.4 Noise Environment
5.5 Biological Environment
5.6 Socio-economic Environment
5.7 Solid Waste Management


Environmental Monitoring Programme

6.0 General
6.1 Control Initiatives


Additional Studies
7.0 General
7.1 Items Identified by the Proponent
7.2 Items Identified by the Regulatory Authority
7.3 Items Identified by the Public and Other Stakeholders
7.4 Natural Resource Conservations and Optimization
7.5 R & R Action Plans
7.6 Road Safety Management System


Project Benefits
8.0 General


Environmental Cost Benefit Analysis

9.0 General


Environmental Management Plan

10.0 General
10.1 Component of EMP
10.2 Environment Cell


Summary & Conclusions

11.0 General


Disclosure of Consultants Engaged

12.0 General


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Project Coordination
Ministry of Environment
& Forests

Dr. Nalini Bhat

Ministry of Environment and Forests
Dr. T. Chandini
Ministry of Environment and Forests

Chairman, Core Committee &

Peer Committee I

Dr. B. Sengupta
Former Member Secretary,
Central Pollution Control Board

Chairman, Peer Committee II

Shri. M. Parabrahmam
Former Advisor, MoEF

Project Coordination Team


Prof. V.S. Chary

Centre for Energy, Environment
Urban Governance, and Infrastructure Development
Administrative Staff College of India
Shri. G. Bala Subramanyam
Environment Area, ASCI, Hyderabad
Dr. Valli Manickam
Area Chairperson
Environment Area, ASCI
& Project Coordinator

Resource Persons

Shri G.K. Anand

Professional Consultant
Shri. G. Bala Subramanyam
Environment Area, ASCI

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Core Committee
Dr.B. Sengupta
Former Member Secretary
Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi
Shri. M. Parabrahmam
Former Advisor, Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi
Karnataka Pollution Control Board
Dr. M. S. Narayanan
Former Chairman, Coal India, New Delhi
Dr. S.R. Wate
Head, EIA Division NEERI, Nagpur
Prof. P. G. Sastry
Former Chairman EAC (River Valley Projects), MoEF
Member Secretary
Rajasthan Pollution Control Board
Mrs. Rohini Devi
Director, HTCC, Sg -G ASL
Representative of DRDO, Hyderabad
Dr. M. Irulappan
General Manager (Com),
Representative of Airport Authority of India, New Delhi
Shri. V. K. Sharma
Head, Environment Division,
Representative of NHAI, New Delhi
Shri A. K. Debnath
CG M, Central Mine Plan & Design Institute, Ranchi
Ms. Sarita Sawhny
Representative of Confederation of Indian Industry, New Delhi


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Peer Committee-I
Dr.B. Sengupta
Former Member Secretary, CPCB


Zonal Officer
Central Pollution Control Board, Bangalore
Shri. G. Suryanarayana
Head (EE&M)
Environmental Protection Training Research Institute
Shri. V.K. Sharma
Head of Environment Division
National Highway Authority of India, New Delhi
Shri. G. Udaya Bhaskar
GM-Env, Essar Group, Mumbai
Shri. G.V. Raghava Rao
Former Superintending Engineer, APPCB
Shri. N. V. Bhasakara Rao
Senior Environmental Engineer, AP Pollution Control Board
The Chief Planning Officer
Hyderabad Urban Development Authority
Shri. P. Janardhan Reddy
SPEQUEL, Hyderabad
Dr. Swarna Subba Rao
Director, Survey of India, Hyderabad
Dr. P.M. Raju,
Representative of Vishakapatnam Port Trust
Er. Nanda Kumar
Energy Conservation Mission, Institute of Engineers, Hyderabad
Representative of GMR
Samshabad International Airport Ltd

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Dy. Com

Ambient Air Quality

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Biological Oxygen Demand
Coastal Regulation Zone
Central Pollution Control Board
Coastal Management Zone
Carbon Monoxide
Disaster Management Plan
District Collector
Deputy Commissioner
District Magistrate
Environmental Impact Assessment
Expert Appraisal Committee
Environmental Clearance
Environmental Management Plan
Government of India
General Conditions
High Tide Line
Indian Road Congress
International Organization for Standardization
International Finance Corporation
Indian Meteorological Department
Equivalent Continuous Sound Level
Low Tide Level
Ministry of Environment and Forests
Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways
Mean Sea Level
National Ambient Air Quality Standards
National Cooperative Highway Research Program
Hydrogen Ion Concentration
Particulate Matter
Rehabilitation & Resettlement
State Level Environmental Assessment Authority
State Level Expert Appraisal Committee
State Pollution Control Board
Terms of Reference
Union Tertiary Pollution Control Committee
Zoological Survey of India
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List of Tables
Table No.


Page No.

Table 2.1

Estimated Raw Material Requirements


Table 2.2

Water Requirement


Table 4.1

Demographic Profile


Table 4.2

Quarries Identified for the Project


Table 4.3

Borrow Areas Identified for the Project


Table 4.4

Soil Data in the Study Area


Table 4.5

Details of Important Water Bodies Crossing/


Abutting the Project Road

Table 4.6

Description of Ground Water Sampling Locations


Table 4.7

Description of Surface Water Sampling Locations


Table 4.8

Analysis of Ground Water


Table 4.9

Analysis of Surface Water


Table 4.10

Description of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations


Table 4.11

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Data


Table 4.12

Description of Noise Monitoring Stations


Table 4.13

List of Endangered and Endemic Species


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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

List of Annexures
Annexure No.


Page No.

Annexure No.1

Terms of Reference for Highways


Annexure No.2

List of Critcally Polluted Industrial Clusters/


Areas Identified by CPCB

Annexure No.3

Land Use/Land Cover Classification System


Annexure No.4

National Ambient Air Quality Standards


Annexure No.5

Criteria for Raw Water Used for Organized Community


Water Supplies (Surface & Ground Water) Primary Parameters

Annexure No.6

Noise Ambient Air Quality Standards


Annexure No.7

Illustrative Types of Socio Economic Impact


Annexure No.8

Highway Projects in Hilly Areas Checklist for Erosion Control


Annexure No.9

General Standards for Discharge Of Effluents


Annexure No.10

Environmental Concerns and Measures to Address


Annexure No.11

Indian Road Congress Codes of Practice for Highway Projects


Annexure No.12

International Good Practices


Annexure No.13

Direct and Indirect Environmental Impact - Highway Sector



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List of Figures
Figure No.


Page No.

Figure No.1.1

Prior Environmental Clearance Process for

Category A Projects

Figure No.1.2

Prior Environmental Clearance Process for

Category B Projects

Figure No.5.1

Schematic Layout of Waste Management in

Case of Hilly Areas


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EIA Guidance Manual Highways


Environmental Impact Notification S.O.1533 (E), of 14th September 2006 as amended in 2009 has
made it mandatory to obtain environmental clearance for scheduled development projects. The
notification has classified these projects as Category A & B. Category A projects (including
expansion and modernization of existing projects) require clearance from Ministry of Environment
and Forests (MoEF), Govt. of India (GoI) and for category B, from State Environmental Impact
Assessment Authority (SEIAA), constituted by the Govt. of India
The existing Environmental Impact Assessment Manual of MoEF is common for all the sectors
requiring prior environmental clearance. Considering the diversity in all the sectors related to
infrastructure and industrial development, MoEF launched a programme for development of
sector specific EIA guidance manuals. The EIA guidance manual will help the project proponent
and consultant in the preparation of EIA report. It also helps the regulatory authority while
reviewing the report and the public as well to be aware of the related environmental issues. This
EIA guidance manual accordingly addresses their related environmental concerns for the specific
sector, that is, Asbestos-based industries. The sector specific manual consists of twelve chapters,
corresponding to the generic structure as per the EIA Notification.
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter contains the general information on highway projects, environmental clearance
process, and identification of the project proponent
Chapter 2: Project Description
This chapter should cover the description of the project, such as, the type of project, need for the
project, project location, highway alignment, utilities, implementation schedule and the estimated
cost of the project.
Chapter 3: Analysis of Alternatives (Technologies)
This chapter should cover the details of various alternatives in respect of both location of site and
technologies to be deployed, in case the initial scoping exercise consider such a need.
Chapter 4: Description of Environment
This chapter should cover baseline data in the project area and study area.
Chapter 5: Anticipated Environmental Impact and Mitigation Measures
This chapter should cover the anticipated impact on the environment and mitigation measures.
The method of assessment of impact including studies carried out, modeling techniques adopted
to assess the impact where pertinent shall be elaborated in this chapter. It should give the details
of the impact on the baseline parameters, both during the construction and operational phases
and mitigation measures to be implemented by the proponent.
Chapter 6: Environmental Monitoring Programme
This chapter should cover the planned Environmental Monitoring Program. It should include
the technical aspects of monitoring the effectiveness of mitigation measures.


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Chapter 7: Additional Studies

This chapter should cover the details of the additional studies, if any, required in addition to
those specified in the TOR and which are necessary to cater to more specific issues applicable to
the particular project. These studies may be suggested either by the proponent itself or the
regulatory authority.
Chapter 8: Project Benefits
This chapter should cover the benefits accruing to the locality, neighbourhood, region and nation
as a whole. It should bring out details of benefits by way of improvement in the physical
infrastructure, social infrastructure, employment potential and other tangible benefits.
Chapter 9: Environmental Cost Benefit Analysis
This chapter should cover the Environmental Cost Benefit Analysis of the project, if recommended
by the Expert Appraisal Committee at the scoping stage.
Chapter 10: Environmental Management Plan
This chapter should comprehensively present the Environmental Management Plan (EMP), which
includes the administrative and technical setup, summary matrix of EMP, the cost involved to
implement the EMP, both during the construction and operational Phases.
Chapter 11: Summary & Conclusions
This chapter forms the summary of the full EIA report condensed to a maximum of ten A-4 size
pages. It should provide the overall justification for implementation of the project and should
explain how the adverse effects are proposed to be mitigated
Chapter 12: Disclosure of Consultants Engaged
This chapter should includes the names of the consultants engaged along with a brief resume
and nature of consultancy rendered
The contents of the manual are to be considered as version 1.0 (2010). An updating/revision of
the manual will be taken up by the ministry as per requirements. In case of interpretation of
any question related to law, the provisions of the original law and the rules made thereunder
with various government directions/resolutions will have to be read and followed. In case of
amendment to the original Act/Rules/Notifications made thereunder, the provisions as
amended from time to time shall be applicable.

Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad


1.0 Preamble
Environment plays a vital role in overall development of the country. Recognizing the importance
of environmental protection and sustainable development, the Ministry of Environment and Forest
(MoEF), Government of India had formulated policies and procedures governing the industrial
and other developmental activities to prevent indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources
and promote integration of environmental concern in developmental projects.
The Ministry of Environment & Forest has made prior environmental clearance (EC) for certain
developmental projects mandatory through its notification issued on 14th September 2006 and as
amended on 1st December 2009.

1.1General Information on Highway Projects

Development of highway projects is generally intended to improve the economic and social welfare
of the people. At the same time it may also create adverse impact on the surrounding environment.
People and properties may be in the direct path of road works are affected. The environmental
impact of highway projects include damage to sensitive eco-systems, soil erosion, changes to
drainage pattern and thereby ground water, interference with wild life movement, loss of
productive agricultural lands, resettlement of people, disruption of local economic activities,
demographic changes and accelerated urbanization. Highway development and operation should,
therefore, be planned with careful consideration of the environmental impact. To minimize these
adverse effects that may be created by the highway development projects, the techniques of
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) become necessary. Identification and assessment of
potential environmental impact should be an integral part of the project cycle. It should commence
early in the planning process to enable a full consideration of alternatives, and to avoid later
delays and complications. Highway authorities should have a clearly designated staff member
with overall responsibility for environmental matters and knowledge of environmental laws and

1.2 Environmental Clearance Process

As per the EIA notification of 14th September 2006 and its amendment dated 1st December 2009,
highway projects are divided into two categories as mentioned below :
express ways)

A Category
New National
Highways &
Expansion of
National Highways
greater than 30 km,
involving additional
right of way greater

B Category
All state highway projects
State highway expansion
projects in hilly terrain
(above 1,000 m AMSL)
and or ecologically
sensitive areas

General Condition
Any project or activity
specified in category B will
be treated as category A,
if located in whole or in part
within 10 km from the
boundary of:
(i) Protected areas notified

EIA Guidance Manual Highways

than 20m involving

land acquisition and
passing through
more than one State

under the Wildlife (Protection)

Act, 1972;
(ii) Critically polluted areas as
identified by the Central
Pollution Control Board from time
to time; (iii) Eco-sensitive areas as
notified under section 3 of the
Environment (Protection)
1986, such as, Mahabaleswar,
Panchgani, Matheran, Pachmarhi,
Dahanu, Doon Valley and (iv) interstate boundaries and international
Provided that the requirement
regarding distance of 10km of the
inter-state boundaries can be
reduced or completely done away
with by an agreement between the
respective states or U.Ts sharing the
common boundary in the case the
activity does not fall within 10
kilometers of the areas mentioned at
item (i), (ii) and (iii) above

The environmental clearance process for all projects will comprise a maximum of four stages. These four
stages in sequential order are:
Stage (1)-Screening
In case of category B projects or activities, this stage will entail the scrutiny of an application seeking
prior environmental clearance made in Form 1* by the concerned SEAC for determining whether or not
the project or activity requires further environmental studies for preparation of an Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) for its appraisal prior to the grant of environmental clearance depending upon the
nature and location specificity of the project. The projects requiring an Environmental Impact Assessment
report shall be termed Category B1 and remaining projects shall be termed category B2 and will not
require an Environmental Impact Assessment report.
Stage (2)- Scoping
Scoping refers to the process by which the EAC in the case of Category A projects or activities, and
SEAC in the case of Category B1 projects or activities, including applications for expansion and/or
modernization and/or change in product mix of existing projects or activities, determine detailed and
comprehensive TOR addressing all relevant environmental concerns for the preparation of an EIA
report in respect of the project or activity for which prior environmental clearance is sought. The EAC
or SEAC concerned shall determine the TOR on the basis of information furnished in the prescribed
application Form 1 including TOR proposed by the applicant, a site visit by a sub-group of EAC or
SEAC concerned only if considered necessary by the EAC or SEAC concerned and other information
that may be available with the EAC or SEAC concerned.

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Stage (3)- Public consultation

Public consultation refers to the process by which the concerns of local affected persons and others
who have plausible stake in the environmental impact of the project or activity are ascertained with a
view to taking into account all the material concerns in the project or activity design as appropriate. All
Category A and Category B1 projects or activities shall undertake Public consultation, except the
- Expansion of Roads and Highways which do not involve any further acquisition of land
- All projects or activities concerning national defence and security or involving other strategic
considerations as determined by the Central Government
After completion of the public consultation, the applicant shall address all the material environmental
concerns expressed during this process, and make appropriate changes in the draft EIA and EMP. The
final EIA report, so prepared, shall be submitted by the applicant to the concerned regulatory authority
for appraisal. The applicant may alternatively submit a supplementary report to draft EIA and EMP
addressing all the concerns expressed during the public consultation
Stage (4)- Appraisal
Detailed scrutiny by the EAC or SEAC of the application and other document like the Final EIA report,
outcome of the public consultations including public hearing proceedings, submitted by the applicant
to the regulatory authority concerned for grant of EC
Flow-charts depicting these stages to obtain the prior environmental clearance for Highways projects are
presented in Figure 1.1 & Figure 1.2

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Figure 1.1 : Prior Environmental Clearance Process for Category A Projects

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Figure 1.2 : Prior Environmental Clearance Process for Category B Projects

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

The projects involving clearance under Coastal Regulation Zone Notification, 1991 shall
submit with the application a CRZ map duly demarcated by one of the authorized agencies,
showing the project activities, w.r.t. C.R.Z (at the stage of TOR) and the recommendations
of the State Coastal Zone Management Authority (at the stage of EC). Simultaneous action
shall also be take to obtain the requisite clearance under the provisions of the CRZ
notification, 1991 for the activities to be located in the CRZ#
The projects to be located within 10km of the National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere
Reserves, Migratory corridors of wild animals, the project proponent shall submit the
map duly authenticated by Chief Wildlife Warden showing these features vis--vis the
project location and the recommendations or comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden
thereon (at the stage of EC) #
For the projects located in critically polluted areas as notified by CPCB, the project
proponent shall make available a copy of their application for the TOR to the concerned
SPCB. The SPCB should either send its representative at the time of consideration of the
proposal by the EAC, at the stage of appraisal of the project for prescribing TOR or
consideration of EC or provide their written comments with respect to pollution load in
terms of ambient air quality, water quality or solid/hazardous waste management # #

S.O No. 3067 (E) dated 1st December 2009 of MoEF

Circular dated 25th August 2009 of MoEF

1.3 Terms of Reference (TOR)

Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Highway projects is prepared and attached as Annexure 1 to
this document. In addition, the proponent is required to identify specific issues, if any, pertinent
to the project and include those issues also in the TOR for preparation of EIA and EMP report
upon approval of the TOR by the Expert Appraisal Committee.

1.4 Validity of Environmental Clearance

The prior environmental clearance granted is valid for a period of five years. The regulatory
authority concerned may extend this validity period by a maximum period of five years.

1.5 Post Environmental Clearance Monitoring

In respect of category A projects, it shall be mandatory for the project proponent to make public
the environmental clearance granted for their project along with the environmental conditions
and safeguards at their cost by prominently advertising it at least in two local newspapers of the
district or state where the project is located and in addition, this shall also be displayed in the
project proponents website permanently.
In respect of category B projects, irrespective of its clearance by MoEF/SEIAA, the project
proponent shall prominently advertise in the newspapers indicating that the project has been
accorded environmental clearance and the details of MoEF website where it is displayed.
The project management shall submit half-yearly compliance reports in respect of the stipulated
prior environmental clearance terms and conditions on 1st June and 1st December of each calendar
year. All such reports shall be public documents. The latest such compliance report shall be
displayed on the web site of the concerned regulatory authority.

Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad


1.6 Transferability of Environmental Clearance

A prior environmental clearance granted for a specific project or activity to an applicant may be
transferred during its validity to another legal person entitled to undertake the project or activity
on application by the transferor or the transferee with a written no objection by the transferor,
to, and by the regulatory authority concerned, on the same terms and conditions under which
the prior environmental clearance was initially granted, and for the same validity period.

1.7 Generic Structure of Environmental Impact Assessment Document

In terms of the EIA notification of the MOEF dated 14th September 2006, the generic structure of
the EIA document shall be as under:


Project Description

Analysis of Alternatives (Technology and Site)

Description of the Environment

Anticipated Environmental Impact & Mitigation Measures

Environmental Monitoring Program

Additional Studies

Project Benefits

Environmental Cost Benefit Analysis

Environmental Management Plan

Summary & Conclusion

Disclosure of Consultants engaged

1.8 Identification of Project Proponent

Profile of the project proponent contact address with -mail, fax, phone numbers, implementing
organization and project consultants should be furnished. All correspondence with the Ministry
of Environment & Forests including submission of application for TOR/Environmental Clearance,
subsequent clarifications, as may be required from time to time, participation in the EAC meeting
on behalf of the project proponent shall be made by the authorized signatory only. The authorized
signatory should also submit a document in support of his claim of being an authorized signatory
for the specific project

1.9 Brief Description of the Project

Details of the project nature, size, location and its importance to the country and the region are to
be included. Project site description- survey/ village, tehsil, district, state & extent of the land,
latitude & longitude of the boundaries should be furnished.
Description of existing environmental laws/regulations on the proposed activity is to be brought
out clearly. If there are any notified restrictions/limitations from environmental angle, issued by
the district administration, state or central government, the same should be furnished. Details of
litigation(s) pending against the project/ proposed site and or any direction passed by the court
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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

of law against the project, if any, should be stated. Any other local/state regulations concerning
the development projects on conversion of land use, the same should be adopted as per the
procedures. Approval/clearance required under the following acts should be specifically stated:

The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980

The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972

The CRZ Notification, 1991

In case of expansion/ modernization of the project, the environmental compliance status for the
existing project should be furnished for the following:

Status of environmental clearance and conditions compliance for the existing project as

Road factors :

Land width available

Geometrics Curvature, Gradient, and pavement width etc

Structural condition of road and road structures

Traffic factors :

Traffic volume- vehicles per day,

Traffic composition

Average speed of travel,

Time delays if any at railway crossings,

Presence of road intersection nos./km,

Access control,

Accidents fatal and injury accidents per year

1.10 Environmental Standards and Code of Practices

National standards and codes of practice of Indian Roads Congress (IRC) and MoSRT&H particular
to environmental issues, which are relevant to the proposed project, should be furnished.
Details of the scope of study as per the Terms of reference approved by the Expert Appraisal
Committee and the details of regulatory scoping carried out should be mentioned

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2.0 General
The description of the project to be given in this chapter of the EIA study report should be
reasonably adequate to understand the likely overall impact of the project construction and
operational phases on various facets of environment and should include:

Project coverage, master plan, phasing and scope

Relevance of the project in the light of the existing development plans of the region /state /

Description of all alternative alignments considered avoiding the ethnic minorities living in
the proposed right-of-way

Procedures and criteria adopted for selection of the alignment of right of way, alternative
alignments considered, if any, details of land acquisition involved, rehabilitation of villages/
communities if any, proposed methods there of etc.,

Overall suitability of the identified alignment and the proposed activity in the light of the
existing environmental acts and serious deviations, if any

2.1 Broader Details of the Project and Location

Description of the alignment, broad geology, topography, connectivity, demographic aspects,

socio, cultural and economic aspects, villages, settlements

Details of environmentally sensitive places, land acquisition, rehabilitation of communities

/ villages and present status

Historical data such as climatic conditions, rainfall, history of cyclones, earthquakes etc

Technologies involved for design and construction

Essential Maps to be Provided

 Highway alignment plan with the help of latest available cloud free satellite imagery of
project alignment in 1:25,000 scale, and surrounding area covering 10 Km distance on
either side of the proposed right of way showing the details of (i) Protected Areas notified
under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, (ii) Critically polluted areas as identified by
the Central Pollution Control Board from time to time, (iii) Eco-sensitive areas as notified
under section 3 of the E (P) Act, 1986, such as Mahabaleshwar, Panchgani,Matheran,
Pachmarchi, Dahanu, Doon Valley, and (iv) Inter-state boundaries and international
 Alignment plan, with details such as nature of terrain (plain, rolling, hilly), details of
villages, tehsil, districts and states, latitude and longitude for important locations falling
on the alignment shall be submitted

EIA Guidance Manual Highways

 A map derived from the recent satellite imagery covering aerial distance of 15 Km from the
proposed alignment delineating environmental sensitive areas as specified in Form I of EIA
notification dated 14th Sep 2006
 Land use map of the study area to 1: 25,000 scale based on recent satellite imagery of the
study area delineating the crop lands (both single and double crop), agricultural plantations,
fallow lands, waste lands, water bodies, built-up areas, forest area and other surface features
such as railway tracks, ports, airports, roads, and major industries etc
 Area drainage map covering 500 meters on either side of proposed right of way shall be
clearly indicated. In case of any proposed diversion of nallah/canal/river either during the
construction phase or operational phase, same shall also be shown in the map
 Detailed ground surveyed map in 1:2000 scale showing the existing features falling within
the right of way namely trees, structures including archeological & religious, monuments
The List of critically polluted industrial clusters/areas identified by CPCB is given in
Annexure 2

2.2 Activities for Site Preparation

If the proposed route is passing through low lying areas, details of fill materials* and initial
and final levels after filling above MSL, should be provided. Source and type of fill materials
and its storage places should be furnished
If the proposed route involves stripping, the details of the area to be stripped, locations,
volume and quantity of earth to be removed, type of soil and proposal for utilization of
removed top soil with location of dump site to be provided
If the proposed route involves cutting of earth, the details of area to be cut, depth of cut,
locations, soil type, volume and quantity of earth and other materials to be removed with
its utilization plan or location of dump site to be provided
If the proposed alignment is passing through any hilly area and avalanche area the details
to be provided
If the proposed route involves tunneling, the details of the tunnel and locations of tunneling
with geological structural fraction should be provided. Quantity and type of cut material
and its utilization plan should or location of dump be submitted
In case of road passes through a flood plain of the river, the details of micro drainage, flood
passages and information on flood periodicity in the area should be provided.
If the proposed project involves any land reclamation*, details to be provided for the activity
for which land to reclaimed and the area of land to be reclaimed
If the proposed route involves any migratory path of animals, details about fauna, habitat
and period of the year in which activity take place, should be provided
Is there a possibility that the construction of roads will cause impact such as destruction of
forest, poaching, reduction in wetland areas, if so, details should be provided
If there will be any change in the drainage pattern after the proposed activity, details of
changes should be furnished
If the proposed route is passing through a city or town, with houses and human habitation
on either side of the road, the necessity for provision of service ducts to be studied
Whether project involves cutting/disturbance of mangroves? If so, the details should be


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Project Description

Whether the project involves any dredging? If so, details to be given

Whether any likely ingression of saline water into groundwater due to the proposed project?
(* Fill material and land reclamation shall be planned as per Fly ash Rules 2009, where ever

If the Project Attracts the Provisions of CRZ Notification

 In case the proposed route falls totally or partially in CRZ area, indicate the category of the
area and also show under what provision this activity is permitted
 CRZ maps indicating the High Tide Line (HTL), Low Tide Line (LTL), demarcated by one
of the authorized agencies and the project activities superimposed on the map shall be
submitted on 1:5000 scale map at the stage of TOR and recommendations of the State Coastal
Management Authority at the stage of EC

2.3 Summary of Project Details



Length of new alignment proposed (kilometers)

Width of the new alignment (meters)

Length of existing alignment proposed to be strengthened/

widened (kilometers)

Width of the existing alignment (meters)

Width of the existing alignment after widening (meters)

Total length of the alignment (kilometers)

Number of bridges Major


Length of bridges (meters)

Width of bridges (meters)

Number of culverts


Length of culverts (meters)


Number and distance (meters) between underpasses


Number of intersections


Length of intersections (meters)


Number of railway crossings


Length of railway crossings (meters)


Number of villages through which alignment passes


Population of the villages through which alignment passes


Length of new alignment proposed in agricultural land


Width of new alignment proposed in agricultural land


Length of new alignment proposed in forest area


Width of new alignment proposed in forest area

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

2.4 Natural Resources

Requirement of natural resources for construction along with their sources, its transportation,
should be furnished. Water requirement during the construction stage along with its availability
should be furnished. Utilization of solar energy for lighting etc should be explored. Utilization of
fly ash should be explored. Raw materials and water requirement details may be given as in
Table 2.1 & 2.2.

2.5 Man Power Requirement

The proponent shall indicate the requirement of various categories of manpower such as skilled,
semi-skilled workers, technicians, engineers, managers and other professionals for both
construction phase and operational phases

2.6 Project Implementation Schedule

The proponent shall submit the project implementation schedule bar chart and other relevant
and related things


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3.0 General
In case, the scoping exercise results in the need for consideration of alternative solutions/
alignments/technologies on account of predicted environmental impact, the details of such
alternatives should be included in this chapter.

3.1 Consideration of Alternatives

Sound and sustainable highway project involve the consideration of two types of alternatives.
These are usually referred to as alternative solutions to the transportation problem and alternative
designs for a selected project. The first is an early planning period where general environmental
impact from alternative solutions to a road transportation problem are identified and compared,
resulting in the selection of an environmentally acceptable project option. This analysis should
identify the preferred solution to the transportation problem for which the planning activity was
initiated. The second stage is at the project design level, where the optimal or preferred project
design is selected in terms of alignment, grade, pavement treatment, median type etc.
In describing the project and its alternatives, four key characteristics of each proposed alternative
should be determined before a comparative analysis can be undertaken. The four characteristics

Spatial requirements

Natural resources (including productive land) consumption

Human resource benefits and costs (such as resettlement versus better access to market)

Waste production during the construction and operation/maintenance periods

These details shall comprise of:

Description of various alternatives viz locations or layouts or technologies studied

Description of each alternative

Summary of adverse and positive impact of each alternative

Selection of the alternative which is the best with respect to use of resources and adverse
environmental impact

4.0 General
Baseline conditions define the characteristics of the existing environment and shape projected
future conditions, assuming no project is undertaken. They provide the basis from which project
impact comparisons are made. Baseline analysis should take into account:

Past trends in environmental quality

Other current or proposed development programs in the project area.

Environmental components to be considered in relation to highway projects are: (a) land, (b)
water, (c) air and meteorological (d) biological (e) noise (f) solid waste management (g) socio
economic and health environment. Hence it is necessary to ascertain the baseline data of these
environmental components. As a primary requirement of EIA process, the proponent should
collect baseline data in the project area as well as the study area, which is likely to be affected by
the project activity for one season (non-monsoon).

4.1 Study Area

As a primary requirement of EIA process, the proponent should collect primary baseline data in
the right of way as well as the area falling within 500 meters on either side of right of way and
secondary data should be collected within 15 km aerial distance as specifically mentioned at para
9(iii) of Form I of EIA Notification 2006. The study area mentioned in this document should be
considered for guidance purpose. But the exact study area for different environmental components
is to be submitted for review and appraisal by the expert appraisal committee. Map of the project
area and study area clearly delineating the location of various monitoring stations (air / water /
soil and noise) superimposed with locations of habitation should be shown. Monitoring should
be done as per CPCB guidelines.

4.2 Land Environment

Land use plan should be ascertained from the existing approved master plan of the region,
if any. The environmental sensitivity areas as mentioned at Para 9 (III) of form I of EIA
notification 2006, covering the following with in an aerial distance of 15 km should be
furnished along with the aerial distance from the project boundary:

Areas protected under international conventions, national or local legislation for their
ecological, landscape, cultural or other related value
Areas which are important or sensitive for ecological reasons wetlands, mangroves
watercourses or other water bodies, coastal zone, biospheres, mountains, forests
Areas used by protected, important or sensitive species of flora or fauna for breeding,
nesting, foraging, resting, over wintering, migration
Inland, coastal, marine or underground waters
State, national boundaries

EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Routes or facilities used by the public for access to recreation or other tourist, pilgrim

Defense installations

Densely populated or built-up area

Areas occupied by sensitive man-made land uses (hospitals, schools, places of worship,
community facilities)

Areas containing important, high quality or scarce resources (groundwater resources,

surface resources, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, minerals)

Areas already subjected to pollution or environmental damage (those where existing

legal environmental standards are exceeded)

Areas susceptible to natural hazard, which could cause the project to present
environmental problems (earthquakes, subsidence, landslides, erosion, flooding or extreme
or adverse climatic conditions)

Details of villages, survey numbers of the area, tehsil, districts and states, elevation above
mean sea level & latitude and longitude of important locations and existing drainage system
throughout the proposed highway alignment should be collected

The details of demographic profile should be given as in Table 4.1

Data of the proposed land and its availability is to be ascertained from local authorities,
revenue records etc.

Description of the existing situation of the land along the alignment, study of the land use
pattern, habitation, cropping pattern, forest area, environmentally sensitive places,
mangroves, notified industrial areas, sand dunes, nature of the terrain (plain, rolling, hilly),
sea, river, lake etc. by employing remote sensing techniques and also through secondary
data sources. The land use/land cover classification system as per Annexure 3 should be

Details of the alignment passing totally or partially in CRZ area and applicable notified
restrictions should be furnished

Identification of major and minor irrigation tanks, with in 2 kms on the upstream side of
alignment, in consultation with local and irrigation authorities should be done. This will
help to identify the vulnerability due to breeches during the heavy rainfall

Identification of quarries, stone crushers and borrow areas should be under taken. This will
help in assessing the impact due to these activities and to prepare suitable mitigation plan.
The details of identified quarries and borrow areas should be given as in Table 4.2 & 4.3

Inventory of the environmental features such as trees/ forests if any/ drainage lines, rivers
and water crossings/ irrigation water courses/ water bodies/grazing lands/ cultural
properties/ utilities/ community facilities/ schools/hospitals/ seasonal markets or cultural
congregations etc, along the proposed highway should be prepared

The geological information such as rock types, history of any volcanic activity, seismicity, and
land slides and associated hazards should be covered. The alignment segments falling under
each seismic zone should be listed. Details of precautionary measures proposed for the section of
alignment falling under zone 5 should be listed.

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Description of the Environment

Soil data
The soil profile of the highway alignment should be presented based on the soil series maps of
National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use.
The suggested parameters for soil analysis are pH, Electrical conductivity, sand (%), silt (%),
clay (%), texture, moisture retention capacity (%), infiltration rate (mm/hour), bulk density (gm/
cc), porosity (%), organic matter (%), nitrogen (mg/1000g), potassium (mg/1000g), phosphorous
(mg/1000g), sulphates and sodium sulphates. The soil sample locations and monitored values
should be given as in Table 4.4.

4.3 Water Environment

Details of surface water bodies within right of way and within 500mts from the right of way
should be documented along with the present usage. The description of these water bodies should
be given as in Table 4.5 Monitoring of surface water and ground water within the study area
should be furnished. The samples should be collected and analyzed as per the standard procedures.
The description of the water sampling locations should be given as in Table 4.6 & 4.7 and the
monitoring results should be given as in Table 4.8 &. 4.9. The flow and other details of the streams
crossing the alignment should be furnished.
The Central Pollution Control Board has stipulated criteria for raw water usages, use based
classification of surface water and these are given in Annexure 5.

4.4 Air Environment

Meteorological Data
Meteorological data covering maximum and minimum wind speed, wind direction, rain fall,
relative humidity and temperature for atleast 10 years period should be presented from the nearest
meteorological station. Recording velocity and direction of wind along the proposed alignment,
where sensitive receptors are located nearby, should be generated by installing continuous and
self-recording anemometer. History of cyclones, earth quakes and snowfall data shall be collected
from the nearest meteorological station for a period of 50 years.
Ambient Air Quality
Baseline data for the parameters - particulate matter size less than 10m or PM10 g/m3, particulate
matter size less than 2.5m or PM2.5 g/m3, sulphur dioxide (g/m3), nitrogen dioxide (g/m3)
and carbon monoxide (g/m3) in the study area should be generated for one season other than
monsoon as per CPCB norms. The monitoring locations and the result should be given as in
Table 4.10 & 4.11. While selecting the monitoring locations specific importance should be given
where ever sensitive environmental receptors exist. The National Ambient Air Quality Standards
is given in Annexure 4.

4.5 Noise Environment

Baseline data in the study area should be generated. While selecting the monitoring locations
specific importance is to be given for sensitive environmental receptors like thickly populated
areas, hospitals, schools, wildlife corridors etc. Hourly monitoring of noise levels (Leq) should be
recorded for 24 hours by using integrated noise meter. Noise standards have been designated for
different types of land use, i.e. residential, commercial, industrial areas and silence zones as per
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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 (Annexure 6). The description of noise
monitoring locations should be given as in Table 4.12.

4.6 Biological Environment

The baseline status for biological environment should be established by studying distribution
pattern, community structure, population dynamics and species composition of flora and fauna.
The following should be covered:

Details on secondary data on the existing flora and fauna in the study area, carried out by
an university/institution under the relevant discipline (such as BSI, ZSI, WII, etc) should be
included in the list of flora and fauna along with classification as per Schedule given in the
Wild Life Protection Act, 1972 and in the Red Book Data and a statement clearly specifying
whether the study area forms a part of an ecologically sensitive area or migratory corridor
of any endangered fauna. The list of endangered and endemic species should be given as in
Table 4.13.

If the proposed project site involves any breeding or nesting ground, details about the name
of the aquatic organism, type of habitat and period of year in which activity takes place
should be provided

If the proposed route requires cutting of trees, then the information should be provided for
number of trees to be cut, their species and whether it also involved any protected or
endangered species

Location of national parks, sanctuary, and biosphere reserve, tiger reserve, elephant reserve
and wildlife migratory routes with in aerial distance of 10 km either side of proposed
alignment should be furnished

Information on dependence of ethnic minorities on minor forest products should be furnished

4.7 Socio Economic and Health Environment

Baseline data in the study area particularly on human settlements, health status of the communities,
existing infrastructure facilities should be collected through secondary sources. Present
employment, livelihood and awareness of the population about the project should be collected.
Annexure 7 gives the illustrative types of socio-economic impact for reference.
The data required for R&R of the effected population as per the government norms should be


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5.0 General
The aim is to ensure that potential environmental problems are foreseen and avoided at an early
stage in planning cycle so as to pre-empt problems. The EIA mechanism shall be applied to the
project in the following order of priority:
 Avoid adverse environmental impact
 Minimize and control adverse environmental impact
 Mitigate adverse environmental impact
Environmental impact should be considered not only as they pertain to road right of way, but
also to the sites associated with the road project, which include deposit and borrow sites, materials
treatment areas, quarries, access roads and facilities provided for project work.

5.1 Land Environment

Anticipated Impact

Highway projects require large quantum of land and causes disturbance to the existing
land usage. Impact on the land use pattern should be assessed

Impact due to the removal of topsoil during highway construction and from storing,
stockyards, workers camp etc.

Impact on productive lands on selection of borrow areas

Impact due to erosion and consequent modification of natural conditions

Impact due to destabilization of slopes

Impact due to diversion of natural surface water flows

Impact due to construction of embankment leading to blocking of cross drainage and causing
water logging

Impact due to construction of bridges across, nallahs, streams, rivers/water bodies

Impact on haul roads due to usage of heavy machinery for material transportation

Impact due to ribbon development along the highway

Mitigation Measures

While selecting road alignment attention must be paid to avoid areas prone to land slides,
soil erosion, subsidence, fertile agricultural lands etc.

The erosion potential of alternatives should be carefully examined and the one involving
least disturbance to the natural ground should be preferred

EIA Guidance Manual Highways

In case of flood prone areas and/or areas with very flat slopes, hydrological surveys have
to be conducted before alignment finalization. Inputs derived from these surveys such as
the need for provision of culverts/bridges or other cross/roadside drainage structures should
be considered in the alignment finalization

Checklist of points about the erosion control on the construction of highway projects in
hilly areas is given in Annexure 8

In hilly areas, specific geological studies should be conducted to avoid locations vulnerable
for land slides

Balancing filling and cutting requirements through alignment choice to reduce the need for
borrow pits and to minimize excess spoil material generation should be considered

Drainage improvements to avoid water logging and flooding due to disturbance of natural
drainage pattern should be considered

Possibility of storing and reuse topsoil by separating topsoil from subsoil during the initial
excavation should be considered

Engineering measures for slope protection and erosion prevention should be considered

Maintenance of haul roads should be planned

Borrow areas should be opened preferably from barren and infertile lands

The stored topsoil should be spread back to restore the productivity of the exhausted borrow
areas/ the accumulated top soil should be utilized for developing median plantation and
for raising turfs in the embankment slopes

To prevent malaria, where other conditions permit, borrow pits should be well drained. To
ensure efficient drainage, the bed level of the borrow pits should, as far as possible, slope down
progressively towards the nearest cross drain, if any, and should not be lower than the bed of
the cross drain
When it becomes necessary to borrow earth from temporarily acquired cultivable lands, the
depth of borrow pits should not exceed 45 cm. The topsoil to a depth of 15 cm should be
stripped and stacked aside. Thereafter soil may be dug out to a further depth not exceeding 30
cm and used in forming the embankment. The topsoil should then spread back on the land. It
is most important to adopt this practice when the soil is borrowed from rich cultivable land
In waterlogged areas where the water table is near the surface, the lowering of the land even by
30 cm may make cultivation impossible. In such cases borrow pits should take the form of deep
narrow continuous ditches (connected with natural drainage where possible) so as to conserve
as much land as possible. In all such cases special anti-malaria measures may have to be adopted
near habitations, in consultation with Public Health Authorities
Borrow pits should not be dug within 0.8 km of towns or villages. If unavoidable, they should
not exceed 30 cm in depth and should be drained
(Source: Recommended Practice for borrow pits for road embankments constructed by manual operation:
IRC: 10-1961)

Identification of waterlogged areas under the following categories and plan for remedial
measures as suggested in IRC: 34 1970 may be considered:


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Analysis of Potential Environmental Impact & Mitigation Measures

Road construction in areas where the problem is one of water logging alone and is not
tied up with flooding or salt infestation

Road construction in areas where in addition to water logging flooding for prolonged
periods is also expected

Road construction in areas where in addition to water logging injurious salts are present
in the subsoil or ground water

Drainage improvements for prevention of soil erosion and siltation of watercourses should
be planned. Slope stabilization techniques and erosion control measures should be planned
especially for the projects undertaken in hilly areas, such as increasing vegetation, sausage
walls/ gabions (IRC: SP: 48 1998), bally benching (IRC: SP: 48- 1998), check dams etc

5.2 Water Environment

Anticipated Impact

Road construction activities that intersect drainage basins, generally modify the natural
flow of surface water by concentrating flows at certain points and in many cases, increasing
the speed of flow resulting in flooding, soil erosion, channel modification and siltation of
streams. Impact due to surface water flow modifications should be assessed

Impact on water table due to road drainage, excavation and construction of embankments
and structures should be assessed

Impact due to spillages and accidents of vehicles carrying chemicals should be assessed,
especially if drinking water bodies are located within 500 meters in the u/s of the highway

Impact on water facilities such as, wells, hand pumps, tube wells etc falling along the highway
alignment should be assessed

Impact due to disposal of wastewater generated from the temporary project offices and
temporary workers housing area should be assessed

Mitigation Measures

Labour camps should not be located near to water bodies. No discharge from such
establishments should follow their path into nearby water bodies. Dumping of debris in or
nearby water bodies should be strictly avoided. All the waste generated from the camps
should be collected, stored and disposed in environmentally suitable manner. Standards
for discharge of effluents is given in Annexure 9

Appropriate drainage arrangements with catch drains and catch pits should be planned to
prevent the spillage of chemicals and fuels reaching the water bodies

Possibility of avoiding alignments which are susceptible to erosion

Water flow speed control should be exercised to check surface runoffs and silt loads during
construction activities

Silt screens and sediment traps to be made before out-letting to water bodies to minimize
turbidity and silting in local water bodies

The effect of the proposed highway project on channel capacities and existing floodways
should be evaluated. Care must be taken to evaluate the effects related to the delayed release
from detention facilities since an increase in downstream peak discharges
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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

In dry areas road drainage can be designed to retain water in small dams or maintain a high
water table, which increases the availability of more water and recharging of local aquifers

5.3 Air Environment

Anticipated Impact

The immediate surroundings may have a greater impact. The existing surrounding features
such as habitation, hospitals, schools, notified sanctuaries etc. up to 500 meters and impact
on them should be addressed

Impact due to dust generation from excavation of soil, cutting of embankment near to
habitation, hospitals, schools, sanctuaries etc., up to 500 meters should be addressed

Impact due to movement of heavy vehicles carrying construction materials in the haul roads

Impact due to stone quarrying

Impact due to dust generation from material handling, storage, operation of crushers and
hot mix plants, movement of construction vehicles and construction activities

Impact due to vehicular emissions from vehicles used for construction purpose

Emission levels are expected to increase with the increase in vehicle numbers. There are
models developed by various international agencies to predict vehicular emissions. In order
to know the increase in pollution level, a mathematical modeling based on emission factors
of various vehicles and traffic projection, increase in pollutants load in atmosphere can be

Mitigation Measures

Selecting road alignment, which avoids passing close to housing, schools, hospitals etc,

Providing sufficient capacity to avoid traffic congestion, even with projected increase in
traffic flow

Provision of local access roads where access to main arteries has been restricted for the
purpose of promoting traffic efficiency and safety

Planting tall leafy vegetation between roads and human settlements

Water sprinkling and transporting construction materials with tarpaulin coverage during
the construction stage. During the sub-grade construction, sprinkling of water should be
carried out on regular basis during the entire construction period especially in the winter
and summer seasons. Special attention should be given in the sections where the alignment
passes through sensitive areas such as schools, hospitals and urban areas. As soon as
construction is over the surplus earth should be utilized properly and in no case, loose
earth should be allowed to pile up along the alignment

All the vehicles used during the construction stage to have valid PUC certificate

Provision of air pollution control systems in stone crushers to meet the suspended PM value
at distance of 40 meters less than 600 micrograms/Nm3. The stone crushing units should
adopt the following pollution control measures:


Dust containment cum suppression system for the equipment

Construction of wind breaking walls

Construction of the metalled roads within the premises

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Analysis of Potential Environmental Impact & Mitigation Measures

Regular cleaning and wetting of the ground within the premises

Growing of a green belt along the periphery

Hot mix units, if used on site, should be equipped with requisite air pollution equipment to
meet the prescribed standard of MoEF and SPCBs
Integration with the local government awareness campaign programmes on good practices
of vehicle maintenance etc. to reduce the air emissions

5.4 Noise Environment

Anticipated Impact

Impact of noise during construction activity, due to operation of various equipments

Impact of noise on the surrounding community due to vehicle movement

Impact of noise on wild life from crossing road corridors and becoming the highway corridor
a barrier to regular wild life travel routes

Prediction of noise levels should be done by using mathematical modeling at different

representative monitoring stations

Impact of vibrations during blasting activity, if any

Mitigation Measures

Provision for stationary machines and equipment with acoustic enclosures and silencers,
during the construction stage

Development of bypass roads to avoid road alignment through noise sensitive areas

Adoption of proper surface design and maintenance

Provision of noise barriers.

Prediction model outputs justifying the selection of type of the noise barrier and thickness
of the noise barrier etc.

Planting tall leafy and dense vegetation between roads and noise sensitive areas

Provision of mandatory acoustic enclosure /acoustic treatment of room for stationary DG

sets (5KVA and above). The acoustic enclosure/acoustic treatment of the room should be
designed for minimum 25 dB (A) insertion loss for meeting the ambient noise standards,
whichever is on the higher side. The DG set should be provided with proper exhaust muffler
with insertion loss of minimum 25 dB (A)

Building facade insulation, such as double window glazing, is an option usually adopted as a
last resort in order to dampen noise in buildings. It is most likely to be needed in cases where
noise impact result from an unforeseen expansion of traffic volume along existing roads

Doubling the distance between the road and the receptor results in a decrease of 3 dB (A) in the
noise level

When traffic on road is doubled, the noise level increases 3 dB (A), all other factors being equal

Doubling the speed results in an increase of 6 dB (A)

(Source: World Bank Technical Paper No.376)

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

5.5 Biological Environment

Anticipated Impact

Impact due to removal of trees in the highway alignment

Impact on forest resources, economically important plants including medicinal plants and
threat to endangered species

Impact on wildlife habitat and biodiversity due to change in land use

Impact due to fragmentation of wildlife habitat and territories

Impact due to changes in water quality, soil profile, noise, light and air pollution, which
may affect the nature and character of habitats

Pressure on habitats wildlife as a result of increased access provided by roads

Most animal species tend to follow established patterns in their daily and seasonal movements.
The areas, which they travel on their way to and from feeding, breeding and birthing grounds,
and between their seasonal ranges, are known as corridors. When a highway projects intersects
or blocks a wildlife corridor, the result is either cessation of use of the corridor because animals
are reluctant to cross the road, an increase in mortality because of collisions with vehicles, or a
delay in migration which may result in the weakening of the population
Mitigating Measures

Tree plantation plan to compensate the trees cut should be prepared as per the government

Possibility of tree transplantation should be examined

Identification of sensitive natural environments in the early planning stage so that alternative
routes, changes in width of the road can be examined

Possibility of twin new road corridors with previously established transport rights-of-way,
such as railway lines

Provision of wildlife underpass and hydraulic structure

Compensate the loss of forest coverage by appropriate plantation programme. Survival

rate of plants must be included in the contract specifications so as to ensure that the
compensatory plantation achieves its objective

Development of green belt on either side of the highway consisting of a variety of trees
would help to enrich ecology of the area and add to aesthetics. The location for roadside
green belt should be finalized keeping in view of future expansion of the highway

Regeneration of rare plants of economic importance including medicinal plants

Conservation plan for conservation and protection of flora and fauna, wildlife migratory
species and medicinal plants


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Analysis of Potential Environmental Impact & Mitigation Measures

5.6 Socio economic and Health Environment

Anticipated Impact

Analysis of positive and negative impact on the present status of livelihood.

Displacement of human settlement from proposed site. Impact on livelihood and loss of

Impact on community resources such as grazing land, religious places and panchayat meeting
place etc.

Impact on the existing travel areas due to faster traffic, access controls and median barriers

Impact due to accelerated urbanization

Employment opportunity and access to other amenities such as primary education and
health care facilities for local people

Mitigation Measures

The splitting of a community can be minimized by taking account of local movements at the
road design stage and by making provision for improved crossings or alternative access

Rehabilitation plan for land outees, homestead outees, and for displaced persons

Institutional arrangement for effective implementation and periodical review through project

Institutional capabilities to carryout the relocation and rehabilitation operation be assessed

and, if necessary, strengthened

Training to local people for employing them in the proposed project

Mechanism for providing effective guidance in financial planning to effected people

Integration with the local master plan to prevent conflict of interest

Throughout the world, the spread of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be linked
to the construction of roads and the resultant opening-up of new regions. Although there are no empirical
data to support this theory, it is believed that migrant populations-particularly truck drivers and
construction workers-whose mobility is enhanced by new road projects are the most likely vectors for
these diseases. The particular impact of road construction can only be mitigated through education of
both the migrant and local populations.
(Source: World Bank Technical Paper No. 376)

5.7Solid Waste Management

Anticipated Impact

Waste generated during construction may impact soil, agriculture and water quality

Waste generated from workers camps may impact surface and ground water quality and

Impact due to oil spillage/leakage from machines and vehicles

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Mitigation Measures

As far as possible road design and alignment should be finalized to minimize waste
generation through balancing of cut and fill operations and minimizing excess cuts requiring

In case debris generated from cutting in hill areas could not be reused, method of disposal
should be addressed. One of the suggestions is indicated in Figure 5.1. The figure indicates
construction of gabion walls on valley side at ridge locations to form a through for waste
disposal. As the ridge locations usually have streams flowing through, length of the pipe
provided at the culvert should be extended to let runoff flow out of the disposal location.
After filling up of the disposal site, it shall be grassed and suitably vegetated to prevent
erosion of the disposed soil

Figure 5.1: Schematic Layout of Waste Management in case of Hilly Areas

(Source: Environmental Codes of Practices, 2004 Ministry of Rural Development, GoI)

Suitable topsoil management should be prepared. Loss of topsoil is a long term impact in
highway projects due to site clearance and widening for road formation, development of
borrow areas and temporary construction activities such as construction camps, material
storage locations, diversion routes etc. The stripped topsoil should be carefully stockpiled
at suitable places. In case of hilly and desert areas, topsoil with humus wherever encountered
while opening up the site for construction should be stripped and stockpiled

The environmental concerns and measures to address in highway projects are given in a matrix
form in Annexure 10 for further reference.


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6.0 General
This chapter should cover the technical aspects of monitoring the effectiveness of mitigation
measures (including measurement methodologies, data analysis, reporting schedules, emergency
procedures and budget). It shall also include

Summary matrix of environmental monitoring covering location of monitoring stations,

frequency of sampling, method of sampling analysis and data interpretation - during
construction and operational stages

Requirement of monitoring facilities

Frequency of air quality monitoring

Changes with reference to base line data and compliance to norms

Plantation monitoring programme

6.1 Control Initiatives

List out data from MoSRTH specifications for environmental management, code of practices of
IRC, CPCB publication and other government guidelines and control objectives that would be
implemented at appropriate stage in EIA. List of some of IRC codes of practices for highway
projects is given in Annexure 11.
It should also cover different statutory returns/ compliance reports to be submitted such as:

Submission of half yearly compliance report in respect of the stipulated prior environmental
clearance terms and conditions in hard and soft copies to the regulatory authority concerned,
on 1st June and 1st December of each calendar year

Submission of environmental statement for the financial year ending 31st March to the
concerned state pollution control board on or before 30th September every year

7.0 General
TOR to be adopted for Highway projects as commonly applicable is prepared and attached to
this manual as Annexure 1. It may however, be necessary consider specific issues as applicable to
individual projects. The EIA report and EMP should therefore address such issues also.

7.1 Items Identified by the Proponent

The proponent may be able to identify issues beyond those included in the common TOR as may
be specifically considered by him important from environmental point of view. In such cases the
proponent shall include such issues as additional studies under TOR and pursue them in the EIA
study after the regulatory authority approves TOR.

7.2 Items Identified by the Regulatory Authority

During the scoping process, the regulatory authority may direct specific issues, beyond those is
included in the TOR proposed by the proponent, as may be specifically considered important
from environmental point of view. In such cases the proponent should pursue those issues as
additional studies in the EIA report after the regulatory authority approves TOR.

7.3 Items Identified by the Public and Other Stakeholders

After completion of the public consultation, the applicant shall address all the environmental
concerns expressed during the process, and make appropriate changes in the draft EIA and EMP.
The final EIA report, so prepared, shall be submitted by the applicant to the concerned regulatory
authority for appraisal. The applicant may alternatively submit a supplementary report to draft
EIA and EMP addressing all the concerns expressed during the public consultation. A statement
of the issues raised by the public and the comments of the applicant shall also be prepared in
the local language and in English and annexed to the proceedings.

7.4 Natural Resource Conservation and Optimization

The use of alternate materials for construction focuses on the management and reuse of waste
materials locally available in the project area with the added advantage of economizing the project
cost, should be explored. Potential waste materials that can be used in highway projects include:
flay ash, blast furnace slag, marble slurry, quarry overburden, and other industrial wastes. Lime
or mechanical stabilization techniques should be utilized in case the materials available around
the project area are not suitable for construction in its original condition. The guidelines for the
use of waste materials as laid down in IRC code of practices should be examined for its application.

EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Fly Ash utilization proposals shall be prepared in accordance with notification No. S.O.
2804 (E) dated 3rd November 2009
No agency, person or organization shall, within a radius of 100 kilometers of a thermal power
plant undertake construction or approve design for construction of roads or flyover
embankments with top soil; the guidelines/specifications issued by the Indian Road Congress
(IRC) as contained in IRC specification No. SP: 58 of 2001 as amended from time to time regarding
use of fly ash shall be followed and any deviation from this direction can only be agreed to on
technical reasons if the same is approved by Chief Engineer (Design) or Engineer-in-Chief of
the concerned agency or organization or on production of a certificate of fly ash not available
from the thermal power plant(s) (TPPs) located within hundred kilometers of the site of
construction and this certificate shall be provided by the TPP within two working days from
the date of receipt of a request for fly ash, if fly ash is not available
No agency, person or organisation shall within a radius of hundred kilometers of a coal or
lignite based thermal power plant undertake or approve or allow reclamation and compaction
of low lying areas with soil; only fly ash shall be used for compaction and reclamation and they
shall also ensure that such reclamation and compaction is done in accordance with the
specifications and guidelines laid down by the authorities

7.5 R & R Action Plans

R&R plan with data on the existing socio-economic status of the population in the study
area and broad plan for resettlement of the displaced population, site for the resettlement
colony and rehabilitation of the displaced people, civil and housing amenities being offered,
etc and the schedule of the implementation of the project specific R&R Plan

Details of budget provisions (capital & recurring) for the project specific R&R Plan

Institutional arrangements for implementation of R&R

7.6 Road Safety Management System

The statistics of road accidents in India is quite alarming and the Road safety management system
should be made an integral part of highway projects
Statistics of road accidents - 2007
During the calendar year 2007, number of road accidents reported at 4,79,216 were higher by
about 4 percent compared with 4,60,920 accidents reported in the year 2006. The number of
persons injured and killed as a result of road accidents during 2007 were 5,13,340 and 1,14,444
respectively and were higher by 3.4% and 8.2% compared to 4,96,481 and 1,05,749 reported for
the preceding year
(Source: Road Transport Year Book (2006-07), MSRT&H, GoI released March

IRC code of practice on road safety should be planned

Identification of accident prone areas and suggest alternatives to avoid accidents during
the planning stage itself

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Additional Studies

Identification of habitat fragmentation and traffic accident of wildlife and mitigation


Provision of speed breakers, safety signals, under and over bridges, service lanes and foot
paths at appropriate locations through out the proposed road to avoid the accidents

Provision for pedestrian access to the highways except at designated crossing points, when
the highway passes through habitation. Requirement of pedestrian over bridges/subways
should be assessed. Provision of traffic signals should be assessed

Provision of roadside rest areas at strategic locations to minimize driver fatigue

Accident data distribution should be reviewed and analyzed to predict and identify trends
for correction and for future use incase of expansion of the existing highways

Provision should be made for indicating the availability of facilities for post accident
emergency assistance and medical care to accident victims. Accurate and comprehensive
accident records are the foundation of the accident analysis. Road accident forms, data
collection, reporting and analysis covering the responsible departments should be addressed

Road safety audit should be made an integral part of the highway project during the planning,
construction and operational stage. The Road safety audit frame work in Japan is given

Road Safety Audit Frame Work in Japan

Existing Highway Projects

New/ Expansion Highway Projects

(Source: Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 5, pp. 2018 - 2031,

Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad


8.0 General
This chapter shall include benefits accruing to the locality, neighborhood, region and nation as a
whole. It should bring out details of benefits such as:

Improvements in the physical infrastructure and road access

Improvement in social services by quicker and safe transport mode

Development of tourism in specific areas

Reduced pollution, vehicle maintenance, fuel saving due to better quality of roads

Over all development in economy and improved life style

9.0 General
If recommended by the Expert Appraisal Committee at the Scoping stage this chapter shall include
the Environmental Cost Benefit Analysis of the project.

10.0 General
In practice, mitigation is emphasized in the EIA process following impact identification and
prediction, and recommended measures will be an important part of the EIA report. These
measures will be incorporated into the terms and conditions of project approval and implemented
during the Environmental management stage of the EIA process. The objectives of environmental
management are to:
 Ensure the mitigation measures are implemented
 Establish systems and procedures for this purpose
 Monitor the effectiveness of mitigation measures and
 Take any necessary action when unforeseen impact occur

10.1 Components of EMP

The EMP should contain the following components
 Summary of potential impact & recommended mitigation measures. Allocation of resources
and responsibilities for plan implementation
 EMP for fly ash utilization
 Administrative and technical setup for management of environment
 Institutional arrangements proposed with other organizations/Govt. authorities for
effective implementation of environmental measures proposed in the EIA
 Safe guards/mechanism to continue the assumptions/field conditions made in the EIA
 Environmental specifications for contractors should cover the required safeguards during
the design and construction stage
 Approach towards voluntary compliance (ISO 14001) should be explained.
International good practices are given in Annexure 12 for further reference.

10.2 Environmental Cell

It is desirable for the proponent to set up a separate environmental cell to oversee implementation
of the EMP and evaluate the results of monitoring. Survey and analysis should be carried out
periodically. Establishing a multidisciplinary internal environmental audit team for compliance
review should be planned.


11.0 General
Summary of EIA shall be a summary of the full EIA report condensed to ten A-4 size pages at the
maximum. It should necessarily cover in brief the following chapters of the full EIA report.
 Project description
 Description of the environment
 Anticipated environmental impact & mitigation measures
 Additional studies
 Project benefits
 Important Aspects of the Environmental Management Plan and
 Important Aspects of the Environmental Monitoring Programme
 Disclosure of consultants engaged


12.0 General
The EIA consultants shall have accreditation with Quality Control of India (QCI)/National
Accreditation Board of Education and Training (NABET) as per office memorandum dated 2nd
December 2009 of MoEF. This chapter shall include the names of the consultants engaged with
their brief resume and nature of consultancy rendered. The consultants should include the copy
of the accreditation certificate and data provided by the other organizations/ laboratories including
their status of approvals etc.



EIA Notification S.O 1533 dated 14th September 2006 and as amended 1st December 2009

Pollution Control Acts, Rules and Notifications issued thereunder (Pollution Control Law
Series), CPCB (

Proceedings for the workshop on Environmental Impact Assessment studies for

developmental projects, CPCB

Guidelines for developing green belts, Programme Objective Series, PROBES/75/1999-2000,


Guidelines for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring, National Ambient Air Quality Series
NAAQMS/25/2003-04, CPCB

Assessment of Impact of Air Environment: Guidelines for conducting air quality modeling,
Programme objective series: PROBES/70/1997-98, CPCB

Fly Ash Notification S.O. 763 (E) dated 14th September 1999 and as amended 3rd November

Office Memorandum of MoEF dated 3rd November 2009 on New policy on expansion of
existing ports and initiation of new projects along the coastline-regarding

Comprehensive Environmental Assessment of Industrial Cluster, Ecological Impact

Assessment Series, EIAS/5/2009-10

Strengthening Institutions for Sustainable growth in the Highways Sector- India Country
Environment Analysis, The World Bank

World Bank Technical Paper No. 376, Roads and the Environment November 1997

Asian Development Book 1993, Environmental Assessment Requirements and

Environmental Review Procedures]

Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment of Highways published by Indian Road


Effective Natural Disaster Management system for Highways, Editorial, Indian Highways,
March 2008 by V.K. Sinha

Sundar committee report on road safety and traffic management, February 2007

Accidental deaths and suicides in India 2007, National Crime Records Bureau

Road Transport Year Book (2006-07), MSRT&H, GoI (

Environmental Codes of Practices 2004, Ministry of Rural Development, GoI

Guidelines for Assessment of Ecological Impact of National Road Schemes, 2009, National
Roads Authority, Ireland (

EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Environmental Impact Assessment of National Road Schemes-A Practical Guide,2008,

National Road Authority, Ireland

Guidelines for development of Road Impact of development, Department of Main Roads,

Queensland Government (

Guidelines on design of Noise Barriers, 2003, Environmental Protection Department

Highways Department, Government of Hong Kong (

Environmental Impact Assessment Manual, 2001, MoEF


Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad



Table 2.1 Estimated Raw Material Requirements

S. No.


Quantity (tonnes)

Blue metal




Fly ash




Mode of transport


Table 2.2 Water Requirement

S. No


For road preparation

For dust suppression

For drinking purpose





Table 4.1 Demographic Profile


With in the project area

With in 500 meter

from the ROW

No. of villages
Number of households village-wise

Table 4.2 Quarries Identified for the Project

S. No


Distance From Highway


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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Table 4.3 Borrow Areas Identified for the Project

Chainage of road-km


Type of
connecting road

Distance from
nearest highway


Table 4.4 Soil Data in the Study Area

Sample location/ Parameter
Moisture retention capacity%
Infiltration rate mm/hour
Organic matter%
Sodium sulphate
Calcium sulphate

Table 4.5 Details of Important Water Bodies Crossing/Abutting the Project Road
Name of the water body



Flow direction

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Table 4.6 Description of Ground Water Sampling Locations

Station No.


Distance &
Direction from
project area

Project area/
study area


Table 4.7 Description of Surface Water Sampling Locations

Station No.


Distance &
Direction from
project area

Project area/
study area


Table 4.8 Analysis of Ground Water

S. No





Table 4.9 Analysis of Surface Water

S. No






Table 4.10 Description of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Station No.


Distance &
Direction from
project area

Project area/
study area

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Table 4.11 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Data

98 percentile



No. of samples

98 percentile



No. of samples

98 percentile



No. of samples

98 percentile



Matter (PM10)**
No. of samples

98 percentile



Station &



Matter (PM2.5)**
No. of samples


 *Industrial,Residential, Rural and other areas/ecologically sensitive area (notified by Central

 ** micro grams per M3

Table 4.12 Description of Noise Monitoring Stations

Stat Locations


Average Average
Day noise Night
level (dBA) noise

Day time
(6.00 A.M.
to 10.00 P.M)
(Leq in dBA)

Day time
(10.00 P.M.
to 6.00 A.M)
(Leq in dBA)


*Industrial area/ Commercial area /Residential area /Silence zone

Table 4.13 List of Endangered and Endemic Species

S. No


Chainage of
the road


Endemic species

Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad




Annexure 1

Terms of Reference (TOR) for Highways

Terms of Reference (TOR) for preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and
Environmental Management Plan for Highway Projects as per the EIA Notification, 2006 has
been devised to improve the quality of the reports and facilitate the decision making transparent
and easy. TOR will help the project proponents and consultants to prepare report with relevant
project specific data, which are informative, compact and easy to comprehend. TOR for Highway
Projects is expected to cover all environmental related features.

General Information
Developments of Highway Projects are generally intended to improve the economic and social
welfare of the people. At the same time it may also create adverse impact on the surrounding
environment. People and properties may be in the direct path of Road Works are effected. The
Environmental impact of highway projects include damage to sensitive eco-systems, soil erosion,
changes to drainage pattern and thereby ground water, interference with animal and plant life,
loss of productive agricultural lands, resettlement of people, disruption of local economic activities,
demographic changes, accelerated urbanization and increase in air pollution. Highway
development and operation should, therefore, be planned with careful consideration of their
environmental impact. To minimize these adverse effects that may be created by the Highway
development projects the techniques of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) become
necessary. Identification and assessment of potential environmental impact should be an integral
part of the project cycle. It should commence early in the planning process to enable a full
consideration of alternatives, and to avoid later delays and complications. Highway authorities
should have a clearly designated staff member with overall responsibility for environmental
matters and knowledge of environmental laws and regulations.
As per this EIA notification 2006, projects or activities included as Category A in the Schedule
shall require prior Environmental clearance from the Ministry of Environment and Forests on
the recommendations of an Expert Appraisal Committee. All projects or activities included, as
Category B in the Schedule will require prior environmental clearance from the State/Union
territory Environment Impact Assessment Authority

The Highway Projects are Included in Item No: 7(f) of Schedule of MOEF
Notification 2006 with following Categorization :

A Category

B Category

New National
Highways Highways &
(including Expansion of
National Highways
greater than 30 km,

All state highway

projects & State
highway expansion
projects in hilly terrain
(above 1,000 m AMSL)
and or ecologically

General Condition
Any project or activity specified
in Category B will be treated
as Category A if located in whole
or in part within 10 km from
the boundary of: (i) Protected
areas notified under the Wildlife

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

additional right of sensitive areas

way greater than
20m involving land
acquisition and
passing through
more than one

(Protection) Act, 1972;

(ii) Critically polluted areas
as identified by the Central
Pollution Control Board
from time to time;
(iii) Eco-sensitive areas as
notified under section 3
of the Environment (Protection)
Act, 1986, such as, Mahabaleswar
Panchangi, Matheran, Pachmarhi,
Dahanu, Doon Valley and (iv) interstate boundaries and international
Provided that the requirement
regarding distance of 10km of the
inter-state boundaries can be
reduced or completely done away
with by an agreement between the
respective states or U.Ts sharing the
common boundary in the case the
activity does not fall within 10
kilometers of the areas mentioned
at item (i), (ii) and (iii) above

All category A and category B1 Highway projects shall undertake Public Consultation except Expansion of Roads and Highways which do not involve any further acquisition of land &
Projects or activities concerning national defence and security or involving other strategic
considerations as determined by the Central Government.
The EIA-EMP report should be based on generic structure given in Appendix III to the EIA
notification 2006 for the project or its expansion /modernization. The EIA report should
incorporate the page numbers of various chapters, sections and sub-sections, tables, appendices,
drawings and figures etc., with titles shall be clearly indicated under the heading contents

1.0 Introduction
This chapter should cover the following:

Purpose of the project, brief description of the project, project name, nature, size, its
importance to the region and the country

Profile of the project proponent, name and contact address with e-mail, organizational chart,
project consultants etc., should be mentioned clearly

Land description- village, tehsil, district, state and extent of the land must be mentioned

Whether the project attracts the provisions of General Conditions as per EIA notification
2006. If so, applicability to the project should be discussed

The proponent should confirm that the project meets all the central/state/local
environmental regulations and standards applicable for coal washeries and allied activities

Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad


Any litigation(s) pending against the proposed project and/or any directions or orders passed
by any court of law/any statutory authority against the project is to be detailed out

In case of expansion/ modernization of the project, the environmental compliance status

for the existing project should be explained

National standards and codes of practice of Indian Roads Congress (IRC) and MoSRT &H
particular to environmental issues, which are relevant to the proposed project should be

2.0 Project Description

2.1 Broader Details of the Project, Location and Alignment

Relevance of the project in light of the existing development plans of the region /state /

Project coverage, master plan, phasing and scope

Description of alternatives considered to avoid the ethnic minorities and indigenous people
living in the proposed rights-of-way

Procedures and criteria adopted for selection of the alignment of right of way and alternative
alignments considered.

Overall suitability of the identified alignment and the proposed activity in light of the existing
Environmental Acts and deviations, if any

Description of road alignment, broad geology, topography, connectivity, demographic

aspects, socio, cultural and economic aspects, villages, settlements

Details of land acquisition, rehabilitation of communities / villages present status

Technologies involved for design, construction, equipment and operation

Resources, manpower, time frame etc., required for project implementation

Estimated cost of development of the project, environmental cost, funding agencies, whether
governmental or on the basis of BOT etc,

Essential Maps to be Provided with TOR

Highway alignment plan with the help of latest available cloud free satellite imagery of
project alignment in 1:25,000 scale, and surrounding area covering 10 Km distance on either
side of the proposed right of way showing the details of (i) Protected areas notified under
the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972; (ii) Critically polluted areas as identified by the Central
Pollution Control Board from time to time; (iii) Eco-sensitive areas as notified under section
3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, such as, Mahabaleswar, Panchgani, Matheran,
Pachmarhi, Dahanu, Doon Valley and (iv) inter-state boundaries and international

Alignment plan, with details such as nature of terrain (plain, rolling, hilly), details of villages,
teshils, districts and states, latitude and longitude for important locations falling on the
alignment shall be submitted

A map derived from the recent satellite imagery covering aerial distance of 15 Km from the
proposed alignment delineating environmental sensitive areas as specified in Form I of EIA
notification dated 14th Sep 2006
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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Land use map of the study area to 1: 25,000 scale based on recent satellite imagery of the
study area delineating the crop lands (both single and double crop), agricultural plantations,
fallow lands, waste lands, water bodies, built-up areas, forest area and other surface features
such as railway tracks, ports, airports, roads, and major industries etc

Area drainage map covering 500 meters on either side of proposed right of way shall be
clearly indicated. In case of any proposed diversion of nallah/canal/river either during the
construction phase or operational phase, it shall also be shown in the map

Detailed ground surveyed map in 1:2000 scale showing the existing features falling within
the right of way namely trees, structures including archeological & religious, monuments

2.2 Activities for Site Preparation

If the proposed route is passing through low lying areas, details of fill materials and initial
and final levels after filling above MSL, should be provided

If the proposed route involves stripping, the details of the area to be stripped, locations,
volume and quantity of earth to be removed, type of soil and proposal for utilization of
removed top soil with location of dump site to be provided

If the proposed route involves cutting of earth, the details of area to be cut, depth of cut,
locations, soil type, volume and quantity of earth and other materials to be removed with
location of dump site to be provided

If the proposed route is passing through any hilly area, and avalanche area the details to be

If the proposed route involves tunneling, the details of the tunnel and locations of tunneling
with geological structural fraction should be provided

In case the road passes through a flood plain of the river, the details of micro drainage,
flood passages and information on flood periodicity in the area should be provided

If the proposed project involves any land reclamation, details to be provided for the activity
for which land to reclaimed and the area of land to be reclaimed

If the proposed route involves any migratory path of animals, details about fauna, habitat
and period of the year in which activity take place, should be provided

Is there a possibility that the construction of roads will cause impact such as destruction of
forest, poaching, reduction in wetland areas, if so, details are to be provided

If there will be any change in the drainage pattern after the proposed activity, details of
changes to be furnished

If the proposed route is passing through a city or town, with houses and human habitation
on the either side of the road, the necessity for provision of service ducts should be studied

If the Project Attracts the Provisions of CRZ Notification:

 In case the proposed route falls totally or partially in CRZ area, indicate the category of
the area and also show under what provision this activity is permitted
 CRZ maps indicating the High Tide Line (HTL), Low Tide Line (LTL), demarcated by one
of the authorized agencies and the project activities superimposed on the map shall be
submitted on 1:5000 scale map at the stage of TOR

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3.0 Analysis of Alternatives (Alignments & Technology)

In case, the scoping exercise results in need for alternatives this chapter shall include:

Description of various alternatives like alignments or technologies studied

Summary of adverse impact of each alternative
Selection of alternative

4.0 Description of the Environment

Study Area
As a primary requirement of EIA process, the proponent should collect primary baseline data in
the right of way as well as the area falling within 500 meters on the either side of the right of way
and secondary data should be collected within 15 kms aerial distance as specifically mentioned
at para 9(iii) of Form I of EIA Notification 2006. The study areas mentioned in this document
should be considered for guidance purpose only. The exact study area for different environmental
attributes (water, air, noise, soil etc) is to be submitted considering the proposed project activity
and location, with proper reasoning, for review and approval by the expert appraisal committee.
Monitoring should be done as per CPCB guidelines.
TOR should contain details of secondary data, the source of secondary data, meteorological data
from nearest station of IMD along with wind roses and proposed monitoring locations should be
marked on the study map. Similarly the proposed locations of monitoring stations of water, air,
soil, noise etc shall be shown on the study area map. One season monitoring data excluding
monsoon should be collected. Period/date of data collection should be clearly indicated.

4.1 Land Environment

Data of the proposed land and its availability should be ascertained from local authorities,
revenue records etc.

Description of the existing situation of the land along the alignment. Study of the land use
pattern, habitation, cropping pattern, forest area, environmentally sensitive places,
mangroves, notified industrial areas, sand dunes, nature of the terrain (plain, rolling, hilly),
sea, river, lake etc. by employing remote sensing techniques followed by ground truthing
and also through secondary data sources

Details of villages, tehsil, districts and states, elevation above mean sea level & latitude and
longitude of important locations from where the alignment will be passing

Data on erosion potential, and natural drainage should be provided

Geology: rock types, history of any volcanic activity, seismicity, land slides and associated

Soil soil cover, physical and chemical properties

In case of expansion/ modernization of the existing road, the following additional information
shall be provided
Road factors: (i) Land width (ii) Geometrics curvature, gradient, and pavement width etc.
(iii) structural condition of road and road structures
Traffic factors: Traffic volume- vehicles per day/traffic composition/average speed of travel/
Presence of road intersection nos./km and access control
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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

4.2 Air Environment

Climate and meteorology (max and min temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, frequency
of tropical cyclone and snow fall); the nearest IMD meteorological station from which
climatological data have been obtained to be indicated

Wind rose (Wind direction and speed, 24 hourly data)

Baseline data for the parameters -particulate matter size less than 10m or PM10 g/m3,
particulate matter size less than 2.5m or PM2.5 g/m3, sulphur dioxide (g/m3), nitrogen
dioxide (g/m3) and carbon monoxide (g/m3) in the study area should be generated for
one season other than monsoon as per CPCB norms.

Monitoring stations are to be located based on dominating wind direction, habitations,

notified sanctuaries and terrain features in the study area. The locations of monitoring stations
should be clearly specified

4.3.Water Environment

Determine the sensitivity of the study zone and identify the main potential impact, working
from basic data on the drainage basin and watersheds, nature and frequency of flooding,
water quality, water use, fauna species and habitats. Assess likely modification of baseline
conditions arising from the project activity

Details of springs, lakes, reservoirs within 500 meters of the proposed road right of way

List the distance of the proposed alignment to the existing major water bodies used as
drinking water in the down stream side of the alignment

Fix-up the locations of representative monitoring stations along the proposed project road
for surface and ground water resources and document them

Samples should be collected for both surface and ground water and examined for physicochemical, heavy metal and bacteriological parameters

Delineation of water sheds and water drainage pattern in the study area using the
topographical maps and the impact of the proposed highways in changes the water course
etc for examining the drainage patterns especially during monsoon season and during floods

4.4. Noise Environment

Identify project activities during construction and operation phases, which will affect the
noise levels and the potential for increased noise resulting from this project. Discuss the
effect of noise levels on near by habitation during the construction and operational phases
of the proposed highway. Identify noise reduction measures and traffic management
strategies to be deployed for reducing the negative impact if any

Select the locations of monitoring stations along the alignment of the project covering
sensitive locations such as residential, hospitals, schools, sanctuaries etc. Monitoring should
be done for 24 hrs at each location

4.5. Biological Environment

Details on secondary data on the existing flora and fauna in the study area, carried out by
an university/institution under the relevant discipline (such as BSI, ZSI, WII, etc) shall be

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included in the list of flora and fauna along with classification as per Schedule given in the
Wild Life Protection Act, 1972 and in the Red Book Data and a statement clearly specifying
whether the study area forms a part of an ecologically sensitive area or migratory corridor
of any endangered fauna

If the projects is located within 10km of the national parks, sanctuaries, biosphere reserves,
migratory corridors of wild animals, then a map duly authenticated by Chief Wildlife Warden
showing these features vis--vis the project location and the recommendations or comments
of the Chief Wildlife Warden thereon should be furnished at the stage of EC

If the proposed project site involves any breeding or nesting ground, details about the name
of the aquatic organism, type of habitat and period of year in which activity takes place
should be provided

If the proposed route requires cutting of trees, then the information should be provided for
number of trees to be cut, their species and whether it also involved any protected or
endangered species

Quantitative estimation of forest and non-forest flora

Assessment of fauna and avi- fauna indicating endangered and endemic species with respect
to schedule of the wild life protection act

Information on dependence of local people on minor forest products

4.6. Socio Economic and Health Environment

Details of the properties, houses, businesses etc. activities likely to be effected by land
acquisition and their financial loses annually.

Data covering the vulnerable groups or persons including women, children, elderly, people
below the poverty line, indigenous people and notified settlements

Identification of historical and archeological sites

Data on diseases in the locality and existing health care facilities

Data on demography including traditional skills and sources of livelihood along the proposed

5.0 Anticipated Impact and Mitigation Measures

This chapter shall describe the likely impact of the project on each of the environmental component,
methods adopted for assessing the impact such as model studies, empirical methods, reference
to existing similar situations, reference to previous studies, details of mitigation, methods proposed
to reduce adverse effects of the project and reference to the models along with the inputs used
should be mentioned. Mitigation measures should be proposed as required during the construction
stage as well as the operation stage of the project for all the identified impact.

5.1 Land Environment

Anticipated Impact

The road itself land requirement, removal of vegetation, fragmentation of natural habitat,
removal of buildings and severance of form land causes, direct impact. The most immediate
and obvious effect of road development on soil is the elimination of the productive capacity
of soil covered by the roads
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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Impact of the project construction leading to soil contamination, soil erosion, destabilization
of slopes, side- tipping of spoils material, loss of properties, loss of fertile lands and diversion
of natural surface water flows are to be studied in detail

Assess whether there is a possibility that the proposed project will adversely affect road
traffic in the surrounding areas (e.g. by causing increases in traffic congestion and traffic

Impact due to construction of bridges across water bodies

Indicate whether the proposed project will cause impediment to the movement of inhabitants

Impact on the local area developments and integration with local master plan

Mitigation Measures

The extent of environmental impact in construction, operation and post operation is largely
determined during planning and route or site selection. Early consultation and determination
of alternatives can substantially prevent and reduce the potential environmental impact of
these projects

While selecting new road alignments attention must be paid to avoid areas prone to land
slides, soil erosion, fertile agricultural lands and environmental sensitive areas.

Before finalizing the alignment erosion potential of each alternative should be carefully
examined and the one involving least disturbance to the natural ground should be preferred

Balancing filling and cutting requirements through alignment choice to reduce the need for
borrow pits and to minimize excess spoil material generation is to be examined

Drainage improvement requirements to minimize water logging and flooding due to

disturbance of the natural drainage pattern are to be examined

Afforestation plan to compensate for the cutting of the trees during the proposed road
construction activity

List the mitigative measures to address the impediments to the movement of inhabitants

5.2 Air Environment

Anticipated Impact

The immediate surroundings may have a greater impact. The existing surrounding features
such as habitation, hospitals, schools, notified sanctuaries etc. up to 500 meters and impact
on them shall be addressed separately

Impact during construction activities due to generation of fugitive dust from crusher units,
air emissions from hot mix plants and vehicles used for transportation of materials

Prediction of impact on ambient air quality using appropriate mathematical model,

description of model, input requirement and reference of derivation, distribution of major
pollutants and presentation in tabular form for easy interpretation shall be carried out

Mitigation Measures

Selecting road alignment, which avoids passing close to housing, schools and work places

Providing sufficient capacity to avoid traffic congestion, even with projected increase in
traffic flow

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Planting tall leafy vegetation between roads and human settlements

Water sprinkling and transporting construction materials with tarpaulin coverage during
the construction stage. Purchasing road metal from the crushing units, which are consented
to operate by SPCB

Crusher and hot mix units, if used on site, should be equipped with requisite air pollution
equipment to meet the prescribed standard of MoEF and SPCBs

Integration with the local government awareness campaign programmes on good practices
of vehicle maintenance etc. to reduce the air emissions

Environmental specifications for contractors should cover the required safeguards during
the design and construction stage

5.3 Water Environment

Anticipated Impact

Impact on surface water flow modifications can contribute to flooding, soil erosion, channel
modification and siltation of streams

Road drainage and excavation can lower the water table in surrounding areas while
embankments and structures can raise water table by restricting flow. The potential effects
include deterioration of vegetation, increased susceptibility to erosion loss of water for
drinking as well as agriculture use

Impact on water quality degradation (surface & ground water) can take place due to
sedimentation, changes in biological activity in streams and on their banks

Impact due to discharge of wastewater generation from the temporary project offices and
temporary construction workers housing area

Indicate whether there is a possibility of soil runoff from the bare lands resulting from earth
moving activities such as cutting and filling will cause water quality degradation in
downstream water courses or water bodies

Mitigation Measures

Avoiding alignments which are susceptible to erosion, such as those crossing steep slopes

Minimizing the number of water crossings wherever possible

Leaving buffer zones of undisturbed vegetation (with increased in proportion to slope)

between road sites and bodies of water

Mitigation measures such as providing adequate drainage modifications, settling basins,

paving, infiltration ditches etc. is to be examined

Adequate sanitation facilities and hygiene at construction workers colony should be provided

Safe measures for temporary storage of fuels

Environmental specifications for contractors should cover the required safeguards during
the design and construction stage

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

5.4 Noise Environment

Anticipated Impact

Noise levels may increase during construction activity, due to operation of various machines
and equipments

Noise levels may increase during operation of the highway due to increased traffic activities
Prediction of noise levels should be done by using mathematical modeling at different
representative locations

Impact of vibrations during blasting activity, if any

Mitigation Measures

Development of bypass roads to avoid road alignment through noise sensitive areas

Adoption of proper surface design and maintenance

Provision of noise barriers. Specifications for installation of noise protection devices clearly
indicating the location, design and material, and also provide for future maintenance

Prediction model outputs justify the selection of type of the noise barrier and thickness of
the noise barrier etc.

Planting tall leafy and dense vegetation between roads and noise sensitive areas

Interaction with the local government and vehicular manufacturers to conduct awareness
campaign programmes on good practices of vehicle maintenance etc. to reduce the noise

Environmental specifications for contractors should cover the required safeguards during
the design and construction stage

5.5 Biological Environment

Anticipated Impact

Loss of wildlife habitat and biodiversity due to change in land use

Fragmentation of wildlife habitat and territories

Changes in water quality, soil profile, noise, light and air pollution, which may affect the
nature and character of habitats

Pressure on habitats wildlife as a result of increased access provided by roads

Loss of forest resources, economically important plants, medicinal plants and threat to rare,
endemic and endangered species

Mitigation Measures

Identification of sensitive natural environments in the early planning stage so that alternative
routes, changes in width of the road can be examined


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Possibility of twin new road corridors with previously established transport rightsof-way,
such as railway lines

Provision of animal crossings in identified areas

Compensate the loss of forest coverage by compensatory plantation programme

Development of green belt along the alignment

Regeneration and conservation of flora and fauna including rare plants of economic
importance, medicinal plants and wildlife species

Institutional arrangements for implementation and monitoring of various mitigating


Environmental specifications for contractors should cover management of work forces

(control of poaching and fire wood collection), machinery (speed, noise, and traffic), and
prevention of erosion and contamination during construction

5.6 Socio-economic and Health Environment

Anticipated Impact

Analysis of positive and negative impact on the present status of livelihood

Displacement of human settlement from proposed site. Impact on livelihood and loss of

Impact on community resources

Impact on historical and archeological sites

Impact on the existing travel areas due to faster traffic, access controls and median barriers

Impact due to accelerated urbanization

Mitigation Measures

Rehabilitation plan for land outees, homestead outees, and for displaced persons.
Institutional arrangement for effective implementation and periodical review through project
implementation to be incorporated

Criteria and method of calculation of compensation for loss of land and crops. Mechanism
for providing effective guidance in financial planning to effected people.

Training to local people for employing them in the proposed project

Employment opportunity and access to other amenities such as primary education and
health care facilities for local people

Integration with the local master plan to prevent conflict of interest.

Stipulation of environmental specifications for contractors

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

5.7. Solid Waste Management

Waste generated during construction may impact soil, agriculture and water quality

Waste generated from workers camps may impact sanitation, water quality and agriculture

Oil spillage/ leakage from machines and vehicles may contaminate earth

Proper environmental specifications to be stipulated in the contact

6.0 Environmental Monitoring Programme

Summary matrix of environmental monitoring, for all phases of the project viz. construction
and operation

Technical aspects of monitoring for achieving effectiveness in mitigation measures

Requirement of monitoring facilities and methods adopted

Frequency, location, parameters of monitoring

Compilation and analysis of data and reporting system

Procurement schedules and budgets in detail

Training requirements

7.0 Additional Studies

Specific condition

Study required

Scoping Stage

 Studies directed by the Expert Appraisal Committee while

deciding the TOR for the project

Public consultation

 Public hearing with the issues raised by the public and the
response of the project proponent in tabular form should be prepared

Natural resource
conservation and

 Plan of action for conservation of natural resources by utilization

of fly ash, steel melting shops slag and other metallurgical industries
solid non hazardous waste

R & R action plans

 Detailed R&R plan with data on the existing socio-economic status

of the population in the study area and broad plan for resettlement
of the displaced population, site for the resettlement colony,
alternative livelihood concerns/employment and rehabilitation of
the displaced people, civil and housing amenities being offered, etc
and the schedule of the implementation of the project specific
 Details of budget provisions (capital & recurring) for the project
specific R&R Plan

Road Safety

 Examine road design standards, safety equipment specifications and

Management System training to ensure that design details take
account of safety concerns
 Identification of accident prone areas and avoidance/mitigation
 Identification of habitat fragmentation and traffic accident of
wildlife and mitigation measures should be furnished


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 Provision of speed breakers, safety signals, service lanes and foot

paths should be examined at appropriate locations through out the
proposed road to avoid the accidents
 Accident data and geographic distribution should be reviewed and
analyzed to predict and identify trends incase of expansion of the
existing highways
 Preparation of traffic management plan
 Laws, regulations and enforcement related to speed, alcohol and
vehicle safety should be reviewed
 Institutional frame work for monitoring of road safety
 Post accident emergency assistance and medical care to accident

8.0Project Benefits
It should bring out details of benefits by way of :

Improvements in the physical infrastructure and road access

Improvement in social services by quicker and safe transport mode

Employment potential skilled; semi-skilled and unskilled labour both during construction
and operational phases of the project with specific attention to employment potential of
local population as well as necessity for imparting any specialized skills to them to be eligible
for such employment in the project

Reduction in traffic congestion through city/town/ and other locations

Development of tourism

Reduced pollution, vehicle maintenance, fuel saving due to better quality of roads

Over all development in economy and improved life style

9.0 Environmental Cost Benefit Analysis

If recommended by the Expert Appraisal Committee at the scoping stage, this chapter shall include
the Environmental Cost Benefit Analysis of the project.

10.0 Environment Management Plan (EMP)

Administrative and technical set up for the management of environment, clearly defining
the roles and responsibilities of persons/ party handling various functions

Summary matrix of EMP and budget provision for EMP, during pre-construction,
construction and operation stage

Summary matrix of Environmental monitoring, during construction and operation stage

Institutional arrangements proposed with other organizations/Govt. authorities for effective

implementation of environmental measures proposed in the EIA

Safeguards/mechanism to continue the assumptions/field conditions made in the EIA, for

arriving the site suitability

11.0 Summary & Conclusion (Summary EIA)

Summary EIA shall be a summary of the full EIA report condensed to ten A-4 size pages at the
maximum. It should necessarily cover in brief the chapters of the full EIA report: Introduction,
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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

project description, description of the environment, anticipated environmental impact & mitigation
measures, additional studies, environmental monitoring programme, project benefits,
environmental management plan and disclosure of consultants engaged

12.0 Disclosure of Consultants Engaged

This chapter shall include the names of the consultants engaged with their brief resume and
nature of consultancy rendered.
Enclosures: Feasibility report/Form I/Photos of project site/summary of project details
Summary of Project Details


Length of new alignment proposed (kilometers)

Width of the new alignment (meters)

Length of existing alignment proposed to be strengthened

/widened (kilometers)

Width of the existing alignment (meters)

Width of the existing alignment after widening (meters)

Total length of the alignment (kilometers)

Number of bridges Major


Length of bridges (meters)

Width of bridges (meters)

Number of culverts


Length of culverts (meters)


Number and distance (meters) between underpasses


Number of intersections


Length of intersections (meters)


Number of railway crossings


Length of railway crossings (meters)


Number of villages through which alignment passes


Population of the villages through which alignment passes


Length of new alignment proposed in agricultural land


Width of new alignment proposed in agricultural land


Length of new alignment proposed in forest area


Width of new alignment proposed in forest area


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Details of National Parks etc with in 10 Km radius from the Highway




National park

Marine park

Sanctuary/tiger reserve
Elephant reserve/ Turtle nesting

Core zone of biosphere reserve

Reserved forest

Wildlife habitat

Habitat of endangered/exotic species

Coral reef





Breeding site


Nesting site

Aerial distance(km) and reference

point on the Highway Alignment

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Annexure 2

List of Critically Polluted Industrial Clusters/Areas

Identified by CPCB
S. No. Critically Polluted Industrial Area and CEPI

Industrial Clusters/Potential Impact Zones

Ankleshwar (Gujarat) CEPI-88.50 (Ac_Wc_Lc)

GIDC Ankleshwar and GIDC, Panoli

Vapi (Gujarat) CEPI-88.09 (Ac_Wc_Lc)


Ghaziabad (Uttar Pardesh) CEPI-87.37 (Ac_Wc_Lc)

Sub-cluster A
Mohan nagar Industrial area
Rajinder nagar Industrial area
Sahibabad Industrial area
Sub-cluster B
Pandav nagar Industrial area
Kavi nagar Industrial area
Bulandshahar Road Industrial area
Amrit nagar
Aryanagar Industrial area
Sub-cluster C
Merrut road Industrial area
Sub-cluster D
Loni Industrial area
Loni Road Industrial area
Roop Nagar Industrial area
Sub-cluster E
Hapur Road Industrial area
Sub-cluster F (other scattered Industrial areas)
South side of GT road
Kavi Nagar
Tronica city
Anand Nagar
Jindal Nagar
Prakash Nagar
Rural Industrial estate

Chandrapur (Maharashtra) CEPI-83.88 (Ac_Wc_Lc)

Chandrapur (MIDC Chandrapur, Tadali, Ghuggus, Ballapur)

Korba (Chhatisgarh) CEPI-83.00 (Ac_Ws_Lc)


Bhiwadi (Rajassthan)
CEPI-82.91 (Ac_Wc_Ls)


RIICO Industrial areas Phase I to IV

Bhiwadi town
Other surrounding industrial areas: Chopanki, Rampura
Mundana, Khuskhera Phase I to III.

Angul Talcher (Orissa)

CEPI-82.09 (Ac_Wc_Lc)


MCL Coal Mining Area, Angul Talcher region

Industrial Area (60 km x 45 km)


Industrial areas and their townships of NTPC, BALCO, CSEB

(East) & CSEB (West)
Korba town

Following blocks of Angul District:

- Kohina block
- Talcher block
- Angul block
- Chhendipada block
- Banarpal block
Odapada block of Dhenkamal District

Vellore (North Arcot) (Tamilnadu)

CEPI-81.79 (Ac_Wc_Lc)

Ranipet, SIPCOST Industrial Complex

Singurauli (Uttar Pradesh)

CEPI-81.73 (Ac_Wc_Ls)

Sonebhadra (UP)
Shakti Nagar
Rihand Nagar
Sigrauli (Madhya Pradesh)
Vindhyachal Nagar and Jayant, Nigahi, Dudhichua, Amlohri & Jhingurdah


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S. No.

Critically Polluted Industrial Area and CEPI

Industrial Clusters/Potential Impact Zones


Ludhiana (Punjab)
CEPI-81.66 (Ac_Wc_Ls)

Ludhiana Muncipal limits covering industrial clusters:

Focal Point Along with NH_I_Tota Eight Phase

Industrial Area-B-From Sherpur chowk to Gill road & Gill

road to Miller Kotla road (left Side of Road)

Mixed Industrail Area Right side of Gill road

Industrial area C (near Jugiana Village)

Industrial Area A & Extension: Area between old GT Road

and Ludhiana by pass road

Industrial Estate : Near Dholwal chowk

Mixes Industrial Area (MIA) Miller gunj

MIA-By pass road

Bahdur Industrial Area

Tejpur industrial Complex.


Nazafgarh drain basin, Delhi

CEPI-79.54 (As_Wc_Lc)

Industrial areas : Anand Parvat, Naraina, Okhla and Wazirpur


NOIDA (Uttar Pradesh)

CEPI-78.90 (Ac_Wc_Lc)

Territorial jurisdiction of :

Noida Phase - 1

Noida Phase - 2

Noida Phase 3

Surajpur Industrial Area

Greater Noida Industsrial Area



Dhanbad (Jharkhand)
CEPI-78.63 (Ac_Ws_Lc)

Four blocks of Dhanbad district:

Sadar (Dhanbad Municipality)

Jharia (Jharia Municipality, Sindri Industrial Area)

Govindpur (Govindpur Industrial Estate)



Dombivalli (Maharashtra)

MIDC Phase-I, Phase-II


Kanpur (UttarPradesh)
CEPI-78.09 (Ac_Wc_Ls)


Cuddalore (Tamilnadu)
CEPI-77.45 (As_Wc_Lc)

SIPCOT Industrial Complex, Phase I & II


Aurangabad (Maharashtra)
CEPI-77.44 (Ac_Wc_Ls)

MIDC Chikhalthana, midc Waluj, MIDC Shendra, and Paithan Road

industrial area


Faridabad (Haryana)
CEPI-77.07 (Ac_Ws_Lc)


Agra (Uttar Pradesh)

CEPI-76.48 (As_Wc_Ls)

Nunihai Industraial Estate, Rambag Nagar,

UPSIDC Industrial Area, and Runukata Industrial Area


Manali (Tamilnadu)
CEPI-76.32 (Ac_Ws_Ls)

Manali Industrial Area


Haldia (West Bengal)

CEPI-75.43 (As_Wc_Ls)


Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
CEPI-75.28 (Ac_Ws_Ls)

5 km wide Strip (17.4 x 5.0 km) of industrial area on the southern side
of the confluence point of Rivers Hugli and Rupnarayan, covering
Haldia Municipa Area & Sutahata Block-I and II

GIDC Odhav

GIDC Naroda


Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
CEPI-75.19 (As_Wc_Ls)


Greater Coach (Kerala)

CEPI-75.08 (As_Wc_Ls)

Eloor-Edayar Industrail Belt,

Ambala Mogal Industrial areas


Mandi Gobind Garh (Punjab) CEPI-75.08 (Ac_Ws_Lc)

Mandi Govindgarh municipal limit and Khanna area


Howrah (West Bengal)

CEPI-74.84 (As_Ws_Lc)


Vatva (Gujarat)
CEPI-74.77 (Ac_Wc_Ls)


Industrial areas:
Dada Nagar
Vijay Nagar

Sector 27 - A, B, C, D
DLF Phase 1, Sector 31, 32
DLF Phase 2, Sector 35
Sector 4, 6, 24, 25, 27, 31, 59
Industrial area Hatin
Industrial Model town Ship

Industrial areas including Basni Areas (Phase-I & II),

Industrial Estate, Light & Heavy industrial areas, industrial
areas behind new Power House, Mandore, Bornada,
Sangariya and Village Tanwda & Salawas.
Jodhpur city

Liluah-Bamangachhi Region, Howrah

Jalah Industrial Complex-1, Howrah

GIDC Vatva, Narol Industrial Area

(Villages Piplaj, Shahwadi, Narol)

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

S. No.

Critically Polluted Industrial Area and CEPI

Industrial Clusters/Potential Impact Zones


Ib Valley (Orissa)
CEPI-74.00 (Ac_Ws_Ls)

Ib Valley of Jharsuguda (Industrial and Mining area)


Varansi-Mirzapur (Uttar Pradesh)

CEPI-73.79 (As_Wc_Ls)


Navi Mumbai (Maharashtra)

CEPI-73.77 (Ac_Ws_Ls)

TTC Industrial Area, MIDC, Navi Mumbai

(including Blocks-D, C, EL, A, R, General, Kalva)


Pali (Rajasthan)
CEPI-73.73 (As_Wc_Ls)



Mangalore (Karnataka)
CEPI-73.68 (Ac_Ws_Ls)

Baikampady Industrial Area


Jharsuguda (Orissa)
CEPI-73.34 (Ac_Ws_Ls)

Ib Valley of Jharsuguda (Industrial and Mining area)


Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)

CEPI-72.38 (Ac_Ws_Ln)

SIDCO, Kurichi Industrial Clusters


Bhadravati (Karnataka)
CEPI-72.33 (Ac_Ws_Ln)

KSSIDC Industrial Area

Mysore Paper Mill & VISL Township Complex


Tarapur (Maharashtra)
CEPI-72.01 (Ac_Ws_Ls)

MIDC Tarapur


Panipat (Haryana)
CEPI-71.91 (As_Ws_sc)

Panipat Municipal limit and its industrial clusters


Indore (Madhya Pradesh)

CEPI-71.26 (As_Ws_Ls)

Following 09 industrial areas:

Sanwer Road

Shivaji Nagar


Laxmibai Nagar

Scheme No. 71





Indore city

Other surrounding industrial areas : Manglia, Rajoda,

Barlal, Asrawad, Tejpur Gadwadi


Bhavnagar (Gujarat)
CEPI-70.99 (As_Ws_Ls)

GIDC Chitra, Bhavnagar


Vishakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh)

CEPI-70.82 (As_Ws_Ls)

Bowl area
(the area between Yarada hill range in the south to Simhachalam hill
range in the north and sea on the east and the present NH-5 in the
West direcdtion)


Junagarh (Gujarat)
CEPI-70.82 (As_Ws_Ls)

Industrial Areas:


Jay Bhavani

Jay Bhuvneshwari

GIDC Junagarh (I&II)


Asansole (West Bengal)

CEPI-70.20 (As_Ws_Ls)

Burnpur area surrounding IISCO


Patancheru- -Bollaram
(Andhra Pradesh)
CEPI-70.07 (As_Ws_Ls)

Industrial Area:



Industrial Estate, Mirzapur

Industrial Estate, Chandpur Varanasi
UPSIC, Industrial Estate, Phoolpur
Industrial Area, Ramnagar, Chandaull

Existing industrial areas: Mandia Road, Puniyata Road, Sumerpur

Pali town

Note: Names of identified industrial clusters/ potential impact zones are approximate location based on rapid survey and
assessment and may alter partially subject to the detailed field study and monitoring. Detailed mapping will be made available
showing spatial boundaries of the identified industrial clusters including zone of influence/buffer zone, after in depth field
Aggregated Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (CEPI) scores of 70 and above are considered as critically polluted
industrial clusters/ areas.
Source: Ecological Impact Assessment Series: EIAS/5/2009-10
Details of Critically Polluted Industrial Areas and Clusters/ Potential Impact Zone in terms of the Office
Memorandum no. J-11013/5/2010-IA.II(I) dated 13.1.2010

Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad

Annexure 3

Land Use / Land Cover Classification System

Level -I

Level -II

Level -III

1. Builtup land 1.1. Built up land

1.1.1. Urban (towns & cities)

2. Agricultural 2.1. Crop land

2.1.1. Irrigated crop land


3. Forest

(i) Kharif
(ii) Rabi
(iii) Double cropped

2.1.2. Unirrigated crop land

2.2. Fallow

2.2.1. Fallow

2.3. Plantation

2.3.1. Types of plantation, casuarina, coconut, tea etc.

3.1 Evergreen/semievergreen

3.1.1. Dense / closed

3.1.2. Open

3.2. Deciduous
3.3. Degraded scrub land
3.4. Forest blank

3.4.1. Degraded forest

3.4.2. Forest blank

3.5. Forest plantation

3.5.1. Types of plantation eg. teak, sal etc.

3.6. Mangrove
4. Wastelands

4.1. Salt affected land

4.2. Water logged land
4.3. Marshy / swampy land
4.4. Gullied / ravinous land
4.5. Land with or without scrub
4.6. Sandy area
(coastal & desertic)

Minimum mappable unit is 2.25 hectares on

1:50,000 scale

4.7.Barren rocky / stony

waste/ sheet rock areas
5. Water
6. Others

5.1. River / stream

5.2 Lake/reservoir/tank canal
6.1. Shifting cultivation

6.1.1. Current
6.1.2. Old / abandoned

6.2.grassland / grazing land

6.2.1. Grassland / grazing land

6.3. Snow covered/glacial area 6.3.1. Snow covered / glacial area

6.4. Mining area
6.4.1. Mining dumps
Note: Land use / Land cover categories at different levels and corresponding scales for mapping are as
Level I


1:1000,000 scale

Level II


1:250,000 scale

Level III


1:50,000 scale and 1:25,000 scale

(Sources: Description and classification of land use / land cover : NRSA TR LU & CD 01 90)

EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Annexure 4

National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)




Concentration in Ambient Air

Methods of
Residential, sensitive area
Rural and
(notified by
other areas

Sulphur dioxide
(SO2), g/m3

24 hours**



Nitrogen Dioxide
(NO2), g/m3

24 hours**



-Modified Jacob &

Hochheiser (Na-Arsenite)

Particulate Matter
(Size less than 10m)
or PM10g/m3

24 hours**





- Gravimetric
- Beta attenuation

Particulate Matter
(Size less than 2.5m)
or PM2.5g/m3




24 hours**





-Improved West & Gaeke
-Ultraviolet fluorescence

- Gravimetric
- Beta attenuation

Ozone (O3) g/m3

8 hours**
1 hour**



- UV photometric
- Chemiluminescence
- Chemical method

Lead (Pb) g/m3

24 hours**



-AAS/ICP method
after sampling on
EPM 2000 or equivalent
filter paper
-ED-XRF using Teflon

Carbon Monoxide
(CO) mg/ m3

8 hours**
1 hour**



-Non Dispersive Infra

Red (NDIR) spectroscopy

Ammonia (NH3)

24 hours**



- Chemiluminescence
- Indophenol blue

Benzene (C6H6)




-Gas chromatography
based continuous
-Adsorption and
Desorption followed
by GC analysis

(BaP) particulate




-Solvent extraction
phase only, ng/m3
followed by HPLC/
GC analysis



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Arsenic (As) ng/m3


Concentration in Ambient Air

Methods of
Residential, sensitive area
Rural and
(notified by
other areas


AAS/ICP method

- after sampling on
EPM 2000 or
equivalent filter paper

Nickel (Ni) ng/m3




-AAS/ICP method
after sampling on
EPM 2000 or
equivalent filter paper

* Annual arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year at a particular site taken
twice a week 24 hourly at uniform intervals
** 24 hourly or 08 hourly or 01 hourly monitored values, as applicable, shall be complied with
98% of the time in a year. 2% of the time, they may exceed the limits but not on two consecutive
days of monitoring.
Note :
Whenever and wherever monitoring results on two consecutive days of monitoring exceed the
limits specified above for the respective category, it shall be considered adequate reason to institute
regular or continuous monitoring and further investigation
(Source: National Ambient Air Quality Standards, CPCB Notification dated 18th November 2009)

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Annexure 5

Criteria for raw water used for organized community

water supplies (surface and ground water) primary




Range/Limiting Value
Use with
Use after


6.5 to 8.5

6.0 to 9.0

Colour Pt. scale

Hz Units

< 10

< 50

Color may not get totally removed

during treatment


Suspended Solids

< 10

< 50

High SS may increase the cost of



Odour, dilution factor < 3

< 10

May not be tackled during treatment.


DO, (%saturation)



May imply higher chlorine demand.


BOD, mg/l



Same as above.


TKN, mg/l



Same as above.


Ammonia, mg/l

< 0.05


Same as above.


Faecal coliform MPN/100 ml

< 200

< 2000 Not more than 20% samples

show greater than limit.


EC, m/hos/cm

< 2000

< 2000

High conductivity implies dissolved

high solids making water unpalatable.


Chloride, mg/l

< 300

< 300

May cause physiological impact and

unpalatable taste.


Sulphates, mg/l

< 250


May cause digestive problems


Phosphates, mg/l

< 0.7

< 1.0

May interfere with coagulation


Nitrate, mg/l

< 50

< 50

May cause methamoplobinemea


Fluoride, mg/l

< 1.0

< 1.5

Higher value shall cause fluorosis and

lower value shall carries.

Surfactants, mg/l

< 0.2

< 0.2

May impair treatability and cause



To ensure prevention of corrosion in

treatment plant and distribution system
and interference in coagulation and

Additional Parameters for Periodic Monitoring (Seasonal Only to be done when there are known natural
or anthropogenic sources in the upstream catchment region likely or apprehended to contribute or other
well founded apprehensions)


Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad






Dissolved Iron mg/l

< 0.3

< 0.5

Affect taste and cause stains

Copper, mg/l

< 1.0

May cause live damage

Zinc, mg/l

< 5.0

Cause bitter stringent taste

Arsenic, mg/l

< 0.01

< 0.05

Cause hyperkeratosis & skin cancer

Cadmium, mg/l

< 0.001

< 0.005


Total Chromium, mg/l

< 0.05

< 0.05


Lead, mg/l

< 0.05

< 0.05

Physiological abnormality

Selenium, mg/l

< 0.01

< 0.01

Toxic symptoms similar to arsenic

Mercury, mg/l

< 0.005


Carcinogenic and poisonous

Phenols, mg/l

< 0.001

< 0.001

Toxic and cause taste and odour problem

Cyanides, mg/l

< 0.05

< 0.05

Physiological abnormality

PAH, mg/l

< 0.0002

< 0.0002


Total Pesticides, mg/l

< 0.001

< 0.0025

Trend to bioaccumulates & carcinogenic

(Source: Ecological Impact Assessment Series: EIAS/03/2002-03 Published by CPCB)

Use Based Classification of Surface Waters in India

Class of
Drinking Water Source without
conventional treatment but after

1. Total Coliforms OrganismMPN/100ml shall

be 50 or less
2. pH between 6.5 and 8.5
3. Dissolved Oxygen 6mg/l or more
4. Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 days 20oC 2mg/l
or less

Outdoor bathing (Organized)

1. Total Coliforms Organism MPN/100ml shall be 500

or less
2. pH between 6.5 and 8.5
3. Dissolved Oxygen 5mg/l or more
4. Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 days 20oC 3mg/l or less

Drinking water source after

conventional treatment and

1. Total Coliforms Organism MPN/100ml shall be

5000 or less
2. pH between 6 to 9
3. Dissolved Oxygen 4mg/l or more
4. Biochemical Oxygen Demand 5 days 20oC 3mg/l or less

Propagation of Wild life and


1. pH between 6.5 to 8.5

2. Dissolved Oxygen 4mg/l or more
3. Free Ammonia (as N) 1.2 mg/l or less

Irrigation, Industrial Cooling,

Controlled Waste disposal

1. pH between 6.0 to 8.5

2. Electrical Conductivity at 25oC micro mhos/cm
3. Sodium absorption Ratio Max. 26
4. Boron Max. 2mg/l

(Source: Guidelines for Water Quality Management CPCB 2008)

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Annexure 6

Noise Ambient Air Quality Standards

Area code

Category of area

Limits in db (A) Leq

Day time
Night time

Industrial area



Commercial area



Residential area



Silence zone




Day time shall mean from 6.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.


Night time shall mean from 10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m.


Silence zone is an area comprising not less than 100 meters around hospitals, educational
institutions, courts, religious places or any other area, which is declared as such by the
competent authority.


Mixed categories of areas may be declared as one of the four above mentioned categories by
the competent authority.

* dB(A) Leq denotes the time weighted average of the level of sound in decibels on scale A which
is relatable to human hearing.
A decibel is a unit in which noise is measured.
A, in dB(A) Leq, denotes the frequency weighting in the measurement of noise and corresponds
to frequency response characteristics of the human ear.
Leq: It is an energy mean of the noise level over a specified period
(Source: Noise pollution (Regulation and control) Rules, 2000)


Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad


Annexure 7

Illustrative types of socioeconomic impact

Impact Area

Potential Changes

General Characteristics and trends in

population of region

Increase or decrease in population

Migration trends in study area

Increase or decrease in migration trends

Population characteristics in study area,

including distributions by age, sex, ethnic
groups, educational level and family size

Increase or decrease in various population

distributions, people relocations

Distinct settlement of ethnic groups or

deprived economic/ minority groups

Disruption settlement patterns, people


Economic history for the region

Changes in economic patterns

Employment pattern in study area, including

occupational distribution and location and
availability of work force

Increase or decrease in overall employment

or unemployment levels and change in
occupational distribution

Income levels and tends for study area

Increase or decrease in income levels

Land values in study area

Increase or decrease in land values

Housing characteristics in study area,

including in types of housing and occupancy

Changes in types of hosing and occupancy


Health and social services in study area,

Changes in demand on health and social
including health, workforce, law enforcement, services
fire protection, water supply, wastewater
treatment facilities, solid waste collection and
disposal and utilities
Public and private educational resources in
study area

Changes in demand on educational


Transportation systems in study area,

including high way, rail, air and waterway

Changes in demand on transportation


Community cohesion, including organized

community groups

Disruption of cohesion

Tourism and recreational opportunities in

study area

Increase or decrease in tourism and

recreational potential

Religious patterns and characteristics in

study area

Disruption of religious patterns and


Areas of unique significance such as

cemeteries of religious camps

Disruption of unique areas

(Source: Draft National EIA Guidance Manual-NEERI)

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Annexure 8

Highway Projects in Hilly Areas - Checklist

for Erosion Control
Does the road construction projects estimate provide for the necessary measure against soil erosion?
Have soil maps and aerial photographs studies and investigations been made to locate areas or sections
with high erosion potential?
Has erosion potential been considered for each alignment?
Have geological maps been studied or local geological department consulted to avoid unstable strata?
Does the selected alignment follow the lie of the land and avoid large-scale cutting?
Has use of tunnels to avoid deep cuts been investigated?
Is the road alignment suspect to damage/erosion by streams and torrents
Is consultation/coordination with other departments like forest department necessary? If so, have they
been consulted?
How will adjacent and nearby streams, ponds and lakes be affected by project construction?
Does the road cross section involve a lot of disturbance to the natural ground?
Are the design cut slopes stable for the type of strata?
Are slope-stabilizing structures like breast walls, pitching etc. required?
Does the cut hill face require any special treatment to prevent slips?
Has the area of clearing and grubbing been clearly demarcated?
Has a work schedule been worked out for the different construction operations?
What erosion control works are required before clearing and other works are started?
Are any temporary erosion control measures required between successive construction stages?
Have sediment traps, benches, catch water drains, ditch paving, slope protection works and other erosion
control items been identified on the plans and provide in the proposals?
Have the location and alignment of culverts been fixed with due consideration to erosion at outlets and
siltation at inlets?
Have the necessary erosion control measures been taken at the outfalls of culverts
Has the proper disposal of surplus excavated material been thought of and provided for
Do any of the design measures require modification in the light of field conditions?
(Source: Hill Road Manual: IRC: SP: 48-1998)


Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad


Annexure 9

General Standards for Discharge of Effluents




Inland surface

Public sewers

Land for

Marine coastal





Color & odour

solids mg/
l, Max




1. For process
waste water-100
2. For cooling water
effluent 10% above
total suspended
matter of influent

Particle size of

Shall pass 850

Micron IS sieve

1. Floatable solids
max. 3 mm
2. Settleable solids
max. 850 microns

pH Value

5.5 to 9.0

5.5 to 9.0

5.5 to 9.0

5.5 to 9.0


Shall not exceed

50 C above the
receiving water

Shall not exceed

50C above the
receiving water

Oil and grease

mg/l Max.





Total residual
chlorine mg/l Max.



Ammonical Nitrogen
(as N), mg/l Max.




Total Kjeldahl nitrogen 100

(as NH3), mg/l Max.



Free ammonia
(as NH3), mg/l Max.




Bio-chemical oxygen
demand (3 days at
270 C), mg/l max.






Chemical oxygen
demand, mg/l max.




Arsenic (as As),

mg/l max.






Mercury (as
Hg), mg/l max.





Lead (as Pb),

mg/l max.





Cadmium (as
Cd), mg/l max.





Hexavalent chromium
(as Cr +6), mg/l max.




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EIA Guidance Manual Highways


Total chromium
(as Cr), mg/l max.





Copper (as Cu),

mg/l max.





Zinc (as Zn),

mg/l max.





Selenium (as
Se), mg/l max.





Nickel (as Ni),

mg/l max.





Cyanide (as
CN), mg/l max.






Fluoride (as F),

mg/l max.





Dissolved phosphates
(as P), mg/l max.



Sulphide (as S),

mg/l max.




Phenolic compounds
(as C6H5OH), mg/l max.




Radio active materials:

a. Alpha emitter
micro curie/ml




b. Beta emitter
micro curie/ml






Bio-assay test

90% survival of
fish after 96
hours in 100%

90% survival
of fish after
96 hours in
100% effluent

90% survival of
fish after 96
hours in 100%

90% survival of
fish after 96
hours in 100%


(as Mn), mg/l


Iron (as Fe), mg/l


Vanadium (asV), mg/l 0.2




Nitrate nitrogen, mg/l



* All efforts should be made to remove colour and unpleasant odour as far as practicable
These standards shall be applicable for industries, operations or processes other than those industries, operations
or process for which standards have been specified of the Environment Protection Rules, 1989
Source: G.S.R 422 (E) dated 19.05.1993 and G.S.R 801 (E) dated 31.12.1993 issued under the provisions of E (P) Act 1986


Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad


Annexure 10

Environmental Concerns & Measures to Address


Transact walk

Items to consider
Measures to address
Drainage lines/
Irrigation water
Water bodies
Inventorization of environmental features
Grazing lands
Avoidance, design modifications to minimize adverse
Cultural properties environmental impact
Incorporating community concerns into finalizing
Community facilities alignment
Major junctions
Seasonal markets
or cultural
Location for ramps,
cattle crossing and
bus bay
Location for
Location for ducts
for threading
agricultural pipes
Geological, geoStability analysis and measures to address slope
technical studies in instability in hill slopes and high banks
hill areas
Working out requirement of cut & fill

Detailed surveys Topographical

surveys in flood
prone areas
of material

Borrow material
Quarry material
Water availability

Identification of flood prone areas and measures to

avoid afflux
Identification of agricultural use of land
Utilizing alternative materials
Minimize requirements through design modifications
Location criteria
Utilizing alternative materials
Material extraction from existing quarries
Identification of perennial/community/private sources
Scheduling construction to suit water availability

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Climatic factors
Water bodies
Stability of slopes
Soil erosion
Land use changes
Agricultural lands
Assessment of

Cultural properties
Common property
Forest areas

Natural habitats
Top soil
Construction sites

to avoid

Construction camps

Borrow areas
Quarry areas
health & safety


Utilizing community water sources without conflict of

Scheduling construction considering the special
weather phenomena
Provision of silt fencing
Rehabilitation of water bodies
Measures for slope stabilization
Erosion control measures
Land use control measures adjacent to the road
Empowering Gram Panchayat/Road Authority to
regulate development
Avoidance from setting up construction camps, borrow
Conservation of top soil
Site restoration after construction
Avoidance through design modifications
Planning for relocation & rehabilitation
Avoidance through design modification
Planning for relocation of consultation with community
Provision of adequate number of CD structures
Compensatory plantation & arrangements for road side
Avoidance through design modifications
Environment management measures during
Avoidance through design modification or formulating
additional measures for avoiding impact
Stockpile top soil and preservation
Provision of pollution control measures
All measures to ensure public & workers health/safety
Water management
Criteria for identification of sites and infrastructure
Safe disposal of all wastes
Enforcement of pollution control measures
Arrangements with land owners to include
Rehabilitation of quarry areas if new quarries are
Personal protective equipment to be provided
Public safety at construction sites to be undertaken
Measures for workers health & hygiene at construction

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Land for borrowing Agreement to include borrow area rehabilitation

Water for

Agreements with owners/community for utilizing


Site for
Rehabilitation of the land after construction
construction camps

Removal of trees


Tree plantation as per roadside plantation plan

Avoidance through modification of alignment

Cultural properties Relocation costs to be covered in the project, if needs

Common property Avoidance through modification of alignment
Relocation, if needed in consultation with community

of alignment

Traffic during

Provision of alternate routes or prior notice to the users

Concerns of

Community concerns to be incorporated

impact identified
Design aspects

Impact identified are to be mitigated by incorporation

of provisions as per EcoPs
Impact that can be mitigated through design
modifications should be incorporated
Preparation of
All concerns/
Designs for enhancements and mitigation measures
detailed drawings impact identified including cost provision
Monitoring of
All environmental Monitoring implementation of environmental measures
aspects identified
(Source: Environmental Codes of Practices 2004, Ministry of Rural Development, GoI)

Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad


EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Annexure 11

Indian Road Congress Code of Practices

for Highway Projects

Subject matter related to recommended code of practices

IRC Code


Hill Road Manual

IRC: SP-48-1998


Recommendations for Road Construction in Waterlogged Areas

IRC: 34-1970


Guidelines for use of Fly Ash in Road Embankments

IRC: SP: 58-2001


Ribbon development along Highways and its prevention

IRC: SP: 15-1996


Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment of Highway


IRC: 104-1988


Guidelines on Road Drainage

IRC: SP: 42-1994


Report containing recommendations of the IRC regional workshops

on Highway Safety

IRC: SP: 27-1984


Recommended practice for Borrow pits for Road Embankments

constructed by Manual operation

IRC: 10-1961


Road accident Forms

IRC: 53-1982


Proceedings of International Seminar on sustainable development in 8.10.2001

Road Transport


Highway Safety Code

IRC: SP: 44-1996


Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities

IRC: 103-1988


Guidelines on Safety in Road Construction Zones

IRC: SP: 55:2001


Recommended practice for treatment of embankment slopes for

erosion control

IRC: 36 1974


Guidelines on bulk bitumen transportation and storage equipment

IRC: SP: 39


Manual on landscaping of roads

21 1979


Road safety for children

32 1988


Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad


Annexure 12

International Good Practices

Following boxes include compendia of good practice guidelines, technical circulars, and policies,
manuals, specifications etc., developed by road agencies and sectoral ministries to address
environment issues. These are grouped into: 1. Planning and design 2. Construction management
aspects and 3. Management of sensitive receptors.

1. Planning and Design of Roads

These manuals provide useful alternatives that can be adapted to develop cost effective solutions
for Indian roads. Issuing authority: Department of Main Roads, Queensland government, Australia

Road traffic noise management, 2000

Road landscape manual, 1997

Roads in the wet tropics, 1998

Road drainage design manual, 2002

Guidelines for the treatment of noise & vibration in national road schemes, 2004. The
guidelines are being validated and are still to become a final document

Road runoff & drainage environmental impact and management options, 2000. Issuing
authority: Austroads Inc., Australia

A guide to best practices for achieving context sensitive solutions, 2002, NCHRP Report 480

2. Construction Management Aspects

Implementation of site safety cycle and provision of welfare facilities for workers at
construction sites, 2002. The circular focuses on site safety

Additional measures to improve site cleanliness and control mosquito breeding on

construction sites, 2003. This carries measures to improve the hygiene surrounding a
construction site with a wider responsibility on public work contractors

Management of construction & demolition material including rock, 2002. The circular focuses
on the reuse of waste material and encourages onsite sorting of construction and demolition
related waste material

Enhanced specification for site cleanliness and tidiness, 2002

Waste management on construction site, 2003. This circular is meant for urban solid waste
management during construction. It recommends sorting of material and is therefore relevant
to the transport sector

Role of department safety and environmental advisor on health, safety and environmental
protection on construction sites, 2003. This circular along with the implementation of site
safety (circular mentioned above) provide useful inputs towards developing comprehensive
safety documents covering implantation. Issuing authority: Environment, transport & works
bureau, Govt. Secretariat, Hong Kong

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Environmental monitoring & audit manual. The manual provides systematic monitoring
procedures to minimize impact associated with construction. It was drafted with a purpose
to ensure an increase in compliance to environmental assessments. Issuing authority:
Highway Department, Hong Kong

Construction site drainage, 1994. The guideline provides useful design drawings and is
useful to help control wastewater and related pollution of aquatic systems. Issuing authority:
Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong

Construction site best management practices (BMP) manual, 2003. Issuing authority:
California Department of Transportation, USA

Guidelines for the crossing of watercourses during the construction of national road schemes,
2005. The guidelines address construction issues along watercourses. Issuing authority:
National road authority, Ireland

3. Management of Sensitive Receptors

Fauna sensitive road design. Vol. 1, Past & existing, 2002. The guideline provides for
management of impact on wildlife and transport corridors

Indigenous cultural heritage: policy, guidelines and procedures, 2004. Issuing authority:
Department of main roads, Queensland government, Australia

Waterways & wetland works manual: Environment best practice guidelines, 2003. Issuing
authority: Department of primary industries, water and environment, Tasmania, Australia

Guidelines for assessment of ecological impact of national road schemes, 2004

Guidelines for the testing & mitigation of the wetland archeological heritage for national
road schemes, 2005. The guidelines addresses environmental sensitive road design keeping
in mind wetland ecology

Guidelines for the treatment of bats during the construction and for the treatment of badgers
prior to the construction of national road schemes, 2005. This is a useful reference for the
development of high-speed corridors and ensuring protection of wildlife species. Issuing
authority: national road authority, Ireland

(Source: Strengthening institutions for sustainable growth in the Highways Sector-India country
environment analysis, World Bank)


Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad


Annexure 13

Direct and Indirect Environment

Impact - Highway Sector
Though transport assists economic growth, it can also reduce social welfare by creating local air,
noise, and visual pollution, and act as an instrument through which natural habitat and
biodiversity could be adversely impacted. Further, social impact occurs due to spatial or
occupational dislocation of people. These impact can be very significant and are often not
recognized or addressed. The range of issues and impact cover the natural and social environment,
and are often accentuated in the context of their geographical location. Some of these are
highlighted as follows:
Soil Degradation is one of the most immediate impact and occurs from loss of topsoil and decrease
in the productive capacity of the soil covered by the road, which is significantly reduced further
due to compaction with heavy machinery during construction.
Water Resources/Drainage Modifications in the natural hydrological environment may lead to
changes in surface and ground water flows, water logging and water quality degradation.
Air Quality Changes due to air pollution caused by construction equipment and traffic related
emissions, contributes to atmospheric pollution.
Noise Pollution that affects people and animals occurs with increase in vehicular noise, friction
between vehicles and the road surface, drivers behavior, as well as construction and maintenance
activities. Air, noise, and degraded water quality, together impact the health of the local population.
Biodiversity, which is the wealth of species and ecosystems, may be directly impacted due to
habitat loss, fragmentation, alteration and restriction in animal migration paths.
Cultural Heritage that is synonymous with the expression of human values and has a high
social and amenity value is impacted by the potential damage to sites, and remains of archeological,
historical, and religious structures.
Landscape and Aesthetic Distortions due to road development leads to modifications in the
regional landscape and changes in the natural relief and morphology of the vegetation, inclusive
of avenue trees and recreational areas. Other direct impact can result from material sourcing
(mining, quarrying) where inappropriate choice location or techniques can lead to wastage,
scarcity for competing uses and/or aesthetic degradation. In addition, airborne silica, generated
from stone crushers can cause increased morbidity and mortality from silicosis, cancer and lung
diseases, and is a contributing risk factor for tuberculosis. The public and labor, including children,
working without respirators and dust suppression control systems are subject to considerable
health risks. Dust from these operations is also known to affect local communities often located
in close proximity to such facilities.
Indirect impact is closely linked with such projects and may have more profound consequences
on the environment as they pertain to not only roads right of way but also associated sites. These
are more difficult to measure and over time can affect larger geographical areas than that covered
by the proposed works under the project. Examples include degradation of surface water quality
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EIA Guidance Manual Highways

by the erosion of land cleared as a result of new road; increase in deforestation of an area stemming
from easier/more profitable transportation of logos to market; and increase in poaching during
the works period, especially in eco-sensitive zones. Related changes also occur in land use and
settlement patterns, due to migrations from rural areas, as a result of improved transportation
facilities and better access. This leads to growth of unplanned urban and semi-urban townships
with fragmented infrastructure facilities.
Transmission of disease in the truck community due to extended periods of time spent away
from families leads to increased sexual activity with commercial sex workers. The unhealthy
sexual practices cause an alarming increase in the spread of the HIV/AIDS virus. Road safety is
a major concern, especially for the poor groups, who suffer from transport-related accidents
because they use vulnerable modes such as walking and nonmotorized transport. Among other
reasons, one of the factors causing accidents is poor design and engineering features related to
highways operations.
The challenge, therefore, is to understand and apply mechanisms to address these issues and
related impact, the values which society places on them, and to find ways of prioritizing and
integrating the widely dispersed environmental and social concerns. This can be facilitated by
public consultation with all groups of people (including the most vulnerable), integration of
grievance redress mechanisms during project development, in the design, construction and
operation phase. This will lead to an increase in project ownership by the people and the
implementing agency, and make the project more sustainable. Further, institutional coordination
becomes a necessity, especially where projects stretch between or among multiple political or
administrative jurisdictions at planning and implementation stage.
(Source: Strengthening institutions for sustainable growth in the Highways Sector-India country
environment analysis, World Bank)


Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad




Note 1 : All information given in the form of Annexures should be properly numbered and
form part of this proforma.
Note 2 : No abbreviations to be used Not available should be clearly mentioned
I. General Information
(a) Name of the project
(b) Name of authorized signatory
(c) Mailing address
Fax No.
(d) Does the proposal relate to new project/:
(e) Length in kilometers
II. Project Information








Geographical information
1. Latitude

2. Longitude

3. G.T. Sheet No. (Survey of India Map No.)

4. Elevation above Mean Sea Level (meters)

5. Total Area proposed for the Project (in ha.)


6. Nature of Terrain

7. Nature of Soil (clayey, sandy, silty, loam etc)

III. Current Land Use of the Proposed Project Site Area (in ha.)

1. Irrigated
2. Un-irrigated






Notified Industrial Area/Estate

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EIA Guidance Manual Highways










Sand dunes


No development zone




National Park/Sanctuary

IV. Alternate Routes/Alignments Considered

A. ___________________________________________________






Reason for selecting the proposed Route/Alignment:

VI. Land Use Plan

Does the proposed project conform to the approved land use all along the route/alignment?


If not, clearly indicate, which of the stretches are not as per approved land use. Does it conform to
the Regional Development Plan?


VII. In case the Route/Alignment Falls Totally or Partially in the CRZ Area
A. What is the categorization of the area (as per approved CZMP)?



Does the proposed activity qualify under the category of permissible activity?


If yes, under what provision it is permitted


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VIII. Environmental sensitivity details within 10 km from the boundary of the project for
applicability of General Condition (GC) as per EIA notification dated 14.9.2006 and
amendments as on date



Aerial Disance (in Km)

Protected areas notified under the wild life

(Protection) Act, 1972
Critically polluted areas as identified by the CPCB
Eco-sensitive areas as notified unedr section 3 of
the E (P) Act 1986
Inter-state boundaries and international boundaries

IX. Environmental sensitivity areas as mentioned at column 9(III) of EIA Notification 2006


Areas protected under international conventions,

national or local legislation for their ecological,
landscape, cultural or other related value

Areas which are important or sensitive for ecological

reasons Wetlands, watercourses or other water
bodies, coastal zone, biospheres, mountains, forests

Areas used by protected, important or sensitive

species of flora or fauna for breeding, nesting, foraging,
resting, over wintering, migration


Inland, coastal, marine or underground waters

State, National boundaries

Routes or facilities used by the public for access to

recreation or other tourist, pilgrim areas

Defense installations

Densely populated for built-up area

Areas occupied by sensitive man-made land uses

(hospitals, schools, places of worship, community facilities)


Areas containing important, high quality or scarce

resources (ground water resources, surface resources,
forestry, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, minerals)


Areas already subjected to pollution or environmental

damage (those where existing legal environmental standards
are exceeded)


Areas susceptible to natural hazard which could cause

the project to present environmental problems
(earthquakes, subsidence, land slides, erosion, flooding or
extreme or adverse climatic conditions)
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Aerial distance
(within 15 km)
Proposed project
location boundary


EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Note: The details shall also include National park / Marine park / Sanctuary / Tiger reserve /
Elephant Reserve / Turtle westing ground / Core zone of Biosphere reserve / Reserved forest /
Wildlife habitat / Habitat of endangered /exotic species / Coral reef / Mangroves / Lakes /
Reservoirs / Dams / Breeding site / Nesting site
X. Baseline data
Ambient air quality data

Noise data

Does the proposed project site involve any breeding or nesting ground?
Human Settlement
Human Settlement

Within the project area

With in 500 meters from the ROW

Number of Houses


If yes, provide the following details



Name of the aquatic organism


Type of habitat


Period of year in which activity takes place


Independent report of bio-habitat study may be furnished

Does the Proposed Alignment/Route Involve Migratory Path of Animals?

If yes, please provide the following:


Name of fauna




Period of the year in which activity take place

XII. Site Preparation

A. Is the proposed route/alignment located in low-lying area?

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Level before filling (above MSL in m)

Level after filling (above MSL in m)

Details of fill material required

Quantity of fill material required (in cu.m)


Would the above filling result in complete/partial filling of water Bodies?

B. Does the site involve stripping?


If yes, provide the following details:


Size of the area to be stripped.

Soil type
Volume and quantity of earth to be removed
Location of dumpsite
Proposal for utilisation of removed topsoil.

C. Does it involve cutting?


If yes, please furnish the following details:

Size of the area to be cut

Depth of cut
Soil type
Volume and quantity of earth and other material to be removed
Location of dumpsite

D. Does it involve tunneling?


If yes, please furnish the following details:



Geological structural fraction :


Diameter (meters)


Length (kilometer)



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EIA Guidance Manual Highways


Does the site preparation require cutting of trees?


If yes, please furnish the following details:

How many trees are to be cut?


Species of the above trees


Are there any protected/endangered species?


If yes, provide details

F. In case the road passes through a flood plain of a river, please furnish:

Detailed micro-drainage


Flood passages


Flood periodicity in the area

G. Does the proposed project involve construction on any sandy stretch?


If yes, please furnish detail


Does the project involve extraction of sand, leveling or digging of sandy stretches within
500 meters of high tide line?

If yes, mention the activity involved and area.

Area (sq. meter)

Does the project involve any dredging?



If yes, extent of dredging, disposal of dredged material etc)


Is any sand to be removed from sand dunes?




Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad



Does the project involve cutting/destroying of mangroves?


If yes, give detail
1. Area
2. Species
3. Existing health
Does the project involve any land reclamation?



If yes, please provide the following details

Activity for which land to be reclaimed

Area of land to be reclaimed (Hectares)

XIII. Does the Project have any Adverse Effect on Biodiversity?

If so, details of flora and fauna so affected:

XIV. Whether there will be any Change in the Drainage Pattern after the Proposed Activity?


If yes, what are the changes?


What is the maximum extent?


Is any additional area will be flooded

XV. Project Details (A summary of project proposal shall be enclosed)



Length of new alignment proposed (kilometers)

Width of the new alignment (meters)

Length of existing alignment proposed to be strengthened/widened


Width of the existing alignment (meters)

Width of the existing alignment after widening (meters)

Total length of the alignment (kilometers)

Number of bridges Major


Length of bridges (meters) Width of bridges (meters)

Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad



EIA Guidance Manual Highways

Number of culverts


Length of culverts (meters)


Number and distance (meters) between underpasses


Number of intersections


Length of intersections (meters)


Number of railway crossings


Length of railway crossings (meters)


Number of villages through which alignment passes


Population of the villages through which alignment passes


Length of new alignment proposed in agricultural land


Width of new alignment proposed in agricultural land


Length of new alignment proposed in forest area


Width of new alignment proposed in forest area

XVI. Natural resource conservation and optimization

The use of alternative materials for construction such as fly ash, quarry over burden etc should
be furnished
XVII. Water requirements during construction

Water Requirements (cu.m./day)




Road making

Dust Suppression


Others (Please specify)


XVIII. Whether there will be Any Ingress of Saline Water into Ground Water Due to Project?

If so details to be furnished

XIX. Solid Waste

A. Solid Waste generated during Road Construction (Tonnes/Day)

Top Soil
Others (Please specify)
Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad


B. Method of disposal of solid waste

XX. Projected Air Quality (taking into account the traffic projections)

XXI. Green Belt


Area already afforested (for existing projects), in ha.


Area proposed to be afforested (in ha.)


No of rows planned along the alignment


Trees planted and proposed







List of species

Proposal for maintenance of plantation

XXII. Construction Phase

A. Number of persons to be employed for construction





What provision has been made for the sanitation for the construction workers?


How the fuel (kerosene/wood, etc) requirement of labour force will be met to avoid cutting
of trees from the adjoining areas.


Measures for Health care with emphasis on protection from endemic diseases.

XXIII. Rehabilitation & Resettlement Plan including vocational training and other avenues
of employment Population to be displaced

Name of Village

Land oustees only

Homestead Land + Homestead

Oustees only


Rehabilitation plan for oustees


Site where the people are proposed to be resettled


Compensation package


Agency/authority responsible for their resettlement

Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad


EIA Guidance Manual Highways

XXIV. Does it Involve Displacement of Ethnic Minority?


If yes, please furnish details

Name of the

Number of Males

Number of


Please specify any special measures for their rehabilitation

XXV. Relevant IRC code of practices and MOSRT&H guidelines planned for implementation
IRC code/MOSRT&H guidelines

Subject matter

XVI. Expenditure on Environmental Measures :


Capital cost of the project (as proposed to the funding agency/financial institutions)


Post of environmental protection measures (Rs. Lakhs)





Capital Cost

Public Hearing

Date of Advertisement


Newspapers in which the advertisement appeared :


Date of Hearing


Panel present


List of Public present


Summary of public hearing details

Summary/ Issues raised

by the public

Response of Project Proponent

G. Observations made by the public hearing panel:


Recurring Cost

Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad


XXVIII Court Cases

Was/is there any court case relating to the project or related activities? So, provide details present
Verification: The data and information given in this proforma are true to the best of my knowledge
and belief

Signature of the Applicant*

with full name & address


Given under the seal of organisation

on behalf of whom the applicant is signing

* Note: All correspondence with MoEF shall be made by the authorized signatory only. The authorized
signatory should also submit a document in support of his claim of being authorized signatory for the
specific project (refer notification No. S.O. 3067 (E) dated 1st December 2009)

Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad


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