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David Glen Jordan v. United States, 348 F.2d 433, 10th Cir. (1965)

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348 F.

2d 433

David Glen JORDAN, Appellant,

UNITED STATES of America, Appellee.
No. 8086.

United States Court of Appeals Tenth Circuit.

July 1, 1965.

James T. Hays, Cheyenne, Wyo., for appellant.

John E. Green, Oklahoma City, Okl. (B. Andrew Potter, U. S. Atty., and
Jack R. Parr, Asst. U. S. Atty., on the brief), for appellee.
Before BREITENSTEIN, HILL and SETH, Circuit Judges.
SETH, Circuit Judge.

Appellant was indicted on six counts for acquiring and obtaining marihuana,
and transferring and selling marihuana in violation of 26 U.S.C.A. 4744(a)
(1), 4755(a) and 4742(a). He was tried by a jury in the United States District
Court for the Western District of Oklahoma and was found guilty on each
count. This appeal was thereupon taken.

The appellant raises several points on this appeal. The first issue relates to
entrapment as appellant urges that the record shows and establishes it as a
matter of law. The trial court instructed the jury on entrapment and submitted
the issue to it. In order to consider the point, it is necessary to examine in some
detail the two transactions upon which the indictment was based and which
were developed during the course of the trial as shown by the record.

The first transaction was the sale of a pipe tobacco tin of marihuana to an
informer. The record shows that this informer was acquainted with the
appellant for a period of ten or eleven years prior to the sale, and the informer
considered himself to be a friend of the appellant during this period. Their
relationship after the indictment is not indicated in the record. The first
pertinent conversation between the informer and the appellant took place on

October 4, 1963. The record shows that at this time the informer had been
employed for about a year by the Federal Narcotics Bureau. He was paid ten
dollars a day for each day that he worked. The record shows that it was his duty
to locate sources of marihuana and to make purchases. As appellant stated, this
was "what he was being paid for." The informer, although testifying that these
were his general duties, on cross-examination did not admit that this was his
intention as regards this appellant. He testified that the matter came up during
the course of conversation between the two of them, and he testified directly
that it was not his intention to seek out the appellant as a source of marihuana
when he first talked to him on October 4, 1963. The record shows that in the
initial conversation of the 4th the informer asked the appellant whether he had
any "weed" for sale. The informer testified "* * * and I asked him if he did and
he said he wasn't sure whether he did or not. Said he would let me know the
next day whether he had any for sale or not." This visit at the house of
appellant's brother apparently lasted something less than an hour. The informer
saw the appellant the next day at the informer's house, and at this time the
informer testified that the appellant "* * * agreed to see about getting some,"
and further the informer testified that the appellant did not know whether he
could get it or not. The record shows that the appellant after the meeting on the
evening of the 5th called the informer, and he then went in his car to pick up
the appellant. The informer testified that at the time he went to pick him up, the
appellant had already "* * * notified me earlier that he had it to sell." Thus the
appellant had already agreed to sell at the time the informer picked up the
appellant, and they went out to a place in the country where appellant asked the
informer to stop, left the car, and picked up the can of marihuana from the
ground near a utility pole.

The second incident relevant to the issue of entrapment concerns the sale by the
appellant to an agent of a larger quantity (835 grams) of marihuana, which took
place on April 5, 1964. As to this purchase the record shows that an undercover
agent of the Federal Narcotics Bureau had contacted a woman in Oklahoma
City and represented to her that he had underworld connections and that he had
money to acquire narcotics. The woman during the course of the transaction did
not know that he was a narcotics agent, but she was paid by the agent for her
help in making contact with prospective sellers. The woman called the
appellant and arranged for the initial meeting between the appellant and the
agent which took place on April 2, 1964. The agent made the same
representations to the appellant that he had previously made to the woman who
introduced them. Following the initial meeting, the agent requested the woman
to keep in touch with appellant, and through her a second meeting was
arranged. It appears that the woman had a series of telephone conversations
with the appellant during this period in the absence of the agent. On April 5th,

the second meeting was arranged by the woman at which time the appellant
came to the agent's car where he and the woman were seated. Arrangements
had been made for the agent at this meeting to purchase three cans of
marihuana. Just how this was done is not shown in the record. The agent
testified that the appellant told him he was ready to deal and at the same time
asked the agent whether he wanted more than three cans. The agent responded
that he would be interested in buying more and the appellant told him he had a
kilo he would like to sell. Appellant described this marihuana as having been
pressed into the form of a brick; stated that it was of high quality from Mexico,
and he would like to sell it for $200.00, which was a "very, very good deal."
Appellant further represented to the agent that at this rate it would be the
equivalent of $10.00 per can, that there was a shortage of marihuana at the time,
and a can would be priced at $25.00 to $30.00. The agent said he would like to
look at it and the appellant left the car, went behind the house in front of which
they were parked, and returned with a package which contained the 835 grams
of marihuana. The sale was made and the appellant then asked the agent if he
was still interested in heroin as they had discussed, and the appellant told the
agent he would have some in a few days, quoting a price and indicating his

As to both of the sales, the background of which is described above, the issue
does not appear as it did in Sherman v. United States, 356 U.S. 369, 78 S.Ct.
819, 2 L.Ed.2d 848, where the evidence established entrapment as a matter of
law, and consequently the Court held it should not have been submitted to the
jury. Instead the case of Masciale v. United States, 356 U.S. 386, 78 S.Ct. 827,
2 L.Ed. 2d 859, decided at the same term, is comparable to the one at bar. In
this cited case there was testimony by the appellant during the course of the
trial relating to the entrapment issue and there developed a conflict of testimony
on this point. The Court held that the trial court had properly submitted the
issue to the jury. In the case at bar, there was no direct conflict in the testimony
for the reason that the appellant did not testify and no witnesses were called on
his behalf on this issue. The testimony of the informer as to the October 5th
sale leaves little doubt, but the testimony of the agent and the existence of
undisclosed telephone conversations between the woman who arranged the
meetings with the appellant developed facts the import of which could possibly
lead to differences of opinion. These were proper subjects for the jury's

Thus the record does not show as to either of the sales that entrapment was
established as a matter of law, as the appellant contends. This being the case,
even though it could be said that there was no entrapment as a matter of law,
the appellant could not claim to have been prejudiced by reason of the

submission of the issue to the jury. This point was considered by the court in
Marshall v. United States, 258 F.2d 94 (10th Cir.), rev'd on other grounds 360
U.S. 310, 79 S.Ct. 1171, 3 L.Ed.2d 1250, where it was held that the submission
was improper because there was only the undisputed testimony of the
Government witnesses which showed there to have been no entrapment. The
court held however that the appellant could claim no prejudice because the
submission could but give him an unwarranted advantage. The Supreme Court
in Lopez v. United States, 373 U.S. 427, 83 S.Ct. 1381, 10 L.Ed.2d 462,
considered the issue of entrapment under a similar state of proof, and stated that
entrapment had not there been shown as a matter of law and the trial court
might well have been justified in refusing to instruct the jury at all on

As to the standards for entrapment, as frequently occurs there is no difficulty in

stating the doctrine, but the problem arises when applying it to the facts at
hand. It would seem only necessary to cite Sorrells v. United States, 287 U.S.
435, 53 S.Ct. 210, 77 L.Ed. 413, where the Supreme Court defined the
principles and the doctrines relating to entrapment. The Court there laid down
the test as to whether the criminal design originates with the officers and
whether they implant in the mind of an innocent person a disposition to commit
the crime and induce its commission, or whether the officers merely afforded
opportunities for the commission of an offense by the person charged who then
had such criminal propensity. The Supreme Court considered the issue more
recently in Lopez v. United States, 373 U.S. 427, 83 S.Ct. 1381, 10 L.Ed.2d
462. The doctrine was defined by this court earlier in Ryles v. United States, 10
Cir., 183 F.2d 944; Martinez v. United States, 10 Cir., 300 F.2d 9; James v.
United States, 10 Cir., 309 F.2d 744; Lucero v. United States, 10 Cir., 311 F.2d
457; Wood v. United States, 9 Cir., 317 F.2d 736; Maestas v. United States, 10
Cir., 341 F.2d 493. When these standards are applied to the facts preceding the
sales above described, it must be held that the submission of the issue to the
jury was not reverible error.

The appellant at the conclusion of the trial submitted a requested instruction

relating to entrapment. The court gave an instruction of its own which it
described as being in substance the one requested by the appellant. Appellant
did not object to the instruction given by the court on this issue and made no
requests for any additional instructions. Thus as the record stands the appellant
agreed to the submission of the issue of entrapment to the jury, and this
submission to be under the instructions as given by the court. As above held,
the issue was one properly submitted to the jury, and there was no error.

Appellant urges that the transfer tax liability and violation based thereon was

not proven and urges also that the judge's comment relating to the possible
transfer tax receipts was prejudicial. The statement of the judge relating to the
tax receipt was more one of inquiry or suggested procedure than it was in
comment, and we find nothing improper in it.

The statute contains provision for the notice and demand form in order that the
official order form covering the transfer may be produced if it is in existence.
The request also provides the basis for the presumption which arises upon the
failure by the person charged to produce the order form within the time
specified in the notice. The demand to produce was properly admitted and the
court's instruction with reference to the demand and the implications from it
were proper. We have previously held in Calderon v. United States, 10 Cir.,
269 F.2d 416, that the notice and demand form may be admitted in evidence,
and that the period of eight days for the production of the order form was not
unreasonable. This matter is fully treated in the cited case and no further
statement would seem to be here required. In the case at bar, the demand for
production of the order form was served on the appellant some two weeks prior
to the trial, and this was a reasonable period. The statute refers to "reasonable
notice and demand." 26 U.S.C.A. 4744(a). The proof otherwise relating to
this issue was entirely adequate.


The appellant also urges that the tax was not due on the transfers covered by
counts one and two, consequently there was no violation. In the case at bar
there is no evidence as to the source of the marihuana, and the only reference is
the statement by the appellant as to the 835 grams that it originated in Mexico.
There was no evidence to rebut the statutory presumption arising from
possession. Appellant urges that Ortiz v. United States, 329 F.2d 381 (5th Cir.),
is applicable, but in the cited case, it affirmatively appeared that the person
charged had himself smuggled the marihuana into the United States, but in the
case at bar, as indicated, there is no evidence to rebut the statutory
presumption. The evidence as to appellant's possession is clear. Garcia v.
United States, 250 F.2d 930 (10th Cir.). The facts in the cited case as to the
source are comparable to the case at bar, as are the accused's statements as to



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