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Mohan Ramkissoon: Parole Board Application Denied

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The document outlines a parole board's decision to deny full parole to an offender serving a life sentence for second degree murder.

The offender was convicted of second degree murder for killing his wife in 2001.

The parole board considered the offender's correctional plan participation, risk assessments, release plan, victim impact statements, and concerns about accountability and a fraudulent letter submitted previously.

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Institution : FILE NO :


OBSERVER (S) PRESENT (except during deliberations) : YES ASSISTANT PRESENT : YES







The Parole Board of Canada (the Board) reviewed your case by way of a hearing to make a
decision about your full parole.

To make its decision, the Board must determine whether you will not, by re-offending, present an
undue risk to society before the expiration of your sentence. The Board must also consider
whether your release will contribute to the protection of society by facilitating your reintegration
into society as a law-abiding citizen.

The Board considered your written representations provided with your application for parole. In
them, you canvass the index offence, your correctional plan participation, correctional
employment; risk assessments; release plan for full parole for deportation; community supports;
and provide a concluding statement to the Board. You also provided information pertaining to how
deportees report in Guyana; offers of accommodation and supervision; employment enquiries and
references; and numerous support letters, including from your two children.

There are also victim impact statements on file from two of the victim's children which indicate the
psychological and emotional loss and trauma experienced by these victims who no longer have


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their mother in their lives.

After taking the following information into consideration the Board has decided to deny full parole.

You are a 52-year-old first time federal offender currently serving, since March 2004, a Life
sentence for Second Degree Murder.

Police had arrested your wife following a domestic assault she committed against you using a
hammer and knife. She had been released on bail September 8, 2000. She failed to show for her
court date on September 20, 2000, resulting in a warrant being issued for her arrest. In April 2001
a jogger found a badly decomposed body and called police. A post-mortem examination showed
evidence of blunt trauma injury and strangulation. Fingerprints determined the identity of the victim
to be your wife. A search of your residence and vehicle found traces of blood in the master
bedroom and the trunk of a car registered to you. A television set in the master bedroom had 30
square inches of blood along a corner. Following the finding of this evidence, police contacted you
for an interview. You were arrested June 14, 2001 and released the next day with no conditions. It
was later discovered you had purchased three one way tickets for Guyana for you and your
children, which police believed was an attempt to flee the country. You had also rented a room in
a motel and contacted your financial advisor to liquidate your assets and have them forwarded to
a family member in New York. File information indicates that, following your wife's disappearance,
you felt a trip was warranted for you and your children. You were again arrested August 16, 2001
and granted bail after your preliminary hearing. A jury found you were guilty of murdering your
wife, and the judge imposed a Life sentence with no eligibility for parole for 14 years. A DNA order
and lifetime weapons prohibition were imposed at sentencing. You appealed both the sentence
and conviction, and both were dismissed. You are not a Canadian citizen and, as a result of your
conviction, you are subject to deportation.

While you maintained your innocence during your trial and for much of your sentence, you
accepted responsibility for the victim's death during participation in the Family Violence Prevention
Program (FVPP) delivered in the institution in 2012. You suspected your wife was having an affair.
An argument escalated and when she tried to assault you again, you fought back. You say you
lost control of your emotions which led to a vicious attack on the victim which resulted in her

At your hearing, you told the Board that you maintained your denial stance for over a decade as
you wanted to get away with murder and not come to prison. On this point, you were
straightforward with the Board, indicating that you thought you could get away with it and that you
also wanted to pinpoint the victim's boyfriend as the murderer as you were jealous and angry. You
said that you were remorseful even then and that you finally disclosed your guilt in 2009 after
losing your appeal.

In the Memo to file #4 written by the Security Intelligence Officer (SIO), they opine that you appear
to concoct different stories regarding the murder to suit your immediate situation in moving
forward. As examples, you had requested an institutional transfer from medium to minimum. This
was denied as you had not taken responsibility for your crime. You then participated in the FVPP
and took responsibility for the murder. You were then supported for transfer to a minimum facility.
However, as noted above, you clarified at your hearing that you disclosed to your parole officer in
2009 and waited for programming, which only took place in 2012.

You told the Board that you killed your wife because you were selfish and controlling. You said
you had poor emotions (anger) management, poor communication skills and needed to be in
control. Your wife would stay out late, and you wanted her home where you could control her. You
said you felt you could do this as you were the sole provider. You said there had been mutual


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verbal abuse on both sides from time to time, often related to jealousy. You admitted that on the
day you killed her, you allowed her to come to the house to see the children, but also because her
boyfriend had confirmed the affair to you while she was awaiting bail.

Although this is your only registered conviction, file information indicates the Bronx Homicide Task
Force from New York contacted CSC in September 2005 to advise you were the prime suspect in
a cold case murder of a woman that occurred on December 3, 1987, and that you should be
viewed as a flight risk should you ever be considered for minimum security. A subsequent Memo
to File advised that the Bronx District Attorney's Office had indicated there was sufficient evidence
for an arrest in this case, although they were not yet prepared to file charges as evidence from
1987 had to be reviewed for prosecutorial strategy.

More recently, the Board adjourned your hearing in August of 2018 for an update on this situation.
While the memo to file indicates that there is an ongoing investigation, the Board does not concur
with this interpretation of the protected “C”, but rather believes it indicates that the investigation is
not proceeding and charges will not be forthcoming absent new evidence. You deny any
involvement in this murder and say there is no basis for the allegations.

A letter was received by the Board on April 8, 2019 from your assistant raising numerous
concerns with the approved observers for your hearing as well as a community letter on the file.
The Board discussed this letter with you and your assistant prior to conducting your hearing. The
Board concurred with your assistant that the Board had no reliable and persuasive information in
regard to the allegations, and that it would not pursue this matter further with you or take it into
consideration in rendering a decision. The Board also provided additional information pertaining
to the approval process for the observers, indicating that it did not perceive any grounds for
exclusion. You and your assistant agreed to proceed with the hearing on this basis.

Your last parole review, by way of a video hearing, was in July 2016. The Board denied full parole
at that time, expressing their concerns with the lack of a bona fide release plan to Guyana. A letter
had been provided to CSC from the Guyanese police force indicating they were aware of your
situation and would have you check in with them once a month for a year. The letter was
determined to be fraudulent and had been signed by someone who had left the police force under
negative circumstances. You denied authoring the letter or having any knowledge that it was
fraudulent. You appealed the Board's negative decision, however the decision was affirmed.

You told the Board that your brother obtained the letter from a friend after being refused by three
police stations. You said that there is monitoring in place for deportees by the police which has
been confirmed. Nonetheless, given that your brother is a key collateral for you, the Board was
not satisfied with your explanation.

A psychological risk assessment was recently completed and the actuarial data suggested that
you continue to be assessed in the low range for violent recidivism and the low range for general
recidivism when all the variables are considered. The clinician considered the investigation with
police from New York, and the fraudulent letter from Guyanese police provided for your earlier
review, and felt there was a considerable need for clarity before you could be considered for
parole for deportation.

Since your last review by the Board you successfully completed the Integrated Correctional
Program Model (ICPM) institutional maintenance program – multi target. The report completed
January 18, 2018 notes you were an excellent participant and completed all written work with
thought and effort. You were able to apply the material presented to your personal situation and
link assignments to your crime process and risk factors. At the end of the program, your overall
ability and commitment to use the skills required to manage your various risk factors was rated as


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You told the Board that you have learned that you cannot control someone else's behaviour, but
you can control your thoughts. Controlling your thoughts then leads to controlling your
behaviours. You have learned to communicate, and what a healthy relationship is. You have
learned to change the way you think, and to consider the consequences of jealousy and violence.
You were able to identify your risk factors involving relationships for the Board. You said that
religious counselling has also assisted in better coping and emotions management.

However, as noted in your program report, gains made can really only be fully determined once
you are in an intimate relationship. You have not had any relationships since murdering your wife.
You told the Board that you have no intention of having a relationship, but that you have the skills
and abilities to manage any risk if you did.

Your statistical information on recidivism score of +19 infers that four out of five like offenders will
not commit an indictable offence within three years of release. You are currently assessed with a
low need for improvement in the domains of personal/emotional orientation, marital/family and
employment, and no immediate need in attitude and substance abuse. Both associates/social
interaction and community functioning are seen as assets to your community adjustment. Your
accountability and motivation levels have both been assessed as high, while your reintegration
potential is currently assessed as medium.

You were at a medium security facility from September 2006 until being transferred to minimum in
March 2014. In light of the information provided by the SIO regarding the interest of an outside
police agency for your arrest, your escape risk was elevated to moderate resulting in your return
to a medium security facility. While incarcerated you started a Hindu faith group and have
counselled and assisted other inmates in the faith. Your submission indicates you are also the
vice chairman for the East Indian Group. You have subsequently been transferred back to
minimum security.

Should the Board grant your release, you will be deported to Guyana. You plan to participate in
any program recommended by the Guyana Police force, obtain your driver's licence, complete
training with the Optical Lab, take courses in computer operation, participate in counselling and
maintain contact with a non-government organization for support and guidance.

You told the Board that you maintain the support of your children. You said you have been fully
accountable with them, telling your daughter when she turned 18 and that both children have read
about your crime on the Internet.

The Board noted that none of your support letters say that you murdered your wife, nor do they
indicate an understanding that any relationships with women would need to be watched closely.
You said that you could not control what people wrote in their letters but that supervision would be
provided by your brother, your friend, your spiritual leader and by police. You pointed out that your
support letters and other materials are somewhat dated, due to the many adjournments and
postponements that have occurred in your case since December 2017.

Your parole officer told the Board that he has attempted to contact the government and embassy
about your case and has been unable to speak to anyone, thought he contact details remain valid.
More significantly, he indicated that the level of support, and knowledge that these collateral's/
parties have of your case remains unknown.

Your assistant told the Board that deportees to Guyana are supervised by police on a monthly
basis for one year. He admitted that any supervision would be voluntary on your part, but said this


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will not change in your case. He pointed out your low risk, good bail, no prior criminal history,
good institutional behaviour and time in minimum security. He said your violence was situational
and that you are highly accountable. He agreed that your plan could be better from family for the
supervision of relationships but pointed to agencies you might turn to. He suggested the Board
could adjourn for more information to be obtained.

CSC recommends full parole be denied.

The Board denies full parole. It is the Board's opinion that you will present an undue risk to
society if released and that your release will not contribute to the protection of society by
facilitating your reintegration into society as a law-abiding citizen.

You are a first time federal offender currently serving a Life sentence for Second Degree Murder.
You committed the most serious of offences and serious harm was caused, as the victim lost her
life. Victim impact statements indicate the loss and trauma inflicted on the victim's family by your

However, the Board notes that you did not have a prior history of violence and you did not have a
criminal record. You had a successful period of bail for over a year and complied with all rules
and conditions.

The Board notes that there is material on your file pertaining to your being a suspect in another
murder in New York. However, the Board had no reliable and persuasive information in this
regard, and did not pursue this matter further with you. The Board is not an investigative body
and rather is mandated to render its reasons based on reliable and persuasive information
provided to it. Accordingly, the Board places no weight on these allegations.

Nonetheless, there have been concerns with your accountability given your ongoing denial of the
index offence. Further, there are ongoing concerns with your accountability pertaining to the
fraudulent letter submitted to the Board for your hearing in July of 2016. Given that your brother is
a key collateral for you, the Board was not satisfied with your explanation.

You have been compliant with your Correctional Plan and have successfully completed all
recommended correctional core programming with significant gains noted, though they remain to
be tested in the community, in an intimate relationship. Your institutional behaviour has been
exemplary. At your hearing with the Board, you appeared forthright and to have understood
programming, if perhaps lacking some depth with respect to where your emotions leading to the
murder had originated.

Your actuarial risk assessment score indicates a low risk to re-offend. The most recent
psychological risk assessment indicates that you continue to be assessed in the low range for
violent recidivism and the low range for general recidivism when all the variables are considered,
though concerns are indicated pertaining to the fraudulent letter. You are currently housed in
minimum security.

On the one hand, you killed someone, the most serious offence under law. You denied
responsibility and failed to take accountability for a decade subsequent. Nonetheless, you have
since taken accountability and participated in programming to address risk. Your institutional
behaviour has been beyond reproach and your risk assessments indicate low risk.

However, you are subject to deportation on full parole and the Board's obligations to ensure that
risk is not undue extends to other countries, including your intended destination. The Board would
be releasing you without any special conditions or formal supervision to monitor your risk. This is


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particularly relevant, since your key risk domain, based on your index offending, is in the area of
intimate relationships. Your gains in the context of domestic violence remain untested as you
have been incarcerated. The release plan presented to the Board, does not adequately address
the supervision of this risk area; indeed your supports do not openly acknowledge that you killed
your wife, nor do they indicate an awareness that this area of your life would merit close
supervision. The degree to which your collateral's and supports are aware of your offending
remains unknown.

The Board has an obligation to ensure that you do not present an undue risk to women you
become involved with and in lieu of the ability to impose special conditions in this regard, your
release plan does not adequately address this key risk area. Accordingly, risk is undue and full
parole is denied.



Board Member Vote Vote Date

MANN-REMPEL, M. . DENIED 2019-04-12

MASON, R. . DENIED 2019-04-12


MANN-REMPEL, M. . Board Member Signature Date

MASON, R. . Board Member Signature Date


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