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Adv Gabbersons Keep

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Adventure Background: Gabbersons Keep holds a tale of a seasoned warrior, and

wizard driven mad by the death of his one true love. Jacob Gabberson came from a long line of
metal smiths. Jacob was quite an artisan himself. In his younger years he was not satisfied with
the life of a smithy and tried his hand at adventuring. By mid age Jacob had acquired enough
wealth to build a keep for him self. He hired the best Dwarven craftsmen.
Jacob had quite an industry growing with 4 huge forges in his keep he hired only the best
smithies money could buy. This was not enough for Jacob though. He wanted harder, better
metal so he hired a wizard named Kyle Farland as an alchemist to experiment with the metal.
Jacob and Kyle became the best of friends after some success and Kyle soon moved his
mistress into the keep. Kyles mistress Ehlonna Basington was very fond of horses and riding so
Kyle bought her the finest steeds for her to manage. After a year of living in the keep they were to
be married. Only 3 short months after the engagement Ehlonna met with a fatal horse riding
Kyle went mad. He was obsessed, researching magic that could resurrect his dear sweet
Rumors started to be told. It was said that Kyles magic invited a bad element to the keep.
Smithies and servants started leaving the keep. Poor Jacob was either to loyal to or to afraid of
his friend to confront him. Business plummeted. Eventually the outside world heard nothing at all
from the keep and there are only rumors as to what happened within.
This adventure is for 4 to 6 characters of 1 level.
Adventure Hooks: The pcs can be offered a handsome reward of 1,000 gp. to
investigate the Keep by Nole Gabberson, Jacobs nephew. To sweeten the pot Nole offers that
the pcs can keep any spoils found in the keep. Noles intention is to reclaim the keep for his
If there is a monk in the party the pcs can be sent to find out what happened to Rahja, a
monk that was previously sent to investigate the keep.
If there is a good cleric in the party the pcs can go to investigate rumors of undead and
other evil presences in the keep.

Area A: Grappling Hook

Standing at the front gates you see a hemp rope hanging from the top of the wall about
15 ft. to your left.
Area B: Trap Door
In this area there is a trapdoor left open in the floor. The latter goes down some 30 ft.
Room 1: Kitchen Servants Quarters.
At the bottom of the latter you find yourself by the northeastern wall of a 40 ft. by 40 ft.
room. The ceiling is approximately 12 ft. high. There is a very large fireplace taking up the
southeastern corner. There are also 3 doors in the room, one next to you on the northern most
part of the eastern wall, one on the southern wall and one on the western wall. This appears to be
some sort of group room for women. There are approximately 16 bedrolls, the same amount of
broken chests and scattered womens paraphernalia, such as hair brushes, broken mirrors,
perfume and clothing. The room appears to have been ransacked and therefore has nothing of
Area F: Cave In
This area is caved in. Any passage through the hallway is completely blocked.
Room 2: Kitchen Servants Quarters.
This room is almost exactly opposite to room 1. This room too, appears to have been
*One mirror in this room is intact though (Spot 15), (search 5). This is a minor wondrous
item. When you place a potion in front of it, the property of the potion is revealed as with an
identify spell. The item is limited by how many times it may be used. There are 11 charges left.
Once they are used the mirror shatters.
Room 3: Kitchen
This room is obviously the kitchen. Its dimensions are 30 ft. by 80 ft. There are 4 doors in
this room, one on either end of the northern wall and one on either end of the southern wall.
There is a 10 ft. radius water well in the eastern portion of the room. There is a 20 ft. wide
fireplace in the middle of the northern wall. The fireplace contains a large cauldron and several
cooking surfaces. In the western portion of the room there are several kitchen tools, such as
cleavers, knives, mixers and containers. Everything is thrown about chaotically and there are
several tables that have been smashed.
Room 4: Grand Hallway.
This area is some sort of grand hallway. It boasts a width of 20 ft. and is approximately
60 ft. long. There are two doors, one on either side of the hallway, around 25 ft. from where you
stand. Suddenly as you get your bearings you hear the rattle of chains and a horrific moaning.
Out of the darkness of the end of the hallway you see a luminous humanoid figure floating slightly
off the ground. As the figure comes towards you it crys Leave here, leave here at once! This
place is truly cursed.
*The figure continues to say this all the way up the hallway. Once the pcs are
within 5 ft. of the figure it disappears. Figures movement rate 15 ft.

Room 5: Armory I
This room is obviously an armory. It is 50 ft. by 60 ft. The only door you see is the one which you
came in. In the northern portion of the room there are 40 human-sized armor stands. There are
only 6 suits still in tact; 3 studded leather, 2 chain mail and one suit of splint mail. To the south
are dozens of weapon racks. These too, supply slim pickings. The only weapons that are still
good enough to sell are; 4 long swords, 2 short swords, and 1 rapier. In the back there is an
entire rack of halberd heads but the wooden shafts are too rotten to be used.
Room 6: Pantry
This room is filled with shelves and containers. There are 5 rows of two-sided shelves, 5
ft. wide 12 ft. long and spaced about 5 ft. from one another. The room is 60 ft. long from north to
south. An abnormal shape makes it 40 ft. wide on the northern half and 50 ft. wide on the
southern half. The extra space creates room for another 15 ft. long shelf on in the southeastern
corner. There is another door directly across the room from you. Suddenly you hear a rustle and
a gnawing from the other side of the room.
*If the pcs investigate read;
As you walk between two rows of shelves you become aware of the smell of filth and rot
and then you spot 4 rat-like animals that are 4 ft. long. They turn from rotten grain bags towards
you and let out a low feral growl.
*Dire Rats (6/5/3/2)
Speed:40 ft.
Armor Class:15, Touch: 14, Flat-footed:12
Base Attack: +0/Grapple -4
Attack: Bite +4 melee (1d4plus disease)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Disease
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: F. +3, R. +5, W +3
Skills: Climb +11, Hide +8, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Spot +4, Swim +11
C.R.: 1/3
Treasure: none
Room 7: Dining Hall
This room is colossal. Spanning 80 ft. deep and 120 ft. wide. The ceiling is supported by
6 pillars, 3 on either side of the room and a great 20 ft. by 20 ft. fireplace in the center of the
room. You can see 4 doors in this room, 2 on the east wall and 2 on the west wall. There are 7
grand dining tables spread about this room. The largest of which is parallel to the back wall
behind the fireplace. You catch an eerie feeling as you notice 3 human skeletons slumped over
the table in the far southeastern corner of the room.
*Once the pcs travel 20 ft. into the room the skeletons animate. They wear rotten leather
armor and carry short swords and light shields.

*Human Skeleton (8/6/3)

Initiative: +5
Speed:30 ft.
Armor Class:16, Touch: 11, Flat-footed:15
Base Attack: +0/Grapple +1
Attack: Short Sword +1 melee (1d6+1,19-20/x2)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/Bludgeoning, Dark vision, Immune to cold
Saves: F. +0, R. +1, W +2
C.R.: 1/3
Treasure: none
Room 8: Common Womens Latrine
Theres not much question as to what this room is used for. There are approximately 100
privies here. The smell of old sewage still lingers in the air. As you scan the room you notice
purple fungus growing out of the privies. The room is 40 ft. deep and 50 ft. wide. There doesnt
appear to be any other doors in the room. This keep seems to have treated their women very well
though. There are actually dividers between the privies, a large mirror and a wash basin. Not bad
for common status.
*Shriekers (11/10/8/7/7)
Initiative: -5
Speed:0 ft.
Armor Class:8, Touch: 5, Flat-footed:8
Base Attack: +1/Grapple -4
Attack: Shriek
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Shriek
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, plant traits
Saves: F. +4, R. 0, W +4
C.R.: 1
Treasure: none
*The shriekers dont do any damage but let out a piercing sound if pcs come within 10 ft.
of them.
Room 9: Washroom
This room is 50 ft. deep and 60 ft. wide. There is a large table to the left in front of you.
On the northern and eastern walls there are shelves full of dishes, containers and sacks. To your
right there are several large wash basins and bathtubs. In the southeastern corner there is a 10 ft.
radius water well.
You do not see any other doors in this room.
Room 10: Common Mens Latrine
This room very much reminds you of room 8. The first thing you notice is the familiar
smell of sewage. This room is slightly smaller though, as it is only 40 ft. deep and 30 ft. wide. The
only door you see is the one you came in. Common men didnt have it as well as the women.
There are no dividers for privacy or mirrors in this room.

Room 11: Royal Latrine

This is obviously a room of nobility. There is a large silk tapestry on the eastern wall,
there are 4 privies which have dividers and doors for optimum privacy and a large wash basin
and mirror on the western walls. This room is 20 ft. deep and 30 ft. wide. There appears to be no
other doors.
*On the southern wall there is a secret compartment (spot 20) (search 15). In the
compartment is masterwork light mace, 2 potions of cure light wounds and a potion of neutralize
*On the middle of the eastern wall there is a secret door (search 20).
Room 12: Random Storage I
In this area there is a build up of mundane items. The room is 30 ft. deep and 70 ft. wide.
You dont see any other doors. Searching this room would take hours.
*If the Pcs search the room for 3 hours they will find a Scroll of Prestidigitation.
Room 13: Wizards Treasure Room
As you open the secret door you smell rotting flesh and you notice a lone figure standing
in the opposite corner. This room is 20 ft. by 20 ft. and you see no other doors. You also notice a
chest on the opposite wall.
*The lone figure in the room is a zombie. His orders are to attack anyone entering the
room other than the wizard.
*Zombie (20)
Initiative: -1
Speed:30 ft.
Armor Class:11, Touch: 9, Flat-footed:1
Base Attack: +1/Grapple +2
Attack: Slam +2 melee (1d6+1)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/Slashing, Dark vision
Saves: F. +0, R. -1, W +3
C.R.: 1/2
Treasure: See chest
*The treasure chest is locked and trapped. The lock is simple (Open Lock 20)(Break16).
The trap is a dart trap, which is triggered by any movement of the chest. This includes breaking or
simply opening the lid.
*Trap (Search 14) (disable devise 20). The darts actually shoot from the wall attack +10
for damage of (1d4+1)
*The chest contains: 3,000 cp., 100sp., 90 gp., a silk ritual robe, 3 white pearls (100 gp.
Each) and a scroll of Mage Armor.

Room 14: Wizards Bedroom

This room is 30 ft. deep and 40 ft. wide. The only door you see is the one you came
through. To your left you see a small personal bookshelf. On the western wall there is a bed,
chest and table. There is a fireplace in the northeast corner. Judging by this room this person
held some status at the keep. The bedding is of fine quality and there is a painting of a beautiful
woman above the table.
*Bookshelf: the bookshelf holds approximately 60 tomes. One particularly stands out as
exceptionally made with gold print on the green cover. This book seems to be unaffected by time
as the others have. The tome is a manual of bodily health +1. A 20 minute search will also reveal
his spell book. This contains;
0 level: Detect Magic, Read magic, Light, Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue, and
1 level: Mage Armor, Comprehend Languages, Identify, Cause Fear, Chill Touch, Ray of
2 level: Blindness/Deafness, Command undead, Ghoul Touch, Spectral Hand.
3 level: Vampiric Touch
*Chest: The chest is locked (open lock 20)(break 16). If anyone other than the wizard opens the
chest a burning hands trap goes off (search 26)(disable device 26)(damage1d4 reflex 11 halves).
There is nothing more than wizard clothing in this chest.
Room 15: Spell Component Storeroom
This room is 30 ft. by 40 ft. You do not see any other doors in this room. The eastern wall
is the outside of a round tower which gives this room an abnormal shape. The south, west and
north walls
are covered with shelves for storage. There is a large table in the center of the room with many
spell components on it. The room is still pretty well stocked with spell components, some even
rare and may fetch up to 400 gp. On the open market.
*Secret door: there is a secret door on the west wall (search 20).
Room 16 A: Bottom Level Wizard Tower
This room appears to be some sort of alchemist laboratory. There are 2 tables in this
room, both are covered with flasks, tubes, candles and other instruments of experimentation. The
room has a 30 ft. radius and you see only steps going up. As you step over the threshold one of
the tables begins to rattle and shake.
*Animated Table (29)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 50 ft.
Armor Class: 14, Touch: 10, Flat-footed: 14
Base Attack: +1/Grapple +2
Attack: Slam +2 melee (1d6+1)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Special Qualities:
Saves: F. +0, R. +0, W -5
C.R.: 2
Treasure: This room has 4 flasks Alchemists fire, 3 flasks of acid, 3 tangle foot bags and

Room 16 B: Wizard Tower Ground floor

This room is filled with old robes, boxes of papers and misc. ritual components such as
chalk, salt, incense and colored candles.
Room 16 C: Wizard Tower 2nd floor
There is a large pentagram and many magical symbols set in different colored stone in
the floor
of this room. Over on the opposite side of the room you see a humanoid looking creature that has
a squat, blubbery, almost hairless body. It screams a blood curling cry and awkwardly charges.
*Dretch (13)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft.
Armor Class: 16, Touch: 11, Flat-footed: 16
Base Attack: +2/Grapple -1
Attack 2 Claws +1 melee (1d6+1 each)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 5/cold iron or good, immune to electricity and
poison, resistance to acid 10,
cold 10, fire 10
Saves: F. +5, R. +3, W +3
C.R.: 2
Treasure: none
Spell-like abilities: scare (DC12), Stinking cloud (DC13)
*The dretch is trapped in the magic circle on the floor. This circle also keeps the dretch
from being able to summon. If the Pcs overpower the Dretch he will surrender and beg to be
spared, for to destroy him on the material plane would only send him back to the abyss.
Room 16 D: Wizard Tower Top floor
This is the top floor of the tower. There is a large metal rod that comes in through the
ceiling. There is also a telescope by a closed hatch in the ceiling.

Room 17: Library

This room is 40 ft. by 70 ft. The south wall is the outside of a round tower, which gives
this room abnormal shape. There are 5 rows of bookshelves in the middle of the room and one
long bookshelf along the back wall. You see 2 doors in this room. As you examine some books
you notice a red glow from the back of the room.
*Giant Fire Beetles (7/4/4/3)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 50 ft.
Armor Class: 16, Touch: 11, Flat-footed: 16
Base Attack: +0/Grapple -4
Attack Bite +1 melee (2d4)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Special Qualities:
Saves: F. +2, R. +0, W +0
C.R.: 1/3
Treasure: none
*Secret Door: There is a secret door on the north wall (search 20)
Area C: Eastern Escape Hallway
*If the pcs approach from room 17 read;
Area C is a long escape hallway that stretches around the northeastern quarter of the
complex. Just inside the hallway, from the eastern end, to your left there are 2 unlit torches on the
floor. 10ft. down the hallway there are empty torch holders on the wall. The hallway is 270 ft. long
then turns left.
*Basic Arrow Trap (search 20) (Disable device special), Anyone noticing the trap will also
notice a disabling devise on the torch holders 10 ft. away. Just placing a torch in the holder will
disable the trap. The DC to come to this conclusion is 10.
The northern portion of the hallway is 290 ft. long and runs east to west.
*Basic Arrow Trap (search 20) (Special), Attack +10 (1d6 arrow) CR1
*Basic Arrow Trap (search 20) (Disable Device 20), Attack +10 (1d6 arrow) CR1
Room 18: Random Storage Room II
This room is piled high with worthless, mundane items. The dimensions are 40 ft. by 70
ft. There seems to be no other doors. It would take Hours to search through everything.
*If the pcs search through the mess for 1 hour they find 1 potion of cure light wounds.

Room 19: Random Storage Room III

This room is piled high with worthless, mundane items. It spreads 50 ft. by 50 ft. and you
can see no other doors. It would take hours to search.
*If the Pcs take the time to search this room they run the risk of being caught by
patrolling Hobgoblins (25% first hour, 50% second hour, 75% third and forth hour). If the
Hobgoblins appear to be loosing they will retreat to warn the others in room 27.
*Hobgoblins (6/5)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 15, Touch: 11, Flat-footed: 14
Base Attack: +1/Grapple +2
Attack Long sword +2 melee (1d8+1,19-20)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Special Qualities:
Saves: F. +4, R. +1, W -1
Skills: Hide +3, Listen +2, Move Silently +3,
Spot +2
C.R.: 1/2
Treasure: none
Room 20: Soldiers Bunks
This room holds around 60 bunk bed units ( a unit being a top and bottom bunk) and 120
foot chests. The dimensions are 50 ft. by 60 ft. There appears to be no other doors.
*A 20 minute search of this room will reveal a total of 8 gp., 27 sp., 56 cp. and 1 potion of
Bulls Strength (3 level).
Room 21: Soldiers Bunks
This room formerly had 60 bunk bed units and 120-foot chests but they all have been
smashed. The dimensions are 50 ft. by 60 ft. You do not see any other doors in this room.
*A 20-minute search of this room will reveal a total of 5 sp. and 6cp.
Room 22: Elite Armory
This room is 40 ft. deep and 30 ft. wide. You do not see any other doors in this room.
Towards the back wall are18 armor stands, 3 of which have masterwork suits of breastplate (all
human size). There are 2 large weapon racks, one on either side but they are empty.
Room 23: Royal Servants Quarters
This room appears to be a bedroom chamber. The dimensions are 30 ft. by 30 ft. You do
not see any other doors in this room. There is a fireplace in the northeast corner. There is a bed,
a table and a broken chest. This room has been ransacked and has nothing of value.
Room 24: Royal Servants Quarters
This is a bedroom. It is 30 ft. by 30 ft. You do not see any other doors in this room. There
is a fireplace in the northwest corner. There is a bed, a table and a broken chest. This room has
been ransacked and has nothing of value.

Room 25: Royal Servants Quarters

This room appears to be a bedroom chamber. The dimensions are 30 ft. by 30 ft. You do
not see any other doors in this room. There is a fireplace in the southeast corner. There is a bed,
a table and a broken chest. This room has been ransacked but the raiders left behind a harp
made of exceptional quality, though a bit dusty and oxidized from age
*The harp will fetch 500 gp. From collectors
Room 26: Royal Servants Quarters
This room appears to be a bedroom chamber. The dimensions are 30 ft. by 30 ft. You do
not see any other doors in this room. There is a fireplace in the southwest corner. There is a bed,
a table and a broken chest. This room has been ransacked but the raiders left behind an Ivory
Statue of a pregnant woman.
*An appraise check (DC 10) will reveal that it is a fertility luck charm and will fetch 55 gp.
on the open market.
Room 27: Guard Quarters
This room contains a couple of small tables and about a dozen chairs. The dimensions
are 30 ft. by 40 ft. You do not see any other doors in this room.
*If the Hobgoblins in this room heard the Pcs in room 28, they wait by the corners of the
entrance hall to ambush the pcs. If not, they are sitting around a table playing bones and drinking
liquor that theyve found in the keep.
*If the Hobgoblins are warned of the pcs they go looking for them.
*If the Pcs were found in area 19 and killed off the 2 patrolling Hobgoblins then there are
only 3 in this room (9/5/3). If not there are 5.
*Hobgoblins (9/6/5/5/3)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 15, Touch: 11, Flat-footed: 14
Base Attack: +1/Grapple +2
Attack Long sword +2 melee (1d8+1,19-20)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Special Qualities:
Saves: F. +4, R. +1, W -1
Skills: Hide +3, Listen +2, Move Silently +3,
Spot +2
C.R.: 1/2
Treasure: in room 28: 23 gp., 78 sp., 300cp.

Room28: Royal Wardrobe

As you open the door to this room about a dozen moths fly out toward you. This room is
filled with racks of moth eaten fine clothing, rendering it worthless. The room spreads out 30 ft. by
50 ft. You see 2 doors, one on the northern wall and one on the eastern wall.
*If the pcs open the door to room 28 before they open the door to room 27 give the
Hobgoblins in area 27 a listen check (DC 18) to hear the pcs.
Room 29: Guards Latrine
When you open the door to this room the smell of old sewage wafts out at you. This is
obviously a latrine. There are approximately 45 privies. The privies have dividers. There is a
washbasin by the door. The dimensions are 30 ft. by 50 ft. You do not see any other doors in this
Room 30: Royal Servants Latrine
When you open the door to this room the smell of old sewage wafts out at you. This is
obviously a latrine. There are 36 privies in this room, all with dividers. There is a large mirror and
a wash basin by the door. The dimensions are 30 ft. by 40 ft. There doesnt seem to be any other
Room 31: Royal Guard Room, North
This room has 10 cots, a table and 8 chairs. There were also 10 foot chests but they
have been broken. The dimensions are 30 ft. by 50 ft. and you see no other doors.
*Secret compartment; There is a secret compartment on the northern most part of the
eastern wall (search 20). Inside the compartment is a money sack containing; 18 gp., 72 sp. and
400 cp. There is also a potion of cure light wounds.
Room 32: Royal Guard Room, South
This room has 10 cots, a table and 8 chairs. There were also 10 foot chests but they
have been broken. The dimensions are 30 ft. by 50 ft. and you see no other doors.

Room 33: Royal Hall

This is a very large chamber. It boasts a depth of 50 ft. and a width of 90 ft. There are 4
pillars supporting The massive ceiling. There is a 50 ft. by 10 ft. stone table in the center of the
room. The walls are lined with tapestries depicting hunting scenes. There is a door on the
southern wall. You suddenly notice the southern end of the hall is lit by torchlight when you hear a
guttural war cry. When you look to the south there are 4 Hobgoblins charging you.
*Hobgoblins (10/8/6/6)
Initiative: +1
Speed:30 ft.
Armor Class:15, Touch: 11, Flat-footed:14
Base Attack: +1/Grapple +2
Attack Long sword +2 melee (1d8+1,19-20)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Special Qualities:
Saves: F. +4, R. +1, W -1
Skills: Hide +3, Listen +2, Move Silently +3,
Spot +2
C.R.: 1/2
Treasure: in room 33: 62 gp., 54 sp., 600cp.

Room 34: Royal Chamber

As you walk through the entrance hallway you notice a very large Hobgoblin, in
breastplate armor and carrying a long sword and heavy shield, slowly get up from sitting on a bed
in the southeastern corner of the room. You then notice what appears to be a female hobgoblin,
holding a knife and wearing fine mens clothing she found in the keep, standing in front of a table
in the southwestern corner. The room is 30 ft. by 50 ft. and has another door in the west wall.
There is a fireplace in the northeastern wall. This room is adorned with a large mirror and 3
*Galgoth, Hobgoblin fighter 2
Hit points: 17
Initiative: +1
Speed:20 ft.
Armor Class:18, Touch: 11, Flat-footed:15
Base Attack: +2/Grapple +3
Attack Long sword +3 melee (1d8+1,19-20)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Special Qualities:
Saves: F. +4, R. +1, W -1
Skills: Hide +3, Listen +2, Move Silently +3,
Spot +2
C.R.: 2
Treasure: 111 gp., 2 sp., 200cp.
*Morna, Hobgoblin Shaman 2
Hit points: 13
Initiative: +1
Speed:30 ft.
Armor Class:11, Touch: 11, Flat-footed:10
Base Attack: +1/Grapple +2
Attack Knife +2 melee (1d4)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Spells
Special Qualities:
Saves: F. +4, R. +1, W +4
Skills: Hide +3, Listen +2, Move Silently +3,
Spot +2
C.R.: 2
Treasure: 81 gp., 75 sp., 300cp., Black Pearl 500 gp., Black Pearl 500gp., Lapis Lazuli
10gp. And 1 potion cure light wounds.
Spells; 0 level spells: Cure Minor Wounds, Guidance, Inflict Minor wounds, Virtue
1 level spells: Divine Favor, Inflict light wounds, Shield of Faith
Domain spell: Cause Fear
*Secret Door (search 20) there is a secret door on the southern wall.
*Secret Door (search 20) there is a secret door on the southeastern wall.

Area C: Eastern Escape Hallway

Area C is a long escape hallway that stretches around the northeastern quarter
of the complex. The eastern portion is 270 ft. long and runs north to south. The northern portion
of the hallway is 290 ft. long and runs east to west.
*Basic Arrow Trap (search 20) (Disable Device 20), Attack +10 (1d6 arrow) CR1
*Basic Arrow Trap (search 20) (Disable Device 20), Attack +10 (1d6 arrow) CR1
Area D: Secret Passage
This is a 70 ft. long hallway with one turn in it. There is a thick wooden door at the end of
the hallway. The door is locked.
*If the door is opened by any means other than the key a trap is sprung.
*Basic Arrow Trap (search 20) (Disable Device 20), Attack +10 (1d6 arrow)
Room 35: Royal Latrine
This room sports a tapestry on the rear wall, 2 privies, a large wash basin, a large
mirror, and a tub. The dimensions are 20 ft. by 20 ft. There appears to be no other doors.
*Secret Compartment: (search 20) in the secret compartment you will find a potion of
Bulls strength, a potion of cure light wounds and a magical +1 dagger.
Room 36: Royal Treasury

This room is 30 ft. by 30 ft. You see no other doors. There are however 3 large

*The chests are all locked (open lock 20) (Break 18) in them are 600 gp., 1,000 sp., And
1,000 cp.
Room 37: Forgery 1
The main section of this room is 70 ft. by 110 ft. You can see 2 hallway entrances.
There is a 20 ft. by 20 ft. alcove on the eastern wall which contains a 10 ft. radius water
well. There are 2 rows of furnaces, 1 towards the north side and 1 towards the south side.
In the middle of the room there is a row of large double-sided anvils. There is a warm glow
in the western hallway and the sound of hammers ringing on anvils.
*If searched this room has; forging hammers, rotten wood buckets and unfinished
weapons and armor.
*Secret door (search 20) there is a secret door by the northeastern wall.
*Secret door (search 20) there is a secret escape passage in the back of the
northeastern most furnace. It surfaces on the outside of the topside wall.
Room 38: Smithies Latrine
As you open the door the odor of fresh sewage hits you. This room has 24 privies
in it. The dimensions are 20 ft. by 30 ft. There are no other doors apparent.

Room 39: Guard Room West

This room is 30 ft. by 50 ft. It doesnt look like there are any more doors. This room
contains 12 armor stands, 1 of which has a suit of chain mail on it. There is a weapon rack
with 4 long swords, 1 short sword and 4 daggers on it. There are a few tables and about 2
dozen chairs.
Room 40: Guard Room East
This room is 30 ft. by 50 ft.. You dont see any other doors. There are 10 armor
stands with 2 suits of chain mail and a weapon rack containing 1 long sword. There are a
few tables and about 2 dozen chairs.
Room 41: Smithies Bunks
This is a huge room with 8 pillars holding up the ceiling. The room is 70 ft. by 110
ft. There are 3 other doors, 2 in the northern wall and 1 in the western wall. This room
contains approximately 80 cots and the same amount of boot chests. You now hear the
ringing of hammer and anvil in the distance.
If searched the pcs will find 100 gp., 70 sp. and 600 cp.
Room 42: Forgery 2
As you approach this room the ringing of the hammer gets louder.
*If the pcs come in from one of the doors on the southern wall give the Duergar a listen
check (DC 22) if the Duergar fail read this;
There are 4 warrior types standing with their backs to the southern wall. They appear to
watching 2 smithies forge and didnt hear you open the door. 3 of the warriors wear chain mail
and sport heavy shields and war hammers. The other warrior wears chain mail and carries a war
hammer and light shield. The smithies wear britches and Smithing aprons. The two doors on the
south lead into a 20 ft. by 50 ft. alcove which contains a 10 ft. radius water well. The main portion
of the room is 70 ft. by 110 ft. There is a row of 5 furnaces on the southern and northern side with
a row of massive double-sided anvils in between. Hallways enter this room from the east and
*If the Duergar pass their Listen Check read this;
There are 4 warrior types turning to regard you as they draw their weapons. 2 smithies
stop ringing their hammers and start walking towards you. 3 of the warriors wear chain
mail and sport heavy shields and war hammers. The other warrior wears chain mail and
carries a war hammer and light shield. The smithies wear britches and smithy aprons. The
two doors on the south lead into a 20 ft. by 50 ft. alcove, which contains 10 ft. radius water
well. The main portion of the room is 70 ft. by 110 ft. There is a row of 5 furnaces on the
southern and northern side with a row of massive double-sided anvils in between.
Hallways enter this room from the east and west.

*If the pcs approach from one of the hallways the Duergar do not get a Listen Check and are
otherwise caught off guard. You can read this.
There are 4 warrior types standing with their backs to the southern wall. They
appear to be watching 2 smithies forge and didnt hear you come in. 3 of the warriors
wear chain mail and sport heavy shields and war hammers. The other warrior wears chain
mail and carries a war hammer and light shield. The smithies wear britches and Smithing
aprons. The two doors on the south lead into a 20 ft. by 50 ft. alcove which contains a 10
ft. radius water well. The main portion of the room is 70 ft. by 110 ft. There is a row of 5
furnaces on the southern and northern side with a row of massive double-sided anvils in
between. Hallways enter this room from the east and west.
*Duergar (13/9/8)
Initiative: +0
Speed:20 ft.
Armor Class:17, Touch: 10, Flat-footed:15
Base Attack: +1/Grapple +2
Attack: War Hammer +1 (1d8+1/x3)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Dark vision 60 ft.
Saves: F. +4, R. +0, W -1
Skills: Appraise +2, Craft (blacksmithing) +2, Craft (stonemasonry) +2, Listen +3, Move
Silently -4, Spot +2
C.R.: 1
Treasure: 56 gp., 45 sp., 300 cp.
*Spell-like abilities: Enlarge Person, Invisibility
*Hommel Duergar fighter 2
Hit points: 17
Initiative: +0
Speed:20 ft.
Armor Class:16, Touch: 10, Flat-footed:15
Base Attack: +2/Grapple +3
Attack: War Hammer +1 (1d8+1/x3)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Dark vision 60 ft.
Saves: F. +5, R. +0, W -1
Skills: Appraise +2, Craft (blacksmithing) +2, Craft (stonemasonry) +2, Listen +3, Move
Silently -4, Spot +2
C.R.: 2
Treasure: 400 gp., 33 sp., 400 cp.
*Spell-like abilities: Enlarge Person, Invisibility

*Duergar Smithies (8/7)

Initiative: +0
Speed:20 ft.
Armor Class:10, Touch: 10, Flat-footed:10
Base Attack: +1/Grapple +2
Attack: Smithy Hammer +1 (1d4+1 x2)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Dark vision 60 ft.
Saves: F. +4, R. +0, W -1
Skills: Appraise +2, Craft (blacksmithing) +2, Craft (stonemasonry) +2, Listen +3, Move
Silently 0, Spot +2
C.R.: 1
Treasure: 118 gp., 91 sp., 400 cp.
*Spell-like abilities: Enlarge Person, Invisibility
*If searched this room has; forging hammers, rotten wood buckets and unfinished
weapons and armor.
*If the battle turns against the Duergar the smithies will turn invisible and try to escape
down the water well. When they do this one of them drops his hammer down the well. Give the
pcs a Listen Check (DC 15) to hear the racquet.
*If searched the pcs find ladder rungs in the well wall.
Area E: Lizard Lair
As you climb down the ladder you notice the smell of dampness and mold. The well shaft goes
down approximately 30 ft. before opening up into a cavern. The cavern is about 70 ft. wide and
30 ft. high rounded off. An underground river flows through the cavern. There is a rope tied to the
bottom rung that hangs 20 ft. to the top of a makeshift bridge. The bridge is 5 ft. wide and10 ft.
above the water where it meets the rope. There is a 10 ft. wide ledge on the northern side of the
cavern. The southern ledge is 15 ft. wide. There is a large opening in the caverns southern wall.
*If the pcs investigate the southern ledge read;
The opening is roughly 15 ft. by 20 ft. You hear a hissing sound coming from within as out
of the darkness comes a 7 ft. lizard with a gaping jaw.
*Large Water Monitor, 7 ft. long (26)
Initiative: +2
Speed:30 ft.
Armor Class:15, Touch: 12, Flat-footed:13
Base Attack: +2/Grapple +5
Attack: Bite +5 (1d8+4)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Low-light vision.
Saves: F. +8, R. +5, W +2
Skills: Climb +7, Hide +6, Listen +4, Move Silently +6, Spot +4, Swim +11
C.R.: 1
Treasure: Though the lizard did not purposely keep treasure it does have the remains of
2 Duergar and 4 previous adventurers. Sifting through the pile will yield 2 pp., 100 gp., 1,500 sp.,
14,000 cp., 2 white pearls 100 gp. Each and a wand of eagles splendor 27 charges.

Room 43: Forgery 4

There are 2 noticeable entrances to this room, a 10 ft. wide hallway from the east and a
20 ft. by 50 ft. alcove from the south that is shared with room 44. There is 10 ft. radius water well
in the middle of the alcove. Room 43s dimensions are 70 ft. by 110 ft. There are 2 rows of
furnaces. A row across the northern side and a row across the southern side. There is a row of
large double-sided anvils down the middle of the room.
*If searched this room has; forging hammers, rotten wood buckets and unfinished
weapons and armor.
Room 44: Forgery 3
There are 2 noticeable entrances to this room, a 10 ft. wide hallway from the east and a
20 ft. by 50 ft. alcove from the north that is shared with room 43. There is a 10 ft. radius water
well in the middle of the alcove. Room 44s dimensions are 70 ft. by 110 ft. There are 2 rows of
furnaces. A row across the northern side and a row across the southern side. There is a row of
large double-sided anvils down the middle of the room.
*If searched this room has; forging hammers, rotten wood buckets and unfinished
weapons and armor.
*Secret Door (search 20) there is a secret door in the southeastern wall.
Room 45: Torture & Execution Chamber
This room has many instruments of torture and execution. There is a Gallatin and a
hangmans galley. There are stocks, racks, pulleys and more torture devises. The room is 40 ft.
by 100 ft. and has a door on its southern and eastern wall. You notice this room is already lit and
hear a guttural moaning. As you look to the far end of the room you see 3 stocky 4 6 humanoids
torturing a stray hobgoblin. The humanoid creatures are grey and bald. They wear studded
leather armor and carry whips and daggers.
*Duergar (12/12/6)
Initiative: +0
Speed:20 ft.
Armor Class:12, Touch: 10, Flat-footed:12
Base Attack: +1/Grapple +2
Attack: Whip +0 (1d3) or Dagger +1 (1d4+1 19-20/x2)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Dark vision 60 ft.
Saves: F. +4, R. +0, W -1
Skills: Appraise +2, Craft (blacksmithing) +2, Craft (stonemasonry) +2, Listen +3, Move
Silently 0, Spot +2
C.R.: 1
Treasure: 118 gp., 91 sp., 400 cp.
*Spell-like abilities: Enlarge Person, Invisibility
*If searched this room also contains 6 whips and an Executioners Mask. The mask is
magical and adds a +10 to disguise checks.

Room 46: General Population Cell

The door to this room is locked. This room is very large. It spans 60 ft. wide and 100 ft.
deep. There are 6 pillars holding up the ceiling. As you look around at the human remains you
hear a low murmuring or chanting. When you investigate you find a badly malnourished human
meditating by the first pillar on your left.
*Rahja Human Monk 3
Hit points: 4(max 14)
Initiative: +1
Speed:30 ft.
Armor Class:11, Touch: 11, Flat-footed:10
Base Attack: +1/Grapple +0
Attack Fist & Feet +0 melee (1d4-1)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Unarmed strike, fury of blows
Special Qualities:
Saves: F. +2, R. +2, W +6
Abilities: str. 8, dex. 11, con. 8, int. 11, wis. 16, cha. 13
Skills: Listen +3, Climb +1, Move Silently +2, Tumble +2, Jump +1, Escape artist +2, Hide
+2, Swim +1, Balance +2
*Rahja has a -4 to his str., dex. and con. and -10 hit points due to his malnourishment.
His training and exceptional shape is probably what kept him alive this long.
Room 47: Solitary Prison Cells
The door to this room is locked. This room consists of 2 long hallways of cells. There are
69 cells in total. About 1/3 of them still hold human remains.
Room 48: Guards Armory
This room is 20 ft. by 50 ft. You see no other doors. There are 10 armor stands, 4 of
which sport rotten leather armor. There are several weapon racks holding 2 short swords an 11
saps. Only 1 sap is still in good condition.
Room 49: Guard Room
This room is 20 ft. by 30 ft,. There doesnt appear to be any other doors. On the back wall
there is a weapon rack holding 3 short swords and 6 saps. Age has rendered the saps useless
but the short swords are in order. On the eastern wall there are 4 armor stands with useless,
rotten leather armor. There are 2 tables and 8 chairs in this room. The table to your left has a ring
of some 6 keys on it. They were once labeled but time has rendered it illegible.

Room 50: Guards Quarters

This room has 2 doors that you can see. It spans 60 ft. by 70 ft. There appears to have
been a battle here, the front of the room is in shambles and there are actually 2 human skeletons
and 3 medium humanoid skeletons still laying on the floor. The human remains are wearing rotten
leather and carry short swords. The medium humanoid bodies wear chain mail and carry War
Hammers. The rest of the room holds about 56 bunk bed units and 112 foot chests still intact.
There are 2 tables and 7 chairs.
*Human Skeletons (8/5)
Initiative: +5
Speed:30 ft.
Armor Class:15, Touch: 11, Flat-footed:14
Base Attack: +0/Grapple +1
Attack: Short Sword +1 melee (1d6+1,19-20/x2)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/Bludgeoning, Dark vision, Immune to cold
Saves: F. +0, R. +1, W +2
C.R.: 1/3
Treasure: none
Duergar Skeletons (10/7/7)
Initiative: +5
Speed:20 ft.
Armor Class:18, Touch: 11, Flat-footed:17
Base Attack: +0/Grapple +0
Attack: War Hammer +1 melee (1d8+1,x3)
Space/reach: 5ft.
Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/Bludgeoning, Dark vision, Immune to cold
Saves: F. +0, R. +1, W +2
C.R.: 1/3
Treasure: none
*If the room is searched, pcs will find an accumulation of 80 gp., 46 sp. and 200 cp.

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