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Hansel 1992 Synchronization

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68, NUMBER 5




and Computation



a Chaotic Neural Network

D. Hansel
Centre de Ph]tsique Theorique, Ecole Pol],'tec'hnique,

Ml/28 Palaiseau,

Franc. e

H. Sompolinsky
Racah institute

of Physics and the Center

for lVeural Computation, Hebrew University,

(Received 27 August l 99 l )


Israel 91904

Chaos generated by the internal dynamics of a large neural network can be correlated over large spatial scales. Modulating the spatial coherence of the chaotic fluctuations by the spatial pattern of the
external input provides a robust mechanism for feature segmentation and binding, which cannot be accomplished by networks of oscillators with local noise. This is demonstrated by an investigation of synchronized chaos in a network model of bursting neurons responding to an inhornogeneous stimulus.
PACS numbers:

87. 10.+e, 05.45.+b


modes in extended chemical, biological, and

have been the focus of considerable interest
[1,2]. Theoretical studies of these phenomena include
systems of coupled limit-cycle oscillators [I], the complex
system [1-3], and the lattices of couin neurobiology
pled maps [4, 5]. Recent experiments
have renewed interest in the cooperative dynamical properties of large neuronal systems, in particular, the emerpatterns of neural activity and
gence of synchronized
their computational role. Large-scale spatiotemporal patterns of activity in the frequency range of 30-70 Hz have
been found in the olfactory system, the visual cortex, and
other brain areas [6-9].
Temporally modulated neuronal responses to oriented
stimuli have been observed in the cat visual cortex. Local
groups of neurons responding to a common stimulus
activity. Neurons responding to
display synchronized
separate stimuli are also phase locked, even when the distance between them is large, provided their stimuli have
similar features (e.g. , similar orientation and direction of
motion) [6,7]. It has been suggested that the selective
of neural activity serves as a mechanism
of binding spatially distributed features into a coherent
fluid systems

object [6, 10].

The observed synchronization of neural activity and its
proposed function raise several important issues. The
synchronized neurons have different levels of responses,
depending on, e.g. , their preferred orientation (PO) (i.e. .
the stimulus orientation that elicits the maximal response
of the neuron) or stimulus velocity. These diA'erences
serve to encode the local features of the
It is thus important to investigate
external stimulus.
mechanisms that are capable of synchronizing activity in
spatially inhomogeneous neural systems, without destroySecing the response properties of individual neurons.
ond, one needs to understand how the properties of the
external stimuli can modulate rapidly the pattern and degree of synchronization across the system.
Models of oscillatory neural networks with phaselocked activity capable of feature linking have been studof
ied recently [1114]. In these models synchronization
the oscillations is mediated by (mostly excitatory) long-

of weakly coupled
range connections. Desynchronization
neurons is achieved by local noise.
Both the experimental results and the suggested relevance of synchronization to global operations, such as object segmentation, imply that there is an eScient mechanism for rapid desynchronization
of the relative te~;.poral
phase of large internally synchronized groups of neurons.
However, systems of noisy oscillators are incapable of
generating such a large-scale rapid and reversible desynchronization.
This is because the amplitude
of the
effective noise that acts on the phase of an internally synchronized group of say lV oscillators is only 6/J!V, where
6 is its local amplitude, and thus is neg1igible for large A'.
Consequently, even weak coupling between two large assemblies of oscillators will eventually synchronize them.
More importantly, even when such assemblies are not interacting at all, the time taken to desynchronize the initial relative phase between them is extremely long, i.e. , of
O(lV/8-). To overcome this problem within the context
of oscillatory networks one has to introduce an ad hoc
spatially correlated noise [13,14].
In this Letter we study a chaotic neural network model
that exhibits synchronization
at large spatial scales,
modulated by the distributed features of the extern ~1
stimulus. The advantage of chaos over external noise is
the fact. that the spatial correlations of the deterministic
noise are not fixed but depend on the dynamic state of the
system. As a consequence, the external stimulus can
modulate the spatial scale of the dynamic noise. In particular, depending on the pattern of the input the system
can break into large weakly coupled clusters, each exhibiting a globally chaotic activity. The chaotic fluctuations
rapidly desynchronize the relative phases of the different

%e study a network of coupled Hindmarsk-Rose

[15] described by the following equations:



X; = I';

aX +bX; Z;+I; + g JiS; (t),


. dA; V;,

Y; =c.


=r(.s(X, xo) Z;]




68, NUMBER 5

Each neuron is characterized by three time-dependent

variables: the membrane potential L;, the recovery variable Y;, and a slow adaptation current Z;. The external
inputs are given by I;. The effect of the firing activity of
the jth neuron on the ith neuron is modeled in Eq. (1) by
an impulse current to the ith neuron, proportional to the
synaptic strength J;j, generated when the jth neuron is
active Th. e activity of a neuron is denoted by the (O, l)
= e(X~(t) x*), where x* is some threshvariable S; (t)
is the Heaviside
old potential taken here to be 0, and
step function. The Hindmarsh-Rose single neuron model
and its extensions exhibit a dynamical behavior similar in
several aspects to the properties of real neurons [15-17].
For su%ciently low values of I the neuron is in a stable
quiescent state with L=xo &0. As I increases there is a
state conbifurcation to a low-frequency repetitive/ring
sisting of a train of regularly spaced spikes. Further increase in I leads to a sequence of bifurcations through
bursting states consisting of periodic bursts of two or
more spikes per burst. The long time scale associated
with the burst is provided by the time constant of the
adaptation current, Z, i.e. , I/r, which is assumed to be
small, of O(10 ). For large values of I the system is in
a high-frequency repetitive firing state. For intermediate
values of r and I there is also a chaotic state of irregular
bursts [17]. For concreteness we will fix the parameters
to the values a =1.0, b=3.0, c=1.0, d=5. 0, s =4.0,
xo = 1.6, and r =0.006, as in Ref. [17].
We first consider a network consisting of N neurons
with different values of I; coupled globally by excitatory
interactions, J;~ =J/N. The values of I; are uniformly
distributed between 1 and 5. The global nature of the
state of the network can be characterized by the mean
= N 'g;-~SI(t), which is proportional to
field, 1,(r)
the total synaptic current, and is thus the force mediating
the interactions between the neurons. Simulations of the
above network with 0 & & 6.0 reveal three phases.
(i) Asynchronous stationary state
For sma. l
l values
of the coupling J, I,- is constant in time, except for small
finite-size fiuctuations of the order 1/JN. The neurons
are not synchronized, and the whole effect of the interaction is to shift the value of the local current acting on
them by a constant and spatially uniform amount I yp.
The time-averaged firing rates I;=(S;(r)) are displayed
in Fig. 1 against the local external currents I;. It exhibits
a series of discontinuities marking the boundaries between different firing states. An example of two neurons,
with periodic bursts of two and three spikes respectively,
is shown in Fig. 2(a). The bursts of the two neurons are
not phase locked, and have slightly different frequencies.
For the parameters given above this globally stationary
phase exists for 0 ~ ~0.8.
(ii) Synchronized oseillations.
For intermediate coupling strength, in our case for 0.8 ~
5, 1,(r) is
periodic in t except for small finite-size noise, and the activity of most of the neurons is phase locked to this
periodic driving force. The local activities may also have


0. 12 g



FIG. l. The time-averaged firing rates plotted against the local external inputs. The continuous line is for =0.5. The plateau at 0 corresponds to neurons in a quiescent state. The next
plateaus correspond to periodically bursting neurons with 1, 2,
3, and 4 spikes per burst, respectively. The nonsmooth regime
corresponds to chaotic neurons. The last, linear part corresponds to repetitively firing neurons. The dashed line is for
J =5.0. Results from simulations of Eqs. (1)-(3) with iV =800.
For parameters see text. Inset: The power spectrum of I,,, for
=5.0 (in arbitrary units).

an aperiodic component which, ho~ever, is not synchronized across the system, and therefore contributes only a
small finite-size noisy component to 1(t).
(iii) Synchronized chaos
When . the coupling is
strong, 3.5& J, all the active neurons are chaotic and
furthermore their chaotic fluctuations are spatially correlated. An example is shown in Fig. 2(b) where the syn-











FIG. 2. Membrane potentials of single neurons. Network

the same as in Fig. I. (a)
5. Upper trace for neurons with
I;=1.75; lower trace for I;=2.25. (b) The same neurons but
with J=5.0. Vertical scale of second neurons was shifted
downwards by 1.4. The tips of the spikes were clipped.




68, NUMBER 5



chaotic bursts of the same pair of neutrons as

Fig. 2(a) are clearly seen. In this phase the neural activity no longer consists of bursts with fixed numbers of


spikes, yielding a smooth monotonic dependence of the

average rate I (I;) as shown in Fig. 1. The synchronized
chaotic activity results in a mean field that displays substantial chaotic fluctuations, as indicated by its power
spectrum, Fig. 1 (inset). Studying sizes JV (6000 we
have checked that the amplitude of the chaotic fluctuations in l, (r) remains constant for large JY, in this regime of J.
To investigate the role of synchronized chaos in the
processing of sensory information we need to consider
A neuron is labeled by (r, H).
more structured networks.
where r represents its spatial location in the network,
which maps also to a location in the external sensory
space. The coordinate O represents a feature coordinate,
e.g. , the preferred orientation PO of the neuron. The interaction between neurons has a long spatial range, relative to the distance between nearby neurons, and is
nonzero only for pairs of neurons with O=O'. The external sensory input is characterized by a feature density
Ho(r) which varies slowly with r, except at lines of discontinuities representing boundaries between different "objects. At the vicinity of a site r only neurons with
8=HO(r) are vigorously excited. Under a suitable choice
of network parameters, the active neurons in regions
where Ho(r) varies smoothly will be synchronized through
their interactions. On the other hand, since only neurons
with similar O are coupled, the lines of discontinuity
thus leading to
Ho(r) will break the desynchronization,
the formation of weakly interacting synchronized clusters
whose boundaries separate between objects. The weakly
interacting clusters will be rapidly desynchronized by the
global chaotic noise of each cluster.
To demonstrate the operation of such a network, we
consider two clusters, each comprising 1V neurons responding to a common oriented stimulus [13]. The neurons in each cluster are labeled by their PO, O, distributed uniformly between z/2 and +n/2. Neurons in the
a constant
, J;&.=21.0, if the difference in their PO
J; =W 'J;&.
The interaction beis less than ~/4 and zero otherwise.
tween neurons belonging to different clusters is J; = J;t,
J;&,, =1.5, if they have similar PO; otherwise it is zero.
A stimulus with an orientation Oo is modeled as a local input given by 1(!Ho H(!), where 1(!H!) varies linearly
from a minimal value at ! H! =x/2, 1(x/2) = 10.0, to a
maximal value at 0, l(0) =3.4.
This system of two interacting clusters has been simulated with A'=160. %hen the intracluster interaction
J;t. is varied, we find that each cluster displays the same
three phases as the fully connected system described
above. In particular for values of J;t. 15 the clusters
are in a synchronized chaotic state. Thus for the chosen
value J;t,, =21.0 the clusters are well within their synchronized chaotic state. The time-averaged firing rate of




the neurons within each cluster is maximal at O=OO and

drops linearly with !H Ho!. The firing rate vanishes for
Ho! ~ 0.35m. Note that despite the presence of strong
intracluster interactions the dispersion of activity levels is
I n spite
of the intercluster interactions, the above
dynamical properties of each cluster are largely insensitive to the orientation of the stimulus of the other cluster.
However, the intercluster interactions are strong enough
to synchronize them. This synchronization
depends on
Ho!, where Ho and Ho denote the orientations of the
stimuli acting on the two clusters, respectively.
the intercluster coupling exists only between neurons with
similar PO the synchronization of the two clusters strongHo! and vanishes for ! Ho H~~!
ly decreases with
! Ho
~0.3z. This is clearly demonstrated in Fig. 3 where the
time-dependent correlation of the mean fields of the two

for the case of OO=OO and for Oo O(']=0. 28m.

The dependence of the strength of the correlations on
Oo is shown in the inset.
As stated above, a major advantage of the chaotic dynamics is in the speed by which synchronization
is achieved. The time for synchronization of interacting clusters is roughly proportional
J;&,', Indeed we find that synchronization between clusters with Oo= Oo occurs within a few time units.
Desynchronization of noninteracting clusters (from an initial synchronized state) occurs rapidly by virtue of the
is shown




15~ 0.4!




FIG. 3. Time dependence of the correlations of two clusters

for the case of similar stimuli 00=00 {upper) and dissimilar
ones 00 0() =0.28m {lower). I. or clarity the vertical scale of the
lower case has been shifted downward by 5. Parameters are
given in text. Inset: The strength of the correlation between
the two clusters vs the angular difference between their stimuli.
The vertical axis is the equal-time correlation, C{0),normalized
by the geometric mean of the variances of the mean fields of the
two clusters.


68, NUMBER 5


exponential growth of a perturbation of the initial states

of the chaotic clusters, the rate of which is measured by
the Lyapunov exponent, A, . Hence the dephasing time
will be roughly A, '. In the present model we find nurnerically that the clusters are completely desynchronized
within 3-5 bursts of activity.
ln conclusion, we would like to point out that the main
mechanism for generating the synchronized chaotic state
in our model network is the long-range positive interactions in a population of neurons with a distribution of local driving currents. Our results hold even for values of
the parameter r of Eq. (3) such that a single neuron does
not show a chaotic behavior for any value of I. We also
note that unlike the models of Refs. [3-5], the interaction
in our model is not diffusive but is similar to an impulse
force, which is more appropriate for approximating the
effect of chemical synaptic couplings.
Finally, the existence and possible functional role of
chaos in brain activity have been previously discussed [9].
It is important to note that encoding information in the
actual temporal chaotic pattern of activity of a neural
system is probably not feasible as it is inherently unstable. Our proposal here is that representing information in
the statistical features of the chaotic state, in our case the
spatial patterns of coherence of a chaotic system, may be
a robust and efficient process.
Helpful discussions with P. Collet, D. S. Fisher, A.
Gelperin, D. Golomb, D. Kleinfeld, C. Meunier, and B.
Shraiman are acknowledged.
D. H. acknowledges the
warm hospitality of the Hebrew University. This work is
supported in part by the Fund for Basic Research adrninistered by the Israeli Academy of Arts and Sciences and


by the U. S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation.

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