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Tintin and The Broken Ear

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THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN THE BROKEN EAR De = MAMMOTH saa [ Closing "| Geedness! time!” | It's Five ood already ky RRRRINg| | Toreador, on guard | (Toreado —— now! gi Tereador”||Ia Ia... ct ¢ Toreador... AS qorea rs i Jd ||Fond'eyes gaze and adore. [Come en, Tazy- | bones! Time to \ get up! || [Knees bent, arms full | [Now forabath: that’sthe || Detaile are just coming | stretch Rowdy. Up... way io wake wpinthe morn ||in ofa rabbery at the \Jand down. and up... ing Museum of Ethnography is the cight 4 [and down’. a o'clock news irate fetish ~ a sacred ribal object -disaprear- ed during the night... Th loss was discover | Come or Snows! The Director? Sim afraid ed this morving bya. || To che Museum _ | |We's engaged : the police museum attendans. || of Ethnography! | [are here es itis believed the t thief must have hid dey inthe gallery overnight and slipped out when the staff arrived for work No evidence of breakinhas been found... {J locked the doors ‘aised thc alarm |Now. iorecapitulate.Nousay one attendant | noticed washing uvucual He carve on dut this worming at seven, AEOTH We served Eat tabibit No, 3542 was wiseing Right?..Mow Hisar Feadantishe elit bre seer amtelat ¥ Ne lastnight a 1712 hours; We wnat ‘Npzolutel! Above sus picion! He's Deen with 42 For over Ewelve years Besides, the Fetish has no intrinsic value In my judge. ‘ment it would only be oF interest toa collector... Great snakes! The Thompsons! Why, its our ||| has no 2 friend Tintin | \ 3 )| quite si - \\| moved Have you any leads r{ Well, the Aruwbaya Feti tive value... The solution ins ef. no insti imple: it was re: by a collector. [Tobe precise: colleciameed by are- lator. dome hour? Vint sure it has Thisis the book something about Fike Arumigayac. Aba! This is interesting... Listen, Snowy." Today we met our First ‘rumbayas. Long black, Oly hair framed Cher coftee-coourea faces. Thay were armed with long blow Pipes which they employ 10 Shoot darts polsoned with curare |g Your nearenat, Snowy? fieiaed toaiiy there Tes (— Curare!...the Uenerosty ana ge *ARUMEAYA ‘emed wits How iP ‘apenh terrible vegctable| poison which paralyses one's breathing! but... it's the very one that’s been stolen! Finercfore wae Jnseerate sre hey we oa ARDEA? FevisH ae werevery ell ate tater (Odd coincidence, dont you think, Snowy?.. Snowy isn't interest 's gone toslecp J think |"ll follow Suit: Extraordinary! There was the fetish this mornin back in its usual piace wisy|| Bear Bérccorr, wie this elton propped (Tn y opinion, gentle I beter fina 9 could. up beside it,..wnat do you | wen, tie Fetish is é | [think ? bewitched ! Pinch domething. fram Yair Heaoanl masearn , Darr my bet, 20 | My mind io made up: his | [According ty the pole letter is anonymous.Nobody | | tie cases clos knows who wrote ik! But that isnt my view... ‘To be precise :lagree. | | — An anonymous lector Wobody wrote! fe aT vaumara rerish | | ne irc YY irvaver crcbogte Here's the proof. [the right eae oF the Walker, the explorer, | | fetish is slightly damaged: says he made a | there's a bttle bit “accurate sketch” And || missing. according tothe | drawing = | [ do beg your pardon, [S0, aval the only one Eo | sirt know the fetisn they put Bach ion fake? Wake up, Tintin Look where youre aie picid [ But on the reinstated Fetish the Tight ear is iwtact. So it must be a ‘Copy... Now, who mould be interested in hequiring the real ove? A collect- or? Quite possibly... Anyway, let> ee what the press has to say joa Oh dear, here we go asain. Sherlo Holmes FATAL OVERSIGHT Hy Jonson Rend. "Por sen (ar a tn pen °( Going round ‘appoars tea ‘and rownd Vike the victim had forgotten to} | that, he makes ring, “iy come” shana megiddy! Ee ae apa ences cle ete a Eee ey A (3) Yer trisisit. Ooh, sir, |{ Jw winding the parrot for waa tragedy. Such Excuse me..15 Enis Spake geniemanl td || ep i: SoHF you krow oF ail the house where that learning’...May- || anyone... Me. Balthazar lived? Pebewscyrtall thar ||" : avd tl eee regular with the rent but| | OF cowrse...1 was | healways paid itinthe || wondering if 1 Le Ce er eea || Seer la Sninials Aparrot and | | Balthazar's room? — | taree wate wice, Lf ‘hat’ nhat he ha the time being. But I can't Vil take yon wp. Such a character hewas... rift. can still sce him... hisever- black velvet suit, at. big wat... And all that smoking Apipe inhis Tastin mouth all day long , hehad. Buthencver touched the drink _-aniff. They had to send for falocksmith,..the door was focked from te inside,,.The gre wosinbistling out of tie ring TWieiz where wefoand Wm | 9 ie sceap oF grey If by any chance you found a parr lover les uchafrianaly rd? Naturally, Pil re member y04. Good. You knew Mir Balthazar _ well? (Er... that’s to Say..not imately Avery Funny accident (gas reas whistling out of the ing. So, Pte tap wason when Bal: Ehazar went bo bed he'd have heard it. Unless he was drunks but he never touched drink. ‘Therefore someone turned the tap onarter the sculptor was dead, since the gas wasn't ‘strong enough Eo kill the par- fol. And that someone was wearing something wade of aFey flannel and swiok- eWwitness the picce of cloth Great snakes!... land the cigarette end, which ‘Why not?! Couldn't have belonged to the victim: Me only smoked A x Brey \d he wore a velvet suit. EO Me Bacar as wurden fe was murdered because he'd probably made a replica of tne Arumbaya fetish for Someone. Aud someone \didn’t want him to talk ... Someone Semcon (Oca nat ‘someone FB2rive!,, How can) ing a cigarette rN ut @ Excuse me, but I've been TF youd only been two mine thinking. I'l buy Mir. bal-| | utes sooner! | just soldi thazar's parest The gentleman who bought pli Liles itwashere a moment PP] ihe parrot? go}; you must have Ooooh, sir passed him Look, there he goes! You sce the gentleman witha par Celunder hisary That's Kin { Let's hope lneilagree | Foresellittome, | nS Grereat greedy: guts! Hey, you!...D'you always behave] wnethat? ize" YP OE biclind es Ferdone, Seiior: being insulted! a GRRREAT Oh, help! Wk5a]{ The parrot!!! | GRRREAT GREEDY-GUTS! || (Boh tne | | GREEDY-GUTS! parrot! The * { Estupido! Imbécil! Great greedy. guts! Look what you do: my beautifull parrot ees escapado! Ees perdido! [The only witness to Balenazar’s deatn, the only one who could have talked, | 7 | land therehe goes. | & Tie parrot eee Sal right. by ity grandfather Ay, ¥ my grandfather. Ay, Gud dzoaatre Alla thuchas gracias for eryto heen al That's quite [Give to me by my arand-| father” Why tella lie? T wonder, could he be interested in tie >) |parrot for the same | [reason as me? It's raining, Pre fessor. Don't for get your umbrella sand remember your glasses. Don't worry, Emestine. My glasses are in the pocker oF my jacket Til Eake a umbrella is [Trust takea closer look...Now, where have iy glasses gone? | know Iput thom inmay overcoat Pocket... ‘and 1, Forgive me, sir. Tw 50 absent- wind \ed..Would youbrleve i mistook you fra bird {Good morning Howdyoudo? Pleased to meet you! Your advertisement rot. Large reward tadlor Rood Ie wil be: tonight paper sir reads “Lost: magnificent indler contact 26 Lab- Ees necesario to make | | advertisement about || There:"Lost: magnificent parrot...” Look. the parrot. there are two notices. Tl try Ene first AG yn address: it wearer than the other. The sooner the better | ‘you the gentleman | | came about the parrot. Are who ‘Aly, yes! Do come {5 him allright} Teavt thank | [Good bye, and Eran you | fou enough. Yow wouldw' believe amet what he means Lo me. Please tale the rewar I mced to buy a cage Look after that box, Snowy. Fittbe back ina few minutes | maces moore But first . Who doce he |( Help! They're Woon, ! think he is?! | Fighting! cs [Foon [GRRREAT puck ve intioe | ate a |JGREEDY- ak Hore, have you notived?..1There are. | two advertisements: avd noone has brought back the parrot. Jt makes mye oe er... Ss -oMeone one as of of Balthazar's killer?,.. Anyway, iEs an tikiresetoremamber oLabrader Road Si, 5i...only two people see] patrol escape. thes old Srezdy-outs and tees younovan Where's that wretched | parrot now? Careful... he's in there No dowbt about ie there's barglar iin the Flake Tm waiting Come on! Start ti Arie] Caramba! Ees the young man who try Co catch i Hae parret: mine. You steal hem, J make complain to the T You bird he ees Fin T Saw you w Ps 2 eae Now, let's be serious J want to know why youre interested in our Featizered Friend... Really? Go right ahead There's the nome + rapped, solcameup || A Few inches bethe quietly and Ewitcaed off [I have time to throw the light fia at Create for Mikin’ TH Mave to watels out: Vknow, I know + you need ‘more practice. Thear the pural, he go whack | into chair. | only miss heem by | phe, | LACK = me That Me. and ys Dovel at 21 London Have you quite Finished Och, Colonel! It's the ghost of Mr. Balthazar! J fear avorce! Whine! SHUT UP! I AM BALTHAZAR! Any Ghosts? Rubbish! Stuff and nonsense. Wellscc...By theleft, quick warch! 1AM BALTHAZAR! Grereat greedy gute! Tam Balthazar ! Faithful unto death] a loving pet! Last night the occupants oF 21 London Road, ‘awakened by This tivne wy Iuck's in! Guicie!"" A taxi! T give up We'll have to walk. Oh? The parrot? You really are unlucky. The gentleman who bought it yesterday Came £0 collect ikagain wie Nob bent minutes ‘igo. He beat it, the jangster. And now 15 got the parrok K a bach Road hog! He couldn't have been closer if he'd tried to runt you down ! Yes, he deliberate ly swerved to the left! Are you hurt? | No, thanks, | had time to'juomp clear. | wouldn't have fallen if | hadn't tripped over the edge of ‘the pavement. | managed to get his num ber. Wait...169...¥es, 169 Nw... That's ic. 169Mw.. ..| ell you, iF thavidiot hadn't warned him Vd have scttled his hash | Si, 31, bt truth cea yon y meess heew and from now ¢ heees on kces auard, \ Crertamente, knife ees In that case, you'll have to | practise harder: youalways tnrow too Far to the right Only « teetie That's it... 169MW.... Doctor Eugene Trebblevob, 120 Goo. Minstrel z ajnstrel’s Way, This time I'm sure I'm on the right track Wrong numbert.. That man wo toid me can'z have seen It clearly. ‘Anyway, ifs possible they used false nwm- ber plateson their” | car... Oh | Tpok Snowy! Yousee: 169MW.] [They just turned their numberplates] [Now then. MWO9T Now wae: one...two upside down... Perfectly simple! | |...Alonse Perez, engineer, Suniy Bank, Freshfield Not far from ier to Freshfield Let's 90! S ‘AMT you need do Ts aim more tothe fofes' that way You hit the bulls Carambal Hat wat hal Again ees t90, | |Caramba! .. auch Eoright! | |WHOOPEE! by ofEsEcpido, 4 15 | parrot! You shut up! May bien, aim more to the left? Why Wot ? 7 | [Sa Wr [GRRREAT GREEDY- | |Grrreat greedy-outs! You fool! What are ] Carrramba!. GUTS! Sitencior —| |orrreal yey outs! 2, Liu doing 7. Missed again! Reale WARK a) aniwal waaldito Crazy idiot! Think | [FEESNTFEtIon! Amino | [Carreambal | | what that parrot | |weeth thees fetish!.. Haha |Tcarambat means tous Ave | [And J wreeng theneck | |ha! ... arombal —) you out of your of thees Feelthy fereceat |, __ | ‘mind? What about | |Parrot! .. Gee: Sas : “pute! the Fetish? Mala bestia! | Carrrambal... Kill heer! Mi Ramin, i you lay a Finger on tat | parrot you're adead Guck! Lying crook!.., Pretending to Hello?...12 that be a doctor ona study trip to | Europe...Butalnewaried. | | Hoe Hotel Liverty? Rodrig Tortilla, you've killed we Siew Tortitlat stzal tae fetish..and | | .~ May 1 speak the swine succecded. By get- | | U° Mi. Tortilla, ting tid of Balthazar, We Please. thought hel covered his trad, Burne reckoned without dur Feathered friend)...}ve got hisaddress. in going tox meeting, He won't suspect ‘anything - Tortilla Were beaten!...There goes Tortilla ext bulletin ot eleven Tm so sorry, but peacefully sailing away to South O'GDch ... Now here is es gone sin. Yes, Rmerica..1f only that Dramtess | | Sowe late shipping news. 10 South America parrot had talked just one day «es, he went to Booner ieHavre, he sail Do we have to tal cd at midday. - keop listening The boak!... fe was vo that wrecched called “Ville de Doro). ) The strike of dockworkers | [Caramba! Allis not lost, fat the French port of Le | | Ramdn: we have time to get Havre has spread today. | | there! More than adezen ships | | are naw delayed. Among vessels not expected to Sail before midnight tomorrow is the “Ville de Lyon bound for South America ... Liverad. days lader Perhaps he see ue and he Did you see? beep to hees cabin... Or may Now, clever Seftor Tor tila thetunbeains! || | wel? [Nothing Nosign | | bebe nevare come aboard = = ‘Still of heem anywhere! | | thees ship... Een thes mothing? (si! Someones coming No, cierta mente 663 impossible wr Riso, now could he kuow ? Teepe es [ies crazy! We've started But no, ees not right! | [All right, there's ] Seeing Tintins around Ect eve hoem! Eve First] lonly ome ancwer every commer! They're all | Jone, thees one inthe | |He's got Logo! fairly short. Cap. | remember heem: 14 es in same actoplane ‘Esta id vesect behind us fd heeeet behind us ight after | |Ees following us.) tell Midwbe we Fee [yoH, be Tintin heem good! Now don't foract : aims alittle more to the tert. A weeg! Ees wearing a weeg! Ciertamente ces hem! Only hees voice when he Shout ces not You are ready ? We now Go towork weet thees leettle old a Madre! Eesciose. sues your fault. You weeth your "Leetle more to the lef"! Well, ifs the First time you landed artere 30a. aimed . ayy ite peobatly a pad tring you did. ie kim, ene ie wnen'b Tintin | [No nok that way. We aren't sure it’s him. Tea better idea: Get it? TFiks Tintin, he (aay must. bi wearing a false beard Steady!... You're nearly there .Alitle to the right... Genty., Bag abi... tars f Now we're sure Tintin isn't Aboard we can really get down to finding Tortilla Ale there’ our steward... | | Thanks ..] see you're up bright il you join us fora drink? | | arid early, Not like sore [ coul You joins fora drink? | | Tention’..Take Your relow countrywian in cabin 17...Nevor shows his nose cutside the He saysheis, but I don’t believe a word oPit. Anyway, he hasn’ left his cabin since He sailed... Has all his meals there Well, cheers! Cheers! And you'll never believe it ... Just between the three of us . the passenger.../sht a man ent a omelet Hal ha! ha! Now wait for it... Dyow know why ?... Because he's called Tortilla, and in Spanish tortilla means... That's rich! [ Got to yo now... IP the Captain ees me here I'll catch it...And you wouldn't want co drop me. [.,an omelette! Hatha! hal }| That wasagood | {Thanks tothat one..dropin the | | nitwit weve drink...Gek it? | | found Tortilla... Rams, the Fetish is ours! At last! Frat ight. 6 Have you heard? That Torta He's disappeared He east bare been pushed overboard There'd been astruggie, Sat How shocking lo taey know who die? onnow... Get your hande up ‘They do indeed, gentlemen |... Come ] fast! jaa Caramba! | Keep @ lose watch on Tes Tintin! | | Shem till tae police arrive. might have kwown! Tam Colonel Jimenez, regular army These two?...J know them both...dangerous ~{ Captain Maldemer...T ] | crooks, wanted by ou police. we two prisoners I'd tikes ———Cohand over, And that's the whole story. Look, here's the Fetish they stole From the. wretched Tortilla Does anything in particular strike yet apen Good idea of yours toweet the boat Excellent... ‘But theres still be tis! - Don't worry...they wort have it for long! | reckon it’s another’ fake. The right car isn't broken, Se Exoctly, So we stil sed to how bro hinge, First, where's the real fetish... and then, what are all these Jangsters really ater? A letter for Mr.Tintin, sir, A police launch just brought it. Republic of San Theovcres Ministry of Justice Los bopicos ‘The Minister presents his complimants fo Mr. Tintin and Tequess his presence ashore ib dssat in the intertogaton two suspecta: Mir antn i farther feted to being wrth hin the stolen ‘essh ‘moflcer wil moot Mr, Pisin i shore and put veil et his disposal. i See you later Good luck! Don't Forge, we'll be sailing tonight at eight o'clock. Don't worry, Ill beback, J dow't want to get stuck in this place! Now we just Naveto wait for that obliging officer bo come and put him self at my disposal ! i Allright then, that's understood| HT Youll pick meuphere at 1900 BN owed That's him, isn't it? Yes, he's the) one! J Will you comewith [Ah there you enor?... | are x Why all the if soldiers every | wheres] There's talk of a Ml [Lreinion fh a (See Good. Open your case! Bombs! My informant was right: ke's a terrorist! i) iS ea Hold him! Toke him Eo the cell block at once... Fo await the Firing squad! Captain dor know wheter youre fully inthe picture...) was sent tor by the Minister of Justice tohelp inthe 2 Cut out the talk! Dons | you're told! I said open interrogation of the tw: your case! one! 3 all a trick, I Eell you! iched with this Very well, Captain.. bat warn you, | shall complain ‘of Your Behaviour Mycase was atelen (OK, OK, we know |] Stet BQ To the cells! | Well, well, here Tam inthe soup! | again Still, it’s not sobad. The launch from Ehe "Ville de Lyon" is die to pick we up ab seven. When |don't (TT Docew't that doa belong to the lad they just took in? Yes, and Taucss have long wait For his Tip master. en Perdone, oehor jentente but are you waiting for @ young man to take cut tothe "Ville de Lyon"? "To the Captain of tie Ville de Lyon,” Allright, thank you. Becouse he said| to tell you vot to wait for him, And Were's a letter he asked me to give you... Tncre’s the launch going back. They'i warn the Captain | wia'srappining? | ieee poorer de eae ee eeeeasy They're weighing anchor sailing without me! ‘This time it’s hopeless | cat see any way fo gct myself off the hook... ‘Stop! Hello? What's up? Have.| been| roprieved ? Don't shoot! Comrades! The revolution has triumphed! General Tapiooa has fled, the tyrant ison the run! Our General Alcazar orion, in connand | Lowa live General Alcazar! | Down with Tapioc iia Ia libertad! In which case, sir, you are free . Colonel!...Ah, Colonel] [Now what» going on? At last Ive Found you! mae Wve ey ca General Tapiota? | Caught bim?...You couldn't be more wrong, Colonel... General Aloazar’s troops have surrendered. Alcazar WinselF has Fled the country. General Tapioca is mow in command! ee Are you sure, Colowel? qo Sure as eyes are e992. Wve ber looking For you for hal ai hour tobreak the news! (Comrades! The rebellion is Jcrvshied? General Aleacar has fled, tre tyrant is on the cunt Let 43a sear allegiance te our glorious ae Sone paca! Tong lve General] Tapioca‘ (| Down with Alcazar i fuera los | j Viva la ys ] Ue beretbiy soriy, sit but the wa} Nbertad' | | ore 'Nhave tocurey ‘wt iny orders and ‘root YOu. [Caramiba! My gun's been y Seren east { Milbombas! Traitors in our ranks! ..Goand find some more rifles...ane at the doublet Move yourselves! You'll have bo excuse. 43, sie a technical hitch... While we wait, would you care For ais aperitif? [Saludl,..By and large, being shot is just anasty moment thats soon over, eh?| One shouldn't take it too Ugh. Wasn't trac abit steong? oo You Find it strong, on? (| Aguardiente... t'5 our local brandy "Hero, aother little drop (| ill de yan power of 77... Aw aperiti2, APLor all, why not? My dear Friend, 1 see my soldiers re back with morerifies. Shall wwe join them ? a Till death us do rR part! General General Alcazar. Long Long live.-er..Jong tive | five General Alcazar! oh dear Or ++ Rebels! Sgt dead |. Long live General Alcazar and Uncle Tom fe Bang! Boom!...F 5 Youre safe | That Okey me! wow!) ..Thenyou can Fenost me aaaiy... Lona live General Alcazar, bless his cotton socks! He's one oF the Generals bravest supporters. They iad heiecuns rained on him, ond BS hhe was still shout ing "Long live Genera Alcazar!" Go and see whats happen Coloncl...and bring tnat your rere tow ng 9 ona Ive already been shot three afourth time makes | noodcis tome. used tort. to death by Generoi Tapioca. Our men arrived just as the firing squad were going to shoot hiv. They had their fifles wp. and this courageous Fellow was stills *Long live General Aca: | zac houti Here he is, General...he was: sec | May bien! lam General Alcazar, find Jnced men like you! Ag a mark of my appreciation, J appoint yeu colonel aide de-camp. ee “Thanks very much aes bit I'd like my hand pack! But...dow't you think, General, iE ‘night be wiser to make hima corporal? Weonly have Forty nine corporale, waereae there are alceady taree thousand four hundred and era ‘clowel T hall dog | Tike! Tim in com. |] mand ! But since you consider we | are short of corporais | willadd | fo their number. Colonel Diaz. appoint you corporal! Here's your colonel's commission, Young man. Now, goand get yourselF fisted out. Corporal Diaz here will e you to the tailor A colonel’s uniform for our young friend? Excellent! | had thisall ready for Colonel Fernandez, who fled with Gen: ral Tapioca,..He was just the save size. ‘And for yourself ...A corporal’s outfit [Lnswe uet Ee tina My career is iw ine, But have ‘my revenge, o¥ you sand that confound: ed Geveral Alcazar! Hat mgt Tie" wi take the oat S Comrades, we have So new officer who preferred toresign his comms jon,athes than continue to serve tyrant! rawear obedience tote lawe efor society. | promise to Fight agoinet tyraviny wich ll ny strength. My watchword henceforwntd is tre sarteas Yours: liberty ardeati| > renal marncag Wheres my new aide-[” Noe yer de-camp? Not neve. | N2e,y veer Le le | vi As soon ashe Colone!!... How ow orrives send him We have works 0. Very good. sin. AE if" bea colonel? T don't remember a thing cart did I come to a | However, im still looking for the Fetish, and to do that | must resign my commission. No, gentlemen: ivapossible. The ‘gencral is waiting for his ADC. He wont Sez anyone this morning. oye i ‘As Ehore you are, Colonel We must get down towork As for you, gentlemen: J camnor receive youthis morning Come, Colonel! For the time being. ‘Na more need for jo metarerion, | chodeetncems L| [bnd Thees ees | brigeaie *_(¥es, now weil (( [have todeat wit fi over again! ri Its adelicate position... Yeo, very ee isicate Tm sorry, Your Excel lency, but the General can't ‘see you this ‘morning. The General Is extremely busy... checkmate, wy dear Colonel! J ~ “Goodness! i 2 Vil Youre rove! how you saved my life! i you saved my life: ‘My dear Colonel, Tshall never forget Coravabal Back to cauare | No, General, iets say F mar) 0 save votin our lives. one again! Weve been taken foraride. Ive fetish he nad inhis svitcase was. fake, But he certainly Knows where the real ove is. ‘50 tonight, we'll have him picked up-. [7 us where the ffm, real Fetish cee Spm And _ we wake heem tell Whata wind !... We're in for astorm tonight. Look!... Hes coming! [ HELP! HELP! Le Ps Wnack! and off hhe goes to dreamland! That's agreed then : a3 s00n as he's told us where the fetish is, we get rid of limi Forgood | a a tee se im. 1 Good. Bring hi Welcome toour humble abode) [A neat trich, Colonel. The iden oF We Gob Rae bed Bed hie my dear Colonel',..5it down '| | putting a Fake Fetisis in your suit- CM bose Wasn't bad.,.Bub now we'd 1s Fike to know where Ene real one is, T Me too. Come on! Cut the funny Vd like to | stuff! Where is it? know Bhat 3 is 5S f s vy Vil give you three minutes to answer my question. After Lhat, alittle squeeze with my Finger!. ..Understand 2 Yve told you, Tdon't know. ‘A! Like that. is 3 it? Very well. Bes nouse to struggle so hard, awiga. | { Vast tell them something Ees good strong cord and tied very wice.| | doesn’t matter whatit is... stherwise lin done For | You fake my word for that. Allright. il (Akal... |knew we'd | [, briefly, its | [ And now wedon’ [Pronto prone, Alonso, ou tell you whereto| come toon understand] | in my teunkaboard the || need youany more| know lam upset by find the fetish..| ing in theenel. Where ||"ville de Lyon youcansay your [capital a vik? - Pea 2 et iit? 5 aD s ranks... That'sall if pop 2 ve wanted you to Y i cll us Noakes AA mie ; Way, a y, “a ee 2 & + There! Spot on! Every time a coconut! Beod ol nowy! There| youare | e ford warning Sw ene dieters! Ten o'clock, ana Now, quickly, back to hie still isn't here | he general. That's it...All } neod is alight... [Model Te z Forgotten wy matcnes! [i @ Tanta {can srnall come thing bung | a eit Nail ve Caramba! Back to Sante ye Diablot Tm watch what | doin That's checkmate, | 3 o [Mil millon bombas! You dare to beat me, your generat?! a | [That cominds me. oF joke loften play on my officers, | | an aide T had a while hewn. Naturally, my gun's always | | Qai4e | had a while Gheday, he beat me This time, Genei at chess | pulled Alcazar, your reign ‘out my gun. igat anend! - Liberty or death ! frig loaded with blanks T pulled out: wy gun and tired. Hataahal] «.-Jusb imagine, the chap fainted .. Hathatha\..Awd best ofall, cam you believe it, next day he had joundice: mening Jaundice! OLIVAR UBeRTADDR. enn Te03ea? ios 1098 ~ AQ] Tie ceneral's palace! |i over there! Idiot! Surely you know that iF You just put dynamite against a wall itonly produces a loud bang: you nzed to bury it...Now, ics back to oquare one again! (erm Wes all right! Guize | ail right ! General Alcazar is unharmed} Hello?... 1s that General Aleazai’s palace ?...Oh, its you, doctor. How isthe gener al? What... Waal? RW.trichter, } [Good wornina | [ Well, Colowel, Ere reazon Tn Hello?...Hello?.. Yes, representative] |Bo please Genera} American Oi All int, skow] hint here... | heard yesterday Captaiw... What?! They've escaped ' Now, sin... ] Well, a geclogical survey party has | {General American Oil Tin ail yours. just announced evidence oF oil ae- | | srcke tobtatar toes "i posits inthe Gran Charo reason. | |Eeerelocblaina conces- ) Jet ser va partly n youre” | [Son tomors these il \ country and partly in the neighbouring | | wont will have-aninterost \ territory, the Republicoh | |in the protiee that would a Weare Fee, and soon the Ss | fetish ees ours! leet And soon well have. Rd our revenge too; we have fll) old scores toseitie with Tintin! Unfortunately, | [50, here the reason for m yea. But what can | |visit. We will give you 100,000] ove do? You can't | | dollars iv cash tf you will por wake anomeletc | Jouade goneralAlanar to |, a) Without breaking || undertake the camnaion pu,ilonet lis ic adent 7 | see. Sm afraid General Alcazar could render us invaluable service, [mentioned that part of th Fields lie in Nuevo-Rican territory. My company wiches to exploit the whole region : 0 it follows that you muse take over tne area 4 pele that would wean war! - [OF course, of course. But you sill, and | Youre waking a ig mistake in refusing my offer: But ust as ou wish, Colonel Goedl A dangerous Fellow! He could wreck allour plans. I must have a ‘word with Rodriguez about him. Bravo, Ramon! Atm Tike thab bo: ill be no more ink memory! sure matters could hee an Mercy, senor Colonel! Mercy! F will tell everything .. Rawibn™ Waat on] [What happened? Here, sit down... gjcorth...7 Are | | Quick, tell me You hurt? Who was it? Who paid you bo get rid of me? Oh, thonk you, taank you, setcr Colonel. fam your devoted servant, for life! dome days Later. The General is bach: he’s com pletely recovered. At the moment he's talking bo Me. Trichler. Look, Geneenl...juct think, Jt whoih] [Yes...very | Excellent, General to your advantage. As | say, you de war on Nuevo-Rico, and you annexe the vilfields. My company makes a Profit.on the oil and your country gets 35% But naturally you deduct. 40% for personal expenses... | [5 tena, Gener..thar Colona Tintin, weat..Laccopt,| Twas sure we would — |in whom you seem tolrave so much con Fidence..let we oive you some advice: don't st hin om aT wong, my dea? | [Good worming, Gentral. ene Gionel...The General | | Ymalad to see you're. watts "YOu. better. T.. Good morning, General leazar Fhappened toe passing tnrough Your cour, ana though I'd | Show yor our atest mo 4 “ii Our vorynewoatine thc STREP] sa really high-quaityprodct: flexible, | easy tohundle, strong and itil fs 0 nice little nichel-plaved shell for you | [5 kilometres, over adistance of &) Taos could be servons.Usten, Ramin as Dopicos A detachment oF Nuew-Rican seldiers crossed into the territory? San [Ticodoros and opened Fire on a border ost, Guards returned the fireanda voles Pattie ensued. The Nuevo Ricans were rc #| led toretire across te frontier having sus Fained heavy lozace.The only cna 09 | Bic was a corrornl, wounded byacactusep | [ Now we are off to San facion.... the Nueva Rican capital. sand six dozen 75 TREP, with — | shells fr te government of San Theoddros. Fayabie in twelve monthly instalments. & Back to the airport. == = aud sixdozen 75 TROP, with 60,000 sells, for the government oP Payment in twelve monthly instalments Here he comes, back already to Las Dopicos Co —i no Well? al ord JAN done. Another Fat | fer..and somerhing a Fix Colon! Tintin too! yout batter succeed this tise! New pay attention, [Esatime bomb with 4 clock, It's set to eaplade at exactly éleyen o'clock tomorrow morning...And succeed, eit berty | or death! / General, F warned you ‘against. Colonel Tintin. Lock at this letter and Eell meif ! was wrong, For this! The rext morning A spy!... |Mil bombas! lnanteds apy! The tito, Mcrae." Uti pay dear Hello’... Heilo!,, Colonel Juanitos 7..Take tenmen nd go and arrest: Colons) Tintin at once|...64' What? What's che time! y wate, my mach has stopped ' | [Now lees pue | | it right... (Colonel Juanitas. [Good wiorning, to 360 ¥ Ti tery cory Colne Tintin, but Ive been ndored to arest you! Theres been a power cut this morning, s0all the mun cipal clocks have stopped Goand put them right. [fen oclock [Tren still ome ime before i fo depit mie tos oF Firework! set (Al, Geweral Alcazar, how're going torepent saking wie a corporal! Snoutt-me at your peril! Corporal Diaz takes his revenge! Yes, you cantake bnese: they're my orders. The first concerns Colonel Tintin; He will beshot at dawn tomor- [Back in gaol again! unless Vn much mistaken, Friend Trickler nas cooked this lone up toget rid of me. Oh}... 1b won't be easy to escape... ey EP Nightfall, ana F Still can't see any way out...There [Follow me! Hurry! They've raised the alana Pablo, it never For- | er what youre done for me! Take no notice They shoot like a bunch of druriks! re. Take the car and go. By |Goodbye, dear Fabio. midday frmerren reat be over the| |) shall remember... Frontiee Dowe wory about mes | | / 2 Wwecovered my tice. T shan | jth renin eo: have any trouble, Goodbye, beat day You, sefor Tintin. oan ee ite! Hello ?... What iMil willdn bowbaa! 178i. Recapture him, oF i shoot every guard at the T cant just run them over Perfect! Theyve 2. SIL 5top, and play ib moved out of the way! | Carefully ve On wego! Garant! = Jt yas hi! Os a”) [inti wort past imacar. hea ing — sour 4 if TF want hiv Frakes being Poowed 1 (Saas Tig aowed > Carambal A teaint!...We've got him The road || Tintin, my Friend, tis time it's ¢r035e5 the railway. fic'll have to stop, or he'll 3 be smashed to 5 mithere We cut things a bit le | fine there... eh, ed 2 Mountains much more powerful, and| |x e's uc they'll soon That's bad. Their CATCH U5 Up. Fm staying here. Why climb down? Hethad taninay. | fi < Ae 4) 90 back to Las Dopicos | That's put paid to S| Colonel Tintin, ANG: [Asya tke. te acs Pf whae’s: going on up there? He. hemwst have been | [It doesn't matter hiding behind the rocks. | |He'l be cought Tdidn't see him coming... | Jat the frontier. it con't be Far. From here. We'll pick himupthere. Come on! [ iF tney stop me, 1m cougnt and it that's 0'strong barrier Tw dead Hello?,.. Border post 317... | [Red alert!...5an- Patrol No.4 here... San [Theedorien armoured Tneadorian car witha mounted! | car report machine-gun just raced past | |Man your posts! Were, heating for the frontier. sy An armoured car tried a attack border post 31, Te was destroyed and one of the occupants, | | acolonel, was taken | prisoner: by telephone! “Rar moured car MET Tos time G This | | 5 mar Tats fgpatch hae -~ jee come | | what they want: te [% that’s what they'll Sa ae encral!...cneral, [ Pass this communiqué to the | newspapers. | want special ealtions on the sereees rou! 7) Z mounted a 5u bul ‘A motorised column oF the San-Teodorian anny] rise at aj LAs DoFiGs ERE WE | Hietlo.Mckiowie?| [The Gran chapo | [Ina fortnight all ene | reuecesetinenaene| |Pieacran, hae? | Iran chapo willbe we Ricans hivepust. | | Qace apcin Concral | |Nuevo-Rican hands, declared war on | | Ancien Oise | |Then ] hope you tn us! tes .oversone| | peaten British | |British Seuth Mowincldent on” | | South-American | [American Fotrl wil the border. Petrol! not forget your 2G The First caance we 9eb,we desert, and... ~ elo Fr taces fetish again OF | Hold your Fire: he's out of range, Lez him go. Het be swept over the Falls. i ARG A "> JF J cant reach that rock, I'm done for ! Atree trunk! ... Don't let itgo ‘TE could be Gur only chance! @ An! Is swinging round! Meanurhiter .. Caramba! Listen] 0 this, Ramon ‘nave been destroyed. Fetish burnt! al cargo ana bagaaen| Unless... unless Fees Tintin is lying when he tell us thees Fetish is in wees trunk He's lost, and is sceking shelter? But of course bring him in. Don José Trujillo owns this hacienda...Me is very hhappy te welcome you. So the river is tne Coli Don't the Arumbayas i Yes, they do. But there aren't wiany who'd dare go that way. The Arambayas are the fiercest indians in the whole of South America} The last man to try was a British explorer, Ridgewell, He went more Tham ten years ago. He's never boon seen since. me there ? @ D'you think theres anyone who'd agree to take Next morning .. This is Caraco,an Indian wo knows the rivervell But doubt hell dare go... there. T want to go down- river. Will you act as my guide? 1... er... Swat, to visit the Arumbayas bbad ‘people! No! Arumbayas! Very Caraco no ao! Wait, Caraco. | | Caraco go. But Caraco| 5 Caraco know otver white seitor He want Think it ov P to go to Arumbayas, Long, long time testa” | | epee, | Ol bag | |e Series me Vill pay you ... of Caraco, Alright. | Ae a doesn't bother} Tomorrow, we, come to country of Arumbayas, You're right, We must stop. EY Goodnight, Sevior He's left mel... New Sunderstand why hewanted mee buy his canoe... S01 could goon alone THe cancel... cance, with the uns and the food | Well! Now Trealiyam ina jam No gun, no food, in hostile. coumtry...and all by myself! OG) ts Fanny, bot have a feeling some: body S watching us. | can't hearanything now. V must have shaken them off... Who are you? And what brings you to this place ¢ My name ie Tintin... who... who are you? plorer ? But everybody Thinks you're dead. Cowards! Come on out and show yourselves, unless youre afraid to! Tint Hin yo, et yaurse! Sra What apity! Or rather, what a good thing, because I've decided never to return to Civilisation. Tm happy here. among tint: Arumbayas, whose fife | share.» ‘And whose weapons youve adopted. What was the meaning of that little [just wanted youto have on uv ] Friendly reception, to encourage) you toleave. ak once. Beliove we, iF I'd wanted tomill you it wouldn't have token wore than onecdart. Look, I'iiprove it. You see that big flower over there? Don't worry, the dart wasn't poisoned Use my hand —~ kerchief for abandage, Now, tell mic how you come tobe here in | | Fe h in a museum in Europe this country... . Drought back by theexplorer Wal- ker, was stolen ard replaced bya | copy. J noticed the eubetitution. Tw6 other men were also on the track of the real fetish and who- ever had stoien ~. Just as still dovie KOW What they were allafter: Tortilla, the first thief, and his two killers. They all vant- am : td the fetish. But why they Perhaps you may. St's wanted i ll acomplete quite ~ possible, mystery. 501 thought perhaps fa \ the ete ace neh wong the Arumbayas J ight learn something Fresh about it Pn Well, its like this. An Arumbaya J followed these twe men to South America, They killed the thief on Woard ship and stole his fetish. But this one too was afake. So now fm trying co find the real Fetish, and { stil don't kuow were itis. Sworn enemies of the Arumbayae ! Ahwwada | Just as thought. He They've a iu'all bakin | Means oureads wilfscon || They Chaco conats! | be added vows colleer | | Youve absolute Hata’ hat | ton . The Spirits tell me that if your 50n Is to De Cured, he must eat the cart of the First animal you meet in the Forest, Wost ingenious process they'll shrink themt to thesize of anapple! IJ ca find the Arumbaya village, anc ‘ake this thing to them, perhaps they'll understand that its owner is in danger... What a strange animal!...And What's iE carrying in its wouth ? Aauiver! That's Funny...) must try to catch it alive... See, 0 witch-doctor This cloth belongs ke Ue old enrded onc, ond the quiver also. Perhaps the old bearded one is indanger ? You mind your own business!...Give me the amimaland go! ...J shall kill the creature and take out its heart; this | Shall give to yourson to eat. Go now! his, | shall call down the Spirite will all bo changed into Frage! And if you breathe one word of all upon you and your faymily...and you No danger now: he won't gossip... But he's] | Great Spirits of the forest, we ight. Tho old bearded one may bein trouble.| | bring thee a sacrifice of Euese All the better! Let's hope he dics! Thon | | | two strangers... ‘shall regain my power over the Arumbayas, Now, before | kill the animal ] must burn they might give we away, Stop, O chek of che Riswibabas! The Spirits of We forest do not accept your sacrifice! ‘These two strangers arv It's magic.. frends of tie toost. iterate | You will sot them free. Magic’... Didn't you realise it was we Speaking ?.-l'm a ventriloquist... Voncrileauism Va ave you knaw my Young Friend, isimy pot hooby. PO /?? ea Good ANE heavens: Brother Arumbayas, you are about to witness A remarkable phenomenon ... We will take out this animal's hheart and give it, stil! boating, to our sick brother... The vllain!...Luchy you decided bo come and ‘The ald bearded one! | TI took torus Karamelo..otherwice we'd hhave boon too ince. oF the ? bah dabrah nai dul? | Slaika toljah, Datrai Arumbayas i] |Tintin ziuk infu | b’giv dabrah nal dul rit'h, Kanyah ta’ Walker, Ewuz anais- 4. Butti2'h Felaz bukar presh usdjuel. Enefda Twas just asking the chieF about’ the fetish,and this is what he told me:..You'll be interested ... Cobriuvahduki Ai tola tahitta | [Tshould never have But to come back to the Fetish ferlip inbaul intada on'|! Andatdohn| | started to teach them | |The elders of the tribe still waeenis Ferlip ineer of! govt! hey ust caw” | |remembor about the Walker learn to play. properly! | | expedition. It's quite a tale. cf They bnnow that a fetish wae offered as a token of friend- Ship to Walker acing ieatay with the tribe. But a8 s00n as Une explorers had left... The Arumbayes discovered Ub asacred stone had dis- appeared. Itecemethat the atone gave protection from enake-bite te anyone whe louched it. The trioe remem bered a half caste named Lopez, the explorers interpret: r, who was often seen prom ing around the hut where che iagie st0 © wos kept under guard, The Arumbayas were furious. They set off in pursuit of theexpedition, caught upwiththen, and massacred almost ail the party... Walker himself man aged to escape, careying the fetish, Ns for the halF- caste, although get aay. lawond, was badly wounded, he too. The Stone, probably a ai never recovered ... That's how the story goes. New | wader stand. The whele thing nahes sence! Listen!...The haif- caste steals the stone, and to avoid suspicion heconcenls itin the fetish. He thinks he'll beable to gat it back later on But the Arumbayas attack the has toflee without the diamond, tried to steal the Fetish , expedition and Lopez is wounded. He And that's itt... The diamond is still | | and returs bo inits hiding-piace, and that's why Europe! Tortilla,and alter hint his two killers, So now all | have todo is Find the Fetish . Look! sand only .. am se2i We simply must get hold of a canoe. Its Tinti There ees canoe weeth one man But...} theenk I ing theengs...or es 0 dreamt... Thees man... Caramipa'.. a We'll rest, here Fora while beFore we continue| our journey Let's start talking! you know the 'Villede Lyon” had been complecely destroy by fire out! [Yes, really And bre Fete you lef in your trunk has been destroyed'... Burnt All because of you...Youat ‘going to pay dearly, my Friend! told you...The | Fetish wasn't Good!... Now they're safely taken care of, let's sce what he's got in ins wallet Encellentt... Now, the only thing we don't kvow is haw, Tortilla got hold oF this note, But since he's dead, T dent sup) pose we'llever dis- Cover that! 50 how, gentlemen, let's e6 moving! In the ship, om our way to Europe. Tortilla dropped it But we didn't know what to wicawt. Tortilla was just a fellow passenger. We only realised the significance of thepaper when we rene about the fetish being stolen| 3m the mnaseumn...TAen we decided we'd try coger: rhe Fetish away from Tortilla | Where did you get this note Tell me! What are you Hand wa over to SAE Dor count your cickens Plannin odo (Noprablem. Asha | | Justice Hat Wal before tyre tthe my wise | Neulvoracto | bal a eS Goa justice. thc you 2 wweildecerve'it! Hee’s Feenished ! Loob aha ing they come ferhcom Tarambal | didnt hit him hard encugh, Look! He's recovered. He's reached the bank.. Bah! Leave heem! /o shall bein San facion long before heem,. No point in trying to recapture thers For jemomment. We've got a tough job, Smowy old boy. We've to make the journey on | [Sanfacion a ot. ‘hank goodness! ZF | Fenty thought wed ever wale 8 To Europe 7... A boot tert, yesterday. Now Sim afraid youll Mave to wait for a week. ] [A whole week! Oh well, we'll use the time to get ested and sort ourselves Listen ais, Snowy! The | geological survey party just re- armed From the Grom Chapo report that they found notrace of olin the area.” _. the news... cease- fire has been arrange between the forces of San Theodoros and Nuevo-Rico. It is believed that a peace treaty will be signed in the mear future, —: Flame again’ 105 good Fo pa back where we belong, isn't it Snomy? “-Allwe mezd now is to unearth tie Fetish, and every thing inthe, be lovely! Think of the Ehous- | [€100...Cheap at the ands of miles Ve, rice... But come travelled tofind | | to think of it,I should his thing! have asked how he = managed to set hold of the feos tish... Good morning. Would you ] ; be kind enough to elie pistes. the tw little tinea who brought you those two | jr tebisves'? cg Preuaht Freon to This time | really will Find out where they came From! 121. There's no mistake... ‘They've both got a broken ear! .)oaw't believe tt... It's absolutely incredibie! A bit of a struggle, but at last Yue got theaddress...Me. Baitha- zar, 32 Lamb's Lanc.,.That isn't very Far. Well go straight there. Are you Mr. Balthazar... | [T wondered if you cowid perhaps tell me how] ['sa | [It's a funny thing... brother of yet found the : long story... | somcone else came to the sculptor Yes, Tam, What | | fetish you used — { Oh, that’s eacy Bub... youve | ask me exactly that 4 do you. want? 5.0 wodel The fetish wasat the Tree bottom of a trunk... uc ‘maging around my late brother's things ‘why do youssh? enough. Tmas ram | | stil got the | | question only three original? | days.ago... No.} haven't gotit. I sold it. But I cav tell you the address of the mam | who bought I Y Mr. Samuel Goldbarr...a rich American! Snowy, we're going Eo pull it off... we'll Find the real Fetish! Td like to Mr. Goldbarr speak to is not at howe] Mr. Goldbarr. sir. L But, sir, J cannot, Treatra- Hg (94 bio But sir, youl havea | long wait. It doesw'c matter. I've got| ( But sir, Mr, Goldbarr hhas leF for America He's sailing today aboard 2 SS Washington Perhops, iP you hurry. and of course he had to take the Fotish with ines THae’s just my luck! thess WASH, hour ago. Ex...€x... excuse mc... the...the | [That's her out there. IF ou wanted be ASHINGTON 2 | | board her you're toolate. Ske sailed an Butif youreally want to] catch Her, mayie youcould hitch arid from the airbase over there... It's not far catch the ‘Washington’ eh? 22 Hin, maybe,..We happen to have'a plane. going out to Mento dalver ge “some weal K ous oa | | Free acrvica fortanch pease | | | First service fortinch' There goes Goldbarr... He's off to lunch. Now's our chance! --Raysn!... ve got it! Here comes tne mail.| | E i ‘But the diamond i Whereis it? Eet must be somemhere inside reesky, Someone might our time to'look. Leesten, Alonso...We cannot stay heré. any longer. Ees too come. We take thes fetish toour cabin, then we take Tweed toapeak Fo one oF your srasengers immediately. Nie Goldbare, z ‘Wi. Goldbarr? You'll Find him in the First-class { diing-room ) ae Lot's hopel've come in time! ZA Look owt! Thees dia- mond! I'l go | intolthe sea! Eos lost! Eos be far th cauce OF You. Three men over board, Someone said Gaere were three of them... Look!...They're Fishing one out Oooh! My fetish! | | Mr. Geldbare?...w terribly sorry Teaw explain everything if you'll aliow we Property, <--1 think you showld know My beautiful fetish! | | your fetish has been damaged. | | that your fetish is stolen Yes, 1know | where youbought it, ond Yim sare tne ‘wan who sold it bo you acted in good faith... thas the case, | wouldw consider ocping the fetish for amowent longer. IF you're going back on shore, fan 1 ask you to take itand restore ito the museum where it belowas? Td beoreatly obliged ' May | please speak tothe Dirdcrdr ‘how! Toren~ dor? “E3 on guard Toreader! J And vow Snowy wy friend, we're going to take a'well- 1 earned rest!

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