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Morphology Semantics and Pragmatics Lesson Plan

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The key takeaways from this lesson plan are that it focuses on teaching regular past tense verbs to English language learners through a variety of meaningful activities. It aims to provide authentic practice of past tense verb forms through semantic and pragmatic exercises.

The three rules for making regular verbs past tense that are introduced are: 1) add -ed, 2) drop the silent e and add -ed, 3) change y to i and add -ed.

Some of the activities students will do to practice using past tense verbs include: playing a matching card game, changing present tense verbs in a story to past tense individually, finding synonyms for verbs, adding qualifiers to 'is' statements, and role-playing different speech registers.

SIOP Lesson Plan


Michael DePolis TSL 546 February 6, 2013

Grade 5, ESL Mixed Language Background,

Early Intermediate and Intermediate Levels,
Language Arts


Regular Past Tense Verb Morphology, Semantics, Pragmatics

ESL Standards, Goal 1: To use English to communicate in social settings. Standard 2: Students will interact in, through, and with
Content Standard(s): spoken and written English for personal expression and enjoyment. Standard 3: Students will use learning strategies to extend their
communicative competence.
Goal 2: To use English to achieve academically in all content areas. Standard 2: Students will use English to obtain, process, construct, and provide subject
matter information in spoken and written form. Standard 3: Students will use appropriate learning strategies to construct and apply academic knowledge.
Goal 3: To use English in socially and culturally appropriate ways. Standard 1: Students will use appropriate language variety, register, and genre according to
audience, purpose, and setting (Short, 2000).

Key Vocabulary
talk-talked, blink-blinked, play-played
silent e- love-loved, smile-smiled, bake-baked
y to i- fry-fried, cry-cried, carry-carried
is, seems to me, appears to me
Introduced: walk-walked, kick-kicked, cook-cooked
rake-raked, joke-joked, move-moved
dry-dried, marry-married, worry-worried

Supplementary Materials
Previous verb vocabulary cards with pictures; talk, blink, play,
love, smile, bake, fry, cry, carry
ed, ied cards
Thesaurus- one for each group of four students
Teacher-created story including each vocabulary word (copy for
each student to highlight words and change to past tense)

SIOP Features

Adaptation of Content
Links to Background
Links to Past Learning
Strategies incorporated

Integration of Processes


Guided practice
Independent practice
Comprehensible Input



Grouping Options
Whole Class
Small groups





Linked to Objectives
Promotes engagement



Key: SW = Students will; TW = Teacher will; SWBAT = Students will be able to

Contains: Prior Knowledge/Building Background/Previous Learning
TW review previous vocabulary with visuals. SW relate previous vocabulary in sentences which will reinforce understanding.
SW review is statements, e.g. She is smart., He is tall., Dad is happy. (10 minutes)

Content Objectives
SWBAT follow three rules in writing past
tense regular verbs; 1) add ed 2) drop
silent e, add ed 3) change y to i, add ed.

Meaningful Activities
TW introduce three rules for making
regular verbs plural; add ed, drop silent e,
add ed, change y to i, add ed. TW
demonstrate three rules on the board using
SWBAT read, write, and use orally the past previously learned vocabulary (see above).
tense of regular verb vocabulary. SW
(10 minutes)
aurally discriminate present tense use
versus past tense use of vocabulary verbs.
SW play matching cards game with
partners. (15 minutes)
SW aurally and orally discriminate ed
sound as in baked versus ed sound as in
TW introduce new vocabulary (above) and
SW follow three rules to show past tenses
in writing. (10 minutes)
SW increase vocabulary by describing
synonyms for the present tense verbs.
TW read teacher-created story as SW
highlight the present tense verbs. Then SW
SW semantically provide qualifiers to is change all vocabulary to past tense forms
statements, and then demonstrate the
individually. (Controlled Active
academic function of language; provide Vocabulary, then Free Active Vocabulary
examples using such as, for instance, follows in later activities) (15 minutes)
for example (Daz-Rico, 2012).
(Following day) SW individually use the


TW evaluate/assess students written work

in highlighting and creating past tense

TW provide a SOLOM score for each

SIOP Lesson Plan

SW adjust the pragmatics of their register

past tense words in a sentence orally. (10

TW demonstrate the two different sounds
of the ed in the words (as in baked versus
played). SW practice saying the words
with two different sounds to partners. (10
In groups of four, SW use thesauruses to
find synonyms for the present tense verbs.
Each group will orally share sentence
examples to whole class. (20 minutes)
SW semantically add qualifiers to
previously learned is statements, such as,
instead of, He is smart., It seems to me
that he is smart because, (academic
function of language-using the past tense
verbs, providing examples) for instance,
when we played the game...or when he
talked SW work in same groups of
four to practice adding qualifiers orally.
(20 minutes)
(May run into third day) SW practice the
pragmatics of various registers with their
partners using past tense words. Using the
scenario of requesting to use a
Gameboy, the intent of their utterances will
be clear. SW use the word played, as in,
The last time I played it. SW practice
speaking/role-playing to three audience
registers; 1) friend 2) parent 3) teacher

student assessing oral language proficiency

according to content/language objectives.
The SOLOM assessment will include
semantics and pragmatics exercises.

(Daz-Rico, 2012). (30 minutes)

Language Objectives
SWBAT follow three rules in writing past
tense regular verbs; 1) add ed 2) drop
silent e, add ed 3) change y to i, add ed.

TW introduce three rules for making

regular verbs plural; add ed, drop silent e,
add ed, change y to i, add ed. TW
demonstrate three rules on the board using
SWBAT read, write, and use orally the past previously learned vocabulary (see above).
(10 minutes)
tense of regular verb vocabulary. SW
aurally discriminate present tense use
SW play matching cards game with
versus past tense use of vocabulary verbs.
partners. (15 minutes)
SW aurally and orally discriminate ed
TW introduce new vocabulary (above) and
sound as in baked versus ed sound as in
SW follow three rules to show past tenses
in writing. (10 minutes)
SW increase vocabulary by describing
TW read teacher-created story as SW
synonyms for the present tense verbs.
highlight the present tense verbs. Then SW
SW semantically provide qualifiers to is change all vocabulary to past tense forms
individually. (Controlled Active
statements, and then demonstrate the
academic function of language; provide Vocabulary, then Free Active Vocabulary
examples using such as, for instance, follows in later activities) (15 minutes)
for example (Daz-Rico, 2012).
(Following day) SW individually use the
SW adjust the pragmatics of their register past tense words in a sentence orally. (10
TW demonstrate the two different sounds
of the ed in the words (as in baked versus
played). SW practice saying the words

TW evaluate/assess students written work

in highlighting and creating past tense

TW provide a SOLOM score for each

student assessing oral language proficiency
according to content/language objectives.
The SOLOM assessment will include
semantics and pragmatics exercises.

SIOP Lesson Plan

with two different sounds to partners. (10
In groups of four, SW use thesauruses to
find synonyms for the present tense verbs.
Each group will orally share sentence
examples to whole class. (20 minutes)
SW semantically add qualifiers to
previously learned is statements, such as,
instead of, He is smart., It seems to me
that he is smart because, (academic
function of language-using the past tense
verbs, providing examples) for instance,
when we played the game...or when he
talked SW work in same groups of
four to practice adding qualifiers orally.
(20 minutes)
(May run into third day) SW practice the
pragmatics of various registers with their
partners using past tense words. Using the
scenario of requesting to use a
Gameboy, the intent of their utterances will
be clear. SW use the word played, as in,
The last time I played it. SW practice
speaking/role-playing to three audience
registers; 1) friend 2) parent 3) teacher
(Daz-Rico, 2012). (30 minutes)

TW and SW practice writing common collocations, for instance, fried a steak, not baked a steak, and talked to a friend,
not joked to a friend (joked with a friend).
for instance example above shown to further illustrate the semantic academic function of language- providing examples.
SW write and illustrate Past Tense story books to be bound and placed in class library.
Rationale for Lesson: Many English language learners do not have, or utilize the morphology of past tense verb forms, either because
it is not used in the first language, or they have not yet acquired the forms. This lesson intends to provide authentic practice of the use
of regular past tense verbs. A variety of semantic and pragmatic activities are meant to activate prior knowledge and real life usage in
meaningful ways of the introduced concept.

SIOP Lesson Plan

Daz-Rico, L. T. (2012). A course for teaching English learners (2nd ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.
Short, D. J. (2000). The ESL standards: Bridging the academic gap for English language learners. ERIC Digest. Retrieved
February 6, 2013, from

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