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Decapitathlon - Games Design Document

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Games Design Document

Amos Room (B00254109)
Nathan Bone (B00248653)

Game Design
Genre Research
Competitor Analysis & Market Research

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Asset Library
Level Design
World Design
Sound Effects

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Microgame Design
Design Prototype
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6
Stage 7
Stage 8
Stage 9
Stage 10

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Game Design
This document is to showcase our desire to create an arcade puzzle game called Decapitathlon to be
released on PC web browsers and mobile devices. The game will be created using a HTML5 games
development framework and will be presented in a 2D perspective. The game will feature a wide
variety of short, simple, five second long minigames which the player has to complete. We aim to
target a wide, mixed audience of varying genders between the ages of 12-34. This game is inspired
by other, similar titles such as the Dumb Ways to Die games and the WarioWare series.
The final release of this project is set to release on PC and hosted on our group website We also aim to release this game on mobile devices. Controls will be
similar on both platforms with mouse and keyboard use on the PC and screen taps and a virtual
keyboard created on mobiles to accommodate the mobile platform.
We will release a short, playable prototype at the end of the design stage to give a brief
demonstration of what will be in the final build of the game.
Given the quick nature of the game and the overall simplicity of the story, gameplay is a very
important aspect of this project. We intend to create a game with very fast-paced gameplay with a
variety of different puzzling challenges that will keep players coming back for more. Given how
short some sessions of the game may last, we aim to have the player feel satisfied with the time
they've had whether they'd played in the duration of commuting to work or during a commercial
break on TV.
The game itself is composed of a multitude of 'microgames', each very short and given a five
second time limit. The microgames take place over a series of eleven different stages, each with
their own associated character and theme. As each game starts, a short single to three word
instruction will appear briefly to give the player some insight as to what they are supposed to do. It
is then up to the player to work out how to play the game and successfully complete the challenge.
All the microgames will operate using the same basic control scheme so as to provide a sense of
consistency and to prevent the player being too confused about what to do.
We aim to target this game towards people of varying genders and between the ages of 12-34. We
chose to target our game towards this demographic because we feel that this audience is most likely
to be playing short, light games on mobile devices. Also, when thinking of marketing the game,
having a relatively broad demographic to aim at allows advertising to be aimed at kids to get them
interested and parents as they will most likely be the ones with the technology to play the game and
the best targets to aim at to gain revenue. We still aim to target those outside of this demographic as
we feel the quick, fast-paced gameplay as well as the setting and characters used in the game have a
widespread appeal.

The game will be set in a fantasy setting as we feel this offers more creative freedom in the
characters we can create and the microgames we intend to use in the game, as well as making the
game more appealing to a wide audience. The world is explored using a hub map, which also serves
as the game's stage selection screen, where players are offered a variety of different locations to
visit and which series of microgames they would like to play. We intend to use a wide range of
locations for the player to visit, each with their own distinctive style and theme used in the
microgames that they play. For instance, one of these areas will revolve around a vampire character,
and so the microgames there will be based around darkness and will involve such tasks as biting the
necks of victims, avoiding sunlight and hiding in the dark.
There are many microgames that the player will be able to play through during the game, however
the player is unlikely to have seen them all in a single playthrough. We hope this will encourage the
player to replay the game so that they can see all that the game has to offer. During the eleventh
stage players can enter a 'Remix' stage where they can play through a certain number of
microgames taken from all over the game. Once completed they can then unlock a much longer
'Final Remix' stage which will have players play through all microgames that are available game in
order to get a high score.

Genre Research
Our game project, Decapitathlon, is a game that has no clearly defined genre. It can be loosely
referred to as an arcade puzzle game or as a minigame compilation. The microgames that make up
the game itself all compose of a multitude of different genres such as Platformer, Shooter or
Puzzler. Despite the undefined nature of the genre there are a few, but not many, games that fit
under the same definition such as WarioWare and Dumb Ways to Die.
This type of game has seen positive reception from people of all walks of life whether they be male,
female, young or old. This can be owed to the simple 'pick up and play' nature of the game. This
genre of game offers very little in terms of telling a story and instead offers almost nothing but pure
chunks of gameplay in short and challenging increments through microgames, allowing for the
player to experience many short bursts of satisfaction in a brief span of time. The microgames
themselves also offer a wide variety of imaginative gameplay as you could be moving from
shooting spaceships to avoiding traffic to defusing bombs to cleaning windows, all in the span of
less than a minute. All this, again, helps give this genre of game a very wide appeal.
However, developing a game offering nothing but quick bursts of gameplay may not appeal to
absolutely everyone. Given the heavy gameplay focus of the game this would mean it offers very
little in terms of having an engaging plot or any particularly interesting characters. Instead the plot
is incredibly basic to help cater to all the games being played, with characters only serving as hosts
to the microgames without any defining traits or development. The wide variety of gameplay and
game genres may also deter some people if their fans of a specific genre but not of others as it can
leave the game feeling rather unfocused. Instead of putting all the focus into one genre and creating
a new way of experiencing that genre, there is instead focus to have the player play part of one
genre and then immediately move onto something completely different.
Building a game like this does offer a lot of challenge. In order for there to be any real variety
between the microgames you'll need to offer a multitude of different microgames with different
ways to play them to prevent the game being repetitive. As such, this calls for a lot of graphic and
sound assets that may very well only get used a scarce number of times throughout the entire game.
It also calls for many microgame ideas that need some form of theming and consistency, to prevent
the game from feeling like a singular experience as opposed to a mishmash of short games thrown
together with no rhyme or reason.

Competitor Analysis & Market Research

This type of game genre, an arcade puzzler full of microgames, is surprisingly untapped especially
in the mobile market. There are some games out there however that do have the same type of
gameplay and can be competition. On PC there are several, one of the most popular examples being
the flash game Four Second Frenzy which boasts a combined play total of over 8 million plays over
different websites hosting it from 2006/2007. This game is still being played today, with 88 plays
being recorded as of 08/10/2015. This shows that this type of game does have a place online and
with a small amount being present in the market already, we can really tap into the market.
As for mobile, the most popular game of this genre is the Dumb Ways to Die series with the first
game being downloaded over 50 million times and the second in the series being downloaded over
10 million times from the Google Play store. There are other games that have a similar style of
game, most only reaching between 1000 and 5000 installs. The reason those games have not done
that well and the Dumb Ways to Die have succeed is due to marketing. The original Dumb Ways to
Die game sprung organically from a video for a song from Metro Trains Melbourne which
introduced the characters and was created to teach people about keeping safe near trains and train
stations. Currently the video on YouTube has 112 million views and continues to rise. This created a
huge willing market for anything related to the song and video and so when the game was created
and released, there was already a build up and millions of people ready to market to. By
successfully marketing the game across social media and using videos involving the characters, we
too hope to have our game become successful.
In terms of marketing for mobile games, a lot more is done over Social Media and In Game
Advertising than via traditional means such as TV or Print media as this reaches the target market
much more efficiently. The only mobile games that advertise via traditional means are the games
that are already synonymous with mobile gaming and have generated enough revenue to fund it,
such as Candy Crush Saga, Clash of Clans, and Game of War Fire Age. For example, a recent
advertising campaign for Game of War Fire Age starring Kate Upton cost around $40 million to
create, a cost it was able to afford due to a reported $1 million in ad revenue coming from the game
every day. A game starting from scratch, such as ours, obviously could never create that level of
advertising. Whereas by effectively using social media we can begin to really drum up sales and
revenue for our game.
To make sure our game can really appeal to our target audience, we decided to make use of a focus
group. What was good for us is that we have access to the LGBT+ Society within the University of
the West of Scotland and we were able to set up a meeting with people of varying genders and
personalities all aged between 19 and 29 so right in the middle of our target age audience and
talked to them about our game and asked for feedback on what can be changed or what concerns
they have.
Firstly, the idea for our game gained positive feedback with everyone agreeing it was a decent idea
for a mobile based game. Where the more constructive and challenging feedback was with aspects
such as pricing, advertising and game structure. In terms of pricing and advertising, there was a
mixed bag of ideas with some people more willing to just pay outright from the beginning, some
wishing it to be totally free with advertising in game and some wishing for the advertising to not be
there. After looking at this, it is clear people are willing to pay for the game but some need it to be
free perhaps from the beginning to have a chance of grabbing them and making them want to play
more. The best option then would be to offer the game free with advertising in game, possibly in the
form of banner ads or video ads after games, with an option to pay a small amount to remove all
advertisements from the game.

Other feedback we received was about the actual game structure itself. Many people were not sure
if the game could be exciting for a longer period of time or into the future if the same games keep
repeating over and over. From this we know we need to create many microgames and make sure we
have modes that can mix up the games and keep the player engaged for an extended period of time
to keep the player coming back for more in the future. In the future, more research can be conducted
with testers and with more focus groups once the game starts production to gain more insight with
an actual product to demonstrate rather than just talking about a vision of the game.

All in-game graphics for the project such as character art, backgrounds and sprites will be created
using Piskel ( Levels will be created using Tiled
(, with tilesets for the game being made using Piskel. We chose to use
this software due to the software being freely available and thus very cost-effective for the project
and because the software is easy to use, which will help in the creation of a large number of assets
and levels.
All art assets will feature a consistent, simplistic art style primarily consisting of simple shapes to
provide a simple, yet appealing look for players and to demonstrate our intention of focusing on
gameplay over graphics.
Levels and game assets will be displayed in the game from a 2D perspective. This will help provide
the player with a better overview as to what's currently present in the game and what they can
interact with, thus reducing some confusion as to what they're supposed to do.
The game will feature characters that are based off of cult horror monsters. This decision was made
as we feel that this will help make the game more appealing to our target audience given the current
success of cult superhero icons such as Batman, Iron Man and Captain America. We also decided
that by having a varied cast of different characters, each with a distinguishing theme, it will help
allow for a lot of creative freedom for creating the microgames themselves.
Designs, descriptions and details of which theme each character's stage will have can be seen
Darius Vampire
Microgame Theme: Darkness
A vampire cursed with an eternal hunger for blood and a fatal
weakness to sunlight. During the days he sleeps in his manor but
by night, he leaves to hunt on unsuspecting people.

Glenda Werewolf
Microgame Theme: Strength
A head of a group of bandits who was bitten one night by a
strange and fearsome creature. She survived the encounter but
one night she found herself turning into the same wolf-like being
at the light of a full moon. This is an ability she uses to her
advantage in her travels.

Khata Mummy
Microgame Theme: Puzzle
An ancient noble of the desert lands who was given a royal burial
when she died. Having awoken from death, she ironically
remains trapped in her tomb by the very traps made by her
devotees to keep intruders out.
Gleeto Martian
Microgame Theme: Sci-Fi
A peculiar creature that crash landed on the planet after running
out of fuel. He (She? It?) is highly inquisitive of everything he
finds and always wishes to study and dissect things for analysis...
Whether they are alive or not.

Keith Zombie
Microgame Theme: Underground
An undead who knows nothing of what happened to him in a
previous life or how he appeared one day in a graveyard. All he
knows is the name on his tombstone and that he was searching
for something in a previous life.

Nilloc Devil
Microgame Theme: Mystical
A lesser being from another dimension, left trapped here after a
botched summoning attempt to summon a being far greater.
Despite being not as powerful as some of his other brethren,
regular mortals are still little more than playthings to him and are
treated as such.

Declan - Dullahan
Microgame Theme: Fields
A horse racing champion, cursed to roam the world without a
head. Using a nearby pumpkin as a temporary replacement, he
wanders on his trusted horse looking for that which was once his.

Celia Ghost
Microgame Theme: Haunting
Unlike Keith, Celia does remember the circumstances that lead to
her unfortunate death. In effort to try and forget, she's determined
to have as much fun as she can in her new spectral form. Despite
her mischievous behaviour, she does her best to make sure
nobody is hurt by her antics.

Yarg Yeti
Microgame Theme: Mountains
A huge hairy beast that lives in the mountains. Although he looks
dangerous, he's actually quite timid and gentle. A couple of bad
run-ins with some monster hunters has left him cautious around
people, however if you gain his trust he'll quickly become your
best friend.

Maro - Swamp Beast

Microgame Theme: Water
A hideous, fiercely territorial creature who lives in the swamp.
Lately hunting has become far too simple for him, so instead he
toys with his prey by giving them challenges for a chance of
escape. This hasn't done much to diminish his body count.

Gunther Frankenstein
Microgame Theme: Remix
The long dead King of Spectra. He was the last one to know
about the location of the hidden treasury of his Kingdom, a secret
he took with him to the grave. After his death, his body was
scattered across the land and his brain preserved within the ruins
of his castle. If he could be rebuilt, he may at last be able to
disclose his final secret.
Asset Library
An asset library containing the assets used in creating our prototype version of the project can be
found on our group DropBox folder using the following link:
As the main project progresses in its development, this folder will update to contain any and all
future assets that are used in the project.

The game will feature a storyline featuring a blank-slate character without a defined name or face.
This is intended so that the player is able to project themselves into the game and immerse
themselves in the story and as such will have the characters directly address the player during
dialogue. All that's revealed about the player's identity is that they serve as a treasure hunter and that
they are currently investigating the lost treasury of Spectra. The story will be told through brief
dialogue-scenes featuring the different characters so as not to be intrusive on the actual gameplay of
the game.
Many centuries ago in the land of Spectra, there was once a Kingdom ruled by the late King
Gunther. During his reign the land of Spectra saw immense wealth and prosperity, with many of the
proceeds being placed in the King's treasury, a hidden vault of untold riches. The location of this
treasury is a long-kept secret of Spectra, its location only known by the King himself, a secret he
took with him to his grave. Since then, the existence of the treasury has been forgotten and often
debated, with many wondering if it even existed in the first place.
However, hope in finding the treasury still remains. At his request, the King's brain was preserved
and remains in his castle as it was at the time of his passing. If the brain had a body and the King
brought back to life, then could the location of the treasury finally be revealed?

Level Design
The game will be divided into eleven different stages, ten with distinct themes and microgames
attached to them with the final stage being a remix containing microgames from all the previous
stages. Each stage will be given a different theme depending on the character that they are built
around. These themes help change some of the game genres that will be explored within the
microgames which will in turn help add more variety and avoid repetitious gameplay.
The microgames are laid out as small, static rooms with varying backgrounds and objects that are
presented with short single to three word instructions, to help give the player a clue as to what
they're supposed to do, as well as in-game HUD at the bottom of the screen, which will provide the
player with feedback on how much time they have left to complete a game and what their current
goal is. As each microgame is completed, a brief transition will take place, letting the player know
know that they've moved on from one game to another. During this brief period, the player will be
shown how many lives they have left for the current stage.
The assets within the room and the aesthetics featured in the microgames, such as sounds, lighting
and music will change depending on the scenario presented to the player. For example, a
microgame where a vampire needs to close curtains with will have darker lighting and more
foreboding sound effects than a stage which involves horse-racing.
World Design

The game takes place in the fictional world of Spectra, which serves as the world map for players to
select stages from. The world was once ruled by the deceased King Gunther, whose castle sits at the
centre of the continent. Spectra consists of a single continent with many different environments
such as a desert, a mountain range and a swamp. These environments serve as different stages
during the game will be visited by the player as they progress through the game.

As this game is all about microgames being delivered at a fast pace and keeping the player excited
and engaged, the music for the game has to be similar. To do this, we need multiple different genres
of music to avoid the music becoming stale and repetitive as this could make players feel the same
about the game itself. We can do this while keeping the music modern and interesting by using
music containing real instruments and having it feel modern with a sense of style that has a
widespread appeal. For the market we are going for, there is a temptation to rely on retro-style
music to invoke a feeling of nostalgia but we are aiming to steer away from that to help appeal to a
broader demographic.
During gameplay the music will be played with a high tempo but at a low to medium volume so as
to not interfere with the audio feedback generated by the microgames. This will change whenever
the player enters the world map or during dialogue scenes, where instead the music will be more
ambient and slower-paced.
As we do not have access to instruments or professional sound-recording equipment, we have opted
to use royalty-free music to use in our game. All musical artists whose works contributed to the
creation of the game's soundtrack will be credited within the game itself for their work.
Below you can find the kind of music that helped inspire the soundtrack for the game, taken either
from other games or from the music charts. You can also find some example music tracks which we
feel meet the criteria to be used in the game. The songs for the 'Inspirations' section are taken from and the songs for the 'example tracks' section are taken from links gained from and
The Men Oscillation
Danny Baranowsky - Crypteque
Metallica Fade to Black
Example Tracks:
Bloody Tears (Castlevania II Remix)
Exit the Premises
Blown Away
Ready Aim Fire - Metaphysik

Sound Effects
Due to the nature of the game, many of the microgames could have many sound effects that can hit
the player one after the other. This could end up disorientating the player and take them out of the
experience as well as distract from the soundtrack of the game. To help counteract this we will only
use sound effects that help provide feedback to the player, such as if they made an action which
causes them to fail the current microgame or if they succeed in completing one.
To help gather sound effects for the game, one process we can use is a process called Foley Art,
where the Foley Artist creates sound effects using other items that arent the actual item the sound is
being created for or to enhance the sound created using the item. For example, having someone
walk on different surfaces and then recording that to add to the noise already recorded/used in the
scene. What this allows us to do is add another dimension to the sound in the game and really
immerse the player into the experience. This can be done for things like footsteps and running,
crashes, and smashing etc.
However, this may not be the best thing for our development as this would require a professional
sound recording studio and professional Foley artists in order to get the best sounds possible which
will add too much to the development costs of the project so will not be a viable method. It's for this
same reason that the game will not feature any voice acting as we would not have access to
professional sound recording equipment or software.
Instead what we will do is find royalty-free sound effects online, using online resources such as, to put in the game. This will help keep production costs down and, if we cant
find a suitable enough sound, we can edit and mix sounds to create the sound effects we want to use
using free software such as Audacity ( Again, like with our music listed
above, we will credit the sources of the sounds that we've used in the game.

Microgame Design
Below you can find a list of all designed microgames for the project, including the design prototype.
The design process for each microgame consists of the game's instruction, which is what will be
displayed to the player as each game begins and in the in-game HUD, it's goal, which provides a
more detailed description of the game, and a list of assets which will be required for each game.
This will allow us to start building asset libraries for each game in the project before we start
development, which will help speed up the development process of the game.
As the final stages consist of microgames taken from the other stages in the game, there are only
microgame designs for the first ten stages of the game. It should also be noted that there is the
possibility that some of these games may not actually be developed into the final build of the
project due to not being feasible with this type of game when put into practice. In this instance, new
microgames will be designed and developed that are better suited for the project, with new assets
created for them if needed.
Stage: Prototype
Genre: Demo
1. Instruction: Shoot the target!
Goal: Player has to move horizontally and shoot a target.
Assets: Submarine, Target, Water, Sky
2. Instruction: Reach the goal!
Goal: Player has to navigate a series of obstacles to reach a trough.
Assets: Grass, Fence, Cow, Trough
3. Instruction: Think fast!
Goal: Player has to quickly snap a picture of a fast-moving object
Assets: Space, UFO
4. Instruction: Drag!
Goal: Player has to drag and drop items to the right place
Assets: Silver Coins, Gold Coins, Silver Box, Gold Box
5. Instruction: Shoot!
Goal: Player has to click / tap on a series of targets
Assets: Target, Background

Stage 1: Darius
Microgame Theme: Darkness
1. Instruction: Kill!
Goal: Drive the stake through the heart of the vampire.
Assets: Darius, Stake, Hands
2. Instruction: Keep Out!
Goal: Get the door shut to keep him away.
Assets: Darius, Door, Hands
3. Instruction: Bring the Darkness!
Goal: Drag down the sun and bring up the moon.
Assets: Hills, Moon, Sun
4. Instruction: Dodge!
Goal: Dodge the thrown garlic to get to the victim.
Assets: Darius, Victim, Garlic,
5. Instruction: Unlock!
Goal: Put the right keys in the right holes to unlock the door!
Assets: Red Key, Blue Key, Green Key, Red Lock, Blue Lock, Green Lock, Door
6. Instruction: Sneak!
Goal: Move only when the character isnt facing you.
Assets: Darius, Victim, Street
7. Instruction: Smack The Bugs!
Goal: Hit the bugs to kill them.
Assets: Bugs, Table
8. Instruction: Soak!
Goal: Throw water over Darius
Assets: Bucket, Water, Darius
9. Instruction: Shoot!
Goal: Hit the target on Darius to win.
Assets: Darius, Target, Gun
10. Instruction: Lights Off!
Goal: Hit the light switch to get the lights off.
Assets: Darius, Light switch
11. Instruction: Bite!
Goal: Click at the right time to bite the correct mark on the victims neck.
Assets: Victim, Darius, Targets
12. Instruction: Avoid!
Goal: Avoid the moving light to survive.
Assets: Light, Darius

13. Instruction: Choose!

Goal: Choose the vial with the blood
Assets: Blood vial, Red jelly vial, Cranberry vial, Blood sign, Red jelly sign, Cranberry sign
14. Instruction: Lock!
Goal: Put in the right code to lock down the manor
Assets: Code panel, sticky note with code
15. Instruction: Run!
Goal: Run away from Darius!
Assets: Darius, Player, Manor floor

Stage 2: Glenda
Microgame Theme: Strength
1. Instruction: Break the wall down!
Goal: Hit the wall in different areas to cause enough damage to break it down
Assets: Wall, Fists
2. Instruction: Lift!
Goal: Tap hard to lift up the car.
Assets: Car, Hands
3. Instruction: Run!
Goal: Alternate up and down to run to the victim
Assets: Victim, Glenda, Street
4. Instruction: Dodge!
Goal: Dodge the bullets to escape
Assets: Glenda, Bullets, Shooter, Gun
5. Instruction: Turn!
Goal: Tap repeatedly to turn into a werewolf
Assets: Glenda (human), Glenda (werewolf)
6. Instruction: Smash!
Goal: Click the box enough times to break it
Assets: Box
7. Instruction: Wheel the TV!
Goal: Place the TV in the wheelbarrow and push it to the other side
Assets: TV, Wheelbarrow
8. Instruction: Open the barrel!
Goal: Rotate use of arrow keys to open the lid of the barrel
Assets: Barrel
9. Instruction: Spell!
Goal: Spell the theme of the stage (Strength)
Assets: Text Box
10. Instruction: Chop the tree!
Goal: Use the axe to chop down the tree
Assets: Tree, Axe
11. Instruction: Break that disk!
Goal: Alternate left and right to snap the disc
Assets: Disc
12. Instruction: Strike!
Goal: Strike at the right time to stop the incoming car from hitting you
Assets: Car, Player

13. Instruction: Train!

Goal: Player moves weights up and down
Assets: Player, Weights
14. Instruction: Fight!
Goal: Player fights an opponent in a boxing ring
Assets: Player Fighter, Opponent Fighter, Arena
15. Instruction: Chop through!
Goal: Player guides a characters arm to chop through a series of phone books.
Assets: Hand, Phone Books

Stage 3: Khata
Microgame Theme: Puzzle
1. Instruction: What's New?
Goal: Player spots the difference between two images
Assets: Pyramid Image (Daylight, Sun), Pyramid Image (Daylight, Moon)
2. Instruction: Win it!
Goal: Player is shown a Tic-Tac-Toe board, needs to move to win the game.
Assets: Board, X's, O's.
3. Instruction: Remember!
Goal: Player is shown a button combination and needs to use the same code on a keypad.
Assets: Code, Keypad Buttons.
4. Instruction: Correct!
Goal: Player is shown a sentence and needs to find the grammatical error.
Assets: Sentence (clickable words).
5. Instruction: Move!
Goal: Player moves a ball through a small maze.
Assets: Ball, Maze
6. Instruction: Which is more?
Goal: Player is shown two boxes containing coins and needs to count which has more
Assets: Boxes, Coins
7. Instruction: Slide!
Goal: Player has to complete a 4-piece slide puzzle
Assets: Slides
8. Instruction: Get Three!
Goal: Player drags a tile to a board to get three in a row.
Assets: Hieroglyph Tiles, Spare Tile.
9. Instruction: Solve!
Goal: Player drags blocks out the way so another can reach the goal
Assets:Yellow Blocks, Red Block
10. Instruction: Build a Path!
Goal: Player rotates pipes to allow water to flow
Assets: Pipes, Water
11. Instruction: Match!
Goal: Player is shown a shape and has to match it with another
Assets: Object Sillhouettes, Object.
12. Instruction: Follow!
Goal: Player follows a series of command prompts
Assets: Commands

13. Instruction: Which Is Symmetrical?

Goal: Player is shown multiple images and needs to find one that is ymmetrical.
Assets: 8 image, 5 image, 4 image, 2 image
14. Instruction: Which Is Bigger?
Goal: Player must identify the largest item on an image.
Assets: Elephant, Sun, Giraffe, Trees.
15. Instruction: What Doesn't Belong?
Goal: Player is shown a series of images with a pattern and must identify the odd one out.
Assets: Red Playing Card, Black Playing Cards

Stage 4: Gleeto
Microgame Theme: Sci-Fi
1. Instruction: Time it!
Goal: The player has to carefully time their movement between two barriers.
Assets: Shuttle, Barriers
2. Instruction: Attack!
Goal: Player moves horizontally and shoots a series of moving targets.
Assets: Ships, Player, Projectiles
3. Instruction: Land!
Goal: Player has to land the ship on a planet, avoiding rocks and obstacles
Assets: Planet Surface, Lander, Satellites, Asteroids
4. Instruction: Defend!
Goal: Defend houses being destroyed by incoming projectiles.
Assets: Projectiles, Player Ship, Houses
5. Instruction: Assemble!
Goal: Player is shown a robot and has to replicate it using sliders below.
Assets: Head, Torso, Leg sliders. Picture.
6. Instruction: Fix!
Goal: Player has to connect a series of wires together
Assets: Striped Wires, Solid Wires.
7. Instruction: Match!
Goal: Player has to match radio frequencies
Assets: Radio, Frequency Display, Increase + Decrease buttons
8. Instruction: Snap!
Goal: Player has to quickly snap a picture of a fast-moving object
Assets: UFO, Background
9. Instruction: Find!
Goal: Player moves a telescope to find a distant planet.
Assets: Space Background, Planet
10. Instruction: Charge!
Goal: Player charges a laser gun and fires it
Assets: Charge Display, Laser Gun
11. Instruction: Seal!
Goal: Player needs to seal an airlock.
Assets: Airlock, Lever
12. Instruction: Destroy!
Goal: Player flies around a planet, cutting it in half
Assets: Player, Planet (Destroyed).

13. Instruction: Reverse Gravity!

Goal: Player has to hit a reach a goal while reversing gravity
Assets: Player, Teleporter (Goal), Platforms
14. Instruction: Moon Jump!
Goal: A platformer with reduced gravity
Assets: Player, Ship, Platforms
15. Instruction: Avoid!
Goal: Player has to dodge an asteroid field.
Assets: Player, Asteroids

Stage 5: Keith
Microgame Theme: Underground
1. Instruction: Break out!
Goal: Tap to break out the coffin
Assets: Coffin, Keith
2. Instruction: Smash!
Goal: Smash down the door!
Assets: Door, Keith
3. Instruction: Grab!
Goal: Grab at the right time to catch the victim
Assets: Victim, Keith
4. Instruction: Find!
Goal: Click the right file with Keith on it
Assets: Files, Keith
5. Instruction: Find the eye!
Goal: Choose the right eye for Keith
Assets: Brown eye, Blue eye, Green eye, Red eye, Hazel eye, Black eye, Table
6. Instruction: Shine!
Goal: Shine the light to find the zombie
Assets: Light, Keith
7. Instruction: Wake up!
Goal: Wake up the other zombies to become an army
Assets: Generic zombies, Keith
8. Instruction: Attach!
Goal: Drag the missing arm onto the Zombie
Assets: Sewers, Arm, Zombie (missing arm)
9. Instruction: Crawl!
Goal: Use left and right to crawl up to the victim
Assets: Victim, Zombie
10. Instruction: Live!
Goal: Choose the right pill to live
Assets: Blue Pill, Red Pill
11. Instruction: Jump the tracks!
Goal: Avoid the underground trains by moving tracks
Assets: Trains, Tracks, Tunnel
12. Instruction: Correct Ticket?
Goal: Use the correct ticket to get on the underground train
Assets: Ticket 1, Ticket 2, Ticket machine

13. Instruction: Trap!

Goal: Click the release to trap the rat!
Assets: Rat, Rat Trap
14. Instruction: Slice!
Goal: Slice the zombie to kill it!
Assets: Sword, Zombie
15. Instruction: Dig!
Goal: Use up and down to use the shovel to dig through to the coffin
Assets: Coffin, Shovel, Dirt

Stage 6: Nilloc
Microgame Theme: Mystical
1. Instruction: Cast!
Goal: Player needs to press the cursor keys as symbols appear next to the player
Assets: Symbols, Player
2. Instruction: Teleport!
Goal: Player navigates a teleportation maze
Assets: Maze, Teleporters, Player
3. Instruction: Guard!
Goal: Player guards against attacks coming from different directions
Assets: Fireballs, Player, Magic Barrier
4. Instruction: Hover!
Goal: Player hovers between two obstacles to make it to the goal
Assets: Player, Spikes, Lava
5. Instruction: Animate!
Goal: Player moves pieces of a suit of armour to animate it.
Assets: Platelegs, Platebody, Helmet
6. Instruction: Charge!
Goal: Player charges lightning rods with energy bolts
Assets: Lightning rods, Lightning bolts, Player
7. Instruction: Evolve!
Goal: Player casts spells on a creature to make it larger
Assets: Creature, Evolved Creature
8. Instruction: Deflect!
Goal: Player deflects a spell to launch it back at an opponent.
Assets: Player, Barrier, Opponent, Icicle
9. Instruction: Freeze and Smash!
Goal: Player freezes a target then has to move up close to break it.
Assets: Player,
10. Instruction: Take Them Out!
Goal: Player has to hit water with lightning when all the enemies are standing in it.
Assets: Water, Lightning, Invaders
11. Instruction: Melt!
Goal: Player melts an ice sculpture with fireballs.
Assets: Swan Sculpture, Fireballs, Swan
12. Instruction: Collect Them All!
Goal: Player collects items in a radius using telekenesis
Assets: Metal Objects, Player ( + TK radius)

13. Instruction: Heal!

Goal: Player needs to heal themselves while avoiding attacks
Assets: Monster, Player, Health Bar
14. Instruction: Create Armour!
Goal: Player has to drag rocks toward a player to use as armour.
Assets: Player, Rocks.
15. Instruction: Resurrect!
Goal: Player touches bones, turning them into skeleton followers.
Assets: Skeletons, Player, Bones

Stage 7: Declan
Microgame Theme: Fields
1. Instruction: Move!
Goal: Player navigates a cow around fences to a trough
Assets: Cow, Fence, Trough
2. Instruction: Find!
Goal: Player is shown a carved pumpkin and needs to find it amongst several others.
Assets: Pumpkins
3. Instruction: Race!
Goal: Player has to beat an opponent in a horse race.
Assets: Opponent (Rider + Horse), Player (Rider + Horse)
4. Instruction: Jump!
Goal: Player jumps a horse over a series of hurdles
Assets: Hurdles, Rider + Horse
5. Instruction: Grow!
Goal: Player waters crops so that they grow
Assets: Watering Can, Ground, Crops (Growth animation)
6. Instruction: Catch!
Goal: Player has to catch eggs falling into a basket
Assets: Eggs, Basket
7. Instruction: Set Free!
Goal: Player opens gates for cows
Assets: Gates, Cows, Fence
8. Instruction: Harvest!
Goal: Player cuts through a small field of wheat
Assets: Farmer, Scythe, Wheat
9. Instruction: Herd!
Goal: Player herds sheep into a pen.
Assets: Sheep, Pen, Sheepdog
10. Instruction: Find The Needle!
Goal: Player breaks apart a haystack to find a needle
Assets: Haystack (varying stages of broken), Needle
11. Instruction: Defend!
Goal: Player shoots crows to defend crops.
Assets: Crows, Rifle, Farmer, Bullets
12. Instruction: Shear!
Goal: Player needs to shear a sheep.
Assets: Sheep, Shears, Wool

13. Instruction: Plough!

Goal: Player ploughs a small area of land
Assets: Ground, Ploughed Ground, Tractor
14. Instruction: Collect!
Goal: Player collects water from a well
Assets: Well, Water, Bucket
15. Instruction: Hunt!
Goal: Player has to catch chickens
Assets: Fox, Chicken

Stage 8: Celia
Microgame Theme: Haunting
1. Instruction: Hide!
Goal: Drag the objects into the open cupboards to hide them!
Assets: Vase, Phone, Bracelet, Cupboards
2. Instruction: Break!
Goal: Throw stones to break the objects
Assets: Plate, Photo Frame, Glass Door, Glass Bottle, Stone
3. Instruction: Run!
Goal: Run and avoid the character trying to suck up Celia with a vacuum
Assets: Celia, Vacuum Man
4. Instruction: Turn the handle!
Goal: Rotate the directional buttons to turn the door handle
Assets: Door handle/knob, Door
5. Instruction: Fly!
Goal: Float from one building to the next
Assets: House 1, House 2, Celia
6. Instruction: Move!
Goal: Move the furniture to block the path
Assets: Chair, Couch, Table, Child. Celia
7. Instruction: Avoid the people!
Goal: Dodge the people walking to avoid going through them
Assets: Person 1, Person 2, Person 3, Person 4, Celia, Street
8. Instruction: Push!
Goal: Push the car in transit to avoid the accident
Assets: Car, Debris, Celia, Road
9. Instruction: Flame on!
Goal: Tap the candle wicks to light them up
Assets: Candles, Candle holders
10. Instruction: Flame off!
Goal: Tap the candle wicks to blow them out
Assets: Candles, Candle holders
11. Instruction: Lift!
Goal: Lift the person down the stairs
Assets: Person, Stair set
12. Instruction: Blow the Light!
Goal: Alternate up and down to blow the light bulb
Assets: Light switch, Light bulb

13. Instruction: Flood!

Goal: Plug a sink and turn on the taps to flood a kitchen
Assets: Kitchen, Sink, Plug, Tap
14. Instruction: Levitate!
Goal: Player moves furniture to the top of the screen.
Assets: Sofa, Table, Chairs
15. Instruction: Switch Off!
Goal: Player pulls the plug on electrical equipment that is in use.
Assets: TV, Wire/Plug, Socket.

Stage 9: Yarg
Microgame Theme: Mountains
1. Instruction: Jump!
Goal: Move and jump to get over the chasm
Assets: Cracked ground, Climber
2. Instruction: Ski!
Goal: Slide down the hill and avoid the trees
Assets: Skier, Trees, Ski Slope
3. Instruction: Hide!
Goal: Run and avoid the monster hunters
Assets: Yarg, Hunters, Mountain area
4. Instruction: Grab!
Goal: Grab at the right time to save the person falling in a chasm
Assets: Person, Yarg, Ice Chasm
5. Instruction: Climb!
Goal: Grab the ledges to reach the summit
Assets: Mountain Face, Outcrops/Ledges, Yarg
6. Instruction: Carve!
Goal: Tap repeatedly to carve out a cave in the mountain!
Assets: Yarg, Mountain, Cave
7. Instruction: Plow!
Goal: Move the plow to clear the snow off the car park
Assets: Car Park, Snow, Plow
8. Instruction: Spook!
Goal: Jump out the snow to scare the people
Assets: People to scare, Person scaring
9. Instruction: Dodge!
Goal: Player avoids rocks falling from an avalanche
Assets: Rocks, Hiker
10. Instruction: Finish!
Goal: Player rolls a ball of snow to form a snowman's head.
Assets: Snowman Body, Snowman Head
11. Instruction: Enter the Cave!
Goal: A short platformer to reach a cave entrance
Assets: Platforms, Cave Entrance, Geysers
12. Instruction: Win!
Goal: Hit your opponent with snowballs while avoiding getting hit yourself
Assets: Player, Opponent, Snowballs

13. Instruction: Keep Warm!

Goal: Rub sticks vertically and horizontally to create a flame
Assets: Campfire, Sticks
14. Instruction: Hang Glide!
Goal: Player has to avoid incoming obstacles while gliding through the air.
Assets: Hang Glider, Birds, Clouds
15. Instruction: Jump!
Goal: Player has to open their parachute at the right moment.
Assets: Mountainside, Parachute

Stage 10: Maro

Microgame Theme: Water
1. Instruction: Catch!
Goal: Player has to react quickly to catch a fish
Assets: Fish, Hand
2. Instruction: Scoop up!
Goal: Player moves a net to catch several small fish
Assets: Net, small fish
3. Instruction: Escape!
Goal: Player has to rapidly move to escape from a larger fish
Assets: Fish, big fish
4. Instruction: Reach the Chest!
Goal: Player navigates an underwater cavern to reach a treasure chest.
Assets: Fish, cavern, chest.
5. Instruction: Hop!
Goal: Frog hops across lillypads to reach the end
Assets: Frog, lillypad, water
6. Instruction: Shoot!
Goal: Player must move a submarine to shoot a target
Assets: Submarine, Target, Water
7. Instruction: Avoid the Rocks!
Goal: Player controls a constantly moving boat and must avoid rocks
Assets: Boat, Rocks, Water
8. Instruction: Find!
Goal: Player must find an Octopus camouflaged amongst rocks.
Assets: Rocks, Octopus
9. Instruction: Chase!
Goal: Player must chase a target that runs away from them
Assets: Fish, smaller fish.
10. Instruction: Clean!
Goal: Player moves dishes into a sink, and then takes them back out again
Assets: Dishes, Sink, Dish rack.
11. Instruction: Stay dry!
Goal: Play moves an umbrella to avoid getting a character wet.
Assets: Umbrella, Person
12. Instruction: Cut!
Goal: Cut through reeds to find something behind it.
Assets: City background, Reeds

13. Instruction: Surf!

Goal: Player surfs along a wave and has to avoid crashing
Assets: Wave, Crashing Wave, Surfer
14. Instruction: Fill!
Goal: Player needs to fill in holes in a boat
Assets: Boat, Boat Holes, Plugs
15. Instruction: Put Out!
Goal: Player needs to put out a fire
Assets: Fire, Hose, Water

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