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Cross My Palm With Silver


The Gypsies are a nomadic people who migrated from Northern Indian all throughout Europe and outwards into the horizons of all quarters. During this period what we call the Great Migration it is only common sense that these roaming folk of coloured blood would learn and absorb other folklores, customs, traditions and religious practices as their caravans sojourned for rest during their long, relentless and arduous travelling; many exiled due to the fear for which the Gypsy become well renowned for- divination and had powers which could conjure all forms of benign or malign magick. Enigmatic and mysterious people, adorned with elaborate jewellery that sparkled like heavenly prisms in every turning in the sunshine or moonlight, golden flashes, silvery sparks. Flamboyant scarves attached to belts or within their ravenesque or flaxen hair of intriguing colours. Garb so lively fabrics swishing in the heightened passion of dance or sauntered motion, these alone would be captivating enough to hold the eyes as if caught in the web of spells. Gilded bells which chimed as if silvery summoning for the Fae and Spirits to their side, enhancing the suspicion and allure - they brought an air of fascination, music wild and fervent, incensed like the beating of hearts pounding with the jingle of Tamborine as whispers murmured of bewitchments and conjure. This brings together an imagery of free-spirit, community and unity; beauty, kin and custom.

It is not surprising that I have always had a deep-seated passion for Gypsy Folklore and divination from Cartomancy to Tarot, Sciomancy to Libanomancy, and Tasseography to Kumalak. I have spent a great deal of many years learning my arts and take extreme pride in the way I present myself and them when doing a reading for a Querent or Client. This interest of old Gypsy customs developed at an early stage of my life despite the not knowing of my Gypsy heritage on neither my mothers or fathers side, having not known my father at all, and only a few things about my mother which only included the knowledge of her using the Tarot and would hold Sance evenings. To add to the whole chance of my entire attraction towards various aspects of who I am today, I was not even aware of my Gypsy heritage until after my father had passed and the reuniting of myself and sister, Lisa. Here I learned that we are directly related to the Spanish Gypsy family, Mendoza and one my mothers direct side English x Rom x Hungarian Gypsy, though I am still unaware of her family name, but first name was Mygrin. If I had to place an age to when things started falling into place was quite young, even as a small child I had dealings with spirit attacks, which were rather constant and my entire perception varied from that of my friends- I preferred my own company and to the most part, still do.

Around the age of 10, I was drawn to the normal playing cards and experimented doing readings for friends, foretelling them by what came intuitively and not reading out of a book. It is all good to have direction from the cards you read, but they do have different meanings and representations to you, therefore you should read them by what comes from the third-eye and not from someone else. By my early teens I already had quite a few tarot decks given to me. My knowledge of herbs was already extensive by this time and I already was proficient at casting, the making of charms and talismans- my Goddess who I identified with was The Great Mother or Dark Mother and if I had to place a name, it always would be Hekate, Morrigan did not come to me until much more recently but I still personally state Dark Mother, Great Mother or Moist Mother. For those who are not exactly aware what Gypsy Folk magick is, it basically draws heavily on the environment which is around you, the use of herbs, natural amulets especially seashells, eggs, animal teeth and bones, human hair, effluvia, feathers, fingernails, dirt, stones and spices. Most of the Gypsy Folkloric conjures (spells) are centred on warding off the evil, fertility, curses, healing, love, luck and money. There are many similarities between the practices of Gypsy Folkloric magick, hoodoo and Traditional Witchcraft. It is common knowledge that both Christianity and Paganism were introduced to the Gypsies by their travels throughout England, Italy, France, Spain, Hungary and the Ukraines.

For those who revel and take pride in the practices of Gypsy Folkloric magick, the English term Witch is not commonly heard, and instead the word; Chovihani or 'Shuvihan' (Gypsy Witch) or an idiom suited to the language of the ancestral homeland. The Romanies originated in the Hindu Kush region of Kashmir and

Afghanistan pushed out by tyrant rulers or war. Eventually their language blended with the many spices and honey of other languages, blending and cultivating themselves uniquely from far-flung cultures some never had heard of let alone ever seen, some of their skins lightened and their hair turned fair, or skins darkened and because know as the ravenesque beauties of exotic places. The Gypsy became skilled storytellers, musicians and fortune tellers, gifted with palmistry, crystallomancy along with numerous other forms of divinatory and scrying talents. By the Victorian era they began to convene and travel in glorious, ornate and sculptured caravans known as Vardos. These quaint and stylish horse-drawn wagons captured the inspirations of many artists, bards, poets and writers who portrayed them in their paintings, stories, poems and songs for the beauty displayed and the way the imagery had touched the heart. This is the heart and soul of the Gypsy charm... captivation, ambiguity and beauty.

Regardless of old superstitions of Gypsies stealing babies, placing the evil eye on the innocent, charming married men into their embraces, unleashing Spirits of their Faery lovers to attack those who refused them money or food- such mistrust they have suffered along with persecution for the fear in the hearts and minds of peasant and King alike. What cannot be denied and all that is certain, the Gypsy is a true friend of the earth, their nomadic existences having brought them closer to nature. Gypsies lived a liberated and unbound life filled with adventure; they existed in beauty of their admixed customs and traditions, they respected the earth they walked upon, the water and food in which they nourished themselves, they respected and honoured each other and their ancestors. Their life had no desire for materialism only that which they needed in order to survive and the few pleasures which had been brought to their life by means of their trade and skill, the paths brought them the freedom sought from oppression and domination, the sun gave them warmth and the moon gave them guidance throughout the struggles of the year. When most people are asked about their thoughts of Gypsy magick, their first initial answer would be that they put curses on people, which is not far from the reality of it; the most projected aspect of the Gypsy Craft is through the eyes and work most of their spells/or magick this way just by staring deeply and intensely on their target. Some call it the Glamour, but it is more commonly known as the Evil Eye. Many Gypsy cultures believe that only the blue or green eyes had this arcane ability, from legends of Egypt throughout Europe, blue and green eyes were greatly feared because they were not overly all that common, especially in countries where it was customary for the darker skin, hair and thus brown eyes. Numerous superstitions exist about this; I remember stories told to me by an old Hungarian woman that another was stoned in her village when she was a child because of the sky eyes. Arcane, mystical, ancient... it is a gift that cannot be learned, it comes from the blood and within the lines of ancestry and not all Gypsies did possess it. Countless times I have been asked how does one obtain the Evil Eye and it is just one of those things, you either have it or you dont... but there is a distinctive attribute which allows you to KNOW you have it. If you do not know what that something is, then you do not have it. Simple as that. First pointer I shall provide in practising successful gypsy magick is to shut off or turn off all unnatural frequencies and appliances, light, television and radio, anything the transmits vibration-electrical currents and pulses through the air which interrupt the natural process and exchange of our energies and that of the environment. Switch everything off at the wall, even fridges. Work only in natural light, outdoors is preferred though not always ideal due to the seasons and weather. You do not need a special room or even an altar, just a small area which you keep special for yourself or even your usual dining room table. Remember to clean the surface down with salt and water before starting on your spell/working/conjure. The second is to keep your tools from the hands of others and out of plain view, our magickal tools absorb energy that is in the air and especially the energies people bring. In storage, wrap your tools in good quality silk (not cheap and nasty synthetic fabrics. Gypsies are known for their plush taste in fineries when it comes to fabric) you may sprinkle some rock salt over the fabric to chase away undesirable energies or even alum which absorbs the residual moist in the air of negative energies and entities. Change at least monthly and leave them out in the rays of the Full Moon including your crystal balls and crystals. When we have storms I actually charge all my crystal balls and jewellery items I wear in order to recharge their properties. Crystal balls react interestingly when charged with lightening and the raw energies of storms. Candles should only be natural wax, beeswax is the preferred. You do not need to work with calendar correspondences, you may however follow the lunar or ocean cycle since the moon and ocean are in unison with their changes and influences. Gypsies do not believe in the three-fold law or karmic law, they curse just as efficiently as they cure and both are held lightly in the palm of their hands. Thirdly, always be confident about the magick you perform, this will increase its potency and beyond the power factor, faith is required above all in

every bit of magick we yield and perform to get the expected results, we must be patient and sometimes follow up work is required, the universal energy does not just give, we have to work to obtain the fruits were cultivate. The work must suit the harvest. Gypsy magick is not Wiccan; it long pre-dates the rising of Alex Saunders or Gerald Gardner by quite a few hundred years. Can it be considered Christian, yes, we find the Gypsy in such tales of Moses leading the people out of Egypt and into the desert (nomadic). But, it is not solely Christian, as it can also be considered Witchcraft, Hindu, Buddhism- many of these aspects will be discovered in the vault of Gypsy knowledge. Gypsy power lies in four basic ingredients: willpower, patience, concentration and secrecy. Willpower & will, this rests in the desire/need of the Chovihani/Shuvihani/Shuvihano (male)/shuvani, the stronger the desire for the object the stronger the power will be generated towards that desire or goal. In this circumstance, we can say that the willpower or will is the first initial requirement needed for the success of the magick. Along with this will, a great deal of dedication and concentration must go hand in hand- one should never do magick in a half-hearted manner. The next is patience, some spells can take effect within a diminutive time period whereas some may take weeks, months even years to come into fruition. The entire wand waving in the world isnt going to hurry things along, or a whizz and its done and brought into manifest. No patience is the key to the Kingdom of Magick. Do the work which is required, apply the amount of force and willpower into achieving your wants, give it the required focus of concentration; then be prepared to sit back and wait for it all to take effect. Sometimes it is better not to think about it at all once done, you have placed it into the hands of Spirit or some divine power, even the Universe- as the saying goes A watched kettle never boils, this too can be applied to an old Gypsy saying. The final and main important ingredient is secrecy. Gypsies dont announce when they are performing magick, nor brag about brewing potions, lotions and conjures. Gypsies do their magick quietly within their own private quarters or out in the wilderness away from curious prying eyes. When you announce your workings, you weaken its power- so by bragging to your friends and announcing it to the world, you do yourself and injustice and all you are really doing is placing yourself on display and shaming the elements you profess to hold sacred. The same may be applied for rituals and ceremonies. We are not show ponies, we are workers and weavers of the old ways- we hold traditions and customs with the honour of our ancestors. Perhaps anything else can be considered, shameful to them and shameful towards the actual way of the Gypsy, or any craft for that matter. We must remember that some countries still allow for the persecution of Witchcraft and anything considered being Witchcraft. Fairly recently in Tanzania, an older woman was stoned to death in April 2010 when she was identified as being a Witch. In 1981 a mob stoned a woman to death in Mexico because they believed her to be a Witch. 16th of Feb 2008 a woman was convicted to be stoned to death in Saudi Arabia. Persecution still exists whether people wish to acknowledge it or not, perhaps in some cases ignorance is indeed bliss. To be adept in any form of magick and especially that of the Gypsy, you must connect to the land and nature around you, your workings should not be confined exclusively behind closed doors and built in by walls. Our feet must touch the earth, our eyes look to the moon, ocean, forest and skies, our lungs fill with the breath of nature. You cannot be Gypsy without an affiliation to the environment around you, nor having no true connection to the Homeland. I actually have soils taken from the places where my ancestors walked, from India, England, France, Romania, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Africa, Hungary and Spain all in a small red satin bag and wear it on my person at all times. Every month I place a few drops of my blood to keep it alive and establish my connection to it. Every year I bury it in the earth, usually around April to infuse it again with earthly energies and give thanks to my ancestors for the paths and journeys they have walked. Then offer like a mute supper in their honour served with traditional foods, music, wines and elaborate fineries. All magick done by Gypsies involves the utilization of items that are natural, and found in nature except for that of knives or similar tool which was handled over to their blacksmiths. My dear friend Wayland from Mudgee here in Australia has crafted for me all my knives, from the horseshoes of a dead mare which is a Balkan and Hungarian tradition of old Witchcraft/Hedgecraft. I never by manufactured items, they have no real essence, no vitality of energy and truthfully are just clumps of non-entity, possessing no life. Natural things have a purer vibration because they are not crafted from synthetic materials. Gypsies make do with what they have, or what can be obtained relatively easy, be it from the side of a road, washed up upon the beach, from the forest floor. The search for your tools is all part of the magickal working and the gifts from nature herself. These are the tools intended for you, given by the earth, water, air or fire- presents from the elements and thus should always be respected and treasured.

Ritual attire in Gypsy magick is important for the Gypsy always takes great pride in their appearance and may be as elaborate or simple as- For women: a special silk scarf (diklos) in the hair or used as a sachet around the hips, turban style around the head or around the shoulders and fastened with a broach. Shawls are regularly seen depicted of the Gypsy or the elaborate pleated apron (joddakai). Jewellery, necklaces of amber, jet and red coral are quite common, plus large bulky rings, long dangling earrings, gold is essential or white gold, silver is more used on horse adornments. Gypsy women wear their hair loose or plaited and decorated with clips. For men: Corduroy pants cut very high, coats of heavy cloth or the swallow-tail coat with a vest beneath, coloured shirts though not as bright as their lady counterparts. A (stardi) broad-brimmed hat which may have a diklos beneath it and sturdy boots usually suited for horse-riding or trekking. Now that we have covered the aspects of Gypsy Magick and possible dress, though you may be as you are or work skyclad, it all comes down to what is natural for you, and anything else is considered false or wanting to put on a good show. The next part we shall actually delve into the magick, folklore and predictions of the Gypsy and those considered as Old Wives Tales. - If you right ear tingles or itches, someone is speaking well of you. If your left ear tingles or itches someone is speaking ill of you. To find out who it is, call out in a voice of conviction all the names you can possibly think of who it may be. If the tingling or itches stops, you have your answer. - People born in the morning cannot see spirits or the Faery world. Those born at night, can and have power over Spirits, cross over the realms and see the Spirits of the Dead. - A sick persons bed must always be placed in the north and not in the south and never crossways as this opens the doors for the Dead to enter or other realms. - If someone passes away in your family, you must stop all clocks and cover all mirrors with a dark cloth or turn it inwards. Let the house fire extinguish and open all doors and windows to prevent hauntings. - If a bee enters your home, you may expect a visitor. If the bee dies or you drive it out of your home, you will have bad luck or the visitor will be unpleasant. - Having a black cat as a companion is very good luck. If a strange black cat enters your home uninvited you will have good fortune throughout the year. If you chase it out, it will take its gift of good luck with it. - A Christmas candle should always be allowed to burn itself out naturally. Never light three candles with the same match nor have just three candles burning. - It is bad luck to sweep dust out of your house and onto the porch, always sweep towards the centre of the room and sweep it up with a dust pan from that spot. - If a moth or butterfly flies towards you, nose itches, a white spot developing on the nail of your ring finger or sneeze on a Wednesday you can expect some news. - Never kill a bee, it is extremely bad luck. - If the palm of your right itches, you may expect finances coming into your hands. If you left palm itches you will soon be paying money out. - If your right palm itches is a good omen. Left palm itches it is a bad omen. - If your right eye itches, you will get a nice surprise. If the left itches you will get a nasty surprise. - If you have an itchy eyebrow, expect a visitor. - Never kill a spider, should it itself to you by the spinning of its web, the fates are about to make a change in your life. - Red at morning be of warning, red at night expect delight. OLD GYPSY HUNGARIAN HONEY & ROSE LOVE SPELL- To incite sensations of passion and desire in the object of your hearts desire. Four Beeswax Candles (natural) A sheet of Parchment A strand of your own hair Clove Honey Dried Red Rose Ink & Quill Olive Oil or Clear Cooking Oil Cauldron or cast iron pot (used only for magickal use) Place the cauldron/cast iron pot upon a heat-proof surface, wooden board or natural stone tile. Light all four beeswax candles and position each around the cauldron/pot in each of the quarters. Upon the parchment write the name of your intended at the top, right corner of the paper. Next write a brief description of your intended as

you see them, just a general overview. Beneath this write your desire for the intended, detailed with expressed feelings holding nothing back while concentrating and imagining you are telling your intended these exact feelings and desires. Picture them in your minds eye, surrounding yourself and them in the red energy of your hearts affection, want and dreams. When you have completed your writing, dip your ring finger in the olive oil and trace a large circle on the parchment. Dip your finger in the honey to and trace within this circle the symbol of a heart. Inside the heart place your strand of hair and the dried rose. Roll the paper up with the hair and rose inside into a firm ball. Taking the ball of parchment, and introducing it first to the north candle: Feel my desire and let the paper catch alight, the quickly move to the east Within the hearts fire, then to the south Honey to my sweet, then to the west As honey is to my flower. The sweet ball of parchment should have caught alight, and you will have to work quickly so you do not burn yourself. Once alight place the burning ball into the cauldron/pot and allow it to burn completely into ash. Extinguish the candles and bury the ash close to where the person lives, or where they regularly walk, you may even sprinkle it over the garden in the front of their residence, so as the garden grows so does the intent of the working. MEMENTO MORI GYPSY CROSSING OVER SPELL- This should only be used when a person is making their transition into the netherworld and most certainly dying. It is designed to ease their crossing over. A photo of the person dying, ideally whilst in their prime or as they wish to be remembered White Rose, White Willow, White Carnation, Poppy Frankincense & Wormwood A small sterilized glass jar 2 coins Parchment Quill and Ink A few granules of rock salt Holy Water, Mist Water/Dew or Fresh Morning Rain 1 white Soy candle or Beeswax Write the name of the person upon the parchment. Place the name paper inside the photo with the coins inside and fold it away from you and place inside the jar. Add the flowers in order as they are written, each flower represents a phase, memory or purpose focused on death and transition from flesh to spirit. The White Rose represents love, memorial and protection. White Willow, to ease the soul at the time of death. White Carnation, for mourning, pure love, light and death and the Poppy to bring restfulness. Place inside the salt and water then secure it tightly. Blend together the Frankincense and Wormwood to form loose powered incense. Light a natural charcoal block (charcoal works great: See Pandoras Box) and light. Frankincense offers spiritual transformation and purification and the Wormwood brings transformation, healing to the mourning and insight to the dying. Hold the jar and move back and forth through the fumigation of smoke while saying softly with love and reverence: O Keeper of the four winds and gates, I, your servant of the moist mother earth The summoner of the waters of creation and passing Seeker of the Key to Life and Death I entreat you! O Great Dark Mother of the Womb and Veil! Assist this precious soul that I embrace and protect within loving hands; Prepare them for the great journey beyond this world and into that beyond the stars. Carry in safekeeping through the waters of your realm. This spirit I give to you and send forth, entrusting into your handsTo bring [name] home safely, just as you have sent them forth from the womb to life Take them with love in death. Burn the candle over the top of the jar so that the wax eventually seal the jar. Place beneath the bed of the dying and once they pass give the jar to the earth, typically it should be buried where one of their favourite spots is, like a particular garden, forest, the beach- however be sure where you bury it is an abandoned place as well for

you do not want it dug up. You need not visit again, nor look back. It is in the hands of the Creatrix and she shall lead them back into her arms to heal and continue with their journey.

GYPSY HEX REMOVAL- An effective spell-breaker which may be used to throw off any type of spell, curse, and hex or conjure. 6 inch long cord or twine (black, white, red or blue) Sharp knife Nail or Pin Beeswax Candle Cauldron/Cast iron pot Insert the nail or pin through the beeswax candle approximately away from the top and light the candle while placing focus on your intent. When the nail/pin falls out it is time to work your spell/conjure/working. You must remain with the candle the entire time while staring intensely into the candle flame portending your desired outcome, or intention which in this case is to remove something placed upon you. You cannot do this spell for another, they must do this working for their own desires. Holding the cord or twine within both hands whilst saying these words: Return to your homeland, the warm hearth of your master! My cares rest not with where you come from, nor the wiles of which you sprung. Return, for there shall be a welcomed door, close it behind your evils and deeds; For my door is no longer welcome to you, the hearth is cold, my larder empty. Swiftly leave here now, leave me be to my sunny warm days and tranquil moonlit eves; By this your bond is severed, my work complete. In peace you leave me and in peace I send you. With the knife cut the cord/twine into two separate pieces. Place these inside the cauldron/pot. Using the beeswax candle drip the melted wax over the severed ends of the cord. Heating the nail/pin in the candle flame until it is quite hot. Pierce both the ends of the cord which had been joined by the wax pinning them together. Keep the cord safe in a black silk bag where it shall never be seen or opened, ideally this should be kept in the place where you slumber. With severing the cord, you cut the ties of the spell/hex/incantation against you. Sealing them again with the wax blocks all doors for them to send it back or send you another. Keeping this cord in a black silk bag, makes them blind in sending other hexes and workings against you it also shrouds and shields you. This spell does come under cord & candle magick and is very effective in removing things cast against you. However, this will only work, if you are indeed the innocent party, should you be a guilty party, be careful what magicks you weave when your heart is only to deceive.

HUNGARIAN MONEY HONEY CLOVES CUP SPELL- To accumulate prosperity and good fortune. A Beeswax Candle Honey Cloves A Coin A Pottery/Clay/Earthenware Cup or small bowl This should be started on the morning of the Spring Pregnant Moon/Full Moon, this is the time for new beginnings, the blossoms and fruits opulent making way for new richness and prosperity. Leave the honey out in the morning sun so that is naturally warms during the course of the day. Place the coin also out into the fullness of the sun so that it is imbued with the glorious golden rays. Leave there until sunset and then flip the coin over and leave in solitude as the Full Moon rises. Begin at midnight outdoors. Light the beeswax candle. Get the coin, cloves and place the pottery/clay/earthenware cup in front of you while sitting there and concentrating on your intentions, or meditating on the potent energies of the moon above you, bringing fruition and blessings into your working and upon you sitting beneath. When you are ready pour some wax in the bottom of the cup while saying:

Beneath the sun, beneath the moon This coin has been infusedIn the natural energies of opulence and wealth; So it too glows with those glorious fortunesThat may shine upon me, and enrich my life. Place the coin within the warm wax in the bottom of the cup and then drip more wax over the top of the coin to seal it there. Pour the honey over the sealed coin and singularly drop the cloves into the warm honey. The honey works to sweeten the possibility of money to you and the cloves, attract good luck and fortune, there should be more than three and no more than ten. The wax seals the money so that the opportunity of money does not pass you by, or bad luck takes it from you. Extinguish the candle and leave the cup in a safe but open place. Any bugs that may crawl into the cup or any flying insects leave as they are a sign that your wishes have been sent by the element of air and earth and are positive signs. This should be left for the elements and not removed until the honey is no more, when this happens, bury the cup somewhere in your back yard and return every so often to offer a libation of honey to the earth to give thanks.

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