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7.abelmoschus Esculentus

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IAJPS 2016, 3 (6), 582-585

S. Solomon et al


ISSN 2349-7750

ISSN: 2349-7750


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Research Article


S. Solomon* 1, N. Muruganantham2, M. M. Senthamilselvi 3
Department of Chemistry, Periyar E.V.R.College (Autonomous), Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India.
Department of Chemistry, Roever Engineering College, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu, India
Principal, Government Arts College, Ariyalur, Tamil Nadu, India.
The aim of this study is to investigate the anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activities of the sample isolated from
the ethyl acetate fraction of flowers of Abelmoschus esculentus. Anti-inflammatory activity of the sample was
determined by HRBC membrane stabilization and Albumin denaturation methods. Anti-oxidant activity of the
sample was determined by DPPH assay and ABTS method. The results of the study suggest that the sample isolated
from the ethylacetate fraction possesses anti-oxidant activity and anti-inflammatory activity.
Keywords: Abelmoschus esculentus, Antioxidant activity, Anti-inflammatory activity, HRBC method, Albumin
denaturation, DPPH, ABTS assay.

Corresponding author:
Research Scholar
Department of Chemistry
Periyar E.V.R.College(Autonomous)
Tiruchirappalli-620023. Tamil Nadu, India
Ph.No: 99650-39280

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Please cite this article in press as S. Solomon et al, Anti-Oxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Abelmoschus
Esculentus (Flowers), Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2016; 3(6).

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IAJPS 2016, 3 (6), 582-585

S. Solomon et al

The term inflammation originates from Lat:
Inflammare meaning to burn. Inflammation is a
homeostatic phenomenon which is regarded as a
wholesome response to irritant. The irritant provokes
one after another the mechanism that combat damage
and inflammation subsides when it is no longer
needed. The clinical signs that inflammation evoke
are heat, redness, swelling and loss of function [1].
Anti-inflammatory agent is a drug that inhibits any
facet of inflammation of an experimentally induced
nature or as a part of clinical syndrome [2].
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is belonging to the
family Malvaceae, it is important vegetable crop
grown mainly in the tropical or sub-tropical regions
during summer and rainy season [3,4]. Okra is a rich
source of many nutrients. A half cup of okra contains
calories 25, dietary fiber 2g, protein 1.5g,
carbohydrates 5.8g, vitamin A 460 IU, vitamin C
13mg, folic acid 36.5g, calcium 50mg, iron 0.4mg,
potassium 25mg, magnesium 46mg. Okra is
subjected to attack by many insects and pathogens
including fungi, viruses, mycoplasmas and
nematodes [5-9].
Collection of Flowers
Fresh flowers of Abelmoschus esculentus were
collected from S. Pudur, Sivagangai (Dt), Tamil
Nadu, India, during the month of February and
identified by Dr.S.John Britto, Director, The rapinat
Herbarium and Centre for Molecular Systematics
(Authentication No. SS004 dated: 03/06/2016).
St.Josephs College (Campus), Triuchirappalli, Tamil
Nadu, India.
Extraction and fractionation
Fresh flowers (3 kg) of Abelmoschus esculentus
collected were extracted with 90% ethanol
(5x500ml). The combined alcoholic extract was
concentrated in vacuo and the aqueous extract was
successively fractionated with petroleum ether (60800C) (6x250ml), Peroxide free diethyl ether
(4x250ml) and ethyl acetate (8x250ml). Petroleum
ether fraction and diethyl ether fraction did not yield
any isolable material. Ethyl acetate fraction on

ISSN 2349-7750

concentration yielded a dry powder which was

dissolved in DMSO to get various concentrations and
were used for further study.
In Vitro Antioxidant Activity
DPPH Assay Method
The DPPH free radical is reduced to a corresponding
hydrazine when it reacts with hydrogen donors. The
DPPH radical is purple in colour and upon reaction
with hydrogen donor changes to yellow colour. It is a
decoloration assay, which is evaluated by the
addition of the antioxidant to a DPPH solution in
ethanol or methanol and the decrease in absorbance
was measured at 490nm [10].
A.2,2-Diphenyl 1-picryl hydrazyl solution (DPPH,
22mg of DPPH was accurately weighed and
dissolved in 100ml of methanol. From this stock
solution, 18ml was taken and diluted to 100ml
using methanol to obtain 100M DPPH solution.
B.Preparation of test solutions:
21 mg of the solid obtained from ethyl acetate
fraction was dissolved in distilled DMSO to obtain
a solution of 21mg/ml concentration. This solution
was serially diluted to obtain lower concentrations.
C.Preparation of standard solutions:
10mg each of ascorbic acid and rutin were weighed
separately and dissolved in 1ml of Dimethyl
sulfoxide (DMSO) to get 10mg/ml concentrations.
These solutions were serially diluted with DMSO
to get lower concentrations.
The assay was carried out in a 96 well microtitre
plate. To 200l of DPPH solution, 10l of each of
the test sample or the standard solution was added
separately in wells of the microtitre plate. The
final concentration of the test and standard
solutions used were 1000, 500, 125 and 31.25
g/ml. The plates were incubated at 37o C for 30
min and the absorbance of each solution was
measured at 490 nm, using a micro plate reader.

Table 1: DPPH assay activity of the compound isolated from the ethyl acetate fraction of flowers of
Abelmoschus esculentus
S. No


% CTC50 Cytotoxicity


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IAJPS 2016, 3 (6), 582-585

S. Solomon et al

ISSN 2349-7750

Graph No.1: Graphical representation of DPPH activity of the compound isolated from the ethyl acetate
fraction of flowers of Abelmoschus esculentus.
Evaluation of Total Antioxidant Capacity of the
The total antioxidant capacity was determined by
phosphormolybdenum method and is based on the
reduction of Mo (VI) to Mo (V) by the antioxidant
compounds and the formation of a green Mo (V)
complex which has the maximal absorption at
Preparation of test and standard solutions
Weighed accurately 55mg of the sample and the
standard, ascorbic acid and dissolved in 5ml of
DMSO. The lower dilutions were made serially with
An aliquot of 0.1ml of the sample solution containing
a reducing species in DMSO was combined in an
Eppendorff tube with 1ml of reagent solution
(0.6mM Sulphuric acid, 28mM sodium phosphate,
and 4mM ammonium molybdate). The tubes were
capped and incubated in water bath at 95 C for
90min. The samples were cooled to room
temperature, and the absorbance of each solution was
measured at 695nm. The total antioxidant capacity

was expressed as mM equivalent of ascorbic acid

(Mojca et al., 2005).
Total antioxidant activity = 86.0 g/ml
ABTS radical scavenging activity:
ABTS radical scavenging activity was performed as
described by Re et al. (1999) with a slight
modification. 7.0 mM ABTS in 14.7 mM ammonium
peroxo-disulphate was prepared in 5.0 ml distilled
water. The mixture was allowed to stand at room
temperature for 24 hours. The resulting blue green
ABTS radical solution was further diluted such that
its absorbance is 0.70 0.020 at 734 nm. Various
concentrations of the sample solution (in ethanol)
(20.0 l) were added to 980.0 l of ABTS radical
solution and the mixture was incubated in darkness
for 10 min. The decrease in absorbance was read at
734 nm. A test tube containing 20.0 l of ethanol
processed as described above was served as the
control tube. Different concentrations of ascorbic
acid were used as reference compound.

Table 2: ABTS assay activity of the compound isolated from the ethyl acetate fraction of flowers of
Abelmoschus esculentus

S. No


% CTC50
Cytotoxicity (g/ml)






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Graph No.2: Graphical representation of ABTS radical scavenging activity of the compound isolated from
the ethyl acetate fraction of flowers of Abelmoschus esculentus
Anti- Inflammatory Activity
The human red blood cell (HRBC) membrane
stabilization method
The method as prescribed (Gopalkrishnan et al.,
2009; Sakat et al., 2010) was adopted with some
modifications. The blood was collected from healthy
human volunteer who had not taken any NSAIDS for
2 weeks prior to the experiment and mixed with equal
volume of Alsever solution (2 % dextrose, 0.8 %
sodium citrate, 0.5 % citric acid and 0.42 % NaCl)
and centrifuged at 3,000 rpm. The packed cells were
washed with isosaline and a 10 % suspension was
made. Various concentrations of test drug were
prepared in mg/ml using distilled water and to each
concentration, 1 ml of phosphate buffer, 2 ml hypo
saline and 0.5 ml of HRBC suspension were added. It
was incubated at 370C for 30 minutes and centrifuged
at 3,000 rpm for 20 minutes and the hemoglobin
content of the supernatant solution was estimated
spectrophotometrically at 560 nm. Diclofenac (100
Jg/ml) was used as reference standard and a control
was prepared by omitting the test drug. The
experiments were performed in triplicates and mean
values of the three were considered. The percentage

(%) of HRBC membrane stabilization or protection

was calculated, [11,12]
Percentage of Protection (%) =
(100- OD of drug treated sample/OD of Control)
X 100
Albumin denaturation method
The method as prescribed (Sakat et al., 2010) was
followed with some modifications. The reaction
mixture was consisting of test sample and 1%
solution of bovine albumin fraction. pH of the
reaction mixture was adjusted using small amount of
HCl. The mixtures were incubated at 37C for 20
minutes and then heated to 51C for 20 minutes.
After cooling the samples the turbidity was measured
spectrophotometrically at 660 nm. Diclofenac sodium
was taken as a standard drug. The experiment was
performed in triplicates and the mean value of the
three was considered. Percent inhibition of protein
denaturation was calculated as follows, [13,14]
Percentage of inhibition (%) =
(OD of Control- OD of Sample/ OD of Control) X

Table 3: The human red blood cell (HRBC) membrane Stabilization activity of the compound isolated from
the ethyl acetate fraction of flowers of Abelmoschus esculentus

S. No


% of Inhibition
Membrane Stabilization
Mean S.E.M(S-I)
18.59 0.49
25.96 0.76
39.15 0.24
45.90 1.59
58.13 1.27

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Graph 3: Graphical representation of human red blood cell (HRBC) membrane Stabilization activity of the
compound isolated from the ethyl acetate fraction of flowers of Abelmoschus esculentus
Table 4: The Inhibition of Albumin Denaturation activity of the compound isolated from the ethyl acetate
fraction of flowers of Abelmoschus esculentus

S. No


% of Inhibition
Membrane Stabilization
Mean S.E.M(S-I)
20.59 0.86
31.49 0.75
38.92 0.42
43.58 1.27
56.64 1.84

Graph 4: Graphical representation of Inhibition of Albumin Denaturation activity of the compound isolated
from the ethyl acetate fraction of flowers of Abelmoschus esculentus
Anti-oxidant activity:
The compound isolated from the ethyl acetate
fractions of Abelmoschus esculentus flowers
exhibited significant anti-oxidant activity when
compared with DPPH assay. It is evident from the
data presented in Table-I that the sample possessed
DPPH assay activity.
The result showed the
percentage of cytotoxicity for 1000 g/ml as 46.05%,

for 500 g/ml as 37.48%, for 125 g/ml 27.57%, and

for 31.25 g/ml 12.86%. When compared with
ABTS assay activity, it is evident from the data
presented in Table II that the sample possesses ABTS
assay activity. The result showed the percentage of
cytotoxicity for 1000 g/ml as 52.63%, for 500 g/ml
as 48.91%, for 125 g/ml as 34.59%, and for 31.25
g/ml as 21.53%. Total antioxidant activity of the
sample is 86.0 g/ml.

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Anti-inflammatory activity:
The compound isolated from the ethyl acetate
fractions of Abelmoschus esculentus flowers
exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity of the
human red blood cell (HRBC) membrane
stabilization and the results are presented in Table III.
The result showed the percentage of inhibition in
membrane stabilization for 100 g/ml as 18.59 0.49
% , for 200 g/ml as 25.96 0.76 % , for 400 g/ml
as 39.15 0.24 % , for 600 g/ml as 45.90 1.59 % ,
and for 800 g/ml as 58.13 1.27 %. The
inhibitions of Albumin denaturation activity
exhibited by the compound are given in Table IV.
The results showed the percentage of inhibition in
membrane stabilization for 100 g/ml as 20.59 0.86
% , for 200 g/ml as 31.49 0.75 % , for 400 g/ml
as 38.92 0.42 % , for 600 g/ml as 43.58 1.27 % ,
and for 800 g/ml as 56.64 1.84.The antiinflammatory effect of the compound isolated from
ethyl acetate fraction(test sample) of Abelmoschus
esculentus may be due to presence of active
constituent flavonoids
The present study has confirmed that both DPPH
assay and ABTS have showed a highest potential
antioxidant activity and also the human red blood cell
(HRBC) membrane stabilization. It could be
concluded that the compound isolated from the ethyl
acetate fraction of flowers of Abelmoschus esculentus
is of phytopharmaceutical importance. However
elucidation of the structure of the compound
responsible for these activities will definitely give
fruitful results.
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