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2014 Handbook Supplemental Files

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Supplemental Files 2014 ARRL Handbook

Supplemental files are included on the CD-ROM. They include additional discussion,
related articles, additional projects, full-size PC board etching patterns and templates,
program examples, construction details and other useful information. All of these packages
are available on this CD-ROM in the Supplemental Files directory and then organized by
chapter. (Note: Chapters 1 and 8 have no supplemental files.)

Chapter 2
Supplemental Articles
Radio Mathematics supplemental information about math used in radio and
a list of online resources and tutorials about common mathematics
Hands-On Radio: Kirchoffs Laws by Ward Silver, NAX
Hands-On Radio: Laying Down the Laws by Ward Silver, NAX
Hands-On Radio: Putting the Laws to Work by Ward Silver, NAX
Hands-On Radio: Thevenin Equivalents by Ward Silver, NAX
Thermistors in Homebrew Projects by Bill Sabin, WIYH
Thermistor Based Temperature Controller by Bill Sabin, WIYH

Chapter 3
Supplemental Articles
Hands-On Radio: The Common Emitter Amplifier by Ward Silver, NAX
Hands-On Radio: The Emitter-Follower Amplifier by Ward Silver, NAX
Hands-On Radio: The Common Base Amplifier by Ward Silver, NAX
Hands-On Radio: Field Effect Transistors by Ward Silver, NAX
Hands-On Radio: Basic Operational Amplifiers by Ward Silver, NAX
Cathode Ray Tubes
Large Signal Transistor Operation
Tools and Data
LTSpice Simulation Files for Chapter 3
Frequency Response Spreadsheet

Chapter 4
Supplemental Articles
Interfacing to the Parallel Port and supporting files by Paul Danzer, N1II
Learning to PIC with a PIC-EL (Parts 1 and 2) by Craig Johnson, AAZZ
Pickle with USB I/O by Craig Johnson, AAZZ

Chapter 5
Supplemental Articles
Reflections on the Smith Chart by Wes Hayward, W7ZOI
Tuned Networks
Simplified Design of Impedance-Matching Networks, Parts I through III
by George Grammer, W1DF (SK)
LTSpice simulation files for Section 5.3, Effects of Parasitic Characteristics

Chapter 6
Supplemental Articles
The Dangers of Simple Usage of Microwave Software by Ulrich Rohde, N1UL
and Hans Hartnagel
Using Simulation at RF by Ulrich Rohde, N1UL
Mathematical Stability Problems in Modern Non-Linear Simulation Programs
by Ulrich Rohde, N1UL and Rucha Lakhe
Examples of Circuit Simulation by David Newkirk, W9VES

Chapter 7
Four Output Bench Supply
12 V 15 A Power Supply Article and PCB Template
13.8 V 5 A Power Supply PCB Template
28 V High Current Power Supply Article and PCB Template
Dual Output Power Supply
Micro M+ PV Charge Controller
Revisiting the 12 V Power Supply
Series Regulator Power Supply Article and PCB Template
Build an Inverting DC-DC Converter
Supplemental Articles
Testing and Monitoring Batteries Excerpts from Batteries in a Portable World by
Isidor Buchmann
Vacuum Tube and Obsolete Rectifiers

Chapter 9
Supplemental Files
Measuring Receiver Phase Noise
Oscillator Design Using LTSpice by David Stockton, GM4ZNX
(includes LTSpice simulation files in SwissRoll folder)
Using the MC1648 in Oscillators
Novel Grounded Base Oscillator Design for VHF-UHF by Dr Ulrich Rohde, N1UL
Optimized Oscillator Design by Dr Ulrich Rohde, N1UL
Oscillator Phase Noise by Dr Ulrich Rohde, N1UL
Some Thoughts On Crystal Oscillator Design by Dr Ulrich Rohde, N1UL

Chapter 10
Supplemental Articles
Modern Receiver Mixers for High Dynamic Range by Doug DeMaw, W1FB (SK)
and George Collins, KC1V
Performance Capability Of Active Mixers by Dr Ulrich Rohde, N1UL

Chapter 11
Supplemental Articles
Using Active Filter Design Tools by Dan Tayloe, N7VE
An Easy-to-Build, High-Performance Passive CW Filter by Ed Wetherhold, W3NQN
A High Performance, Low Cost 1.8 to 54 MHz Low Pass Filter by Bill Jones, K8CU
The Handbook CD includes these useful Windows programs by Jim Tonne, W4ENE:
DiplexerDesigner for design and analysis of diplexer filters
Elsie for design and analysis of lumped-element LC filters
Helical for design and analysis of helical-resonator bandpass filters
SVC Filter Designer for design and analysis of lumped-element high-pass
and low-pass filters
QuadNet for design and analysis of active all-pass networks for SSB operation

Chapter 12
Supplemental Files
Amateur Radio Equipment Development An Historical Perspective
by Joel Hallas, W1ZR
Project Files
Rock Bending Receiver PCB template by Randy Henderson, WI5W
10 GHz preamp PCB template by Zack Lau, W1VT
Binaural Receiver project by Rick Campbell, KK7B

Chapter 13
Supplemental Articles and Projects
Designing and Building Transistor Linear Power Amplifiers Parts 1 and 2
by Rick Campbell, KK7B
A Fast TR Switch by Jack Kuecken, KE2QJ
A Homebrew High Performance HF Transceiver the HBR-2000
by Markus Hansen, VE7CA
The MicroT2 A Compact Single-Band SSB Transmitter by Rick Campbell, KK7B
The MkII An Updated Universal QRP Transmitter by Wes Hayward, W7ZOI
The Norcal Sierra: An 80-15 M CW Transceiver by Wayne Burdick, N6KR
(plus supporting files)
The Rockmite A Simple Single-Band CW Transceiver by Dave Benson, K1SWL
(plus supporting files)
The TAK-40 SSB/CW Transceiver by Jim Veatch, WA2EUJ
A Transmitter for Fox Hunting by Mark Spencer, WA8SME
The Tuna Tin 2 Today by Ed Hare, W1RFI
VHF Open Sources by Rick Campbell, KK7B (plus parts placement guides)

Chapter 14
Supplemental Articles
A Simple Sensor Package for High Altitude Ballooning by John Post, KA5GSQ
APRS Unveiled by Bob Simmons, WB6EYV
APRS with a Smartphone by Pat Cain, KPC
ARRL Education and Technology Program Space/Sea Buoy
by Mark Spencer, WA8SME

Chapter 15
A collection of DSP projects with supporting files
A discussion of DSP calculations with samples and files that
accompany the discussion

Chapter 16
Supplemental Files
Table of digital mode characteristics (section 16.6)
ASCII and ITA2 code tables
Varicode tables for PSK31, MFSK16 and DominoEX
Operating Tips for Digital Voice Using FreeDV by Mel Whitten, KPFX

Chapter 17
TubeCalculator by Bentley Chan and John Stanley, K4ERO, for analysis of
operation of popular high power transmitting tubes.
PI-EL by Jim Tonne, W4ENE, for design and analysis of pi and pi-L networks
for transmitter output.
SVC Filter by Jim Tonne, W4ENE, for design and analysis of low-pass and
high-pass filters using standard value components.
MeterBasic by Jim Tonne, W4ENE, for design and printing of custom analog
meter scales.
MATCH.EXE software (for use with Tuned (Resonant) Networks discussion)
Supplemental Articles
Tuned (Resonant) Networks (for use with MATCH.EXE)
Design Example RF Amplifier using 8877 Vacuum Tube by John Stanley, K4ERO
Design Example MOSFET Thermal Design by Dick Frey, K4XU
Determining a Transistors Power Rating (APT Application Note) by Dick Frey, K4XU
ARRL RF Amplifier Classics Table of Contents
HF Amplifier Projects
The Everyhams Amp by John Stanley, K4ERO
Everyhams Amp files construction notes, layouts, modifications for various
tube types
A 3CX1500D7 RF Linear Amplifier by Jerry Pittenger, K8RA
3CX1500D7 HF amplifier files PCB layout, Pi-L values spreadsheet
A 250 W Broadband Solid-State Linear Amplifier by Dick Frey, K4XU

250 W solid state amplifier files PCB artwork, parts lists, photos (including
updated PCB and schematic files, Mar 2013)
The Sunnyvale/Saint Petersburg Kilowatt-Plus, a 4CX1600B HF amplifier project
by George Daughters, K6GT
VHF Amplifier Projects
A 6 Meter Kilowatt Amplifier by Dick Stevens, W1QWJ (SK)
144 MHz Amplifier Using the 3CX1200Z7 by Russ Miller, N7ART
Build a Linear 2 Meter, 80 W All Mode Amplifier by James Klitzing, W6PQL
Design Notes for A Luxury Linear Amplifier by Mark Mandelkern, K5AM
High-Performance Grounded-Grid 220-MHz Kilowatt Linear
by Robert Sutherland, W6PO (SK)
UHF/Microwave Amplifier Projects
432 MHz 3CX800A7 Amplifier by Steve Powlishen, K1FO (SK)
A High-Power Cavity Amplifier for the New 900-MHz Band
by Robert Sutherland, W6PO (SK)
A Quarter-Kilowatt 23-cm Amplifier by Chip Angle, N6CA
2 Watt RF Power Amplifier for 10 GHz by Steven Lampereur, KB9MWR

Chapter 18
Supplemental Articles
From Analog to D-STAR by Gary Pearce, KN4AQ
Discovering D-STAR by Larry Moxon, K1KRC
D-STAR Uncovered by Pete Loveall, AE5PL
Operating D-STAR by Gary Pearce, KN4AQ

Chapter 19
Supplemental Articles
The Penticton Solar Flux Receiver, by John White, VA7JW and Ken Tapping
Hands-On Radio: Recording Signals, W Silver, NAX
Build a Homebrew Radio Telescope, M Spencer, WA8SME

Chapter 20
Supplemental Articles
Multiband Operation with Open-wire Line by George Cutsogeorge, W2VJN
Smith Chart Supplement
Measuring Receiver Isolation by George Cutsogeorge, W2VJN
A Commercial Triplexer Design by George Cutsogeorge, W2VJN
HF Yagi Triplexer Especially for ARRL Field Day by Gary Gordon, K6KV
Using TLW to Design Impedance Matching Networks
by George Cutsogeorge, W2VJN
Measuring Ferrite Chokes by Jim Brown, K9YC
Microwave Plumbing by Paul Wade, W1GHZ
Transmission Lines in Digital Circuits
Matching network material and MATCH.EXE by Bill Sabin, WIYH
jjSmith from Tonne Software

Chapter 21
Supplemental Articles
Direction Finding Techniques by Joe Moell, KOV
Rotatable Dipole Inverted-U Antenna by L.B. Cebik, W4RNL
Construction details for Top-Loaded Low-Band Antenna by Dick Stroud, W9SR
Five-Band Two-Element Quad by Al Doig, W6NBH, and William Stein, KC6T
Medium-Gain 2 Meter Yagi by L.B. Cebik, W4RNL
K8SYL's 75 and 10-Meter Dipole by Sylvia Hutchinson, K8SYL
A Plumbers Delight for 2 Meters An All-Copper J-Pole by Michael Hood, KD8JB
Cheap Antennas for the AMSAT LEOs by Kent Britain, WA5VJB
Wire Quad for 40 Meters by Dean Straw, N6BV
Vertical Loop Antenna for 28 MHz
Dual-Band Antenna for 146/446 MHz by Wayde Bartholomew, K3MF

Chapter 22
Supplemental Files
BNC Crimp Installation Instructions
N Crimp Installation Instructions
Miniature Lamp Guide
Thermoplastics Properties
TV Deflection Tube Guide
Obsolete RF Power Semiconductor Tables

Chapter 23
Supplemental Files
A No-Special-Tools SMD Desoldering Technique by Wayne Yoshida, KH6WZ
Surface Mount Technology You Can Work With It by Sam Ulbing, N4UAU
(Parts 1 - 4)
A Deluxe Soldering Station
Making Your Own Printed Circuit Boards
Reflow Soldering for the Radio Amateur by Jim Koehler, VE5JP

Chapter 24
A Remote Power Controller by Mike Bryce, WB8VGE
A Switched Attenuator courtesy of RSGB
The ID-O-Matic Station Identification Timer by Dale Botkin, NXAS
The Tandem Match An Accurate Directional Wattmeter
by John Grebenkemper, KI6WX
Two QSK Controllers for Amplifiers by Jim Colville, W7RY
and Paul Christensen, W9AC
Support Files
Code and support files for ID-O-Matic by Dale Botkin, NXAS
Support files for SWR Monitor by Larry Coyle, K1QW
Support files for Two QSK Controllers for Amplifiers by Jim Colville, W7RY
and Paul Christensen, W9AC
Trio of Computer Interfaces PCB template

Chapter 25
Supplemental Files
Cathode ray tube theory
Test and Measurement Bibliography
Project Files
Gate Dip Oscillator articles and PCB artwork Alan Bloom, N1AL
Build a Return Loss Bridge James Ford, N6JF
Logic Probe supporting photos and graphics Alan Bloom, N1AL
RF Power Meter supporting files William Kaune, W7IEQ
Compensated RF Voltmeter articles Sidney Cooper, K2QHE
RF Sampler Construction details Thomas Thompson, WIVJ
RF Step Attenuator Denton Bramwell, K7OWJ
Tandem Match articles John Grebenkemper, KI6WX
Transistor Tester PCB artwork and layout graphics Alan Bloom, N1AL
Two-Tone Oscillator PCB artwork and layout graphics ARRL Lab

Chapter 26
Supplemental Articles
Troubleshooting Radios by Mel Eiselman, NC4L
Building a Modern Signal Tracer by Curt Terwilliger, W6XJ
Hands-on Radio Power Supply Analysis by Ward Silver, NAX
Amplifier Care and Maintenance by Ward Silver, NAX
Diode and Transistor Test Circuits by Ed Hare, W1RFI

PC Board Templates
Crystal controlled signal source template
AF/RF signal injector template

Chapter 27
Supplemental Files
What To Do if You Have an Electronic Interference Problem CEA Handbook
TV Channel, Amateur Band and Harmonic Chart
A Home-made Ultrasonic Power Line Arc Detector and Project Update
by Jim Hanson, W1TRC (SK)
A Simple TRF Receiver for Tracking RFI by Rick Littlefield, K1BQT
Active Attenuator for VHF-FM by Fao Eenhoorn, PAZR (article and template)
Simple Seeker by Dave Geiser, W5IXM
Tape Measure Beam for Power Line Hunting by Jim Hanson, W1TRC (SK)

Chapter 28
Supplemental Files
Electric Current Abroad U.S. Dept of Commerce
Shop Safety by Don Daso, K4ZA
RF Safety at Field Day by Greg Lapin, N9GL
Field Day Tower Safety by Don Daso, K4ZA and Ward Silver, NAX

Chapter 29
Portable Stations
Product Review: A Look at Gasoline Powered Inverter Generators,
by Bob Allison, WB1GCM
Field Day Tower Safety, by Don Daso, K4ZA and Ward Silver, NAX
Remote Stations
Remote Station Resources by K6VVA - 2014 Edition
a list of resources for remote station builders

Image Communications
Educational robot ATV setup details (BOE-BOT project) by Mark Spencer, WA8SME

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