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OPeration Management Project Finals

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Haidri Beverages
Our team visited Haidri BEVERAGE which is a first producer and Filling the beverages in
Pakistan since 1985. Haidri Beverage is situated at C.D.A Industrial Triangle Kahuta Road
Islamabad. We visited the franchise office and met with production manager. We got information
from him about ethical problems their employees faced during operation. The operation
manager Hanif Tabassam was representing the franchise at office. We asked question from him
about related to our topic. We had got more knowledge related to topic during conversation and
great meeting ended up with best wishes. Haidri Beverage company successfully doing business
more than 25 years. It is a Franchise of Pepsi Co Inc. started production from 1890.
Haidri Beverage is the largest beverage company in Pakistan with a successful business history
of more than 25 years. It is a Franchise of Pepsi Co Inc. that produced and manufactured first
product in 1890. A pharmacist Caleb Bradham in New Bern, North Carolina was made Pepsi in
1890 and its brand was trademarked in 1903. Its first name was Pepsi later it kept Pepsi Cola,
probably the digestive kola nuts and Pepsin in the recipe.
Hadri Beverage produces and filling the beverages. It product lines consist at variant soft drinks
and water. It to aims to produce Pepsi Co quality beverage, grow sales volumes, maintain
position, market leadership and fulfills customer expectation. Further, it exceeds customer
expectation through cost efficiency, best quality, and timely delivery.It is a largest PepsiCo.
Franchise in west Asia that produce products up to the standard of Pepsi co. The company
believes, in its performance, talented production team, and management that it enables to the
successful business company.The product line of haidri beverage is pepsi,Miranda,7up,sting and
slice juice and they filled the 250ml,300ml,500ml,1.5ltre and 2250ml of all these soft drinks.And
haidri beverages also produce the pure water and haidri beverages have a Asian biggest
filteration plant ( seven hydro plant) in the Islamabad.
The mission of haidri beverages is the world leading consumer products company attentive on
suitable foods and beverages. It pursue to produce financial loots to stakeholders as it provide
opportunities for growth and enrichment to its employees, its business partners and the
communities in which it work. And in everything it do, it strive for honesty, fairness and
Its vision to strength market share,high ROI of its stakeholders and fulfill responsibilities in
society and become more efficient in financial management, production management, supply
chain management and in all the level of workforce place. By addressing environmental social

and ethically issue also delivers superior value which consisting environment,talent and human
Discussion & Analysis:
In our project we will discuss about ethical problems occur Operation management and
workforce management in the organization due to lack of integrity, employee relationship
problems, conflicts of interest. By the response of first question he tells us that his company
faces many problems regard by ethics. He said Ethics express the values of its employees and
affect all operational areas in a business. Ethical challenges occur within every business
organization, but the question is, Which types of ethical issue, so faced an organization and how
companies develop a positive ethical behavior? So Ethical behavior means that it is acting that,
How an organization views its morals values and principles.
The four main factors influence in ethical issues in the workplace during production. Lack of
integrity, Employee relationship problems/Ethics training, Conflict of interest, System of
confidential Reporting. When we asked him that how your company deals with Employee basic
problems likewise in case of disability, female workers means if any claims of sexual harassment
to the women worker, protection, health safety, security to workforce management. At the
response he said ethics are play important role to build up the reputation of workplace and
mangers are most important who should have need to set an example for their subordinates. If
managers expect your team members to reach office on the time then it will be make sure that he
would be come on time. It is also Employee ethics to make ensures come office on time and
respect their superiors. If an Organization practices ethically then its increase organization value
to its employees and all functional areas in a business. It is necessary for an organization to
established ethical practices on both side production operation and workplace management. So it
would be play important role in organization growth. Further a case study describes in details
about workplaces issue in organization. According to the American society of Association
(ASAE) & Center for Association Leadership, most business firms are finding integral
components as an ethical training of their business. The National Business Ethics Survey found
during between 1994 and 2000 that formal ethical training gradually increased in most
organization. More organizations are finding that ethical training helps them. How owners run an
effective workplace and they had known about the importance of ethics in business. What
ethical issues business people face has increased. From large business corporations to small
business corporations often face ethical issues arising from employee behavior. For example,
whether an employee can check personal, spend work time, email accounts, how a manager deals
with claims of sexual harassment. What extent a manager can promote certain employee for a
promotion? That is all examples of ethical problems regarding employee behavior. There are
some legal consequences for unethical employee behavior. For example, if a supervisor making
recommendations for a promotion and he will discriminate against an employee based on his
religion, gender or ethnicity, legal action could be sought. Owners can help to prevent ethical
problems arising from employee behavior especially in small business corporation by dedicate
behavior policies for employees at all levels.

Moreover at workplace more ethical issues consider business people which are related to
business people. For example, employers should have been awareness of the safety of their work
environment and must be compensated employees to all the time in which they have worked. if
they do an unusually difficult task or if an employee to do work an unreasonably long period of
time. That is legal consequences for unethical issues regarding employee behavior, which are
legal consequences for illegal working conditions. For example, organization can face legal
consequences if it did work by the employees without payment and it does not provide safety to
their worker. In response of another question, he said our company gives accommodation to our
worker according to government Labor law. They also compensated with females worker in case
of Maternity. If female worker are entitled 26 weeks Maternity Leave, at least two weeks of
which must be taken before and four weeks of which must be taken after the birth. Part-time
worker and daily basis are entitled to maternity leave on a pro-rata basis. All staff members that
have completed at least 26 weeks of continuous employment have ability to get maternity leave
with payment.
Haidri Beverages also faced ethical issue same as other firms faced the ethical issue. But it does
well try to negotiate with these issues. Ethically it would be also provides healthy environment
to their employees. In production process it is also focus on quality of the product, follow the
standard rules of Pepsi Co. It would also facilitate the employees to give benefits and perks,
including retirement benefits, insurance benefits and vacation policy. In Pakistan different
companies use different ethical rules and code of conducts.Some companies used small softwares
and some companies used large softwres in these softwares the company gives a specific code to
the any un ethic activity for example poor work performance the company give this code as 4
now when any worker show the poor performance the company manager putting the code in the
system the system open all the rules and regulations regarding the poor performance then
manager apply these rules to the employee on the other hand if the same worker perform very
well the manager put the code in the system and system should automatically grading this
employee ID.But according to our research unfortunately only number of companies used these
systems.Haidri beverages used this system softwares and different tools to solve the ethical
issues regarding to production. Ethics in production and workforce management is a subset of
business ethic that is meant to ensure that the production function or activities are not damaging
to the employees and company.
Organization Management plays important role trough reputation in workplace ethics. Managers
need to set an example for their subordinates. if managers expect your team members to reach
office on time then it would be come on time for him. It is also Employee ethics to make
ensures come office on time and respect their superiors. If an Organization practices ethically
then its increase organization value to its employees and all functional areas in a business. It is
necessary for an organization to established ethical practices both in production operation and
workforce management.
Beverage Last accessed 1-1-2106.


Miranda Morley, Demand Media. (). Ethical issue in business. Available: Last accessed 30-12-2015.
Available: Last accessed 11-2016.

Questions :
1. What is your ethical issue in faced your organization?
2. How your Organization provides the protection,health safety ,security to workforce
3. If your company find out personal favoritism and biases during hiring process. What
kind of step take your organization nad how to react with related person?
4. In case of sexual harassment, how to to eliminate this factor. How your organization give
facilitate to female workers?
5. How to deals with union in critical situation. Such as strike , union issues?
6. Have your organization facilitate individuals in case of disability ,female workers issue ,
and diseases?
7. Have your company give facility to female workers in case of pregnancy or maternity. If
in case of death during childbirth, how your Organization give facilitation to her family?
8. If an employee suffered in trouble, diseases and accident. How to provides facilitation
and what to do about it?
9. If an employee broke the law of your organization ,how your organization behave him
and what type of punishment your company give him?

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