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Task 2

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To: Mr Sheridan
Managing Director
Sheridan Audio Visual Ltd

Dear Mr Sheridan

The objective and scope of the audit

You have requested that we audit the financial statements of Sheridan Audio Visual Ltd, which
comprises the statement of comprehensive income and statement of financial position as at
December 31, 2020. We are pleased to confirm our acceptance and our understanding of this audit
engagement by means of this letter. Our audit will be conducted with the objective of our expressing
an opinion on the financial statements.

The responsibilities of the auditor

We will conduct our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs).These standards
require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial report is free from material misstatement. An audit involves
performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial
report. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the
risks of material misstatement of the financial report, whether due to fraud or error. An audit also
includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of
accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the
financial report.

Based on the inherent limitations of an audit, together with the inherent limitations of internal control,
there is an unavoidable risk that some material misstatement may not be detected, even though the
audit is properly planned and performed in accordance with International Standards on Auditing

In making our risk assessments, we consider internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation of the
financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but
not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control.
However, we will communicate to you in writing concerning any significant deficiencies in internal
control relevant to the audit of the financial report that we have identified during the audit.

The responsibilities of management

Our audit will be conducted on the basis that management acknowledge and understand that they have

1. For the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with the
International Financial Reporting Standards
2. For such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of
the financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or
error; and
3. To provide us with:
I. Access to all information of which the directors and management are aware that is relevant to
the preparation of the financial report such as records, documentation and other matters;
II.Additional information that we may request from the directors and management for the
purpose of the audit; and
III.Unrestricted access to persons within the entity from whom we determine it necessary to
obtain audit evidence.

As part of our audit process, we will request from management, written confirmation concerning
representations made to us in connection with the audit.

We look forward to full cooperation from your staff during our audit.

Please sign and return the attached copy of this letter to indicate your acknowledgement of, and
agreement with, the arrangements for our audit of the financial statements including our respective

Alex Gold
Draft Notes about the General Economic Conditions of Sheridan Av Ltd

(Information was obtained from interviews with the Managing Director and other staff and minutes of
directors’ meetings)

 Sheridan AV in in the high-end Audio Visual business.

 David informed Graeme of the massive increase of revenue within the year in which they almost
double their turnover compared to 2020, which have prompted suspicions of possible fraud on
Graeme's part.
 They’ve increased the number of companies who buy from them and also increased the volume
of trade with each company due to the visits that Emily has made to their premises during the
 They have intention to expand and grow throughout Europe, with a focus of Spain.
 Hired and feature a professional football stars for their advertising campaign.
 Warehouse purchases P750,000 and loan required P450,000
 Draft revenue was stated to 5.4million as of December 31
 When it comes to management’s side of things, according to the documented minutes, there
are most often minor problems in the following two sessions.
 Their medium in recording and keeping their data are the Spread sheets and Microsoft only
which means that it is really not that adequate in order for them to be really sure that the data
they input were correct and precise.
 Economic values of a company must be constantly supervised to detect any impairments or

Risk Factors relating to industry conditions Consider if this presents a risk and if so
consider how this will be addressed
New accounting, statutory, or regulatory Not present a risk
requirements that could impair the financial
stability or profitability of the entity
High degree of competition or market saturation, Listen to employees’ voice when they notice or
accompanied by declining margins become aware of a trouble that could result to
company’s catastrophe.
Declining industry with increasing business Not present a risk
failures and significant decline in customer
Rapid change in the industry, such as high Yes. Adapt to the new economic world where
vulnerability to rapidly changing technology or technology is more rampant.
rapid product obsolescence
Risk Factors relating to operating characteristics Consider if this presents a risk and if so
and financial stability consider how this will be addressed
Inability to generate cash flows from operations Not present a risk
while reporting earnings and earnings growth
Significant pressure to obtain additional funds to Yes. Warehouse purchases P750,000 and loan
finance for example expansion required P450,000
Significant related party transactions not in the Not present a risk
ordinary course of business or with related
entities not audited or audited by another firm
Unusually rapid growth or profitability, especially Yes. 9months revenue 5.4 million is already
compared with that of other companies in the over the total last year sales 4 estimated total
industry sale growth is over 50% this year.
Unrealistically aggressive sales or profitability Yes. Sheridan AV hired and feature a football
incentive programmes stars for their advertising and promotion
Threat of imminent bankruptcy or foreclosure, or Not present a risk
hostile takeover
Risk Factors relating to management Consider if this presents a risk and if so
consider how this will be addressed
A significant portion of management’s Yes. Bonus scheme for Emily, David and Leanne
compensation is represented by bonuses, stock
options or other incentives, the value of which is
contingent upon the entity achieving unduly
aggressive targets for operating results, financial
position, or cash flow
Management setting unduly aggressive financial Not present a risk
targets and expectations for operating personnel
Management continuing to employ an ineffective Refrain from recruiting employees who don’t
accounting, information technology or internal know that much, instead hire employees or
audit staff audit staffs that are knowledgeable, qualified in
a certain job and responsible one.
Domineering management behaviour in dealing Not present a risk
with the auditor, especially involving attempts to
influence the scope of the auditor’s work
Formal or informal restrictions on the auditor NA
that inappropriately limit his or her access to
people or information or his or her ability to
communicate effectively with the board of
directors or audit committee
Risk Factors relating to susceptibility of assets to Consider if this presents a risk and if so
misappropriation consider how this will be addressed
Large amounts of cash on hand or processed Assess for any anomalies in the company’s
recording transactions in quarter and year end
in considerable detail.
Inventory characteristics, such as small size, high Inventory management should be done
value, or high demand efficiently and effectively.

Risk Factors relating to controls Consider if this presents a risk and if so

consider how this will be addressed
Lack of appropriate management oversight (for Hire someone who is trustworthy, qualified, and
example, inadequate supervision or monitoring suitable for this task.
of remote locations)
Inadequate record keeping with respect to assets Ensure continuous monitor on the records and
susceptible to misappropriation if possible, check areas in an unpredictable way.
Lack of appropriate segregation of duties or Clarity of the job description and duties must be
independent checks ensured. Employees must work according to
their certain task or job.
Lack of appropriate system of authorisation and They must assign one person who is responsible
approval of transactions and authoritative enough that would fit in this
kind of task.
Poor physical safeguards over cash, investments, Improve their physical safeguards with regards
inventory or non-current assets to this matter.
Lack of mandatory holidays for employees Ensure an appropriate timetable for holidays for
performing key control functions their employees.




Integrity and Ethical Values
1. Does the management set the “tone at No The management of Sheridan
the top” by demonstrating a
commitment to integrity and ethics Audio Visual Ltd does not focus
through both its words and deeds? on honesty, integrity and ethical
2. Have appropriate entity policies values.
regarding acceptable business practices,
conflicts of interest, and codes of No There were no written policies
conduct been established and with regards to appropriate
adequately communicated? entity policies
3. Have incentives and temptations that
might lead to unethical behaviour been
No Even though they have this
reduced or eliminated?
bonus scheme for employees,
this still can’t guarantee that
unethical behaviour will reduce.
Board of directors and audit committee
1. Are there regular meetings of the board Yes Meetings with the board are
and are minutes prepared on a timely held quarterly.
2. Do board members have sufficient Yes Majority of the company’s
knowledge, experience and time to board members, with the
serve effectively? exception of one, have been in
3. Is there an audit committee composed No the company for a long period.
of outside directors?
Management’s philosophy and operating style We found that the management
1. Are business risks carefully considered No has a negative opinion of the
and adequately monitored? controls after talking to
2. Is management’s selection of No employees and managers.
accounting principles and development Finance isn't important to the
of accounting estimates consistent with Managing Director because
objective and fair reporting? he/she doesn't have any
3. Has management demonstrated a No involvement, and he/she
willingness to adjust the financial
doesn't value it either. Due to
statements for material misstatements?
this, fraud opportunities and
material misstatement risks are
increased in all financial
statement balances. A higher
risk of non-compliance with
standards, regulations and
banking covenants increases.
Human resource policies and practices
1. Do existing personnel policies and No Rosie and David have an
procedures result in the recruitment or informal conversation regarding
development of competent and new recruits but there is no
trustworthy people needed to support an written and signed agreement.
effective internal control structure?
2. Do personnel understand the duties and No It’s unclear what the job entails.
procedures applicable to the job?
3. Is the turnover of personnel in key
Yes The turnover of personnel in
positions at an acceptable level?
key positions at an acceptable



Organisational controls
1. Are the following duties segregated No
within the computer department:
 Systems design?
 Computer programming?
 Computer operations?
 Data entry?
 Custody of systems documentation, It’s all done manually, so there’s
programs and files? no organizational control or
 Data control? computer department.
2. Are the following duties performed only
outside the computer department: No
 Initiation and authorisation of
 Authorisation of changes in systems,
programs and master files?
 Preparation of source documents?
 Correction of errors in source
 Custody of assets?
Systems development and maintenance
controls No
1. Is there adequate participation by users
and internal auditors in new systems
development? No
2. Is proper authorisation, testing and
documentation required for system and There is no IT Staff yet.
program changes? No
3. Is access to systems software restricted
to authorised personnel?
4. Are there adequate controls over data
files (both master and transaction files)
during conversion to prevent
unauthorised changes?
Access controls
1. Is access to computer facilities Yes All staffs have individual
restricted to authorised personnel? password.
2. Is access to data files and programs No
restricted to authorised personnel?
3. Are computer processing activities No
reviewed by management?
Other controls
1. Is there a disaster contingency plan to No No formal plan exists at
ensure continuity of operations? Sheridan AV but Rosie is aware
2. Is there off-site storage of back-up files Yes and considered threats to the
and programs? computer hardware/software
3. Are sufficient generations of programs, and has implemented controls.
master files and transaction files No Some of the areas that are
maintained to facilitate recovery and covered by their insurance
reconstruction of computer processing? include fire and floods.
4. Are there adequate safeguards against
fire, water damage, power failure,
Sheridan holds data and
power fluctuations, theft etc?
programs in a secure place in
the new warehouse building
since it is away from the main
office building and warehouse;
they think that it would be
much safer.

As an example, when it comes

to fire safety, every office is
equipped with fire alarms and
the staffs have been trained on
what to do in case of a disaster.

Preliminary Analytical Review


9 months to 31 12 months to 31
Dec 2020 Mar 2020
£ £
Revenue 5,410,175 100% 4,846,699 100%
Less: Cost of Sales 4,448,366 82.22% 3,596,251 74.20%
Gross Profit 961,809 17.78% 1,250,448 25.80%
Distribution Cost 476,826 8.81% 488,616 10.08%
Administrative Exp. 369,713 6.83% 505,198 10.42%
Finance Cost (estimate) 20,000 0.37% 46,240 0.95%
Taxation (estimate) 20,000 0.37% 102,562 2.12%
Profit after taxation 75,270 1.39% 107,832 2.22%
9 months to 12 months to Movement Movement %
31 Dec. 2020 31 Mar. 2020
Revenue 5, 410,175 4,846,699 536,476 11.6%
Cost of sales (4,448,366) (3,569,251) 852,115 23.7%
Gross profit 961,809 1,250,448 288,639 23.1%
Distribution costs 476,826 488,616 11,790 2.4%
Administrative Expenses 369,713 505,198 135,485 26.8%
(846,539) (993,814) 147,275 14.8%
115,270 256,814 141,364 55.08%
Other Operating Income 0 0 0 0
Profits from Operations 115,270 256,814 141,364 55.08%
Finance Cost (Estimates) (20,000) (46,240) 26,240 56.7%
Profit before taxation 95,270 210,394 115,124 54.7%
Taxation (estimate) (20,000) (102,562) 82,562 80.5%
Profit after taxation 75,270 107,832 32,562 30.2%


As at Dec. 31, 2020 As at Mar. 31, 2020
Current Assets
Inventories 339,812 11.12% 226,549 8.79%
Trade Receivables 525,000 17.18% 672,371 26.10%
Cash 169,000 5.53% 426,359 16.55%

Non-Current Assets
Tangible 2,021,339 66.16% 1,250,700 48.55%
TOTAL ASSETS 3,055,151 100% 2,575,979 100%


Current Liabilities
Non-current Liabilities 689,770 22.58% 798,564 31.00%
1,171,550 38.35% 658,854 25.58%
Called up share capital
Accumulated profits 100,000 3.27% 100,000 3.85%
1,093,831 35.80% 1,018,561 39.54%
LIABILITIES 3,055,151 100% 2,575,979 100%
Determining Materiality Level

Auditors will choose different numbers within these ranges depending on the audit risk.

•0.5% to 1% of total revenue

•1% to 2% of total assets

•0.5% to 1% of gross profit

•2% to 5% of shareholders’ equity

•5% to 10% of net income

The level of audit risk is inverse proportional to the extent of materiality: The lesser the audit
risk, the greater the materiality level, and vice versa. Given the high audit risk, the auditor selects 0.5
percent of sales, 1% of total assets, 1% of gross profit, 2% of shareholders' equity, and 5% of net income
as the material threshold for detecting misstatements that could have a significant impact on the
financial statements as a whole.

Statement base Amount Materiality level

Revenue 5,410,175 27,051
Total assets 3,055,151 30,552
Gross profit 961,809 4,809
Shareholder’s equity 1,193,831 23,877
Profit before tax 95,270 4,764

As a result, any amount less than the materiality level is deemed immaterial.

Write a short document describing your assessment of risk in this audit and how this will
affect subsequent work.

Sheridan AV specializes in high-end audio visual systems. Market movements and uncertainty as a
result of changing consumer tastes affect its business. Decade after decade, Sheridan's inventory has
continued to rise. As a result of poor market conditions or new products from competitors, Sheridan
AV's sales may be adversely affected, and their inventory may become out-dated. Inventory will be
affected as if new products from competitors enter the market, inventory from Sheridan AV which can
be previously sold at X amount will have to be valued lower. In spite of the current recession in Spain
the company is still considering expanding there. There will be an impact on sales if the recession gets
worse. As a result, they will suffer because they are more of a luxury good than a necessity for the
majority of consumers. Moreover, categorizing and controlling workplace hazard is essential for a safe
and healthy workplace. You'll find a description of the company's appropriate business practices as well
as information on conflicts of interest, protocols, and ethical standards. Be familiar with the job's
responsibilities and procedures as well as its requirements. It is therefore necessary to hire or train
competent and trustworthy personnel to support an effective internal control system. As a result of
these factors, the inherent and residual risk is significant. Assuming everything goes according to plan,
it's possible that the areas for improvement will go unnoticed if the planning phase is carried out
without adequate documentation. They may succeed, but they will not be able to maintain their
leadership position. Fraud and mistakes are more likely to occur when employees are unaware of what's
going on within the company.

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