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First Aid Arrangements

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The key takeaways are the importance of first aid facilities and treatment, qualifications of first aiders, and roles of the nurse.

The nurse and first aider are responsible for rendering first aid treatment within their scope of practice, keeping training current, maintaining documentation, being knowledgeable about hazards, and assessing work environments.

Hospital referrals require a consultation form, transportation either by company vehicle or ambulance depending on severity, and the physician must fill out the form with diagnosis, treatment, and recommendations.


Project No.: AM 095


First-aid is the immediate, temporary treatment given in the case of
accident or sudden illness before the service of a physician can be secured.
Proper first aid measures reduce suffering and place the injured person in a
physicians hands in a better condition to receive subsequent treatment.
The provision of proper first aid facilities is an important safety and health
At least one qualified first aider will be present on site at any time during
working hours. The emergency number shall be displayed at the site office and
on the safety board on-site and conspicuously displayed on strategic locations,
i.e. offices, rest area, etc. The number of First aider on site will be in accordance
with the requirements laid down in Abu Dhabi Municipality code of construction
Where there are 250 or more workers at work, a first-aid room should
contain the prescribed equipment and material under the charge of a qualified
first-aider possessing a certificate approved by Dubai Municipality/ Government
of Dubai, UAE.


Nurse and First Aider are required to:
1. Render First aid Treatment but limit their management to that within
the scope of their license and training level.
2. Ensure that their training is certified and current.
3. Keep documentation of cases treated in accordance with requirements
of their employer. Maintain accurate record for First aid cases, Sick
leave reports and Prepare summary reports on industrial accident
cases, injuries and sickness.
4. Be knowledgeable about the nature and type of hazards that they are
reasonably practicable to encounter and the types of injuries and
specific health conditions that are reasonably practicable to require
first aid treatment.
5. Ensure that emergency support services are pursued to ensure timely
intervention by specialist services such as ambulance services of
physician support for a chronic condition.
6. Assess work environments to identify potential or actual health
7. Refer emergency cases to the nearest hospital requiring more
extensive medical aid of surgical care.
8. Active involvement in the HSE Activities.
9. Prepare and monitor request for medical supplies, among others, for
daily use in the clinic as well as maintain stock cards for inventory.
Perform liaison tasks with Health Insurance Company (DAMAN) and its

accredited hospital

a. Emergency Services
1. Initial first aid treatment shall be available anywhere on the
worksite within a three minute response time.
2. Up-to-date telephone numbers of first aiders and nearest
emergency organizations (eg. Medical clinics, hospitals) shall be
clearly displayed on noticed board and communication points.
b. General treatment of injured Persons
Minor injuries, injured persons shall be evaluated and
treated according to their injuries.
Non- life threatening injuries that require a higher level of
medical treatment, the injured person can be transported by a
company vehicle to the nearest treatment center hospital.
Major injuries and injuries that are life threatening,
ambulatory services shall be called upon to transport the patient
to the nearest hospital for treatment.

No hospital Referral shall be made unless accompanied by the consultation
referral form. When cases are complicated as in severe injuries/ medical
emergencies the patient must be transported to the hospital immediately. The
following procedures must therefore be followed prior to any hospital referral.
1. The Male Nurse examines the patient. After assessment and arriving at an
initial diagnosis, he decides if the patient needs to be referred to a Hospital
for further consultation or management.
2. The patient will be referred to a Hospital with the Referral Form signed by
the Nurse. This form shall be carried by the patient if ambulatory otherwise
he shall be transported by the ambulance/ Emergency Vehicle.
3. The patient is seen at the hospital. The Physician at the hospital must fill in
the accompanying referral form indicating the nature of illness of the
patient, diagnosis and treatment and recommendations. Copy of the
completed form shall be forwarded to the project medical facility and to his
immediate supervisor for proper disposition.
4. In the event that the patient is admitted at the hospital, the project nurse
must be informed immediately and shall inform the HSE Team immediately.


a. IN every workplace, there shall be a first-aid box or cupboard
provided, maintained and readily accessible during all working hours
with the minimum prescribed contents as required by Dubai
b. First Aid boxes shall be placed in clearly identified and readily
accessible locations and contain sufficient quantity of first aid
c. It shall be placed in all office buildings and not stored in a locked
container/ cupboard/ facility. It shoiul protect the contents from
dampness and dust.

d. Contents of the first aid kits shall be based on health risk assessment.
e. First aid kits and medical supplies are inspected by the nurse at least
once per month to ensure the required contents are available,
including replenishing necessary items and replacing expired items.
f. A first aid registry shall be provided with the first aid kit to be
completed by the nurse.


a. First aid Stock/ materials shall be based on health risk assessment.
b. Medical supplies are inspected by the nurse at least once per month to
ensure the required contents are available, including discarding of expired
c. A first aid stock registry shall be completed by the nurse monthly.
d. Firs Aid Stock requisition must be for duration of four months and at least
one month earlier before the period of time allotted to.
e. Stocks/ materials must be maximized and used properly.

a. Roles and responsibilities
1. Attend regular training.
2. Practice use of specialized equipment.
3. Maintain specialized equipment as per manufacturers specifications.
4. Ensure that personnel protective equipment is maintained and
5. Pre- emergency planning.
6. Attend training and Emergency exercises, as required.
1. Members of the emergency response team shall carry out
activities as set out in the emergency response procedures and
the following:
i. Respond to the emergency as directed by the emergency
ii. Communicate the status of the situation with the emergency
iii. Hand over and brief emergency services on the arrival.
1. Clean and service used specialized equipment.
2. Replace specialized equipment as necessary.
b. Triaging
Triaging is used to prioritize casualties according to the extent of injury
suffered during a mass casualty incident. It is used to effectively and
efficiently distribute the limited resources and provide the necessary
immediate care for the victims until more help arrives.
1. Immediate/ Priority 1: Casualties whose lives are in immediate danger
and who require immediate treatment;
2. Delayed/ Priority 2: Casualties whose lives are not in immediate
danger and who will require urgent, not immediate, medical care;
3. Minimal/ Priority 3: Casualties with minor injuries who will eventually
require treatment;

4. Expectant/ No Priority): Casualties who are either dead or who have

such extensive injuries that they cannot be saved with the limited
resources available.

a. First Aid Injury Cases
- All first aid injury cases must be entered in registry form in accordance
with companys policy on record keeping.
- First aid Injury cases information must include the following:
- Name of the Injured Employee
-Date and Time
-Type or nature of Injury or Illness
-First Aid or treatment given
-References to Hospital made if any
- Male Nurse must maintain records and keep it with full confidentiality
unless needed during
investigation and audit.
b. Health Surveillance
- Health Surveillance is carried out to correlate employees health with the
nature of their work or to evaluate if their condition is compatible with their
- It must be done prior the project and annually.
- Health abnormalities must be coordinated to the Health care facility for
further assessment and medical management.
- Time to time evaluation must be carried out with those employees with
health conditions.
- Abnormal Findings must be addressed for proper action.
c. Sickness Absence Monitoring Record
- All sickness absences must be noted regardless of causative factor
whether work related or not-work related.
- Nurse must follow up employees condition upon receiving sick reports
and notice.
- Findings must be addressed for proper action through wellness awareness
- Nurse must ensure that the employee is in full recovery prior resuming or
returning to work.
- Nurse must keep copy of sick reports given by the health facility.


At a minimum, awareness programs, as far as reasonably practicable, shall
include the following:
1. Health Awareness Campaign
2. Safety in the Heat
3. Occupational Health Hazards
4. Workplace Wellness
5. Managing Work-Related Stress
6. Ergonomics/ Manual Handling
Awareness programs must be based on Health assessment conducted by the
nurse and other health related foreseeable problems based from Nurses
judgment. It must be also in accordance with the World Health Organization

(WHO) programs.
Information awareness campaign is implemented through different strategies
and it should be provided to the workers in language they can understand. Upon
assessing that there is presence of health risk or problem, Health education must
be implemented immediately.
The nurse must keep and maintain records for any awareness program done.


Any safety and Environmental incident or accident occurring at site shall be
reported to HSE team immediately. Initial investigation must be initiated
instantaneously noting the following:
a. Casualtys personal Identification (Name, Company, ID Number,
Designation, Contact No., Immediate Supervisor)
b. Type of Injury
c. Nature of Incident
d. Time of Incident
e. Date of Incident
f. Place of Incident
Male Nurse must participate on any Investigation performed for any accident
or incident occurred in extent that is necessary.

Guidelines for First Aid Requirement, DM-PH&SD-P4-TG17, Dubai
Municipality- Public Health & Safery Department, Version 2.0 2010,
Dubai, UAE.
Scope of Practice for Registered Nurses (RN),
Department, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE.



EHS RI- CoP 4.0 First Aid and Medical Treatment, Abu Dhabi EHSMS
Regulatory Framework (AD EHSMS RF) Code of Practice, Version 2.0
February 2012, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
EHS RI- CoP 6.0 Emergency Management Requirements, Abu Dhabi EHSMS
Regulatory Framework (AD EHSMS RF) Code of Practice, Version 2.0
February 2012, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
EHS RI- Mechanism 6.0 EHSMS Performance and Incident Reporting, Abu
Dhabi EHSMS Regulatory Framework (AD EHSMS RF) Code of Practice,
Version 2.1 December 2013, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

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