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ZEF Elevated Flare Specifications Johnzink

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Part 1. General

A. This section describes a candlestick flare system for the combustion of landfill
gases. The flare system must be of industrial quality and be designed
specifically for use in landfill gas service. The flare manufacturer shall have a
minimum 10 years experience in the design and manufacture of this type of
equipment and have a minimum of 25 candlestick flares in successful
operation in the United States.
B. The flare system to be supplied must be complete and operable as specified


Design Criteria
A. The landfill gas utility flare shall be designed to operate continuously at the
following operation conditions:
Landfill gas flow rate:

__________ SCFM


30% - 50% CH4

Remainder CO2, air, and inert

Lower Heating Value (LHV):

___________ BTU/SCF

LFG moisture content :
Heat release:




B. Mechanical
Design Wind Speed:
Seismic Zone:
Site Elevation:

110 mph
__________ ft above sea

Electrical Area:

Non-hazardous (unclassified)


C. Unit Design
Smokeless Capacity
Pressure Drop

<5 w.c. from inlet through
outlet of the flare


Performance Requirements
A. The candlestick flare system must be capable of achieving the following
performance requirements:
1. The flare must be capable of sustaining stable combustion with 30% 50% CH4 at the maximum required flow rate.
2. The flare must be capable of a minimum 10:1 turndown.
3. The flare exit velocity must be designed strictly in accordance with
EPA 40 CFR Ch. 1 section 60.18, but shall not exceed 100 feet per
second at any time.
4. The radiation on any point at grade shall not exceed 500 Btu/Hr-ft2
when the flare is firing at the maximum design heat release and with a
20 mph wind. This radiation is to be determined via the 3-point
method utilizing the radiant heat fractions at each point.
5. Flame shape shall be determined and be based on the momentum flux
differences between the landfill gas exiting the flare tip and the cross
wind. The landfill gas should take into account the hydrocarbon
6. Flame length shall be determined and be based on the maximum
design heat release with allowances for the molecular weight.
7. The pressure loss through the flare must be less than 5 w.c. from the
inlet flange through the outlet of the flare.
8. Emissions from the flare shall not exceed the following:
Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) - 0.068 lbs per MMBtu Fired
Carbon Monoxide (CO) - 0.37 lbs per MMBtu Fired
9. The flare shall be capable of achieving a minimum destruction
efficiency of >98% of total non-methane organic compounds

Part 2 - Products

A. All equipment shall be designed and shall perform as a minimum in
accordance with these specifications.
B. These specifications are intended to be specific in nature such that the flare
operator will not be in danger from radiant heat emitted from the flame, and to

determine the location of the flare from nearby structures, power lines, trees,
etc., based on the flame shape and flame length.

A. The landfill gas open (candlestick) flare system shall have the following items
as a minimum:

Self supporting base ring.

Carbon steel stack
Spark ignited pilot assembly
Flare tip
Ignition and control system
Ancillary Equipment

B. The equipment provided shall be designed specifically for use in landfill gas
service. All components directly supporting combustion, such as the flare tip
and pilot, must be manufactured by the flare supplier. Only ancillary
equipment, such as gas blowers, flame arrestors, and instrumentation shall be
manufactured by others.
C. The control system shall be completely assembled and tested prior to
shipment by the flare supplier at the supplier's own fabrication facility.

Equipment Description

A. Self supporting base ring

1. Minimum A-36 plate
2. Minimum diameter bolt holes
B. Carbon steel stack
1. The flare stack shall be fabricated from A106-B standard weight
carbon steel pipe up through 10 and A53-B carbon steel pipe from
12 to 16.
2. The inlet shall be a 90 entrance into the stack.
3. The inlet shall project a minimum of 10 from the stack and terminate
with a 150# ANSI FFSO flange.
4. The inlet nozzle shall contain one (1) 1/2 FNPT connection on the top
of the nozzle for a temperature switch to be mounted.
5. A carbon steel inclined floor plate at least 4 below the lowest part of
the inlet connection shall be seal welded to the interior of the stack
with one (1) 1 3000# FNPT connection located as a low point drain
connection above the inclined plate, on the down slope side.
C. Spark ignited pilot assembly

1. The pilot shall be spark ignited.

2. The spark plug shall be located no closer than 5-0 from the end of
the flare tip and shall be located in a position that is not considered a
low point, that can collect water.
3. The pilot shall consist of an ignition rod internal to the pilot assembly
and shall be weather proof such that rain or condensation will not
cause the ignition rod to arc out in a location other than the pilot tip.
4. The arc (spark) that ignites the flare pilot shall be located at the pilot
tip, such that the base of the pilot flame is directly adjacent to the arc
5. The pilot shall consist of a cast iron self-inspirating capable of
achieving the air/gas mixture required for proper pilot flame stability.
This eductor shall have a windshield around the inlet air opening such
that a cross-wind will not affect the operation of the pilot.
6. The gas inlet connection to the pilot eductor shall be FNPT.
7. The pilot tip shall be made from stainless steel and shall be positioned
such that the main flare tip is ignited easily.
D. Flare Tip
1. The flare tip shall be a minimum length of 5-0.
2. The flare tip shall be 304 stainless steel schedule 10S pipe of the same
diameter as that of the carbon steel stack.
3. The flare tip shall be continuously welded to the carbon steel flare
stack with a 309 SS weld.
4. The flare tip shall incorporate integral flame retention for increased
flame stability.
5. The flare tip wind shield shall be fabricated from 309/310 stainless
6. The wind shield shall be designed to educt the proper amount of air
into the flame zone for stable combustion throughout the flow range.
7. The flare tip shall have one (1) type K thermocouple assembly with
310 stainless steel sheathing mounted to the stack for sizes 4 through
8 and two (2) type K thermocouple assemblies with 310 stainless
steel sheathing for sizes 10 through 16. Each thermocouple shall be
located such that it detects the main flame throughout the entire design
operating range.
E. Control System
Provide a complete and operational control system designed for
480V/3ph/60hz incoming power and step-down as required to successfully
operate the blower(s) and flare system. The control system shall be
supplied with the following items completely pre-assembled on a
structural steel rack:

1. One (1) weatherproof single phase power transformer to convert

electrical power service from 480 V to 120 V.
2. One (1) weatherproof Flare Control Panel including the following
instrumentation for safe, overall system operation and control:

Allen Bradley Programmable Logic Controller or equal

Honeywell DR 4500 Truline digital circular chart recorder for
recording flow.
Automation Direct 6 touch screen display or equal.

The following switch and lights are required on the front of the control
panel, as a minimum:
Panel Power (On/Off) switch
Power ON light (white)
Flare operating light (green)
Flare shutdown light (red)
The following flare system status is required on the touch screen display,
as a minimum:

Flare start up status

Thermocouple status (normal or cooling)
Pilot gas ON/OFF status
Igniter ON/OFF status
Pilot proved status
Auto valve status
Blower status
Flare thermocouple temperatures
Flame arrester thermocouple temperature

The following switches/settings are required on the touch screen display,

as a minimum.

System control (Local Off Remote)

Blower control (Hand Off Auto)
Main thermocouple setpoint
Pilot thermocouple setpoints
Reset switch
Alarm acknowledgement switch

The following alarms are required on the touch screen display, as a


Manual stop
Pilot flame failure

Flame arrester high temperature

Auto valve failure
Blower failure
Main flame failure

3. One (1) pilot gas control system including pressure regulator, failclosed shutdown valve, manual block valve, and pressure indicator.
4. Weatherproof combination motor starter for each gas blower.
The following components shall be installed on or mounted to the flare
1. One (1) weatherproof Ignition Panel with 6000 V transformer mounted
to the stack for intermittent pilot ignition.
2. Main flame thermocouples.
3. One (1) pilot assembly with integral thermocouple.
The control station and instrumentation shall be assembled and wired
completely in a facility approved by Underwriters Laboratories and shall
be functionally tested prior to shipment simulating actual operation.
F. Ancillary Equipment
1. A flame arrester with aluminum body and removable, internal
aluminum element shall be installed at the flare inlet flange.
2. An automatic block valve assembly consisting of a high performance
butterfly valve with 316 stainless steel disc and Teflon seal, and a failclosed pneumatic actuator shall be supplied.
2. Gas blowers with totally enclosed, fan cooled motors (TEFC) shall
supply the enclosed flare with landfill gas.
3. A moisture separator vessel with flanged inlet and outlet connections,
stainless steel demister element capable of removing 99% of water
droplets 10 micron and larger from landfill gas, differential pressure
gauge, and level gauge shall be supplied.
4. A suitable amount of thermocouple and ignition wire shall be supplied.
Part 3 - System Operation

A. The flare system shall safely destroy 98% of the organic compounds
generated by solid waste.
B. The system shall be controlled by a programmable logic controller (PLC)
which receives and transmits signals with respect to operating conditions. If
an unacceptable operating condition occurs, the system shall discontinue

C. System operation shall include an initial timed ignition sequence, and fail-safe
D. System shutdown shall result pilot flame failure, main flame failure, automatic
block valve failure, and flame arrester high temperature.
F. Individual thermocouples shall monitor both pilot flame and main flame.

System Control Selection

System operation begins automatically by selecting either local or remote system
control. Local control requires interaction at the control panel to start and stop
operation. Remote control allows starting and stopping operation without
interaction at the control panel.


Operating Permissives
System operation is permitted only after confirming two safety conditions exist.
The closed limit switch for the automatic block valve must be satisfied, proving a
closed valve position. Additionally, the pilot and main thermocouples must not
detect the presence of flame.


Ignition Sequence
When the flare Start switch is selected, the pilot gas solenoid valve opens
automatically, supplying gas to the pilot, the "Pilot Gas ON" status is indicated,
and the ignition transformer energizes. The ignition transformer continues for ten
seconds and then the pilot thermocouple verifies flame is present. The "Pilot
Proved" status indicates and the pilot gas solenoid valve remains open.


Gas Supply
Once pilot flame is detected, the automatic block valve opens, operation of the
selected gas blower begins, supplying gas to the flare, and the Blower On" status
is indicated. After the open limit switch for the automatic block valve is
achieved, the pilot gas solenoid valve closes and the "Igniter OFF" status is
indicated. While the main thermocouple verifies flame is present, system
operation continues. If the open limit switch for the automatic block valve is not
achieved within twenty seconds, the "Auto Valve failure alarm is indicated on
the display, and system operation discontinues.

Part 4 - System Failure


Automatic Block Valve Failure

If the open or closed limit switch on the automatic block valve indicates improper
valve position at any time during start up or operation, the Automatic Block Valve
Failure alarm will be indicated on the display and the unit will shut down.


Pilot Flame Failure and Shutdown

Pilot Flame Failure occurs, during the ignition sequence, when the pilot
thermocouple is unable to detect the presence of pilot flame. When Pilot Flame
Failure occurs, system operation is interrupted momentarily. Then the entire
ignition sequence is repeated automatically. A shutdown occurs only after three
consecutive failures, or unsuccessful attempts. Once Pilot Flame Shutdown
occurs, the "Pilot Flame Failure" alarm is indicated and system operation


Main Flame Failure and Shutdown

Main Flame Failure occurs, once the ignition sequence is complete, when the
main thermocouple is unable to detect the presence of main flame. When Main
Flame Failure occurs, system operation is interrupted momentarily. Then the
entire ignition sequence is repeated automatically. A Shutdown occurs only after
three consecutive Failures, or unsuccessful attempts. Once Main Flame
Shutdown occurs, the "Main Flame Failure" alarm is indicated and system
operation discontinues.


Flame Arrester High Temperature

Flame Arrester High Temperature occurs when the temperature switch on the face
of the flame arrester detects the presence of a flame, indicating a flash back. This
will immediately cause a shutdown and the Flame Arrester High Temp alarm
will be indicated.

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