Overview of Micro-EDM Process Parameters in Machining: Himani Saxena, Hitesh Kumar, Sushil Shukla
Overview of Micro-EDM Process Parameters in Machining: Himani Saxena, Hitesh Kumar, Sushil Shukla
Overview of Micro-EDM Process Parameters in Machining: Himani Saxena, Hitesh Kumar, Sushil Shukla
: 2319 1805
Shri Ram Murti Smark College Of Engineering And Technology Bareilly , Mechanical Engg. Deptt.
----------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT-----------------------------------------------------Due to the high precision and good surface quality that it can give, EDM is potentially an important process for the fabrication of micro-tools, micro-components and parts with micro-features. Micro-EDM process is based on the thermoelectric energy between the workpiece and an electrode. Micro-EDM is a newly developed method to produce micro-parts which in the range of 50 m -100 m. Micro-EDM is an efficient machining process for the fabrication of a micro-metal hole with various advantages resulting from its characteristics of non-contact and thermal process. A pulse discharges occur in a small gap between the work piece and the electrode and at the same time removes the unwanted material from the parent metal through the process of melting and vaporization. This paper presents some recent developments in micro-EDM in its various forms (wire, drilling, milling and die-sinking) and discusses the main research issues. In this paper, the Taguchi design approach has been employed to investigate the micro-EDM parameters in order to achieve the highest Material Removal Rate (MRR), good surface quality and low Tool Wear Rate (TWR) while machining Ni-Ti based Shape Memory Alloy (SMA),it has been observed that MRR is highly influenced by capacitance, discharge voltage and depends upon electrode material. TWR was found to be better at low energy levels. This paper describes the characteristics, parameters of material removal rate and the tool wear rate that are essential in the Micro-EDM process.
Micro Electrical Discharge machining is quite similar with the principals of Electrical Discharge Machining. According to Z. Katz and C.J Tibbles from the ar ticle Analysis of micro-scale EDM process states that Electro discharge machining (EDM) is a thermal process that uses electrical discharges to erode electrically conductive materials. EDM has a high capability of machining the accurate cavities of dies and molds (H. Zarepur, A. Fadaei Tehrani, D. Karimi, S. Amini, 2007). EDM is an effective technique in the production of micro components that are smaller than 100m. EDM is a contactless process that exerts every small force on both the work piece and tool electrode. EDM is a process that provides an alternative method to produce microstructures. It is also states that the micro EDM is similar to the principal of macro EDM where the process mechanism is based on an electro-thermal process that relies on a discharge through a dielectric in order to supply heat to the surface of the work piece. The current causes the heating of the dielectric, the work piece, and the electrode. The dielectric forms a channel of partially ionized gas Micro-holes are produced by different machining techniques but among all the machining processes, micro-EDM is considered as the best process for producing micro-holes because of its many advantages such as low apparatus cost, high aspect ratio and capability to fabricate hard-to-cut materials. Micro-EDM has similar characteristics as that of EDM except a difference in the size of the tool, discharge energy and axes movements which are generally in micron-levels . Micro-EDM is a spark erosion process in which machining is performed by a sequence of electrical discharge generated by an electric pulse generator at short intervals between tool electrode and workpiece (conductive materials). During the electrical discharge, evaporation and melting of the workpiece takes place. Micro-EDM is the main process for producing diesel and gasoline injection nozzles generally with a hole diameter less than 200m. Micro-EDM is also used for producing micro-holes in a turbine blade for cooling effect in aeronautics applications. M.P. Jahan et al. studied the quality of micro holes produced by micro-EDM and investigated the influence of parameters on the performance of micro-EDM of WC in obtaining high quality micro-holes, good surface finish and circularity. Pradhan studied the optimization of micro-EDM parameters for machining Ti-6Al-4V super alloy by using Taguchi Method for the responses MRR, TWR, overcut (OC) and taper. The optimal combination levels were obtained using ANOVA and S/N ratio graphs. In this research work, an attempt has been made to study the effects of parameters which influence the micro electro-discharge machining of Ni-Ti alloy on the responses such as MRR, TWR.
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Based on the journal Rapid Biocompatible Micro Device Fabrication by Micro Electro-Discharge Machining by M. Murali & S. H. Yeo. Micro EDM is based on a simple theory, when two electrodes is separated by a dielectric medium, come closer to each other, the dielectric medium that is initially non conductive breaks down and becomes conductive. During this period sparks will be generated between the electrodes. The thermal energy released will be used for the material removal by melting and evaporation. By precisely controlling the amount energy released, it is possible to machine micro features on any electrically conductive material.Discharge occurs at high frequencies between 103 and 106 hertz since the metal removal per discharge is very small. For every pulse, discharge occurs at a particular location where the electrode materials are evaporated or ejected in the molten phase then a small crater is generated both on the tool electrode and workpiece surfaces. The removed material are then cooled and re-solidified in the dielectric liquid forming several hundreds of spherical debris particles which will be flushed away from the gap by the dielectric flow. At the end of the discharge duration, the temperature of the plasma and the electrode surfaces that is in contact of the plasma rapidly drops, resulting in the recombination of ions and electrons also the recovery of the dielectric breakdown strength. To obtain stable condition in EDM, it is important for the next pulse discharge occur at a spot distanced sufficiently far from the previous discharge location. This is because the previous location will result in having a small gap and it is contaminated with debris particles which may weaken the dielectric breakdown strength of the liquid. The time interval for the next discharge pulse should be long so that the plasma that is generated by the previous discharge can be fully de-ionized and the dielectric breakdown strength around the previous discharge location can be recovered by the time the next voltage charge is applied. If happens that the discharges occurs at the same location, resulting in thermal overheating and non-uniform erosion of the workpiece .
The experimental set-up shown in the fig.1 has been used to study the micro-EDM process. This set up can be used for both machining and investigating the micro-holes through microscope lenses without removing the workpiece from the worktable. The present experimental set-up used to study the micro-EDM process consists of a RC type generator. This generator can produce pulses from few tens of nano-seconds to few micro-seconds. The power supply can vary voltage levels from 45V to 120 V. An Optical microscope is used to investigate the micro-holes formed by micro-EDM set up. Fig. 2 shows a schematic diagram of -EDM. The workpiece material used for investigation consisted of Ni-Ti based Shape Memory Alloys. The electrode (tool) materials used were tungsten and brass cylindrical rod with a diameter of 100m. Though, there are many commercially available dielectric fluids, kerosene was used as a dielectric fluid.
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MRR is an important response because it largely determines the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the process. The MRR is calculated as the average of the material removed to the machining time and generally expressed in cubic millimeters per minute. The general Volume formula considered for MRR in a workpiece was Volume of a conical frustum and cylindrical volume over the machining time was adopted for TWR to make a through hole as given below. Material Removal Rate (MRR) = {/3 [R2t + Rt R b + R2 b] x p} t Where, Rt and Rb are the radius at the entrance and bottom of the micro -hole. p is the thickness of work piece material and t is the machining time to make a micro-hole. Tool Wear Rate (TWR) = {( D2 q)/4t} Where D is the tool diameter, q is the frontal electrode wear andt is the time to machine a through hole. Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM) micrographs were used to measure after machining. The reduction in electrode length due to wear was measured by capturing images of the electrodes before and after the machining.
In theory, we can say that the process parameters of EDM and the process parameters of Micro-EDM are quite similar. This is because the working principal is the same which that both of the machining uses Electric Discharge Machining where electrodes discharges pulses and cut away the metal with help of dielectric fluid for better machining accuracy. The dielectric fluid also acts as a lubricant to ensure the machining is accurate and running smooth. We can assume that the process parameters needed in EDM and micro-EDM is similar due to the similarity explained above. It is also states that the micro EDM is similar to the principal of macro EDM where the process mechanism is based on an electro-thermal process that relies on a discharge through a dielectric in order to supply heat to the surface of the work piece (H. Zarepur, A. Fadaei Tehrani, D. Karimi, S. Amini, 2007). Discharge Voltage Peak Current Pulse Waveform Pulse Duration And Pulse Interval Polarity
Effect of EDM Parameters on Responses using S/N ratio Analysis In this experimental study, the main objective was to find out the significant factors that influenced the electric discharge machining of Ni-Ti SMA. The S/N ratios were used to analyze the responses for a given set of input parameters. The ranking of the main parameters (capacitance, discharge voltage, electrode material) affecting the MRR, TWR, Ra using S/N ratios was obtained as shown in the table 1,2,3. From these tables, it can
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In any kind of machining process, MRR is considered to be an important machining characteristic. Micro-EDM is an electric thermal process, in which the energy supplied by the generator is converted into thermal energy which results in a rise in temperature of workpiece and electrode material to remove material by means of melting and evaporation. In RC type of generators, the capacitor stores the energy and this energy is discharged during the machining process. Besides discharging energy the electrical and thermal properties of workpiece and electrode materials also plays an important role in the material removal process. It was observed that MRR increases linearly with the increase in energy levels (capacitor) and it was also observed that MRR increases with the increase in discharge voltage The increase in discharge energy leads to strong sparks, which heats up the workpiece material to a very high temperature and enhances the erosion process, resulting in higher MRR. Sometimes, variation in discharge energy leads to variations in MRR. These variations may be due to non-uniform distribution of discharge energy during machining generated by RC generator at low energy levels . The other reason for lower MRR can be small working gap i.e., the distance between the tool electrode and workpiece during machining as a result of low discharge voltage. The improper dielectric flushing in the working gap might lead to short circuiting and arching, thus reducing the MRR. From Fig.7, it is observed that all main effects and their interactions influence the MRR, but capacitance Vs discharge voltage interaction has the largest influence followed by discharge voltage Vs electrode material and capacitance Vs electrode material. In addition to the input parameters, the thermal and electrical properties of the electrode and workpiece materials have a significant effect on MRR. It was found that MRR is better using brass electrode compared to tungsten electrode material.
In micro-EDM, Tool wear rate (TWR) also plays an important role for determining the dimensional inaccuray of the micro-hole produced. It was obsereved that with an increase in discharge energy, TWR also increases . From the representing TWR main effect plot for means, it can be concluded that TWR increases with an increase in capacitance and also increases with an increase in discharge voltage for both tungsten and brass electrodes material. TWR rises with an increase in discharge energy due to access in craters size, which is formed at the machining surface as a result of more removal of material from both workpiece and the electrode material. The debris in the gap increase short circuiting and arcing and improper flushing leads to an increase in TWR. In addition to the discharge energy, workpiece and electrode material, aspect ratio, electrical and thermal properties of the materials also plays an important role in TWR during micro-EDM process . Although, it was observed that the TWR in brass electrode is higher than the tungsten electrode material. This may be due to the higher melting and boiling point of tungsten material which possess high thermal capabality with excellent wear resistnace . The type of dielectric fluid used also has significant effect on TWR. When kerosene is used as a dielectric fluid in EDM process a carbide layer is formed on the workpiece material which needs higher energy for melting and evaporation as a result Tool wear . From the interaction plot for TWR, it can be concluded that TWR is mostly influenced by capaciatnce and discharge voltage interaction, followed by the interaction of discharge voltage and electrode material.
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In this paper, an overview of the process parameters, material removal rate, types of generators, dielectric fluids and the minimum machinable size of the diameter are being discussed. This review is done based on previous and recent research on Micro-EDM. The paper focuses on the principal of micro-EDM, the types of EDM processes, dielectric fluid, and types of generators, EDM process parameters, and the material removal rate (MRR) and the tool wear ratio (TWR).This paper is essential for the development in the research to fabricate the micro-EDM with micro actuator tool feed mechanism machine.
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