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News 3

ICYMI: Roughly 60
people attend Take
Back the Night rally

Arts & Culture 5

Annual food truck festival

returns next weekend

Sports 8

Three KU players
invited to NBA
Draft Combine

MONDAY, MAY 2, 2016 | VOLUME 130 ISSUE 28



Missy Minear/KANSAN
Shaher Ibrahimi, a senior from Kansas City, Kan., will serve as one of Kansas 33 delegates at the Democratic National Convention July 25-28 in Philadelphia.

Bernie Sanders delegates passion for politics fueled by

experiences growing up in a low-income, refugee family

student has been
elected to serve as
one of Kansas 33 delegates
at the Democratic National
Convention July 25-28 in
Philadelphia. Shaher Ibrahimi, a senior from Kansas
City, Kan., will join Damien

Gilbert and Justin Kim at

the convention as a Bernie
Sanders delegate.
Ibrahimi said he took an
interest in politics from his
experiences growing up in
a refugee family who came
from Afghanistan. After
living in Section 8 Housing, or government-authorized, low-income accommodations, he realized the

effect politics has on peoples lives.

I eventually understood that politics were
played a little differently in
both of those arenas. How
do you maximize treating
everybody with respect and
dignity even if they dont
have much to offer? In
politics, its, What do you
have to offer? and then,

Ill try and do something

for you, he said.
The convention Ibrahimi, Gilbert and Kim will
attend is the formal nominating process for the
democratic candidates for
president and vice president of the United States.
Each state is given a proportional amount of delegates and superdelegates

to award a candidate. Delegates pledge their vote at

the national convention to
a candidate based on the
results of the state primary
or caucus. Superdelegates
are not bound to support
either candidate.
Ibrahimi said his interest in this particular election, and his pledged support to Sanders, centers on

shifting the window of political discussion to a more

liberal line of thinking. He
compared Sanders candidacy to that of Franklin
Roosevelt in the 1930s.
Bernie right now is
almost in the same sense
a New Deal democrat as
FDR was back then, he

Fundraising event will

benefit Lawrence Shelter

Students Empowering Local

Futures, a University student organization, works with the Lawrence Community Shelter to raise
awareness about the homeless
community. On May 4, the student volunteers and Lawrence
shelter will host a fundraising

You cant help but

realize that these are
people just like us.
Alex Kong
co-founder of SELF

Alex Kong, a senior from Lawrence who co-founded the organization last fall, said he hopes
the event raises both money and
awareness for the shelter's growing opportunity to help guests.
Drew VonEhrenkrook, director of employment and jobs at
the shelter, said the event is not
something the regular shelter
staff would necessarily have time
to coordinate, and he was especially thankful for SELF and the
student volunteers.
I think its great that we can
showcase not only these wonderful volunteers and what theyre
doing but getting these stories out
there as well, VonEhrenkrook
said. I think what [people who
attend the event] will come away
with is the resilience these individuals have. Getting that awareness out there is incredibly helpful
to our cause.
Kong said he began volunteering at the shelter a year ago. He
began by helping guests fill out
online applications for jobs and

housing. He said he wanted to

increase his outreach when he realized his role allowed him to only
help one guest at a time due to the
shelter only having one computer.
Kong formed the group when
he began working with other students. Kong said SELF has been
able to provide the Lawrence
Community Shelter with 15 computers and put together an after-school program for children at
the shelter. The organization has
also arranged a series of monthly
health presentations.
You cant help but realize that
these are people just like us that,
especially as college students, we
can just be a step or two away
from the same situation from
having that financial instability,
Kong said.
He said one of the goals is to
raise awareness of Lawrence's
homeless community.
"We take it kind of personally
when we see in other news sources that people are digging on the
shelter and doing that without
realizing who the population is,"
he said.
The group will hold a fundraising event at 7 p.m. May 4 at Macelis Banquet Hall & Catering on
1031 New Hampshire St. Tickets
for the event, which can be purchased at the shelter website, are
$25 and include a full meal.
Kong said the goal is to have
100 attendees at the fundraiser,
which would raise $1,300 for the
shelter. He said there will also be a
silent auction with donated items
from various partners around the
community, which could raise the
event total to around $3,000.
Edited by Skylar Rolstad

AP Photo
The Kansas University rowing team practices on the Kansas River under threatening clouds as a storm front moves over Lawrence, Kan.
early Tuesday morning, April 26, 2016.

Lack of Douglas County community tornado

shelters a complicated issue, officials say

As spring comes around in Kansas again, eyes turn to the sky nervously with every thunderstorm that
rolls through. The possibility of a tornado is an annual ritual those in the
Midwest are used to.
Dangerous weather is sometimes
synonymous with finding shelter. However, Douglas County and
Lawrence do not have designated
shelters, and officials say the issue is
complicated to address.
According to the National Weather Service, there were 40 tornadoes
in the state of Kansas during 2014.
Between 1950 and 2014 there were
39 tornadoes in Douglas County,
causing 48 injuries and 1 death.
Jillian Rodrigue, the assistant
director of emergency management
for Douglas County, said shelters
for severe weather have been a topic discussed by the County and City
Commissions but have never been
addressed due to the complexity of
the issue.
Theres a conversation around
storm shelters just about every year.
Its very difficult because of the
guidelines surrounding shelters,

Rodrigue said. There are specific

rules for storm shelters regarding a
certain amount of time in which you
can get them open and then close
them and also about how many shelters to have within a certain proximity that allows people to get there
within the time frame. Its something
that the commissions have decided
not to do thus far.
City of Lawrence Building Safety
Manager Barry Walthal said building
codes play a big part in the designation of storm shelters.
When a storm shelter is built into
a new building it affects the standard
of the construction, Walthal said. If
a space or building is not constructed with the appropriate features or
its not designed to withstand severe
weather then it cant be designated
as a public shelter.
Rodrigue said having public shelters would also require someone to
open the shelters in severe weather
situations, which could endanger
people leaving their homes to seek
out the shelters.
The biggest problem is the potential for people to leave good shelters to seek out public storm shelters
and put themselves in danger while
doing so, Rodrigue said. The guid-

ance we give is for people to move to

an inner room in their home with no
windows during a tornado.
Walthal said conversations that
have occurred regarding community
shelters have focused around mandating new buildings be built with
storm shelters in the plans, but no
action has been taken.
The code used by the city for
storm shelters give outlines on designs for individual shelters all the
way up to community shelters, but
there isnt anything currently mandating the building or designation of
shelters for the public, he said.
Teri Smith, the director of Douglas County Emergency Management,
said community shelters are an issue
that often come up in the after action discussions, which are done annually after every storm season.
Our after action reviews are an
opportunity to address questions
that the community has about storm
safety, and community shelters has
been brought up on different occasions, Smith said. Its an ongoing
discussion. We really want to look at
it and determine what is best for everyone in the community.
Edited by G.J. Melia



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said. But FDR was way
more accepted because of
the fact that it was acceptable at that time for that
window to be there and
that platform to be present.
The people werent so apprehensive about it. They
werent afraid of some of
his beliefs.
After following Sanders
as a politician, Ibrahimi
said he realized that Sanders was often right about

the issues he was passionate about, which translated into him being the right
presidential candidate for
the country.
When Bernie got into
the race, I felt like he was
the candidate the country
needs at this moment in
time to say what needs to
be said and do what needs
to be done, and to not sign
off on any bills that are going to compromise his beliefs, he said.
The convention provides democrats in Kansas,

a typically conservative
state, to have their voice
heard on a national scale,
Kim said.
Kansas democrats do
have a real say in this situation because theyre separate from the republican
field, he said. Thats one
thing I was really excited
about is the fact that this
is a real decision and a real
voice you have for participating and choosing the
candidate you want the
party to support.
According to the As-


sociated Press, Sanders
opponent Hillary Clinton
has nearly 90 percent of
the necessary delegates
to clinch the democratic
nomination for presidency. However, Ibrahimi said
that would not dissuade
him and other Sanders
supporters from going to
Philadelphia in July and
pushing a more progressive agenda.
What Bernie came out
and said [April 28], is that
no matter what happens,
we are going to take our

delegates to Philadelphia
at the Democratic Convention, and we are going to
push the most progressive
agenda the democratic party has seen, he said. And
thats worthwhile, because
changing the democratic
narrative is very important.
Edited by Brendan

Proposal approved in Kansas House

changes judicial selection process
proposal approved in the
Kansas House gives the
secretary of state a role in
how the nine-member commission that names three
finalists for each high court
vacancy elects its members.
The bill approved Saturday requires that the
secretary of state receive a
roster of lawyers eligible to
participate in the elections
of the commission's attorney members. Another provision gives the authority
for counting ballots cast by
lawyers for the commission
members to the attorney
general and secretary of
Currently, two or more
licensed lawyers chosen by
the chief justice serve as
the canvassers. Democratic
Rep. John Carmichael, of
Wichita, said that change
violates the separation of
powers between government branches.
"There has never in 50
years been any suggestion
of any form of impropriety
in connection with those
elections," Carmichael told
The Associated Press. "They
run efficiently and inexpensively under the direct su-

pervision of the clerk of the

Kansas Supreme Court."
Following a turbulent
passage through the chamber, Representatives voted
72-50 Saturday in favor of
the bill. The Kansas House
initially voted 57-56 against
a version of the bill to give
the governor a bigger voice
in who is nominated for
the Kansas Supreme Court,
but later voted 64-56 to reconsider so that lawmakers
could draft a new version.
The bill came amid
broad discontent from Gov.
Sam Brownback and other conservatives over the
court's rulings against the
state on school funding and
overturning death penalty
They said the decision
to overturn death sentences for brothers Jonathan
and Reginald Carr for the
killings of four people in
Wichita in December 2000
argues for the need to reassess the selection process.
The state's high court
judges are chosen by a nonpartisan nominating commission consisting of five
attorneys elected by other
lawyers and four public
members selected by the
governor. One of the five
attorneys is the chairman.
When a Supreme Court

Conner Mitchell/KANSAN
Gov. Sam Brownback in his office, after signing a bill into law.

opening occurs, the commission chooses three finalists whose names are sent
to the governor for a final
Currently, the chief justice of the Supreme Court
chooses replacements if
the chairman or attorney
commission members resign before their terms are
completed. Negotiators removed a controversial provision in the bill that would
have allowed the governor
to appoint replacements instead.
The current judicial selection system arose after
a 1957 scandal in which the
incumbent governor was

defeated in the Republican

primary and resigned. The
lieutenant governor then
appointed him to fill a vacant Supreme Court seat.
Attorneys became part
of the election process to
avoid favoritism.
Supreme Court nominating commission selections also would now be
open to the state's open
meetings and records acts,
which Republican Rep.
John Barker, of Abilene,
said would increase transparency. "I would like to
see how the attorneys vote
on ... the judiciary committee."
But Carmichael argued

States redistricting plan will likely

give Lawrence more legislative seats
Six years before it has to
be done, state and federal
officials are already talking
about redistricting of congressional and legislative
districts in Kansas.

Its a long process,

so we want to get information out early so
folks can start preparing.
Michael Ratcliffe
census bureau assistant
division chief

The new maps for political districts aren't due

in Kansas until 2022. But
officials from the U.S. Census Bureau met with the
state Legislature's research
department last week to
discuss the process and get
familiar with data and computer software that will be
used, The Lawrence Journal-World reported.
The next census will be
in 2020 and states have two
years after that to draw new
political maps.
"It's a long process, so
we want to get information
out early so folks can start
preparing whatever material they need geographic
information; software
so they can start thinking
about how they're going
to implement the program
when it comes time to ac-

tually start redistricting,"

said Michael Ratcliffe, the
Census Bureau's assistant
division chief for geographic
standards in Washington.
The census counts each
state's residents and maps
them into geographic units
known as census "blocks."
Legislatures use that data
to draw maps that are supposed to be as equal in population as possible.
The process is often controversial. In 2012, Kansas
lawmakers were unable to
draw a redistricting plan of
their own, leaving the job to
a three-judge federal court
An estimated 2.9 million
people currently live in
Kansas, about
more than the
the 2010 census. Kansans
areas into the
state's larger
cities, particularly Kansas
City and Lawrence,
Ratcliff said
that trend is
likely to continue.
"Some of
counties out
here in Kansas, Nebraska

and the Dakotas hit their

peaks in the late 1800s, others in the early part of the
20th century," he said. "And
that's happening all across
the country, really, not just
out here."
The shift likely means
the next round of redistricting will leave Kansas City,
Lawrence and Wichita metropolitan areas with more
seats in the Kansas Legislature, with fewer rural legislators. That could lead to
significant changes in how
the state's four congressional districts are configured.
It appears the First district,
which covers all of western
Kansas and much of central

Kansas will become larger

geographically, while the
Second and Third Districts
of eastern Kansas, and the
Fourth District around
Wichita will become smaller
The state officials who
met at the Statehouse won't
be involved in those decisions. They will manage
the data files and software
programs that allow lawmakers and others to draw
maps and submit their proposals for the new districts.
"We provide the data.
The states then do the
work. We stay out of that,"
Ratcliffe said.

that the measure still poses

"serious constitutional concerns."
"You do not make this
major change and risk constitutional infirmities without some good reason to do
so," Carmichael said. "This
legislation is unnecessary."


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Lawrence community Takes Back

the Night to protest sexual violence

Missy Minear/KANSAN
Activists participate in the Take Back the Night march to South Park on April 28.


or survivors of assault
and sexual violence,
nighttime can represent a dark and dangerous
space. But on Thursday
night, students took to the
streets, shared their stories and spoke out against
sexual violence, rape culture and victim blaming at
Take Back the Night.
It came from the sexual assault movement to address the fact that we dont
feel safe at night, said Rachel Gadd-Nelson, director
of community engagement
at the Sexual Trauma and
Abuse Care Center. And
we are going to take up
space and we are going
to take back the night in a
way that will kind of rally
the community together
against sexual assault.
Gadd-Nelson said Take
Back the Night is a national
event and has been happening in Lawrence for several
decades, although the operation has switched hands
a few times over the years.
Starting with the Willow
Domestic Violence Center,
it was later run by the Emily
Taylor Center for Women
and Gender Equity, and in
recent years has been taken
over by the Care Center.
The night kicked off in
the plaza outside the Kansas Union with a satirical,
musical performance by
Jenn Freitag, a sexual violence educator and activist. Her solo performance
piece, entitled, I Want My
Jacket Back, spoke to her
personal experiences with
sexual violence, as well as
sexuality and gender identity. Freitag tackled each topic with a bit of mirth, sarcasm and plenty of vibrato.
One of the reasons I
started writing songs was
because I needed a little bit
of lightness, Freitag said.
I needed a way to think
about these issues that
didnt make me feel terrible about the world. And
I think I still kind of feel a
little bit terrible about the
things that are going on in
the world, but also, I find
there is something about
singing silly songs about
gender and about these
kinds of things, that invites
some more conversations
about these issues in a little
bit different kind of way.
After Freitags performance, students and community members marched
from the Union to Lawrences South Park on Massachusetts Street. Waving
rainbow flags and holding
signs, the group of about
50 people marched down
12th Street chanting phrases such as, Whatever we
wear, wherever we go, yes
means yes, no means no
and, We have the pow-

er. We have the right, the

streets are ours, take back
the night.
Caitlin Crawford, a senior from Lawrence and a
marcher at Take Back the
Night, said she feels the
event is about reclaiming
a space shes currently excluded from.
I just think it says the
nighttime is a place for
everyone, Welch said.
My friends always tell
me, Dont walk through
the parking lot, but why
shouldnt that be a place
that Im allowed to be, and
it should be a place that
youre allowed to be.
Although the march had
been omitted in past years,
Gadd-Nelson said they decided to bring back the tradition last year in light of
recent events on campus.
That was really intentional, Gadd-Nelson said.
We wanted to bring campus and community together, knowing last year it
was April of 2015 we had
spent the whole year with
all the student activism, all
the increased focus. So we
thought that it was not just
a way to wrap up Sexual
Assault Awareness Month,
but also just wrapping up
the year, saying, Its been
a really hard year, for survivors.

We have the
power. We have
the right. The
streets are ours.
Take back the
Take Back the Night
participant chant

Annie Lacy, a senior

from Kansas City, Kan., was
another marcher at Take
Back the Night. She said
she thinks speaking about
nighttime and sexual assault is particularly important in a town like Lawrence.
I think it says a lot that
were doing this in a college
town, Lacy said. Theres
a lot of us, a lot of us going
out at night, its like a party-town type deal, you want
to feel safe when youre
walking home, and you
dont want to drive home
after youve been drinking.
The march from the
Union ended in South Park
where individuals were able
to meet with local sexual assault prevention organizations and hear from student
Kynnedi Grant, a junior
from St. Louis, spoke to the
crowd about the emotional difficulties surrounding
her own experience with
assault, and her work as
a co-founder of the social
justice student group Rock

Chalk Invisible Hawk.

energy if they are genuinely ence members gathered in a
Grant said after becom- willing to reciprocate it.
candle-lit circle where they
ing somewhat of a public
Grant wrapped up by were able to confidently
figure due to her advocacy telling the audience to focus share their own experiencwork, she has faced an on- on conserving themselves es with assault and sexual
slaught of doubt and criti- and left them with one part- violence.
cism. She said in many in- ing piece of advice.
After the campus events
stances of abuse, one of the
Your self-worth is tan- over the past few years,
most traumatic experienc- gential, only tangential to Gadd-Nelson
es for a survivor is victim the way people speak about thinks many people are
you, what people think afraid the conversation
Something in assault, about you, Grant said. around assault and sexual
of all forms, that we often And there are very few violence will fade away, and
overlook is the second as- people who have the priv- that Take Back the Night
sault, Grant said. And ilege of truly knowing who gives people the opportuniwhat that second assault you are.
ty to keep the conversation
includes is victim blaming,
After Grants talk, audi- rolling.
people challenging you, people
questioning the
feasibility of the
things that you
have happened to
you, people that
will discuss your
integrity, and really do anything
you because they
feel entitled to
your space and
entitled to your
After speaking
about her assault
at the Nov. 11
Town Hall Meeting, Grant said
she felt trapped,
overwhelmed and
Feeling like
if I had just kept
my mouth shut,
I wouldnt be
Missy Minear/KANSAN
here, she said.
That it was me Junior Mercedes Bounthapanya, left, and sophomore Kimberly Mai march down 12th
who caused all of Street as part of the Take Back the Night march to South Park.
the commotion,
me who spoke
out against the
system, me that
challenged folks.
But the reason I
challenged was
that I genuinely
believed we could
all do better.
Grant said recovering from her
assault and the
doubt surrounding it has been
a difficult road,
and that the best
thing survivors
can do is find
people who have
their best interests at heart.
that Take Back
the Night has inspired me to believe is that you
dont owe anyone
said. I say this is
much easier said
than done, but
you should only
allow people to
have space and
take some of your

So I hope that folks will

feel like they have a voice
and can get involved and
that this is still relevant,
Gadd-Nelson said. Its not
just, Oh we fixed it, now
were good. Its something
that were going to have to
work at.

Edited by G.J. Melia

Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue
Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings

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4"563%": KVMZ



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4"563%": "6(645

Flux Pavilion
56&4%": "6(645




Text your #FFA

submissions to
How did the Blackeyed
Peas become the
Nickleback of hip
When you have no
idea how you paid for
dinner/drinks or got
home, it must have
been a good night
Wash your hands.
Why did I wait until
the day before a 2000
word paper worth
20 percent of my
grade was due to start
writing it

Illustration by Jake Kaufmann/KANSAN

Liston: Professional research and social

change must drive suicide prevention

"Don't Let Me Be The

Last To Know" is an
underrated Britney
Spears track
It's geocaching
My cousin got
engaged last night
and this morning I
found a fun-sized twix
in my backpack. All
in all its been a good
day for the family.
Beyonc's new album
really made me mad
at the boyfriend I don't
Going from one job to
another job right after
your first job's shift is
Sleep. One week away.
A gingerbread man
sits in his gingerbread
house. Is the house
made of his flesh? Or
is he made of house?
Sometimes I think
life is rough, then I
remember I don't live
in Indiana and realize
it could be much
Let's go, Royals! (clap
clap, clap clap clap)
I'm ready for selfdriving cars.
Last Saturday, I
slept in after eating
a whole pizza.
Then, I remembered
it was Tuesday.



n 2014, the suicide rate in

the United States reached
a 30-year high, according
to a report by the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention. The age-adjusted rate
increased by 24 percent from
1999 through 2014.
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US,
according to the American
Foundation for Suicide Prevention. It is, however, a topic that people seldom want to
discuss. Because of the stigma that surrounds suicide,

there is relatively little specific information regarding why

people choose suicide.
While the reasons people
choose suicide are complex
and oftentimes numerous,
we must not give up on trying
to understand and address
these issues. We need to develop effective strategies and
treatments for people struggling with suicidal thoughts.
In order to develop prevention methods, we must
heavily invest in researching
suicide and mental health issues. One such study comes
from the University of Kansas itself.
Yo Jackson, a professor in
the clinical child psychology
program and the psychology/applied behavioral science departments, recently
received a five-year, $3.7 million grant from the National
Institute of Mental Health to
conduct research on childhood trauma. Although the
study does not focus specifi-

cally on suicide, trauma can

contribute to other psychological issues throughout a
persons life and the decision
for suicide.
Studies such as Jacksons
can yield important insight
into the psychological, biological and environmental
factors that contribute to
mental health issues. Professional research, though, is
not enough to reverse the increase in the national suicide
rate. The general public must
also be involved in order to
truly effect change.
Education is a powerful
tool in combating many issues, and it has the potential
to help combat the increase
in suicides. Educating individuals on mental health can
reduce the existing stigma.
By implementing lessons on
mental health throughout
the educational process, students could gain a greater understanding of mental health
issues and the resources they

have to treat them.

Additionally, we must
avoid romanticizing suicide.
Suicide is a serious issue that
should not be condoned or
supported. In the case of actor Robin Williams suicide,
the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences tweeted a screenshot from Aladdin with the caption Genie,
youre free. Although the
tweet was meant as a tribute,
the description of suicide as a
form of freedom might serve
as encouragement for someone with suicidal thoughts.
A 1994 CDC report found
that nonfictional newspaper
and television coverage of
suicide has been associated
with a statistically significant
excess of suicides, especially
when portrayed as honoring the suicidal behavior of
the deceased person, rather
than mourning the persons
death. When the media or
an individual romanticizes
suicide, they can uninten-

tionally imply that suicide is

an acceptable coping mechanism.
Everyone can benefit
from learning about mental
health issues. We cannot allow conversations regarding
mental health or even suicide to be shut down because
of discomfort. We must open
the conversation and spread
awareness of the issue to as
many people as possible.
By combining social change
with professional research,
we can reverse the increase
in suicides and help those
struggling with suicidal
suicide hotline can be
reached at 785-841-2345
and the national hotline is
Ryan Liston is a
freshman from Lawrence
studying journalism.

Nasseri: Boycotting discriminatory policies

an effective way to promote social change


House Bill No. 1523, also

known as the Protecting
Freedom of Conscience from
Government Discrimination
Act, passed into law earlier this month in Mississippi. This bill protects people
who act on sincerely held
religious belief or moral
conviction, such as describing marriage exclusively as
between one man and one
woman, condemning premarital sex, and defining
biological sex as objective,
immutable and determined
at birth.
The bill allows people and
businesses to decide whether
they provide or refuse employment, housing and marriage-related services based
on their personal beliefs and
convictionswith complete

protection from punishment

by the state.
Just one year ago, thirteen states had constitutional amendments banning
same-sex marriages. Our
own Maddy Mikinski called
out certain events of 2015,
writing that it has not been a
good year for equality. However, the Supreme Courts
decision on June 26 determined that the U.S. Constitution guarantees marriage
as a fundamental right for all
These new laws and controversies are forcing our nation to deal with curious and
frustrating questions as we
look to the future. How do
overwhelmingly heteronormative systems maintain
their long-held discriminatory practices? Where should
the balance be between enforcing equality and protecting First Amendment rights?
How can ordinary people
contribute to legal and social
In spite of the Supreme
Courts marriage equality
ruling, Mississippis bill is
nothing new or unusual. As
of last month, only 18 states
prohibit discrimination in
terms of employment, hous-

ing and public accommodations based on sexual orientation, gender identity and
gender expression. There
is an obvious disconnect between federally-mandated
equality and social change.
Last month Georgia
Governor Nathan Deal vetoed a bill in his state that
paralleled the Mississippi
bill, citing the character of
Georgia as his reason for
the rejection. Other factors,
namely the threat of boycott
by companies like Disney,
Apple and AMC Networks,
undoubtedly also played a
role in his decision; the film
industry in Georgia contributed $1.7 billion to the states
economy last year, and the
potential loss of a show like
"The Walking Dead" that is
filmed in Georgia was likely
too much for the Republican
governor to take.
The failure of the Georgia
bill demonstrates hope for
the future as well as a way
that ordinary citizens can enact change within their communities. While businesses
are legally allowed to refuse
services based on customers
sexual orientation or gender identity in most states,
they are not protected from


letters to Write
email subject line.
Length: 300 words

The submission should include the

authors name, year, major and
hometown. Find our full letter to the
editor policy online at

the societal consequences

of those practices. And ordinary people can use their
money as votes, boycotting
those businesses that exercise their legally-protected
While the most prominent boycott right now is
associated with #boycottTarget, a movement in protest of
inclusive bathroom policies
for transgender individuals, choosing not to support
businesses that have refused
service or employment to
people based on their identity has been a real source of
positive social change in this
Places like college campuses are ideal places to
spread awareness of companies with discriminatory
practices, and a vocal group
of people motivated either
to support or avoid certain
businesses has the potential to enact lasting change.
Brayden King researched
how social movement boycotts often cause companies
to respond dramatically to
demonstrate their pro-social
tendencies in order to preserve their reputations. Boycotts have the potential to
benefit people immensely by

Vicky Diaz-Camacho

Gage Brock
Business Manager

pressuring companies that

did not previously endorse
pro-social values.
The 2015 Supreme Court
marriage equality ruling did
not automatically remove
bias and discrimination
throughout the land. Now,
the onus of enforcing equality falls on people at a smaller
scale. The more people call
for companies and businesses to reflect equal rights,
the more businesses will respond with statements and
practices that promote social
As the public climate
shifts, more and more people who were previously opposed will accept equal rights
for all people. This change is
slow and gradual and likely
will never be fully accepted
by all (a pesky 7% of Millennials surveyed in 2009 opposed interracial marriage,
for instance). But even in
spite of laws that protect discrimination, people working
cooperatively have the power to promote, enforce and
maintain social change.
Brook Nasseri is a
sophomore from Topeka
studying microbiology and
Members of the Kansan
Editorial Board are Vicky
Diaz-Camacho, Kate Miller,
Gage Brock and Maddy

arts & culture




Aries (March 21-April

Theres profitable work
available. Discover a
structural problem and
search for solutions. Things
are not as they seem, so
stick to facts. Become more
efficient. Get expert assistance. An intensely creative
moment flowers naturally.
Taurus (April 20-May
Choose happiness. Sometimes the choice is only the
beginning and sometimes
its the thing itself. Consider
the consequences before
acting. Polish your presentation and share. Learn by
doing what you love.
Gemini (May 21-June
Consider new possibilities. Organize and
make financial plans. To
advance, resolve an issue
with a partner that seemed
stuck. Venture outside your
comfort zone. Study recent
developments. Discover
unimagined options.
Cancer (June 21-July
Theres more work coming
in. Close the books on an
old deal. Invest in efficiency
without over-extending.
Think it over from different
views before committing.
Resupply locally. Collaboration amplifies the possibilities. Visualize perfection.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
A lucrative opportunity
appears. Resolve illusive
details. Look from anothers
view. Co-workers see what
you miss. Let go of habits
that dont work. Keep your
agreements. Ignore negativity, while maintaining a
practical outlook.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept.
Draw up the plan. Study
different options. Dont
rush into anything. Find
a creative way to save.
Neatness counts. Err on the
side of caution. Determine
who will do what, and by
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.
Keep practicing and your
skills improve. The rules
may seem to change midgame. Old assumptions get
challenged, and differences
of opinion could disrupt.
Defuse tension with humor.
Get the job done.

File Photo/KANSAN
The 2015 Kansas Food Truck Festival took place on Saturday, May 2 from 5-10 p.m. Around 15 food trucks were set up, and local bands played during the festival.

Third-annual Kansas Food Truck Festival

will come to Lawrence next weekend


awrence food lovers,

families and hungry
college students alike
can enjoy the third annual
Kansas Food Truck Festival
next weekend. The festival
is May 7 from 4-10 p.m. and
benefits Just Food and the
Douglas County Food Bank.
The festival will take
place between Eighth and
Ninth Streets near Pennsylvania and Delaware Streets
in downtown Lawrence.
Elizabeth Keever, executive director of Just Food,
said this years festival will
feature 26 food trucks.
When the festival began
three years ago, only five
food trucks were present.
We get to try some places that Lawrence doesnt
normally have, and also
weve got a couple of great
new local Lawrence food
trucks that will be debuting
their food at the festival, so
were really excited about
trying theirs too, Keever
The food truck festival
will also host a multi-vendor art sale by the Lawrence

Craft Collective, which will

represent over 40 artists
from the community. Keever said there will also be live
entertainment on four stages with live music from local musicians in addition to
entertainment from street
performers from the Lawrence Busker Festival.
Mr. Nice Guys Hot Box
food truck, located in Topeka and owned by James
McWilliams, will make its
first Lawrence festival appearance. Mr. Nice Guys
Hot Box is best known for
its Philly cheesesteaks and
pulled pork sandwiches.
Chris Miller, a manager for
the food truck, said they
joined this years festival
after the last year's turnout.
The food truck business is booming so well,
and since weve got our new
mobile truck running this
year, we are trying to be everywhere where everybody
wants to be, Miller said.
Jason Hering, one of the
owners of the Purple Carrot
Co-op truck, said they have
been part of the festival
since it began three years
ago and the event is about
more than donating food.

"It just brings out so

many people who dont
normally get to experience
food trucks either," Hering
The funds raised from
the festival will go toward
food for the two hosting
organizations and funding
for their programs, said
Keever. The biggest problem planning for the event,
she said, was estimating its
attendance. She estimates
over 3,000 people coming.
The first year, we didnt
know how many people
were going to come, and
the next year we got even
more in attendance, so its
been able to help us set
some metrics for where our
sellout point is, so were
expected to sell this event
out, she said.
Keever said the festival
started after their event
partner Cider Gallery started bringing food trucks to
some of their Final Friday
They got to thinking
this really could be something we could really have
and make a day of this
and bring out a lot of food
trucks, and it just kind of

grew from there, Keever


It opens people
to these new ideas
from the different
Jason Hering
owner of Purple Carrot

Miller said the food

truck festival offers communities like Topeka, Kansas City and Lawrence the
chance to connect.
I think its awesome
that its bringing everybody together, because with
the food truck we find that
theres so much passion
that people have, Miller
said. And it brings so many
people together that have a
passion for good food, and
this is a way to bring people
that cant have big restaurants, a way for us to bring
the food to people."
The festival is a way for
food trucks, artists, entertainers and the community
to come together to create a
unique event, Hering said.

"It opens people to these

new ideas from the different
communities," he said. "It
brings a lot of people from
different areas all to one
space to experience faceto-face what they might not
normally experience."
The festival helps bring
the community together
through food and art and
also helps to raise awareness for people in need of
food assistance in Lawrence, Keever said.
What I hope people
take away from this is understanding how many people in the community really
are in need. Douglas County has thousands of people
who worry about where
their next meal is coming
from, she said.
Tickets for the festival
are available online or at
the Granada box office,
Lawrence HyVee locations,
Merchants Pub and Plate,
Phoenix Gallery and Just
Food for $10.
Edited by Skylar

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov.

The job may be bigger
than expected. Take a walk
and think it over. Difficult
circumstances could obscure hidden opportunity.
Watch, wait and observe.
Find an agreement that
works for everyone.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22Dec. 21)
Discover an innovative solution. Share it with partners
and trusted friends. Make
sure you know whats
required. Join forces with
someone creative. More is
better, if its income. Take
on additional responsibility.
Capricorn (Dec. 22Jan. 19)
You dont have to start
from scratch. Look at what
you have differently. Use
what youve kept hidden.
Barter with partners and
friends. Search for common
resources, and for ways to
grow and expand.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.
Dont make expensive
promises. Tempers are
short now. Follow the
money trail. Investigate the
material in depth. Position
yourself for change. Work
privately for greater
productivity. Look back for
insight on the road ahead.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March
Finish a tough job before
going out. An older person
offers instruction. Your work
is gaining respect. Behindthe-scenes negotiations lead
to a sweet deal. Achieve a
new level of understanding.
Explore the options.

Contributed Photo/KANSAN
Displays from the 2015 Visual Art Scholarship show. The 2016 show opened May 1 and will run through May 6.

Visual Art Scholarship Show to run through May 6


The department of visual art opened its annual Visual Art Scholarship Show
Sunday, May 1. The show
will run through the end of
the week.
The show will be a display of the works of over
60 undergraduate students
of all media and experience
levels, Gina Westergard, an
associate professor and associate chair of the department, said. She said that
the show poses an opportunity for students to explain
their processes to an audience who would otherwise
know nothing but the end
The show allows a
unique dialogue between

the artists and students,

Westergard said. Normally in a gallery the audience
will walk in and just see the
art without context or explanation."
The show also gives the
student artists an opportunity to compete for scholarships based off of their
works and those involved
must meet a requirement of
a 3.0 GPA, as well as being
a visual art major, Westergard said.
They wont be told until after the show, but there
will be scholarships awarded to different mediums
based on their uniqueness,
consistency, and willingness to take risks, Westergard said.
Mary Anne Jordan, a
professor and chair of the

department, said that while

the scholarships are financially important for any
student, they help validate
the work that the artists are
doing in the school.
Jordan also said the
show is a great way for the
department to emphasize
the work done by students
to their peers who may be
interested in a minor or secondary major.
Aside from an exhibition of the students competing for scholarship awards,
all studio areas will be
open for visiting, Jordan
said. This is a great time
to see the private graduate
and undergraduate studios
as well as all of the studio
Jordan said that the student work studios open to

viewers will be representing

ceramics, expanded media,
painting, printmaking, textiles and sculpturing.
A lot of students walk
by Chalmers every day
and never know what we
do here, Westergard said.
This show helps validate
the artists and everything
theyve been working on
for the past year and for
seniors, for the past four
years of their careers, here
at KU.
Produced entirely by
students in the Visual Arts
department, Jordan said
that the work is compelling, thought provoking,
beautiful, skilled, and interesting.
I am proud of the work
that the students produce,

Jordan said. It is always

satisfying to see so much of
the work exhibited at once.
The work gives faculty a
good view of the development of the students over
the course of their study.
In addition, I look especially forward to meeting
the families of the students
involved in the exhibition,
and other visitors.
A map of the open studios can be found on the
third floor of Chalmers hall.

Edited by Deanna











Nolan Gasser, the chief musicologist for Pandora radio, sits at a piano. Gasser will hold a discussion in Kansas City, Mo. during Middle of the Map fest.

Q&A with chief musicologist for Pandora Radio


A renowned music composer and chief musicologist for Pandora Radio

Nolan Gasser has recently
been raising awareness on
the power of music and
the potential for further research.
Gasser has made appearances
FiveThirtyEight series "The
Collectors," along with a
TEDx talk that delves into
the benefits of knowing why
we connect so much to music.
On Tuesday, Gasser will
continue to engage in this
discourse when he comes
from his home in Sonoma
County, California to speak
at the Kansas City Public
Library on the topics he's
devoted his life to.
is part of the this year's
Ideas lineup during the
Middle of the Map Fest, a
Kansas City festival that
features a week-long tribute to art in a multitude of
Before stopping by, Gas-

ser spoke to the Kansan

about why one grows to liking specific types of music,
how the knowledge of music can be therapeutic and
his thoughts on why our
culture has such an attachment to artists such as the
late pop sensation, Prince.
University Daily Kansan: Would it be safe to say
that what youre doing with
music right now is almost in
the echelon of the Human
Genome Project with genetics or Charles Darwin with
evolution? Youre structuring something that people
normally didnt think could
be organized.
Nolan Gasser: Well its
kind of you to make such
lofty comparisons. Theres
no doubt that there is some
When Pandora first
started back around 2000,
it wasnt called Pandora, it was called Savage
Beast Technologies. And of
course this was an era before iTunes, and we really
thought that we were going
to license the technology of

the Music Genome Project

rather than offer it directly
to consumers as Pandora
does today. The Music Genome Project was come up,
within part, as an actual
model for how the original
founders thought we would
construct this way of being
able to make smart recommendations.
But certainly when I
came on board right at the
beginning, I actually took
that metaphor very seriously. I sort of did my own
research into the actual
Human Genome Project,
genetics, species organizations, genotypes and phenotypes and things like
that. And it really gave me
I think a good platform
and framework in which to
Its clearly a metaphor.
Were not turning music
genres into biological species. But what it enabled me
to do was to look at these
large scale music genres
like pop and rock or jazz or
classical or world and think
about them almost as if
they were a species.
So, if we could devise



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what those individual genes

were, it would allow us
not only to get a snapshot
of what those songs and
works were as a whole, but
then make these smart recommendations and actual
UDK: While youve been
going around spreading the
word about your work, why
do you think its important
for the audience to hear the
extent of that work?
NG: I think theres a lot
that we dont understand,
especially the average person whos not musically
trained. We kind of take it
for granted, "Yeah, I love
music." Well, so what?
So I think a talk like
mine, I dont have all the answers, but to have that conversation what are those
fundamental elements that
give rise to musics power
in our lives that can only
be something that can be
hopefully interesting.
Even more important,
it can be sort of actionable.
People can say I can take
more power in my music



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UDK: What gives you that

urge to discover more about
NG: I once had a professor
that I told him that I wanted to study Renaissance
music and his answer was,
Well welcome to the bottomless pit. And that could
be said about almost any
genre, even more recent
genres like electronica and
hip-hop theres no end to
the level of depth that you
can get.
Theres a couple of small
windows into that. One
would be this sort of reverence weve had for Prince.
One of the things thats
been talked about is what
a great musician he was.
That may seem kind of casual, but I'm very attuned to
how the media talks about
musicians, and often times
they talk much more about


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Nolan Gasser's
discussion will start at
7:15 p.m. at the Plaza
Branch of the Kansas
City Public Library.
Tickets are $25. More
information is available at

Edited by Shane



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the cultural aspect, or their

lyrics or the quality of their
As great as he was, there
was a lot of things he didnt
do, or areas he didnt touch
not to say that he couldnt
had he put his energy there
but unless you're Bach
maybe or Beethoven, you're
only kind of scratching the
surface of possibilities.
So for me, whether as
a composer or as a music
historian, as much time as
I spend, I just keep getting
reminded how little I know,
and how much more there
is and even if I had another 100 years to work on my
book I still wouldnt say everything.




listening and discovery and

I can use music as a greater force of positivity and
sustenance in my life than
I maybe do. Hopefully to
empower that natural drive
to love music.

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Baseball clinches first Big 12 series win

Missy Minear/KANSAN
Senior forward Perry Ellis looks to
the basket in the first half against
UConn in Des Moines, Iowa.

Diallo, Ellis
and Selden
invited to
2016 NBA
Draft Combine

After a busy offseason,

Kansas mens basketball
could be without seven
players from last years
team in the fall. With four
players graduating and an
additional three declaring
for the NBA draft, the roster could be dramatically
The next step in the
draft process came over the
weekend, as ESPNs Jeff
Goodman tweeted out a list
of players who have been
invited to the 2016 NBA
Draft combine. Among
that list were three Kansas
players: freshman forward
Cheick Diallo, junior guard
Wayne Selden Jr. and senior forward Perry Ellis.
Last year, the trio accounted for 40.3 percent of
Kansas scoring, recording
1,245 of a possible 3,089
points. Ellis and Selden
finished as first and second
on Kansas, respectively, in
points per game.
Of the three, Diallo is the
only one who has yet to sign
with an agent, meaning he
can return to the University
if he decides by May 25
10 days after the 2016 NBA
Draft Combine concludes.
While Goodman tweeted
his list is not yet complete
with the names of 62 of
70 invited prospects the
most notable Kansas snub
from the combine appears
to be junior guard Brannen
Greene, who announced his
intentions to declare for the
draft and sign with an agent
back on March 30.
Goodman tweeted on
April 30 that Greene did
not receive an invite to the
for Brannen, but hell still
have opportunities to get
in camps and work out
for teams, Kansas coach
Bill Self told the Lawrence
This year, the NBA Draft
Combine will run in Chicago from May 11-15. Last
year, Kansas had two participants in the combine:
freshmen Kelly Oubre Jr.
and Cliff Alexander.
Oubre was selected with
the 15th pick in the draft by
the Atlanta Hawks and was
traded to the Washington
Wizards shortly after. Alexander went undrafted but
signed with the Portland
Trail Blazers.
Other Big 12 players to
receive combine invites
were Oklahoma guards
Isaiah Cousins and Buddy
Hield, Iowa State forward
Georges Niang and Baylor
forward Taurean Prince.
According to the updated
list by Goodman, Texas big
man Prince Ibeh is one of 13
The combine will be
broadcast on ESPN2 and
Edited by Brendan

Paige Stingley/KANSAN
Pitcher Jackson Goddard winds up for a throw in Sunday afternoons 17-6 loss to the Oklahoma Sooners.


ansas baseball (1924-1, 5-9 Big 12) finally secured a Big

12 series victory over the
weekend while hosting the
Oklahoma Sooners (21-221, 7-11 Big 12) at Hoglund
Wins in the first two
games of the series came
by virtue of strong pitching,
which helped create timely
hittinga formula the team
has struggled to consistently produce for most of the
Rain forced Fridays
game to be moved to Saturday and set the stage for a
doubleheader. Still, that did
not slow down senior starter Ben Krauth (4-4), who
continued to shut down opposing offenses.
Krauth led the way for
the Jayhawks, allowing
two runs over six innings of
work while striking out seven batters in a 7-2 victory.
The starter has become

a pitcher the team tends to

lean on in series-opening
His dominating performance helped set the table
for the team winning both
games on Saturday.
In the second game of
the doubleheader, sophomore starter Blake Weiman
and sophomore reliever
Tyler Davis struggled, allowing seven hits and seven
earned runs over the first
six innings.

We are
obviously really
and I couldnt be
more proud of
our team.
Ritch Price

The struggles forced

Kansas coach Ritch Price
to go deep into his bullpen,

which delivered.
Sophomore reliever Casey Douglas and junior reliever Jeremy Kravetz were
phenomenal in the late
stages of the game.
The duo allowed only
two hits and one run over
the last three innings.
We are obviously really
shorthanded and I couldnt
be more proud of our team,
Price said after the game,
according to a KU Athletics
release. And our bullpen
was really short this game.
I tip my cap to Kravetz. He
came in and put up a huge
zero for us in the ninth.
That allowed Kansas offense to keep attacking. The
Jayhawks had scored one
run in the seventh to regain
the lead, and another in the
bottom of the ninth to win
in walk-off fashion, 9-8.
However, that same formula did not continue into
The Jayhawks could not
muster much success in
the series finale loss to the
Kansas allowed 15 hits

and walked nine batters

in a 17-6 blowout loss. The
game ended after seven
innings due to the 10-run
mercy rule in effect.
Im going to have to sit
down with [pitching coach]
Ryan Graves tomorrow
and figure out what adjustments, if any, were going to
make with our weekend rotation, Price said. Thats
two Sundays in-conference
now that weve [allowed at
least 10 runs].
While Krauth set the
tone and Weiman was
merely average in each
of their respective starts,
freshman starter Jackson
Goddard experienced the
most troubles of any Kansas pitcher over the weekend.
Goddard (2-4) allowed
nine hits, six earned runs,
walked three batters and
wasnt able to make it out of
the fourth inning.
The righty has struggled
mightily in his first season.
He has allowed 63 hits and
33 earned runs in just over
50 innings of work.
Although Goddard has
been effective in his four
appearances out of the bullpen, he has struggled in the
starting rotation.
After the game, Price
hinted at possibly removing
Goddard from the rotation
in preparation for Texas
Tech next weekend.
Goddard has been really good for us out of the
bullpen, Price said. And
if I had another option, Id
do it, but we really have no
other option as far as putting somebody in the starting spot, but Im going to
have to do something.
On the other side, Prices
offense remained effective,
producing 11 hits. The team
also received a 3-for-3 performance, four RBIs and a
walk from junior catcher
Michael Tinsley.

I thought we were good

offensively, Price said. In
fact, Im really pleased with
how we played offensively.
The glaring difference in
the game compared to the
first two games was pitching. It continues to be up
and down for Kansas, and it
was noticeably down in the
Giving up so many
three-run and four-run innings is alarming, Price
said. Its because of the
number of guys were walking and were behind in the
count. You throw a 3-1 fastball in this conference and
youre going to get lit up.
Price added: Unfortunately, it feels like every time we look up at the
count, its 3-1.
game two on Saturday
wasnt able to stop the
bleeding. Freshman reliever Blake Goldsberry, senior
reliever Hayden Edwards
and sophomore reliever
Ryan Ralston allowed a
combined five hits and 11
earned runs.
It [comes down] to your
bullpen, Price said. When
you go to the bullpen, the
guy that comes in there has
got to come in pounding the
strike zone, and get you out
of trouble, and minimize
the damage. We werent
able to do that today.
Kansas will have the opportunity to rebound when
it travels to face Minnesota
for a two-game midweek
set May 3-4. First pitch is
scheduled for 6:30 p.m.
for Tuesdays opener, and
the finale will begin at 1:30
p.m. on Wednesday.

Edited by Matthew

Caroline Fiss/KANSAN
Larry Mazyck, offensive lineman, (left) has signed with the Houston Texans. Three other players signed deals with NFL teams this past weekend.

Four Kansas football players sign deals


DeAndre Mann
Running Back
Following the draft, running
back DeAndre Mann signed a
contract with the Atlanta Falcons
according to Aaron Wilson of the
Houston Chronicle. The 5-foot9 Miami native played two years
with Kansas after transferring
from Hartnell College.
In both seasons at Kansas,
Mann finished second on the team
in rushing yards. He ran for 399
yards as a junior and 387 as a senior. During his senior campaign,
he averaged 5.1 yards per carry.
Mann is more of a between-the-tackles type of runner
and has the ability to withstand
damage by opposing defenders.
That type of strength will translate
well to the next level. However, its
still a long shot that Mann makes
a team.

Taylor Cox
Running Back
Running back Taylor Cox tweeted out he agreed to a deal with the
Dallas Cowboys on Sunday.
Coxs journey in a Kansas uniform was unlike any other. He
sustained season ending injuries
in both 2013 and 2014. At last in
2015, he was able to finish out his
senior season.
As a sixth-year senior, Cox ran
for 231 yards on 79 carries. He
plunged his way to two rushing
touchdowns, the second most on
the team. He had a late start to his
senior campaign, playing in just
eight games.
Like Mann, Cox is also a bruiser type of back and prefers to run
between the tackles. He was also
used in blocking situations and
has the ability to do that. It will
be a tall task to make a team come
fall, but his journey is proof to never count him out.

Ben Goodman
Defensive End
On Sunday, defensive end Ben
Goodman singed a free agent deal
with the New York Jets according
to the Lawrence Journal-World.
The 6-foot-3 Texas native played
four seasons with the Jayhawks.
He was the anchor on the defensive side of the ball last season,
serving as captain.
In his senior campaign, Goodman earned Honorable Mention
All-Big 12 honors. He finished the
year with 51 tackles including a
team-high 9.5 tackles for loss and
5.5 sacks. In two different games
this past year, Goodman recorded
a career high eight stops.
Goodman will be an asset as a
pass rusher. He has the speed to
get to the quarterback on the edge.
Its still a long shot he makes the
team, but Goodman will certainly make an impression come fall

Larry Mazyck
Offensive Line
On Sunday, offensive lineman
Larry Mazyck signed a free agent
deal with the Houston Texans
according to the Lawrence Journal-World.
Mazyck started in just four
games this past season, all at right
tackle. He did see time in all 12
contests. Mazyck started in nine
games during his junior campaign
after spending his first two collegiate seasons with Iowa Western
Community College.
However, it is his size that will
tempt teams to take a chance on
him despite his unimpressive resume. Mazyck towers over most at
6-feet-8 and weighs 335 pounds.
Even if his skill set still needs developing, his size will be enough to
compete for a roster spot.
Edited by Matthew Clough

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