Goal Setting and Reading Motivation Instructor Guide
Goal Setting and Reading Motivation Instructor Guide
Goal Setting and Reading Motivation Instructor Guide
Instructor Guide
The Protocol
Analyzing the Data
Parental Consent Letter
Link to MRQ
Dimensions of MRQ
Blank Goal Tracking Document
Blank Technology Use Observation Form
-Administer MRQ
-Calculate overall mean and means for all 11
dimensions for individual students and for
whole group (11 dimensions and
corresponding questions are included after the
MRQ in this packet)
-Administer MRQ
-Calculate means
-Administer MRQ
-Calculate means
-Implement the goal setting and goal tracking
-Analyze data collected in Technology Use
observation form
-Administer MRQ
-Calculate means
-Administer MRQ
-Calculate means
-Administer MRQ
-Calculate means
-Analyze data from MRQ
The Protocol
Goal Setting Conference
Before the conferences start, make sure each student has access to the online Goal
Tracking document in Google Drive. Copy the Technology Use Observations form so there is a
section for each student in the trial. Each student will have their own document with their name
in the title (e.g. Janes Goal Tracking), which will be shared between the student and the
instructor only. See the sample on the next page.
Gather recent student work and assessments (either running records from LLI or DRA 2
progress monitoring) and a device on which to access the Goal Tracking document.
Guide the student in reviewing their work and progress monitoring assessments. Prompt
the student to look for and discuss strengths and weaknesses patterns of things they do well and
things they need to work on. In the Goal Tracking document, have the student list their strengths
and weaknesses in the corresponding sections.
Then, prompt the student to pick a goal from their list by asking, What would you like to
make your goal for the next two weeks? The student will enter their goal in the appropriate
section of the Goal Tracking document.
At this point, provide the student with a strategy for working towards their goal, and note
it in the tracking document. Strategies may include using a checklist, a short guided practice, etc.
See the sample on the next page.
While the student should lead most of the discussion, use your professional judgment.
During the first conference, especially, students may need guidance in picking out their strengths
and identifying areas to work on. These conferences are meant to last five minutes or less per
student. After the student has entered information into their tracking document, take a moment to
make a note on the Technology Use Observations form. Make a note of the students facial
expression, words, and/or body language anything that indicates their reaction to using the
online goal tracking document.
Janes Goal Tracking
Date: November 7, 2016
good expression
Work On
written response
use text evidence
them review their work, specifically focusing on their goal. In the above example, Jane would
look for instances where she used text evidence. The student and/or the instructor may enter a
new description of the students progress.
At this point, the procedure for the goal setting conference is repeated. The student may
choose to move on to a new area of focus, or may elect to continue working on the same skill.
Analyzing the Data
Compare means from November and March administrations, and look for changes in
motivation. Which dimensions increased? Which dimensions decreased?
Technology Use Observation Form
After 12 weeks of implementing the protocol, ensure that students have filled out the
Progress section of the goal tracking document for their final goal. In the Technology Use
observation form, record how many times the student edited their goal tracking document. This
information is found in Google Drive by selecting the document and looking at the right hand
side (see screenshot on the next page).
If students accessed the document more than 13 times (six times for goal setting conferences, six
times for weekly updates, and one time for final progress update at end of implementation), this
suggests an interest in using the technology, a sign of motivation.
Next, analyze the notes about students outward signs of motivation. Did students display
positive emotions such as smiling or excited voices? Outward signs of positive emotions suggest
that students are motivated by the technology. Alternatively, did students frown or say they did
not like using the document? Perhaps they had neutral expressions, and did not say anything
positive or negative about using the document. These behaviors may mean that the student does
not like using the technology; however, this is not a certainty.
I DO / DO NOT (circle one) give permission for my child to participate in Miss Demings
research project. I understand that my childs work, words, or ideas may be used in reporting
about the research, but no names or images will be used.
Child: __________________________________________________
Parent (Print): ____________________________________________
Parent (Sign): ____________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________
The Motivations for Reading Questionnaire is available free in pdf form from the following site:
Reading Efficiency
Reading Challenge
Reading Curiosity
Reading Involvement
Importance of Reading
Reading Work Avoidance
Competition in Reading
Recognition for Reading
Reading for Grades
Social Reasons for Reading
Dimensions of MRQ
Item Number
7, 15, 21
2, 5, 8, 16, 20
4, 10, 14, 19, 25, 29
6, 12, 22, 30, 33, 35
17, 27
13, 24, 32, 40
1, 9, 41, 44, 49, 52
18, 28, 37, 43, 47
3, 38, 50, 53
11, 26, 31, 39, 42, 45, 48
23, 34, 36, 46, 51
Goal Tracking
Conference #1
Work On
Work On
Work On
Conference #2
Conference #3
Conference #4
Work On
Work On
Conference #5
Conference #6
Work On
Student #
Date (Note if a goal
setting conference)
Student #