Running Head: THIRD ACTIVITY 1
Running Head: THIRD ACTIVITY 1
Running Head: THIRD ACTIVITY 1
Tier II literacy intervention will create an interactive game that incorporates five
important events, people, or ideas about the Causes of the American Revolution.
3. Given readings, discussions, notes, Inklewriter, and a partner, fifth grade students in
Tier II literacy intervention will create an interactive game that incorporates five
supporting images, one for each important event, person, or idea.
4. Given readings, discussions, notes, Inklewriter, and a partner, fifth grade students in
Tier II literacy intervention will create an interactive game that asks one question
about each important event, person, or idea, with two possible answers.
5. Given Inklewriter and a partner, fifth grade students in Tier II literacy intervention
will create an interactive game that provides feedback for each possible answer for
each question.
6. Given Inklewriter and Google Drive, fifth grade students in Tier II literacy
intervention will share the link to their game with the teacher in a Google Doc.
Instructions for Students
1. With your partner, use your readings and notes to decide on five important ideas to go
into your game. They can be people, events, laws, or ideas. Your game will be used
by future fifth graders, so think about what would be the most important things to
know about the causes of the Revolution.
2. In Inklewriter, give your project an appropriate title, and put both partners names in
the author section.
3. Write your game as an informational text. Find an appropriate supporting image for
each important idea.
4. Each idea should feature a review question with two possible answers. There should
be short feedback for each possible answer.
5. Dont forget to pilot test your game!
6. When finished, share your game and copy the link into a Google Doc. Share the Doc
with your teacher. We will have an opportunity to play each others games at the end.
Instructions for Teacher
1. Students are already familiar with Inklewriter and Google Drive, and should not have
any technical difficulties. If any should arise, encourage them to try to figure it out
on their own or ask their peers. Emphasize that these will be used by fifth grade
students in the future.
2. Give an overview of the activity, including a written copy of the student directions
(above). Check for student questions or misunderstandings.
3. Have students gather materials and start working with their partner. Monitor students
during this time to discuss their work and ask questions. Since intervention groups
meet for short periods, this activity will require two or more meetings to complete.
4. When all pairs have submitted their links, collect them in one Google Doc and share
with students so they may play each others games.
Example: Completed Activity
Here is a link to a sample game created with Inklewriter: