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Section 5. Rules of Interpretation. - in The Interpretation of The Provisions of This

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Is it correct to say that LGUs have inherent powers

Q1.1 Do they only possess delegated powers?
LGs have the following kinds of powers: (CSJ)
o Constitutional
o Statutory
o Jurisprudential

Q1.2 What is residual powers?
It may be said that LGUs have residual powers. This is consistent with
the liberal view of autonomy which provides that LGUs can exercise:
(1) those powers expressly given to them;
(2) those powers implied from the express powers;
(3) those powers not given to the National Government or any
governmental agency or instrumentality by law;
(4) those powers not prohibited or forbidden by the Constitution and
(5) provided the powers are necessary for the carrying out of the
mandates and duties entrusted to LGUs with the end in view of
promoting the general welfare in response to local concerns and as
agents of the communities

Q1.3 What are the sources of their powers?
Sources of powers of LGs are:
o Constitution (1987)
o Local Government Code (1991)
o Statutes
o Charters of LGs
o Jurisprudence

Q1.4 Is the Constitution a source of LGU power? What power? Give
The power to tax is a constitutional (Section 5, Article X, 1987
Constitution) and statutory power (Section 18, 1991 LGC).

Q1.5 Why is it necessary to differentiate between consti power and

statute power
Constitutional powers cannot be repealed or modified by
Congress save in a constitutional amendment.
Statutes can be repealed or modified by Congress.
Powers defined or interpreted by the Supreme Court can be
re-defined and re-interpreted by it.

Q1.6 All powers can be revoked?
Constitutional powers cannot be repealed.


Sec 16

Sec 19

Sec 20

What is it?



Reclassfication of

Can it be repealed?




Is it a constitutional
power given to LGU?




Q2.4: Can there be genuine local autonomy without police power?
Q2.5: What is local autonomy?
Local autonomy means a more responsive and accountable local
government structure instituted through a system of decentralization
(Section 3, Article X, 1987 Constitution; Section 2[a], 1991 LGC;
Ganzon vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 93252, August 5, 1991).

Q3: What is Sec 5 (of LGC)?

Section 5. Rules of Interpretation. - In the interpretation of the provisions of this

Code, the following rules shall apply:
(a) Any provision on a power of a local government unit shall be liberally interpreted
in its favor, and in case of doubt, any question thereon shall be resolved in favor of
devolution of powers and of the lower local government unit. Any fair and
reasonable doubt as to the existence of the power shall be interpreted in favor of
the local government unit concerned;

(b) In case of doubt, any tax ordinance or revenue measure shall be construed
strictly against the local government unit enacting it, and liberally in favor of the
taxpayer. Any tax exemption, incentive or relief granted by any local government
unit pursuant to the provisions of this Code shall be construed strictly against the
person claiming it.
(c) The general welfare provisions in this Code shall be liberally interpreted to give
more powers to local government units in accelerating economic development and
upgrading the quality of life for the people in the community;
(d) Rights and obligations existing on the date of effectivity of this Code and arising
out of contracts or any other source of presentation involving a local government
unit shall be governed by the original terms and conditions of said contracts or the
law in force at the time such rights were vested; and
(e) In the resolution of controversies arising under this Code where no legal provision
or jurisprudence applies, resort may be had to the customs and traditions in the
place where the controversies take place.

Q3.1: When do we use Sec 5?
When there is doubt.
Q3.2: When do we NOT use Sec 5?
When the law is clear.
Q3.3: Any type of ordinance construed against the LGU?
Eminent Domain which is construed against condemnor. In this case,
the LGU

Q4: How come there was a different ruling between the water rights
case (Buendia vs City of Iligan) and the power to abolish case (Javier
vs CA)?
The provision in the city charter on the local power to provide for the
maintenance of waterworks for supplying water to the inhabitants of
the city does not carry with it the right and authority to appropriate
water. (Buendia vs. City of Iligan) --- it does not give them power to

While the law did not expressly vest on LGUs the power to abolish
that office, absent, however, any contrary provision, that authority
should be deemed embraced by implication from the power to create
it (Javier vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-49065, June, 1, 1994). --
power to create implies power to abolish.

The reason why they are different: because there is another entity in
water rights board who has jurisdiction and not the lgu. NWRDs
charter is very clear -- its the ONLY agency that has the
power/authority to appropriate water

Q5: What is police power?
Police power is the plenary power vested in the legislature to make
statutes and ordinances to promote the health, morals, peace,
education, good order or safety and general welfare of the people.
The State, through the legislature, has delegated the exercise of
police power to LGUs, as agencies of the State. This delegation of
police power is embodied in Section 16 of the 1991 LGC, known as
the General Welfare Clause (Fernando v. St. Scholasticas College,
G.R. No. 161107, March 12, 2013).

Q5.1: Was it given by congress?
Police power of LGs is a statutory delegated power under Section 16
of the 1991 LGC. The general welfare clause is the delegation in
statutory form of the police power of the State to LGs (Manila vs.
Laguio, G.R. No. 118127, April 12, 2005; Ermita-Malate Hotel and
Motel Operations Association, Inc., vs. Mayor of Manila, G.R. No. L24693, July 31, 1967).

Q5.2: What should we expect from LGUs?
They are dual agents, agents of the state and of the people. We
expect them to make statutes and ordinances to promote the health
morals peace and order education and security

Q5.3: What is the wisdom behind the incorporation of Sec 16?
General welfare clause is a delegation in statutory form of the grant
of police power

Section 16 of the 1991 LGC states: Every local government unit shall
exercise the powers expressly granted, those necessarily implied
therefrom, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental
for its efficient and effective governance, and those which are

essential to the promotion of the general welfare. Within their

respective territorial jurisdictions, local government units shall ensure
and support, among other things, the preservation and enrichment
of culture, promote health and safety, enhance the right of the
people to a balanced ecology, encourage and support the
development of appropriate and self-reliant scientific and
technological capabilities, improve public morals, enhance economic
prosperity and social justice, promote full employment among their
residents, maintain peace and order, and preserve the comfort and
convenience of their inhabitants.

Q5.4: LGUs exercise police power, true or false?
True. Basis is General welfare clause

Q6 What are the 2 requisites of police power?
For a valid exercise of police power, two requisites must concur: (1)
Lawful Subject (i.e., substantive due process; equal protection; public
interest requires interference); and (2) Lawful Method (i.e.,
procedural due process; reasonable means to achieve the purpose)
(Lucena Grand Central Terminal vs. JAC Liner, G.R. No. 148339,
February 23, 2005).

Q7: Lawful Subject and Lawful Method talks about what?
Q7.1: Which one talks about substantive or procedural due process?

1. Lawful Subject (i.e. substantive due process; equal protection;
interest requires interference)
Stated differently: The interests of the public generally, as
distinguished from those of a particular class, require the interference
of the State

2. Lawful Method (i.e. procedural due process; reasonable means to
the purpose)
Stated differently: The means employed are reasonably necessary for

the attainment of the object sought to be accomplished and are not

unduly oppressive up

Q7.2: The case of Fernando vs Scholasticas College talks about two
more requisites?
According to Fernando v. St. Scholasticas College (G.R. No. 161107,
March 12, 2013), to successfully invoke the exercise of police power
as the rationale for the enactment of an ordinance and to free it from
the imputation of constitutional infirmity, two tests have been used:
(1) the rational relationship test, and (2) the strict scrutiny test.

Q7.3 What is Rational Relationship Test?
Q7.4 What is Strict Scrutiny Test?

(1) The Rational Relationship Test Requisites:
1. The ordinance rationally furthers a legitimate governmental
interest. The interest of the public generally, as distinguished from
those of a particular class, require its exercise, and
2. Absence of less restrictive means for achieving that interest. The
means employed are reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of
the purpose and not unduly oppressive upon individuals. Fernando V.
St. Scholasticas College

(2) The Strict Scrutiny Test Requisites: 1. Compelling governmental
interest (rather than substantial governmental interest required in
the rational relationship test

Q7.5 What was the ordinance in St Scholastica's Case about?
Require a private owner to demolish a wall or build a fence with a
setback for the purpose of allowing the general public to use the
property of the private owner for free depriving the owner of
exclusive use (Fernando v. St. Scholasticas College, G.R. No. 161107,
March 12, 2013).

Can you justify demolition of a wall with police power?

Demolition allowed even without judicial order if--for expropriation,
illegal occupants in units owned by NHA, danger areas, govt
infrastructure under Urban Devt and Housing Act of 1992.

Q8 What happened in the case of Parayno? (Gas Station Case) Can it
be abated?
Is it a nuisance? Not per se?

Gas station with flammable materials

A municipality failed to comply with the due process clause when it
passed a Resolution ordering the closure/transfer of a gasoline
station where it did not even attempt to determine if there was an
actual violation of a zoning ordinance (Parayno vs. Jovellanos, G.R.
No. 148408 July 14, 2006).

Not a nuisance per se, it is a nuisance per accidens therefor in terms
of procedure, the mayor must first file a case before the court

Q8.1: What is Abatement?
Abate- remove or to demolish (often in legal use) the ending,
reduction, or lessening of something.
Q9 Can the mayor order the closure or transfer of bus terminal?
NO. Case of Lucena Grand Central Terminal vs JAC Liner

An ordinance aimed at relieving traffic congestion meets the first
standard. However, declaring bus terminals as nuisance per se or
public nuisances and ordering their closure or relocation contravenes
the second standard. Terminals are not public nuisances. Their
operation is a legitimate business which, by itself, cannot be said to
be injurious to the rights of property, health, or comfort of the
community (Lucena Grand Central Terminal vs. JAC Liner, G.R. No.
148339, February 23, 2005).

Q9.1 So which requisite was not present?

Lawful subject-present (control traffic)
Lawful method-nope

Q9.2 What happened in Ermita-Malate?
Q9.3 What was the ordinance about in the case?

An LGU cannot prohibit the operation of sauna and massage parlors,
karaoke bars, beerhouses, night clubs, day clubs, super clubs,
discotheques, cabarets, dance halls, motels, inns or order their
transfer or conversion without infringing the constitutional
guarantees of due process and equal protection of laws not even
under the guise of police power (Ermita-Malate Hotel and Motel
Operations Association, Inc., vs. Mayor of Manila, G.R. No. L-24693,
July 31, 1967).

3 options -- close, transfer, convert

Q9.4 What did the SC say?
When confronted with a problem in police power, you measure it
against the two requirements:
Lawful purpose: yes.
Lawful means: no

Q9.5 Though it cannot be closed down due to police power, it can be
closed down using what?
It can be done through eminent domain provided it complies with the
requirements in Sec 19 of LGC

Q10: Can the Mayor of Manila order closure of one massage parlor?

It depends. It can be closed through eminent domain (closure of all)
One massage parlor can be closed in case it does not have business
permit or other valid grounds (violation of law or conditions attached
to business permit).

Can I order the closure of the bank?

Order the closure of a bank for non-payment of taxes since the
appropriate remedies to enforce payment of delinquent taxes or fees
are provided in Section 62 of the Local Tax Code. Closure is not a
remedy (Rural Bank of Makati vs. Municipality of Makati, G.R. No.
150763, July 02, 2004).

Q11 What happened in Acebedo?
Regulating practice of profession through issuance of permit

An LGU CANNOT regulate the practice of a profession, like that of
optometry, through the issuance of a permit. Such a function is within
the exclusive domain of the administrative agency specifically
empowered by law to supervise the profession, i.e., Professional
Regulations Commission and the Board of Examiners in Optometry
(Acebedo Optical vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 100152 March 31,

Q11.1 What can the city regulate?
Only the business, but not the profession

Q12 What is zoning?
In the exercise of police power, an LGU can:

Issue zoning classification. A zoning ordinance is defined as a local
city or municipal legislation which logically arranges, prescribed,
defines and apportions a given political subdivision into specific land
uses as present and future projection of needs (Pasong Bayabas
Farmers Association vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. Nos. 142359/ 142980,
May 25, 2004).

Zoning only classifies it to zones: industrial, agricultural, residential
It only restricts the use of property the property is not taken from the
owner. No payment necessary since it is an exercise of police power
No need for compensation because there is no compensable taking

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